#if one plays around with a the twins have sensory issues headcanon
icy-book · 10 months
Henry, Darryl, and Glenn toddler/baby parenting headcanons, brought to you by discussions with my mum, studying attachment in psych currently, and @landrick-lycidas foolishly asking about them.
Henry and Mercedes are definetly on one of the Science-Aware Natural Parenting groups on Facebook. They always had slings ready to carry Lark and Sparrow in, (the twins probably prefered walking and running, so this was for when they got tired and clingy, or when they were babies who couldn't yet walk) and probably ended up amassing a collection, which then became repurposed/given to other parents when the twins were older. Breastfed for as long as possible, and very child led.
Carol and Darryl were much more a set feeding times, bottle-fed only and move Grant onto formula pretty quickly kinda couple. Very American from what I've seen. Grant probably slept in a crib in his own room, and I imagine Carol was a very "Let him cry it out" 90s style of parenting (which had a lot to do with Skinner's operant conditioning stuff!) but I don't think Darryl could bear to hear his son in distress, and would often go comfort him anyway. He probably would have worn those baby carriers if he was as comfortable in himself/his masculinty then as he is at the end of the show. Glenn and Morgan are a very specific kind of parenting I don't know how to describe. They never bought a crib for Nick, and always let him sleep in their bed until he was big enough to need his own. Much like the Oak-Garcias, very child-led but less in a concious, methodical way and more in a punk and/or "we're twenty and don't know what we're doing so lets just try and make our kid as happy as possible" way. Glenn is also definetly a picking up on Nick's alert phases and show reciprocacy kinda guy. In other words: very much a "hey little man" *baby gurgling in response* "hell yeah dude, that sounds wild". Engages a lot with his son's baby babble and treats it like serious conversation, strongly a play/talking kinda dad. Also, picture: Glenn lying on his back with baby Nick resting on his stomach for tummy time. Even then, they were best friends
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iwantteaandsleep2403 · 3 months
Tang Yun x Hall Headcanons:
(I feel like some of these are ooc/mischaracterized I'm so sorry)
They already met before either joined the Decree because their brothers hung out a lot, but they only started to know each other after becoming shadow guards
They first met when Bardon dragged Hall to one of Lucas’ shows, and while trying to find a spot to get away from the overwhelming music and yelling, Hall found Tang Yun hiding in a secluded corner, at the brink of tears and having a huge sensory overload (one day I’ll write a fanfic about it)
They both have very cheesy but cute pet names for each other:
I've already mentioned in a post that Hall calls Yun "Angel" because of the shape of his ears, but he also calls him "Min Elskede" which means "my darling" or "my beloved" in danish
And Yun calls Hall "pudding" because he likes to say that Hall is very sweet, just like pudding
Tang Yun likes to play with Hall's hair when he's bored or as a distraction to pass thr time after missions, he always does tiny braids on it
They’re both bilingual and they're teaching each other how to speak their languages(Hall speaks Danish and Tang Yun speaks Mandarin)
When they first started dating, Leon threatened to snipe Tang Yun if he ever hurt Hall's feelings and the Xie twins, especially Yuzhi, also made similar threats towards Hall  (they threatened to bury him alive if he ever fucked up)
They can't even stand next to each other without some shadow guard yelling “GET A ROOM”, it's mostly either Freddy, Jeanne or Yuzhi doing that just to annoy them
Tang Yun learned how to write in braille so he could leave little notes with loving messages scattered around Hall's apartment for him to read, Hall thinks it's really cute and he kept all the notes found so far
Hall is the only person in the SD that Yuzhi refuses to prank and if asked why, he’ll say that it's out of respect for Yun, since the two are dating (bullshit, he has seen the damage Tang Yun can do to someone who messes with Hall and he doesn't wanna risk ending up at the morgue over a prank, Yuzhi enjoy being alive with all his bones & organs intact, thank you very much!)
Tang Yun's love language is biting, no I will not elaborate
Hall learned how to make homemade chocolate pudding to surprise Yun on his birthday, or when he's having a bad week
Tang Yun is very needy and affectionate, but he's terrified of becoming annoying or a burden to Hall, so he tried his best to not be needy at all(abandonment issues does that to people, saying this from experience :D)
They crash at each other's place so often it feels like they're practically living together, they even have keys to each other's apartments:
Because of this, Hall started keeping hair products in his apartment even though he doesn't need them, they're for Yun since he comes by so often, sometimes Hall will use some of the products just because the scent is nice and reminds him of Yun
Tang Yun started keeping some of Hall's clothes and favorite action movies for a similar reason, he'll sometimes watch some movies by himself when Hall is away in a mission
The only person that can convince Hall to put on a shirt is Tang Yun and no one can change my mind
Hall started carrying noise canceling earbuds with him just in case Yun start having a sensory overload during one of their dates or in general
They're the only people in Grandis that Sander trusts enough to pet sit his cat for him, they even nicknamed the cat "Indigo"
Hall will frequently buy a random trinket and gift them to Tang Yun because it made him think of him(they're usually mini stuffed animals, mini axolotl figurines, ponpon keychains, bracelets, etc), as much as Yun thinks it's adorable and cherishes every single trinket given to him, he can't help but worry about Hall's spending habits
Tang Yun's avataras are also very affectionate to Hall, but that actually makes Yun a little jealous (this hc was inspired by "The New Guy" btw)
Hall started hanging out with the Xie twins more often because of Yun, He became their alibi whenever they did their pranks and sometimes he joins in on it as well
Tang Yun paints Hall's nails for him, they sometimes wear matching nails
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mx-drumbot · 2 years
surprising no one, i’ve become obsessed with the Black Phone. so here are my headcanons about each of the babies.
aside from seeing ghosts, he hallucinates after getting out. mostly phones ringing but also the sound of a belt snapping together. sometimes he sees blood dripping from walls or broken glass on the floor
he has the same hair as his mom, his dad doesn’t know how to take care of it. that’s why his curls are so undefined.
he started playing pinball after recovering. he hasn’t quite been able to reach Vance’s high score, but he’s getting close
he loves Star Wars and somehow convinced Gwen to dress up as Luke and Leia with him. (he called that Vader was both of their father’s too)
he learned how to speak spanish from Robin’s family (and constantly watching Robin’s mouth when he talked). the first time his extended family visited for a birthday party, they all thought Finney was just a really pale latino
he and Gwen have sleepovers every thursday night where they go down the events of their week and eat copious amounts of junk food
he works on the Hubble Space Telescope as an adult.
he cries to Selena’s music, especially after he realized that he had feelings for Finney
he has ADHD and that’s why it’s so difficult for him to focus on a teacher that talks too fast
he has comorbid autism too, and his special interest is slasher movies, his favorite will always be the original silent horrors, but he’s a big fan of jump scares
the only jewelry (aside from friendship bracelets that Finney makes him) that he’ll wear are his confirmation chain and the small gold ring he got from his grandfather
he has just a fuck ton of siblings, as well as a twin sister who is exactly like him. he gets along with all of them and they all look out for each other
if he had survived, he wanted to be a stuntman or a director. no one ever explained to him that he could be both
he insults people in spanish but says it in a nice way so they think he’s saying something sweet. sometimes he does it just to make Finney laugh.
pinball and silent movies are his special interests. he steals pinball machines that arcades throw out and has seen every charlie chaplin movie ever made
he goes out of his way to feed stray dogs, stray cats, and he always makes sure to let ducks/geese pass. he also stops his car to help turtles get across the road, but only if no one is around
his dad fucked off somewhere after the first time he got arrested, his mom does her best but she’s practically always gone at work. he doesn’t resent her but he hates his dad
if he had survived he would’ve started a shitty punk band where he made music about his trauma. he only likes loud noises when he’s the one making them
he has really bad sensory issues and wears the same clothes for days on end, if anyone brings it up, he gets a nice stim moment out of beating them up
when he was younger, his mom called him little wolf because he would bite people if he was given the opportunity. she still calls him that if he’s sick or injured while she’s around
loud af because he was half deaf. his mom was born deaf and his father lost his hearing because of genetic condition that ended up killing him, but he’s half deaf because he was hit by a baseball when he was three
not even the cia could get this out of him, but he so badly wants to be like vance. he thinks vance is the coolest motherfucker ever
his younger brother is in one of Gwen’s classes and both of them are just absolutely terrified of her. his brother has a little crush on her though
he really wanted to ask Finney if he could check on his mom, but he could only repeat himself, it sucked
he loves comedies, anything satirical or sarcastic is his absolute favorite though. this man would eat up twitter and tiktok
if he had survived, he would’ve become a middle school history teacher, mostly because he loves teaching ancient egypt and other ancient civilizations
he loves kids, he only has a little brother but he hangs out with his brother’s friend group more than anyone his age
(to preface this, headcanons. thank you) it prefers it/its pronouns mostly because it really never felt quite human. not in a kinnie way, just in a neurodivergent way
its dog’s name is cain. one because he attacks other dogs, but only of the same breed and two because it thinks that naming a canine, cain is really funny.
it loves sweet things. milkshakes, candy, baked goods? all of that, those are basically its favorite food
if it had survived, it would’ve become a journalist. it really liked reading the newspaper and doing the crossword
it once slept outside for a week after an argument with its mom. cain slept next to it to keep it company.
Paperboy knows that it probably shouldn’t steal things from places like Walmart and Walgreens but at the same time, it’s never been caught.
its dad was a greaser in the 50s and it absolutely idolizes that aesthetic, like it thinks the 50s were the perfect time period
his mom is a teacher and he takes naps in her class when he has free periods and no homework
he idolizes bruce lee and is always super happy when someone points out that they have the same name. action movies are his favorite
he has pretty good grades, but he would drop anything for a baseball game, he knows he’s good and he loves winning. he’s played on four travel teams
his family isn’t religious, so the first time he ever celebrated christmas was with his baseball team. he bought them all gifts and kept the gifts that they game him in his bedroom
if he had survived, he would’ve wanted to go pro in baseball. he might’ve been able to. his backup plan was marketing, mostly because he’d be able to talk to a lot of people
he was homecoming king at his school, partially because he’s a class favorite and partially because no one ran against him
he has a pet goldfish that is his best friend, her name is goldie but his parents just call her fish
she learns how to better control her talents and becomes a detective. she names her detective agency after her mom
her favorite color is purple but she never wears it, she claims that the rarity of it is what makes it so special
she leaves her hair in braids for no more than six hours, she’s seen how long it takes for Finney to make his hair look decent, she has no desire for curly hair
her favorite hobby is creative writing. after Finney went missing, she stopped writing. mostly because she only wrote horror stories.
her dad tried to force her to learn to play piano, but stopped after she figured out how to do the talking piano illusion and made it call him a bastard
she tries not to be super protective, but she always asks her friends if they want her to walk with them when they go somewhere. especially if it’s a day where she’s nervous
she absolutely hates spending more than two hours alone, she always wants someone to talk to, usually that person is one of her friends or Finney
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
gene and louise headcanons bcuz why not
despite being a physically affectionate person gene doesn't really hug or touch louise unless he's specifically invited to bcuz he knows she doesn't like that (sensory issues and touch aversion) so he's always surprised when she randomly hugs him bcuz he isn't expecting it lol
louise is VERY defensive of gene despite being younger than him and gene isn't usually very big into arguments or conflict but if he hears someone being mean to louise or feels like she genuinely can't stand up for herself he goes into big brother mode and tells them to leave her alone (as seen in that one shrimp episode) but he has an anxiety attack about it for like 20 minutes after esp if its an older scarier kid. he never regrets standing up for her tho
gene and louise have sleepovers in each others bedrooms all the time, either bcuz they're bored or one of them had a bad day or they're just doing it for fun :) they used to have these in gene's bedroom but since louise got her loft bed they're usually in her room, they'll stay up late playing games together stealing snacks and talking until they eventually pass out and their parents find them sleeping on the floor together the next morning and they're like wtf
they frequently and regularly just leave class to hang out together in the hallways at school and they have a special signal they use when this happens, they enjoy sneaking into bathrooms together or messing around in the teachers lounge!!!! louise has fun causing trouble but gene just likes hanging out with his sister (and getting out of doing schoolwork) (they would invite tina along with them but she feels bad about skipping class and breaking the rules)
gene actually does feel protective of louise and feels responsible as her older brother. this rarely if ever comes up but he does view her as his little sister and thinks of himself as her big brother (but more often they're just tina's younger siblings and act more like twins. they have been mistaken as twins on several occasions when they were younger)
they have like a million random games they play together whenever they're bored and don't know what to do or just whenever. they're always starting random shit and it annoys everyone but when they're like waiting in line at the bank w/ parents or going grocery shopping working at the restaurant etc they have games they play. throw louise is definitely one of the stupider ones but it usually involves coming up with a pointless challenge or competition (we see on the show that they do this A LOT just bcuz they're bored and its fun like with the jawbreaker)
when they're in detention together without tina (which happens somewhat regularly with all the trouble they get into) they pass notes back and forth and play games like hangman and tic tac toe together until frond catches them and they get in trouble, at which point they still do it just secretly :) they also have a game where they try to draw or write the stupidest thing to make each other laugh without getting caught
louise obviously is not a huge fan of doing feminine or girly things but gene loves doing that stuff and vice versa!!! they have an unspoken understanding that if one of them gets like a present from extended family like gene getting a tool set or louise getting a princess costume or makeup that they trade with each other and get something they actually want, also applies to birthday parties and school projects etc
^^ neither of them judges each other for not liking things stereotypically associated with their gender and its actually comforting to have a sibling who doesn't really act like they're "supposed to" regarding gender. tina is obviously very supportive but she's more feminine than louise and sometimes its just nice to talk to someone who gets it. they frequently rant about how annoying gender roles and expectations are to each other
also related when louise is old enough to start receiving stuff like razors from relatives as a right of passage or hint that she should start shaving she just gives them all to gene, who is very happy to start shaving EVERYWHERE and honestly same goes for makeup. gene loves wearing makeup but louise not so much (tina is alright with makeup but doesn't wear it all the time and usually goes for natural looks vs gene who goes crazy with it)
louise DOES enjoy painting her nails black and gene helps her with doing that when she's old enough bcuz he's pretty much an expert and she is very impatient. transgender sibling solidarity
louise is not somebody who lets anyone win games bcuz she feels bad for them but after learning that gene feels like a failure bcuz he doesn't win games and everyone is so much better than him she does OCCASIONALLY let him beat her when they're playing board games or something similar. more often she goes out of her way to help him get second place even when they're on opposite teams (she will deny this if asked)
louise finds gene's music really comforting esp when he's playing his keyboard at night before they go to sleep. she loves listening to him play and thinks he's talented, when they're older gene will give her a mixtape of some of his music to listen to when he's away so that she doesn't miss him too much <3
they do always get each other something for their birthdays!!!! ever since they were babies, louise would find a small rock for gene's birthday and then gene would give louise an old stale cookie he found under the couch for her birthday. they're usually just silly little gifts that don't cost much (if anything) but they always keep them!!!!! louise often gets gene a flower bcuz she knows they make him feel pretty. when they're older they start giving each other cards too (that they stole from their family's unused holiday card drawer)
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pensive-and-cringey · 3 years
ngl when people are into background characters I usually tend to be curious about it, as someone who loves background characters, sooo...what are your favorite headcanons about them? I'd love to hear how you see them
choco. choco. i actually clicked off the page while I was writing this ask and I lost. so. much. i think I am going to cry. 
welp, here's some of the stuff I'm rewriting, it will be much shorter than intended. 
-ringo is from new york and he lives with his aunt. she runs a salon. 
-ringo really likes slam poetry, especially Denice Frohman. he actually has a very similar accent to hers
-ringo is puertorican 
-ringo is the sassy blunt advice friend who is constantly pinching his nose at the dumbasses he is surrounded by. 
-ringo likes funk music. 
-sandalwood and Cherry crash are fraternal twins. their dad is afro carribian and their mom is from north Africa. 
-both sandal and cherry are actually very smart. cherry likes econ and studies things like class and financiers while sandlewood is interested in world religion and folklore and theology, and how that changes across cultures. he is very well-read. 
-sandal wood practices witchcraft
-sandal wood always smells good. always. 
-cherry raps and sings and plays base. she has a very strong voice. 
-sandalwood likes RnB and indie music, as well as soul 
-he listens to iyoeka and Erica Badu
-cherry crash is confrontational and action-oriented, as well as impatient. Sandalwood is usually calm, passive and usually sort of measured when it comes to conflict. They clash a lot because of this.
-Valhallen is blind and lives with his grandmother, they are Armenian. 
-the neighborhood they live in is sort of run down and in the poorer part of town
-it pretty much gathers around this community center built by Crimson Napalms mom. it’s a like a ymca type deal, she runs after school stuff and clubs and holiday parties and potlucks there. it’s a lot of community organizing. Crimson helps her a lot with it, and he’s sort of set to inherit the job of managing it.
-everyone has massive respect for crimson’s mom
-Crimson is very, very politically active. 
-i can’t decide whether crimson and his mother are black/mexican or hatian. Or hatian/hispanic. 
-crimson does pyrotechnics! he also has a fireworks license. no he will not help you do dumb shit. he doesn’t want to lose his fireworks license. 
-Brawly is white Hispanic and very pale. his family calls him blanco or blanqito
-Brawly can sing. I'm talking opera sing. the boy has pipes.
-he’s on the canterlot varsity weightlifting team. 
-You know those bro posts? brawly is those bro posts. absolute Himbo. 
-thunderbass moved from a small village in Scotland when he was around 9 or ten
-Thunderbass’s mom is desi, and his dad is scottish
-he’s a dancer! he loves a ton of different styles and does choreography
-Before flash and sunset dated, Thunderbass and Flash were just. theatric dorks together. everyone joked they were married or starrcrossed and they just played it up
-Thunder bass may or may not have a real actual crush on flash. my poor boi piiiiines. 
-Microchip is a snarky little shit
-seriously, Mic is very sarcastic. 
-mic usually does the maintenance and set up for a lot of the group’s equipment 
-Microchip is neurodivergent. he has a lot of sensory issues and gets very attached to inanimate objects. 
-he and flash are super close. 
mic is kind of like a cat, he just sort of enjoys being in the same room as people he likes.
-flash is everyone’s go to ride
-mystery mint and her mom moved here from belarus when she was small. 
-mystery mint is incredibly perceptive about emotions and intentions. not much gets past her.
-mystery mint likes knives. 
-everyone calls flash a slut as a joke. 
-cherry and flash both have adhd. 
-when they all get together, they call themselves the Rocker’s guild. (because they’re dweebs) 
Okay! here is a rundown of my favorite headcanons, or the ones I really like that I can think of rn. i have thought. so much. about these characters. this is really kinda the surface and I cannot thank you enough choco for giving me an opportunity to talk about them. I Just, They are a FOUND FAMILY and I LOVE THEM 
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laughingpinecone · 5 years
Trick or Treat time!
I am laughingpineapple on AO3
It’s a long list of characters so the specific requests aren’t overly detailed, please draw at will from my general likes and general fandom likes in addition or as an alternative to any of those!
All requests are art or fic - for art, the stuff I like is the kind that depicts the characters doing something. I’ll aways be happier with a very simple drawing of two characters walking together or sharing a cup of coffee than with an ambitious composition that looks like an Avengers poster.
They are also all for tricks and treats, except for The Swapper which is just tricks, but ignore at will for extra gifts.
Likes: worldbuilding, slice of life (doubly so if the event the fic focuses on is made up but canon-specific), missing moments, 5+1 and similar formats, bonding and emotional support/intimacy, physical intimacy, lingering touches, loyalty, casefic, surrealism, magical realism, established relationships, future fic, hurt/comfort or just comfort from the ample canon hurt, throwing characters into non-canon environments, banter, functional relationships between dysfunctional individuals, unexplained mysteries, bittersweet moods, journal/epistolary fic, dreams and memories and identities, canon-adjacent tropey plots, outsider POV, UST, exploration of secondary bits of canon, leaning on the uniqueness of the canon setting/mood, found families, characters reuniting after a long and/or harrowing time, friends-to-lovers, road trips, maps, mutual pining, cuddling, wintry moods, the feeling of flannel and other fabrics, ridiculous concepts played straight, sensory details, sickfic, places being haunted, people being haunted, the mystery of the woods, small hopes in bleak worlds, electricity, places that don’t quite add up, mismatched memories, caves and deep places, distant city lights at night
Cool with: any tense, any pov, any rating, plotty, not plotty, IF, nerdy canon references, unrequested characters popping up
DNW: non-canonical rape, non-canonical children, unrequested ships, canon retellings, consent issues
Twin Peaks: Harry Truman, James Hurley, Frank Truman, Albert Rosenfield, Tammy Preston, Monica Bellucci, Margaret Lanterman, Denise Bryson, Cynthia Knox, Constance Talbot, Bosomy Woman, Annie Blackburn, Jade, Wally Brando, Diane Evans, Doris Truman, Lucy Moran
The mystery of the woods. How do they relate to the woods, what do they gain and what do they lose in the woods. Case fic but they don’t find out jack shit, someone disappears, David Bowie was there, it’s complicated. Fragmented, shifted, mirrored identities. New Lodge spaces. The risks of staring into the void for too long. Gentle illusions. Transcendence. The moon. Static buzzing. Any title from the s3 ethereal whooshing compilation used as a prompt, actually. For treats, all these spooky things can remain in the background while the warmer hues of canon (all the food and cute friendships and Canadian geese and sparks of joy) take center place!
AUs and fusion AUs are great for this fandom! I have Final Fantasy on my mind a lot recently so any FFVI, VII, T, IX, X, XII or XIII reimagining would be fantastic, but also regular fantasy, space opera, sci-fantasy… anything fancy!
I ship Coop/Albert/Harry and all sides thereof, Laura/Donna, Tammy/Cynthia, Lucy/Andy, Gordon/Phillip, Chet/Sam. I love & for all of the above and Harry&Frank, Bookhouse Boys in general, Margaret&Hawk, James&Shelly, Margaret&Trumans, Albert&Frank, Albert&Doris, Tammy&Albert, Tammy&literally any woman in the cast, Denise&any Blue Rose, Cynthia&Constance, Constance&Twin Peaks cast, Annie&Audrey, Annie&Shelly, Wally&Coop&Laura, Diane&Albert, Diane&Phillip, Lucy&Margaret. $character&Laura is the free space here, when in doubt add Laura.
Canon-specific DNWs: any singular Dreamer being the ‘source’ of canon, BOB (let alone Judy) being forever defeated in the finale, Judy being an active malevolent presence in the characters’ lives, clear explanations for canonical ambiguities, ‘Odessaverse’ being the reality layer, the Fireman’s House by the Sea being the White Lodge
Harry Truman: his life in remission or something with animals Frank Truman: maybe he’s a tulpa or maybe he came back to a town he doesn’t recognize anymore Albert Rosenfield: splitting identities post-canon, leaving the FBI, something about his jazz collection Tammy Preston: Tammy infodumping 101, meeting legacy characters, trying not to implode like previous generations of blue rose Monica Bellucci: just give me your headcanons about whatever the hell that was about, possibly not as a retelling. Was she actual Monica, a masking memory for a different spirit, something else entirely... Margaret Lanterman: playing off any character we never see her share a scene with in canon, environmental activist, saplings enthusiast Denise Bryson: actual undercover FBI means she’s now part of office shenanigans, right? Or coming back to Twin Peaks years later Cynthia Knox: Garland’s legacy in the USAF is a heavy burden. going through an initiation of her own not unlike Tammy Constance Talbot: visiting Twin Peaks for whatever reason, being shaken by some supernatural event Bosomy Woman: who is she, where does she come from. is she friends with Phil. I’m down with her being Lois Duffy or not Jade: two things I love about her are that she comes out unscathed from a brush-in with the supernatural and that "Jade” is an alias she got from Invitation to Love. Expanding on either topic would be great (Invitation to Love fandom fic?) Wally Brando: the absolute coolest. That is unironically all. Tell me more about how cool he is, in the woods or on the road. Diane Evans: defragmenting her self somehow, in and out of the red room Doris Truman: what’s she like, who is she friends with. A coincidence in Hastings’ website makes me wonder if she’s an UFO enthusiast and interested in the zone Lucy Moran: Lucy's way of perceiving the world as a gateway to deeper truths which she may or may not be aware of. Also raccoons.
Ghost Trick: Cabanela, Jowd, Alma, Pigeon Man, Emma, Bailey
I am very interested in various characters finding about the erased timeline, but not getting their memories back, and having to live with being told about what they did but never remembering it. All what-ifs welcome (what if they managed an acceptable happy ending but didn’t reset the timeline, what if a different party went back to the past and kept their memories, what if Alma’s ghost stuck around…) Also open to AUs here, especially for generic fantasy or sci-fi settings or the Final Fantasy ones I prompted for Yuletide .
I ship Alma/Cabanela/Jowd, Alma/Jowd and Cabanela/Jowd and like all the & relationships in the game and more. Lots of love to Sissel and Missile always. (and Alma/Cabanela if Jowd isn’t around for some reason! Just don’t ignore him please!)
Cabanela: graciously accepting some type of defeat, or being rightfully stubborn about something. Maybe situations in which he knows he doesn’t have to lead Jowd: time-displaced and touch-starved, or getting to the bottom of the morbid humor barrel. Knowing he’s at the center of everyone’s attention. (for the record, that beard is at the center of my attention. it is very nice) Alma: would be nice if she had a personality of her own. Ghost Alma with or without powers? Teaming up with Cabanela or Lynne? Maybe she has trouble communicating with them but she’s there? Pigeon Man: how do he and Lovey take to Sissel. Friendship with Cabanela in the new timeline. Emma: her plotting process, or her activist leanings, or both. Is she friends with Alma? Bailey: I like how simple he is, and his panic dance of course. Throw him at another character of your choice and see what happens? Cabanela, for example?
The Last Remnant: Kate, Pagus, Emma, David Nassau, Zolean, Sibal, Maddox
I’m very interested in post-game exploration, and getting a clearer feeling of any of the cities and assorted places. I like characterization based on battle quotes, red bubble dialogues, and even their unique stat (‘authority’ is a natural fit for David but ‘romance’ tells me something new about Sibal!) Character interaction. Bit of worldbuilding. What’s another festival they celebrate? Do they erect something else instead of the Valeria Heart? Any fun discoveries down in Siebenbur? Where the hell IS Veyriel, anyway, do they go look for it and if so what do they find out? End of an age. Old bonds.
I ship David/Rush (wouldn’t want it as the main focus of a David fic, but as background there or anywhere it’s great) and Pagus/Sibal/Maddox. David&Rush and Pagus&Sibal&Maddox are also great. I also love Torgal, Caedmon, Allan, Irina, Glenys, Sheryl, Roberto and the Duke of Ghor, but everyone, really.
Kate: any expansion of her tulpa narrative? Maybe while she makes a friend of your choice? Pagus: my history-loving nerd. I’m also not over the fact that it’s stated canon that for a Qsiti, he’s an absolute catch. What a babe. Emma: let her be grumpy at someone... maybe teaming up with David à la good cop bad cop David Nassau: nice things happening to David postcanon, please? He’s been through a lot and I love him. Who can understand him, what can give him purpose? Zolean: I need someone to adopt this sad fish now that he knows that his friend is gone. Military experience and lost friends preferred but not required. Sibal and/or Maddox: give me all the Qsiti worldbuilding, Siebenbur worldbuilding, Remnant daydreaming, backstory with Pagus, old men reunions after the ending...
Dark Souls: Solaire, Siegmeyer, Sieglinde, Logan, Gough, Artorias
I’m only familiar with the first game! It’s probably relevant to mention that I think that linking the fire is kind of a dumbass move, Gwyn is an ass, Kaathe has his own agenda and there’s no winning move in this world, or at least no obvious one. Feel free to deviate from anyone’s canon endings, to make things happen that’ll stave off their hollowing. I am interested in any of these people meeting and possibly striking up a friendship, and also in exploring Lordran’s temporal/dimensional fuckery, where it’s possible to meet people who have been gone for ages...
Solaire: tragic, lovable, doomed, pure of heart dumb of ass and all. Ways in which his search for his sun intersects with the bigger mysteries and tragedies? What if he accidentally talked to Kaathe instead of Frampt in his quest? Siegmeyer: just let him be jovial and helpful? Traveling with someone and being a good buddy? Sieglinde: (almost) unstoppable can of whoop-ass, what’s it like to be basically the only non-undead in Lordran? Logan: he grump. Maybe he learns something interesting in the Archives. I am also interested in deets on him going mad there, at the end of his quest for knowledge. Sounds eldritch, poignant and intriguing. Gough: get him out of gay baby jail, poor thing, what’d he do! Or, at least: who goes to visit him, what does he feel for his people who appear to be more or less enslaved. Why does Gwyn allow him to languish in that tower? Artorias: much like with Solaire, I am intrigued by this paragon of virtue in a world that's really harsh on that sort of thing. He’s also... not human? Sif and Alvina always welcome.
Pyre: Oralech, Sandra, Bertrude, Molten Milithe, Celeste, Volfred, Tariq, Pamitha
Oh the burning found family feelings, the revolutionary passion, the divide between topside social constraints (moreso for liberated exiles, thrust into heroic roles after the revolution) and the kind of freedom allowed by the downside! Mere distance cannot separate our spirits! Noxalas! ...any cutesy activity lifted from the game would be great, like X doing laundry with Y.  Thoughts about the Plan, about the Scribes, about being considered the reincarnation of the Scribes, about finding oneself at the end of an age, as everything crumbles down to form something new. The titan stars. Exploring literally any corner of the Downside. Any postcanon very welcome with any combination of endings as long as the revolution was peaceful. I love everyone so much. Please do lean in on the xeno details if you’re writing nonhumans! Even for gen, I like to read what it’s like to be something other than human.
I ship Volfred/Tariq, Volfred/Oralech, some form of Oralech/Volfred/Tariq (more of a Volfred-centric V but I would like to be convinced of the Oralech/Tariq side of things), Celeste/Jodariel, Reader/Sandra, Hedwyn/Fikani and Pamitha/Bertrude. All & pairs welcome. I do NOT ship Jodi/Ignarius, Celeste/Tariq and *ae/Almer.
Oralech: so many intense emotions, just pick one and run with it! His topside ending made me cry. Finding the pristine blackwagon, books and sigil he would deem the True Nightwings’? Learning to let go of he bundle of hatred and prejudice he’d used as a shield, one thread at a time? Bonding with a character of your choice? Sandra: butting heads with any character of your choice, ideologically and also because she’s understandably pissed off 24/7? Volfred was Reader before us, what was their relationship like? And I’m sure that post-game the Reader brings her along to Nightwings meetings when she feels like it? Bertrude: witchy snek doing witchy snek things please. Her reluctant bonding is great Milithe: also witchy snek doing witchy snek things but on a grander, more primeval scale? Her drive to explore the Downside touches me. Celeste: the fixed star learning not to be fixed anymore, and being a person, while her counterpart has something of a 830 years head start and no-one seems to be on her wavelength. She’s intense and burning and uncompromising and how do you live like that? Volfred: early days in exile, bonding with any of the old Nightwings, or living as prime minister giving his all to the new society he’s building, which has to be demanding and tiresome. Idealistic, self-assured and a little manipulative is one of my ideals so just send him Volfred-ing around and I’ll be happy. Tariq: he keeps it all under the surface and if you get a peek past it there’s something of an eldritch depth to him and isn’t that so sweet. I think we need more Tariq whump but also Tariq nursing sick Nightwings, Tariq having nice days and just all-around more Tariq, is all. Pamitha: it’s hard to break that self-loathing but she could get a break maybe? If she stays Downside, what does she find at the far borders of this land?
The Last Guardian: any
The boy & the very good boy… I’d like to read about a distant reunion. I was surprised by the boy being the combo breaker after the former Ueda protagonists cast their societies behind. He gets to live his life with his people, apparently, but what makes him leave and find Trico again? What’s their bond like, years later? Or is it Trico who comes back to search for him?
And what about the being in the coffin? Got any headcanons on the relationship between it, the master of the valley, the alien-looking white tower and the rest of the vall... well, crater, presumably? Are they dead? Does some part of their conscience stick around? Were they in some sort of cryostasis and the destruction of the master of the valley woke them up?
I really like the setting of the game so laying it thick with the environmental focus is always appreciated.
As an aside and since SotC and ICO are in the tagset, I don’t generally like to think about direct, rational connections between the three games, placing them in a timeline etc. Even so, if you read the TLG artbook: what the hell was Ueda going on about, talking about SotC “as if through a mirror” or whatever that quote went like? Iirc he was talking about TLG’s mirror and SotC’s pool having some sort of symbolic... inverted... connection...? If you have ideas about some crackpot surrealist connection between TLG and SotC, the kind fever dreams are made of, I’m all ears!
The Swapper: any
I fell in love early on with this indie gem and its take on cloning, communication and the loss of self and I’m thrilled to see it in the tagset. I love narratives that explore solitude, alien mindsets, rejection of society, fractured consciousness - you can see how The Swapper struck a chord (the stellar puzzles and graphics helped). So the first thing I’d like to read in this nonexistent fandom with no fic is something, anything, focused on any of these themes. What of our protagonist, or what is left of her (WHAT is left of her?), after the ‘planet’ ending? But an exploration of the 'spaceship’ ending also works, keeping in mind that I see it as by far the creepiest and less consolatory option (not that the plot has any business being consolatory or black and white in the fist place, but if I HAD to slap a ‘good end’ ‘bad end’ label, planet ending is the good ending for me). What interests me about the Scavenger - I’m mostly talking about the main playable character(s), but the original one is also very interesting - is mostly what the game puts her through. Delving into her background, not so much. I would also love any setup that offers a focus on the Watchers, just… exploring their point of view on this whole business and on life, the universe and everything as a whole. Luv me them rocks. I’d really like to get into their mindset. The two scientists can come too of course.
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laughingpinecone · 3 years
Chocobox 2021 letter
I am laughingpineapple on AO3  
Hello dear author! I hope you’ll have fun with our match. Feel free to draw from general or fandom-specific likes, past letters, and/or follow your heart.
All requests are art or fic - for art, the stuff I like is the kind that depicts the characters doing something. I’ll always be happier with a very simple drawing of two characters walking together or sharing a cup of coffee than with an ambitious composition that looks like an Avengers poster. I also enjoy seeing them wear different clothes, getting a feel of what their fashion sense is like beyond their canon outfit(s). Or dressing them up for some outlandish AU!
Likes: worldbuilding, slice of life (especially if the event the fic focuses on is made up but canon-specific), missing moments, 5+1 and similar formats, bonding and emotional support/intimacy, physical intimacy, lingering touches, loyalty, casefic, surrealism, magical realism, established relationships, future fic, hurt/comfort or just comfort from the ample canon hurt, throwing characters into non-canon environments, banter, functional relationships between dysfunctional individuals, unexplained mysteries, bittersweet moods, journal/epistolary fic, dreams and memories and identities, canon-adjacent tropey plots, outsider POV, UST, resolved UST, exploration of secondary bits of canon, leaning on the uniqueness of the canon setting/mood, found families, characters reuniting after a long and/or harrowing time, friends-to-lovers, road trips, maps, mutual pining, cuddling, wintry moods, the feeling of flannel and other fabrics, ridiculous concepts played straight, sensory details, sickfic, places being haunted, people being haunted, the mystery of the woods, small hopes in bleak worlds, electricity, places that don’t quite add up, mismatched memories, caves and deep places, distant city lights at night, emphasis on non-human traits of non-human characters (gen-wise, but also a hearty yes xeno for applicable ships), emphasis on inhuman traits of characters who were human once and have sort of shed it all behind
Cool with: any tense, any pov, any rating, plotty, not plotty, IF, nerdy canon references, unrequested characters popping up.
DNW: non-canonical rape, non-canonical children, focus on children, unrequested ships (background established canon couples are okay, mentions of parents are okay!), canon retellings
Every once in a while I’m filled with love for this comic and its cast. I’m a sucker for all the dream stuff, dragon stuff, looking at early chapters knowing about latter developments... and cows. I’m good with all readings of the Rose/Lucius situation (who’s still carrying a torch for whom, lowkey couple or still pining, etc).
Cows & Grandma Ben & Lucius: Lucius weighing in on a past Great Cow Race? Something happens to a cow? Cows and messengers between them?
Cows & Thorn: Thorn please make your grandma proud, wrt racing or otherwise. Dreams of cows...
Grandma Ben & Thorn: future fic or any missing moment after the royal reveal?
Lucius & Thorn: I wish we got more about them! Pre-canon moment in Barrelhaven? Any sort of weird thing can happen in the Valley after all, maybe foreshadowing her latter abilities?
Grandma Ben & Great Red Dragon: any other encounter along the lines of what we saw? I love them both but I also understand why they are like that...
What it says on the tin, basically. Peaks and KRZ can so easily blend into each other, Peaks and Piranesi much less so but a friend once said that Piranesi is very much a Coop and when someone’s right they’re right.
Albert Rosenfield & Joseph Wheattree: either during some Blue Rose trip or if Albert ends up stranded after the hot mess that is s3. Being the reasonable one, the one who chooses to remain on the surface while others disappear in the depths...
Carrie Page & Dale Cooper & Joseph Wheattree: I am very fond of |Laura| and |Coop| traveling forever on dark highways after the end and they’re gonna need a gas station at some point!
Donald & Gordon Cole: something something burning hopeless dreams, but also federal interest in Xanadu, and how would that go?
Dale Cooper & Piranesi: oh you know, split selves and the reconciling thereof. Successfully, in Matthew’s case... ...less so in Coop’s, at least last we saw him. I’m interested in seeing them meet at any point in their timelines (and as any part or rejoined part of their selves, Dougie&Piranesi as much as Richard&Matthew or any mix thereof) under either canon’s metaphysical rules! (DNW: Richard being “the real Cooper” - I think he’s the part of Coop who is not quite Mr C but still sent all his warmth and empathy away)
Final Fantasy VI
What I love in this fandom is intra-party interaction. They’re all wonderful and don’t get to speak to each other that much, if at all. I’d love to see scenes and/or little adventures during or after the game! I don’t really have ships here so any unrequested character is welcome to feature too but I would prefer gen.
Celes & chocobo, Sabin & chocobo, Celes & Sabin & chocobo: you get the idea. It’s CHOCOBOx ffs, I’ve been meaning to request chocobos for years and then I always forgot! Full kweh ahead! Hit me with all the chocobo feels, what it’s like to travel with these big fluffy birds for better and for worse, what it’s like for Celes, what it’s like for Sabin (I just picked two faves who also traveled together), all your chocobo headcanons, during the WoR serpent trench leg of the journey or anywhere else!
Edgar & Gogo: in my ongoing quest to throw Gogo at the rest of the cast and see what happens, I thought it’d be neat to have them hang around Edgar since one’s an accomplished mime and the other is perhaps not so accomplished as he’d like to be in putting up a persona. Canon-typical Edgar flirting is a-ok unless it hinges on Gogo being a woman. I use they pronouns for Gogo but I’m good with all options. I’d like for them to continue presenting as inscrutably gendered, however.
Ghost Trick
I am very interested in various characters finding about  the erased timeline, but not getting their memories back, and having to  live with being told about what they did but never remembering it. Exploring the ghost lore is great. All  what-ifs welcome (what if they managed an acceptable happy ending but  didn’t reset the timeline, what if a different party went back to the  past and kept their memories, what if Alma’s ghost stuck around…) Also  open to AUs here, especially for generic fantasy or sci-fi settings or  the Final Fantasy ones I prompted last Yuletide.
For the non-canon sides of Jowd/Alma/Cabanela, please no  infidelity? I’d be good with either setting the fic during the game  timeline or some what-if thereof when the other spouse is dead or  unavailable, or simply keeping them offscreen and not mentioning them  (eg Alma/Cabanela beach day, Jowd/Cabanela precinct shenanigans)
For  Jowd in general, I do love my big boy and enjoy milking that size  difference for all it’s worth. In gen contexts too, it’s neat. him big.
For Cabanela in general, I am prompting scarf shenanigans, gen or shippy! It’s almost 4m of fabric... scarf used in clever ways, scarf getting in the way, scarf wrapped around one’s throat, scarf sticking out on a stakeout...
Alma/Cabanela/Jowd: maybe once Alma and Jowd have figured out he’s smitten and that they do in fact reciprocate... they tease him to death, slowly and deliberately? Is it even a Jowd romance if there’s not an exhausting amount of teasing involved, I ask? (sorry for repeating a prompt I got the perfect fill for last time - ...more teasing but this time with scarf, if that helps? Something with clothes? Clothes swap?)
Alma/Jowd & Cabanela: Cabs’ life is wild; his best friends’ home is a safe haven...
Bailey & Cabanela: Dance dance dance! Cabanela is not much one for _panic_ dances, but maybe other dances passed on in Bailey’s family could interest him?
Cabanela & Jowd & Pigeon Man: either as colleagues or Jowd trying to bring together these two weirdos who ended up meaning a lot to each other in the other timeline and thankfully didn’t get the same reason to bond now
Cabanela & Missile: off they go with their determination. And, critically, dog hair. The cat doesn’t shed for whatever reason but the dog sure does and that may just be the one tragic obstacle preventing an unstoppable partnership
Emma & Memry: oh so you know who ELSE has a penchant for romance cliches?
Jowd & Justice Minister: Did the Justice Minister ever go visit Jowd in the game timeline? How did he come to appreciate him as “the nation’s best detective”? Or in the new timeline, could Jowd’s insight help somewhat?
Jowd & Sissel & Yomiel: Sissel has two dads and they both love that cat very much. I’m all for the usual new timeline Jowd&Yomiel bonding tropes... with cat!
Kentucky Route Zero
I love the ending and I’d love to see its themes and setting explored. I’m all for exploration of any of  the game’s themes and for including any staples from adjacent genres -  wanna go full-on American Gothic? Dip into surrealism? Take a leaf from  Twin Peaks with tulpa / split narratives to explore the characters’  issues? I love AUs so that’s an option too.  Or of course there’s Xanadu at the height of its glory, an infinite  what-ifs generator. Were the requested characters part of it, what were  their digital counterparts up to? A Xanadu narrative would be great! I’d  also love to hear about any new spot along the Zero or the Echo river,  or an expansion of some place that’s only mentioned by Will in HATATE or  only gets a few paragraphs of text. Mostly, I just love all these characters so much and I’m going through the tagset’s options like a hyperactive cat. Any fragment of their lives will make me happy.
For Lula and all the artists in particular (and Cate, depending on your stance on mushroom hunting, I suppose): please do lean into their art if it’s something you enjoy! Exhibitions, concerts, reviews... accidental reenactments of Robert Frost poems... all the discourse on the arts is my jam, if that’s your thing.
Carrington & Clara: will Clara manage to get in one (1) word in between Carrington’s merry infodumping?
Cate & Shannon Márquez & Will: Anything about these three, but I was thinking, postgame Shannon getting somewhere on the Mammoth and reconnecting with Cate and Will...
Cate & Val & Will: Mammoth slice of life pretty please?
Donald/Joseph Wheattree/Lula Chamberlain: so Lula went back to Mexico. Joseph is pensive. Did the events of the night shake up Donald, or what will it take?
Lula Chamberlain & Maya: I Just Think They’re Neat, no real prompts I’d just like to see them interact. Where do their interests intersect? Land art...?
Shannon Márquez & Weaver Márquez: Reunited cousins please. No hard stance on Weaver’s ghostliness from me (what even IS a ghost, feels like we spent half canon debating that), again I Just Think It’s Neat that she’s there sitting on the steps...
I feel deeply for all of Pyre’s main themes - literacy, degrees of freedom, the fragile time that is the end of a historical cycle, nobodies rising up to the occasion, the revolutionary spirit that goes toward building a better society, and of course found family, “distance cannot separate our spirits” and all that jazz. Thoughts about finding oneself at  the end of an age, as everything crumbles down to form something new. I love all the themes, the solemnity, the heart  of this game. I adore everyone in that Blackwagon+Dalbert+Celeste, so  if  you want to add a Nightwing or two to any prompt, please do! I also love  all the Scribes and find Erisa a compelling tragic figure. Out of  the other triumvirates, I’m “love to hate them” for Manley, Brighton,  Udmildhe and Deluge and would not like to see them featured in  sympathetic roles. My main interest usually lies in post-canon  exploration when applicable, but I’m also into various adventures during  canon. Pick a location or a place outside the map and see what happens?  As for the ending variables, I’d ask for a peaceful revolution and  Oralech alive, but no preferences for who’s up and who’s down, pick whatever  works best for any given plot bunny.
For any non-humans, if you like, do lean into their non-human traits! Curs gonna cur, saps gonna sap etc, different biology, different cultures...
Conversely, I regrettably do not enjoy an overwhelming majority of canon pairings so for Pyre, DNW unrequested ships period. The only exceptions are Soliam/Gol and Hedwyn/Fikani which I’d be happy to see featured wherever.
Barker & Brighton: it’s the sportsball bromance, you understand. I want to see these wildly incompatible individuals (Archjustice & Literally Exiled Due To Pissing On An Archjustice’s Statue) bond and maybe travel together due to their shared passion for the Rites and for Barker’s eventual invention of straight-up basketball
Big Bertrude & Celeste: who blinks first. They are... certainly two personalities, with primadonna tendencies perhaps (confirmed for Bertrude, but if I try to picture Celeste away from her job...). What if they clashed, is what I’m saying.
Big Bertrude/Pamitha Theyn: Pam returning from her travels, again and again, and finding a home in Bertrude’s lab, finding an understanding there...  Bertrude’s attitude being thorny in a way that’s just what Pam needs to allow herself to open up... also: snake kisses.  
Celeste/Jodariel: if the Heralds make it to the Union to get a shot at living a life of their own, and Tariq already has his friends and his interests in the material world, what’s left for Celeste? Maybe she could find herself unexpectedly close to Jodi, who’s good with distance and silence and also feels like the world doesn’t need her anymore...
Dalbert & Tariq: Any excuse for Tariq to hang out with the Fates for a little while, and treasure and be treasured by dear Dalbert...
Erisa & Volfred: what were they like!! What did Erisa think of this Reader and his Plan with Oralech, how did he approach her... how did they spent their time together...
Ignarius & Oralech: no no no listen, here’s the thing. If Iggy’s clearly got a thing for impressive horns and in general is quite stunned by other demons... ...I need him to see Oralech. Take this as seriously or as crack-treated-seriously as you wish.
Oralech/Tariq: I think there may be something about two individuals who got ultimately screwed by the final steps of the Scribes’ design (Oralech self-evidently; Tariq decides to rebel (!) to the planned end of his and Celeste’s mortal existences and stick around for a while). Learning to carve a niche for themselves...
Oralech/Volfred: waking up and remembering that the mourning that’s set deep in your roots is for someone who never died, waking up and remembering that the bitterness that consumed you had made up a betrayal that never was, finding each other through these crumbling walls... ...and/or Oralech being the government’s checks and balances aka the guy who knows Volfred and knows when to say Volfred _no_
Tariq/Volfred: Volfred’s zodiac sign is Cancer and Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so   there’s that.    I love how they both hold the other in the highest   esteem, especially on Tariq’s part since he’s the immortal Herald of   the Scribes and Volfred is, all in all, a history teacher, but listen to  him and you’d think the roles were inverted. I love my nonviolent canon  but could anything happen to either of them that may require a rescue,  and/or some good old-fashioned h/c? What’s something that could make  Tariq of all people lose it? How’s life 100 years on?  
Oralech/Tariq/Volfred: Volfred has two hands, and sometimes miracles happen twice? How do they balance each other, what’s the Oralech/Tariq side like and what’s Volfred’s perspective on it? Is Tariq a constant part of their lives or does he fade in and out? 
The Silver Case
I‘m all for the surrealism, big things being introduced and never picked up again, Rashomon’ing it up with six explanations for the same thing where no single one can be true, people dying and then popping up again like nbd...  maybe the thing I like the most is characters transcending their humanity and looming over the dystopian world like ominous avatars. Correctness’ first ending had me swooning, that kind of mood is unparalleled. I have played TSC, FSR and 25W so far and have vague memories of K7. I’m aware of the “everything’s connected” readings and they sure seem to check out but that’s not my main interest in these games. For FSR-focused requests, I see Lospass as a real island but also a metaphysical  place of transformation first and foremost, where strange things happen that don’t make sense elsewhere.
Toriko Kusabi & Remy Fawzil: What’s Toriko up to when she’s not chasing Chris? I think it could be fun to throw her at Remy and see the island from their point of view!
Tetsugorou Kusabi/Sumio Kodai: Tetsu picked one hell of a crush, huh! What’s it like in the aftermath of the games, when Sumio is Like That? How does Tetsu grapple with Parade? Is Tetsu an anchor of sorts for Correctness Sumio, who seems (at best) to be existing on a slightly different plane of existence at any given time and could disappear if you blink too hard?
Tetsugorou Kusabi & Shinko Kuroyanagi: I’m joining the “let these two be foulmouthed friends” masses - who’d be more fed up with the other’s nonsense, and in which ways would they be an unstoppable team?
Shinkai Tsuki & Tetsugorou Kusabi: Both of them end their stories in the shadows one way or another, and defending their protégé may have had a hand in their misfortune one way or another. What kind of understanding could they reach? What IS Tsuki up to anyway?
Christina & Catherine: anthro Catherine, as per the Placebo bonus chapter Yami, was unexpectedly charming. What was Chris before reaching Lospass, and did he also have a chat with her on the plane or on the island?
Shinkai Tsuki & Tokio Morishima: not unlike Tsuki&Tetsu, I’m intrigued by their 25W endings and I wonder if they could have a little lowkey, off-the-grid teamup maybe?
Tetsugorou Kusabi & Toriko Kusabi: a sweet father-daughter bonding moment on Lospass perhaps, both orbiting around Sumio’s nonsense in increasingly bizarre ways? What’s their take on the island?
Twin Peaks
Case fic but they  don’t find out jack shit, someone disappears, David Bowie was there,  it’s complicated. Fragmented, shifted, mirrored identities. New Lodge  spaces. The risks of staring into the void for too long. Gentle illusions. Transcendence. The moon. Static buzzing. Any title from the s3 ethereal whooshing compilation used as a prompt, actually. Twin  Peaks is all about the mystery to me, the awe of mystery and  unknowability and the human drive to look beyond and the risks of  getting a peek, and about shared consciousness and trauma taking  physical form in an uncaring  world. Go wild with the ethereal whooshing!  But I also love the human warmth at the heart of it all, and sometimes it’s enough to anchor these characters and let them have a nice day. A fic entirely focused on some instance of coziness against the cold chaotic background of canon would be great too.
Canon-specific DNWs:  any singular Dreamer being the ‘source’ of canon, BOB (let alone Judy)  being forever defeated in the finale, Judy being an active malevolent  presence in the characters’ lives, clear explanations for canonical ambiguities, ‘Odessaverse’ being the reality layer, the Fireman’s house by the sea being the White Lodge, anything that 4 hours Twin Perfect video says is the explanation of Twin Peaks 
Albert & Hawk: I love Hawk’s constant snarkiness in TSHOTP and I think it would work very well with Albert’s, so I’d love to see them either snipe at each other or work together to demolish... idk, Ben or whomever. They also share the peculiar brand of skepticism of someone who has been stewing in supernatural nonsense half their lives and that’s cool too I think
Albert & Windom: speaking of people who should snipe at each other...! Were they forced to work together at some point or did they bark at each other during an office party or? (and when did Gordon start pretending that Windom never even existed, incidentally?)
Albert/Coop: fiery early days? Dream meetings that Albert will inevitably write off as a product of his aching subconscious? Post-finale where Albert has made his peace with Coop not being part of this world and not even deigning to greet him, except one day Coop is back - with apologies? Post-post-finale where they’re peacefully living out their days as best as they can?    
Albert/Harry: did they tragically fall into each other’s arms in the wake of Coop’s disappearance? Did they realize they’re so good for each other, but neither of them was willing to give up their life? And/or was the wound of Coop’s disappearance too fresh for them to try to heal? Do they keep in touch throughout the years? Does Albert resign on the spot with a resounding fuck it after the s3 finale and rush to see Harry? Does he stay this time?    
Coop/Harry: Harry seeing his Coop again… somewhere, somehow. Maybe he perceives him in the woods, maybe Coop isn’t all human now. Monster cuddles very welcome. Could be canon divergence but could very well be post-s3. Harry getting closure for waiting all that time in front of Glastonbury and never giving up on Coop… they can live in the woods together…  
Albert/Coop/Harry: basically the sum of the three sides of this triad… give them peace, given them nice things, give them so much love… Coop finding his place in the world and making up for lost time… give time to these old wounds…    
Bobby/Shelly & James: I am very fond of all three of them and I’d like for James to have friends maybe? Shelly thinks he’s cool! If he and Bobby can get over the decades-old rift due to Laura’s affections...
Cynthia/Tammy: the FBI and USAF supernatural branches meet again after Douglas Milford’s times... what’s their attitude toward it (who’s the Mulder and who’s the Scully......), in what ways does their respective task force’s past inform their views, is there more hope for a new generation who saw the trauma of the past without living it firsthand? LET TAMMY KISS ALL THE GIRLS BUT THIS ONE IN PARTICULAR
Frank & Margaret: extremely bold of Frank to pretend nothing weird whatsoever has ever gone down in his life when he grew up in town and presumably was still around when Margaret became the Log Lady. I’m interested in this clash between his “not my division” attitude and an actual oracle. On the other hand, they may have things in common...
Laura & Monica Bellucci: go wild. I’m good with the wildest theories on what Monica Bellucci actually is/represents. Out of all the people she could interact with, I’m glad Laura was nominated. Lodgey nonsense ahoy!
Margaret’s log & Hawk: reportedly, the log stayed with Hawk and hasn’t said a thing YET. That’s what fanfic’s for, right?
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