#idk though well have to wait and see for the games release
the-s1lly-corner · 2 days
HH cast crushing on the reader 2/3
Forgot to mention in the previous post alastor will be excluded for this prompt. "But admin you write for him-" I tend to approach his writing with queer platonic ideas and while I do think this prompt can still work with that, idk how to put it into words
Characters: Lucifer, Adam, Lute, Emily, Velvette, Rosie
Notes: reader is GN, mostly focuses on canon characters, if your character isnt here check the other parts unless I dont write for them
CWs: none
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On one hand he wants to be with you. But on the other I feel he is still a bit hung up on Lilith. It's wouldn't be fair to you to pursue someone else when there's already someone else in his heart. He flipflops between approaching you and shutting you off. It's going to take a lot and you might have to ask him if there's something going on or if you did something wrong. He's crushed that you think you did something wrong. Baby steps with him, give him some time and the two of you could possibly make something. He finds himself sitting at his workspace making art (ducks) based off of you.
Oh he is so open about it and it's kind of obnoxious. Well.. open isn't the right word. He's very up front with making sure you know that he thinks you're... desirable to put it lightly. But to actually be soft and vulnerable and say he wants to be with you for more than just wanting to bang you? It's going to be like pulling teeth to get an actual confession from him. He teases you a lot more, and makes comments about you and he leans into it if you're receptive. Just know that if you catch feelings first and he notices, he's going to hold it over your head and use it as ammo.
Similar to Vaggie in the previous part, she's going to get... closed off. Unlike Vaggie, she's going to totally close herself off from you and try to bury herself deeper into her heavenly duties. She's hardwired and trained to devote herself to Heaven and she believes she doesn't have time for you. She almost feels like it's a betrayal to have these feelings in the first place. She won't confess, at least not out of looking for a relationship. I can see her doing it as a way to release her feelings in hopes that saying it out loud will somehow get rid of them. It's a little sad when you sit and think about it, but I do think with enough time and patience you two might be able to build something.
Very giddy and very quick to telling you how she feels. She takes time out of her day to check in on you, as well as giving you something she knows you like or something that reminded her of you. Noticeably happier around you and perks up at the mere mention of your name. She always has time for you, she makes room in her schedule for you. She's a lot like Charlie in regard to her being a bit overbearing and clingy, but she really does mean well with her intentions! Just let her know if she needs to scale it back!
I can totally see Velvette being the type to hide her feelings and translate to something else. Bonus points if you're a rival of hers in the industry, all the more reason for her to try to twist her feelings. I guess in a way you can call her a tsundere. Even through the meaner things she says, there are some teasing words slipped in here and there in your interactions that admittedly leave you feeling a little conflicted and confused. If you shut it down and be firm you miiiight get her to cut the act, but it is not a guarantee because she's grown to like the game.
She doesn't throw herself at your feet, she has some dignity. She is polite and kind towards you, though... but just because you've got her attention doesn't mean she's going to date you just yet. Think of it as her giving you a chance to show yourself off to her. She sometimes does small favors for you in town, even giving you some special privileges thanks to her status as an overlord. Waits for you to confess, if you're showing your signals as well. There will be subtle hints, though, even if she's not outright flirting with you... most of the time... she can't resist sometimes, even with the above stated. Really it just depends on the circumstance and how you are as a person.
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chisatowo · 2 years
Losing my god damn mind over the splatoon 3 direct hhhhhhhholy shit
#rat rambles#splat posting#predictably I adore frye 😔#also Im a lil frustrated with the fanbase gendering them all so quickly but Ill get more ranty abt that another time lol#ANYWAYS harmony got promoted to in game npc good for her!!#Im so obsessed with her modle she is so <3#I love how much thought and care just oozes out of the characters and art design as usual#Im very interested in this updated rainmaker and the new tripple splatfest#Im not sure if having a checkpoint system is gonna do rainmaker any favors but it depends on how theyre usef I think#as for tripple splatfest I am very excited abt the ideas that come from thar#my gut was to go team rock for the first onw since thats my go to but also after the diologue I kinda wanna side with frye 😔#as for the new weapon announced its definitely interesting but I definitely think itll need some work throughout updates#it just seems a bit underwhelming rn thanks to its severe lack of ink coverage#idk though well have to wait and see for the games release#also while Im a smidge disapointed that some splat 2 specials are returning Im just glad that ink armor abd stingray are dead fkfbdjfh#also the ticket system for weapons is certainly interesting. idk how well itll work in execution but I like the idea of being able to get#weapons youre not high enough level for yet#I am SO happy abt the returning splat one stages especially mahimahi resort I actually started happy stimming so hard I LOVE that stage#I dont have many thoughts on the new stages so far but they definitely look better than the splat 2 stages to me so far!!#all in all I am so fucking excited for splat 3 I am hopeful that itll be good
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bakugoushotwife · 8 months
kinktober day twenty-two: cunnilingus
>>> idk why i’m only here for yandere rough megumi sjdkfkffkg i mean he isn’t all the way yandere but it’s strongly implied, y’all enjoy!
>>> starring: megumi fushiguro x curvy!f!reader >>> cw: yandere-ish behavior, cunnilingus (f receiving) clearly, doggy, overstimulation, prone bone kinda, creampie, jealous megumi. >>> wc: 2.5k >>> event masterlist.
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it really was his favorite place to be. being between your legs, face buried in your warm, wet and sweet-tasting cunt was so soothing and fulfilling to him he simply could not get enough. he wondered if he had an oral fixation specifically because of your pussy, almost concerned with how much he loves being on his knees wherever whenever just to get a taste of you. at the beginning of your relationship, megumi was a bit…nervous around you. it wasn’t like his mind wasn’t coursing with lewd thoughts about his pretty little curvy angelic goddess of a girlfriend, he just didn’t know how to tell you he craved your cunt on his face like normal men crave water. so yes, he had to come out of his sexual shell so to speak. but it seems this god forsaken get together at gojo’s was going to ease him out of it—and your cunt wouldn’t be his sweet release, it would be his sloppy playtoy by the end of the night.
not to say that megumi wasn’t pleasing you enough already, though, of course. he may be a bit routine about things, but he always took care of you. did you want him to be a little rougher from time to time? sure, but you’ve never been with someone so eager and passionate about eating you out either. that alone was worth his perhaps lack in kinkiness.
though your boyfriend has a bunch of his own ideas including a host of naughty things he wants to do to you as well as the ones spurring from his crippling jealousy. he’s not even quite sure where it comes from, gojo gave him everything he needed out of life and he never felt jealous of other kids growing up despite his unconventional upbringing. but when it came to you, he felt something sinister tug at him. maybe it was because you are so otherworldly beautiful that he can’t help but be on standby, waiting for someone to make a shitty comment about your body or stealing you away. maybe it’s because he knows he’s not doing enough to earn the pleasure of calling you his. but no one else could do any better than him, he knows that for sure.
so why is yuuta trying? he knows full well who you belong to—gojo’s famed favorite former pupil has you pulled aside, which doesn’t go unnoticed by your protective and sensitive boyfriend. it’s been years since you all had gojo-sensei’s class, but megumi still hated that yuuta okkotsu. his dad favored him as his successor over him, and even yuji took to him pretty quickly. those were reasons enough to hold a forever grudge, but watching the older man hold all your attention was driving him to murderous thoughts. having all the former sorcerers in one spot wasn’t a good idea—especially not when megumi had acquired an absolute babe in the time apart from his now young adult friends.
especially not when yuuta had you leaned against the wall, nervously chuckling to whatever he was saying, eyes darting around to look for your boyfriend. megumi was frozen in place, trying to settle the argument between the devil and angel on each shoulder. he could just approach yuuta and explain reasonably that you’re spoken for, and that he should keep it moving. but on the other hand, he thinks he should punch yuuta in the face because everyone knows you’re spoken for and that he’s your man. then he should drag you upstairs and fuck you sore and screaming until every person in attendance was uncomfortable. he can see you get increasingly anxious, so he makes the decision.
“c’mon okkotsu. you know that’s my girl.” you hear the ice drip from his tone. he’s not playing any games, and that’s clear by his unamused scowl and the way he folds his arms over his chest. you’re relieved to see him, smiling softly at the man you’ve always known to be your stoic and calm boyfriend. but the look in his eyes as he slides them over to look at you sends a shiver down your spine. yuuta chuckles nervously, blaming the alcohol and your cute dress for his lack of sense.
megumi growls at that, rearing his hand back to start a real problem. this was practically his house, he didn’t care about any potential repercussions—but your voice comes over him to invoke reason.
“hey hey, point made. he’s gone.” you know it’s true based off the shuffling of yuji and toge getting off the couch to ensure that yuuta and megumi are separated before it can come to blows. you lean into his chest, but his gaze only follows the group of boys as they shift upstairs.
his arms fall around your waist, and he wonders if he actually even heard what you said or if your voice alone was enough to make him hesitate. the rest of the party guests still watch the scene—wondering if it gets better or worse from here. some of them had experienced megumi’s temper before, some knew it was a horrific mix of nurture and nature, both his father and the man who raised him horrifically jealous beasts of nature. and the apple doesn’t fall far.
“go upstairs. find a room.” he snarls, daring anyone in attendance to speak up against him. your cheeks flush at his command. he’s only ever spoken to you with a gentle tone, with patience and understanding and all the warmth a man like himself can convey. but you’ve yearned for this other side—this gruffness in his voice and the unwavering dominance in his eyes. he doesn’t care that everyone’s watching—in fact, he wants them to. you nod eagerly, turning tail to find an unoccupied spare room in gojo’s giant house.
he only loiters behind long enough to let everyone watch you obey him—the prettiest woman in the universe, who could easily have anyone she ever wanted, caters to his every whim and order. he lags behind you just a bit, but you can feel his presence. it’s dark. he’s always been a distant, more guarded man. because of that, he’s always been regarded as cold. but his light never felt daunting until now. he never felt oppressive or controlling or possessive; you don’t have to look over your shoulder to know he’s close. it makes heat lick up your stomach walls and bubble down your legs as you wobble towards a room at the end of the hall that was sure to be vacant. you knock to be sure anyway, but megumi reaches around your waist to open the door anyway. his other hand grips your hip, pushing your forward with the pressure of his pelvis against your ass.
you gasp and stumble into the darkness, giggling a little in excitement as you find the bed. megumi’s fingers find the light switch, and you turn to look at his anger riddled features, something only jealousy could produce.
“yuuta okkotsu, huh?” he asks, pulling his shirt over his head. it messes up the spiky tendrils of his hair, but you don’t notice over the crazed look in his eyes. he’s pale and lean, dips along his slender abdomen indicating the strength hiding beneath. he fiddles with his belt next. “you have a voice. why didn’t you tell him to back off?”
you flush with embarrassment, anxiety rippling at your core to mix with the burning excitement. “i—i was try—“
“i—i” megumi mocked, licking his teeth. he walked closer to you, taking over that tiny little sundress you wore that was no doubt the only layer keeping him or anyone else away from your drooling cunt. it aggravates him. you look this beautiful out in public all the time—and it really didn’t matter if you were in this slutty dress or a goddamn burlap sack, anyone with eyes in their head could tell that you were an angel among mortal men. “you’re too nice for your own good. you almost got his ass kicked because you don’t know how to speak up for yourself.”
you bite your lip, nodding along to his scolding. you know you should apologize to him, but you can’t deny how much it turns you on to see him so angry. especially when he approaches you, pushing your sitting form in to a laying one so he could yank you by the hips to the bottom of the bed. he flips your sundress up, snarling again when he finds you bare—and soaking fucking wet.
“oh i see. you’re cute enough to parade around like this but can’t tell other boys you have a man?” he spits on your pussy, sliding it around your hood and lips with his middle and ring fingers. “i’ll help you find your voice.”
he shoves your thighs apart and keeps them like that, rolling his eyes as you squirm and writhe. it’s only in excitement, though. your hands find his hair to prove it as he dives toward your cunt, lapping at you eagerly. he can’t help but moan at your taste—no matter how many tried only he got to experience this moment, the way you look with his mouth suckling on your clit; brows draw up in ecstasy, lip already swollen and puffy from your teeth repeatedly gnawing into it. he couldn’t help but be obsessed with you, anyone would be—it was clear that pretty much everyone was.
but you remind him of your love when you clutch your thighs around his face, tugging his hair so hard he has no choice but to bury his face deeper, sucking and biting on your clit so roughly you whimper—big hands that always stay cool to the touch paw at the meat of your thighs to let you know just how much he enjoys being one that pleasures you. he needs to hear you scream his name—needs you to let everyone know who it is that’s got you seeing stars and arching off the mattress.
“meg—gonna cum, oh sh—“ your stomach burns, and you lurch and crumple to try to relieve it, but megumi holds you down. he grunts to egg you on, demanding your orgasm to come quicker as he nibbles on the very source of your pleasure, sending colorful orbs flashing across your vision as you wail his name. you’re getting there, but he knows you can get louder.
“don’t hold back now, do better.” he seems agitated as he hooks his arms around your thighs—pulling your cunt to his face without any means of escape. he slides his tongue back in your hole, intense jaded emerald eyes watching your contorted face of deliriousness. you were brainless already, chants of ‘megumi—megumi—megu—meg-megumi!’ roll past your lips as he slides his tongue along your entire slit, nose bumping against your swollen and oversensitive clit so hard he almost feels bad for all his old classmates and friends listening to your guttural cries. almost.
you’re weightless, suspended in space—floating in a river of unending bliss. it’s too much. you’re finally getting what you’ve always asked for and you can’t handle it—and his pants are still on. the only things tying you to the planet are: the feeling of his soft hair clenched tight in between your fingers, the tears stinging at the corners of your eyes from the sheer pressure of his mouth milking your pussy, and his delicious grunts of demand. you can’t deny him, and your hips clearly beg for more as they hump his face to push you towards your second edge in just a few minutes.
he hopes yuuta and all those other motherfuckers that have ever thought about toeing the line get the fucking message—you’re certainly being loud and clear. your vision darkens completely, mouth dropped in a permanent yell of his name. it’s perfect, and megumi lacks the patience to be gentle, for once. he shoves you back, lips glistening with your slick, cheeks red from his hard work and eyes flickering with a cold flame so hot your whole body burns for him.
he shrugs, shoving his pants down and tugging at the hand of his solid black briefs next. “face down, ass up.” you bite your lip in anticipation, rolling to your stomach in the pretty arch he requested. he nods at your obedience, getting up on the bed with you. his cool touch finds your hips at the same time his fat cockhead finds your entrance—and he’s pulling you down on him mercilessly. “don’t you dare quiet yourself. i want them to hear everything.”
his growl affects you almoat as much as his rough strokes, curved pale length stabbing through to your cervix without any breaks in between. megumi cursed under his breath, pulling your arms behind your back to ensure that you struggled to obey him. it was cute watching you turn your face in the covers so he—and everyone else—could hear your animalistic cries. he pins your wrists in one massive trap of his own hand, his other still leveraging a hold on your hip to keep you from escaping his brutal ruts.
it’s no wonder he’s a jealous fucking freak over you at all. your pussy was magical, soaking wet and beaten into the shape of him and him alone—you gripped him like his own personal mold. he couldn’t stomach anyone even thinking about having you in the way he has you right now. it messes with him that he can’t stop that—but maybe your gorgeous curses of his name will be enough to ward off such worries for a while. he fills you so perfectly you could never think about another man anyway—even if he was only soft and gentle and tender with you, a far cry from what he is right now, you’d never stray. but especially with this performance, with your brain jolting around in your head and nothing but fire and ice flooding your senses—you can only scream out your love for him just like he wants.
“that’s what i’m talking about. scream and cum, babe.” he encouraged, letting your hands go so he could yank on your hair. he tugs hard, and it sends electricity shooting down your spine. his voice is so raspy and needy as his cock twitches inside your walls—as unforgiving and tight as they were since you were fluttering close to your release. “i said cum.”
you gasp out, feeling him pinch your clit again, the final push you needed as you reach out for the headboard. he keeps you from crawling away by knocking you flat to the bed, hand sprawled across your back to make you take it. you’re a goner, only able to feel the ridges of his cock abusing your worn hole—scraping against the entrance to your womb from this angle. his speed dies down and warmth floods your cunt, making a dumb little smile spread across your face. he rolls his hips into your ass slower, riding out your high. he’s panting, running a hand through his sweaty hair before he leans over to kiss you. he’s still needy, eagerly finding your mouth and kissing you with a beautiful mix of passion and aggression.
it sinks in then just how rough he’s been with you, and his eyes flash with regret. his lips move to form an apology—but a knock on the door cuts him off.
“hey junior—you done? everyone’s traumatized. great work.” gojo snickers—clearly proud of his boy.
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notsoattractivearenti · 8 months
Frustration (Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader) 🔞
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(gif by me)
WC: 1.4K
Warnings: SMUT, dom(m), nipple play, clit stimulation, penetration. MINORS DNI
A/N: i wrote this as fast as i could (cuz i didn't wanna make any major changes if i couldn't finish it before the ucl game!) so idk if this is decent or not lol. if i miss anything on the warnings pls lmk! hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 💗 this was not proofread so apologies for any errors! feedbacks are highly appreciated 🤍
The first match of the season between AC Milan and Juventus didn’t go well for the home team, especially for Christian. One of Milan’s defenders got a red card in the first half and the team had to finish the match with 10 men left. Then, shortly before halftime, Christian got subbed off for another defender – it was the first change for the team. He was visibly upset because he still wanted to play and it felt way too soon to bring him to the bench. Not only that, Milan also lost by 0-1 so the day couldn’t have gone any worse for Christian.
I saw what happened and I could already tell that he would be in a very bad mood until the day ended. I wanted to give him a hug right away and let him know I’m here for him but of course I couldn’t, so I had to impatiently wait until the match was over to do so. On our way to the car, he didn’t say a word – he didn’t have to, his facial expression said it all. I tried to console him but he didn’t respond, so I waited until we got into the car to continue talking to him.
When we got into the car, he slammed the door so hard it startled me for a second. Holy shit, he really is fucking frustrated, I thought to myself. He was looking all grumpy and still didn’t say anything as he started to drive.
Finally leaving San Siro, he took a deep breath before he started to talk.
“Sorry, Y/N, I’m just not happy with the way things were.” He admitted.
“Yeah, I know,” I rubbed his shoulder, ”I’m sorry you had to go through this shit.”
He slightly smiled.
“Mmhm. Ugh, I should’ve had more time on the field…” He sighed.
Even though I had assumed that the reason behind the decision was to maintain the defensive structure of the team, it didn’t feel fair to take Christian off that early. 
“I’m with you, baby. But what’s done is done. Pioli might have thought it was the best decision, but in the end one goal was still conceded. Let’s just focus on the PSG game and give your best as always, okay?” I tried to encourage him.
“Okay… But sorry Y/N I can’t help but think the game could’ve gone better…” He grunted.
“Hey,” I kissed his hand, then continued consoling him, “don’t beat yourself up. That was not your fault! Tonight’s not your night. Nor Milan’s. Trust me, you guys will do better on the next one.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right…” He hesitantly agreed.
“Thank you, my dearest. I’m so glad you’re here.” This time, he was being genuine.
Now at home, Christian didn’t waste a second to find the couch and laid on it. He drowned his face onto the pillow and screamed his heart out. I love that man so much but he is so used to bottling his emotions – which kind of bothers me, if I’m being honest – and seeing him screaming like that, I just knew he truly felt hurt and couldn’t contain it anymore. So I thought of a way to release his emotions – what I had in mind could actually be fun and beneficial for us both.
“You know, if you want to fuck your frustration away, I’m down.”
He immediately sat up, then turned his head right away and looked at me all confused.
“Say what now?”
“Yeah, I mean… I’m kind of in the mood, so… If you want.” I teased him.
He still wasn’t convinced.
“Are you messing with me?” He pouted.
“I’m serious, Chris, I’m not playing.” I smirked. “Do what you want to me.”
Without a word, Christian roughly picked me up and started kissing me. He threw my body on the couch and positioned himself on top of me. He took off all of his clothes right away, and when I was about to do the same thing, he stopped me.
“Don’t. I’ll take them off myself.” He demanded.
I nodded in response.
“Did I not hear a ‘yes, Christian’?”
“Yes, Christian.” I repeated his words.
“Mmm, good girl.”
I bit my lip and moaned when he called me a good girl. Those two little words never failed to drive me crazy. As he said that, I could feel my pussy starting to get wet.
I was wearing his jersey at the moment. He wanted me to keep wearing it, so he took off everything I had on my body except the shirt.
“Fucking hell,” he gulped, “you look insanely sexy wearing my shirt.”
His hands began tracing my body starting from my chest. He rubbed and squeezed my breasts tightly then moved his fingers over my nipples, gently twisting and pinching them. It felt so good I closed my eyes and quivered.
“Do you like it when I play with your titties, baby?”
“Yes…” I whimpered.
“Tell me how good it is.”
“So fucking good…”
Before I knew it, I felt one of my nipples was already inside his mouth – he swirled his tongue around then sucked it. I gasped at such a pleasant sensation.
When he heard my gasp, he gave a little bite and it successfully got me moaning so loud. My hand was grasping the cushion while the other was holding on to Christian’s arm – and when he bit my nipple, I squeezed his arm so hard it turned slightly red.
After he finished sucking one nipple, his mouth moved onto the other and did everything all over again. By then, my naked pussy was already dripping wet.
His hands continued wandering around my body, feeling every inch of the curves. When he found his way to my pussy, he started rubbing my clit with two fingers.
“Oh, so slippery already?”
“Mmhm…” I bit back a moan. “Please don’t stop…”
He rubbed my clit faster and my thighs started to clench.
“Ohh… Mmm… Yeahh… Faster!” I sputtered.
“Are you gonna cum, baby?” He asked.
“Y-y-e-esss…” I hissed.
He kept rubbing.
“Then cum for me now.” He demanded.
“I- Ahh…”
My entire body was trembling – my eyes rolled back and I stopped breathing for a moment.
“Holy fuck…” I moaned.
“Ah, that’s my good girl. But we’re not done,” He said as he put on a condom.
I took a glance at his hard cock and all I could think of was having it within my pussy.
“Get inside me now, please…” I begged him.
He then roughly pushed his cock into my wet pussy.
“I’m gonna fuck you harder than I’ve ever been tonight.”
He really meant what he said – he started pounding me really hard, deeper and so rough than he usually did.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so wet.” He moaned.
The sound of our skins slapping against each other was so loud even the other noises we made couldn't cover it. His hands were strongly gripping my thighs while he was thrusting his cock deeper and faster by the second.
“I- oh you feel so good… Ohh sh-shit…” His breath hitched.
He immediately went full speed to the point where it felt like he was about to destroy my pussy. I could clearly feel his pulse inside me. Suddenly, my brain stopped working and I couldn’t say anything but moaned loudly.
“Hhh… Good fu-uck…” he panted.
His face was moving closer to mine and my lips immediately met his. I broke our kiss by biting his bottom lip then we heavily breathed each other’s air. When his neck was across my face, I started sucking it and left a mark. He moaned even harder when I sucked his Adam’s apple – it kind of tickled when it moved.
“Fuck… I’m close…” He whimpered. “Cum with me princess…”
And in an instant, the earth stopped spinning. The waves of pleasure just left my body, and at the same time I could feel his entire body quivering – his cock was still inside me.
Christian rested his face over my shoulder and heavily breathed into my ear. I kissed his ear and whispered, “feeling better now?”
He nodded, couldn’t say a word as he was still trying to catch his breath.
When he was finally able to speak he said to you, “Y/N, you sure know how to turn a bad day into a better one.”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @swimmingismywholelife @chilwellspulisic @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @masonsrem @landoslover
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jazeswhbhaven · 5 months
Huge Announcement from PrettyBusy! 1.10
First, this is quite long btw, if you'd like to read it for yourself please look on their website! They haven't uploaded it on their social medias just yet, but also check WHB Updates on twt in case I miss anything. I'm really only going to highlight the stuff I care about and wish to speak on! But overall there's a lot they're changing up and giving us in the future so this shows promise.
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So! I like the timing of their pacing of releasing new chapters. I want them to take their time, the writers especially to give us some good stuff to read because I highly doubt they're gonna change the amount of battles between each story node. .-. And if they do then great!
They do give some info about friend systems (getting materials and items by having friends etc.) the Minhyeok mini game and additional chats being added.
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So it seems here that we will get to battle the angels for additional items. They say you can loot them from their realms...so I wonder how this is going to go! Though it sounds like these battles are going to be harder than usual so make sure to beef up your teams/cards since the conditions need to be met.
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But yay birthday stuff! I'm hoping they do it before my birthday date which is later in that month...because otherwise I'd have to wait until next year :(
Also they say that we will get to decorate the lobby with a single theme, icon packages will be added in the future, but they will give us icons for all the devils for the ones we have it sounds like.
Stickers of Ppyong are rewarded, they say 'line' so it makes me think of the messaging service LINE but I'm not sure if that's what they mean.
Now here's the big one
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So now when we hit the pity threshold we will be able to select the character we want instead of just hoping we get whichever one we want. This is a big thumbs up from me because I think if ppl are throwing in that much money they should get what they want.
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Now to address the 500 monthly Solomon Seals. They are letting us collect this by attendance and quests. I'm fine with that because I already do this with the Solomon Tears. I did peep some complaints (very few though) that didn't like the fact that they had to do stuff in order to get it. Come on now guys, you didn't think they were just gonna give us paid currency for free each month. Even I know better.
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AND the Pancake Shop change. This one I am a bit worried about simply because what they highlighted sounds like it may or may not turn out to be what we expected in terms of spending and using our Pancakes to get items/characters we want. Also peep that in the future when we pull, when we get duplicates of Devils and cash them in for currency it will reward us with Gold and Tomes for the lower grade, and Nightmare Pancakes for the higher grade devils.
They did say that they are OPEN to criticism once the shop releases, so be ready to email them if this new Pancake system does not work for you. And a quick thing about the Nightmare Pass is that they did listen that other countries have to pay much more in pricing for things like this so they are open to lowering the price in the future. But this statement made me laugh ->
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idk about any of you, but this read to me as "Yeah I'm tired of ya'll asking us for stuff when we do so much"
Like aight PB I hear you...I see you... (btw this isn't meant to be negative, I know very well what they mean)
So for Enviroment Changes (I'm assuming for gameplay) here are the highlights
-Reducing the Ultimate scenes by half (meaning it will be on the screen less during battle) -adding illustrations from past events into the album -boss skill window (idk who asked for this but cool) -faster annoucements about new characters and release schedules
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So for January no new characters (bummer, but I understand) They say they are doing this because it takes them about 2-3 weeks to get the characters approved or any additional events and stories approved before they can confidently announce when we will see them.
It is crucial that we as players give them grace on this because given the nature of the game they have to jump through a lot of damn hoops to get things approved and the industry is realllllyyyy against NSFW stuff lately especially the higher up the ladder folks and will reject just about anything they don't like. I've seen people literally have to pull projects because the big man said "Nah not in this house" But PB is trying and that's what counts. They at least were transparent here that they don't want us to get our hopes up until things are certain.
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And just a little message from them. Reminding us that they are a small production crew and that they are trying their best with all the resources they have at hand.
We all may have our thoughts about how they run things and it's natural because we're human, but the devs are at least listening and showing that they are willing to change and work around our needs the best they can for a better gaming experience. Now I do forsee some stuff is gonna piss us off, but that's a given. All we can do is give them feedback when it's due!!
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weirdozjunkary · 1 year
Golden heart (a SATBK AU fic) chapter 1
ive been rewatching playthroughs of SATBK and it made me kind of inspired to make a wholesome, but also kind of bittersweet au. Sonic is written so well in the game, but I wonder what would happen if sonic lived in that world and meeting merlina was a coincidence. What would happen in the aftermath of the story? And what if a different blue hero somehow made his way in?
Idk if ill continue this fic, but it was fun to do. Enjoy
Chapter 2
Chapter 1(?)- blue blood of a hero
It was morning, early in the morning. The golden light of the sun shone upon the cold castle, it’s rays bouncing off of every reflective surface. It was quiet, as it was the norm. After merlina’s defeat, things have usually been quiet. Though she had accepted that things would eventually wither and die, Merlina left in search for a new life, not tainted by any shadow. Any sound in the castle now was of rattling drapes near a gusty window, or footsteps from someone who was awake doing their duties.
A book feel from the library shelf, from the echo of the room it’s thud increased tenfold, alerting to whomever was nearby. The book jostled, jerked and writhed. It opened itself and not a moment later, exploded out a portal of bright light, outshining the suns golden rays. Through the light of the book came… screaming? A famous blue hedgehog rocketed out of the book and into the air, his face collided with the cold wooden floor, it took him out for a moment. The bright portal that released him had dissolved away, leaving no evidence of how he got here.
Sonic sat up on his hands and knees and groaned, his face hurt from the harsh fall, but it wasn’t the hardest he’s been hit. He rubbed his sore nose and cheeks, making sure his face wasn't broken or bleeding. Good, it wasn't. A figure with a slightly  familiar voice came up to him. 
He extended his hand to the blue hedgehog. “Um, are you alright?”
Sonic took the figures hand and stood up. “Heh, yeah. Not the worst that’s happened to…” he looked at the figures hand. A metal gauntlet was in its place, it was cold and sleek, decorated with gold trimmings, but somehow it didn’t feel unfriendly. 
“… Are you just gonna stand there and stare at my hand or what?” The figure said.
Sonic finally looked up at the figure. It was… him? Or we’ll, a version of him? He certainly looked like him, but a few years older. He was taller, about as tall as vanilla was. His quills were unkempt and greying. Bags accompanied his tired eyes, and a few scars adorned his body. A crown laid gently on his head. He also had a cape which was cool as hell.
Sonic’s eyes widened at him, it was him. A version of him, but still. And he looked so badass with those scars and that cool cape. Perhaps he starred a bit to long though as his older duplicate spoke again.
“…. I think you can let go of my hand now, buddy…”
“Ah! Sorry!” Sonic said as he released his grip from the other hedgehogs metal hand. “You just look really cool!”
His other self chuckled “didn’t expect to see another version of yourself, ey?”
“Wait you know that I’m a version of you?”
“Well it’s not every day you see your younger self in front of you, now is it?”
“Fair point” Sonic chuckled “you look great though! Like you’ve been in so many adrenaline making adventures!” Sonic replayed a few of his action poses to his other self, who weakly chuckled in response.
“Man, was I really like this as a kid?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. I’m glad you think I’m ‘cool’.” His older self smiled at him.
Sonic grinned in response. Though it was kind of weird, it was definitely cool to see himself from the future- well, A future. He didn’t exactly know where he was.
“So, uh, I’m guessing from the crown you’re some kind of ruler, huh?” Sonic smirked “Didn’t take myself to be the kind of guy when I was older. What? You married some kind of princess chipmunk or something?”
The older hedgehog laughed “no, nothing of the sort. I’m not really into the dating pool like that.”
Sonic raised a brow “really? So why are you standing there with a dope ass crown and cape?”
“Well, I sort of pulled a sword out of a stone and defeated an evil king. Honestly the sword is the more important thing out of that”
“ ‘pulled a sword out of a stone’?” Sonic repeated like a question. What did he mean by that? Okay, yeah he defeated an evil king, but that doesn’t usually mean you were allowed to be crowned a ruler. Plus he said that ‘pulling a sword out of a stone’ was the more important part…. Wait… 
“YOU'RE KING ARTHUR?!” Sonic exclaimed
His older self laughed at his bewilderment, a loud and guttural laugh, one that sonic himself honestly rarely ever really used. For his older self, it was amusing to see himself be so surprised by who he has become. Once a hero as free as the wind, now a king interested in taking it easy from his many years of adventures. He was King Arthur… that name never really sat well with him.
“Yep. Surprising, I know.” 
“To be honest, not really?”
The older hedgehog gave a doubletake “Wait what?”
“I mean, I know I’m awesome as heck!” Sonic stood proudly “so I’m not to surprised that I’d become king! I AM surprised that you seem to be, well, retired from the hero biz”
The king glanced away from him. He was retired, so to speak. He hasn’t had an adventure in a long time, other than the usual stoping of a runaway wagon, he hasn’t slain a dragon or stopped another evil king. Not that he’d want to do that stuff again. His drive for adventure was still there, but sealed away by a layer of taint from the years before.
But he can’t lament over it. He sighed and turned back to the short blue hero. “If you’re anything like myself, you probably have an appetite by now, right?”
“Oh, uh, yeah I guess I could eat” sonic responded 
The king walked past him, waving him over to the door. “Then come on. Maybe I can get you something that would suit your taste.”
“Got any chillidogs?” Sonic bounced over.
“What’s a chillidog?” 
Sonic blinked in surprise. “Uh… I’ll tell you later”
The royal blue hedgehog raised a brow, but decided to leave the blue hedgehogs comment. The kitchen wasn’t far from the library so it wasn’t really worth smalltalk, he wasn’t the one for smalltalk anyways. The main hall they had to traverse through felt large and hollow, despite being decorated with various tapestries and suits of armor that held the most delicate and pretty weaponry. 
Sonic looked at the armory that adorned the halls, more amazed by each one. He turned to his older self to express his admiration, but the hedgehog seemed agitated by the presence of the suits of armor. His brow furrowed as he looked straight to the end of the hall, not even glancing at the shiny sheets of metal that would catch anyone's eyes.
Sonic shut his lips, preventing any unwanted words to come out. This other older version of himself wasn’t much of a talker, huh? It was strange, he was always up to talking, why wasn’t he? The silence in Sonic's ears was deafening. He could barely hear his steps on the carpeted wood. It was, honestly, sort of awkward, to not chit chat or give small proads at someone. 
But Sonic always respected boundaries. Even if someone never explicitly said anything to him, he could tell when someone was uncomfortable. He continued to walk with his other self in silence.
To ease his mind, he continued to look around, soaking in all of the pretty decorations along with the stone walls and the wooden doors and pillars that kept this castle standing. The wood, though looked worn for wear, never was rotting, like it was being taken care of by, um, whatever they use in this timeline. 
Sonic’s eyes drifted, and he slowly came to a stop in front of two large open doors. It was the throne room, empty, despite it to, being as decorated as the hall connected to it. The throne had a cold look to it, like it hadn’t been sat upon in years. And If any had, it came with a bitter feeling. 
Sonic tilted his head up above the cold throne to a beautiful case for a blade rested atop it, empty. A sword belonged up there, but there wasn’t one.
“I thought you were hungry?” The king hedgehog said with aggression in his throat
“Oh! Uh, sorry! I’m coming!” Sonic quickly paced his way to him. “You just have, uh, a lot of cool things in here.”
His other self grunted, or maybe scoffed in response. Continuing the silence all the way to the kitchen. Sonic glanced up at himself. His face so tired and cold, like he had been fighting an eternal battle for years of his life.
“… I’ll talk to him later” sonic thought to himself. “After all, I just got here” the corners of his mouth rose slightly as he looked in front of himself. “Plus, I really want something to eat right now”
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sirnerdbird · 2 years
A post to illustrate just how insane the Golden Grizzco Point badge is
One of the major additions to Splatoon 3 was the Splashtag system, which brings with it a lot of extra customisation for the player. Maybe the most interesting part of this new system is the fact that you can attach up to 3 badges (splatoon's new form of achievements) to your Splashtag to demonstrate your prowess in different aspects of the game (pictured here is my splashtag with my badges for "10 tricolour defender wins", "rank 50 in tableturf" and "S+ in anarchy battles").
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A lot of these badges come with different tiers of completion (like the "turf war wins" badge which gives you a normal, silver and gold variant as you get to 50, 250 and 1200 wins respectively) and one of these sets of badges is tied to accumulating Grizzco Points across your Salmon Run matches.
Grizzco Points are a form of progression tied to your performance in Salmon Run and are what's used to determine your progression through the Bonus Meter for that rotation (the thing that gives you the different coloured capsules, the points are referred to here as "p").
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These points are calculated using for following equation (where X is taken from whether you completed every round [X=1], completed every round and defeated a King Salmonid [X=2], or lost a round [X=0]):
(Golden Eggs + Power Eggs / 200)(Pay Grade / 100) + 50 * X = Grizzco Points
There are three badges tied to accumulating Grizzco Points over time; a bronze badge for 10,000 points, a silver badge for 100,000 points and a gold badge for collecting a grand total of 9,999,999 points.
The purpose of this post is to illustrate the extent to which this last requirements is (genuinely) unlikely to be reached by anyone legitimately before Splatoon 4 is released.
To understand why, let's take a look at just how many points you can get per match, then craft a best-case scenario to demonstrate how long it would take in hours of playtime.
The highest recorded number of eggs in a S3 Salmon Run game so far that I could find was this run posted by Brian with 241, however in the video it's mentioned that 250 is possible (and/or the current record? couldn't quite make out what was said exactly). Lets also take their number of Power Eggs collected in that run as well and generously round it up to 8000 to represent what you might get with a WR 250 egg run.
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Using this and the 235% Paygrade you get for playing at Eggsecutive VP 50 and above, we can find out the number of points that you could get for an "optimum" run (if a King Salmonid does not appear)
(250 + 8000 / 200)(235 / 100) + 50 = 731.5 (lets call it 732, idk how Splatoon treats decimals so I'm just going to round it to the nearest whole number).
(Given that my average game as a pretty mediocre Eggsecutive VP player gets me about 270-330 points per win, I hope you can see the extent to which 732 is a pretty unsustainable "optimum" value, but let's carry on)
Salmon Run is made up of 3 rounds that are 100 seconds long ("0" is counted as a whole second iirc, so even though the timer shows 99 seconds you have 100), with about 10-15 seconds between waves. If you want to play multiple games one after another there's also about 1-2 minutes of waiting for a lobby + the opening helicopter cutscene + the end screen. As a rough estimate, lets say it takes an average of 7 minutes between joining the freelance queue and starting the queue for your next match afterwards.
9,999,999 / 732 = 13661.20082 (so 13662 games in total)
13662 x 7 = 95634 minutes = 1593.9 hours = 66.4125 days of solid playtime
Cutting our points per game to a more sustainable 360 points per game at Eggsecutive VP level, then adding a 75% win rate to the equation gets us to 4050 (.925...) hours of solid playtime for this one golden badge.
To put this into perspective, in an equivalent timeframe you could watch Shrek 2700 times and be just over half way through the 2701st viewing when the timer ran out.
Very illuminating example aside, I hope I've demonstrated why this badge is effectively unobtainable for those of us not in possession of a hacked switch. I would honestly almost bet a sizable amount of money that nobody is going to get this badge by the end of the decade (and/or when Silksong is relea.... wait that's coming in 2023 isn't it nvm)
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(if I've got any of the maths wrong feel free to bully me in the tags)
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gren-arlio · 8 months
Ah, Visual Novel Disc System games, my beloved. Welcome to Episode 8 of (Waku) Puyo Extras.
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(Serilly reading a fashion magazine is pretty nice honesty. Too bad that Honey Bee and Momomo are gonna appear any second now.)
Hello everyone, it's the guy whose computer exploded on him once as well as the only Ciel fan in America (Seriously, I'm glad some fans know about Quest nowadays). Thankfully, the computer's slowly but surely getting fixed, so who knows, maybe I'll continue Arle's route next month due to every week having something planned this time around. (Apologies, Arle route watchers)
As the silly meme about PuyoLympics comes around and goes around (Thanks Witch,) I haven't neglected to speak about what the poll wanted to speak about: Serilly's Happy Birthday.
Would you call this a character speculated episode? It's more of a game starring a character, but I dunno.
With that, I think we can begin. Hope you enjoy.
First, let's talk about its origins:
Serilly's Happy Birthday was released in 1998 from Disc Station Volume #18, a magazine that carried either demos of games or full blown games, on the Windows 95.
(For some extra info, there were 2 sets of magazines. Issues #0-32 and Volume #1-27.)
It's a little unclear what month this was released, but we can make do with what we got.
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(Cover page for the Volume.)
However, and idk if this is big news or not, but I think I found an page covering Serilly's Happy Birthday, though not in the best quality out there.
I haven't seen this anywhere on the Puyo Nexus, or anywhere else really, so take this with a grain of salt. If true though, I adore how it looks.
Apparently it was made by the people who made the Tower of the Magician artstyle, which would make a ton of sense, but take this with a grain of salt.
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(No Schezo though. Yeah he just makes a cameo, but hey, would've been nice.)
Also, tiny Carbuncle. You love to see it.
So, whats the game about?
The game itself is a Princess-Maker (Or in a better term, Social Simulation, didn't know the name first time around,) type game, a genre where you see the world of our own and the fictional world. Take Animal Crossing or Tomodachi Life for example. Or The Sims.
The story is that Serilly was given the ability to go on land, but she still doesn't have any legs. Minor misconception but an understandable one.
You then...simply put, plan Serilly's birthday as a whole, going through a week by week basis to get to the end of the year.
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(A screen showing the days. From the Japanese characters from top left to bottom right, its Arle, Rulue, Suketoudara, Witch, Draco, and Owlbear.)
You may wonder what the numbers mean on the left. I'm glad you asked. They're stats that increase whilst doing activities with Serilly, such as dancing with Incubus, studying with Satan Masked Principal, I believe training with Samurai Mole, cleaning with Kikimora, etc.
From top left to bottom right, it goes Power, Head(? Due to Samurai Mole,) Cuteness, Story(? Or negotiation.), Kindness, and fatigue. These points are given in random increments, and doing too much tires Serilly, so heads up on on that.
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(Cleaning with Kikimora. This is the best quality I could find this.)
Speaking of characters, here's some that appear in this game:
Masked Principal (NOT Satan. Wrong guy.)
Kikimora (Man. She's everywhere.)
Schezo. As a cameo in I think one of Witch's supports, and he's not the best written here.
Wait, Supports?
Now you may wonder what I mean by supports. Well, to get an ending, along with Stat Points, you need to talk to the person themselves, which is why with my little Fire Emblem brain, call them supports. You have to have spoken to them enough, as well as get the necessary stats to get their ending, which is why it's so hard to get Draco's ending, least from what I see and hear. And Witch flat out won't talk to you if you're too stupid for her apparently.
However, while a little one-note, the supports and talks themselves are very charming in their own right, and they look stupid good to boot.
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(A small support you can get with Witch.)
So, with those 6 characters I mentioned for the endings, there's 7 possible endings. One of them is NO ONE going to Serilly's birthday. If I ever got this ending, I'm retiring from everything.
Serilly herself is still fairly shy, but much more outgoing than what we're used to, which is nice considering she's the star of the show. I genuinely like how she's written here. Not Waku Puyo levels of great, but still top 2 IMO.
The characters themselves are roughly the same, with some expections. For example, the Masked Principal is actually incredibly nice to you, which is just...amazing tbh, Rulue is more dedicated to her training than anything, and Schezo...sucks as a character this time around. He's just a dude walking around saying "I want you!" like an actual pervert rather than just being a goofball about it. Oh, the misery. (Everybody wants to be my enemy...)
But what do some of these endings look like? Unfortunately, our old pal "The 10 image limit," has attacked us once again, and so, I can only show 4 of them.
But they're the popular characters so...I guess we win this time.
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I genuinely love how this game looks, man. And the endings themselves are super charming in their own way. I believe in the Masked Principal ending, she helps people swim (Panotty, Archan?, Honey Bee, and Kodomo Dragon,) and it's honestly super cute.
So what do I personally think?
I think this game is incredibly interesting, as it's something that Disc Station or Puyo has a whole hasn't really seen. They chose an interesting character with Serilly, and they honestly made this game look visually stunning. The music is nice to listen to, and the characters are fairly nice to you for the most part, which is a nice change of pace considering it's, well... Serilly.
Overall, if you can ever find a way to see gameplay of the sort, check it out.
This is a shorter Puyo Extras, but I think I covered most of the basis of this game. That'll be all for now.
Cya guys.
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cloud-ya · 6 months
As a fellow hi3rd turned hsr player, how are we feeling about Star Rail now that some time has passed? I remember disliking it because new ppl wouldn't use Honkai Star Rail as the tag and would flood the HI3rd tag with a lot of "x reader" fics with the Star Rail men.
I dropped playing it after Seele's banner and haven't really felt a huge desire to progress past the Ice Planet. Idk, I worry that it'll go the Genshin route and become aimless and boring.
I do enjoy the designs a lot more than genshin's but still not as much as HI3rd. I like that we have an MC who doesn't feel completely unrelated to the story like how it feels in genshin, and Stelle actually talks instead of having a small flying companion speak everything for us.
Gameplay wise I think it is more fun than any of the previous games, but visually lacking a little. (Kind of biased here since I adore turn based combat) I guess I'm just waiting for the "WOW‼️" moment with this game.
Honkai Impact 3rd really won me over with the main cast of characters as well as the reveal with Sirin. I might not have loved every decision made along the journey of Part 1, but I never really felt bored or distanced from the story like I do with the other two games.
I've been playing Star Rail ever since its release, the only long breaks being between events and new patches because I didn't feel the need to grind constantly and I've been pretty burnt out for a while.
geez I surely do hate people who mess up the tags. it still happens, but on way lower frequency now I think. it's even more annoying when you wanna find one hi3 character with their very own tag but end up seeing just their HSR counterpart with messed up tags - big issue as a Murata Himeko enjoyer, smh.
the game is as if Honkai Impact and Genshin had a child. it's somewhere in-between in quality I guess, though it leans more towards HI3 (because it's a Honkai game, duh). the maps really be giving you this feeling of not-so-open open worlds from HI3. I guess the story is fine, though I've seen people saying it's rushed; ngl I was kinda surprised to see Jarilo-VI part being already concluded in just one version lol. I don't mind anything in the trailblazer, only that the trend of more and more gacha games deciding on the either full or partial self-insert with dialogue choice doesn't sit well with me.
while I'm not repulsed by the turn based combat I think I prefer the hack and slash combat of HI3, or just the types of combat that let you move freely. personally I try to have a taste of every combat type.
I love the most of HI3's part 1 too and while I lost interest in the story after HoV disappeared for good, the only thing that really bothered me besides the hov death bias was the finale which was soo damn rushed just to end before Star Rail's premiere, and other dumb things in it like the whole Ai-chan self-insert bullshit
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89 Days Until Tears of the Kingdom Release. The Trailer Breakdown is here. Sorry Tumblr killed the image quality. This is Part One of Three.
Warning: This will be obscenely long. I have spent hours of my life on this and I even went around Hyrule in BOTW to double check things. I have also watched only one reaction/analysis video (Limcube) whose ideas I reference a few times but the rest is all me. Now, I know many of the oddities and differences could easily be explained by saying we time travel into the past but I’m going to approach this for the most part as if we are not time traveling because it's more fun this way. Also, the colors refer to the corresponding arrows/circles on the image above it.
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First thoughts: Dang the sky is mad. Do not wear metal in this weather. Red: Malice spewing out of Death Mountain. Never not gonna be interested in that. Green: Green swirlies. I’m assuming this is something that lets you travel into the sky. Maybe lets you phase through the ground like one of the past trailers has shown us. Liquifies Link even. Orange: Weird funky rock. Meteorites?? Yeah I’m gonna point these out a lot.
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Red: Malice pool right next to the green swirlies. Blue: Tiny glowing dots in the distance. Other green swirlies? If so they seem to dot the landscape like shrines in that you can see the glow far off. Unless they are more of those symbols/drawings inscribed on ground/grass that we see later.
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First thoughts: Keese on steroids. My friend suggests calling them Geese. Second thoughts: Actually, they remind me of the flying enemies from Twilight Princess, Twilit Kargarok, only yellow. Hmm yellow and orange… I hope they are not electric or fire although there seems to be a lack of that in the trailer. Note: The area is clearly where the Sheikah Tower near the Korok Forest (Woodland Tower) should be, except well it’s obviously not there.
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Blue: Glowing towers that are clearly not Shiekah Towers. I like the spotlights though. They look kinda prehistoric.  Orange: Big glowy symbols/drawing. I really want to know what these are for. Green: It’s kinda hard to see but I think it’s a big storm tornado thing in the sky. You can see it much better later in the trailer. Reminds me of the stormhead dome in Skyward Sword.
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Blue: Glowing orange thing down there. Can’t tell what it is but maybe a chest? Idk why but I have this idea you might have to jump down from higher and angle yourself to land on it. You had to do this for platforms in Skyward Sword. Red: This island being at a lower altitude from the one taking up most of the shot pleases me. I like the idea of layered sky islands. Might be a nightmare for stamina and paragliders until we can get those vehicles.
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General thoughts: Brand new underground area. I’ve never seen anything like this in BOTW. Green: Blue flame spirit things. These are so interesting. I wanna know what these are. They remind me of willow the wisps or maybe the Bluepee. I hope this means more spirit things in this game. I will be quite sad if they are only an environmental design choice. Red: Malice infused Lizalfos. Again I haven’t seen elemental enemies yet. Only malice ones. Huh it’d be pretty funny if they bled black but then that’d be infringing on the Linked Universe and enemies don’t bleed in Zelda games. Pink: Why are they mining? Seriously, Ganondorf, what are you having your minions mine for? You lose something? Do the bokoblins need money or ore for something? Hmm, a bokoblin run market would be interesting. Blue: This glowy snake tree thing kinda looks like a tunnel of some sort. Maybe it’s a way to travel from the surface to this. If so I’d treat it like a slide but then I’d break my knees cause you can bet fall damage is still a thing… hmm can’t wait to see people time how long it takes for Link to fall from the highest island to the ground and go splat
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Note: The Bridge of Hylia is the same. Yes, I double checked. Words: “Rise, rise my servants.” I’m fairly sure this is Ganondorf.   Red: DRAGON. THREE HEADED FIRE DRAGON. Yeah so this is one of the few elemental enemies shown in the trailer. I want to fight this thing so bad. I’ve heard people say it's a Gleeok possibly (an enemy from the first Legend of Zelda game.) It reminds me of a much cooler version of the Hydra enemies from Skyward Sword. Blue: Vaguely green glow that probably denotes a green swirly thing. Pink: Malice holding up the castle looks sick. I like that you can see it glowing red from far away.
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General Thoughts: It’s Hateno and it mostly looks the same but not quite Words: “Sweep over Hyrule.” Yeah, yeah Ganondorf we get you have a grudge. Green: Green swirly thing is new. It’s not quite in the same place as the shrine which is absent from this picture.  Blue: Purah’s furnace is gone and so are the blue flame lanterns along the road and the ancient furnace down in the village. Purah’s lab also isn’t glowing. Actually, this makes me wonder about teleportation since no Sheikah slate. Maybe we get so many new vehicles because no instant teleportation.
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General thoughts: First time we see Link. Hello buddy. Also sequels and moons as enemies am I right? Words: “Eliminate this kingdom and her allies.” This Ganondorf doesn’t want to rule over people but wipe them out which makes me think about Demise’s anger and hatred. However, Ocarina of Time Ganondorf devastated the land pretty badly so maybe all of the Ganondorfs/Ganons like extreme destruction. Also, I’m pretty sure Hyrule’s allies are all the different races, Zora, Rito, Gerudo (talk about betraying your own people Ganondorf), Shiekah. I’m not holding out hope for other nations/kingdoms getting involved. Blue: You can see islands in the background. I wonder what the long trailing thing is. Pink: The shield is the same one we’ve seen in a past trailer but of course Link had a different outfit then. Also the bow is a brand new one that’s not in BOTW. The sword handle also makes me think it's a new weapon. I like the triforce triangles on the shield and the not-really-Sheikah-eye eye. It’s got eyelashes.
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General thoughts: I wonder if we get a super strong blood moon in the beginning and then the cycle returns to normal like BOTW or will we get more frequent blood moons or maybe blood moons are every night but they don’t work quite the same like moon is just red everynight and enemies are stronger but every once and a while we get a super blood moon that respawns enemies. Words: “Leave no survivors.” This part really makes me think more Demise than Ganondorf. The way the VA growled this part also made me think of Pig Ganon or Ganondorf’s beast form. Blue: It's kinda hard to make out but that’s a lot of malice. It’s really consuming the castle there.
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Green: Green swirly thing is already present when the Ganon moon starts raining meteors. Does this mean that this footage isn’t from the first cutscene the trailer is alluding to but a later blood moon cycle? Do the swirly things appear as soon as the green seal breaks on Ganon? Or do they appear before and that's why Link and Zelda were exploring underneath the castle? Also this one happens to be in the same spot as the Jee Noh Shrine. Pink: Great plateau walls appear to be fixed and this is the area that should be full of snow. The spot is on the south side of Mount Hylia. Trust me I double checked and Ganon was so helpful as to spawn a blood moon while I was checking out the walls so I accidentally recreated this part of the trailer. Why did the climate on the plateau change so drastically and did Link and Zelda repair the walls?
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First thoughts: WTF IS THAT THING??!! Second thoughts: Either it's some form of Ganon or it's a mutated malice guardian enemy. It reminds me of the corrupted evil egg guardian from Age of Calamity. I can’t decide if I want to fight it or run from it. Black: On the third look, it has bone claws/hands. Uhhh weird bone growths line up with the other enemies but this thing is disturbing me the longer I look at it. Time to move on.
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General thoughts: So besides the dragon this is the only other elemental enemy. At least I think it's an enemy. Seems like a really massive and powerful Igneo Talus. Unless it's a piece of Death mountain area rising into the sky to become a lava island but that seems like a stretch.
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General thoughts: Just wanted to note that since pieces of the castle are breaking off, the layout of the castle is probably gonna be changed from BOTW. Idk how much but it makes sense that they would want to alter the interior map. Not like the Castle wasn’t already a bit of a pain to navigate.
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General thoughts: The red lighting looks extremely intimidating. 10/10 Pink: Malice pools where the Magnesis Shrine should be. Did Ganon’s malice eat the shrines? Where is it even coming from? Is it bubbling From underground or from the blood moon? Considering it’s so close to that bit of water near the shrine, it makes me wonder if certain water sources will be infected with malice and what that will do to the Zora. Green: Glowy symbols again. I really really want to know more about those. Yellow: The plateau walls here are damaged unlike the more fortified ones in the previous plateau picture. I also double checked and as far as I can tell this is the same exact damage that exists in BOTW. Maybe Link and Zelda didn’t get around to fixing it yet? Also if I acknowledge the time travel possibility then this just tells me that the blood moons happen in both time periods.
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General thoughts: So Ganon is spawning these guys in. What does this mean for the regular bokoblins? Were they all cleared out by Link, Zelda, and a recovering Hyrule so Ganon just spawned in evolved versions? Also I can’t quite tell where this is (unless this is on the plateau walls, the nice fixed up ones we saw earlier considering the trees in the background). Oh well.
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Blue: First off this is a Redead. This is a hundred percent a Redead and I give Nintendo 15/10 for scary design. Redeads are always meant to be terrifying. That being said, I will ancient arrow these things (that is if ancient arrows still exist.) Of course this begs the question. Which unlucky dead person got resurrected and mutated to be a Redead? Did Ganon turn dead Yiga into Redeads or is he using the dead Hylians that he killed during the Calamity? I wonder what the lore on these things is gonna be. Green: Big guy. A very large dude. Reminds me of the Moblins from Skyward Sword. Yellow: Bone growth on the red Moblin reminds me of a Pachycephalosaurus (dinosaur.)
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Orange: Big storm in the sky but much better shot. As I said before it reminds me of the storm dome thing from Skyward Sword. Blue: Again I really like the way the malice looks streaming up and out from under the castle. It looks sufficiently ominous enough for my taste. Like that’s an evil castle right there. Green: I hunted for this area since there aren’t exactly many paved/cobbled roads in BOTW. The best I can tell is that this is the road between the Sacred Ground Ruins and the Mabe Village Ruins. Yes, I zoomed around Hyrule Field on my motorbike dodging guardian blasts every five seconds. Yeah, I felt pretty cool right up until I failed to dodge but then I murdered those two guardian stalkers so all was well.
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General Thoughts: Looks like the area where the golfing minigame is in BOTW, that same valley that leads to the Forgotten Temple. Blue: There is a Molduga in that avalanche. What the heck is that about?
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Green: What is that arm holding? I know it's likely a mechanical part of some sort but I thought it was a brush at first lmao Red: Makes me think of Purah and/or Robbie but this area is definitely brand new. Maybe one or both remodeled. Or it’s neither of them but a secret third option. Still the blue glow also makes me think of teleportation so maybe it's not completely go
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General thoughts: Poor Link getting accosted by Doctor Octopus arms. Blue: That’s the Shiekah eye so this is probably a Shiekah place. Still, why does this place give me Yiga vibes? Pink: Let me just appreciate actual chainmail under that Champion's tunic.  Green: Clawed ancient hand. I’m very fascinated by it so just noting that it’s not glowing here.
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Blue: The strange rocks. They make me think of meteorites but also the big guardian pillars that surround the castle and the material that make up the shines. Did Ganon explode those pillars and pieces of them are now littered across Hyrule? Did they just emerge out of the ground? Or, if we’re thinking about time travel, are these the materials that the Shiehka later use to make the shrines and those pillars.? Green: Big dude has a large horn. The skulls on him remind me of the bokoblin skulls that you could collect from defeated bokoblins in Skyward Sword. Also does he have an ax on his head? Pink: I went to check all the areas I could with this type of tree (Taoba Grasslands, Oseira Plains, and the area right beneath the words Gerudo Canyon which by the way has fairies lurking around) but not a single one has greenish grass with flowers. Maybe the grass literally grew greener after Calamity was defeated for a bit. Hyrule restoring itself and all that jazz.
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General thoughts: Hehe look at that Hinox with his dumb little hat. Also we are in a cave. We are totally getting underground sections. Pink: This green orb looks like the one you find on the Thundra plateau. It’s also making me think of the three orbs you have to collect in Wind Waker and place in those statues. Farore vibes. Red: What is this glow? Is it the orb or something else?
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General thoughts: Yes, another one of the Hinox chase. I want you to appreciate Link’s running animation… jk. I’m just noting that I’ve never seen those plants in BOTW. You must be telling yourself OP how could you expect to know every little plant in BOTW but I’m telling you I’ve played the game for somewhere around 1000 hours and I’ve watched too many BOTW videos to count. Also there are plants growing on the cave walls in the back. (I kept an eye out while I was double checking other things for this breakdown and still couldn’t find these plants. Pls correct me if I’m wrong)
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General thoughts: New paraglider, yay. I mean it doesn’t seem that different but I now know we can customize it with different fabrics. I hope there are in-game customizations as well as the amiibo ones. Also, no Ridgeland Tower. I really wonder where the heck all of them went. Red: I like that you can see all these islands in the sky from down here. Also what the heck is that cube island? Limcube said he thought it was related to the mazes but I don’t wanna think of dealing with a rubix cube maze that's vertical and horizontal. I’m gonna be lost for weeks.
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General thoughts: Obviously, the symbols are driving me nuts. I wanna know what they are for so badly. I do think it's funny we can just ride a horse right through them. I just know someone is gonna try and set this grass on fire to see what happens. Red: What is this thing? It’s hard to make out but it looks like it has four limbs, a tail, and tusks maybe? Yeah it looks kinda like an elephant. I wonder if it's another new enemy. Blue: Just think it's funny that there’s a random rock here.
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Blue: They are like the Twilight Princess Kargarok. I know I’m not the only one getting flashbacks to that one minigame where you had to hit those fruit balloons while the Kargarok was carrying Wolf Link similar to this. Green: New weapon that looks like a primitive hatchet. Yellow: So in BOTW this is the area that’s covered in darkness (Typhlo Ruins). I wonder why it isn’t covered in shadow here. Pink: Storm in the sky. I just like pointing this out. I wanna explore the storm tornado cause I just know something is interesting there. LET ME IN!
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Pink: This guy has bull horns like a Longhorn (sorry it's hard to see here). I like this design. I didn’t get a picture of it but he slams his head into the ground so I’m assuming it's a new type of attack. So that means, even if the enemies look mostly the same, we should watch out for new attack patterns. Yellow: This is the Wooden shield so not new. Green: again looks like the Pachycephalosaurus (dinosaur).
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General thoughts: They really just stacked stuff on top of the enemy skull camps. Blue: What is this stick weapon? Maybe, it's at an odd angle but it doesn’t look long enough to be a wooden spear and it’s definitely not a regular BOTW stick. It’s like a slightly heavier stick lol.
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General thoughts: Whoa this is such a cube enemy, a block man. Square. Obviously, it reminds me of both Tetris and Minecraft. Also I really like that it’s so bright because the islands are closer to the sun. Red: Probably very much a glowing weakness. I hope we can break that specific block. It also glows the same shade as Link’s new arm so Zonai tech??  Blue: Pointing out the sky islands again. I really like the variety of shapes and altitudes. I can’t wait to explore these.
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bettyweir · 1 year
My Bandmates A Vampire
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Chapter 3.
Word Count: 1.6k
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Benny walks up to the door, plate of cling wrapped chocolate chip cookies in hand, and looks over his shoulder. His eyes meet with his grandma who's standing a few feet behind him, giving the boy a wicked stare.
She was gonna make sure he introduced himself.
He gulps and hesitantly rings the doorbell.
After a bit of waiting, and hearing many shuffling footsteps, there's a crack in the door. A single brown eye meets him.
"Ahem, Hello. My Name is Benny Weir.” He says in a monotone, scripted voice. ”Is this the Morgan residence?"
"Uh. Are you a solicitor or something?" the voice answers “my parents aren’t home.”
“Am I a what?!?”
“You know, like a solicitor,” The eye glances around ”are you trying to sell me something?”
“Oh… No.”
Benny thought. Never mind.
"I just moved in next door and I wanted to introduce myself” he shuffles in place “and I brought cookies.”
“That’s funny I just moved in too,” the door fully opens. “Come on in.”
Benny finally gets to see the entire person standing behind the door.
It’s the same brown headed keyboarder he saw earlier. He held himself in an overly anxious posture, not knowing what to do with himself.
“So, what's your name and where can I put this?”
"Uhhhh,” he says with a shaky voice, gesturing to the coffee table. “you can put the plate over there.”
“And..?” Benny walks into the living room, awaiting a response.
"Uh… Ethan. Morgan." he says as if he wasn't sure of himself.
As Benny sets down the plate he notices the lit xbox controller and tangled headphones on the table, and looks at the tv.
"Yooo omg,” He stares at the gray pause screen “you have Left for Dead TWO?!?"
"Yeah." he laughs "My teammates are probably pissed at me for leaving."
"Oh my goddd multiplayer" Benny puts his head back "I'm so jealous"
"Have you not played it yet?"
"Augh yeah, I haven't had much time for videogames ever since I started my band." He boasts, shooting a smirk towards his new neighbor.
"You have a band?"
"Well er,” his confidence quickly deflates “used to."
"Oh, what happened?"
"I. Had to move." Benny’s smile is completely gone.
"Aw that sucks." Ethan twiddles his thumbs, Benny obviously didn’t wanna talk about this, "Do u wanna play left for dead?"
"WOULD I?" he excitedly jumps to Ethans couch, making himself comfortable.
"Shit, wait, I only have one controller." Ethan wasn’t used to having so many IRL people interested in playing video games with him.
Benny pogs "Omg, I totally got one at home! I'll be right back"
Before Ethan could even object, Benny rushes out the door and breezes past his grandma.
"Was it that bad?" She shouts
"NO!!” he yells, tripping over himself “I GOTTA GET MY XBOX CONTROLLER!!"
Grandma stands puzzled but assumes that means he’ll be coming back.
Benny rushes up stairs, winded and out of breath, he quickly digs through his backpack and remembers how everything was soaked.
He finds the hopefully not broken, white xbox controller and sprints back to Ethans.
"Hi. Hello.” he says in between pants. “I’m back."
"Idk. if this works. but." he hands Ethan the controller and puts his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.
Ethan untangles the long windy cable wrapped around the controller and plugs it in.
"Hmmm,” Ethan says, holding and releasing the large X button over and over “It's not turning on"
"Bummer." Benny sighs.
"Do ya know what happened to it?"
"Yeah..." He sets himself on Ethan’s couch, rubbing the nape of his neck "All of my stuff kinda got wet since It was pouring from the airport til’ I got home."
"Rough," Ethan unplugs the controller, tilting it around to examine the damage, "I could try fixing it."
"Really?" Benny jumps out of his seat and puts both of his arms on Ethan’s shoulders “You can do that?!”
"I can try,” Ethan says failing to mask his blush, “I've never really done water damage before though."
"Well,” Benny lets go of him. “I mean it's not like you can break it even more."
"You'd be surprised." Ethan looks off to the side, remembering the box of broken electronics rotting on his To Do list. “Here, I have some tools in my room.”
“Woahh tools,” Benny teases, following Ethan up stairs “very manly."
They enter his box filled room.
Benny scoffs. "Haven't finished unpacking but still had your videogames out" he shakes his head.
"Augh hey! Blame Jane, not me."
"Who's jane?"
"Ah my.. half- wait step sister."
Benny impulsively says "Is she hot?"
Ethan’s heart sinks at the comment "She's eight."
"Ah," Benny uncomfortably tugs at his polo collar “Sorry.”
Ethan shakes his head as he scrolls though his phone, pulling up a how to wikia page.
“Hmmm,” he glances over the steps. “Yeah I can totally do this.”
“That's awesome, thank you dude!” Benny cheers looking over his shoulder.
“No problem.” Ethan starts digging through a large brown box labeled TOOLS and pulls out a screwdriver. “Wanna give me a hand?”
“Sure thing, Just tell me what to do!” Benny says positioning himself over the box.
Ethan tries to unscrew the controller's casing, “Ah, it's way too big.”
“That’s what she said.” Benny laughs
Ethan shoots him a very, very judgmental look. “Can you, um, hand me another screwdriver?”
“Of course” He says, replacing the one he was holding with a smaller one.
He tests it and replies “too small”
“That’s what she said…”
Ethan starts to regret his life choices. “You can just go. Play downstairs or something. I got this.”
Benny pogs “OH MY GOD REALLY?”
“Yeah sure, you seem excited to play it. I don't wanna keep you waiting.”
Benny shakes him “you're the best man!” he practically sprints down stairs, skipping every other step.
Ethan quietly remarks to himself “Of course I get a crush on the first guy I see.”
He shakes his head and finally unscrews the first bolt on the controller's shell.
Benny plops down on Ethan's couch downstairs and scammers for the controller to start up the xbox
Benny's hands shake excitedly watching the xbox logo form on screen.
He puts on the flimsy gray headset.
Right when the xbox menu loads up, he sees a message from one of Ethan’s friends pop up on the screen.
"Xx_420Ror-ster_xX: dude did ur power go out or somethng???”
He then gets a party invite from said user Xx_420Ror-ster_xX
Benny accepts it and joins the call.
"Hey E wuz up?" a squeaky voice asks
Benny stays silent.
Suddenly he gets a mischievous idea and a stupid smile spreads across his face.
"Muahahahaha! I hacked this account!"
Rory screams in terror. “No!”
“Yes!” Benny coughs, "I really just hacked him so I could play Left for Dead 2. Can you teach me how to play?"
"Why would I play with a hacker like you? I could get banned!!"
"Do it or I'll leak your ip."
They play a few rounds together.
Ethan's dad comes home and is startled to see a lengthy teenage boy sitting in his living room.
"Hi." Benny says, eyes glued on the screen.
"Um,” He looks around, “why are you in my house?"
"Oh Ethan let me in!"
"Uh, Where's Ethan?"
“Oh, uh he’s in his room.” He says, putting all his attention on the screen in front of him. "Can't. Really. Talk Rn!"
He tilts his head and heads up stairs to Ethan's room.
There Ethan offers his dad a way better explanation.
"Oh he's our next door neighbor and wanted to meet us!"
"Why is he just playing video games downstairs by himself though?"
"Because only one controller works..."
"Alright...” Ethan’s Dad shakes his head “Why didn't he just say that??"
He walks off disgruntled.
After an hour or so, Ethan comes out of his room. Exhausted and tired waving Benny’s now perfectly refurbished, white xbox controller.
"Aw that's great dude!”
Benny has been playing for hours and wants to take a break before he plays with Ethan, they go to the kitchen to snack on grandma’s homemade cookies.
Ethan takes a bite out of one while pouring them a glass of milk and chews on it, trying to mask his disgust.
Benny takes one bite out of it and spits it out.
“Ew you like this stuff?”
“No… I don't,” Ethan puts down the half eaten cookie back on the plate. “I was just trying to be polite.”
“Omg dude don't worry I didn’t even make these,” Benny Laughs “my grandma did.”
“Oh thank god,” He shakes his head, putting the milk back in the fridge "Sooo what do you play?"
"Oh uh I guess mostly Xbox and PC games lik-"
"No no," Ethan cuts him off "I mean like what instrument did you play for your band?"
"Ohh. I played the drums and guitar and i was the lead singer!" he adds on.
"That's sick! Could I hear your stuff?"
"yeah! I can burn a CD for you!"
Suddenly there's a knock at the door, Ethan answers it and its grandma weir!
"Come on lets go Benny its time for dinner."
"Awe come on i didn't even get to play any video games with him yet!"
"But you've been here for hours!"
"Yeah but-"
"Lets go, you can come back later."
"Augh okay" he looks over at Ethan solemnly, heading towards the door.
"Wait,” Ethan stops him, “do you want your controller back?"
"Nah keep it, you fixed it anyways.” He smiles “Thanks for letting me play."
"Hey it's no problem," he holds Benny back a second longer. Trying to find the courage to say "could we play together some time?"
"Oh for sure! How does tomorrow sound?"
"Tomorrow sounds great." Ethan peeps.
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trashexplorer · 2 years
BLCD 2022: December Releases
✓ - have      
💡 - interested
✘ - not interested (but will probably still listen to)    
🙏 - dying for
1. Fudanshi Shoukan ~Isekai de Shinjuu ni Hameraremashita~ vol. 5 Tokusouban CD ✘ 💡
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Release Date: 2022/12/09
Cast: Okitsu Kazuyuki x Murase Ayumu *WAIT WHAT
Synopsis: Special CD for the release of the 5th volume of the series.
2. Kachou, Ii Ko wa Mou Owari ✘
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Release Date: 2022/12/16
Cast: Masuda Toshiki x Toki Shunichi
Synopsis: Asahi, the student council president who is smart, has a good personality and is loved by everyone, has a secret that no one could tell. It is that he has a desire to be embraced by a man.
By the time I graduate, I'm sneaking a look at a dating site because I want to have some "experience" in sex, and I find myself with a junior, Hida, who always has had an unfriendly attitude, until now! I knew that I was just being teased by
"I'm interested, the real face of my senior who has only good facial expressions", but my body can't help but feel good... If I have my first "experience" by the time I graduate, this relationship will end.
Comment: Idk who made this synopsis, but I’m not changing it. 😂
3. Kono te o Hanasenaide ✘
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Release Date: 2022/12/21
Cast: Azakami Youhei x Kobayashi Chiaki
I met a love I want to hold on to. 
After causing a certain problem, Haruto transfers from an elite alpha school to a regular school. In the classroom filled with excitement over the out-of-season transfer, he meets the student council president, Miyabi, who, for some reason, is the only one who treats him harshly.
They have totally opposite personalities and circumstances, and, even though they reject each other, they also feel strong attraction. They gradually delve deep into each other’s hearts.
But Miyabi’s body, unable to resist Haruto’s pheromones, soon becomes uncontrollable… Immature, painful, and fragile—the beautiful days of youth.
“I’ll never let go of you.”
“I always hated heat to death, but now…”
4. Coyote IV 🙏
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Release Date: 2022/12/22
Cast: Okitsu Kazuyuki x Ono Yuuki
Synopsis: Adaptation of the fourth volume of the series.
5. Slow Damage Drama CD vol. 4 Fujieda After Story ✘
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Release Date: 2022/12/22
Cast: Mizunaka Masaaki x Ono Yuuki
Synopsis:  Special Drama CD for the game.
5. Drastic F Romance ✘
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Release Date: 2022/12/23
Cast: Okitsu Kazuyuki x Terashima Takuma
Synopsis: Chishima has sworn off love after having had his fair share of failed relationships. After cutting it off with one of his sex friends, he runs into Sumeragi, a stunner who comforts him. The next day, he again runs into him and finds out that they’re co-workers. There seems to be a shared feeling of fate between them, but Chishima always refuses any chances of intimacy with him—until he finally gives in, that is. In his drunkenness, Sumeragi had to take him home. Chishima strips and Sumeragi, seeing his naked body, confesses that he’s into his balls?!
Comment: Don’t ask me. Even I’m confused.
7. Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no vol.15 Bukatsu no Kouhai ni Gachi Koishiteru 💡
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Release Date: 2022/12/23
Cast: Satou Gen x Itou Kento
Synopsis: Mishima Ren might not look like your typical student council president, but he’s popular and well-liked by his charge. Tougo Takae, a first-year representative, is in love with his senior, but Ren does not take him seriously at all. To him, he was just another junior that he has to humor, and no matter how many times Takae confesses, he just brushes him off. One day, however, Takae finds the usually energetic Ren looking dispirited.
“Comfort me,” Ren calls.
8. Tsumugi-kun no Sakippo ✘
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Release Date: 2022/12/23
Cast: Azakami Youhei x Nojima Kenji
”I’ll gladly keep on sucking on your nipples.”
 Tsumugi and Kousei are childhood friends that have kept a secret habit going on since childhood—letting Kousei suck Tsumugi’s nipples. It was purely done out of comfort in the beginning, but things have started to change once they reached puberty. 
Comment: U ok over there, Kureta Makine???
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yukidragon · 2 years
Hello, could I get your thoughts on something? As another fic writer for SDJ (love Sunshine in Hell btw), I’m trying to keep lore straight in writing the first meeting between my OC and Jack. Unlike sweet Alice, she is ready to throw hands with this clown out of fear. XD But wouldn’t that count as rejection and make Jack disappear? Idk if the game will later elaborate on if the MC had a specific reaction to first seeing Jack after watching the tape, but I wonder if it’s important that the MC wasn’t so frightened that it counts as rejection of him. (In my fic, I’m currently taking the approach of “holy shit who are you oh wait you must be a hallucination and oh you’re a nice hallucination i guess you can stay” and that it happens so quickly that Jack doesn’t go away.) What are your thoughts?
Ahhh... I’m so glad you like Sunshine in Hell and Alice! Thank you! 💖
I think your MC being more frightened and having a more violent initial rejection of Jack is the more common interpretation of what happened. Heck, I know I certainly would freak out if suddenly a giant muscular stranger appeared in my home without warning.
In the demo, the reaction MC has to waking up to find Jack there is left ambiguous intentionally so that we can fill in the blanks with how we would have our MCs react, I’d wager. We don’t know how MC and Jack bonded, and I suspect that’s going to be a big reveal later in the plot.
My personal interpretation of what happened was that Jack struck a deal with MC, one that exchanged a bit of each other’s souls to free him from hell. What they would get in return is someone who would never betray or abandon them like Ian did, someone who would love them forever. Maybe there were other things offered too, since I have no doubt Jack would do anything to escape that cold, sleepless hell.
Alice agreed to the bargain because she was in a vulnerable state and because she felt bad for this trapped spirit who was suffering so much pain and was so desperate to escape it. She knows what it’s like to be desperate to escape pain, and she’s a very empathetic person. It was absolutely a reckless decision on her part made from a place of emotion rather than cold logic.
Consent is a huge part of Jack’s character. He needs MC to need them, and if they don’t want him there... he starts to disappear. However, even though his grip on reality slips in the “no” route, MC is downright desperate to keep him. MC wants him around even while they question if he’s even real or if they’re just losing their mind.
This is why I think that Jack being bound to MC was something MC agreed to, but no longer remembers due to the trauma of having a piece of their soul taken and exchanged. Jack simply tolerated the experience better because his soul was being tortured for the past 40 years.
Once they were connected, then they could share feelings. Jack, in the “no” route can pour more good feelings into MC. Despite their resistance, they are lonely and vulnerable due to what Ian did to them, and I think that’s the crack in their armor that he can seep into. He can make them feel good, even when they’re trying to put some distance between them. He can offer them friendship, love, servitude, good feelings... whatever they want, he’ll provide it.
Plus, even if MC doesn’t consciously remember, if they created this sort of supernatural bond between them, a part of them would feel a connection to Jack. He would feel close to them because, well, they have a piece of his soul in him and vice-versa. Even if they forgot the deal, feelings would still play a part... after all, it’s their feelings of wanting him there that keeps him around.
But, again, this is my personal headcanon for what happened. We most likely won’t know what actually happened when the two were bound together until the game’s full release. You might want to go with a different headcanon, or avoid touching on that part of the story entirely until the game’s release. It’s really up to you to decide what feels right for you.
I think you’re free to interpret what’s going on in whatever way makes you feel most comfortable. Focusing on the consent aspects of Jack’s nature is what appeals to me the most, so that’s why I have Alice being an active participant in his presence in her life.
I hope this ramble about my thoughts on this part of the game and my version of the story helps at all. Remember, the fanfic you’re writing is your story, and you’re the one making the lore. You can tweak it as you please into something that makes you happy and makes sense to you. I think that’s one of the most beautiful parts of making our own version of the story when we make fanfiction. 💕
Good luck with writing your story. I’m cheering for you!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore  
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cursedvibes · 1 year
Sukuna looks so ugly in Megumi’s body lmao
Anyway!! Spoilers.
Wtf is going on with Yuji? How is he not dead? That’s interesting. And yup Sukuna is straight up trying to kill the kid.
It looks like Megumi’s is trying to fight back and regain control of his body but I would really kinda hate if he succeeded? Like are you telling me that he just happened to be another character with restrictive vessel potential?? It does feel a lil bit like bullshit so I hope it doesn’t go that route, with Megumi taking control.
Also Gege really said fuck Hana. I don’t think she died at all but huh. These weekly releases are agonizing, so many things happening and you gotta wait weeks until the new web of events weaves itself.
Yeah, idk what it is but I'm not really feeling that Sukuna. Maybe because Megumi makes him look even more like a school yard bully. Good on him for experimenting, but sometimes you have to accept that that dye job is just not working for you.
Well, Yuuji got punched through some buildings before (when being attacked by helicopter guy) and came back relatively unscathed. Even when he had no CE Higuruma called him an "unbreakable doll", that's gonna be even more true with CE. Compared to Shibuya he improved a lot, we just didn't really get to see it before. Besides, Sukuna didn't actually penetrate his chest, the force of the hit just ripped his back. And that punch alone managed to hurt Sukuna too.
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However, while I didn't expect him to die, I was surprised by how quickly Yuuji bounced back. Proven once again, Yuuji's a tough boy and Kenjaku had complete faith in him. I'm sure his anger at Sukuna also gave his natural capabilities an extra boost.
Sukuna might be trying to kill Yuuji or at least incapacitate him, but he's doing a bad job at both. Generally, he's been pretty tame so far except for that Nue attack. As we can see by his point count (or lack thereof), he hasn't killed a single person yet. Terrible Culling Game player He also went oddly soft on Hana. She was right there in his arms and all he does is rip her arm off. He doesn't even eat it. Considering that Angel can probably regrow or reattach limbs, that's not a very consequent method to take care of a problem. It might take longer because she's exhausted after Jacob's Ladder, but it isn't a life threatening injury. Shows he is struggling way more than in Shibuya, which is partially his fault for not properly taking care of the problems that are thrown at him.
Yeeah...I expected Megumi to come into play somehow, but it does feel a bit tired to have yet another twitching vessel. However, even if he did get back full control, I don't know how that could be a permanent state. I still don't think he suppresses Sukuna as easily or well as Yuuji. He'd have to be constantly on the lookout, even sleeping might be difficult because Sukuna is gonna try to overwhelm him. And they have to kill Megumi to get rid of 15 fingers of Sukuna for good. It's not like he can just vomit Yuuji's finger back up. The chances that he succeeds at all beyond hindering Sukuna during a fight are pretty low though. Between Sukuna & Yuuji, Kenjaku & Geto, Toji & Ogami's "grandson" and the reincarnated sorcerers, Yuuji is the only vessel who regained control over his body. But maybe Megumi will be #2, who knows...won't be easy though and as long as Sukuna is inside him, he has to die one way or another.
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cathalbravecog · 5 months
one thing i've been trying to wrap my head around is: if hired help is still canon, but everything else relating to it is not then. what happened to the C.J?? does he just not exist? and for that matter where the heck Elvis? and does the witness stand-in still exist? idk is there a statement i'm missing?
IM TRYING TO WRAP MY HEAD AROUND THIS TOO!! was cj ever canon in ttcc now as of the recent things?? what about winston who mentions him? is that part of the lore gonna be changed or is it gonna be like "he did leave and he is canon, just not how the old comics showed it"
literally in the first panels of hired help break the law is mentioned by name and we see elvis' missing poster but in my opinion almost everything seems to be leading to the clash crew trying to move on from this story possibly?
they possibly didn't wanna edit things out from the comic but since litigation team is still there i guess that hired help is still canon, but to be taken with a grain of salt? like aside from a meeting of two minds we only have 2 cog lore comics that are still deemed as canon and a meeting of two minds is
i believe ther never was a statement about this, aside from the article that mentions the writing team working on a complete re-write for the main taskline and also just.. the story in general and acknowledging how hard to access it is now and how confusing things have gotten
unfortunately with that it's in an even more confusing state now, so honestly it's just... about the wait until any other statements are put out or until any writing updates are released! i wish this was communicated a bit better but again i understand the crew is busy with mix and match and hammerspace currently. still, wish this was communicated better. unless i too, have missed a discord statement...?
it's a bit of a nightmare right now trying to just. solve what's currently canon and what's not. like we know for sure what's visible in game right now with the managers and a meeting of two minds and at least the april toons thomas dialogue stuff is canon (though with this i'd assume some minor old stuff thomas talks about may be tweaked...? again i have a re-read in order)
but anything to do with break the law and diane joining the company and cj leaving is questionable currently. which is... very confusing seeing that it's mentioned several times in hired help. i kinda analyzed that comic for myself just yesterday . especially this stands out
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atticus wing is literally mentioned by name here and also the whole affect it had on cog insurance companies (and courtney and barry) is mentioned too. aside from thomas i don't believe we ever saw the full effect that atticus' death had on the cog world which always rubbed me the wrong way, since it was supposed to be kinda a big deal and now it's being put under the rug. and yet atticus still haunts so many parts of the story after. so like
(i think about this a lot and a part of my hc's ive been working on would rewrite atticus' death to have a bit more of an impact, while explaining how exactly he died and couldn't be repaired, while cogs who've gone through worse literally in-game through gags are rebuilt and repaired. though i'd need to re-read and re-watch old things for that, it's been a while... plus i've never seen actual content from the events this took place in myself, i wasn't playing toontown at the time, not even ttr!) uaurgh well done character in an admittedly (yet passionately put together) somewhat messy story . again i need to say this each time i criticize this i love the work staff does but i think it's only fair i get to be honest with my thoughts on these things as a fan. we're all just people here y'know
current state? i dunno. still fun to speculate things though. apologies for my thoughts being scrambled and if i forgot things, i didn't mean this one to be so long
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gren-arlio · 10 months
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Part 3 of Waku Puyo Extras. (And a fairly big announcement for translations.)
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Ah, I'm running out of images, the Waku Puyo images, so the tride and true "Post Manga panels I do understand," got me covered. If I don't got anyone on my side, I know the Waku Puyo Manga does. Amen.
(Context for this page and a few others is Satan having a nightmare about Schezo and Arle marrying, and wakes up in a cold sweat. It's so goofy, and seems exactly like a Satan Nightmare, but the art goes hard.)
Heya, Gren here, and welcome to Part 3 of Waku Puyo Extras, the series where I find random videos about a route and go off from there because, even though I'm in the English Puyo Puyo Community Discord and have been lurking in the lore channel for like 3 years, I'm not verified yet because I'm scared to speak to the Ciel Bot. So if a mod or something SOMEHOW sees this...what're the odds for one, and two, idk we can talk via DM's or somethin' about lore.
(I really do want to speak there someday. Seems fun, I'll probably quietly add some details for this game onto specific characters pages.)
That aside, I'm here today to provide the community with more text and stuff to read.
Today's post will cover the following scraps I found while looking for stuff:
A video where Serilly appears again. Once again, Schezo and Serilly speak to each other, small but interesting.
A video that has a Rulue encounter and...that's about it. I'm really looking for scraps. Today doesn't have a whole lot.
Talk about the Manga for a bit. I plan to do this for most of the Extra Episodes, since it seems fun to do. Gonna specifically talk about Schezo and Serilly because...you know with everything going on, I think it's a nice start.
However, the scraps will become actual meals sooner or later because of two simple reasons. The first is that there's a whole video I'll translate that...has ALL 3 CHARACTERS...trading with Witch, starting next week, and that'll be Waku Puyo Extras Episode 4.
Yeah this girl really won't leave alone, its been like half a year of this stuff. Oh, what I do to translate. Oh and the video has Succubus too IG
Witch still is my 3rd favorite character though for the lunacy I've dealt with from her. Joking aside:
The REAL announcement:
About 2 weeks from now, I'll be trying my best to translate Arle's Route for this silly game.
That's right, I'm gonna do another Route that totally didn't take me 6 months to finish the main storyline. Waku Puyo Extras will still be real, trust me, but they'll be like filler episodes like in Dragon Ball, bits I release if the current video I'm translating is taking too long and/or if I just randomly feel like it. I will still also be doing minor Schezo Route stuff as well, and still take requests for all routes, so as usual, if you got a goofy screenshot to send me, DM me.
Big announcement away, it's time for the videos themselves, starting with:
Serilly Stuff:
...I did say I'm scraping for stuff. These things are so miniscule in the grand scheme that you could probably come to these posts just for the comedy act I try to put up.
The episode posted has been fully translated already, being Episode 3, for the record. Imma just translate the Serilly stuff.
But with that;
Timestamps: (...They're at the start of the video, but there's 2 different occasions, so...rip?)
Serilly 1: (0:05)
Serilly 2 (0:32)
...I wish I were kidding, it's that little. Lmao
With that out of the way, this marks the Readmore section of the post. Thanks for reading if you're not interested, and let's continue if you're enjoying this.
Serilly 1: (0:05)
This is such clean water, I can cleanse my heart there...
...Wait! What's a Dark Mage doing getting cleansed!?
Woman's Voice:
What're you doing here huffing by yourself?
Hm? I remember this voice from Water Paradise...
It's me, Serilly.
Oh, what're you doing here?
When I'm here, it feels like my mind and body are at ease.
...Yeah, seems like it.
I know, right?
(...And so, Schezo talked to Serilly for a bit.)
...I better get going.
Okay, but...come back soon!
Yeah, if I ever feel like it.
Serilly 2:
Oh! Mr. Schezo!
You're really here again!
(W-Why am I blushing!?)
(Schezo had a small chat with Serilly.)
...I'd better get going.
Okay, but...come back soon!
Yeah, if I feel like it.
Yeah, so some speech repeats itself at the end, but hey, Schezo seems to enjoy her company, a rarity nowadays. I'll go deeper when the manga portion comes up but so far, that's what you're getting.
And now, The Rulue Stuff:
This goofy video here is actually Episode 6 of the translations I've done here. I just missed a single talk coming from Schezo and Rulue. (Not even Minotauros. Guy is just nothing now.)
I'm not gonna timestamp this one because it's a SINGLE interaction at the start. I promise I'll make this up somehow.
So, with that...here's the interaction.
Rulue Interaction: (Start of the video)
Oh, you haven't given up your chase, have you?
Mind your own business. In fact, you should be the one to give up!
No more from you. That magical item will be mine.
Oh-ho-ho-ho, good luck on your wasted endeavors. (She says efforts here but...why not make her sound more sophisticated?)
That magic item will be useless for a meathead like you.
Yes, for the sake of the treasure, I cannot lose!
And...that's all for the translations. Not much, but I'll compensate with the manga.
For those who are unaware, Waku Puyo has a manga that wildly differs from the story of the game. Lot of characters got redesigns, most notably Witch, Incubus and Honey Bee have a MUCH bigger role, Lagnus is real, and tags along with Arle, (I'll talk about that next Extras Episode.) and even some new faces.
Since the 10 image limit is goofy, I'm gonna limit myself to specific things about the Manga. Plan is:
Talk about Schezo and Serilly because there seems to be a lot with them going on in Waku Puyo as a whole. I'll also mention Honey Bee too.
Lagnus tagging along with Arle, along with a couple of goofy pages I found.
Maybe Rulue's side of stuff...? This one I'm iffy on right now so currently it's in the air.
Since I'm unfortunately incredibly committed to my work, I decided to translate the Serilly section of Volume 2 and 3 of the Waku Puyo Manga. (For the most part...)
Here's how it goes.
It actually starts with Serilly hearing noises from the lower floors and becomes nervous at that fact, hoping her only friend, Satan, will come to help her. Schezo and Honey Bee (his ally who has the hots for him,) find her and realize that during the fight with Suketoudara, he said that she isn't exactly a fighter, and they should try to reason with her.
Due to the 10 image limit, I'm skipping a good amount of pages and really showing off highlights. However, I'll explain the thing entirely. Here is the Google Drive with the Manga, courteously given by Puyo Preservation.
Schezo then tries to chase her, scaring her, and he grabs her arm, which leads to this page.
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Honey Bee is pissed at the fact that they're holding hands and all that, meanwhile Schezo and Serilly are about as shocked. Serilly begins to actually sob, asking them to not bully her, while Schezo asks to give him the orb, and if she does, she won't get hurt. However, he's swinging his sword, which causes Serilly to get more nervous, leading to Schezo giving Bee his sword to not scare her off.
Surprisingly...it works. Serilly isn't as afraid as she was before, and Schezo asks if she know where the orb is, to which Serilly stutters a bit. For no reason, Honey Bee tries to threaten her, leading to Schezo hitting Bee away.
Serilly says they can't have the orb because her "friend," Satan, told her to guard it. Schezo gets mad at that, saying that a friend should be there for you, not be barking orders, and Bee herself adds onto that, saying that if he was her friend, why did he lock her in a room?
Unfortunately, Serilly says that she doesn't mind being locked here forever, as if she leaves, Satan will hate her, and she'll lose her only friend. She explains that she's never had a friend and was bullied all her life, so she doesn't want to risk it.
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Finally, Schezo has enough and says that she Satan isn't her friend, and that he manipulated her, leading to a similar case of what happening during the game...Schezo giving therapy.
Honey Bee insults Serilly AGAIN for her actions, and Serilly sobs while saying she's sorry for everything, leaving Schezo speechless after smaking Bee away. (Unfortunately, 10 image limit. Won't be seen.)
However, the 3rd picture below is when Schezo tells her to stop crying and that he'll...be her friend, if only she gives up her unhappiness, which she agrees to.
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The events are similar to the Game, even the part where Schezo thinks that he feels like he's preaching, and doesn't care if she's happy or not.
As Honey Bee basically insults her more, Suketoudara appears absolutely livid at what Schezo is doing to Serilly, and...basically tries to drown him. However, Serilly doesn't want to lose her new friend, so she rescues him, leaving Bee and Suketoudara shocked, even though Schezo had to save her too.
Leading to this.
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This beautiful artwork.
Schezo knocks out Suke for a bit, and he and Serilly look at each other, before looking away, blushing, leading Bee to get upset with both of them, saying they probably flirted in the water.
Even though Bee is pissed at how Schezo is carrying Serilly, they're both ok, but Schezo sustained a injury to his forehead, which leads to Bee comically trying to wrap band-aids around him.
Suke wakes up, saying that was the first time he ever saw Serilly help someone like that, which even she's shocked by. Bee though, says that it's natural to help someone you care for. Serilly goes up to Schezo, and gives him the key to the orbs. After that, Schezo tells Suke to bring Serilly away from the place, which angers him, but agrees to, before Schezo and Bee walk away.
However, Serilly yells at them to stop, before asking Schezo if he'll meet with her again.
Shown below is Schezo saying yes, if he ever feels like it, much to Bee's chargin, before they set for the door...which has Incubus in it.
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While it's just a section, it's a really, REALLY good section, and I feel like a writer/developer really wanted Schezo/Serilly to be real so they went all out here. And props to them, they did it well, and made some cool scenes.
With that...I believe this it the end. See you all next week.
Hope you enjoyed the show.
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