#i'm not necessarily trying to lose weight here i'm just trying to get some damn nutrience in my body
acoyote · 8 months
the most annoying people on earth are the ones who act you’re completely obliterating any nutritional value of vegetables by cooking them with something “too fatty” like cheese or “too much” oil. fuck you. part of the reason i still struggle with motivation to improve my shitty diet is because so many people even my own damn doctors make it sound futile like ok i might as well just continue eating nothing but chicken nuggets if making a veggie palatable to me is going to sap all of its nutritional value and it's not any different
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
How did the 8TWELVE Wheels handle Laguna Seca?
These boys are rude but really our son can beat them in the in the race on the racetrack using our car as he can beat all of you and it's his car and his design and you won't let him heal and you'll let him be big and you won't let him have anybody you must be scared and s******* of him because of Dave and that's probably the answer isn't it so you are going to be little free to cats and the max say they did it on purpose to make the program not for you to be huge losers so you say he is saying that you cannot match his strength or speed or anything like that with you guys to lifting weights or running for racing or even fighting if he was in shape even at 6:00 or 7 ft you guys won't let him get strong at all you're a huge pussies
Thor Freya
He's trying to say this and I mean my husband is trying to say that he challenges him to race on the racetrack in a race car and they won't even in the shape he's in. And what he's saying is that's pretty piss poor you sit here and say you can defeat me all the time and you won't do anything. Granted you're a bunch of animals and if I win anything you said oppressing me like madness cuz you're all completely absolutely paranoid and superstitious and dumb but really there's something wrong with you people that you repress one person and say you're winning it doesn't mean a damn thing it has absolutely no meaning except you're no pressing one person
I want to see it my way and people are not letting me for some reason I want to tell these people in my way in my words because I know that they will stop doing it because they can't see how ridiculous they look and nobody is letting me do it even my people
Zues Hera
He wants to tell you you look really wimpy you look really stupid the max are forcing you to do it and they look very wimpy and stupid and the forums are going to kick your ass and it's not our plan to have him sit there with nothing and for you to all says nobody you look absolutely juvenile and we know we can beat you and you're afraid to be getting beaten and you all sit there trying to impress them just like you did in westborough and you're sick and your weaklings and your pussies and your f***** he says it kind of like that but I heard what he was thinking he wants to say to you you refuse my challenge you lost you're races you're afraid of my special abilities you're going to lose the war because you won't even tell anyone that my race and my people who are not even necessarily my race can clean your clocks at anything and what he's saying is you're afraid of it and we see the fear and even in the animal kingdom you should understand what that means it really is quite upsetting to live here with you wimps and to be oppressed because you're chickenshit that really you're a chicken s*** people you're afraid that he'll have a car cuz he'll drive around and what prolong your lives we're not really into that and you don't think anything's happened you just sat here berating him you think there's going to be some Shangri-La after this nonsense when you're still chicken s***.
Thor Freya
That's close but everybody is still not allowing me to speak and what I want to say and you heard what I wanted to say and they say they know it and it's not time yet I say it is time and to see how they react I don't think that you're going to do a damn thing no matter what we say and I'm demanding that people allow me to say it because I think they're full of s*** I need to all die and they're the ones who are not allowing it
Zues Hera
What are you saying is you're sending out code it's for the Max and you don't care you're a bunch of twits or a suicidal that's what it really is and we did find it and we know it is and you're sending their code out keep them poor and keep them weak keep them without stuff and they're doing it to you you say you don't care cuz they're doing it to him too. Now all of a sudden you care and you see what Dave did and he's a giant too from the other side what's going to happen is you're going to all get afraid of him and we're going to have to slaughter you it's already started the chatter on the radio says that you're scared s******* please these facilities are huge they're everywhere they have us all tied up fighting they're probably just take this stuff and it's probably Dave and Carol and Giants and they don't give a s*** and is one of them we think and they started threatening and trying to go Ring around the Rosie to try and pick them up and you got picked off and killed and you should be your chicken s*** and you're stupid you're afraid of giants like the plague we want him to be well and you keep on making him sick cuz you're huge pussies the max are even frustrated you make him sick everyday cuz you're such huge pussies and you tell us what you're doing to us with what you're doing to him and they're coming to get you and these stupid pseudo idiots and the morons above they see what it is now against people who are not him is ridiculous you're a bunch of f****** losers like he's been screaming now I get it
Thor Freya
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voxmortuus · 3 years
Herding The Calf
PAIRING: Hannibal Lecter x F!Reader
UNIVERSE: Hannibal (NBC)
WORDS: 1.1k
WARNING: Sorry if this is a little fast-paced and choppy. I feel like my writing is shit today!
SUMMARY/PROMPT: From a lovely Anon: may I ask for a hannibalxreader? id like Hannibal to try to kidnap reader after stalking them for months (as he is interested in the reader and wants to get closer to them, but the only way he thinks he can make the reader care for him is to make them rely on him for all support, therefore he holds them hostage) but the reader is a good fighter and ends up hurting him pretty good, though he eventually knocks them out and the reader is held hostage in his basement and isn't necessarily afraid, just more aggravated because they're bored and want to do something and every time he visits them they ask for stuff to ease their boredom and what have you I want you to take artistic liberty over this as it is pretty much a summary prompt, just have fun if you write this lol have a nice day!
TW: Language | Mentions of Violence | Hostage | Kidnapping | Stockholm Syndrome
My Masterlist | Taglist | REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN
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A mess of monkeys was pounding on a steel door with ball-peen hammers. Neon lights flashed on and off fast enough to send any epileptic into a seizure. Looking around, you let out a slight moan. The last thing you remember was getting ready to leave Hannibal's house before your face met the floor. Rubbing your head, you look around.
"You have got to be fuckin' kidding me?" You mutter. Taking in your surroundings, you see a toilet with a privacy wall, a bed that of which you woke up on, a sink, and a stand-up shower... and that's it. "He just couldn't take the hint." You shake your head. You try screaming, but nothing was coming of it. Chances are, this basement was soundproof. You try to walk around but, there is no luck whatsoever; here is a glass wall separating you from the rest of the basement. "GOD DAMN IT! HANNIBAL! WHAT THE FUCK?!" you yell. Frustrated.
He makes his way downstairs and takes a seat in front of your... cell. He sits down, looking at you, wiping his lip from the blood you had caused, clocking him a good one in the jaw. "You're a good fighter, Y/N, you got me good, may have even fractured a few ribs... but, you lost, I'm afraid. I wish you would have just listened, given it a chance." He stated.
"Well, Hannibal, you screwed the pooch on that one now, didn't ya? Couldn't you just take the hint? I wasn't interested. You stalked me! For MONTHS! Yet you always managed to have a god damn alibi when I tried to get the police involved. You need help Hannibal." You told him. Looking over his face, rather proud of yourself. Though you thought a moment, you wanted your money back on those damn self-defense classes.
Hannibal wanted you to need him, to rely on him. This was the only other option. When you left his care, he was insistent that you needed to stay, but you felt like you didn't need him anymore, you were feeling better, you felt like you had accomplished in your mental strength. That, and he was getting far too involved; hence you started putting more distance.
Looking at him, you rubbed your face shaking your head. "Hannibal, just let me go. I won't get the police involved- just- let me go. Please."
He stands up and looks at you. "I will bring you dinner and something to drink." He walks away.
"DAMN IT!" You bang on the glass, angry, and rightfully so. You begin to pace. There's nothing to do, nothing to read, he took your phone. You sigh; sitting on the bed, you put your head in your hands and close your eyes, trying to figure out ways to get out of this.
Day in and day out, you pace, growing bored, growing more frustrated, growing more aggravated and agitated. Looking at the wall, your back facing the glass wall, you sigh. Hannibal comes downstairs and takes a seat in front of the window wall.
"Hello, Y/N. How are you feeling?"
"Annoyed, bored, agitated, fuckin Christ Hannibal, a book, art supplies, something. I can't just sit here, pace and sleep. I need substance in my life, and you're not providing that." You state, facing away from him.
"I can give you books. What else?"
"To be let go."
"I will bring you some books. We will discuss some art supplies later."
You've gone through all six books he had brought down to you, Gone With the Wind, Pride and the Prejudice, The Great Gatsby, To Kill A Mocking Bird, Little Women, and Wuthering Heights. Sighing you had lost track of time, your sleep schedule was likely off, and your eating habits were off, you were losing weight, at least you showered, and he had given you a razor, knowing that you wouldn't harm yourself, so at least you could keep up on your shaving. He gave you clean clothes every day. To some, this wasn't so bad, but to you, it was starting to wear on you.
One night Hannibal had decided to sit in the dark you had no idea he was there. You had gone to sleep. Tossing and turning, cold sweats, you start dreaming.
You're stuck in a cage, hanging above a crowd of people, but there's something wrong with these people; they're sick, ill, bleeding from their eyes, noses, and ears. They're trying to get to you, trying to claw at you, not eat you, but they want to kill you. You see Hannibal in the distance, and you start screaming for him. Your voice goes horse. You begin to panic a little more; you're thrashing about in bed. You shoot up and gasp for breath. "HANNIBAL!" you scream.
Standing up, he walks over to the wall looking at you. "Are you okay Y/N?"
"I had the worst dream. People were trying to claw at me, trying to kill me. They were bleeding from their eyes, noses, and ears... I was in a cage, hanging above them, they started to climb the cage, and you were in the distance. I tried calling for you, but I woke up. It was horrifying." You wrap your arms around your knees and look up at him. "Hannibal, please, let me go. Please." You start to cry.
Tilting his head, he looks at you and shakes his head. "I'm afraid I cannot do that." He turns and leaves.
After a few days, he has brought you some high-quality art supplies, canvas, paints, brushes. You had gotten back in touch with your artistic side, and it was honestly a nice feeling. He would come down and watch you, observe you, and you had grown to like his company. Each day you two would talk a little longer, get to know each other a little better. You two would even have art time together and eat dinners together. He kept you in this glass box, and as time went on, you had grown accustomed to it. He had even given you a cat to keep you company. Things were changing in you.
Over time, you had liked the idea of being with him; it was this feeling of calm over you when you saw him. It was like everything was going to be okay. Fleeing wasn't a thought, not so much anymore- at least. He sits there and looks at you. "Good afternoon, Y/N. How are you feeling?"
"Hannibal, I would like to see the outside. Would you accompany me?"
He smiles and looks over your face. Tilting his head, he looks deep into your eyes and unlocks the door, takes your hand, and brings you out back. The sun hits your face you smile. Looking up at him, you smile again. "What a lovely day." you smile. And your wheels start turning surveying the area, but there was this tiny bit that stopped you; if you ran, and he caught you, your next capture, you could be the next meal.
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spvce-cowboy · 3 years
I'm a sucker for a slight role reversal so how about this?
"I'm not a damsel in distress, I'm a damsel doing damage" with forehead kisses but it's the male being kissed on the head with the one and only touch-starved and always protective, Mr Din Djarin!
the way this concept made me go rabid
content warning: violence, wound care
you’ve been a mercenary long enough to know that you and Din are royally fucked.
the city is nearly in ruins by the time the two of you arrived, nothing more than a collection of roving gangs sifting through the ashen ruins as the lot of you all hunt for the same thing.
a microchip, no bigger than your thumbnail. all of this for a damn piece of metal and plastic.
it’s your second night on the planet and Din’s already taken a blaster shot through his left arm that’s quickly gone rancid with infection. you’re out of medical supplies after the Crest was commandeered by a group of marauders who bore the teeth of their victims on strings around their necks.
so yeah, royally fucked just about cuts it.
if you would have known that Karga’s associate was sending you and your husband into an all-out war zone, you would have skinned the fucker alive. yet here you were, huddled in a cave on the outskirts of town, trying to keep the fire going and Din’s bandages as clean as possible while the two of you wait for backup.
to give the guild some slack where it’s due, you think they had no idea how bad it already was down here by the time you and Din arrived.
Din’s fever spikes just as the sun begins to set. pressing a damp pieces of cloth against his dirt-smeared brow, you take a preparatory deep breath before telling him what you’re going to do.
“there’s a hospital four clicks down,” you press your lips together. “you’ve gotta stay here, i can’t care you and scavenge for supplies at the same time.
“no,” Din grits out, feebly attempting to push himself up with his good arm. it gives out before he can shift upwards by a quarter of an inch. he curses under his breath but, ever the man you fell in love with, keeps persisting. “absolutely not. backup--”
“we have no idea how long that’ll take,” you keep your tone clipped as you start loading the necessary things into your pack. “you’ll have to lose that arm if we don’t get some bacta soon.”
your name leaving his lips is barely a frustrating grunt. you turn over your shoulder to look at him, your stomach dropping as you taken in his sweat-slicked brow, his eyes hazy and unfocused with fever.
“i’m not losing you,” you lean down and kiss his forehead. it’s not a goodbye, it’s a reassurance. “try to keep the bedroll warm for me, alright?”
Din huffs at your dry humor. you try not to let it get to you that he’s passed out again by the time to reach the mouth of the cave, peering behind you to get one last look of your lover before stepping into the thicket of darkness.
you wrench back the raider’s arm until a wet pop sounds. the woman beneath you screams through gritted teeth, you try to keep your breathing calm and even as you hiss out your request for the third time.
“surgical wing, medkit, literally anything and i’ll let you go,” you place a little extra weight on the shoulder you’ve dislocated. the raider begins panting, the pain making her eyes roll back into her skull.
“d-down t-th--fuck, down the hall, key on... key on belt.”
you unceremoniously let go of her arm. before it can bounce off the ground, you’ve cracked her over the head with you blaster. she goes utterly limp beneath you. you cut off her keyring from the belt and keep pushing forward.
quietly sneaking down the hallway, you crawl behind overturned tables and destroyed filing cabinets in order to avoid the patrol group that somehow manages to miss their fallen companion on their rounds along the hospital’s  easternmost wing.
it’s not necessarily a blaze of glory, but you manage to weave your way through the various guard stations without raising the alarms. once inside the emergency unit, it’s only a matter of stuffing as many supplies in your pack as possible before you’re peering out of one of the broken windows.
you use the thick vines covering the building’s frame as a trestle, scaling your way back down. you’ve always moved fast, favoring stealth where most would bluster there way through--you were tiny compared to most other in this profession, so you had to use that fact to your advantage.
it got you back to Din in one piece. at the end of the day that was all that mattered.
you slip back into the cave as quietly as you left. your husband is pointing a blaster at you as soon as your foot slips on a loose patch of gravel, sending rocks skittering down his way.
“woah there,” you raise both hands, only half-joking. “not a great way to stay on my good side, now is that?”
Din drops the blaster with a huff. “Couldn’ see.” His voice cracks. You quicken your pace, kneeling beside him and dumping the contents of your pack on the floor beside the two of you.
It’s painstaking work, but you manage to cut away the worst of the infection and slather his arm in enough bacta that he could probably grow another one if he really wanted to. you only stop nervously chewing the inside of your lip when his fever breaks with the rising sun.
you give an angry huff if only to try and hold back tears of relief. it only half works.
“don’t ever do that again,” you say as sternly as possible, despite the obvious worry still plainly written all over your face. “you scared the shit out of me.”
Din hums low in his throat, eyes still closed. he blindly reaches for your hand, entwining his fingers with yours. there’s a smile that’s just starting to curl the corner of his lip. “i’ll try not to.”
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itisthecatalyst · 6 years
2018 Goals
Sure I made some Instagram post about this same subject but I have a couple more goals that I don’t necessarily want to share with everyone who I went to highschool with so here are some real goals for 2018:
- Have an orgasm because low and behold I am 25 and never have. Welcome to my life
- Complete a whole 30. This will then transition into the body coach’s 90 day program because I paid for it in the fall and never started it. After this I may start weight watchers or iifym, I haven’t decided yet and will reevaluate in 4 months when all of this is complete. I'm just seriously ready to quit this sugar addiction
- As you can probably tell from the previous goal, I really want to actually try to lose weight this year. Actually try and make a plan and stick to it. I know you aren’t supposed to make this a goal but I’m sick of feeling and looking the way I do
- I am going to stick with Just Fitness, and hopefully start going to yoga once-twice a week because damn this body is tight
- I would also like to get monthly/bi-monthly massages and maybe start going back to the chiropractor because my neck tension induced migraines are coming back
- Once it warms up I’m also going to start running again because holy man that shit works wonders for my mental health
- I want to call/facetime each of my long distance friends every other week to help maintain and grow those relationships
- Start a makeup/skincare/lifestyle insta and post to it once a week
- Seriously play with makeup once a week
- Start a blog/YouTube channel and MAKE CONTENT
- Vlog all of the trips I go on
- Start mediating regularly. I’m going to be using headspace until I get the hang of it and then may transition to the Calm app
- Learn more about tarot and crystals and start regularly reading my cards/having full moon or new moon ceremonies
- Consume at least 2 books per month. 1 audiobook and 1 physical book
- Not take all of my coworkers shifts because I am EXHAUSTED
- Get into school or get a job that involves case management
- See my local friends every other week
- Be more creative: take photos, practice the piano, paint/watercolour/learn calligraphy
- Pay down as much debt as possible
- Get rid of shit, get organized and stay organized
Pretty much this year is all about improving my mental, physical, and spiritual health. 25 I’m really ready to kill it
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Bea & Lola & Ronnie & Charlie
1st attempt at group chat style
Bea: Celebrations are in order! Who's in and where do we start? Lola: Hell yeah count me in! 🎉 pre-game at ours if we're stocked? 🍸💊 Ronnie: Finally ditched the freckled dead weight, yeah? I'll drink to that Charlie: Lmao Charlie: We were good last time I checked but if not sounds like princess is in the treating mood, yeah? 😉 Good news all 'round Bea: Since when do you need a reason? 🤔 but I got a first, if you must know Bea: I'll be round in a bit then, save me some, Lola talking specifically to you now, know a losing battle when I see one Ronnie: since we ain't all getting bankrolled by the student loan. fitzy that's where you're wrong bitch we out Lola: Yes girl! 🤗 I got you and will be keeping suitable 💊 from the mouths of these babes 😏 Congrats on being a brainbox confirmed too btw Lola: if someone ☝ stayed outta my stuff we're good 🤞 Ronnie: fuck you. sharing's caring Bea: says THE most selfish one in this chat ok Bea: and thanks Lo 😘 Ronnie: get off my tits princess Charlie: even the club drugs??? why you been doing them alone in the middle of the day you nutter 😂 ah well Lola: They were mine and I took them Thursday 👍 Bea: tits, where??? Charlie: children please! there's always a dealer with a dick to suck, we don't need to eat each other quite yet, chill out or you need some of that too Charlie: Christ Ronnie: on it, no complaints outside of this chat like Charlie: He'll be devvo its not me 😕 Ronnie: if I was scoring from big dom then yeah but like fuck am I going that far for you cunts Lola: he asked me if I wanted a free tat last time I went 😕 looking to branch out or just touch my body with needles? No way to know Bea: God, Lola, do not ⛔ its free hepatitis is what it is, Charlie already dicing with death there 😷 Grotty Ronnie: fuck it they're treatable 'cept for A Ronnie: shit at drawing though so forget that like Bea: 🙄 well then, go ahead and catch 'em all like pokemon, aim for those mid-grades though, over-achieving will get you 💀 Ronnie: reckon its too late for that. he's sound though 'cept this art on my arm looking like a dog's dick Ronnie: all I got from him Lola: have you even shown me that? 👀 viewing party tonight too please Charlie: Didn't think that was your thing Lolly? As long as it's attached to a dog you're into it? 😵 alright our kid 😬 Lola: Shut your gob Charlie! 🖕 Bea: you WANT to be insulted, masochist 💘 if it was decent it wouldn't match the rest, man knows your aesthetic if nothing else Charlie: 😂 soz babe Ronnie: fuck off and get a tramp stamp you sket Bea: good one 👍 bitter you won't get to see Ronnie: nah I'm bitter that he hasn't written that cunt's name on you yet. guarantees a break up like Bea: Whoever could you be talking about? You're so unclear about your feelings, so mysterious Lola: guys this is not a party atmosphere! I wanna wreck my head in a good way Lola: Calm the tits you both have please Charlie: Agreed, now everyone say thank you to Ronnie for going on the drugs run Charlie: THANK YOU RONNIE 💖 Ronnie: what happened to not eating me out fitz? you strike out last night or what? Lola: I'll say it when I get my share not before 😏 Charlie: I'm trying to create a party atmosphere, silly bitch Charlie: What says party better than oral? Ronnie: we haven't had an orgy for ages, miss me that much yeah? Bea: only domestics these days, init? Charlie: not in front of the children, please Lola: 🤒 Lola: thanks for the mental scars Ronnie: any time Bea: Well, you've really brought me down Bea: Get a better night out if I stayed here, saying something 🙄 Ronnie: knock you down if you want Bea: I was asking for a good time, not necessarily in pissing myself at you trying but if that's all you've got, babe Ronnie: this bitch Bea: Yeah, I am. Lola: 😂 you two kill me Charlie: so much unresolved sexual tension Charlie: its getting to us all Charlie: sort it out lads Lola: speak for yourself ✌ Ronnie: she couldn't turn me on if her boyfriend's life depended on it you filthy scrote Ronnie: porn hub's here for you lad, use it Bea: Oh, please. You're never off, out here panting like a dog. Bea: And you can dream on too, Charlie. NEVER going to happen. Ronnie: something to fucking agree on Ronnie: around you I'm dead below the waist cheers for that Ronnie: like im on ket Charlie: You both know it will 🌈😍🎆 and it will be magical Bea: Welcome. Perhaps you could use the moments of clarity to do something with your life. Ronnie: I'm scoring for you right now princess so go fuck yourself Bea: One for the CV, I'm sure. Bea: If you thought I was thanking you, or going down on you...I'd be quicker to get my own. 👑 remember? Get it flown in from Columbia before that Ronnie: get your fucking own then Ronnie: i asked for neither that's fitzys wet dream Bea: Always quick to martyr yourself Bea: No one asked you to go get the gear Bea: and you took it all in the first place so; what's your issue here? Ronnie: fuck you Ronnie: you're a cunt that's every day's issue Lola: 🤦 Bea: Are you TRYING to make Charlie cum in his pants? Bea: Take that shit private, I've told you both I'm not interested Bea: What, not room for two in this town? Ronnie: no need to try he's pulling himself off as we speak Bea: Well, always nice when they essentially do the job themselves when you're past your prime, I imagine Charlie: I'm ignoring you both, is what I'm doing Charlie: You're both clearly blobbing so we'll save the idea for another day Charlie: Damn 😏 Lola: 🙄 Lola: Charlie I raised you better than that! Charlie: What?! Did you see how cunty the lone rangers were being Charlie: and I say ONE thing Lola: period bants are so 20 years ago boy Lola: know better Lola: Just cos they don't have any idea how to play nice Lola: that's old too Charlie: Who said its bants? Speculation 'bout the state of their knickers if nothing else Charlie: also, I add, probs in a twist Charlie: ba-dum-tss Ronnie: get your head outta my crotch for 5 seconds lad christ Charlie: 🐶 Ronnie: get your red wings from that bitch, just be prepared to be disappointed like, princess talks a good game but that's it like Bea: Yet here you are, all mouth. Bea: Both of you stop projecting your creepy shit, thanks Lola: everyone stop this shit or I bounce, thanks 👌 Lola: I could have a better party on my own at this point Bea: Agreed Bea: I'm staying here, see you around Lo Charlie: Ughhhhhhhhh Charlie: Guys no Lola: Laters then B xx Charlie: I'll even miss the chance to be 'insensitive' and tell you to kiss and make up, alright? Charlie: We're all bored, obvs, we need a party Charlie: Everyone suck it up, we can split up after pre-drinks, so what does it matter Lola: Fine, one more chance 😌 don't fuck it up Lola: Bea you in? Charlie: Ronaldo? Bea: Yeah, whatever Ronnie: suck a dick charlie I was never out Charlie: Well...with that confusing display of enthusiasm, we're back on! Bea get your fine ass on that train, we'll sort the rest between us Charlie: Everyone happy? Lola: 😁 Ronnie: 🖕 Bea: Nothing and no one's bringing me down 💋
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janiedean · 7 years
I'm the anon who said you don't glorify obesity. Look I don't know anything about that ship y'all keep referring to and I don't know who "Hunk" is or whatever, I'm talking in general terms. I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT SHIPPING OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT just to clarify. I think it's wrong that people glorify being skinny but I don't think glorifying obesity is any better (I'm talking about more than overweight - ACTUALLY OBESE)
I’m probably not explaining myself properly but I think people should be able to ship whatever they want, the shipping was never my point. I just think the way people on the internet have been going on like “Fat women are goddesses!!! Real women have curves!!! If you don’t agree you’re fatphobic!!!” is wrong. I have been hospitalized twice for anorexia, I know how being skinny is glorified but I don’t think switching it around so it becomes “being obese is totally awesome and if you say otherwise you’re a horrible fatphobe” is any better. I’m sorry for sending you so many messages, I’ll stop now.
okay so GIVEN THAT WE ALREADY CLARIFIED OURSELVES ON THE MISUNDERSTANDING: the problem is that we were actually talking about shipping XD and the other anon decided it had to be about health but like the problem in general is that as usual (on tumblr and I guess in the US because it’s mostly US beauty standards I’m seeing thrown around) is that there’s no middle way in anything. I mean, like:
body shaming is a thing. in general. the problem is that fatshaming is, like, a thing that is more culturally spread than the contrary even if in some countries (ie italy) there’s this concept that if you’re skinnier than a size 42 (I guess it’s like an S or small M) you’re omg so unhealthy please EAT SOME PUT MEAT ON YOUR BONES WHY DO U HATE GOOD FOOD, but it’s more of an older generation thing. like, I’ve had problems with weight bc when I was in freaking elementary school people would go like ‘omg you’re so fat’ at me and I thought I was and then I looked at some pictures years later and I was like ‘… wtf I was perfectly fine what the hell’ and there’s a general implication that fat/overweight = unhealthy when it’s not necessarily the case.
the problem is that when it comes to body positivity there is like literally zero distinction between curvy, overweight, fat and obese which are not the same thing, and there is zero distinction between body positivity and promote a healthy lifestyle. I mean, according to US standards someone who’s fat would be… like… normal here? a size M is seen as perfectly regular stuff but from what I see of US sizes, M is like OMG I’M FAT already, which… like. here it’s maybe curvy. also being some 3/4kgs overweight never killed anyone. but since I see ZERO DISTINCTION here, it’s all thrown in the same bag and it’s the exact same for people who have 3 kgs more than average, 10, 25, 50 or freaking 200. which is obviously not the same.
also, there is the complete lack of realizing what it means to be healthy and to not be thin. like, as has been said already it’s absolutely not a guarantee that being thin or skinny means that you’re healthy (I had a friend who used to be chubby, then got sick with a freaking chronic disease and came out of it with a body that ended up finding her a job as a fashion model but SHE STILL WAS HEALTHIER BEFORE THE FREAKING CHRONIC DISEASE), I’ve struggled with my extra kgs all my damned life and whenever I go on vacation with friends that are thinner than me but move around less or don’t go to the gym and the likes I am the one who can walk for longer or gets tired less and I have better blood tests than my father who’s at his ideal weight and takes five pills for a bunch of different stuff. some people are just heavier as a body type but if it’s their body and it’s not due to shitty eating or lack of exercise or whatever then they’re not unhealthy. obviously severely obese people who can’t walk for more than twenty minutes without feeling like fainting aren’t in that category but like never mind that for a moment, the problem is that your size doesn’t automatically mean unhealthy and having 20 extra kgs on you makes you fat maybe but not freaking obese.
THEN, on body positivity: there is a healthy difference between NOT BEING A JERK and spreading awareness re healthy habits. like, society/media and the likes shouldn’t promote being thin, they should promote being healthy ie eating well and exercising, not THIN = HEALTHY. as stated you can be healthy without being thin. (or, as the character we were talking about that you weren’t referencing, you can be mostly muscle and have some chub over it and THAT’S NOT BEING OBESE XD at the same time, if someone is overweight or obese or whatever for any reason whatsoever you can’t go at them and tell them omg go lose some weight you loser THAT’S HORRIBLE. I mean, there’s a difference between saying that one should try to be as healthy as possible and go like OMG YOU’RE FAT YOU’RE HORRIBLE. if body positivity means not shaming someone else for their body then go the fuck for it. the problem is that then according to people saying ‘okay but if you can’t walk to the supermarket and back without feeling short of breath and you might get heart diseases maybe you should consider dropping some extra weight for your own benefit’ is fatphobic which… lolno. not everyone is fat because of bad habits and they shouldn’t have people making them feel bad even if they are but assuming that the above sentence (especially when doctors recommend you to do more exercise) is inherently fatphobic imo is ridiculous. if my doctor tells me I should lose some weight then I’m gonna consider it and I’m not gonna feel like he’s *phobic*, if someone goes like ‘omg you’re so fat you’ll never find a guy who wants you’, that is fatphobic. like, THERE’S A DIFFERENCE. (at the same time people who are skinny/thinner than average shouldn’t get told all the time OMG PUT SOME MEAT ON THAT SKELETON REAL WOMEN HAVE CURVES like fuck’s sake respect all body types. being a real woman has zero to do with how much meat you have on you.) what should be glorified is be healthy and be happy with whatever body type you have as long as it doesn’t cause you problems and at that point nicely try to make those problems right while you’re encouraged without shaming anyone in the process. (which also means: gdi don’t put other people down if they’re trying to gain weight or lose it, ffs.)
now, the problem with shipping: the thing is - and I swear to god I don’t wanna sound like a sjw now but I hope the previous essay has made clear how I feel in general on this issue - that, in my experience, fat/overweight characters especially if they’re male are seen as… either the laughing stock of the group or the harmless nerd or anyway never as sexual objects. every damned time I ship something where a guy is overweight/fat (notable exceptions jacob and queenie from fantastic beasts which tbh really was a nice surprise for the part where the fat guy who’s also a sweetheart hooks up with the bombshell and it’s THE BEST ROMANCE OF ALL good go you man) right as rain there’s rarely fic for it least of all porn, and even if there is someone will go around saying the fat character isn’t attractive or deserving of getting some. when I say ‘sam tarly syndrome’ I mean ‘fat/overweight guy is a sweetheart who has a lot of nice ships they could be in but they get thoroughly ignored or if it happens in canon fandom lols at it’. I mean, I basically had to start the jon/sam tag on my own (if you see the fics at the beginning it’s honestly sad to see TEN of mine all after the other), once on a kinkmeme I was like ‘okay doing it’ at a pwp prompt and I got as an answer OMG I WAS HOPING YOU’D SEE THIS NO ONE ELSE IN THIS FANDOM WRITES PORN FOR THESE TWO and whenever people discuss canon sex scenes…. the only one in the book that always gets lol-ed at is sam and gilly’s in spite of the fact that okay, it’s badly written, but ALL of the sex scenes in asoiaf except one are badly written. it’s not worse than the average. but sam getting some because a relatively hot girl wants him and the sex - omg! - actually being somewhat not vanilla is seen as… like… OMG HAHAHAHAHA I CAN’T BELIEVE HE’S GETTING SOME OMG HOW EMBARRASSING as if this guy being overweight means he can’t be seen as a palatable partner when it comes to having a sex life. same as the other anon being like ‘omg hunk (the person we were referring) is fat and unhealthy so he’s not good enough for the other person’ is… exactly the same. I mean, this hunk character is admittedly the one person in that bunch I’d actually date irl same as sam is the one character from asoiaf I’d date irl the others are completely out of the question, but since they’re *fat* naaaaah? and guess what sam/WHOEVER is a lot less popular than ships which make a lot less sense but are two hot characters stashed together bc they’re hot. (jaime/sansa has like 300+ fics and jon/sam is still under 100 but okay sure tell me it’s because it makes no sense. lol no. and being that the only porn around for those two was written by me and maybe two/three other people says all.)
at that point then people go like ‘well but it’s because they’re unhealthy’ and that is when it becomes ridiculous. because going with the above problem re fatshaming being a thing that happens on a societal level, it becomes IF YOU’RE FAT YOU’RE NOT SEXUALLY DESIRABLE AND NO ONE SHOULD WANT YOU BECAUSE OF YOUR UNHEALTHY WEIGHT, which mixes stuff that doesn’t even go together with being sexually desirable which is something inherently personal. as in: if someone who’s unhealthily fat for whichever reason has a significant other who loves them and their body guess what THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO HAVE A SEXUAL LIFE AND TO BANG PEOPLE/GET BANGED TO THEIR PLEASURE. because when it comes to preferences in the bedroom or loving a person, size can be a thing - some people have certain body shapes preferences and so on - or it cannot be a thing at all and anyway it doesn’t matter when it comes to your right to be seen as desirable/being desirable. people of all sizes can be desirable or sexy or definitely sexually available regardless of the size - like everyone is freaking allowed to be sexually desirable even if they don’t conform to whichever is the beauty canon around.
and given that I personally got told more than once also by admittedly well-meaning people that they wouldn’t ever consider seeing me as desirable because I was overweight or not as thin as other hot person around our class or even better, the aforementioned friend who turned out to be a fashion model using that as some coping mechanism (as in, she didn’t like being sick obv. but since she had come out of it with a scorching hot physique while I had then undiagnosed pcos so I was struggling with weight all the damned time and I was healthy otherwise... er let’s say that she used to tell me stuff like ‘ah well look at you and look at me instead how much better looking I am’ which obviously was in order to make herself feel better about her illness but sure as hell didn’t help me feeling good about myself), I’m honestly fucking tired of this whole trend in shipping where overweight/fat people don’t get any from their hot best friends with whom they’re absolutely shippable but the hot friends get shipped instead with the most improbable hot people that happens in 90% of fandoms I run into. because it’s just a reflection of how irl if you’re overweight a lot of the time people will say that your weight puts you out of the goddamned dating field and everyone deserves to be in there, damn it, regardless of their size. it has nothing to do with being healthy or unhealthy. and saying shit like ‘omg X is fat they’re not good enough for Y’ is really fucking old already. 
 tldr: I hope I made clear why I got pissed at the other anon and what I think of the whole matter. obviously no one has to glorify being *unhealthy* (extreme obesity and anorexia are both unhealthy) and no one needs to put other groups down while doing it (looking at you n*icki m*inaj - like sorry but according to my standards she’s thin, having a nice ass doesn’t make you *fat* or curvy, and going like FUCK ALL THOSE SKINNY BITCHES is the exact contrary of body positivity tbh). but at the same time everyone deserves to be seen as sexually desirable and it’s bullshit that the current narrative depicts being overweight as something undesirable. both in society and in fandom.
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