#idk it was extremely hard to write all this while drunk hehe the mistakes are prob endless
The amount of people being vocal about their violently homophobic "opinions" has increased exponentially, after the election of this extreme right-wing and homophobic government. I feel like a few years ago a lot of people were homophobic anyway, but now they are being validated by our politicians and ofc things have gotten worse.
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rodismancave · 1 year
Headcanon Masterpost (of the most important things, anyway)
Every time I say “Rodimus” or “my Rodimus” it means my own portrayal— that is, not canon.
- My Rodimus is an independent portrayal of him in IDW. I enjoy exploring the intricacies of his brain post war.
- Rodimus is set about 200 years after the war has ended, nearly 200 hundred years since the Lost Light took off, and nearly 200 years since they went on their little personal journey. He has had time to think and truly process all those 4 million years of war— and, well, it’s not very good.
- He no longer wants the title of Prime. He wanted it because he wanted to prove he was worthy of something good, something he could use to top off all that guilt he felt over Nyon and all the people he let die over the course of the millennia, and he looked up to Optimus. He thought if he could be like him, then everything would be forgiven. There’s a reason he converted to spectrialism besides making Drift feel less alien. He really wanted to believe that there was something greater that made him do all that. He feels disgust towards the title now, and though he doesn’t like the implications of his name, he refuses to change it. Hot Rod is just as tainted, and Rodimus reminds him of good things. He didn’t do as many mistakes as Rodimus as he did as Hot Rod.
- All this does… dwell into a bit of religious trauma. He is more reluctant of practicing religion with Drift, and he thinks it’s shameful to pray for Primus or whatever other god. He thinks it’s shameful for himself to do it— he doesn’t care if someone else likes to pray.
- Rodimus picked up a lot of human language while on Earth. I enjoy portraying my Rodimus with a bit of Brazilian swag. If you ever read a post and think “god what the fuck” that’s the Brazilian swag. Or a popular textpost I stole. Which is also very much Brazilian swag. Anyway, point is, he will often say human swears, make reference to human culture, etc— not only because of his time on earth, but also because of the wide variety of Earth movies Swerve manages to make them watch for movie night.
- he’s horrible at object permanence, and if you look like someone from his crew he’ll tend to treat you like so, even if he feels like there’s something wrong. It’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s just that he’s a guy. If he was human, and someone he spends time with 24/7 got a haircut, he'd be like "somethings off, but idk what" and then pinpoint it 4 days later if left to his own devices. but it WOULD haunt him the entire time.
- The Lost Light is able to travel back in time and through different dimensions. But because it’s so hard to pinpoint everything, wether it jumped in time or through a different dimension is entirely random and the crew has to wait a while until they manage to figure it out. They can go back to their Cybertron, but avoid it completely.
- His relationships with his co-captain and second in command can be complicated. He certainly likes to be a nuisance, but he is also extremely distant and has a hard time not isolating himself, even if it’s not done on purpose. He does try to mean well, though.
He is not a bad captain. He reads and writes reports, even if they're not the most organized or the prettiest. He does stuff around the ship and he worries about performance a lot more than he shows.
Rung does pop up in the LL eventually after a few vorns worth of regenerating. Rodimus will remember if Rung's right in front of him, but he doesn't remember hes God. He also does get Rung's name wrong, but its more as a "hehe" bit than out of malice.
- he has a very high alcohol tolerance. He needs to drink a lot to get drunk, so going out for Swerve’s is just a group activity he enjoys. He does drink a lot, but because he knows his systems process high grade differently, and that he won’t get drunk without a fight. To him its just a fun activity to endulge his friends. He does pretend to be drunk quite often, though. Fake it till you make it.
- Once he does get drunk, though, he crashes hard and all at once. He tends to be high-functioning when drunk. On the rare occasions when he does get drunk fast (for this to happen he needs to be on a completely empty stomach) he tends to be the one taking charge, unless he feels absolutely safe: then he acts goofy, sad, or silent and distant.
- He loves food. Because he burns fuel a lot faster and runs so hot, he’s constantly eating. Genuinely adores cooking as well. He can make a bombtastic paella. Or whatever the Cybertronian equivalent would be.
My Rodimus is both an outlier and also installed dangerous mods to assist said outlier ability. He runs a lot hotter than others, and sometimes that heat can become damn near unbearable for those around him if he doesn't let some of that heat out. The mods allow him to expell that heat safely, but it hurts a lot more than he lets it be shown. Flaming out is exceptionally painful-- even if he threatens to do it, chances are he won't unless absolutely necessary. He's all bark and no bite. Rising his body temperature to scalding hot isn't painful, though, and hell do it to get people out of his ass. This headcanon is basically on the basis that I do love the idea of him being an outlier but being quiet about it (it gives a glimpse of what Rodimus is actually like: private and reserved) but I also love the idea of him having dangerous modifications for flaming out-- because it also gives a glimpse on his wreckless side.
Rodimus isn't a show-off. He is a flirt, but he will not pick up if you're flirting with him. He is absolutely oblivious all of the time. Be patient--- or not, I suppose. Sometimes he just says shit.
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