#if you can’t tell I’m on a superman. captain marvel. and flash kick rn
bonebrokebuddy · 2 years
-Alright I’ve been tagged by @stealingyourbones to do the WIP Challenge. Rules Here!
Feel free to ask me about any of them and I’ll be happy to let u know what it’s about! :D (please i need encouragement to write about them and I don’t want them to be left in WIP hell forever)
Most of these didn’t previously have titles so I’m going to make them up as I go with some having brief summaries.
As I have chronic carpal tunnel so many (but definitely not all) of these are generally short prompts or fic outlines I need to iron out but many have surpassed 3k so I can safely declare some as fics. And there’s a Lot of stuff here so sorry that this is super fucking long but I’m still not including a shit ton of ideas so I can keep it under 100 for now.
I focus a lot on world building and ideas just keeps expanding to the point where I feel like I can’t write it out without having to explain everything else & so I tried splitting them into the smaller ideas & hopefully that’ll help!
@die-erlkonigin6083 ur being tagged now:
Ok so my written ones:
- Stuck In An Adventure: (Wally West getting stuck in a The Adventures of Superman reminiscent universe (radio show that ran from 1940-1951)).
1) Fawcett City: Through A Child’s Eye:
1.a) Sovereign Nation
1.b) Child Logic: A Brief Rundown of How Things Work in Fawcett City In This AU.
1.c) F’s in Math: Fawcett City Education Standards
1.d) Childlike Misconceptions (x40 I have so many ideas about this)
1.e) Fawcett City Food Culture
1.f) Plan to get Captain Marvel back into continuity in a way that's entertaining, makes sense, and would keep it relevant in the DCU while being able to keep more of it’s original Golden Age tone and make the worldbuilding so much cooler.
1.g) Currency of an allowance
1.h) Robbing Bank Customs
1.i) Issues With The Education System
1.j) Magic Taught In Fawcett Educational Programs
1.k) Medicine & Injury Differences In Fawcett Citizens
1.l) Ambient Knowledge of the Radio & Past Lives: Billy Batson
2.a) Booster Gold. An Exploration into a Modern Version Adaptation of His Online Rise to Fame and His Downfall
2.b) Booster Gold: TikTok Sensation (this is kinda fused with the one above but is more lighthearted in tone)
3) Booster Gold: The Backstory and Rant About an Underappreciated and Massively Relatable Hero.
4) Billy Theorizing Back.
5) Linda Finding Out She Had Twins (but retold based on a real story)
6) The Daily Planet’s Gossip Mill
7) The Worries of the Daily Planet Employees over the one & only Clark Kent/ The Daily Planet thinks Clark’s a Meta but for Different Reasons Than You Might Think.
8) Jimmy Olsen Needs Therapy
9) The Softness Behind A Mask
10) Office Gossip
11) An Electric Charge: All Powered Up
12) Psychic/telepathic Clark (apparently this was a fairly uncommon but still very much existing fan theory that I just thought of independently. But once I found out that it already existed, I lost hope and stopped writing it but it's Very much a theory I enjoy and love that explains literally most if not all of Clark’s abilities.
13) “You mean, you Don’t actually look human?!
14.a) FUN (x so many just give me a number and I’ll give you a certain amount of short prompts for kryptonian biology ideas)
14.b) Inconvenience for the Kents
14.c) Braces
14.d) Biology Discussion
14.e) Different Nutritional Needs. Turns Out Invulnerable Teeth Mean You Can Eat A Lot Of Weird Shit
14.f) Humans stood on two legs to punch things. Why the fuck did kryptonians have the same
14.g) Eyes: Windows To The Soul The Size Of An Orange
15) Man of Steel, Unable to Feel: The issue of Clark’s the association of pain with touch.
16) A brief complaint on the lack of depictions of Batman’s Diet and Workout Regimine in fics because there’s so much comedy potential
17) A Meal Even The Flash Won’t Eat: Bruce’s Protein Shakes
18) Inside-out Space and Time (Dissecting the rock of eternity & it’s ability to travel time without the Speed Force)
18) Critique on DP x DC twin AU
19) Guide on realism in twin interactions for twin au fics & how twins actually work.
20) Jason Todd’s Fenton Family Reunion
21) Discussion of Theme Similarity of 90’s Superboy and the Danny Phantom Cartoon.
22) A Summoning Going Dead Wrong (an ask commandeered from @stealingyourbones that got stuck in WIP hell and is FINALLY nearly done. I just need someone to unfuck my formatting & it’s all set.)
23) Wait What Do You Mean There’s Two Of You?
24) DP x DC What Do You Mean You Thought This Was A Nuclear Blast Zone?: Explaining the Metagene’s Existence in Amity Park, How Amity Park Was Hidden from the DC World, and the Discovery of It Not Being A Wasteland.
25) A Brief Reminder of Death and Revival: Blood Blossoms in Gotham
Based off of this post (which I am making a reply to but i gotta generate more ideas that fit with the theme first. Got the lore part done tho which is nice)
26.a) Wally West trips into the Backrooms.. wait why’s it all floating and green?
26.b) Speedsters can get healed by GZ
26.c) Speedsters get hurt by GZ contact
26.d) Speedsters gain extra powers when in contact with GZ
26.e) Too Much Of A Good Thing: Ectoplasm Overload (Flash Family)
26.f) How The Fuck Is This Working: Bafflement of the Fenton’s Building Conventions (Flash)
26.g) Lichtenberg AU Flash x DC (x2)
27) Familiar Branching Scars: Lichtenberg AU Captain Marvel x DP where I go way into specifics of magical theory and magical lab procedure than I should’ve
28) Danny’s Not Alive: The Issues That Come With Collecting a Ghost’s DNA
29) Ambient Ectoplasm Quality Warning: Health effects can be immediately felt by sensative groups. Healthy individuals may experience difficulty breathing and throat irritation; consider staying indoors and rescheduling outdoor activities. Please retreat to the GZ for your own safety.
30) tired TA Peter Parker who works a job at a university sponsored lab doing microfluidics
31) College Wally West complaining to his friends about his lab job & the difficulties trying to be a “real scientist”
32) They didn’t tell you being a Clone would come with an inferiority complex and the necessity to tell everyone around you that Not The Same Person Don’t Compare Us (yet I still I want to stand by their side and not in their shadow). (Kon-El)
Brainworms i need to write but have them recorded in my audio app & not transcribed yet:
33) Dash & Booster Gold, Ex-Star Quarterbacks
34) Frozen in Time (DP and the Flash Family)
35) I’m Not the Black Flash!
36) Ghosts In Space (do x dc)
37) The Contrast of Life and Death (Flash Family x dp)
38) Inhuman amounts of Speed. (Flash)
39) Opposing Forces: Same Energy (flash family x dp)
40) Metagene: How the Activation of an Integrated Virus Changes That Much Shit if it Activates
41) A Ghost and An Alien Walk Into A Bar…ow
42) A Ghost from the Future: A Mentor in the Past (Bart Allen)
43) Billy Batson: learning magic theory
44) Jimmy Olsen: Traumatized Beyond Belief (Taos discussion about how the character is handled)
45) Jimmy Olsen: A Neglected Superfamily Core Member By The Fans
46) A Parental Bond and Parental Worry: Clark Kent & Jimmy Olson
47)  Trust and Betrayal: Clark Kent Losing a Child’s Trust
48) Help I Think I Accidentally Adopted A College Student What Do I Do
49) A Brief Dissection of the Broad Symbols the DC Hero’s Stand For and Goals they Want: Personal Characterization Help
50) Anger Feels The Same As Happiness (The Feeling Is Just As Intense) (Bart Allen)
51) Shadows of the Future, Traces of the Past: Bart Allen is Not Okay (YJ cartoon)
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