amourete-blog1 · 6 years
They call women weak But it was Helen who launched a thousand ships And Atalanta who killed the boar It was Eris who brought the downfall of Troy And Ariadne who solved the maze It was Pasiphae who bore the Minotaur And yet they still call women weak
we are not weak, we are the stuff of legends (via randomestfandoms-writing)
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
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Hi!! Im fur33zing! But look at my new feline! His name is Toyota 
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
I can think of three witnesses who would testify otherwise.
Mom comiing through for all of u2, yet agaiin.
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
>:33 Good!
If Xanthe tries to hug mom wearing those pants they WILL become a full-body leotard.
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
If Xanthe tries to hug mom wearing those pants they WILL become a full-body leotard.
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
(( i’m probably not going to be satisfied but here’s an intermediary update:
minor wording changes to about page
added relations entry for @tv2tatiic
amended relations entry for @gentleaegis
i feel like i did something else but it was months ago and between all the shit that’s been happening i honestly can’t remember
the short version is that tv2tatiic is her tl’s psii and gentleaegis is finally revealed to be her tl’s dolo and now the pages are updated to reflect that! \o/
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
#I tatto+o+ed my o+wn child
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
Did… Did I tell you that story before? Tell me I didn’t, there’s no way, an incident with that specificity - how else did you know? How else *could* you have known?
Is it really you???
Yo+u haven’t, no+. I had the same experience do+wn to+ the tree snapping.
Curio+us, isn’t it. (:
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
Did... Did I tell you that story before? Tell me I didn't, there's no way, an incident with that specificity - how else did you know? How else *could* you have known?
Is it really you???
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
I don’t recall what I was doing at the time. Maybe I was trying to hunt, or maybe I was just getting into trouble? It was during the early hours of morning, and it must have been during a dark season, because I was out rather late.
In my explorations, I disturbed the sleep of a rather large fangbeast, who proceeded to chase me down the mountainside. I was a fast runner, but not that fast, so I needed to get creative. I climbed a tree until I got to the top, and when it tried to climb up after me, I leapt into a different tree, and the one I had just been on snapped under the weight of the cat.
I jumped from tree to tree until it figured I was more trouble than I was worth, I think. And naturally, when I got home, I must have been punished, but the exacts escape me now. :’33
Yo+u were sho+wing o+ff. There were these interesting little creatures that started to+ co+me o+ut aro+und dawn and yo+u wanted to+ catch o+ne befo+re sun up.
We had to+ use the buddy system co+mplete with hand ho+lding fo+r nights to+ make clear that we do+ no+t wander o+ff in new places alo+ne.
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
No+, tell the sto+ry. I’m. Curio+us.
I don’t recall what I was doing at the time. Maybe I was trying to hunt, or maybe I was just getting into trouble? It was during the early hours of morning, and it must have been during a dark season, because I was out rather late.
In my explorations, I disturbed the sleep of a rather large fangbeast, who proceeded to chase me down the mountainside. I was a fast runner, but not that fast, so I needed to get creative. I climbed a tree until I got to the top, and when it tried to climb up after me, I leapt into a different tree, and the one I had just been on snapped under the weight of the cat.
I jumped from tree to tree until it figured I was more trouble than I was worth, I think. And naturally, when I got home, I must have been punished, but the exacts escape me now. :’33
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
purrsniktey replied to your post “I’m resigning my role in the universe because I refuse to witness...”
How do mew live with these pants wielders
If only I know, I’d do it more. X33 As it stands, they kill me daily.
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
gentleaegis replied to your post “@gentleaegis When did you start calling me that?”
I did it befo+re? I can't remember...
Yes? No - Maybe? X((
Maybe it’s some wild coincidence? It is a common affectionate name for others, isn’t it? It had to be a coincidence. I don’t mind it! I was just reminded, somehow?
Mom called me that. I was little then, and I got into a lot of trouble, there was this incident with a mountain fangbeast and an old spruce tree... I’m sure you wouldn’t care to hear it. :’33
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
hereticalsym69ls replied to your post “@gentleaegis When did you start calling me that?”
.... Was that new?
No one’s called me that since Shit Happened. No one called me that except...
That’s a silly thought, isn’t it?
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
We did, and I can't be more grateful.
Have you been well? I've missed you.
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You all are doing very well. We know it was hard. Your story is unpleasant. But you Love still! You made it with that intact! }}°•v•°{{
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amourete-blog1 · 6 years
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When did you start calling me that?
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