#i'm not done yet
theside-b · 3 months
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sharkylass · 2 years
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8. Birthday
For those Casey Jr. enjoyers, a bittersweet celebration.
(More versions under cut!)
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sicksucculentz · 9 days
Regretavator headcanons: Bive. part 2
She can clack her teeth together very loudly and very fast. She does this when she's happy and or excited about something. She tends to do it it a lot when she gets to spend time with Split. It freaked Split out a little the very first time she saw/heard this. They were having dinner together one night and were seated across from each other at a circular table. Bive was gripping the edges of the table with both hands, she sat leaning forward over the table a little, staring at Split, classic frequently seen grin across her face and loudly clacking her teeth at Split. Split just sat there staring back at her with this slightly scared and concerned look on her face.
Now, Split isn't scared of Bive at their current status but when they first met each other Split thought Bive was going to maul her or something. The twitching, paranoia, fits of delusion, and her sure size scared her off at first. She found even though she was a little freaked out by Bive she was genuinely curious about the strange hairy mess and took a risk spending more time around her and boy is she glad she took that risk.
She likes eating chicken in a particular way. She loves it dry and loves to peal it by strands. Of course she eats it as normal but does the peeling thing while she’s chewing. It’s just entertaining to her. She used her claws to do it.
Split often cooks for her. She doesn't now how to properly cook meats so her meals are vegan. Bive has no issue with this at all and quite enjoys her cooking! Split was the one to introduce her to chickpeas. Bive forgot what they were called when asking for them again later and called them “little sand orbs” because of their gritty texture that reminded her of sand. Split often serves her peppermint or ginger tea with her coffee, helps to settle her stomach.
Bive and Split have dinner with each other every Friday. Lampert and Party Noob come to sometimes!
Bive used to be a ball of lint and dog hair! She formed from this ball of lint and dog hair! She started out looking much like a spider. It took her 28 years to reach the point she’s at now aging her 28 of course. She is cannonly a lab accident apparently as it says in her wiki. She was cared for in the beginning years of her life by 4 different female scientists that she grew to view as mothers. They had to leave her at the lab overnight sense it was illegal to take something made in the lab home so she was completely on her own besides the night guards that sometimes kept her company, most of them were scared of her and didn't want to interact.
Bive will not stop growing and evolving. It took her 28 years to get to her current state and size at about 6 ' 8 and about 300lbs rounding up. She's not done growing at all. Much like the teeth of rodents she grows and grows and grows. The growth and evolutions to her body will not end until something ends her life, it's unknown if she can die of old age. She was kind of adorable as a "baby" she looked a bit like those worms on a string but with little spider like legs. She would scuttle around eating bugs, crumbs, other peoples lunches if left out, snacks left out, small meals given to her by staff, and just about anything she could find and fit in her mouth. She only had 3 teeth on the top and bottom and it took her like 3 years to reach a size big enough to finish a whole sandwich.
A smart cookie she was able to pick up language by creeping around others. Doing this also gave her an insight to more than just English. She knows a tiny amount of Korean, French, German, and Spanish! It's not nearly enough to be fluent though, hell she still fucks English up sometimes.
She tends to know a lot of different things but it's more along the lines of dabbling in the surface level of many different topics. She has one little section of something that she's got a lot of depth in and that tends to be criminal justice. She loves true crime, murder mysteries, and even conspiracies!
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sing-a-sirensong · 1 year
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Pacific Rim + text posts 3/7 (Part 1, Part 2)
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zincbot · 6 months
hey so i decided to play echoes of the eye. what the fuck.
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eclipse-song · 7 months
kikaider is the best show ever made (says this after every ishinomori show)
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batrachised · 7 months
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majorproblems77 · 7 months
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So, how's everyone else getting on with Whumptober/Flufftober with like 9 odd days till the uploads start?
As I've mentioned before I'm trying to get mine done before October starts, as I've got a busy month ahead of me.
I hope wherever you are you are making progress!
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lovebeatriceplz · 4 months
Me genuinely tweaking everytime i turn the page of Songbirds and Snakes:
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Wdym He's a peacekeeper now??💀😭😭😭 WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!??
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fuggivaboutit · 11 months
Sąþi! – angasami – abra, abra angasami ja bech i esmo; nu wī mułwastech ćot ja esmo ludi? Sa sûktôme ebrowa mene fôyanųs – ne guba – ne tǫpowa. Najabrôz be sa fôyanu lûmo ebrina. Ja þuśach ałsane in þame himinejǫ i in þanǫ erþų. Ja þuśach munoginami sanumas in halų. Jak, togda, ja esmo ludi? Wiþuśajite! i zerajite jak sedrowlîk – jak stîrsawlîk ja mogǫ tayati þanǫ cêlį spelǫ.
On eć ąmogi mułwi jak furistlîk sa þankanu wechoda mene brajńǫ; nu jinogda menowa, on ulewa mę nêw dagejǫ i nachtujǫ. Sano nena be. Pećaluze nena be. Ja lubach sa singį manę. His nemât felowa mę. His nemât geba mi owidų. Hes gułþemis ja hawach ne wiyę. Ja menajǫ ćot on eć hes okǫ! da, on be ję! His hawa þanǫ okǫ enas sǫpo – ena flononi, modri oko, mid enô fełmemu nad on. Kogda on drûsa an mi, mene flôþo rina frusti; i þê nêw griþųs – abra ledralîk – ja prikupach mene mįtų ętati þanǫ ferchę singina mano, i dosa uwolajǫ sę þas okemis fur ałmât.
Nun je eć þanǫ vesanę. Wî uzmenajete mę ludį. Ludmanes lizajete nesanǫ. Nu wî hawâdid mę yitati śulati. Wî hawâdid yitati śulati jak frôdlîk ja þurlangach – mid ćę radanujǫ – mid ćę predeyitanujǫ – mid ćę predesedowanujǫ ja hodach tô łerkǫ! Ja bech nemât milôzi tô þanǫ singį manę þo ob þame cêlinu łikujǫ prede ja semach hime. Ja krǫtach bułte hes duremis i otuwerach on – þê abra ledralîk! I togda, jak ja śafach enǫ otuweranų fagrį fur mene hoftemis, ja klasach in ene tomoninu śîmejǫ, alanǫ zaweranį, zaweranį þê ćot ne lûchto flośa ût, i togda ja werach in mene hoftǫ. Â, wî hawâdid smijawi an yitaye jak fuchsuklîk ja werach on in! Ja sturźach on latlîk – abra, abra latlîk, þê ćot ja mogį ne męsati þas singina mano spanujǫ. On ęta mę ene stųdujǫ klasati mene cêlį hoftǫ in þanǫ otuweranų þê dalekį ćot ja mogį yitati hime jak his loźa an hes badźeńe. Hâ! – wiyâde ena ludi mane bit þê frôdi jak ję? I togda, kogda mene hofto be łal in þanǫ sale, ja ąddônach þanǫ śîmę radansamlîk – abra radansamlîk – radansamlîk (wifur sa gunes grenach) – ja ąddônach on tolik ćot ena sąlîki settu lûchtemis drûsa an þanǫ sǫplîkį okǫ. I ję ja dônach fur sebun langį nachtųs – ala nachtu ob medźinachtujǫ – nu ja desach þanǫ okǫ ałmât zaweranį; i þê on be ąmogi dônati þanǫ łerkǫ; fur on be ne þanǫ singį manę wa umęsani mę, nu hes ubilį okǫ. I ala murgines, kogda sa dage affema, ja hodach bałþlîk in þanǫ salę, i mułwach ayansamlîk tô hime, halach hime mid namenê, in ene fastinu farbujǫ, i wemolach hes jak his wichoda þanǫ nachtų. Þê wî yitajete ćot his wiyâdi be enǫ abra bǫbokį singį manę, ofto, uzmenati ćot ala nachtu, tolik ob kalif, ja yitach at hime heft his spa.
Ob þame ochmtinami nachtujǫ, ja bech węc þo gastajlîk radansami in otuwarayęs þas duremis. Enas ristuzamano fûnchądu sturźajeć węc śor þo dôna mene. Nemât prede tenǫ nachtų, ja fôyach þanǫ stemų mene þrûþuzes – mene łićemis. Ja mogį śǫdinlîk wederźati mene fôyanųs segemis. Menati, tamǫ ja bech, otuwerach þanǫ durǫ, fałi i fałi, i his ne iz dromati mene dogulińa dêdujis ći þankanujis. Ja gerlîk hochotach at þanǫ þankanų; i aru his þuśa mę; fur his sturźa an þame badźeńe nallîk, jak śim sturani. Nun wî moźeþ þankati ćot ja smikach sę – nu ne. Hes sale be jak flaki jak hartǫ mid þanô gǫstinom tomujǫ, (fur sa laþes be anklîk fastinani, þurwa agǫ leftełǫ,) i þê ja lizach ćot his moźe ne yitati þanǫ otuweranǫ þas duremis, i ja þurlangach weraje an onomu flatlîk, flatlîk.
Ja hawach mene hoftǫ in, i predberâch otuwerati þanǫ śîmę, kogda mene þûme þûpa an þame tin-bułtejǫ, i sa singi mane wezdraśa in badźeńe, i wigrêta – "Wa esi tamǫ?"
Ja þurlangach al geri i mułwach nesanǫ. Fur ena cêli stųdu ja sturźach ne enǫ brêdę, i ob tene matejǫ ja þuśach hime lećati. His jeć sedâśe wessąþi in þame badźeńe þuśayęt; – tolik jak ja dônach, nachtuze i nachtuze, wiþuśach tô þem doþbuþbudzumas in þem seftumas.
Śor ja þuśach enǫ þichtį puchanų, i ja lizach ćot on be þanǫ puchanų doþlîkina agemis. On be ne enǫ puchanų ako ći angaso – âch, ne! – on be þanǫ śurtį dâwanį dunę ćot westajeć fram þas bućmo ob þas sełaluze kogda on be perfulânani mid treftemu. Ja lizach þanǫ dunę łal. Tolik nachtųs, ob medźinachtų, kogda ala þas łerałduze spâchǫ, on hawa łayani fram mene eganina bôsmo, dûpânajeć, mid onogo agisaminom gałmemu, þanǫ agǫs ćot frasmika mę. Ja mułwajǫ ćot ja lizach on łal. Ja lizach ćot þanǫ singį manę fôyani, i źalach hime, nu ja hochotach in ibejǫ. Ja lizach ćot his łes lećajeti framaft þanǫ furistį þichtį dunę, kogda his hawâśe łądźajeti in þame badźeńe. Hes agos hawâśe si framaft alajeti an hime. His hawâśe si śichajeti uzmenati oneme wesanklosinami, nu mogî ne. His hawâśe si mułwajeti sę – "On eć nesanǫ nu þanǫ łįdę in þame emârejǫ – on eć tolik enǫ łęćę perchodajeti þas flaćemis," ći "on jenklîk enǫ þerćę wa krûka enǫ edinį krûkanų." Da, he hawâśe si śichajeti udobańowati sę mid tenma uzmenanumi: nu his desa alanǫ in pustinu. Ala in pustinu; wifur Doþe, in ąffemayęs hime hawâśe demńani mid hes flakina śazo prede hime, i rîcha þanǫ tîbrǫ. I on be þame źałsaminu unąþejǫ þas ąmmenanina śazo wa ćina hime fôyati – þoch his nekotro yita ći þuśa – fôyati þanǫ bitamę mene hoftemis in þame salejǫ.
Kogda ja ćakach dołmât, abra gaþułdlîk, ûte þuśaye hime lećajeć, ja fetach otuwerati enǫ łâjlį – enǫ abra, abra łâjlį gelų in þame śîmejǫ. Þê ja otuwerach on – wî moźete ne uzmenati kolik dogullîk, dogullîk – do, za ena rastu enǫ kenį tomonį settų, ćej sa þêrde þas ochmiladźo, śûta fram ût þas geluze i drûsa an þame sǫplîkinu okeńe.
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bbgthoma · 2 years
she's a 10 but she's writing a whole ass novel ranting about a fictional character named chuuya nakahara
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weardes · 2 years
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mickeys-malarkey · 1 year
Also-also, my bro and I discovered we could pick up the Illusion of Living books lying around the studio and I'm really hoping that collecting them all has something to do with getting a good Joey ending. 👀
Also-also-also, I don't trust Dapper Bendy's projected-on facial expressions, what the heck? They're adorable, but what the heck? You're not helping me trust you, Dapper.
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delisae · 1 year
I'm drawing again, hope y'all will like it
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*3.6 World Quest Spoilers*
Nasejuna being shady af in his thoughts whereas he's too friendly in person during the new world quest... Nahida is such a useful character to have when playing Sumeru stories out.
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alifeasvivid · 2 years
I’m refinishing my desk. Never felt so much like a real boy in my whole goddamn life.
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