#idk this just happened I blame otter
puckthisshift · 3 months
14 with Mattdrai please. thanks!
things you said after you kissed me
"Why do you taste like sour candy?"
Leon makes a face, trying to get the taste out of his mouth. It's not his usual reaction to kissing Matthew, but then again he isn't usually trying to punish Leon for some perceived slight.
"You know what you did."
He has no clue.
"Is this about..." Leon trails off on purpose.
Sometimes Matthew will reveal his issue that way, by Leon distracting him from the fact that he doesn't know what he did.
Does that make him sound like a thoughtless dick? Yeah, it probably does, but Leon knows that there are extenuating circumstances. Matthew is more prickly these days, and Leon cannot blame him for going stir-crazy without hockey or training.
Plus the summer Florida heat isn't helping.
"Yes, it's about you getting the wrong ice cream." Matthew pouts.
Leon would kiss him again if it wasn't for the taste. Somehow it's worse than anything else Matthew has tried so far. Probably because he still had some sour candy in his mouth while they kissed.
Maybe Leon should question his taste. His own.
"Sweetheart, they didn't have your favorite, I told you that." Leon smiles softly. "I promise I looked for it and asked the clerk. I want to take care of you. We can go look somewhere else if you want? I bet it would be nice for you to go outside for a bit."
Matthew's been hiding, not wanting the world to see him the way he looks now. He's not ashamed, he tells Leon. He's nervous. Worried about being recognized and losing his precious privacy.
And Leon gets it. It's nice having something that's just for them.
"Ugh." Matthew puts a hand on the curve of his belly. "She says yes."
"But what do you say?"
"Can we swim?" Matthew cuddles as close to Leon as he can. "I feel so huge and... We can get the ice cream delivered."
The pool is perfectly comfortable, leaving Matthew with an easy way to get some movement in. He's been struggling so much with the doctor's mandate that he take it easy in these final weeks. He keeps pushing his limits, and Leon knows he doesn't handle being idle very well. He's been taking the brunt of it. Of course, he knows.
"Excellent idea."
"Kiss me?"
"Wash your mouth with something better and I will."
Matthew accepts the ultimatum, having some Gatorade and leaning in eagerly. Leon can't help but kiss him again, once, twice, a third time.
"Much better." Leon ducks down to kiss Matthew's belly too. "I'll order an extra pint of ice cream."
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cosmicalart · 9 months
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WIP Wednesday
Scheduled on: 2023-09-12
So this post, along with the rest of the fic, almost didn't happen. I'm perfectly fine now but for those of you interested in my hospital adventure Sunday night, I'll put it under the cut.
Now, I've just about wrapped up chapter two of 'Baz to The Past", I also will have plenty of free time next week, so depending on the progress of chapter three (and how much of chapter two I may need to rewrite) I may be able to start posting the chapters this Sunday on AO3, a whole week earlier than I initially expected.
??? POV
“Fine.” With a huff, Simon stands from his chair and marches out of the room slamming the door behind him. Once his footsteps have faded down the hall, Baz pivots on his heel towards me. “What in Crowley’s name was that? Who’s to say he’s not turning us in right now? You didn’t even seal the deal with magic, there's no consequence if he goes against it!”
Putting tags before the cut this time. IDK who's already posted so no pressure, generous tags to say hello, and if you're not consider yourself tagged if you wanna join.
@aroace-genderfluid-sheep @buffy @thewholelemon @prettygoododds @cultofsappho @fatalfangirl @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @j-nipper-95 @raenestee @cutestkilla @hushed-chorus @haikuziejacuzzi @larkral @ionlydrinkhotwater @rimeswithpurple @sailor-blossoms @facewithoutheart @valeffelees
Hospital story under the cut
So Sunday night after work I had a small edible, (I need to preface that it was small and half of what I'd usually take because people tried to blame what happened on the edible) Now I also hadn't eaten dinner yet even though it was 9pm and was craving Mcdonalds (I have a stack of free meal coupons because I work there) so my fiance drives us and our friend who was over to Mcdonalds, then we stopped at our friends place cause he ended up deciding to stay the night and wanted to grab some things.
Everything was fine up to this point, weeds kicking in, having a good time, we got back to the house and ate our food, I'm setting up my laptop to get some writing done, things are good. My fiance is watching youtube poops (just random funny youtube videos if you're not familiar) and normally I don't find them that funny but I was laughing cause I could see the tv from where I was setting up.
Now this is where things go bad quickly. I ended up laughing while trying to swallow my burger and choked, I still had food in my mouth as well as food in my throat as I had been swallowing when something in the video just hit me and made me laugh, so I could not breathe now and panicked, like just froze trying to swallow what was still in my mouth while trying to breathe.
I didn't need the Heimlich, it managed to go down on its own and I could breathe again but something didn't feel right. I felt like something was jammed in my chest as well as the back of my nose and it burned. I tried drinking to see if that would clear it like maybe it just felt funny because I choked. That was not it. After a minute I ended up throwing up and a bit of what felt stuck in my chest dislodged and I realized I legit had food stuck in my lungs.
I was immediately light-headed and felt my heart racing (though that was probably cause panic was setting in) so I went to the living room with the cat freaking out at my feet, told my fiance something wasn't right, threw up again, and then they helped me to the couch because I started losing consciousness.
I do not remember the drive to the hospital, I don't even remember getting there, I just have vague memories of a nurse pulling my hair to check if I was breathing, people screaming my name as I blacked out because I wasn't breathing, vomiting several times trying to clear my lungs, and apparently arguing about wanting a fudgcicle on the way home only to then vomit and pass out again.
I had to be informed about what happened afterward because I stopped breathing several times and had my lips turn blue. From the second they put me on the couch to the morning after when I woke up miraculously alive and in bed, I remember nothing.
Joked with @valeffelees that clearly the universe wanted to give me the good ole' fanfic writer "So I almost died" author note
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rurifangirl · 3 years
ayo a few oc asks🤩
Would they get a pet? What kind? Who brings up the idea, and who takes a little longer to convince?
kida/sum fuckin self control🌸
When would they say “I love you?” Do they say it first? Do they say it often, or is it reserved for special moments?
They’re going through something incredibly difficult—perhaps they’re very sick, have lost a loved one, or have gone through a traumatic event. Do they ask for or accept support and care from their partner, or try to isolate themselves?
They have to apologize to their partner. Is this difficult for them? How do they approach it?
Honestly, yes. Absolutely. I feel like they both would've brought up the idea but like, w different animals, so If anything It was more of a "competition" of who would get the other to buy the animal they want.
Shou wants a snake for ahem SOME reasons n Qiran wanted an Otter.
Though in the end they both don't end up buyin a pet they still brag sometimes bout theirs being better than the others animal.
Like just going "While I do think an otter would be somewhat of a pleasent accompaignon, I still think that-" "'WHA IS THE UTILITY OF A SNAKE IF WE 'READY HAVE YA???(affectionate)"
Kida/sum fucking self control-
Absolutely sum fucking self control, Kida would be probably be silent about It and would rather not give In too much. 😔
Oh boy, so Imma go through first the sick scenario n then the more personal one.
Kayn's the most personal aware of both his n Ruri's limits so he can understand whenever he has to being cared of, even if because of a silly reason. Mind you he'd still try his best even in a physically sick state n would actually kinda get angy at Ruri, for overtime stuff while he's unable to help him.
He'll just be trying to stop him n that he's doin enough, but 90% of the time he won't.
Just, the image of a bitch takin care of his big bb overall, but them complainin cuz "you also need to take care of u >:[" scenario.
While in Ruri's case, I've seen this happening especially when he first got released that for context since ya don't know either, Ruri was basically destroyed. Like couldn't do any basic stuff, so Kayn had to basically become his babysitter.
He tollerated it but hated being powerless or seemin weak especially in front of someone like Kayn. Kinda rebelled sometimes w bein helped, but he has a soft spot for him, so in the end it's similar to what he does w him.
Kinda wanna do this last scenario since I've got an idea for It for a long time, so it's gonna be more developed there.
Now this Is separated from the rest, but longstory short they both have great difficulty w trying to help the other in these events. Aside from the Osho trauma they can both help and relate with, for the losses or for any other traumatic event they've been in, they tend to yes show the other that they're here either by physical contact (in kayns case) or being straight-foward and offering emotional support (in ruris case).
Though w Kayn it's more natural askin for help, Ruri would rather isolate, and for a very long time. He wouldn't even let him stay in so it wouldn't look good on both of them. And considering this has happened many times, yeah. We can't really blame him either, he still had greater difficulty with relationing w basically anyone, even if we're talking about Kayn. Like yeah, this sucks, but can we really blame someone who never had any time to develop and getting to understand n adknowledge their mistakes? Yeah I don't think so.
If it's somethin small however both would ask help for eachother so they're cool on that. Let them hug you bitches.
The comic im workin on kinda touches on this, but I'm gonna go further onto It. For instance, Myst Is probably the one that Is the first to forgive n Lyva havin some difficulty with telling him what she's feeling. They both had Little moments when this happened until now but still,they cannot get onto too soon nor too nicely.
Like yeah Myst would get over It in like one/two days, but as for Lyva she needs a lot of more time go come to understanding one another. Idk if I have to Say more onto this so in case send me and ask jejfhjed
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@a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @dopesaladlady @nadi-117 @audre-falrose
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kilnkin · 6 years
@pear-otter proposing an Experiment
pear-otter Hello Aud. I know we aren’t on the best of terms, but I want to propose an experiment. I don’t remember if I told you this when you were in my body, but I can possess people. I want to see if I can do it with more ease now that I’ve actually already been you. Obviously it would be a quick in and out, no tomfoolery whatsoever. We can even ask someone to oversee, like Damian. Anyway, let me know. I’m just curious so feel free to say no, haha
kilnkin you didnt tell me but ive heard it around aka that time you told everyone lol why exactly should i agree to this
pear-otter Scientific curiosity?
kilnkin weak have you pulled it off before or is it all theoretical
pear-otter I’ve possessed a bunch of humans before, but trying it on other non-humans is kind of risky. I feel like it should be easy because I’ve been in your body before and I want to confirm my theory.
pear-otter Plus you could see what it’s like to be possessed without anything bad happening or having to do stuff you don’t want to.
pear-otter I might not even be able to do it.
kilnkin you probably will
pear-otter Probably.
kilnkin idk why do you even wanna know if you can if its just in and out that doesnt sound fun
pear-otter I don’t want to make you uncomfortable Aud. I’m just curious if the body swap had that effect. Since now I can pull off a pretty convincing Aud, I was wondering if there were other ways the body swap affected things.
kilnkin lmao it did plenty. im like scarred for life over here youve earned a recurring role in my nightmares im not uncomfortable though >:(
pear-otter Oh, same.
kilnkin same what. i didnt think you were uncomfortable
pear-otter No, the dreams
kilnkin LOL thats so sweet that youre thinking of me (:
pear-otter You literally just admitted the same thing.
kilnkin no i said nightmares and maybe i was joking
pear-otter Maybe I was joking too Stop changing the subject.
kilnkin were you joking?
pear-otter No. You’re always...there, in the background. My dreams are never about You, but you’re always sort of a background character.
pear-otter It’s weird because I always remember that you were there, even though I don’t remember my dreams very well usually. And it certainly wasn’t happening before!!
kilnkin ooh maybe a little part of me got stuck in your psyche after grand theft audo wont blame you! im very easy to get attached to (:
pear-otter Oh that doesn’t sound good Sometimes I don’t understand the dreams I’m in either, they’re not things I’m familiar with. Anyway. About my proposal.
kilnkin well thats just a dream thing. the nothuman mind is a kooky place you know oh! do you want to get in my head as like a revenge thing for me getting in yours? :p
pear-otter My dreams were fairly straightforward before.
kilnkin eye for an eye blah blah. how archaic
pear-otter No! I won’t be able to see your thoughts or anything Aud. Is that what you’re worried about?
kilnkin no maybe are you sure
pear-otter Yes. Trust me, I don’t want to see your thoughts. Nothing personal, that goes for pretty much everyone. Invading someone’s privacy to that degree is something you can’t take back.
kilnkin yeah so. just in and out right
pear-otter Yes. If you like, we can have a third party there to witness.
pear-otter I suggested Damian because I feel like most people would be weirded out. But as long as you’re okay with it.
kilnkin no reason i shouldnt be right
pear-otter Aud, you can say no. I don’t want to do this if you’re just trying to prove a point and are actually not okay with this.
kilnkin should i say no? is it a big deal or not make up your mind lol
pear-otter Look. I’m just curious. There should be no down side for you, but people here seem to think possession is a Big Deal. I can understand if you don’t trust me enough to give up bodily autonomy, even for a half minute. I promise nothing bad will happen to you. But it’s a big enough thing that I don’t want to force this one you.
kilnkin ugh
kilnkin yeah ok
pear-otter I won’t think you’re scared if you say no, just that you don’t trust me, which is reasonable given our past.
kilnkin i wanna know if it works
pear-otter Okay.
kilnkin i wouldnt be scared. and i dont especially trust you. but i also doubt your ability to actually pull off anything nasty havent proven yourself that creative lol when do you wanna go
pear-otter I also won’t take this permission as permission to ever do it again, just so you know. The thing is, possessing you isn’t super exciting for me because I can already become you now, through shifting. Whenever.
kilnkin have you? been me again much?
kilnkin you seemed pretty happy to not lol have you asked damian or should i
pear-otter No I haven’t asked Damian. He’ll probably want to check if you’re okay with it anyway, so you should message him.
pear-otter I was stuck in the library, so I haven’t had many Aud Opportunities. It is cool to have a form so perfected. I could probably fool anyone you know.
kilnkin unlikely again. you lack the creativity
pear-otter I mean acting wise, probably not. But just standing there? Absolutely.
kilnkin no way i have a very specific way of just standing there
kilnkin not just anyone can pull it off
pear-otter Fine then, a photograph.
kilnkin bzz
pear-otter I’ll just have to pay more attention to the way you convey yourself, since I haven’t had reason to look before.
kilnkin dont let anyone get a photo
pear-otter I could totally pull off a picture Aud
kilnkin consumed with thoughts of me in your waking hours too! m flattered nuh uh
pear-otter Your reading comprehension skills are terrible.
kilnkin soon to be, then
pear-otter Aud if you’re trying to goad me into taking pictures of myself as you, you’ll just have to wait, I’m in bed
kilnkin not really but yeah thanks for the info we done?
pear-otter Let me know what Damian says.
kilnkin sure anything at all for scientific curiosity!
pear-otter Okay! If you still want to back out, you can always blame Damian. Anyway, good night.
kilnkin good tip. night.
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amourete-blog1 · 7 years
(( [throws confetti] MORE LOGS! next up: feelings, with a side of more feelings and animal puns.
tagging: @sugary-empress​ @caepaecaesurae​ @hereticalsym69ls​  @roseredmutant​ @carnivalsorphans
context: feli is a little less angry bc lil sensed her anger and xanthe just Knows so they cuddled her until she Chilled, then this first message came in
begin log:
sugary-empress I want to talk tomorrow, but I know you don't, so feel free to tell me to fuck off.
aberrantcadenza If you're really fine with me being biased as fuck, sure. I'm stepping back for *your* sake, not mine.
sugary-empress I mean, I guess that makes sense, considering that I'm the one hurt by this kinda stuff. Don't get me wrong, you have a stake, but it isn't like mine.
Why are lowbloods allowed to react violently and horrifically because of their past but I'm not.
aberrantcadenza ... With that topic, yes, I feel okay talking. Do you... want to talk now, or tomorrow?
sugary-empress You seemed upset, I figured it could wait. On the other hand, that just spreads out being upset across multiple nights.
aberrantcadenza I'll live. I always do. My anger issues don't go away, they just get set off by the smallest things, and then I need to rein them in. It's a constant battle and that won't change. Are you prepared to talk now, and do you want to?
sugary-empress I'm always prepared for talking about this kinda shit
aberrantcadenza :33 Well hey, I'm alright with it then. Uh... But first. I'm sorry I kind of lashed out at you. I recognize that was wrong of me - I'm *hoping* you didn't feel it, but the intention was there, and it shouldn't have been. I'm working on not engaging when I know I'm emotionally compromised. I'll do better next time.
sugary-empress I know this next part is gonna sound bitter and emotionally manipulative but it's totally sincere, I swear I'm used to people wanting me to suffer in perpetuity for what I've done, I'm trying not to make it be a big deal
aberrantcadenza I want to say I understand, but I know I don't - that's why we're here. So... I'll take it in stride. You have my word.
sugary-empress Anyways. What's up with reacting like that to a discussion about horrible things. Like, you know what I was thinking about when I posted that, right
aberrantcadenza I don't presume to know anything. I'm not privy to your thoughts.
sugary-empress So you know nothing, but enough for you to believe your commentary was insightful and/or necessary. It was about this troll who's been hurting Cae for something he did for an insignificant fraction of his existence and has regretted ever since, and it was about my matesprit's horrible timeline, where indigos horns are cut off and they're enslaved, and my alternate has been panwashed and enslaved and used as a false moirail for the person in charge. It wasn't a slave being mean to me and hurting my delicate little feelings. It was you people being hurt and ruining people's lives, forever I do that too but everyone knows it's bad why is it even up for debate
aberrantcadenza ... Yeah.
sugary-empress I'm sorry I know it's not you every time, it's Lil, or even Xanthe, but you're here and Lil blocked me
aberrantcadenza Most of why I spoke wasn't even directed at you, which added to why I stopped and stepped back when I caught myself doing it. Should have done that sooner - will next time. It was more directed at Cae. If something is happening to him, no, I wasn't privy to it. All I know is his kismesis is a former slave and personally I find it kind of distressing that he joins a conversation enough to "show support" but not enough to actually make up his mind. No, it's okay. I promise it's fine. These are the kind of discussions I ought to be having if I'm in any way engaging in these topics. Thank you, actually, for that.
sugary-empress Cae is admittedly annoyingly good at playing both sides But having an alternate universe pop up where the dude who's been hassling you had you branded is pretty unsettling He doesn't have any solid social capital anymore, it's not like he's actually still a highblood in practice, he just acts douchey enough that he seems like it
aberrantcadenza Yeah, I'll agree with that wholeheartedly.
sugary-empress Idk I'm protective of him bc he's like the ideal end goal for me lmao
aberrantcadenza :00 That... makes a lot of sense.
sugary-empress Yeah? I usually don't, so that's cool
aberrantcadenza Pff. No, I think you make a lot more sense than people chalk you up to, often... I'm sorry about that.
sugary-empress Mm. It's not a huge deal, all things considered
aberrantcadenza It's really hard to get passed over and get people acting like you don't know what you're talking about, especially if they don't stop to explain or try to understand.
sugary-empress I. Yeah
aberrantcadenza ... I'm one of those "I don't want people to suffer as I have" sort of trolls. So... if you ever want to talk to me, to clarify things like this, I'll try to listen. If it's a bad time I'll let you know.
sugary-empress Me too. Which I know seems questionable But I feel like that too, I'm just bad at identifying suffering correctly. Alphas have weird emotions.
aberrantcadenza I'm trying to believe trolls can be good, despite everything, so I'm taking you at face value. Anyone can see you've made great strides, and I haven't even known you that long.
sugary-empress Thanks, dear *Felide
aberrantcadenza :33 Thank you. I don't mind the affectionate names so much now... If you want to use them, it's fine. Anything except "kitten."
sugary-empress Oh, gross, I wouldn't call you that anyways Reminds me too much of Dualscar and babe
aberrantcadenza G od help us all.
sugary-empress 3XP
aberrantcadenza X33 Thank you. Very much.
sugary-empress I really appreciate you? As a person and a concept and this conversation is good
aberrantcadenza It is! And I'm really glad we had it. And that I was able to like, you know... chill the fuck out without actually hurting anyone. The line between "righteous anger" and "harmful anger" is so thin and I step over it far too often.
sugary-empress Don't we all That's a natural trollish thing But it's good that you know
aberrantcadenza Even for you? :??
sugary-empress Duh??? Especially for me???????
aberrantcadenza :00 ! I didn't know that, catually.
sugary-empress I've been t)(e one pus)(ing to fucking murder t)(e overseer O)( )(ey, quirk's back, cool
aberrantcadenza Idk, that seemed purrety righteous to me. XPP
sugary-empress But I'm not someone w)(o does somefin )(alfway If I feel rig)(teous stuff you know I feel evil stuff
aberrantcadenza "Go hard or go home": Extreme persian.
sugary-empress I wanted to kill Lil for wanting me to abandon Xant)(e, and I got super close to t)(at TRUUUUUU-E
aberrantcadenza :?? Wait what?
sugary-empress I'm sorry, not wanting me to abandon Xant)(e, just wanting to abandon Xant)(e, I can't type
aberrantcadenza Yikes DD: !
sugary-empress )(e decided )(e couldn't )(andle Xant)(e being )(urt and traumatized and so I s)(oal do it alone Fortunately I eventually got )(im to talk to Xant)(e again but I was so fucking mad
aberrantcadenza He said that??
sugary-empress Yea)(, lmao Sorry I forgot not ebberyone knows stuff aboat fins
aberrantcadenza :(( Wow, that's... jeez. When was this? If I might ask.
sugary-empress It was rig)(t after I rescued Xant)(e Idk I guess I can get being overw)(elmed but it sucked at t)(e time since I'd like, never done anyfin good before and suddenly I )(ad an -Enormous Fin and I didn't even get kelp at first I'm just w)(iny, I'm sorry It's w)(at anyone woulda done, I don't get an award, )(a)(a
aberrantcadenza :?? But you weren't saying anything about that. This is... massive, yes. Very much. And if it's something you hadn't any purrsonal experience with, that's even bigger. Like maybe... ten trolls stacked on end, maybe fifteen, if a normal purroblem like this is like... five. That's a weird metafur.
sugary-empress It's a great metap)(or and I glub it
aberrantcadenza ... I was really overwhelmed when I learned about it too. And scared. And I've *dealt* with things like this, this is... basically my life. And his, and all our family. Many of my lovers too. And seeing him like he was... That's fucking scary. I don't blame you at all.
sugary-empress )(ow long after did you even get to sea )(im )(e wouldn't let me contact )(is family until )(e was a lot better
aberrantcadenza I didn't meet him again until a couple purrigees ago. I only learned about it maybe... two weeks or so before we killed her.
sugary-empress Yea)( I usually see )(ow muc)( better )(e is from t)(e first nig)(t I saw t)(em, and I forget )(ow muc)( worse )(e still is compared to before... I'm sorry t)(is )(arpooned
aberrantcadenza It doesn't look like it could be helped. Trolls take and take and take... and it's inevitable, really, at the end of the night. ... But the thought is apurreciated. I'm glad you were able to help him. I don't think he could have been in safpurr grabbers.
sugary-empress 38( Cod, I'm sorry I'm saying feelings at you Wtf w)(o aut)(orized t)(ose??? Illegal
aberrantcadenza Feelings? Disgusting. Illegal, I agree. XPP No, it's good, this is... really good. Thank you.
sugary-empress You're welcome It's fucking midday and I've got a morning meeting, not like, ungodly early morning, but still, I otter sleep I'm glad we glubbed 38)
aberrantcadenza Me too! :DD Good luck with your meetfin!
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