#i'm gonna burn the house down when the chalice of the gods comes out i can fucking feel it
greenconverses · 1 year
i am so very curious who these new pjo-verse books are being written for
and before you come at me with the it’s middle grade they’ve always been middle grade stuff, consider
it’s literally been almost 20 years since TLT was published. fans of the original pjo books are well into their 20s, if not their early 30s by now (heeeey). second generation with HoO are also now in their 20s, with the third gen of ToA readers being in their late teens. there’s a whole range of audience members who are not fifth graders mainlining the series in one summer. 
is he just going to keep pretending there’s not an audience who would be here for more mature writing? and that doesn’t mean making things ~sexy or super dark and bloody or whatever because pjo has never been about that. it means elevating the style and characterization on a deeper level and, idk, paying attention to your fucking universe. i thought RR did a great job of maturing the writing for ToA, but it always got held down by the fart humor and stupid pop culture references. 
making the “it’s for middle schoolers!” excuse every book cycle when someone points out that hey, this is inconsistent with what you wrote two books ago or why does percy never grow up is such a lazy co-opt. you have a huge audience of all ages! if you insist on continuing to write in this universe, acknowledge us! up the quality, i dare you! i dare you!!!!!
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Watching Star Trek: ds9 The Muse
(Spoiler: this is all about Lwaxodo)
And holy moly, she's gonna have a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lwaxana telling Dax, Kira and Worf her troubles and the fact their all so somber is so funny to me
Oh lordy, they're depressed!
Me: *Hums all the kids are depressed*
Oh fuck, she's telling Odo about Kestra, and now I'm sobbing
Oh Odo, surely you must know she's not gonna leave right away after getting her tea😂
His face when Lwaxana asked if he was over her(Kira)
Aw, she's so sweet, man
"Well, Just don't go do what I did. - look for someone to fix your broken heart. Then end up pregnant and on the run." ~ wise advice from Lwaxana Troi
THE BABY KICKED!!!! I honestly thought she was gonna go into labor suddenly 😂
Aw, he helped her slide down the wall so she could sit!
I feel like he's gonna end up getting furniture before she leaves ds9
Aw, Odo looks so amazed when she places his hand on her stomach and he can feel the baby moving!
She's gonna fall asleep in his arms, I just know it.
I love how she keeps moving to lay her head in his lap😂
I knew her replicator wasn't really broken 😂
I think Lwaxana didn't want him to feel pressured to let her visit his quarters, like if she just outright said 'can I come into your quarters?' he may say yes just because he didn't want to offend her, or of he said no, he might have felt really bad about it
Instead she opted to say 'can I use your replicator?' Which gives him an out, like if he really didn't want her in his quarters, he could've easily said that she (or he for that matter) could get her tea from one of the replicators available to the senior staff
And I think if he hadn't said yes to her using his replicator, she would've let the matter drop knowing it would make Odo very uncomfortable.
Lwaxana is looking for Odo! They're playing hide and seek.
I love them so much 😭😍
Her husband is there.🙄
Oh, I hate him. I hate him with a burning passion.
"The son is the property of the mothers husband."
Me: *Gasps*
I am having the seem reaction as Lwaxana 😂
Oh, this'll be fun, Odo has to convince Lwaxana 's current husband that he wants to marry her😂
I really hate that soon to be ex-husband of Lwaxana's
"The day I met her, was the day I stopped being alone. And I want her to be part of my life, from this day on." OH MY GOD THIS IS SO SWEET
This scene was so beautiful *blows nose* they're so cute.😭
"I cherished you, Lwaxana. You were my most treasured possession." Started off kinda sweet, ended with a big red flag
Lwaxana, darling, I am right there with with everyone else in believing that Odo wanted to marry you
Oh, Lwaxana is leaving 😭
Odo is sad 😢
She's still in love with him. And he will never love her. They both know this, and it hurts them. And me.
It hurts, so much.
They kissed farewell and it was so sweet, I forever ship them. As friends and as partners. And I hope she makes Odo godfather of her son.
I really hope to see more of Lwaxana, but I read that this was the last apparence of Lwaxana in Star Trek. If that is true, I am forever saddened.
I'm also still shocked that Lwaxana never mentioned that she was a Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, and Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed in this episode. Was this the only time she never mentions it in her star trek apparences?
Also, I totally saw it coming that that mysterious lady who was helping Jake with his writing was gonna be bad(or at least, a being that killed famous people). *Pretends to be shocked when this is revealed in the show*
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