#ichigo & aizen time travel verse
opscurus · 3 months
— Ichigo is 23
Hair: Orange
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 165lbs
Born: July 15th
When the Fight between Ichigo and Ulquiorra happened, the orange haired Soul Reaper awoke his powers of Vasto Lorde. Once the battle was over, his soul returned to its battered state it had been in before the transformation, and his friends had taken care of him as best they could.
Once Ichigo and friends returned from Hueco Mundo, he started having odd feelings and sensations around certain people. Mainly Urahara, Uryu, and Orihime. He couldn’t be around any of them without feeling like he should kill or injure them — it was his Inner Hollow taking a toll upon Ichigo’s spirit.
Set directly after episode 271 through the arc. This Ichigo is AU, meaning events after the named episode didn’t happen, instead leading Ichigo to set off down different paths in the main verse of this muse.
it explores Ichigo’s insecurities / fears about his powers & the fact that he is unnatural
—Stubborn as always, though he’s learned a lot with having to cope with almost hurting his friends with his Hollow powers and has come to live in the far recesses of the Soul Society. He still travels to Karakura town every now and then, but stays only a short while.
— being;
He was a beast in Human skin, not belonging to either world, or any for that matter. If one were to see him, they’d see him ominously silent, and drifting like a leaf on the wind.
Tall, yet thin, his features are sharp, but still a bit unkempt. His hair is long, like it was in the arc against Aizen (which isn’t in his timeline) but it’s his style. He most often wears his Souls Reaper garb, it is heavily tattered and ripped. Zangetsu stands out on his hip.
Something on him is almost always bandaged. His eyes no longer have that youthful glow, now they hold a gloom and depth of heart. An unwanted terror that leaks from his Soul. Worn are his hands, many scars adorn his fingers and upper body as well. Burns marking trails along his spine show his pain. Many trials have been overcome, but not without wounds.
Most thoughts are held back and pushed deep within. He tries not to think about anything concerning his Hollow or events triggered by such. Though things come to haunt him and therefore he secludes himself when needed.
He’s not that vocal anymore, due to lack of substance or more so a lack of feeling the good things. His times for talk are only when really \prompted or when he feel it necessary. The face of the Anomaly is often void of expression, hard or unsettling. Times are short when he shows his feelings and wears his heart on his sleeve.
TEMPERMENT: lawful neutral
VICES: martyr-ism • lust
PERSONALITY TRAITS: impulsive • confident • caring • intelligent • vain • charming • taunting • quiet
HABITS: clenching his fists • running hands through his hair • muttering under his breath • gritting his teeth
SEXUALITY: homosexual
ALLERGIES: strawberries • mild asthma
DISABILITIES/INJURIES: partially blind in right eye • busted right elbow • broken ribs • dyscalculia
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sa-filonzana · 2 years
Masterlist of Reblogs:
Bleach Fics:
Urahara x Ichigo:
#Fractured Memories | Time Travel
#Swinging Pendulum Uraichi | Time Travel
Aizen & Ichigo:
TimeLord Ichigo AU:
Shinji x Ichigo
Bleach Incorrect Quotes:
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cheshiresense · 5 years
in the ura + ichi time travel au kaien was (understandably) concerned that ichigo suddenly started hanging out with kisuke. what would kaien's opinion of ichigo and aizen hanging out be, though? since aizen was a generally well liked person back then and all that. would kaien see aizen as a good influence on ichigo or do you think he would be more reserved about it?
@yoshifics @bewarethemandragora @runeofluna @selenedreamwalker @hypnos28 @verticallychallengedintrovert @fandommaniac2401 @lovingempress @cynthia-of-the-wallflowers @shadowsofmoonracer @pairp @warriorofbooks @charlottedabookworm @lyra689 @sheyrenawyrsabane @sora-the-empress @xadriannax @yumeniai @arrysa @lirial89-fanfiction @skysong246 @caiahat @grimreaper19 @arosethornbyanyothername @mtkiseki @kaminoko-x @nesskyru @tatarako @parklena42 @zibeth-a @aerdnanocte @timegrenades @healingmichiko @shiko-rae @soraofmelody​ @fandoms-make-the-world-go-round @north-peach​ @yannilicious​ @wolfsrainrules​ @franticchanges @tremendouslyminiaturequeen​ @nesomoxian​ @snowspine​ @helix-security @ciesste​ @skyrel @moon6shadow-main​ @naramyon​ @presumenothing​ @miralifox​ @nonbinary-hawke​ @dejunco​ @yuzukimist​ @raz-ia​ @13oddballbooks​ @soundofwonderland​ @ryuutsuki-kun​ @alyss-spazz-penedo​ @jaryushu​ @lolibat​ @echonekochan​
…I accidentally shoehorned Shinji into this whoops.
Anyway, you mean in the Aizen&Ichigo time travel verse right? Hmm well I know I dropped several hints in SP of Kaien (and a few others) knowing that there was something not-good up with Aizen, but canonically speaking, literally nobody except Shinji ever suspected him, so I think in this verse, I’m going to go with Kaien being one of the many who think that Aizen is just a reliable Shinigami and a generally upstanding guy. He doesn’t hero-worship him like the younger/lower-ranking Shinigami but he respects Aizen as a fellow lieutenant and the Fifth was really lucky to manage nabbing him for their squad.
So here, Kaien couldn’t prevent Ichigo from joining the Twelfth under that Very Suspicious Character Urahara (and he soon learns the impossibility that is trying to prevent Ichigo from doing anything he sets his mind to), so he’s relieved when word gets around that even after graduation, Ichigo still spends time with that Fifth Division lieutenant/part-time teacher because it means he has some regular Good Influence in his life. The Soul King knows Ichigo doesn’t spend much time with anyone else, doesn’t seem to have any close friends from his year in the Academy either or even just squadmates he can grab drinks with, so Kaien’s glad his cousin has at least one person he seems to like enough to hang out with, even if a friendship between a fresh graduate and a lieutenant is rather odd. Aizen doesn’t seem to mind either, which is also a bit of a shock because for all that the man has a reputation for helping students and subordinates alike, Kaien’s never heard of him spending time outside of work and teaching spars and classes with one. And as far as Kaien knows, he doesn’t think Aizen has any friends he hangs out with either. He’s polite and relatively friendly when he speaks to any of his colleagues, but it’s always work work work for that man. Kaien doesn’t know how he does it.
Still, he appreciates the time Aizen is taking out of his schedule these days to meet up with Ichigo for meals. On occasion, they can even be seen walking together back to their respective divisions. It’s odd, but it’s also pretty clear they’re friends, and so of course, when New Year’s swings around, Kaien wastes no time extending an invitation to Aizen as well to attend the Shibas’ annual celebrations.
He’s not surprised when Aizen - politely - turns him down. He seems that kind of guy. So Kaien moves on to Plan B - he goes to Ichigo, expounds on the elaborate festivities that will be taking place at the party, waxes poetic about how disappointed everyone will be if Ichigo can’t come, and then drops an offhand mention of how he’d tried to invite Ichigo’s friend Aizen too just so Ichigo would have someone he knew with him, not to mention Aizen doesn’t seem to have anyone to celebrate with anyway, but the lieutenant had turned him down.
Ichigo is fuming and scowling and looks about two seconds away from depriving the Thirteenth of their lieutenant, and Kaien very carefully does not show his glee as Ichigo shouts, “We’re not friends!”, looking appalled for some reason, before storming off, and Kaien can feel his reiatsu signature heading directly for the Fifth Division compound.
Mission accomplished.
(“And I should attend this function with you because…?” Aizen enquires, raising a delicately skeptical eyebrow.
Ichigo glowers at everything. “Well I’m not going alone. Kaien said they’re gonna be partying all night. I’m not suffering through that on my own!”
“Then turn the invitation down.”
“I can’t do that! Kuukaku apparently already told everyone I’ll be going, and Kaien said the kids are all looking forward to meeting me properly!”
Aizen’s other eyebrow joins his first, and he could not look more judgemental if he tried. “That still does not explain why I have to go. The fact that you are a pushover for small children is entirely your own fault.”
Ichigo reminds himself that he cannot actually reach across the table and strangle the bastard, no matter how much he wants to. He tries changing tactics instead. “Come on, it’s not like you have anything to do anyway-”
“On the contrary, I have a new book I wish to-”
“-and Kaien told me he invited you too so obviously you’ll also be expected to show up, and I’m not gonna quit badgering you about it until you agree!”
Aizen’s brow crinkles ever so slightly at the mention of Kaien. “Hm, well-played,” He murmurs, but before Ichigo can ask what he means, he continues smoothly, “I have already turned him down, so your argument is invalid. No one will be expecting me, and even if they will be, unlike you,” He beams like the super creepy virtuous Shinigami almost everyone thinks he is, which never fails to make Ichigo cringe. “I do not care in the slightest.”
Ichigo twitches before crossing his arms so that he’s less tempted to do something rash. “Well too bad! You still owe me for being evil and stalker-y, so suck it up and pick out a nice outfit because you’re going even if I have to drag you there!”
Aizen sighs long-sufferingly. “Exactly how long do you plan on trying to hold that over my head, Ichigo-kun?”
“Forever,” Ichigo retorts. “Now are you coming or are we gonna throw down over this?”
Aizen levels a flat look on him. Ichigo glares back. The two of them remain in stubborn silence for several minutes, and eventually it’s Ichigo who cracks because Aizen is a heartless monster with unrepentant stalker tendencies.
“Fine,” Ichigo huffs. “How ‘bout I show you a reishi trick I figured out recently?” Something like interest sparks in Aizen’s eyes. So predicable. “I’ve been experimenting. It’s not something I ever saw Yhwach or any of his minions do, or even Ishida or his dad, so it’s probably not something you know. But only if you come with me to the party. I’ll show you afterewards.”
Aizen watches him for a moment longer before a smirk curls at one corner of his mouth. “You’re learning.” Then he sighs, way too dramatically in Ichigo’s opinion. “Very well, but if it is something I already know, then you’ll owe me three months of manual labour in the form of paperwork. Agreed?”
Ichigo makes a face. “What? No way! One month at most.”
“One and one week and no more, asshole. I swear to god I am not above kicking your extortioning ass across Seireitei if you try to up that! Besides, I’m pretty sure you don’t know what I’ll be showing you anyway so it’s a pointless bargain.”
Aizen looks amused now. “Then it should hardly matter.”
Ichigo scowls. “It’s the principle of the matter. Well?”
Aizen inclines his head. “I agree to these terms. What time is this celebration?”
Ichigo grins, triumphant.)
Kaien cackles like a supervillain when he gets - very grudging - confirmation that both Ichigo and Aizen would be attending the New Year celebrations at the Shiba compound.
Fast forward a few weeks and Shinji narrowly avoids spraying tea all over Ukitake when Kaien strides back in to the dining hall and announces his cousin and Aizen Sousuke’s presence, both of whom enter behind the clan head, one with a scowl, the other with a cordial smile. They get seated between Kaien and Kuukaku, across from Shinji, Kyouraku, and Ukitake, and for a moment, Shinji’s gaze meet his lieutenant’s.
“Good evening, Taichou,” Aizen greets him, mild as milk, but even though his expression is perfectly calm, there’s something about it anyway that makes Shinji think he’s probably laughing on the inside.
“Sou-chan, what a surprise,” Shinji sighs and goes about refilling his cup. He needs way more sake than what’s on the table to survive the rest of this night.
They don’t really talk for the rest of the party. They’ve never really had casual conversations before. Even Shinji’s regular teasing when it comes to Aizen is at least partly to try and get a rise out of his frustratingly secretive lieutenant. And as long as Shinji’s known him, Aizen’s never really been one for celebrations. He attends captain/lieutenant functions when it’s required of him, and even then he only stays just long enough that it wouldn’t be rude when he excuses himself. He never goes out for drinks or meals, and he definitely never goes out with anyone just for fun.
Until Shiba Ichigo of course. Shinji still doesn’t know how those two work.
But, he soon realizes, the party is a perfect excuse to subtly observe them in a public setting, and that brightens his mood exponentially.
And what he observes…
It’s… odd, their interactions, which Shinji already knew from glimpses of them at the Fifth. But that was a work setting, and this isn’t, and that apparently makes a lot of difference. Or maybe it’s just that they’ve gotten closer since the last time Shinji saw them.
Even at the more casual captain/lieutenant get-togethers, Shinji recalls, Aizen stayed on the sidelines, in the background. He spoke when spoken to, and he kept any conversation going effortlessly, never dominating and always making the other party feel like he was interested in whatever topic they’d struck up even though Shinji is certain that couldn’t be farther from the truth. But he never really engaged other people of his own volition, and no matter how polite, it always felt - at least to Shinji - that he couldn’t wait to leave and get away from the annoyances that kept him from attending to whatever it was he was doing behind Shinji’s back.
He doesn’t do that here, doesn’t stay on the outside. Or rather, Ichigo won’t let him. When Kaien drags Ichigo into a conversation, Ichigo drags Aizen right along wtih him, and that wouldn’t be so jarring, but then some of the younger Shiba children shyly sidle up and ask to play tag with their newest cousin, and Ichigo folds like wet paper and agrees, but he also invites Aizen, who protests and is promptly ignored, and Shinji is treated to the mind-boggling sight of Aizen awkwardly - as awkward as Shinji’s ever seen him - playing tag with a bunch of children.
Surely he’s woken up in a parallel universe without realizing earlier?
Then there’s the fireworks display, and Ichigo drags Aizen off to show him how to set off a bunch of them. There’s desserts passed around, and Ichigo looks positively mournful when he’s too slow to get any of the kagami mochi before they’re all gone. Shinji almost chokes on his own taiyaki when Aizen visibly smirks at Ichigo, even taunting the kid with his own dessert, but after a round of mocking and scowl-pouting, the man also sighs before shoving his own plate of mochi at Ichigo and snags Ichigo’s leftover dango instead. Ichigo immediately brightens, and although his scowl never leaves his face, he somehow looks years younger with how ridiculously happy he is about a simple dessert.
And when even Aizen looks like he can’t take anymore socializing after the twelfth time someone accosts him for chitchat, Ichigo whisks him off somewhere, and Shinji doesn’t see them again until he catches their silhouettes on the roof as the night sky lights up with Kuukaku’s personal fireworks finale.
It’s… odd. Shinji can’t really find any other word for it, and by the time he takes his leave, the interactions he’s seen weigh on him more than he’s comfortable with.
These days, it feels like the Aizen Sousuke he’s always known was a completely different man from this one. Then of course, when he’s not interacting with Ichigo, he’s exactly like the man Shinji’s always known - polite and friendly and so utterly fake that it makes Shinji wonder if his colleagues are all brain-dead for not noticing.
Aizen looks at the world like he’s above it all, or maybe like he’s simply indifferent to everything, Shinigami and the Gotei and Soul Society alike.
But he looks at Ichigo like he’s actually seeing a person, and that perhaps is the biggest reason why Shinji cannot reconcile the two versions of his lieutenant.
He’s never known Aizen Sousuke to care about anyone. And Shinji’s not certain what to do about it now that he does.
Unbeknownst to Shinji, Kaien observes them too, and unlike Shinji, he likes what he sees. It’s odd, yes - Shinigami fresh out of school and even just lower-ranked ones in general simply don’t interact with their higher-ups in so familiar a manner. But Ichigo’s always been odd all on his own, and they’re not even part of the same division so nobody can call favouritism anyway, and so long as Ichigo’s fine with it, that’s all Kaien cares about.
He sees everything Shinji does tonight, and it lifts a weight from his shoulders. He’d been worried about his long-lost cousin, uncomfortable amongst family, and too strong to make friends easily at the Academy. Depending on Urahara to look out for his newest subordinate is laughable at best, and Kaien knows better than anyone that Shibas aren’t meant to be isolated. Ichigo’s introverted and a private person in general, but he’s not so different when it comes down to it. At the very least, he doesn’t seem as stressed compared to the first several months he first came into Kaien’s life, and Kaien doesn’t think he’s wrong when he contributes part of that to the Fifth Division lieutenant.
And Aizen too… well, it’s harder to tell with him. But he treats Ichigo like a friend, occasionally indulgent in a way that’s actually not unlike the way Kaien would treat a younger sibling himself, and that’s something Kaien’s never seen Aizen do with anyone else. Sure, he indulges students when they want his attention, and lower-ranked Shinigami when they want his advice, but there’s always a line in the sand with them, one he never toes. He makes himself approachable and likeable with them, and half of them go away nursing crushes.
He’s not like that with Ichigo. He doesn’t make himself anything, as far as Kaien can see. No gentle smiles anywhere. Mostly just smirks that borderline nasty, but flashes of exasperated fondness too. He’s just himself, and Ichigo takes it in stride, and maybe that’s why they’re friends.
It’s odd. But Kaien can’t complain when Ichigo’s happier these days, and he makes a mental note himself to catch Aizen later and tell him he’s welcome back to the Shiba compound anytime.
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midnightactual · 4 years
There’s a lot to take in here, but don’t let it overwhelm you. It should be fairly intuitively organized.
Muses from other series will usually be interacted with in a generic crossover Verse (Verse: CROSSOVER), which can be treated as either a nebulous inclusion of that character into Bleach, or one of Yoruichi entering into that universe with her Verse: BLEACH MAIN backstory. (She should generally be regarded as “merely visiting” somehow, up to and including through time travel or dimensional travel.)
In theory every interaction with another muse occurs within its own Verse. In practice I like the idea of a kind of loose overarching continuity, so things or characters from other interactions will often be referenced to give a sort of cohesive feeling. Don’t be surprised if she talks about somebody she interacts with!
Yoruichi generally operates with Bleach muses within a verse that broadly accepts almost all Bleach content (Verse: BLEACH MAIN). To be more specific about what that means... It’s based out of the manga first. However, it also includes Yoruichi’s role in the novels The Honey Dish Rhapsody (THDS), The Death Save The Strawberry (TDSTS), Spirits Are Forever With You (SAFWY), Can’t Fear Your Own World (CFYOW), We Do Knot Always Love You (WDKALY), and the 20th Anniversary one-shot No Breathes From Hell (NBFH). The first movie, Memories of Nobody (MON) is also included as it was obliquely canonized in the Thousand-Year Blood War arc. It generally automatically accepts most other anime filler arc content. It does not automatically accept the movies The DiamondDust Rebellion (TDDR), Fade to Black (FTB), or The Hell Verse (THV). From Yoruichi’s point of view, everything could have happened except for the movies, which still may or may not be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
That does not mean that the events of those entries necessarily happened as in canon if your muse is canon divergent! It’s also quite flexible in what can be included (like characters who canonically died or other people’s Bleach verses). Any truly radical departures from this timeline on Yoruichi’s part would have their own Verse designation (in other words, “MAIN” would change to something else).
Within Verse: BLEACH MAIN, there are various Eras that threads will be associated with if they proceed beyond a certain point (which is to say, if they’re not just nonsense or banter). Generally speaking, unless it’s really obvious or otherwise requested, it will be presumed that Yoruichi is operating in the present day (the 2023 of HALCYON). The eras are as follows:
CLASSIC — 1591 to 1901 · Yoruichi is (likely) Taichō of 2nd Division of the Gotei 13, holds her other titles, and resides in the Seireitei in Soul Society. (If you want her even earlier, either talk to me or establish it very clearly in narration.)
WANDERING — 1901 to Jul. 2001 · Yoruichi is abroad on Earth (or secretly in Soul Society) on personal travels. (See her History here for some ideas.)
RESCUE — Jul. to Aug. 2001 · Yoruichi returns to Karakura to assist Kisuke and help in the efforts to rescue Rukia. (She'd temporarily abandoned her previous gigai at this time.)
ARRANCAR — Sep. to Nov. 2001 · Yoruichi is involved with the efforts to combat the Arrancar, Espada, and other forces of Aizen.
TIME SKIP — Dec. 2001 to Mar. 2003 · Yoruichi variously spends time between the Urahara Shōten and Kūkaku’s residence in Rukongai after the events of Aizen’s defeat. She recovers her prior gigai, which receives multiple upgrades. (This includes the events of SAFWY.)
LOST AGENT — Apr. 2003 to May 2003 · Yoruichi organizes efforts to restore Ichigo’s powers from Kūkaku’s residence in Rukongai. (This includes the events of TDSTS.)
BLOOD WAR — Jun. 2003 to Jan. 2004 · Yoruichi is involved in the struggle against Yhwach and the Wandenreich Quincy, and subsequent events. (This includes the events of CFYOW.)
AFTER WAR — Jan. 2004 to May 2004 · Yoruichi shifts to semi-permanent residency in Karakura at the Urahara Shōten, albeit with frequent trips elsewhere, be they to Tokyo, Soul Society, or further abroad. She is still dealing her wartime experiences in TYBW and CFYOW in this period.
REARMAMENT — Jun. 2004–Sep. 2004 · Yoruichi has processed the most immediate effects of the war but is still prone to solipsism and indulgence.
IMPERIAL — Nov. 2004 to May 2005 · Yoruichi gains a renewed vigor and begins to heavily train again in pursuit of her own agenda.
PARADIGM — Jun. 2005 to Oct. 2005 · Yoruichi finds her own unique moral center again and moves with a sense of purpose and clarity.
REVELATORY — Nov. 2005 to Oct. 2007 · After confessing her feelings to Kūkaku, Yoruichi enters a relationship with her and begins to predominantly spend time in Rukongai thereafter.
UNITED — Nov. 2007 to Oct. 2013 · After getting married to Kūkaku, Yoruichi continues to reside in Rukongai with her, overseeing her own projects and traveling semi-frequently. Yoruichi begins to dress in red rather than orange from this point onward.
EXULTANT — Nov. 2013 to 2015 · After putting their affairs in Rukongai in order, Yoruichi and Kūkaku move to Karakura to reside in Yoruichi’s newly-built industrial park on a permanent basis.
INFERNAL — 2015 · Yoruichi and Kūkaku are involved with the events of NBFH.
HALCYON — 2015 to 2023+ · Yoruichi and Kūkaku continue their lives and business in Karakura in relative domestic bliss.
There are also:
GENERIC — Unknown · Less an era than a lack of one, this will be used to designate anything that clearly takes place in the existing Bleach verse but isn’t really chronologically related or doesn’t take pains to historically fit in for one reason or another.
UNKNOWN — Unknown · Used when I don’t know what era to assign something. You can help me out tremendously by just adding a tag indicating when you think something is happening or alluding to it in narration!
Here’s a listing of other active Verses; please be sure to note these if you’re interested in using them:
Armored Core VI — ARMORED WAR · The former CEO of a powerful family-owned planetary-level corporation from Seiko 4 which specialized in military and survival technology, Yoruichi grew bored of office politics and chose to support her family in a different way: as a registered ALLMIND mercenary. Leveraging her skills developed during years of security forces service, the latest and greatest in human augmentation—Generation Ten—and her extensive personal wealth, she pilots an Armored Core named Kurayami under the callsign Midnight. A more detailed history is available here.
Cowboy Bebop — MARTIAN COWBOY · The former leader of the Black Tiger crime syndicate on Mars, a rival of the Red Dragons and White Tigers, Yoruichi grew tired of the hustle and brutality and left under mysterious circumstances; later becoming an independent ‘Cowboy’, she largely serves as a wandering (and extremely dangerous) do-gooder.
Cyberpunk 2077 — NEON DARK · Yoruichi is a mercenary for hire and community fixture in Night City whose true background and nature are shrouded in mystery. In truth an ex-Japanese Army operative of totally redacted origin, she volunteered for a highly-advanced human-passing full-body cybernetic conversion as part of a corporate-military spec ops program, only to fall off the grid when the associated facility was destroyed by unknown assailants. She now works various jobs, albeit mostly as a Solo. A more detailed history is available here, and rumors about here are available here.
Genshin Impact — ELECTROPUNK ACADEMIC · Yoruichi was born in Sumeru. Her mother was from Inazuma, while her father’s mother was from Sumeru and his father was a Muratan from Natlan; they met while studying at the Sumeru Akademiya. Yoruichi received a degree from the same in 5 years (an achievement well eclipsed by Lisa Minci) before relocating to Fontaine. She would later arrive in Inazuma after the end of the Vision Hunt Decree. Despite being a new arrival, she wears mostly Inazuman fashion and blends in well apart from her appearance. She is an Electro Catalyst user with a hand-to-hand fighting style like Heizou Shikanoin, although she also has some ranged attacks.
Gundam (U.C.) — SPACE ACE · An ex-Zeon One Year War mobile suit ace, Yoruichi deserted early in the conflict as atrocities began and soon dedicated herself to helping Federation citizens resist Zeon occupation and oppression; she later joined Karaba and worked with the AEUG against the Titans, and later still sided with Londo Bell. She is a rather weak Newtype who only occasionally has premonitions and instead succeeds through talent, experience, training, and instinct. Her mobile suit history is available here and here. This verse will generally interact with all Gundam timelines through handwaving interdimensional travel.
Halo — SHADOW GUARD · Ostensibly a SPARTAN-IV Fireteam Leader (Fireteam Tiger) under Spartan Operations, Yoruichi is in truth an ONI Rear Admiral, the last surviving member of the first SPARTAN-I program, and witness to the last three centuries of human progress and failure. While not the obvious champion of humanity with legendary exploits like John-117, her total experience is beyond compare. A more detailed history is available here.
Inuyasha — FEUDAL DEMON · Not a mere bakeneko or nekomata, nor even a neko Yōkai, but rather the Neko no Daiyōkai, Yoruichi appears superficially fully human, and long ago deserted her kingdom and station to live among humans; she interferes in their affairs (especially politically) for fun and out of an odd sense of common decency.
Legend of Korra — FIRE STARTER · Descended from Fire Nation aristocrats, Yoruichi is an independent Firebender possessed of a highly unusual combo-technique: a mix of lightning generation and combustionbending which she can produce from her hands and feet; she mostly spends her time wandering and being charitable.
Modern Military — TOP GUN · Yoruichi is an officer with the United States Navy sometime around the present day, serving as a carrier aviator. The only notable divergence from reality with this setting is that the Navy adopted the Super Tomcat A/ST-21 as the F/A-14E, rather than the F/A-18E/F as it did in real life.
Modern Generic — HUMAN ONE · intended as a generic no-powers Verse for things like coffee shop AUs, Yoruichi is a human adult from a well-to-do family in Karakura, Japan. She is Japanese and 27 years old, has been out of college for five years (having graduated from Stanford overseas in California), and owns her own martial arts dōjō which she lives above. Her parents are alive (her dad is half-Japanese, half-Indian, and from a military background, while her mom is Japanese and was a businesswoman) and she has a younger brother, but is somewhat estranged from them. (Earlier and even later settings are possible.)
One Piece — JOLLY ROGER · An ex-Marine Vice Admiral, Yoruichi deserted some years ago and has gone on to become the mythical “Bandit Queen”, although in truth she never associates with them and has gained the title through fear alone. Her full background is cloaked in shadow, but what shines bright is her command of the Devil Fruit Kira Kira no Mi, which allows her to manipulate light in endlessly fine-tuned ways, and her status as an absolute virtuoso at melee combat. More detail is available here.
Outlaw Star — STAR NOIR · Previously an extremely high-ranking noble and intelligence officer in the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire, Yoruichi fled her life in one night; subsequently having herself surgically altered to avoid detection or capture, she presents as human and has adopted Terran customs, blending in among them as a generalist problem solver for hire with a strange affinity for Caster weapons and an interest in Tao Magic.
Tenchi Universe — COVERT UNIVERSE · Formerly the head of an imperial family whose empire rivals that of Jurai, Yoruichi slipped away one day to lead an independent life; she spends most of her time evading efforts by her family to bring her back and committing acts of good, sometimes aiding the Galaxy Police and bounty hunters and other times helping the downtrodden and those down on their luck.
Terminator — THUNDERCHROME · Cyberdyne Systems Series 901 Model 410 Version 1.17—T-901/XMC. Cybernetic organism: compact experimental hyperalloy combat chassis sheathed in living tissue reformatted with machine-phase matter. External physical attributes suboptimal for infiltration missions (eye and hair color) suggest reprogramming? Bears similarities to units from various timelines, most closely matching the T-900 [TSCC] but with design elements similar to the T-800 (endoskeleton skull and neck), T-X (weaponry), and T-3000 (sheathe). Original timeline: unknown. Mission parameters: unknown.
Type Moon — UNBOUND AGENT · Very easily mistaken for a Servant, Yoruichi is “merely visiting” from her native universe and in possession of all her standard abilities. She initially appeared in the Kara no Kyoukai timeline, in the vicinity of Masaki and Mifune in the year 2005, first encountering Asagami Fujino after having followed a dimension-hopping Tohsaka Rin. After learning the rudiments of the universe, she sometimes describes herself as a “Commander” or “Commando” class Servant and pretends to have a Master to obscure her true nature.
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cooliogirl101 · 6 years
Would it be possible for Hisana to fall in love with Sosuke or the opposite to happen? (Not the verse with Sayuri)
I...hmm...I think it’d be possible for him to grow a little fond of her. And in WTL Hisana said herself that Aizen was very likable (or at least, his mask is). Love is a different story, though. I think that in order for Aizen Sousuke to love someone, they’d need to be capable of becoming his equal (which is why I made Sayuri’s shikai partially counter his abilities). And they’d need to understand him, truly understand him. 
Which limits the people I could potentially ship Aizen with to Ichigo (and even then I’d need to throw some in some time travel or dimension jumping to make it work). 
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El Cobarde Solitario Verse
This verse is canon divergent from Arturo’s mainverse. Instead of fighting alongside the Espada in the Winter War, Arturo chose to flee. His reiryoku had still not returned by the time the war grew near. He was useless in combat and would surely die at the hands of the Shinigami or even worse one of the Espada. He had to make a hard choice, one that took an immense blow to his pride. Like a coward, he fled from Los Noches one night before the start of the war, running to the far outskirts of Hueco Mundo in order to avoid being killed. None of the Espada truly cared enough about him to even wonder where he had gone off to, and Aizen was too busy beginning to launch his plan against the Soul Society to care about Arturo. In truth, Aizen’s plans of obtaining the Shisuikyō were not of great importance to him and became obsolete once the Winter War was underway. The Soul Society believed Arturo to be dead, so no one came looking for him. His existence wasn’t brought up by any of the Espada nor Aizen. He was completely forgotten.
His reiryoku was returning, but it was taking far too long. He managed to keep up his strength by fighting the ever present hollows and adjuchas in Hueco Mundo. He had enough power to defend himself against the lessers, but not enough to accomplish his true goal of taking over the Soul Society. Eventually, Arturo returned to Los Noches to find the place in ruins and not a trace of Aizen nor his army anywhere. There was some lingering reiatsu, which he recognized as either the Espada’s, Aizen’s, or the Shinigami’s. He recognized Ichigo Kurosaki’s among them, but no one else’s. He assumed that the Espada and Aizen had all perished in the war, leaving him behind. He has no knowledge of any of the battles that occurred nor any other events of the war.
Arturo feels forgotten, his pride a fraction of what it once was the longer he has to wait for his strength to recover. He is lonely and constantly berates himself for his decision to flee even though he knew it was his only choice unless he wanted to die. He considers himself a coward. He is still hopeful that someday he will return to his former glory. Arturo bides his time alone in Los Noches, occasionally traveling to the Human World or the outskirts of the Rukongai District, waiting for his reiryoku to fully return, so he can once again carry out his revenge against the Soul Society.  
After the 17 Month Time-Skip
This is a bit of divergent add-on to the verse for muses who interact only past this point in the series. Arturo’s reiryoku has still yet to fully return and he has grown hopeless. He believes he will never return to his original strength, weak and forgotten forevermore. He is not the same person he used to be. His pride is gone, all that remains is anguish. But, there is still a bit of hope buried deep within him that someday he will once again be a true threat to the world, Shinigami shivering when they hear the name Arturo Plateado.
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cheshiresense · 5 years
I saw another Bleach snippet and my brain went, "this blog is my heaven." Then I went reading and I was (not so) low-key hoping Kisuke would have a cameo. Cause jealous, confused, what-is-happening-here-and-to-me Kisuke. Enough said. Just imagine him seeing Ichigo and Aizen like this. But yeah, Aizen at a party ambushed by children is the best. I could actually hear his inner panic. Beautiful. Also the "Ichigo folded like a wet paper" line - magnificent I laughed so hard, cause - true. Thanks :)
Lol I’m glad you’ve liked the random stuff on here =D Tbh, this particular verse I want to focus on Aizen and Ichigo so Idk if I’ll put that much time in the UraIchi relationship. I mostly just stuck it in there for the humour value and the parallels that could be drawn between Aizen and Urahara. And just because it’s my otp.
And this snippet I think takes place early on when Ichigo’s just joined the Twelfth for a while so there’s not too much going on on the UraIchi front at this point. But writing post-canon!Aizen with Ichigo is surprisingly fun so I’m glad you’re enjoying this verse anyway :)
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cheshiresense · 5 years
Reading the Aizen/Ichigo verse is so much fun. I have to ask, how do the captains (Urahara, Shinji and the like) feel about this sudden partnership?
Outsider POV, okay. Here’s a short scene from Shinji. I might do a Kisuke one later but it’s late and my laptop needs to update so I want to get this posted and you only get one scene.
Pinglist: @yoshifics @bewarethemandragora @runeofluna @selenedreamwalker @hypnos28 @verticallychallengedintrovert @fandommaniac2401 @lovingempress @cynthia-of-the-wallflowers @shadowsofmoonracer @pairp @warriorofbooks @charlottedabookworm @lyra689 @sheyrenawyrsabane @sora-the-empress @xadriannax @yumeniai @arrysa @lirial89-fanfiction @skysong246 @caiahat @grimreaper19 @arosethornbyanyothername @mtkiseki @kaminoko-x @nesskyru @tatarako @parklena42 @zibeth-a @aerdnanocte @timegrenades @healingmichiko @shiko-rae @soraofmelody @fandoms-make-the-world-go-round @north-peach @yannilicious @wolfsrainrules @franticchanges @tremendouslyminiaturequeen @nesomoxian @snowspine @moon6shadow-main @naramyon @presumenothing @miralifox @nonbinary-hawke @dejunco @yuzukimist @raz-ia @13oddballbooks @soundofwonderland @ryuutsuki-kun @alyss-spazz-penedo 
[Shinji, takes place right after his bit here]
Shinji’s still reeling from a bloody nose when he sees something that makes him think he’s also got a concussion.
The most recent Shiba prodigy is fuming in front of him, looking ready and willing to throw down against a Gotei captain right then and there, consequences be damned, but honestly that doesn’t surprise Shinji. He’s friends with Kaien after all, and for all that he and Ichigo seem like night and day most of the time, their tempers are not so different when it comes to defending the people they care about.
And it has become plenty clear that Shiba Ichigo - somehow, someway - has grown to genuinely care about Shinji’s lieutenant.
Nobody does that. It sounds cruel, but it’s one of the things Shinji has noticed– for all that Aizen is widely admired by the younger generation and generally respected by his peers and superiors, he isn’t friends with anyone, and Shinji knows he’s from Rukongai too so he doesn’t even have family, and as a result, Shinji can’t imagine anyone going to bat for Aizen the way Ichigo is doing. Maybe part of that is because - before today - Aizen has certainly never needed anybody going to bat for him, forever giving off an aura of polite confidence and quiet competency, but that - in a way - just isolates him further. The younger Shinigami vie for his attention because they see his talent, skilled without being arrogant, and willing to help without demeaning anyone, and they look no further. On the surface, Aizen Sousuke has always been perfect, and everyone wants to bask in perfection– but at the same time, they know they can never attain it themselves and so they don’t try.
It’s not as if Shiba Ichigo tries either. The boy is talented, no doubt, but honing his skills is the least of what he hangs around Aizen for, because as far as Shinji has seen, Ichigo shows Aizen none of the admiration that those under the man’s regard tend to have, nor does he treat the lieutenant with any kind of eager obeisance that those working under Aizen usually display. They may have started out as student and mentor, but their relationship hasn’t been just that for as long as Shinji has known of it.
Honestly, he’s never been able to put a label on them. Sometimes, he looked at the way Ichigo interacted with Sou-chan, and he could swear the dark bite of hostility in his scowl was real, one wrong word away from outright skewering Aizen on his sword or something equally lethal. But other times, he spotted the way Ichigo grinned in response to Aizen sighing or rolling his eyes - something the lieutenant never did with anybody else, always perfectly patient and perfectly nice - and Shinji could swear they were friends.
It doesn’t make much sense to him, their relationship, even now, because he doesn’t know their past - bumped into each other at the Academy one day, his ass - but he does know what he saw, so Shiba Ichigo coming to Aizen’s defense, even if that means breaking at least half a dozen laws just by striking a captain, is… well, admittedly not something Shinji expected, but also not something particularly shocking even if he doesn’t know any other lower-ranking Shinigami - not even Kaien - who would dare do something like this, especially in public the way they are now, in full view of his entire gawking scandalized Division.
I, Shinji thinks rather ruefully as he simultaneously tries to stem the blood flow while gauging how bad the break is, probably shouldn’t have given the kid blanket permission to come and go from the Fifth since his Academy days just because I was curious.
Nobody even tried to stop him when he stormed in through the front gates like a particularly angry thunderstorm and honing in on Shinji the moment Shinji stepped out into the courtyard to meet them.
And Shinji knows he did something wrong, said something wrong. He’s never been able to find anything that could get under his lieutenant’s skin in all the years they’ve worked together, and yet one mention of Muken and something in Aizen just seemed to… snap.
If Ichigo hadn’t gotten there when he did, Shinji isn’t too proud to admit that he’s pretty sure Aizen would’ve at the very least run him through, perhaps not fatally but definitely before Shinji could draw his own blade. He hadn’t even seen Aizen going for his Zanpakutou before Ichigo physically stopped him from unsheathing it and then flash-stepped both of them away at a speed that probably rivaled Yoruichi at her fastest.
And now here they are, almost two hours later, clothing still ripped, wounds still bleeding, and the scent of smoke still clinging to them. Neither of them look as if they held back at all in whatever spar they’ve clearly just had. Ichigo is seething, and Shinji’s whole face throbs with pain, but in this one moment, all he sees as his gaze slides past Ichigo’s shoulder to the man standing silently behind him, is the expression on Aizen’s face as he stares - wide-eyed and still - at Ichigo’s back.
Maybe it’s because he’s lost his glasses and he’s just more expressive this way, or maybe Shinji really has finally caught him off-guard, because for the first time since Shinji met him, Aizen looks completely, openly, thoroughly stunned. There’s no single name for all the emotions painted across his lieutenant’s facein these precious few seconds, only that it’s something equal parts breathless and startled and shaken, raw and fragile in a way that almost hurts to look at.
And even as Shinji watches, Aizen doesn’t notice. He doesn’t move, doesn’t even seem to breathe. But he stares at Ichigo the way one might stare at a miracle they never asked for, at something made of spun glass and hope - with wonder and awe and just a dash of fear, all wrapped up in confusion and disbelief, and all of it aimed at Ichigo as if the boy’s defense of him is something Aizen never even considered might happen.
It doesn’t last. A blink, another, a handful of heartbeats in-between, and then the mask slams home once more, all polite concern and professional alarm in the face of the unexpected altercation.
And so fake Shinji can’t believe nobody else can see it, are they blind?
The courtyard explodes into whispers, and a few Shinigami drift forward like they’re not sure if they should subdue the crazy Twelfth Division member in their midst, only to stop when Aizen waves them back.
But Shinji. Shinji watches the way his own lieutenant brushes past Ichigo, the briefest touch of fingers to a fury-tense elbow that could be dismissed as an accident before Aizen steps in front of the boy and promptly stonewalls Shinji with all the blandly pleasant power of his most earnestly apologetic smile.
“Are you alright, Taichou? I am afraid Shiba-kun got a bit hot-headed over a misunderstanding.” They both ignore Ichigo’s mutinous muttering over misunderstanding nothing damn it. “I can have Akabe-kun escort you to the Fourth. You should get that seen to as soon as possible. I will deal with Shiba-kun in the meantime-”
“Sou-chan,” Shinji cuts him off bluntly, his voice coming out nasal-sounding and irritable. “Shut up.”
He ignores the blistering glare he gets from Ichigo even as he meets the boy’s eyes. “I’m goin’ ta the Fourth. You’re gonna be gone by the time I get back.” He makes sure his voice carries. “When I told ya to work on your hit-and-run tactics, I didn’t mean walk right up to your target and sock them in the face. That’s not how hit-and-run works. And I definitely didn’t mean try it on me.”
Ichigo blinks. Aizen does too. Shinji rolls his eyes and strides away. “Akabe! With me!”
As far as excuses go, it’s not a great one. But people will take it and run with it, and so long as he drops a word to Urahara and make sure the brat gets latrine duty for a week or two, nobody will kick up a fuss about the insubordination or disrespect. Just a misunderstanding, and Ichigo got a slap on the wrist for it. No need to demote him.
Shinji still doesn’t trust Aizen, not by a long shot. But actually hurting him wasn’t his goal either, however unintentionally it happened, and if Ichigo is… is changing him somehow, if Ichigo actually holds sway with Aizen in ways Shinji’s never been capable of…
Then Shinji will back off. For now. He won’t stop watching his lieutenant like a hawk. But he’ll try to see more than Aizen simply manipulating Ichigo for his own ends, try to see too what Ichigo sees in Aizen that’s so worth protecting.
His lieutenant’s face flashes through his mind again, that moment of unguarded emotion that Aizen has never let him see before, and he thinks, for the first time in a long time, he’ll try, really try, to give the man a chance.
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cheshiresense · 6 years
Out of curiosity, and because you've mentioned it before: how do you think a friendship between ichigo and aizen would go down? *tosses in a time travel bit, just in case, because why not?*
Pinglist: @yoshifics @bewarethemandragora @runeofluna @selenedreamwalker @hypnos28 @verticallychallengedintrovert @fandommaniac2401 @lovingempress @cynthia-of-the-wallflowers @shadowsofmoonracer @pairp @warriorofbooks @charlottedabookworm @lyra689 @sheyrenawyrsabane @sora-the-empress @xadriannax @yumeniai @arrysa @lirial89-fanfiction @skysong246 @caiahat @grimreaper19 @arosethornbyanyothername @mtkiseki @kaminoko-x @nesskyru @tatarako @parklena42 @zibeth-a @aerdnanocte @timegrenades @healingmichiko @shiko-rae @soraofmelody @fandoms-make-the-world-go-round @north-peach @yannilicious @oceanshimmerspirit-blog @naramyon @presumenothing @miralifox @nonbinary-hawke @dejunco @yuzukimist @wolfsrainrules
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. In general, I’m not a huge fan of Ichigo & Aizen interaction unless Aizen’s just there to fill the enemy role. It’s not like I hate it, it’s just I’m usually not interested in it.
Let’s say Yhwach wins. Soul Society is destroyed. Most people are dead. All that good-bad stuff. Ichigo gets sent back. Along with Aizen. They’re basically the only two powerhouses left, and SK figures if anyone can stop his son, it’s these two with all the knowledge and experience they have against Yhwach. And also if anyone can keep Aizen in check without literally locking him up, it would be Ichigo.
Because I am a sucker for TBTP era, that is where they go. Maybe that’s as far as the SK could send them, maybe he thinks a century-ish to prepare would be enough.
Aizen Sousuke, Fifth Division lieutenant, gets carted off to the Fourth when he collapses out of the blue one afternoon under the weight of a hundred+ years of memories, including all the work he’ll do in his attempt to make a perfect Hogyoku and the events that led to his brief reign in Las Noches and of course his defeat at the hands of Kurosaki Ichigo and Urahara Kisuke and even those two years he spent in the darkness of Muken before being released just in time to watch the world collapse.
Ichigo, mind and body, gets conveniently dumped near a patrol led by Shiba Kaien. It doesn’t take much for the Clan to accept someone who’s so obviously one of them, even if they don’t know who his parents are. He’s also shuffled off to the Fourth because Kaien found him bleeding and near-comatose, and the Shibas have private healers but Unohana is still the best.
Ichigo wakes up first. His healing factor is no joke, and Aizen technically has two souls working to integrate together while his mind struggles to put all the new memories in order. They don’t see each other that day. Aizen gets his own private room, and Ichigo is in a wing reserved for the Shibas. But Ichigo can still sense him, and yeah, a very large part of him is still wary of this man because they aren’t exactly friends and Aizen’s one of the smartest, most dangerous people Ichigo has ever met. But at the same time, he also remembers the Aizen who tried to help him against Yhwach, undoubtedly for his own survival and his own refusal to serve anyone, but by the end, it was also very obvious that Yhwach was going to win and Aizen still didn’t switch sides or run away. Not even for his own survival. If nothing else, Ichigo can respect conviction like that.
Sousuke wakes a few days later. Unohana tells him his reiatsu was depleted, and did he strain himself training? Sousuke easily takes the lie and runs with it, conceding gracefully to Unohana’s ominous stare and lecture before he’s released.
Kyouka Suigetsu is cold even to his touch, and he can’t hear her even though he can feel her again. It’s both jarring and startling. He’s used to a certain kind of emptiness where his spirit once - and now again - resided, and he didn’t realize just how much he missed her felt that emptiness until it’s been filled again. He’s not sure what kind of reception he’ll receive when he enters his mindscape so he puts that off for later.
He goes back to work, brushes aside his captain’s suspicious glances and deflects his gruffly concerned nagging. He gets his hands on a calendar as soon as possible, and a few quick calculations tells him it’s still a good decade before the Hollowfication incident. He hasn’t even met Gin yet. Which reminds him… He considers it for all of a moment before making a mental note to recall all the Shinigami currently secretly under his command, gathering souls out in Rukongai under the guise of missions. Gin was a… tolerable protégé, a quick learner and a dependable subordinate, inasmuch as Sousuke ever depended on anyone. He has no use for him this time though, so he might as well leave the boy and his friend alone. Besides, Ichigo probably won’t approve, and even before they came back, Sousuke had already decided that - at least until Yhwach is taken care of - it would be more trouble than it was worth to have to fight Ichigo every step of the way as well. Until or unless, of course, Ichigo attempts to get him thrown back into Muken.
They don’t meet up until two weeks later. Sousuke is admittedly impressed at the speed Ichigo can get things moving when he’s motivated. Within a week, rumours of a new Shiba enrolling a bit late at the Academy begin circulating. Within two weeks, said new Shiba has reached prodigal status and jumped straight to almost all senior courses, most likely slated to graduate by the end of the year.
“You act quickly when you have made up your mind,” is Aizen’s opening gambit when he appears in the ramen stand that Ichigo deliberately chose because it’s only half a block away from the Fifth Division barracks.
Ichigo shrugs and doesn’t bother looking up from his noodles. “No use dragging my heels, right? I can’t do anything when I’ve got every Shiba in the city hovering over me like I might collapse from a strong gust of wind. They’ll have to back off once I graduate and get a job.”
Aizen makes a faintly skeptical noise once he finishes ordering his own meal. “You would be surprised. The Shiba Clan has always been strangely family-oriented.”
Ichigo rolls his eyes. “There’s nothing strange about being family-oriented. But whatever, we’re not here to talk about them. What’s your plan?” He gets a raised eyebrow for that. Ichigo rolls his eyes again. He feels like he’s going to be doing that a lot. “You can’t tell me you don’t already have like half a dozen plans cooked up. So tell me those, I have a few ideas of my own that I’ll tell you, and we’ll poke holes in each other’s plans until we come up with the best one.”
He gets stared at a bit more before Aizen’s ramen arrives, and they eat in silence for a while. Aizen is the one who breaks it in measured tones, “We need to figure out a way to breach their Wandenreich before Yhwach returns. He is powerful enough on his own. Taking his army from him would be a decent blow against him.”
Ichigo grimaces. “Right, and by we, you mean me.”
Aizen points out, mild as milk, “I cannot manipulate reishi.”
Ichigo sighs but doesn’t protest. His gaze slides over to a nearby shadow before returning to his food. “Right. Well. I guess you’ll be figuring out a way to defeat the Quincy army?”
Aizen waves a dismissive hand. “Yhwach aside, I am not particularly concerned about the rest of them. If push comes to shove and our Bankai are stolen, Urahara Kisuke invented a way to cripple them. I am sure I can duplicate the method.”
Ichigo gives him a hard stare at that. “Okay, but that better not be code for ‘I’m gonna continue feeding people to my sparkly magic stone’. Yours was a failure anyway so there’s no point doing the same thing all over again.”
Aizen counters with a narrow-eyed look that doesn’t quite fit the kind, genial lieutenant disguise he’s got going right now. It’s creepy. “The Hollowfication research will be necessary. I believe it is key to defeating Yhwach.”
Ichigo scowls. “That’s fine. But not your way.”
Aizen’s lip curls a little, equal parts derision and mockery before it’s wiped away again, just as a group of Shinigami duck inside to pick up their takeout order. They whisper excitedly when they catch sight of Aizen, and all of them blush when Aizen smiles at them. Ichigo thinks he might gag.
“Do you think,” Aizen says with all the silky bite of hidden poison, as soon as the Shinigami have left. “Your Urahara Kisuke created his Hogyoku any differently than I? He somehow succeeded where I did not, but do not think for one second that his hands are any cleaner than mine. The very nature of the Hogyoku requires the sacrifice of souls. He is no saint, no matter what kind of pedestal you’ve put him on in your-” He stops. Looks at Ichigo. A frown creases his brow. “…But you know that.”
Ichigo shrugs. “That Kisuke’s done some seriously messed up shit? Well yeah. I mean, Exhibit A: Rukia, Exhibit B: me. And I didn’t spend all my time at the Shouten only drinking tea and training, you know. Sometimes we talked.”
He doesn’t let himself think about it though. He’s been handling everything so far by very pointedly not thinking about it. About everything he’s lost. About everyone he’s lost.
“Just find another way,” Ichigo finishes irritably. “You’re supposed to be smart, right? So quit fucking around and figure it out.”
Aizen… doesn’t do anything as obvious as glare or even clench his jaw or anything, but there’s something about the unblinking sharpness of his expression that makes Ichigo think the man is torn between amused and annoyed and maybe a little incredulous. Ichigo doesn’t quite understand where all those emotions are coming from but he scowls back with an unflinching sort of steadiness because this is a line in the sand, and Aizen will not be crossing it. Not again.
Aizen finally concedes with little more than a huff of a laugh through his nose even as he turns back to his meal. “As you say,” He agrees, and if you only listened to his tone of voice, you’d think he was the pinnacle of gracious modesty. “And what of Urahara Kisuke? Will you be stopping him too?”
Ichigo frowns. “Yeah, but it’ll probably take me a while to get there. I was thinking, after I graduate, should I go to the Twelfth? We’ll probably need Kisuke, sooner or later.”
“You believe you can influence him enough to change him?” Aizen looks amused all over again.
“I can try,” Ichigo retorts. “If it really comes down to it, I can find his labs, burn everything that looks shady, and then pin him down and explain everything to him. And hopefully by then I’ll have found a way through to the Wandenreich too so that would be proof.”
He bristles defensively when Aizen actually rolls his eyes, a little. And here he thought the bastard was too refined for that.
“And there is the Kurosaki Ichigo I recall from our early days,” Aizen murmurs. He doesn’t give Ichigo the chance to snap back, continuing smoothly, if pointedly, “Do you even know enough about any scientific field or technological research to catch the Twelfth’s eye? At this point in time, those are the only types of graduates Urahara Kisuke is looking for.”
“Well, no,” Ichigo admits. He knows a bit from listening to Kisuke in the other future-past but probably not enough to actually make a career out of it. “But you can teach me, right?”
Aizen doesn’t even blink, but his reiatsu flutters just a moment, giving away his genuine surprise. “Me. Teach you.”
“You can say no,” Ichigo snorts. “If I can’t get into the Twelfth, I figure the Thirteenth or Eighth might be-”
“I have not said no,” Aizen cuts him off calmly. “And it would be foolish of you to believe there is no danger in working your way into Kyouraku Shunsui or Ukitake Jyuushirou’s good graces. This is not a century in the future where they’ve spent years stewing silently under a number of injustices against people they claimed to care about. This is a time where they turned their faces and said nothing when the Gotei’s elite was gutted overnight on one man’s say-so. Kyouka Suigetsu’s hypnosis ensured that an already paranoid government would condemn them, this is true, but I never had to hypnotize a single Shinigami for them to let the matter go. There was talk, of course, but in the end, they swept the incident under the rug all on their own.” He studies Ichigo for a long moment, and whatever he sees there - Fury? Disgust? Disappointment? - makes him nod with something like satisfaction and something like pity. “I will teach you some basics. I teach classes a few times a week at the Academy. I can set aside some office hours for you. If you can turn Urahara Kisuke to our cause, it would simplify matters greatly. But I doubt you will enjoy it much. You have always preferred the arts, I believe.”
Ichigo freezes. Aizen looks particularly innocent despite the dark-tinted amusement that swims underneath. “I did say I have watched you grow up all your life, did I not?”
“…You are so fucking creepy,” Ichigo finally croaks.
And Aizen beams rainbows and butterflies in response, and hell Ichigo wishes he’d looked like that at Yhwach because surely it would’ve been a one-hit KO. It sure as fuck makes Ichigo want to run screaming in the opposite direction.
And… some time passes. Ichi goes to school, meets up with Aizen in his office a couple times a week for tutoring sessions, plots with Aizen, snarks with Aizen, shouts at Aizen on one memorable occasion when they argued over whether hypnotizing everyone into helping them fight would be a good tactic (Ichigo wins with a no, for now, to be rehashed in the future).
Eventually though, people notice.
Sousuke hasn’t been using Kyouka Suigetsu as much. To be honest, there’s simply no real need, which is… an actual novelty. He is literally not doing anything illegal, and in fact hasn’t done anything illegal - beyond ensuring all the Shinigami under his command don’t remember what they’ve been doing for him - since he came back in time. He’s fairly certain it’s some kind of record.
It’s largely Ichigo’s fault, Sousuke decides. When he isn’t doing paperwork or teaching a class or away on a mission, he’s tutoring Ichigo or ironing out their future potential plans with him.
And Ichigo is not like Gin. Gin was obedient. For all that he had a mischievous streak, he also walked a careful line around Sousuke. He had a knack for just enough backtalk to be amusing but not offensive, made himself useful but didn’t linger enough for his presence to become annoying, and ultimately, he did anything and everything Aizen asked of him.
Ichigo is not like that. He very much does not give a damn about whether or not he offends Sousuke. He’ll park himself in Sousuke’s office until he learns whatever chapter of whatever topic Sousuke is teaching him that day. He’ll let them both take a break if they end up too frustrated, but he keeps at it, and he never shies from asking Sousuke to explain something again if he doesn’t understand. He matches Sousuke word for word if they disagree over something. He isn’t too prideful to concede if Sousuke makes a good enough point, but likewise, he doesn’t let Sousuke get away with insisting on being right when Ichigo comes out on top in their arguments.
It’s frustrating, and more than once, Sousuke thinks it would be so much easier if he could just… hypnotize Ichigo a little, to make him a little more agreeable. Of course, then he remembers Kyouka Suigetsu won’t work on him, because they may be back in time, but the soul remembers, and Ichigo adapted to Kyouka Suigetsu’s illusions from the very first moment they teamed up against Yhwach like he’d done it his entire life. Kyouka Suigetsu has never and will never work against Ichigo, and Sousuke’s still undecided about whether to be impressed or insulted by this.
So Sousuke is forced to cope. He’s appalled when Ichigo actually manages to goad him into snapping back once or twice, but at the same time, there’s something almost freeing about not having to watch his words, his actions, his very facial expressions, when there’s only Ichigo around. With Ichigo, there is no need to pretend because he already knows exactly the kind of person Sousuke is, and it leaves him feeling simultaneously wrong-footed and uneasy and perhaps just a touch grateful.
Eventually, Hirako notices. Hirako Shinji has forever been a thorn in Sousuke’s side. Not particularly life-threatening, almost forgettable at times, but irritating all the same. Hirako’s always seen something off about Sousuke. He’s never been able to see the full picture, but he sees enough to remain wary. Not that it helped him much in the end of course.
But he sees Sousuke with Ichigo, with the Shiba’s latest pride and joy, and undoubtedly, he probably thinks Sousuke is corrupting him. Which secretly amuses Sousuke to some degree. If there’s one man Sousuke would put money down on being uncorruptible, or at least very close to it, it would be Kurosaki Ichigo. If anything, it tended to be the other way around. Ichigo drew people into his orbit and changed them, simply by being himself. No mind manipulation necessary.
“Sou-chan,” Hirako sidles up to him one day, peering at him like that would make Sousuke crack and spill all his secrets. “I hear you’ve been hangin’ out with an Academy brat lately.”
Sousuke levels a patiently droll expression on his captain. “Indeed. Shiba-san has expressed an interest in joining the Twelfth upon his graduation, and he wishes to further his education in certain sciences in order to better his chances for acceptance. Since I have some knowledge of several areas in the field, I offered to tutor him during my office hours.”
And the best thing of all, he isn’t even lying. He wonders if Hirako can sense it too, because his captain stares, keen-eyed and silent, too controlled to flap his jaw in shock, but shocked all the same. It makes Sousuke wonder if he really did lie to Hirako that much the first time around. Then he remembers that more often than not, he simply left an illusion of himself in the barracks while he worked in his labs.
Hm. Is that why? because some part of Hirako - perhaps because of his Zanpakutou’s abilities - has always sensed that literally everything about his own lieutenant was fake?
“I see,” The man says at last. “Well, that’s good. The kid could benefit from that if he really wants to get into the Twelfth.” But I’ll be watching you goes unsaid. “Invite him over sometime,” He continues, and the offer is genuine, because at his core, Sousuke’s captain is a good man. “He can see what a Division looks like from the inside.”
Sousuke watches him walk away. He wonders if it will change anything if he tries shoving Ichigo in Hirako’s direction. It could be interesting to find out.
And…. that’s all I have. Basically these two getting to know each other in-between figuring out how to save the world and dragging in allies and settling into their lives in the past. And Sousuke still mind-whammying people as a first instinct. And Ichigo stopping him from mind-whammying people, which becomes instinct. It’s an interesting friendship, to say the least.
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cheshiresense · 5 years
Hey, speaking of the Aizen/Ichigo time travel notfic, I just want to say I really love the way y ou write Aizen when he isn't just the villain. Like I don't even know why Im surprised, it's /you/, your characterization is always amazing. Do you think you can write a few more snippets or hcs with him and Ichigo? Maybe some interactions or convesations between them? No pressure ofc, thank you for everything youv'e already blessed us with!
Lol thank you! That’s good to hear, I always find flat characters painful to read so I do my best to round them out whenever I can. Aizen was a new one for me, this is the first time I’ve explored his character beyond - as you say - just the villain of the story that’s been defeated or needs defeating.
Here’s two more short scenes in this ’verse. I actually really like this AU, which surprises me because before this, I didn’t have any interest in writing Aizen at all.
Pinglist: @yoshifics @bewarethemandragora @runeofluna @selenedreamwalker @hypnos28 @verticallychallengedintrovert @fandommaniac2401 @lovingempress @cynthia-of-the-wallflowers @shadowsofmoonracer @pairp @warriorofbooks @charlottedabookworm @lyra689 @sheyrenawyrsabane @sora-the-empress @xadriannax @yumeniai @arrysa @lirial89-fanfiction @skysong246 @caiahat @grimreaper19 @arosethornbyanyothername @mtkiseki @kaminoko-x @nesskyru @tatarako @parklena42 @zibeth-a @aerdnanocte @timegrenades @healingmichiko @shiko-rae @soraofmelody @fandoms-make-the-world-go-round @north-peach @yannilicious @wolfsrainrules @franticchanges @tremendouslyminiaturequeen @moon6shadow-main @naramyon @presumenothing @miralifox @nonbinary-hawke @dejunco @yuzukimist @raz-ia @13oddballbooks 
Sousuke generously reserves a table for two at the sushi restaurant a block down from the Academy. He only has to wait ten minutes before Ichigo slouches into the seat opposite his, looking like every student who’s ever pulled three all-nighters in a row rushing for exams.
Sousuke arches an eyebrow. “I did not think the course load you are taking would be difficult for you.”
Ichigo shoots a glare at him but doesn’t seem to have the energy to hold it for longer than a few seconds before he’s slumping again and reaching for the menu instead.
“The course load is fine,” Ichigo tells him irritably. “But one of my teachers used to be Thirteenth Division and has some stupid grudge against Kaien because Ukitake-san passed him over for lieutenant even though he had a longer tenure than Kaien or something. So he’s taking it out on me by giving me extra assignments out of the blue every week. Says I’ll fail his class if I don’t do them.” He waves a dismissive hand. “I kinda wanna call his bluff, but it’s whatever, I just wanna graduate as soon as possible, and I can deal with a case of asshole. It was just a little tougher lately cuz of midterms but today was my last one anyway.”
Sousuke studies him for a careful moment. “You could mention it to your cousin. I am sure Shiba Kaien would jump to your defense, especially when he is involved.”
“Yeah, and that’s exactly why I’m not gonna tell him,” Ichigo scowls. “He’ll go charging in and kick up a huge fuss and definitely go overboard defending my honour or some shit. He’ll probably get Hisakawa fired, which I don’t really care about, but he’ll also draw a crapload of attention, and I don’t want anybody tossing words like nepotism and favouritism around. You told me yourself the Twelfth doesn’t seem to have many big clan members, and it’s not exactly a shock that Kisuke chooses people for his Division according to their intelligence. I don’t want him thinking I’m coasting by on my clan’s reputation or something, and that’s exactly what will happen  if I get Kaien to step in for me for every little thing.” He pointedly sticks his menu up between them. “Now can we order already? I literally haven’t eaten anything but instant ramen in a week. I’m getting everything here since you’re paying.”
“Oh I am, am I?” Sousuke enquires dryly.
“I’m poor, deal with it.”
“I am fairly certain your clan would shower you with money if you mention that you need it,” Sousuke points out. “And nobody else would even know if you are so concerned about reputation.”
Ichigo grimaces even as he glances around to catch the waiter’s eye. “Kaien’s already giving me a stipend every month cuz I’m family but I wanna save that for an apartment when I graduate. Besides, I don’t like asking people for money.”
Sousuke gives him a flatly droll look. “And yet.”
Ichigo meets his gaze without hesitation, a smirk curling at his lips, one that teeters between gruff amusement and a reckless sort of mockery. “Consider it payment for creeping on me when I was a kid and then dragging me into a war. You almost killed me multiple times; sushi’s the least you owe me, bastard.”
They pause for a minute to place their respective orders, and neither of them speaks until the waiter is out of earshot again.
“I wonder,” Sousuke murmurs, eyeing Ichigo thoughtfully. “If you blame Urahara Kisuke for ‘dragging you into a war’ as much as you blame me.”
Ichigo snaps his chopsticks and then jabs them at him. “Kisuke apologized. You didn’t.”
“And I never will,” Sousuke agrees, because he won’t, not with any kind of sincerity, and he’s noticed that Ichigo has a knack for picking out that sort of thing. Sousuke isn’t sorry. Perhaps his ambitions and plans gave the boy very little choice in the matter, but at the end of the day, it was still Kurosaki Ichigo who chose to fight instead of bow or run away, and Sousuke can respect him enough as a former formidable enemy to give credit where it’s due.
Ichigo made his choices, just as Sousuke made his own, and they’ll both live with them just the same, good and bad.
“No,” Ichigo acknowledges easily, and Sousuke knows no one else who can say that in this situation with no anger or bitterness, just a resigned sort of acceptance as if he made his peace with this truth a long time ago. Instead, he only points his chopsticks at Sousuke again. “But that’s why you have to pay for my sushi and Kisuke doesn’t.”
Sousuke watches him for a moment longer and idly wonders if he’ll ever understand the kind of person Kurosaki Ichigo is. One day, perhaps, but at least in the meantime, he won’t be bored.
He inclines his head just as the first of their dishes arrive.
“As you say,” He acquiesces, and Ichigo flashes a grin like he’s won something important. Oddly enough, it amuses Sousuke more than anything else. But there are worse things than amusement, and for now, he lets it be.
Well, he lets that be anyway. Ichigo is a… puzzle that Sousuke probably won’t tire of putting together for a good while yet, and that suits him just fine.
On the other hand…
He steps quietly into the classroom, shutting the door behind him. The click makes the man sitting behind the desk at the front look up. “Aizen-fukutaichou? This is… unexpected. Did we have a meeting I forgot about?”
Hisakawa’s confusion is understandable. As far as Sousuke can remember, in both timelines, he’s never spoken to the other Shinigami. Hisakawa was insignificant before - sub-par intellect and mediocre strength, not good for anything but canon fodder, which Aizen had plenty of Hollows for - and he’s just as insignificant now. It’s just that he’s also making a nuisance of himself this time around, which is unfortunate for him.
“Hisakawa-sensei,” Sousuke greets with a pleasant smile as he approaches. “We do not, as far as I am aware. I simply wished to speak to you about one of our mutual students.”
“Oh, well, of course,” Hisakawa frowns quizzically. “Which student are you talking about? Is it a schedule conflict? Those should’ve been ironed out months ago though.”
Sousuke supposes the man gets points for touching on the only problem a student attending both their classes could have. Hisakawa teaches history - a core class - while Sousuke only teaches calligraphy as an elective. They don’t have much else in common.
Then again, if schedule conflicts were ironed out months ago, it obviously can’t be that, and there’s no point bringing it up. Sousuke takes it back. Hisakawa is still just as much of a waste of space as Sousuke has always believed him to be. Honestly, the hiring standards these days. If this was Shiba Kaien’s competition for the lieutenant seat, no wonder Ukitake refused to fill the position with anyone else even if it meant waiting a decade for the Shiba Clan Head to accept.
“No, it is nothing of that sort,” Sousuke agrees. “But it has come to my attention that Shiba Ichigo-kun has been receiving quite a number of… extracurricular assignments from you.”
Hisakawa immediately bristles, and a sneer slashes itself across his face. “Oh, he’s been complaining, has he?”
“He has mentioned it to me,” Sousuke says mildly.
Hisakawa snorts. “I wasn’t aware Shibas even knew calligraphy existed,” He mutters snidely before saying, louder and more patronizing, “You shouldn’t listen to him, Aizen-fukutaichou. You know how Shibas can be, they’re always exaggerating. I’m not giving Shiba more work than he needs. His history marks could use some work, and I’m trying to help. I hear he wants to graduate in a year, and he can’t do that if he fails a core class.”
Sousuke hums a considering note. “He is in danger of failing? How strange. Shiba-kun takes after his cousin, does he not? Another prodigy.”
Hisakawa’s sneer only grows more pronounced. “They give that title to any clan kid these days, it doesn’t mean anything. Trust me, Shiba’s history marks alone will probably see him here next year, especially if he’s going around whining about not getting special treatment.”
Sousuke raises an eyebrow. “I admit, I am rather surprised by that. You see, I have read some of Shiba-kun’s history papers.” He hasn’t had much of a choice. For whatever reason, Ichigo likes working in his office, and he has the strangest tendency to paper his work all over the floor. And paperwork gets boring, and Ichigo’s thought process can be… interesting, even on the most mundane topics. “I am no expert on the subject of course, but from what I could tell, his work is always thoroughly researched and well-written. Perhaps you should take another look.”
Hisakawa’s face turns steadily red, and he pushes to his feet even as he accuses, “So you think just because he has a clan backing him, he should get special treatment too! I thought better of you, Aizen-fukutaichou.”
Sousuke has to suppress a chuckle but amusement slips into his expression anyway, because Hisakawa’s features darken to something downright hostile. “His marks will stay the same. In fact, I might fail him just on principle! I didn’t think Shiba was a coward too, sending another teacher to beg a better grade out of me just because he can’t handle my class.”
Sousuke stares him down for a long unblinking moment, until Hisakawa is almost twitching from the tension stretched between them. Only when the man opens his mouth again, no doubt to splutter out something belligerent, does Sousuke sigh and drop a hand to his Zanpakutou.
“Well, I did try,” He muses, mostly to himself.
He draws his blade. Hisakawa stares and doesn’t even make a move for his own Zanpakutou. What a fool.
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?”
“Normally,” Sousuke explains courteously. “I would not bother stepping in on behalf of a student, especially when that student would - I dare say - be rather cross with me should he find out. But we have plans to carry out, and I will not allow something so trivial to hinder them.”
Hisakawa gawps at him. How unsightly.
“You need not worry,” Sousuke adds. “You will not remember a thing.”
Finally, Hisakawa reaches for his Zanpakutou, the first blush of alarm rising in his features. “Wait, have you gone insane, Aizen? What do you think attacking me is even going to do? I- I won’t be threatened-!”
“Shatter,” Sousuke cuts him off, smiling benignly even as his reiatsu swells around them. “Kyouka Suigetsu.”
And Hisakawa’s expression goes slack as the hynosis takes hold, slithering into the deepest recesses of his mind.
“You should be honoured,” Sousuke murmurs. “This will be some of my finest work. After all, anything less and Ichigo-kun might notice. And I would rather not be scolded again.”
(This Is A Time Skip But Also Does Tumblr Not Know How To Center Shit)
Sousuke glances up as a shadow passes through his window before returning to his paperwork. “Shouldn’t you be working?”
A disgruntled noise answers him. “Kis- Urahara-taichou is neck-deep in a new experiment; he’s not gonna notice I’m missing for days, never mind one afternoon.”
“And you decided to come visit me?” Sousuke can’t help but find that amusing, considering their past. “How thoughtful.”
He pauses when Ichigo doesn’t snipe something back, as is fairly standard these days. He looks up. Ichigo isn’t even looking in his direction. Instead, he’s still perched on the windowsill, and his gaze is slanted to one shadowed corner  above the bookshelf across the room.
Ichigo blinks, then turns to him and hops down into the office. “Hey, so, I figured it out,” He says abruptly. His eyes flit around the room again, and Sousuke notices the way they dart from shadow to shadow before finally focusing on him again. “The seeing into their little shadow world thing.”
Sousuke straightens. “Oh?”
“Yeah,” Ichigo lifts a hand, and pale blue light sparks off his fingertips.
Sousuke stares. How fascinating. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen any other Quincy wield reishi so casually.
“I think I can make it so you can see them too,” Ichigo continues. “I’m gonna have to… fiddle with your eyesight a bit though.”
Sousuke pins him with an assessing look before slowly reaching up to take off his glasses. “If you end up blinding me, I will stab you before you make it out of this room.”
Ichigo rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, whatever, but I’m not gonna do that. Now hold still and close your eyes.”
It takes effort not to flinch, much to Sousuke’s irritation. But the grip he still has around his writing brush tightens anyway when cool fingers touch his eyelids.
It barely feels like anything. There’s a tingle that itches a little, but it’s there and gone within seconds, leaving only an odd chill behind, not unlike getting a cold gust of wind to the face during winter. Ichigo withdraws, and Sousuke opens his eyes.
Nothing looks different. He doesn’t actually need glasses to begin with so everything is clear. He cocks a questioning look at Ichigo, who shakes his head.
“Wait for it,” He murmurs, taking a seat on the edge of Sousuke’s desk and absently shuffling through the top file in the inbox. “They’re not always spying on everyone. But you’re a person of interest to them, you know that, so I think they check in on you pretty often.” He pauses, and his gaze slides across the room before he focuses on the file in his hands again. “Here he comes. Don’t let him see you watching him.”
Sousuke follows his brief line of sight, just in time to see a very familiar blond head bob into view in the shadow cast by the couch set against the wall. It isn’t a very big shadow, a foot high at most, so Sousuke only gets to see the face and part of his neck and a little of the high white collar of his uniform, but it’s enough.
The next second, he’s reaching for one of his books and flipping it open like that was why he looked up from his paperwork at all. But now that he can see that he’s being watched, can sense it even, and so blatantly too, the urge to simply get up and run the Quincy through for his gall is tempting. Only the knowledge that he can’t at the moment stays his hand.
Can he hear us? Sousuke scrawls on a spare piece of paper.
“No,” Ichigo mutters back. “I tested it. It’s like a soundproofed window. I mean, it is now.” He smirks triumphantly out of sight of the Quincy. “Before I figured it out, it was like one of those one-way mirrors. Now we can see them too. But we can’t hear them, and they can’t hear us. They might know how to lip-read though, so be careful anyway.”
Well, obviously. Giving the game away this early would be foolish.
Sousuke watches through his periphery as the Quincy gives them both a last cursory blank look before his head moves out of the shadow and disappears again.
“Jugram Haschwalth,” Sousuke murmurs, surveying his office before turning his attention to Ichigo. “And they can see through every shadow in Soul Society?”
“As far as I can tell, yeah,” Ichigo scowls darkly. “They’re a bunch of regular Peeping Toms.” He grins for a moment, all teeth. “You would’ve made great friends.”
Sousuke narrows a reprimanding look at him. Ichigo just grins wider, not at all repentant, but he doesn’t push further either.
“What should we do now?” He asks instead. “I’m still working on figuring out a way to get through, but at least we can see them. Do we just keep doing what we’re doing and try not to draw their attention?”
“Yes,” Sousuke decides. “But also, mark down who they look in on most, who they consider to be the biggest threats, and who they’ve overlooked but can be threats to them.” He puts his glasses back on. “How long will I be able to see them?”
Ichigo shrugs. “Eh, not sure. You’re my first guinea pig.” Sousuke sighs. At least Ichigo looks a little sheepish now. “We can do a few tests over the weekend or something when I don’t have work. I probably should get back now.”
“I thought you said Urahara wouldn’t notice,” Sousuke says sardonically.
“He won’t,” Ichigo confirms. “But Hiyori will. She’s yelling at the science department at the moment though, and that always takes at least an hour, so I figured I’d take the chance to come show you this-” He waves a hand in the direction of the shadow Jugram was in. “-since I finally got it down this morning.”
Sousuke glances lingeringly at him. You could have waited, he almost says, but the words don’t come in the end, and a moment later, Ichigo is halfway out the window again.
“Anyway, see ya later,” He calls back briskly. “I finally got my first paycheck yesterday so I bought groceries. If you want free dinner, swing ’round my place and I’ll feed you. And we can talk more about the Peeping Toms.”
And then he’s gone in a rush of Shunpo, leaving Sousuke to stare after him, feeling strangely wrong-footed.
But then, Ichigo has a habit of leaving him that way.
Sousuke sighs again, puts it out of his mind, and gets back to work, firmly ignoring the blond-haired spy that sidles back into his office via the shadow in one corner of the ceiling this time.
But he can’t wait until Ichigo figures out a way to get through. He’s chopping the head off of this one personally.
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cheshiresense · 5 years
Kisuke: *Has crush on Ichigo.* Ichigo: *Is oblivious.* Aizen: ... This is going to be the most fun I've had in centuries.
Lmfao yes. Trolling Kisuke becomes Aizen’s favourite pastime.
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cheshiresense · 5 years
In that last, Ichigo breaking Shinji's nose for Aizen is honestly what probably drives the whole friendship point for me because holy SHIT. He punched Shinji. For /Aizen./ Which is something that fills me with such awe and wonder because Ichigo has always respected and thought of Shinji as a friend, and while that punch also equates to Ichigo's 'takes no bullshit even from his friends' attitude, it also means that he and Aizen are close enough to call each other friends, and that's just amazing.
^_^ It’s something Aizen definitely doesn’t expect. He doesn’t quite realize then just what’s happening, maybe puts it down to Ichigo being his hotheaded self cuz he does have a temper sometimes, but it’s the start. Something in him sits up and takes notice and maybe this is the point where Aizen begins to trust Ichigo.
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cheshiresense · 5 years
Loool Aizen gloating about taking up Ichigo’s time over Urahara is GOLD
LMFAO apparently Aizen taking petty jabs at Kisuke is a thing everyone approves of. All Aizen had to do to gain fans was to dial his level of evil from Megalomaniac back to Classy Spite.
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cheshiresense · 5 years
I imgine a Aizen&Ichigo friendship so frustrating to Aizen when he realizes HE is one of the persond caught in Ichigos orbit and is changing.
Lmao yeah probably. This is for the Aizen&Ichigo time travel thing I did? Despite how intelligent he is, it takes forever for Aizen to realize that he’s just as caught in Ichigo’s orbit as everyone else is.
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cheshiresense · 5 years
Thank you for more Aizen&Ichigo scraps! I’m a bit curious tho what would present!Kisuke react if he discovered Ichigo is being really friendly with Aizen. Given the canon, it seems like he even avoid Ichigo from seeing Aizen getting sealed. Did he afraid Aizen might somehow influence Ichigo?
I’m glad you’ve liked them! Do you mean Kisuke from Aizen and Ichigo’s time? Welp, he’s dead, so that wouldn’t be a concern in this ’verse, but if he was around, I don’t really think he would be afraid of Aizen corrupting Ichigo or something. If anything, Kisuke knows Ichigo well enough by now to expect Aizen getting influenced instead. He’d still be cautious, and definitely ready to stab Aizen in the face (or the back, or the gut, or really anywhere, he’s not picky), and he’d warn Ichigo that Aizen could betray them, but ultimately, I think he’d follow Ichigo’s lead on this one. Ichigo gets people a hell of a lot better than Kisuke, and Kisuke knows that. And either way, I doubt Kisuke would avoid him completely because if Aizen does turn on Ichigo, Kisuke needs to be there to help stop him.
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cheshiresense · 5 years
Have I mentioned just how amazing your writing is??? I already shipped Aizen/Ichigo but your snippets of their friendship is making me fall even more in love with the pairing (it’s literally how I got dragged into the UraIchi pairing). I swear, your writing is phenomenal and I have absolutely no idea how you manage to characterize so beautifully, 10/10 would love for you to teach me how to write like you do. If you ever publish a book, 12/10 would definitely get myself a copy no matter what
Lol thank you! I can’t say I’ve ever shipped Aizen/Ichigo. I read an UraIchiAizen fic once and loved it but that was mostly for the plot more than the ship. I like the Aizen/Ichigo friendship I’ve got going on here though, which is a shock to me because I honestly didn’t think I’d actually like exploring Aizen’s character that much.
And  if I ever get a book written and published, I will at least have one fan XD
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