#if you're gonna bombard me with hate btw please form an orderly queue
dragonhotcoffee · 2 years
Okay so first of all disclaimer: I’ve been a Stranger Things fan for a week so if I miss some subtle bits of lore that could somehow miraculously prove me wrong, keep in mind that I’m brand spanking new to this shit.
I’ve been seeing tons of fans bitching about the latest episodes and how Will was not allowed to have his feelings reciprocated from a character who, as far as we know, is straight. Tons of people have been reading into how the actors portrays the characters and what certain BTS stuff means but I’m not one of those people, I look at what’s actually being presented in front of me, at least when it comes to gay or not gay stuff cause I got tired of watching compilations of Supernatural where Cas and Dean were supposedly acting gay for each other. (Spoiler: they weren’t because the script did not say they were. The actors just had good chemistry). 
Now, I am just as starving for good gay representation as much as the next alphabet letter but I’m not gonna sit here and fume ‘til kingdom come when the showrunners of a huge network powerhouse show don’t fulfill my shipping needs. I would rather consume media in a fun and positive way. Because that’s what entertainment is supposed to be: fun. 
idk I feel like people get way too “fandomized” in the way they watch shows and it causes them a lot more trouble than I think it’s worth and when it comes to Stranger Things, which has been one of the number 1 shows Netflix has pushed out in the last decade, let’s just say I was delighted and surprised that they even included a canon lesbian, you know? Like I didn’t think they would be able to do even that. 
(yes I know there are shows that are “allowed” to have plenty of gay characters but those are mainly either gay-centric or about sex which I’m not gonna count cause jesus christ those are the only designations you’ll give us?)
Yes, Hollywood is still pretty exclusionary when it comes to LGBT stuff and I despise when they come out with something that’s just about the Gay Struggle TM. Yes, writers will parade ten straight couples in front of you before admitting one character is gay. It’s ridiculous and old-fashioned and I get sick of it too. If you’re hungering for actual gay content, hit up Thailand cause they’re churning out like 70+ shows centered around explicit gay romance this year.
And if I’m being completely honest? I kind of would like the direction they would take with Will being in love with Mike in an unrequited way because that is actually a very real struggle that many gay/bi people have to come to terms with, particularly in a decade when fighting for gay rights was a huge issue (a.k.a. the AIDS epidemic). 
It also would give more depth to the story and more depth to Will’s character because overcoming a crush and coming into his own as a young gay man in the eighties could be very empowering for younger audience members struggling with sexuality. Yes, it would be nice if he could just ride off into the sunset with Mike but it could also be nice if romance was not the only ideal media told us to strive for. 
Yeah, I know, I know. I’m gonna be called homophobic or “privileged” or some other shit because I don’t think Will should have a gay romance in Stranger Things. And note, I didn’t say that: I just said I don’t think it’s homophobic if the writers don’t give him a gay romance. Because it isn’t homophobic. It could be them being unable to because the studio wouldn’t let them or because they don’t think that’s where the character should be going or some other shit but the point is, having a gay character having an unrequited crush is not homophobic. What would be homophobic is making it seem like he’s a bad person or predatory for having an unrequited crush and I just didn’t get that vibe.
Also people are lambasting Mike’s character for not reciprocating Will’s feelings or not acknowledging them which seems..... stupid? Mike, AGAIN, as far as we know is straight so of course if that’s the case, he CAN’T return Will’s feelings because just like homosexuality is not a choice, heterosexuality is not a choice either. You can’t control who you’re attracted to NOR who you’re not attracted to. And don’t tell me Mike is gay or bi because as far as the FACTS go, he’s straight. You’re just spitting theories right now. 
And as for acknowledging Will’s feelings: THIS SHOW TAKES PLACE IN THE EIGHTIES. Correct me if I’m wrong, but even Joyce was lowkey saying something in the first season about how “the kids make fun of him and call him a f*ggot even though he’s not queer” as if that would make it okay (I’m sure that’s not what she meant but the implication that it would be understandable for them to call him names IF he was queer was there and being gay in those times was like having a mental illness: not good in a parent’s mind). 
SO of course Mike is not going to acknowledge Will’s gay feelings OUT LOUD because that is just not something you really do if you don’t know that someone is gay for sure. Sex between women was not as stigmatized or criminalized as sex between men. There weren’t even any laws strictly forbidding lesbian sex but there were plenty for male on male action. Yes, Robin is an out lesbian but the circumstances surrounding her sexuality and how she came out are vastly different from Will’s and as far as we know, she hasn’t crushed on her close childhood best friend. 
That’s the other thing: This could ruin Mike and Will’s friendship so easily. HELL Mike RECIPROCATING Will’s feelings could ruin their friendship. Tons of people worry about that when they fall in love with their friends, gay or straight. 
TL;DR: If you’re unironically calling the Duffer Brothers’ choice to make Will gay and (potentially) unrequitedly in love with Mike a homophobic thing then I just can’t take you seriously and I’m gonna tell you to go outside because deadass that is not what is happening here and gay characters do not just exist to fulfill your shipping needs. 
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