Phoenix Fire Spell: Lovers to Friends
Following the days after a break up (this really only works with a clean healthy break otherwise you have a lot to work on before performing this. My Phoenix fire spell requires a peaceful mind.) If you and your partner have established your boundaries (it’s healthy to have time and distance away from your person. It will give you both time to heal. So you can come together in a healthy way.) And when you are ready to finally let go of them. Perform this spell to ensure that you will be able to develop into close friends in the future.
3 candles (1tea light candle and 2 chime candles) (one to represent you/them/and one that represents you together)
rain water
music that reminds you of them
The other person’s consent to friendship
fire safe surface to burn on
cleansing incense
Paper to write on and a pen
Part 1: (Cutting ties)
On a full moon, gather together two chime candles. One that best represents you. One that represents your ex partner. Tie a string between the two and listen to music that reminds you of them. Be it a song you liked together or a genre that they liked, or a song you like that makes you feel the way you felt with them. On a fire safe surface, place your two candles tied with a string between them. Light each candle and begin to write down all of the emotions that come to mind about that person. Negative or positive. Take this time to listen to the music. Cry if you need to. Feel the emotions. But also focus on what these emotions can do for you. Rather than “why is this happening to me?” think “How is this happening for me? How is this what I needed? How will this split from this person empower me?” Focus on your breathing during this. Your breath is what guides you into and out of your body. Be grounded, if you disassociate from sadness, use your breath to feel your way back to your body. Use your mouth as a portal. Take the paper and burn it beside the candles. (ON A FIRE SAFE SURFACE)
Once the candle burns, and the string it burnt between the candles. Say into the universe your ex partner’s name “____ I release you”
(Please please be careful with the ritual above as it requires a healthy amount of emotional intelligence, and a clear mind. This exercise, done in the wrong way, can spark mental health breaks if you are not ready to face your own shadows. Relationships ending is due to two people not just one. And please remember that everyone we love will say goodbye to us one day. By either dying or leaving us. The death of a relationship is not the end. But you need a healthy relationship with those feelings before doing this next step)
Step 2: (lasting friends)
After completing the step above grab your tea light candle that represents your new friendship together (you MUST have consent for a future friendship for this part to be healthy. Taking someone’s free will in this spell will cause karmic backfire) Place it in a cleansed bowl of rain water and light it. Play music that brings you peace and meditate on what you want that healthy future relationship to look like. Write down these thoughts and feelings on paper. DO NOT attach any desire to get back together with this person. Or any other romantic feelings. If romance returns down the road that is so wonderful, but once again this spell will backfire without the consent of your ex partner.
Fold your paper up and use the wax from your melting tea light to seal the paper shut. (I suggest tongs to pick it up) And then completely submerge the candle in the rain water and say:
“These new foundations bind us as friends. And leave us open to new opportunities together.”
Dispose of the candle, and pour the rain water out (you can take an extra step and give the water to a plant that you love as this energy will be very harmonious.)
Keep the paper with the wax seal close to you. On your alter, on your person, or somewhere generally safe where you won’t forget it.
Every full moon manifest the friendship and refresh the spell by holding the paper and saying
“My ties to ___ are unbroken. My love for ___ is unbroken. If friendship is for us I manifest it now.”
Always remember actions are just as important as spells. The universe will only give you what you manifest. If you are willing to do the work. This spell takes a lot of understanding of your own shadow work. So please be very careful. And as always, I hope my spell can bring you peace and healing.
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