#if it helps my main artistic inspos r artists like thatskidding tetratheripper and spruikoh on twt!
t0bey · 20 days
Hey! I’ve been looking at your art for awhile, and I absolutely love the way you draw bodies! The characters always look so fluid and lively. Would you ever consider dropping a tutorial?
Thank you!! Im not that great at verbalizing my process, but here’s some things i try to keep in mind!
Focus on the gesture+silhoutte of the pose for the initial sketch, i usually use a chunky marker brush to fill out the initial silhouette and use a thinner one to refine the sketch later
Using reference photos such as photos or creating your own (i personally use magicposer when I struggle finding an exact pose im looking for, personally consider the subscription worth it), helps a lot with trickier perspective shots and anatomy
Something I’ve internalized from artists i admire is to try sketching/lining the pose in as little strokes as possible. It forces you to be more dynamic/flexible with each line and helps a lot with readability
It’s alright to forgo realism in order to convey more dynamism/liveliness! chunky rectangular fingers my beloved
Since I’m not great with tutorials i think ill just include the timelapse i did of my Florian piece that showcases the general rules i try to abide by above, but this is just something that works for me personally and i definitely dont have any authority or art degree to tell anyone how to art lol
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