#i'm surprised i remembered so much abt what you taught me. and. i'm glad that i still remember all those lil tidbits.
sloaaaa · 24 days
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icharchivist · 1 year
hi icha!! I just finished the anniversary event lol ,, three ヽ(´▽`’)ノ for mankai!! (yes that’s actually what cheers on my phone autocorrects to). ummm I think this event was so sweet. I don’t have too much to say since a lot of it reviews stuff that had already happened and if I talked abt every a3 character moment that had gone in since the beginning I would never bc able to move on with my life. so this’ll be disjointed.
I liked how everyone got izumi a present individually and how they surprised her with the message book and she surprised them back! it was so sweet and izumi performing all of the plays they did was so good… like man. felt like it rly demonstrated her passion!
this is also the second time I’ve seen some other game localized ad red rover, a game which I’ve also never played. two nickels! (the first is for eng translations of poker face ft. gumi and prod. yuchaP that translate hana ichi monme to red rover)
rly loved the re-mention of citron wanting to leave bc he was being followed. runaway prince. also guy seems like he’s successfully followed him,, and tenma!! him being like. well I’ve got the best guys and izumi to back me up… even if they’re sometimes annoying…. no, they’re ALWAYS annoying as hell. and tenma trying to pick out a cute sticker from yukis collection as yuki thinks of how he used to get made fun of for having his collection… yeah. the way yuki and tenma BOTH have a moment where they go like … in the middle of bickering and r like. well I’m thankful this guy is by my side. it’s sweet.
I also forgot muku gave up track and field bc of an injury!! that rly sucks… in other thoughts muku joined the troupe right after spring which makes perfect sense since he loves princes so much I think the fairy tale style of spring troupe would appeal to him so much! whenever muku gets his prince role it’ll be an Moment for sure.
the banri and juza filling out pages was fun I think. the way they introspect as each other does their page is a neat detail. also izumi supporting juzas acting growth will never not warm my heart. I like to think she sees herself in him just a bit. sakyos message was so sweet…
the best part of this event I think is the interplay between roommates like. tasuku and tsumugi fondly reminiscing over like elementary school or whatever. and tasuku only submitting a “thank you” at the end for that! that’s so. Him. also gosh. tasuku and tsumugi’s gratitude towards like being able to act as they wish and with each other… it gets me every time
”I was taught to lie low and recover my stamina when I’m weakened” uhhh here’s a hisoka quote I don’t remember. more assassin points. and azuma talking abt him as a kid observing everyone having fun from a distance… don’t be so relatable. I’m glad that we saw sakuyas message in full! since it was so sweet. guess we saw tasukus full message since it was so short lol,, that’s abt all I had to say! just one event left
YOU'RE ON A ROLL!! HI THERE!!!! omg you're really getting closer in closer to act 2, that's so much help.
The Cheers event really was very cute!! it's a lot of reviewing but after one year of content it's really sweet to have a review of it all. It's so so good. On this event there was a SR for every single characters and the backstage are a little more detailled about how each character feels about Izumi and stuff and it's honestly pretty sweet. It's where Hisoka gifts her the cat pillow and i still have been crying over it ever since.
I honestly love how everyone really wanted to thank Izumi and it shows also the impact she really had on their lives. When you think most of them ran into the theater by chance, none of them would have expected just how much this would change their lives and now they're growing in ways they would never have imagined and it's so much. And i love Izumi giving it back and performing all the plays, it's really so sweet and i'm just, so happy everyone was so happy about it.
and ooh that's so cool about the localization :ooo so nice.
YEAH Citron's whole deal being reminded is really neat imo, it really shows you just how far he's come by accepting staying here with everyone. THE TENMA BIT IS SO CUTE YES. He loves them so much he forgot for a second that they annoy him ALL the time. (on that note there's a series of backstage called the "One Day Leader Swap" (you can search for them) for each leader where they have, well, what it says on the tin. All of them are really funny, but i esp remember how Tenma's was soft because he had a pretty good experience, then came back to his troupe being annoying and yet he still smiled and went "well. I wouldn't have it any other way." and it's just. Them being annoying isn't a bug it's a FEATURE!!!! And god the Yuki bit too it's so much. When you remember how much they didn't want to room together too it adds a layer.
And yeah god, Muku… He mentions in the summer first chap that he wanted to be a track runner because it was like a hero of one of his manga and he was always bummed when he had to quit and now he has to cheer on his old team, probably feeling guilty of not being able to still be there and helpful for them and probably adding to his anxiety to not being able to keep up with acting… Poor sweetie. Instead he found something that really helped him. And yeah, the fact he just loved RomeJuli so much being what inspired him to join is really so sweet. Cheering for our sweet prince, always.
Banri and Juza's were indeed very sweet, and the fact they introspect that way does bring this layer of their growth being interwinded. Especially Banri who wouldn't have been there without his obsession with Juza and ended up finding something that makes him so happy instead of it all. All the messages are lovely.
Tsumu and Tasu are so cute on all of this sobbbsss. They're so good.
And oh boy. yeah Hisoka says that line when he's having his fever at the end of the Winter first chapter. It's because of this philosophy he got lured to the unopening door and why Izumi and him got locked here until Hisoka had his delirious dream about apologizing to "August" for something Hisoka has done. The next morning Hisoka didn't remember anything about this fever dream, including what he commented on for his stamina and stuff. It's really indeed… very worrying at least.
And god the Azuma line; bites fist that guy. man.
The whole thing was just. so nice. I love them all so much. Events usually focus on a handful of people so it was nice to see all of them just, talk about how much all this time there was good to them. It really drives home just how much of a home this whole family became.
I love them so muchhhh 😭😭😭😭
Congratulation on getting this far :3c
Valentine's Magic next. And then. Ooooooh boy. :3c can't wait to see you back there eheheh
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I have the headcanon that Luke is a Venus Legacy. She's very important in the Roman mythology. And there's more: he has the power to redirect Aphrodite/Venus magic,like firebenders can redirect lightning (very risky and a bit difficult, though). Okay, I'm so obsessed with those headcanons that I can't believe May to be totally mortal. On the top of that,Luke seems to be way above his siblings in power and skill,and we all know that mortals aren't much in Percy Jackson,with the exception of...
Continued. With the exception of Sally,Rachel, perhaps Frederick and Paul(that doesn’t bother me, though. I have (little more than) a bit of bias against the badass normal trope,in most cases. They want to pass them as everymen with cleverness,but I can’t buy someone like Ty Lee as an everywoman. Sokka is great, though). Frank is way more powerful than even Clarisse, despite his lack of experience. Is May that much of an snowflake to have a powerful demigod from an ordinary god?
Continued. Or is she a legacy? Okay,Luke is probably a perfectionist workaholic,so he gets the credit. But being strong enough to get to host Kronos’ essence? Sorry about the length and the anti badass normal rant.
BTW,I love your prankster/mischievous Luke Castellan. I usually am not fond of that kind of headcanon for him,since fandom usually makes him too much like Travis and Connor,and Luke is very different from his brothers (Percy himself even lampshades it). Besides,the whole “silent mischief” fits his personality better,IMO. Luke didn’t come across as a loud guy to me,and he seems to act responsible most of time(for good and for bad, though). 💗💓💝💓💓💓💓
hi there! thanks for being patient with me on this. been busy ;_;
under cut bc it got longer than i was expecting
i really like this idea that May is a legacy. it’s interesting you pick Venus, but given how good-looking Luke was described as and how charming (tho, that could reasonably come from Hermes bc con-ppl are often charming) it makes sense
not to mention, as you say Luke did seem more powerful than most other demigods, being able to take on the curse of Achilles, hosting Kronos, not to mention holding up the sky for however long he did. i think it was Chiron who mentioned that only the greatest heroes are able to hold up the sky, but Luke was so clearly on the wrong side, and Percy even notices that in the books, but it’s like…never explained???
so for him to have more than just half godly blood in his system would make a lot more sense than the “it’s complicated” explanation we’re given in canon
i really like that hc that he can redirect Venus magic (my mind first went to charmspeak) but that it’s difficult and dangerous. like it’s such a cool concept, tho i’m not sure how much it applies to Luke? like maybe that’s a skill that any child or legacy of Aphrodite/Venus would have, but Luke was unable to unlock that power, or at least the full potential
bc it’s just that, and i think it’s mentioned by Annabeth in moa, but a big reason that Luke fell into Kronos’ trap was because Kronos fed Luke a lot of what he wanted to hear, manipulated his thoughts and it’s implied by Annabeth that Kelli also had a lot to do with manipulating him by using charmspeak
like i guess if it’s difficult and dangerous, it would make sense that he was unable to redirect her charmspeak, esp with Kronos also manipulating his thoughts and emotions, but it doesn’t quite fit…tho i think that has a lot of potential to be a story arc regarding the development of Luke’s character, kind of like how it was for Zuko and lightning
but that would also imply, following Zuko’s story arc, that Luke eventually realized the error of his ways and joined the gods’ side
altho, it would be more interesting, playing off him being able to hold up the sky, despite not being the “hero,” if he learned how to redirect charmspeak but remained “loyal” to Kronos
anyway /tangent
i can see where you’re coming from regarding the normal badass trope. i’m not sure how well Rick executed it (if he even did) bc in my opinion, it’s not necessarily that Sally, Rachel, Paul, and Fredrick are what i would term as a badass. Sally can see thru the mist and Poseidon loved her so much he offered immortality. that speaks to her character, but isn’t exactly badass. Rachel is the oracle, but doesn’t have any combat skills to speak of. in en extenuating circumstance, Paul used his sword-fighting skills to help protect Sally and others, but i doubt he’d have much else use for swordsmanship except if he were to take up acting. like Paul, under extenuating circumstances, Fredrick piloted a plane and shot at monsters with Celestial bronze bullets he’d made himself, tho i imagine that’s as much action that plane is going to see for the rest of Fredrick’s life
the acts themselves are certainly badass, but it doesn’t necessarily speak to their character as being a badass.
now, of course, being a badass doesn’t constitute being able to beat someone up. Rachel throwing her hairbrush at the lord of titans is p badass. and sally charming one of the Big Three gods so much he offered her immortality, not to mention killing Gabe and his buddies indirectly, is v badass. so being a badass can take many forms, i’m not denying that
but it doesn’t quite fit what i see the trope being, as defined by society, whereby to be a badass, you have to have some combat and strategic planning skills or smth. i hope that makes sense
i guess this is all just more complicated than i was originally thinking, bc if badass can be defined in so many ways, so can normal?
you mention Ty Lee, right? now i haven’t watched a:tla in forever, but from what i remember of her character, i never actually saw her as some everywoman. she was friends with a sociopathic princess whose father colonized the rest of the world. that’s not exactly normal. i mean even taking away the sociopathic and her father part, she’s friends with a princess! that’s not exactly what i’d constitute as normal you know?
but it’s hard to say what’s normal in that universe, right? bc nonbenders, like sokka, are considered “normal” and average bc they can’t bend, when a majority can. and sokka is often talked abt like he’s “normal” but his tribe taught him how to be a warrior from a young age. his father went off to war, and his mother was killed by a firebender when Ozai began colonizing the other tribes. that’s not normal. even in that universe, bc the avatar is supposed to keep peace b/t the different benders
so it comes back to how society defines the trope, where normal is your average person (no special powers, no secret talents, just goes abt their mundane day at a nine-to-five and binges TV shows on Netflix when they get home) and badass is having that hidden talent (that they most likely don’t even know abt) or learning to be a badass as their character arc and as the story progresses
gosh, hope that all made sense. long story long, i agree with you that it’s a tired trope (in that we’re introduced to someone we consider and are supposed to think is average but, surprise! they actually have a hidden talent that turns them into a badass), but i think if done right, it can be really cathartic and exciting
/tangent 2
yes, i think being legacies definitely affords demigods more power, bc they have more godly blood. and you make a good point: why was Luke so powerful and special? esp as a son of Hermes. i think a reasonable explanation would be that he’s a legacy
by definition, tho, him being a legacy means that May is also a legacy, bc Hermes can’t have other godly blood from other gods with him being a god himself already (disregarding the fact that gods don’t even have DNA)
no worries! as you can see, i kind of went into some rants too!
oh thank you!! i’m glad you liked those hcs. yeah, i like to think that Luke definitely pulls pranks and enjoys it too! but the way he’s portrayed in the books, he’s much more serious than Travis and Conner, probably bc of the house he had to grow up in, being on the run at a young age, and then going thru so much heart-break and trauma before he even turned Travis and Conner’s ages. that ought to subdue you a little
so i wanted to make sure i expressed that in my hcs, long story long lol. i like to think of Luke, before Kronos and all that shit, as a fun and easy-going guy but in a quieter and more subtle way than Travis and Conner specifically
thanks again for sending these!! i love, love, love talking abt to ppl abt stuff. my inbox is always open!
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