#i'm watching ep 95
usersasaki · 1 year
bsd s4 spoilers ahead, proceed with caution !!
so i watched ep 10 yesterday and i just randomly thought to myself midway the episode that it'd be funny if tachihara was actually the brother of the guy who gave that butterfly to yosano, all based on them looking similar (i'm not a manga reader, yet) and then. it actually came true. and i was like :X wtf erez
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always-and-anyways · 1 hour
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sarah-yyy · 8 months
what: modern cdrama // completed // 38 eps, roughly 35 mins each where: wetv (also on the app) // viki why: desert supernatural adventure with ni ni and bai yu, this had "sarah is going to lose it over this show" written all over it right from the start tbh, zero percent of people are surprised i enjoyed it. the characters are all well done and ni ni and bygg were great in their roles, the worldbuilding for the society inside yumen was interesting, and the cgi is well done for the genre (i mean...this is basing it off cdrama cgi standards okay!!)
meet my girl ye liuxi:
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GOD... xi-jie... 😘 where do we even start
brains: 10 brawns: 100 memory: -300
xi-jie woke up in the middle of the desert, hung on a tree, with no idea who she is, v fragmented memories of the past, and a satchel with some v vague clues. she spends about a year working odd jobs in a town nearby to survive and to work out a plan to find out about her past.
her investigations lead her to chang dong:
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dong-ge!! 😍🤤
brains: 10 brawns: 10 memory: 10 (but like 95% of it is tragic)
dong-ge is a desert guide, used to be one of the best (and certainly one of the most famous) in the region until he led an expedition (which consisted of his fiancée and their friends) into the desert and all eighteen of them except him died during a freak sandstorm. major survivor guilt on this boy. ultimate goal is to find the remains of his friends so that their families can move on in peace.
anyway, xi-jie ropes dong-ge into taking her into the desert. it's heavily implied that pre-memory lost her knows where the remains of his dead fiancée is, so the deal is: help me find my memory, and i'll help you find your friends.
they travel to the Yumen Pass together with three others - fei tang (who tags along for an opportunity to steal this priceless artefact he saw on xi-jie), and xiaoliu & gao shen (xiaoliu's godfather is sponsoring the trip for ~reasons, gao shen is her bodyguard with a crush on her), but soon realise that the pass leads to a parallel world where xi-jie is originally from.
in that world, there are spiritual beasts and monsters and all that jazz. the parallel world is governed by three ruling families who fight against a rebel organisation the Scorpion Eye. the gang navigates through the parallel world trying to solve the mystery behind xi-jie's past and the Yumen Pass prophecy. that's p much the gist of it.
the cons: this show moves a little slowly at times, but once you get invested, everything is all good. i'd say the first 2-4 eps needed a bit of getting into, but it does pick up. meng ziyi is in this as well, but i was a bit :/ about her performance - her character needed a bit more nuance and would've benefitted from a better portrayal than what mzy delivered. not something that really put me off the show, tho!!
the pros: ye liuxi is such an excellent character!! she is super fight fight fight and has Minimal impulse control. if a fight can solve problems, that's the way she's going. she starts off a bit "stick close, because if y'all die in the desert i'm not going to care" but just...grows so invested in everyone's wellbeing. chang dong is a nice contrast to ye liuxi - he's level-headed and is more focused on plans and trying to get everyone in and out of the Pass alive. the chemistry between them is great, like i didn't think i would be into this for the romance but GOD DAMN look at my dongxi couple
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ni ni and bai yu aside, the rest of the gang were great also - they provided a lot of laughs to cut through the seriousness of the show, and the growing friendship between them was really fun to watch.
the plot was decent!! you can sort of guess the direction it's going, but it doesn't stop it from being a super fun show to watch. i binged like the last 10 eps in one sitting. i also really did appreciate the show giving me the finale i wanted: everything wraps up nicely (*stares at mlc*), there're no loose ends for me to lose my shit over (*stares at my journey to you*).
all in all, a p strong 9/10 for me!! would enjoy if y'all are into those desert adventure cdramas. would enjoy if y'all are bygg fans.
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chocomd · 3 months
ATLA Live Action Final Thoughts
So I'll start by saying that I went into this show with zero expectations (including the expectation for it to be any good at all) and focused more on questions like: How is the acting? Does the writing make sense? Is the story decent? Do we have emotional scenes?
I didn't care about sticking to the og ATLA's ships, lore, or any of the details really. Even changes to the characters were fine with me. But the most important question of all is: Does it work?
The answer:
There are lots of well thought out NATLA critical reviews out there, so I'll try to keep this short. NATLA tweaked a lot of things, tried take elements of the og and make them subversive, changed the themes, completely nerfed Katara, watered down almost everyone else...and I could go on and on. But essentially, NATLA was a "remix" that stayed too close to the original in that the changes they made felt like empty imitations and clumsy efforts to improve on the og. They really should have created a completely different story while keeping maybe a handful of elements of the og. And even if they changed core traits of the characters, that would be fine. It just has to work...and it didn't.
So some main points:
The acting was terrible to ok for the most part. Overall stiff and stilted with almost nonexistent chemistry. Sokka, Jet, Ozai, and June (😍) were the standout actors. Katara had one facial expression and one tone of voice 95% of the time.
Ships I actually enjoyed: Sukka, turnip Jetara, sokka x hahn (hakka? sahn?) and ZUKAANG
The writing often contradicted itself and there was very little emotional resonance or depth. So many lines and moments felt unearned, or simply didn't make sense.
Telling. SO MUCH TELLING. The constant exposition killed so much in this show. I groaned almost every time an actor opened their mouth.
Katara. Why was she in this story again?
The only time the show felt fresh and interesting was the spirit world segment with visions and flashbacks in episode 5...the one time they took ideas from og ATLA and truly remixed them and it was actually decent to good.
The Blue Spirit episode (ep 6) was amazing (relatively speaking lol), and I think it's because Bryke co-wrote this episode AND it was pretty faithful to the og AND the Pohuai Stronghold fight was incredible AND the Zukaang was even more deliciously Zukaang.
The overall plot did not feel cohesive and felt like a disjointed imitation of og ATLA.
Even if I wasn't familiar with the og, I would not have enjoyed this show because it's not good or interesting TV. One person I was watching with (who didn't see the og) left the room because "this is so bad" and "the acting is really stilted."
In the end, I'm not surprised by any of this. Animated stories usually suffer when they're translated into live action, because animation typically has much more emotional and dramatic range. And while og ATLA isn't perfect, it very nearly is because even its imperfections still manage to work in the bigger scheme of the story. Adaptations of og ATLA are pretty much doomed to fail, unless they completely rewrite the ATLA story (and I do mean completely).
Do I regret watching NATLA? That's a hard question to answer. There's no way I was watching this on my own, so I got to enjoy the unhinged company of my friends. If nothing else, watching NATLA made me want more og ATLA and sucked me back into ATLA fandom again.
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marinacourage · 4 months
It's true that beauty is subjective. But i don't know why I find Way so so pretty whenever he's on screen. Like take context out for a second and he looks sooo unreal and ethereal in EVERY SINGLE FRAME, even when he's doing some of most atrocious things. Maybe it's because of the type of role where he is sad and crying and lonely for like 95% of the time but I haven't been so smitten with any thai bl actor ever before. Even though Vegas was sexy and pathetic,( I was his hardcore fan btw), I didn't felt this level of attractiveness for his sad face at just first glance. I accidentally stumbled on ep 7 couch scene on YouTube and i had to check the drama. I didn't know he was the antagonist.😯 Why they had to cast such angelic face as villain, then give him most amazing outfits and film him so beautifully in pink and blues? Like for 11 episode that man was doing nothing except being sad and crying. that kind of role would most probably bore me otherwise if I do just surface level watching. But for some reason I can't take my eyes off everytime he's on screen. I'm so sorry I think he's too beautiful that I'm being gaslit by the show into liking him the most.
nut, way’s actor, has the face that makes you do a double take for sure. there’s something very alluring about him, especially in this role. his big sad eyes are a killer, his fake smile is so bitchy i might die, but i also would’ve loved for him to show someone (pete pls) his genuine laugh because he looks like a fox when he laughs and it’s so pretty! instant knock out.
i really really love vegas’ face, i absolutely loved him in kp, but way is a character that really showed me what pretty privilege and pretty bias means and how strong it can be. the way i turn a blind eye on his wrongdoings is on another level completely. he SA babe? well, you see, he’s sad, he’s having a hard time, he needs love, i stand with my cancelled babygirl 🥹💀
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eerna · 5 months
🫡 watching pjo ep 3. reporting in to say im still finding it really boring. i hate that i remember these books so fondly that I'm going to watch at least all of season 1
🫡 Yeah, it's like they went through the book and removed 95% of scenes that might be even remotely dynamic. Kids can't watch a bus crash happen! Or any exciting monster fighting! Or big scary dogs! Alas, my middle school self compels me to keep going
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rexaleph · 3 days
having concluded the hxh phantom troupe arc: it's so fucking good, i loved it so much. this arc is probably my favorite anime now, beating dorohedoro. as i said elsewhere:
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there's no way whatever a chimera ant is can be better than this.
the layers of conflict btwn the mafia community, the Nostrade household within it, Kurapika in that, the Phantom Troupe (i only just realized that they originally put the eyes on the market lmao, as they probably did with much on the auction!), Hisoka in the Troupe, the Zoldyck family, Killua and Gon - tremenduous, intricate plotting. love the uneasy alliances and strange sympathies. as i said in the above conversation w a friend: i loved artemis fowl as a kid, this hxh arc would have cracked open my third eye in middle school
i think my favorite Troupe member is Pakunoda. if i'd watched this as a kid, im 95% sure that she is the one i would have imprinted on, not Chrollo or Kurapika (maybe Killua or Feitan for the cynicism - tho i was always more of a girl liker). bc i am like that i was constantly on the lookout for misogyny around her and the female members in general and like, i think it's fine. you could spin it out where her power is passive (except then!!! with the bullets!!!!), and she is sentimental abt Chrollo, and it does end the way it does for her ofc. but i think that is not a fair way of looking at her in terms of "is this show sexist" bc she is a pov character and representative of the troupe and their feelings as a whole, and obviously she does much of the overt on-screen physical violence. anyway rip to Paku, i could have saved her
i think i want to rewatch these eps sometime when i'm done with the whole show, i feel like it isn't super settled in my brain yet - i struggle to articulate much outside :O!!!. and i am cautiously excited about what comes next. i feel like this will stay my fave arc, but i watched an ep yesterday w a friend - they said they were fine w watching ep 50+ from a show theyd never seen bc they had osmotized much of it, and "of course know about the cheetah bug guy whom everyone loves". and what is up with that.
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oodlyenough · 26 days
immediate doctor who thoughts before i dive into tags/etc. spoilers for space babies and devil's chord:
both kind of mixed bags for me, where i had fun and was enjoying myself but no immediate no-qualms super faves. i preferred devil's chord for being a bit more dramatic over space babies being a bit too silly
space babies:
a bit too silly for me, although i find it objectively hilarious that RTD has heard a decade plus of criticism of farting aliens and was like "lmao watch THIS"
i did prefer this brief commentary on abortion to kill the moon lmfao
15 and ruby are super fun together, ruby jives into the companion role well and easily, old news by now haha but ncuti gatwa is a great fit for the doctor
the AI program run amok creating a bogeyman plot was neat i thought, like, conceptually, lol
felt a bit unresolved? like where is that thing going... to the refugee planet? is it ACTUALLY dangerous or just scary?
assumed they were going to reveal it was 'just scary (looking)' but it wasn't with the babies at the end lol
i have no clue what the status of the time lords is now -- another genocide?? when?? -- but also i don't care, god bless, love and light xoxo
some parts of this ep i felt like i had to just nod and remind myself they're treating it almost like a pilot episode
def some familiar beats with end of the world, rose seeing earth, calling home, etc. i prefer EOTW as an episode alas
devil's chord
liked this one a lot more, for like. 95% of it
couldn't afford licensed music LOL
ruby's theme on the piano is great
really enjoyed maestro as a villain! and i am interested in all the toymaker, giggle, pantheon stuff
caught the giggle noise right away and was :O
also i'm sure 1000 people pointed it out in the tags but for the record i did immediately clock the billboard for "chris waites and the commanders" -> "the one who waits" -> big bad hint. exciting
loved all the sort of... surreal playing with environment stuff the gods(??) are able to do, it adds a lot more tension and stuff to the ep and lets the show have fun. i think the supernatural, myth angle is going to be fun
susan reference! aw
'june or july 2024' lool they had no idea what the release window was gonna be huh
the 5% i didn't enjoy very much was the "twist ending". i like musicals! i was hyped for a musical ep! but that was... ??
overall season:
8 episodes is so short! but i guess it does allow them to really hone in on this ruby, toymaker, snow, myth mystery stuff. 15 and ruby have a great vibe and i'm looking forward to the rest
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machathecat · 27 days
Warning this is going to be chaotic as fuck
First the characters themselves
((all lineart made with this picrew, I only colored it. Also ofc they got clothes in canon but I'm too lazy to edit it so y'all r gonna have to wait till I finally get the fucking energy to draw them))
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Here's Moia! He/they, 15 at the start of the story, transmasc n asexual. He's pretty far from having a good life, they're father is an asshole, they got no friends at school, his life is shit and he's very probably depressed. Only thing really keeping him going is their best friend Eden (he/she/it, white bunny with a bunch of brown splotches) one day he was walking to school and got hit with a car n got send to a liminal space world (call me cringe if you want idgaf) called the Ethereal Plane, he met a friend there and he's living a life 100x better than on earth. They miss their best friend tho
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And speaking of his new friend here's Richard! 40/45 year old, he's been stuck in the Ethereal Plane since MAAANY YEARS and lost track of time, He/him, bisexual. (Also he's supposed to be way more chubby than in the pic but I didn't though of editing it at first rip) He got cool grandpa vibes n is basically a father figure to Moia. He knows a lot about the place and guide them through the weird lands n shit. They're a cool duo
So a bit more about the Ethereal Plane itself, it's literally just those aesthetic liminal spaces pictures
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That basically
It doesn't really make sense how a place lead to another, you could open the emergency door of a market and find yourself in the middle of a never ending grassland. Sometimes you walk in a open space, zone out and when you go back to reality your in a completely different place (note that if someone fully conscious of their environment is watching you, you can't get teleported while daydreaming n shit)
A very phew creatures live there, some species from earth managed to noclip to this world a few years ago and have evolved to survive in some parts of it. For example, you can find two headed bunny pretty much everywhere. Some creature are dangerous, but they live in very specific part of the Ethereal Plane , generally in packs.
This world had a permanent feeling of peace, it's hard to describe but you know that emotion when you see a liminal space pic that hit you hard and you just feel calm for a second like if nothing else mattered? That's this feeling but constantly. It's pretty pleading actually
I don't really wanna spoil much about the plot, y'all just gonna have to wait till I post a drawing here and there until you can fullfil every pieces of the puzzle in 2/3 years ig lmao. Just know if it was a tv show, the first ep would show how crappy Moia life is, the second the first day he spend in the Plane, rest of the first season just him n Richard having cool adventures there without much plot just 95 showing characters personality and shit. It would have a season 2 that I think would be the last but I'm not done thinking about every details yet for that sooo y'all gonna have to wait and see
ALSO SORRY FOR PUTTING THIS AT THE END LMFAO BUT the name of whatever this is is "a cat who got lost in the backrooms" (technically a reference to a childhood book but I doubt anyone will get it rip)
Ok now have fun hearing me only talking about those random guys I made in my head for either the next few hours or next few months idfk byeee
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cosmokyrin · 1 year
Hi there! Hope you're doing awesome! Quick question,I know we're only 2 episodes into Volume 9,but what's your take on the whole Penny situation? I was crushed when she first died in Volume 3,then excited to see her again in 7,then crushed again to see her die just 1 volume later,as I'm sure everyone was. I'm hopeful about 9 though,it's looking good,but one of my friends has been turned off by all the gut punches with Penny & everything else,& I'm watching the series through with another friend & I don't want them to get turned off the same way. I'm hoping for something but not sure what at this point.
ayoooo i just remembered this ask now that i have some time kjdflsd kek
Anyway regarding Penny!! The best girl ever /lh
I totally understand if one of your friends got turned off with what had happened to her character so far--- because two years ago I was in the exact same position lol. In fact I came to watch the first ep of V9 without any expectations nor as much interest as I did with V8. I was mostly curious as to what direction they'd be pushing the story into.
And hooo boy was I surprised! And I mean, the kind of "Oh shit I'm caught off-guard by all that Nuts and Dolts moments because it's so in-the-face what thE HELL". Exactly like V8 lmao. I know I'm now speaking about the ship but jfdfdskfj I also do mean Penny content. I caught up with RWBY V6 and V7 during the 2020 / V7 hiatus, and when the Penny content was suddenly given the spotlight, that gut-punched me too.
And yeah that's exactly what I'm seeing with V9. Two years of grieving not really having much canon material to speculate about Penny's direction as a character and the premiere of V9 gave me new hopes actually! From a better perspective, I'm a little more positive that the theories / suspicions that had been floating around the Nuts and Dolts / Penny fandom (since V8) are in the right direction. I'll be bold now when I say it, now that I have moved past the pains of V8 lol: Nuts and Dolts is a living ship, and I have 95% confidence when I say it's actually a canon pair now. The first two episodes especially emphasized this, and I trust CRWBY knows what they're doing with the implications of it. And because they're less likely to bury gays, aside from an entire thesis (no kidding lol) from the Nuts and Dolts nation on why Penny would come back, looking at what the show might be bringing (hopepunk, wlw, LGBTQIA+ reps) gives me a positive view of Penny's general direction as a character.
One of my friends / mutuals said it aptly when they mentioned that RWBY doesn't benefit much from being watched while airing, because as a fan of the show who painstakingly waits between hiatuses it might sometimes feel underwhelming when you've been expecting something big for so long. I've been here since 2013, but it gets better when you rewatch volumes at once especially before a new season premiere! If one gets the hints given by CRWBY right, there is a pay-off there (I had my moment here with Pietro in V8). So I guess technically that means it's better off changing one's mindset that whatever they do with characters / the story usually has a reason forward, but then it would take a while to really get there.
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lurkingteapot · 11 months
all these Laws of Attraction (2023) things flying around are making my desire to re-watch Khun Chai SKYROCKET. I don't have time! But the heart wants.
(If you haven't watched it yet, what's stopping you? it's the love child of a typical telenovela-style Thai lakorn, a wuxia show, and a historical BL show, and it's FANTASTIC. it's historical! it's got family politics! actual politics! a huge cool ensemble of characters! fantastic sibling relationships! MAGIC! It's on youtube -- with subs! the first episode is 95% exposition and has a content warning list that's at least eight items long, but I promise a) it gets better after that b) you will get SUCKED IN.
I'm not selling this well but it legitimately was one of my top five favourite things that aired in 2022, so if you've heard or read about other faves of mine and thought, oh, this person has acceptable taste? give it a shot.
Again: It's 17 episodes, on youtube in full, and it has both English and Thai subtitles available. The theme song is sung by Nunew and the MV hit 10M views on youtube within two weeks.
I'm not even making you go try to find it yourself. Here's ep 1. Have fun.
Warnings under the cut. Despite the laundry list of them, this is NOT a grimdark show.
Ep 1 contains instances of: homophobia, forced outing, suicide (on screen and graphic), attempted murder of a child, corporal punishment of a child, snakes (bad cgi).
Overall warnings for things that don't occur in ep one but will at some point (I'll dig up specifics if anyone needs them):
bugs (seriously this has SO many bugs), roofying/sex pollen, murder (various instances), controlling parents, mushrooms (you'll see), fire, ep 5 has rats and a very disturbing view of a mutilated corpse … I'll add to this as I remember.
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muninnhuginn · 9 months
Post s2e9 confirmations and speculations as of this ep, starting with confirmations and moving on to thoughts/speculations.
Before I start, just going to link my speculations as of a couple of episodes ago here because they're surprisingly either still relevant or have been confirmed either way. Of these, the main pieces still outstanding are Liu Min's phone and the serial murders.
Fountain boy low-key confirmed to be Liu Min's younger brother (Liu Xiao, apparently?). He knew Tianchen would soon be given the opportunity to "hunt" and lo, there is Liu Min (who even vaguely recognised Tianchen which makes sense if he's an acquaintance of his brother's). His own surname is Liu and obviously that's a pretty common name, but the fact he had someone driving him around means he's pretty rich and, well, son of a games company CEO seems pretty rich indeed. Apply law of conservation of detail and this one is now locked in at 95%. Fountain boy = Liu Xiao = "hunter" = hat guy (the last I'm a bit less certain of, but again, conservation of detail and there aren't many episodes left).
I'd been wondering about the weird focus the neighbour got in terms of his gaming so him being someone Liu Min wanted taken care of made that entire side of things click for me. Liu Min was terminally online and so was the neighbour. Tianchen must've thought it karma that he had this opportunity.
Third story: Tianchen as red eyes, going further and further as Tianxi is forced to watch until he goes too far even for her - at which point she broke free and tried to appeal to Lu Guang (but why him?). (All that said, Tianchen claims he killed both their parents, but we didn't actually see it properly in any of the flashbacks which could just be because they're being careful with the censors but I'm still side-eyeing it until we see exactly what happened. After all, there was no knife in the picture when we left the scene.) Tianxi's story I'm presuming is simply an animated version of what Tianxi is showing Qiao Ling to tell her story.
Speaking of, Tianxi "broke free" in her school uniform and that was also how she was found. Does that place the hoodie scenes in the hospital as before she fled? Because rewatching a bit of ep 4 and it seemed that QJ was talking to Tianchen-as-Tianxi then (could be wrong, 'Tianxi' never spoke that we heard in this scene but it being actual Tianxi rather than Tianchen raises so many more questions) which would imply she was missing after the hospital and that's when they implemented the disguising plan. Thinking about the "sorry" scenes in the third story and wondering if Chen Bin was the final straw for Tianxi.
First/second story: The Romeo and Juliet backstage they're at was indeed as I saw a few people speculating a production featuring Qian Jin's wife and her co-star. Tianchen "I killed them both" @ Qian Jin: wow he just like me fr. (But nah this definitely raises more questions about the murder of his wife). (Also, just to note that I'm putting the different perspective of QJ meeting LTX and LTC down to the unreliable nature of Xiao Li relaying info initially rather than alternate timelines. Can't rule it out, of course (and the blood on Tianxi in only one of the tellings has me even more hesitant), but unreliable narrator seems an easier fit at this stage. We also know QJ doctored the case files and if LTC outright told him "I killed them both" then that sure didn't make it to the files.)
Qian Jin's motives now back up in the air. Initially it seemed as though he wanted the powers so he could bring his wife back, but with the revelation that he had reason to believe she was cheating (and pregnant with the person she was cheating on him with) the idea he would want her back seems... a lot less likely. Also, his break from morals is placed a lot earlier than it seemed from the outside. Those in the police thought he was outstanding etc etc until his wife died, but he was gone long before that. Ultimately, in both cases with alleged cheating it doesn't matter if the person themselves was cheating because they didn't deserve to be killed for it, but it is fascinating that we're presented with these two similar scenarios from two entirely different perspectives. Li Tianchen and Tianxi as victims of domestic abuse by the person who believes they're being cheated on whilst Qian Jin is the role of the husband who believes he's being cheated on. (The way the pregnancy reveal is played - QJ not seeing his wife often because he was always at work, her startling when caught on the phone - it does seem like he takes the pregnancy as confirmation that she was cheating as the pregnancy couldn't have been with him. She's already dead at that point though.)
With the current timeline we have, I don't know whether QJ engineered the initial killing of his wife (and the fact the culprit escaped legal justice actually kinda makes me think that he didn't), but I do think he used Tianchen after the fact to set up the suicide and suicide note of the killer
The serial killings. We originally believed there were eight in total, starting with Emma. However, this episode shifts the timeline somewhat. Liu Min says thank you for dealing with "that woman", but he still seems to have use of his legs so presumably "that woman" isn't Emma and this is taking place beforehand. Which would imply there are a number of extra victims the police haven't uncovered. (The alternative is that this flashback was in a timeline before the Emma stuff went so wrong and Liu Min still had use of his legs? I'm really hoping it's not this because it'd break my brain a bit) This also somewhat explains how the police were unable to tie motives together for the serial killings if it was a killing-for-hire type scenario, though I do still somewhat believe there's some underlying logic that QJ either bought into himself or was able to make Tianchen buy into in order to believe the victims weren't "innocent"
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etheluu · 9 months
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Yumi Ishiyama v1.0
Model credits here
During this summerbreak, I've done just a few things. Among others it was rewatching the whole 95 episodes of og Code Lyoko (+2 of 'XANA Awakens' eps so 97 in total) and currently I'm in the proccess of watching CL Evolution. It is a show I'd watch as a kid every time I could on tv. It's safe to say that my fav character from years ago stayed the same - Yumi. I don't know what it is about her but I love her.
A while ago I did a redesign of her (Lyoko warrior ver.) and now I made this concept into a 3d model! Out of every designs she had, the first one sticked to me the most as it had the most personality in it. I just felt that it could use some changes here and there~ Don't get me wrong, I love all of them in their own way but the first oneeeeee
There's also a pretty high chance that I will make other Lyoko warriors characters as models. Though this will take time as the last year in my school is about to begin. And comic stuff and deadlines.
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dilscft · 10 months
Same with me! If Season 3 has Jelly endgame I'll watch it otherwise season 2 episode 8 was the series finale just like Book 2 was the ending for me. I do hope people write Jelly fics I love this ship so much they're soulmates. You know I thought the other day about if Jeremiah wasn't in both the book and the tv show and we didn't have Jelly for a relationship in both best friends and lovers I think the show and books would of been so boring I already find Conrad bland boring and toxic so watching Conrad treating Belly like shit for 3 books isn't it for me Jenny Han is a sadist for having her keep going back to Conrad who would want him? Also he was so childish last night He hurt Belly and Jeremiah so much especially Jeremiah shaming him all throughout the ep Steven too worst friend ever only Belly and Taylor was on his side made my heart feel warm hehe. I have to talk about what else I hated the candy scene which made no sense Jere knows everything about Belly he would know what she likes they added this to give Conrad even more favors than what the books had but the mom dying scene I hated how she said to take care of Conrad um can we talk about how she basically groomed Belly to be into Conrad? Like for real the only reason she liked Conrad was because of this I swear obviously Jeremiah's feelings don't matter as much 95% of the characters don't care about him which is sad. Jeremiah is so mature and smart but never gets credit for it I was crying when he was talking to Conrad about letting Belly go did you see how he was having trouble saying it? It was breaking his heart now you're telling me we have all this and they aren't endgame? No they feel like the main relationship of the show even in the books Jelly has the most development and feel endgame book 3 never counted to me I read that once and never picked it up again it has no connection to the series in my opinion just a way to make Bonrad happen so Jenny had to ruin Belly and Jeremiah's characters.
If jelly didn't exist, i wouldn't even start it. Like wdym I should watch the toxic relationship? Naaah, they only reason I'm watching this show is jelly only!
Candy scene literally didn't make any sense. I think it was added in his favor, but Jeremiah would never forget it. Like in the scene where they bought drinks, he literally said that the drink she bought is her fav one after tasting it.
When skye said that Susannah wasn't a Saint, I was like, "Go on dear, what else do you wanna tell us?" Like, she was so obsessed that belly must end up with one of her boys. It's bellys life, she will choose it. Don't put that responsibility on her. Belly literally adores her and kinda may be scared to disappoint her, so she kinda put that image of conrad that she thinks she's in love? Anyways, Belly was just 16 yo and Susannah asked her to take care of her son. Like, go talk to your son instead. It's not women's responsibility to fix broken men!
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xsoulxsilencex · 4 months
I was thinking for a while how I should handle my (critical) thoughts on ep 95 on tumblr. And I decided that I will use the tags and simply hide my explanation under "keep reading" so you can choose to continue reading or stop already. Maybe some will end up agreeing with me, others might disagree and think "man, you missed the point/you don't get it" - which is fine.
So what to say about ep 95? Firstly, my opinion hasn't changed after watching it with subs: I didn't cry, I wasn't even really sad which might be weird considering I do like Nishaw and the Velgearians. (and I have cried for or was at least feeling a bit emotional about other death scenes, even in ygo so it's not like I'm just not caring enough or even cold-hearted)
But Idk... them dying didn't affect me and it might be because the "wrong" people were there to see it happen. I know this sounds mean but Asaka and Tazaki over Yudias (and the twins)? Really? And before someone says "well duh, he's not supposed to know so ofc we get nothing of him in that regard" - well, I don't like. I had a feeling from the spoiler summary that they would go down the "we don't want to upset Yudias so lets keep quiet about his comrades dying, we mean well" road and I still can't vibe with that, no matter how good the intention behind it is.
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So on one hand, Tazaki can understand the Velgearians' feelings but he also knows that Yudias should know what's going on. And at first he made me believe that he would go back to UTS and tell him the truth - but no, he changes his mind and asks Asaka if she can give him some of her employees to act as the Velgearians for a while which is a pretty meh plan imo.
Asaka's reaction to this is basically mine:
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Ngl, for a while, I thought Asaka would stay with her opinion that keeping everything a secret is a bad idea since that's not changing reality and the grief would just be postponed - and I agree with her. But it's not like she's uncaring since you see in her change of expression that it pains her too what's happening but it is how it is.
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And then I thought Tazaki might change his opinion even if he still has this dilemma of trying to respect the Velgearians' last wish and letting Yudias know.
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So, did Tazaki end up siding with Asaka? Well, we get no answer yet because Nishaw randomly shows up, looking kinda frozen. Asaka goes into explanation mode and exposes herself as a hypocrite:
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At least she knows herself that she's hypocritical.
But still, I'm disappointed. I had wished in her not changing her mind even though deep inside, I had this (bad) feeling she's gonna side with Tazaki eventually and say nothing. Because it was the most predictable outcome no matter if she had lost or won. (*side eye at Luge vs Zaion*)
Also: Asaka freezing Nishaw to prevent him from dying feels like coming out of nowhere imo. And if freezing was really her best idea then why didn't she ever think of asking Luge? You know, the guy who can turn people into ice blocks by letting them see his boring manga? (and he can still freeze people despite being transformed into a massage chair iirc) Did she think he would refuse to help her or immediately tell Yudias and co. about her idea? Ngl, I do wonder if Luge's ice would've been better to prevent the death of the Velgearians than whatever Asaka developed since the former is ice made by alien power so it might be stronger than what humans developed. But I guess I will never get an answer for that...
When the duel ends, Tazaki holds a dead Valvelgear close while Asaka can just look at them with sadness. I know that many people got emotional seeing this and here comes my issue that I mentioned earlier in my post: the "wrong" characters witnessed the deaths. I like Tazaki and I'm overall cool with Asaka but no way this duel didn't happen mainly for some "Asana vs Galient" nostalgia similar to Rovian vs Princess Minstrel being a reminder of Romin vs Princess G. Nobody can tell me it wouldn't have been way more devastating to see the episode ending with Yudias or Yuhi holding Valvelgear with a tear-stained face since those two are the ones with the strongest bond with them. Did Tazaki even have scenes with Valvelgear alone before this episode? I honestly can't remember if yes - which is why I feel like they did that scene of Tazaki wanting to feed Valvelgear like a baby at the beginning of the ep + him using Valvelgear as a duel disk (like Yuhi usually does) to show that they have a bond even though it was pretty stupid to use Valvegear when the Velgearians in it are dying aka are already weakened and so shouldn't have been running around and pushing things just to work as a duel disk.
Nishaw was barely there but considering how sad Yudias and co. already looked when hearing about the Dudi people dying, they would've been sad to see him die too ofc.
The episode ends in Yudias and co. being back to MIK, talking with Phaser about the Rush Robot. And the very last scene is Yuga caught on camera. We likely just got Yuga there because he's gonna be the reason for the Yuna vs Manabu rematch.
I'm probably starting to repeat myself but damn... if the episode had actually ended with Yudias knowing what happened to his comrades and Nishaw (and the next ep would go more into his feelings after hearing that) instead... I kinda doubt that ep 96 will give us much focus on him considering the duel match up we get but I really hope that Yudias and the twins getting the sad news told won't be done off screen or in a quick flashback. Come on, I need to see their shocked faces, their tears and potential screams because no way Yuhi will just silently cry. Heck, he might be so mad (and maybe even feeling useless again after he had promised Valvelgear to save them and failed) that either Yuamu or Yudias must bring him back to his senses. I can see Yuamu either "just" looking sad or crying but not in a loud way.
As for Yudias... I think there are two ways he could take the news: He either starts crying and blaming himself for not noticing that his comrades were already dying and be very down (which Asaka and Tazaki wanted to prevent) - or Yudias cries but surprises everyone by not being completely crushed by the news but is still determined to find a way to save (and now also revive) his people. After all, we just know that the Velgearians in Valvelgear are dead. What's with the Velgearians who are still on Velgear? Are they already dead too or still alive? Is anyone even caring to check on them? And there's Dinois, Myuda and Zwijo too ofc.
Speaking of Zwijo: I dislike how he's always gone and in the middle of an arc, he comes back because the plot needs him. Like why can't we get a glimpse of what he's doing in the meantime? Where is he right now? Did he check on Velgear? Did he have contact with Yuga? Did he find something relevant? Is he maybe already too weak to do anything? Why do we always have to wait for such information until he's the focus again? Is it so hard having a duel between some characters and still show on the side what Zwijo's up to? He's the main rival and a freaking Velgearian! His kind is dying and we don't have a freaking clue how he feels about it and where he even is.
So yeah, those were my thoughts on ep 95. Sorry if they sound mostly negative but I really wished the writers had done some different choices there. But let's see how ep 96 and the rest of arc 8 will be...
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Hey hey HEYYYYYYY it's 2022 Nanbaka Survey Results Time!!!
No I have not forgotten about the survey, I have just been quite busy in reality land. Today we are going to break down some of the data I collected over the past 2 months!!!
First things first, WE HAD PARTICIPATION. Like 95 people summited there info in contrast to the 30 ish people who submitted last year!! The main reason is probably because I had more connections, but I am still gooped gabed and gobsmacked at the amount of people who participated this year!!!
Also, in this year's survey, I got a bit more personal! For example, the who's your favorite character and how far are you in the manga questions, which I will elaborate more on when it is their time to shine!
Question 1: What's your Name? (Optional)
Um I ask this question to just so I know names and I feel like there is actual people doing the survey, I don't really need to, and it's just a thing I like. I'm not going to name any names here, but y'all have cute names, and ❤️I love all you❤️. Platonically.
Question 2: Which of these is you?
This is the gay measurement, Nanbaka is a gay anime, and I want to see the gayness of the fandom. Me myself, I am pansexual, and it's just a thing. Normally, I would screenshot the actual graph that Google created, but I made a giant mistake. I forgot to put gay/lesbian on the survey, and I ended up adding it later, in the middle of the time. So I'm just going to just type out all of the data as follows.
Pansexual: 14 people (14.7%)
Bisexual: 29 people (30.5%)
Asexual: 26 people (27.4%)
Non Binary: 16 people (16.8%)
Transgender: 14 people (14.7%)
Cisgender: 13 people (13.7%)
Gay/Lesbian: 12 people (13.2%)
Straight: 10 people (10.6%)
General Queer: 1 person (1.1%)
Aromantic: 4 people (4.4%)
Demiromantic: 1 person (1.1%)
Unlabeled: 1 person (1.1%)
Questioning: 3 people (3.3%)
Bioromantic: 2 people (2.2%)
Hetromantic on the Ace Spectrum: 1 person (1.1%)
Genderfluid: 4 people (4.4%)
Genderqueer Polysexual: 1 person (1.1%)
Omisexual: 1 person (1.1%)
Alrighty, so there is the data, but I am going to shout out specific hand typed answers that I thought where just great.
"Those straight people who think anime women are hot." (Incredibly Valid)
And the response that reminded me I forgot gay
"gay. Y'all forgot gay."
Question 3: How did you find out about Nanbaka?
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Alrighty so since Google is being a poopy face, I will rewrite the longer answers.
A gif of it from Tumblr lead me to check it out
Saw a friend get into it 5 years ago, so I got into it too
YouTube recommendations wouldn't stop showing EP 1 of Nanbaka on my recommended feed
Mi mi mi amv
I saw it on an ad while watching something else
I saw a fan made video on YouTube recommended
A Facebook page
Quite honestly I forgot how I found it.
YouTube is putting in the work and effort, to bring people here which is stunning, I'm glad that everyone has their own journey and good for y'all.
Question 4: How do you enjoy this Magical Mystery Ride?
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A simple one. It is so nice to just screenshot it and not have to deal with all of the extra stuff, and re type everything.
This question correlates with another question down the road but we will get there.
Question 5: Who is your Favorite Character?
We have lots of non choosers. This is what happens when the character creation is so good, that it is almost impossible to choose. Also we have a few "I can't choose one so I will choose multiple" which is also incredibly valid.
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Alrighty 5 minutes later, I now have a list! Now I will type out the list so y'all can read it better.
Enki: 1
Rock: 6
Jyugo: 20
Nico: 15
Uno: 19
Momoko: 3
Samon: 13
Qi: 3
Kiji: 2
Elf: 1
Liang: 5
Musashi: 5
Korjio: 5
Mei: 4
Ikkaku: 2
Tskuamo: 3 (still can not spell his name)
Honey: 3
Inori: 1
Building 5 in general: 1
Yamato: 1
Taura and Tauro Twisters: 1
Hitoshi: 1
Mikazuki: 1
Can't choose: 5
Zakuro: 2
Shiro: 1
Hajime: 3
Misturu: 2
Ido: 1
Shin: 3
Upa: 2
V: 1
Trois: 1
Kenshiro: 2
Ishal: 1
Yamada: 2
Blank?: 1
Kyuubi: 2
Mao: 1
Tengu: 1
Hina: 1
Five more minutes later, I have completed that list!!! I am surprised that there is so much underated character representation, and we stan. Also everybody love love loves Jyugo and I love that.
Question 6: How far are you in the series?
I asked the question for one reason and one reason only, to give people the resources so they can CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE SERIES. and get to know all of the characters. Since Pocket comics is not working out so well for Nanbaka, I will give some Sho approved resources so your can read it in English and/or truck through it in Japanese. (Because that's pretty much what I do since not all of the manga is translated. You just gotta pretend you know what's going on.)
So there are some main categories for people in the survey,
1. The people who just watched the anime to the end.
If you feel content that's awesome, but also resources.
2. People who have felt the magic disappear, and where just done. (They don't truly have any interest in reading further)
Cool beans.
3. People who are stuck on 192.
It is the dreaded number of doom. It the last chapter available "illegally" on the internet, and is the last chapter formated by the legendary sleepykat.
4. People who have read what has been translated.
5. The people who have read all of the manga with or without translation. (Translation: they can read Japanese or can just suck it up like me)
So here are my resources, the "legal" ones.
The first one is the legendary Sleepykats blog : @when-will-i-sleep
This will get you to chapter 193-198. She also explains how to get into comico, which I will not be explaining because I'm surprised I did it myself.
Here is the Nanbaka Comico Page, where you will find Nanbaka in it's raw, uncut form. Yes! You will have to watch a bunch of stupid videos, play silly applications, or invest your own money into this! It is an investment! Because this is Sho Futamata's LIVELYHOOD. She lives, laughs, loves, off of this, so no complaining!
This is the random word document that has all of the chapters from when sleepykat stopped, to chapter 333. Pretty legit.
And that is all I can do. I can not translate any of the further chapters, due to my inability to speak Japanese, I cant do anything. If I find anymore resources, I will try my best to give them out, but Nanbaka is kinda on it's way out, so hopefully there is a new titan of translation. But for now there is not.
Question 7: Age Range!!
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Another simple one!!
MMMMMMM pie graph.
Well, I hope that all of you feel enlightened and full of information about the lovely fandom that we have!! I would usually connect data, but this post is super long, so I'm just going to end it! I hope all of you have a great day, and stay stunnnnniiinnnggg✨✨✨
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