#i'm a little confused to given we dont have much context yet
problemswithbooks · 2 years
What’s up with endeavour’s backstory because even after seeing the translated scans I’m like ???
I think it's a bit little to be called a backstory--it's more just an explanation/exposition.
That said I do think for now it will be a bit confusing because we'll more chapters to see what Hori is actually trying to convey with these new developments.
From what I've seen I feel people are putting a bit to much emphasis on the whole father/daughter death thing, feeling like it's his origin story in someway. This has lead to people who are critical of his character to question how this big event in his life wasn't brought up before, or how he had to be told by All Might that children and the future is what his powers should be used for as the new #1, when he should already know that given what he saw.
Personally, I don't think Enji ever viewed that moment as a defining trait of why he wanted to be a Hero. Not to say it didn't effect him greatly, but the reason he didn't really think about it before is because he never really understood how much it impacted his life. This wasn't like Nana dying for All Might, or Oboro's death for Aizawa, where they never could forget it and clearly understand that it was an event that shaped their current view of the world.
These were random strangers and so most of the time, once he got over his shock from the experience, he didn't think about them. He wasn't constantly reminded by their lack of presence in his life. His life moved on and he's gone through a lot in that time. So to me it makes sense he only recalls it when thinking back to his younger years and is actually seeming to wonder how he even became the person he did.
Now, with reflection he remembered that moment and can see how it effected his outlook on life, and probably influenced his jealously of All Might and his name as a Hero.
I don't think that some of takes where people say he took the wrong thing from incident are necessarily fair. It's true that I believe Enji didn't see the fatherly instinct in that moment and probably took away, instead the helplessness of the situation, figuring that if the father was stronger (the super-human individual he perceived All Might to be) he could saved both himself and his daughter. But I don't think that's necessarily a bad take away either, or even a surprising one given Enji was a young teen at the time--aka a child himself.
Most kids wouldn't look at that situation from a parental perspective--a "I will be the type of parent that dies to try and save my child, and probably more from the perspective of "If that was my father I'd want him to be able to save us". So it's not shocking to me that Enji didn't take away a lesson in parenting from the situation. Also, even as bad as a father as Enji has been, if he didn't freeze up, I'm sure he'd die to save his kids--heck he probably would have died to save Shoto even before his character arc. Just because a parent is willing to risk their life for their child doesn't mean they're a good, non-abusive parent.
As for what all of Enji's self refection means, again, I don't think it's possible to say yet. From what we've seen, I'd say maybe he's turned his weaknesses into his strength--aka his stubbornness to keep going in order to prove himself. At least I hope it is, because this late in the story, that is rushing toward an ending we don't have time for Enji to not move forward with his character development. But we won't know for sure until we see more of what these new revelations mean for/to Enji and how they might effect how he acts moving forward.
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hikennosabo · 5 months
#tristampparty day 4, episode 4: hungry!
HAPPY WOLFWOOD WEDNESDAY AND DAY 4 OF @tristampparty!! i've watched this episode at least half a dozen times so... LET'S GOOOOO
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it's been pointed out a million times already but lol lmao even. i want to eat rocks.
this is more subtle if you dont know japanese but wolfwood being introduced in episode 4 is also a death flag. did they plan it this way on purpose. (4=shi=death)
also the radio dj for this episode is masaya onosaka again!
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it just breaks my heart, man. god when i read volume 7 and realized that's where orange got this from. man. man.
wolfwood getting hit by the truck is funny i'm sorry.
okay i'm kind of confused actually about what the plan was here... like we know that wolfwood was sent to be vash's guide, but him getting hit by the truck was OBVIOUSLY NOT PLANNED so the group finding zazie at the fuel station wasn't planned either. like. based on what zazie says later in the episode, they were "helping" wolfwood gain vash's trust by creating an enemy for them to face together. so did zazie just do all of this on the fly? should i just assume that zazie knows everything that's going on all the time? did they see what was going on from the worm cloud above that we see at the start of the episode? even though those worms were just... microbial? so they determined which fuel station the truck was going to stop at and killed the people there and disguised themself... that must have been what happened, right?
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and what's with this. there was a post i saw a while ago where op said they don't like how orange adapted this scene. because the context is changed. because zazie and wolfwood are working together so instead of this being an act of genuine kindness wolfwood is just... acting i guess. but i don't know. does wolfwood even know this is zazie at this point. maybe he's stupid idk KLJDSFKLSDFJ or is it that he can't help himself because zazie LOOKS like a child?? I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO MAKE OF THIS SCENE NOW.
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this is clearly an act though i mean unless orange has some insane as-yet-unseen backstory for zazie, these aren't genuine tears
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it's so funny how vash gives roberto the bill like this. like, "daaaad..."
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so he says, with zazie at the center of the composition.
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they tried to spike him up a little bit, but no matter how you look at him, i don't think he's worthy of the title of needle-noggin. this is just wolfwood subconsciously remembering what he called vash in previous timelines (<- JOKE)
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i wonder about this. the only "human" who can control worms is zazie. humans, plural, though? how many human disguises has zazie taken on over the years?
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wolfwood has given negative reasons for vash to trust him. this is just vash subconsciously remembering his relationship with wolfwood in previous timelines (<- JOKE)
vash's little sneeze after him and wolfwood get sneezed out of the worm is sooooo cute
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they're just lying out their ass they're fully aware that vash is a plant
ehhh i've said this before but i don't like how orange adapted zazie... they're very different from their manga counterpart. they're one of the most changed characters i think. i don't like their design that much either... the half-pants... idk... i like the bug mask at least...? i like that there's some insect-like design elements but... eh...
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honestly shout out to these guys. the real stars of this episode fr
interesting how roberto is the one who distrusted wolfwood the most but doesn't actually oppose wolfwood going with them...? meryl is the one most opposed...
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what moment does he mean. talking about his gate so does he mean in episode 3? from when... right before he shot his gun at knives, maybe? there was a weird aura... i thought it was because of what knives did to vash's gun but... uhhh.... uhhhhhhhhhhhhh (steam comes out of my ears from thinking too hard)
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uhhhh. this is ninelives. there's more than one of him. is this how they adapted ninelives... instead of being piloted by nine guys there are nine... of him... like... nine big guys... nine robots(?)...????
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haha. yeah. and knives hates that. :')
that ends episode 4... we're really getting into it now...
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rawwkfingers · 5 months
One thing I've really come to enjoy from watching Classic is the way its allowed me to recontextualize events in New. This serial singlehandedly made me more on board with both the Flux and the bigeneration and it honestly baffles me that RTD didnt put that connection into The Giggle, even in passing, to help pave the way for his idea
I know WHY he didnt, because he enjoys his happy headcanon that every Doctor got a happy ending. But since thats not in the show and thus not canon (yet) I'm choosing to believe that the bigeneration was a result of time almost eroding in the Flux, akin to the Watcher's presence due to entropy here
To be fair, I'm putting a lot of headcanon of my own here since the Watcher is just not explained. I dont even know if I'd have been able to draw that conclusion if I didnt have the bigeneration as a reference point. I do think this was the writers intentions with the Watcher, just poorly explained like a lot of the science of this serial was
In general, the writing was a little all over the place this serial. Tegan is simultaneously really well written, she has an immediate energy in every scene, while also feeling slapped together. Her total non-reaction to being swept off to a new planet beyond "I'm gonna be late for work" gave me whiplash but her reaction to her aunts death was great (tho that has more to do with Fielding's acting than the writing)
The Logopolis stuff was also poorly explained until we were given a crumb of "they keep the universe together" and the Doctor's decision to fix the chameleon circuit feels like it came out of nowhere
This was not perfect
However, I did like it a lot, mainly because of the various interactions with the Master. His teamup with the Doctor was great, with the Doctor's awareness this is how he dies palpable
And then the juxtaposition of them working together with Nyssa's realization her entire planet is destroyed, because of the Master (who is wearing her father's face!!!) Again, with the context of New Who, it really brings to question just how complicit the Doctor is in all the various war crimes the Master has committed
In a way, this all is a perfect farewell for the Fourth Doctor. His era had some of the strongest writing in the entire series (Ark, Genesis, Pyramids, City) while also some of the worst (Talons, Leisure Hive, Deadly Assassin.) Having a story with confusing lore but strong character work is very fitting
Baker really was great, but there was something about him that always prevented me from LOVING him the way I do Pertwee. Part of that is that I'm not a huge fan of Baker as a person, but I think the other part of that was the way the show moved away from the explicit political stories that I loved so much. I'm sure the worldbuilding stuff that the era was so focused on was fascinating for contemporary viewers, but as a newer fan I either already knew it or it'd been retconned and wasnt enjoyable
His energy was contagious though and I loved the way he brought a levity and joy to the show while also taking the serious scenes with complete seriousness. I remember reading that he agonized over making sure to do Genesis justice because it was such a strong script
His last season started off weak, but ended strong
1. The Keeper of Traken. Just a really, really strong serial on top of introducing Nyssa, who I love and would die for
2. Full Circle. Ever since his introduction where I compared Adric to Atreyu, I've loved the character so of course his first story is this high
3. State of Decay. As much as I love this serial for helping shift the way I view Classic as a whole, its actual plot is fairly standard which prevents it from being higher
4. Logopolis. All the character work is great, all the technobabble isnt
5. Warriors' Gate. I feel like Romana deserved better than the departure she for
6. Meglos. I just find it a little stale and boring, nothing bad but nothing good
7. The Leisure Hive. It was a fun concept but the absolutely horrific editing makes it unwatchable
The companions of this era are all amazing so it'll be hard ranking them but
1. Sarah Jane Smith. There was never going to be any other choice here ofc, she's the face of Classic Who companions for a reason. She steals every scene she's in I love her
2. K9. One of the rare instances where the silly mascot character is truly incredible. Every scene he was in was fantastic and I want one of my own
3. Romana II. Cute and charming snd immensely lovable. Every time she was on screen I wanted more of her
4. Romana I. I loved Mary Tamm's portrayal, she always gave the Doctor as much sass as he gave her and the way she always carried herself as aloof from it all was amazing. But the chemistry of Ward and Baker is unmatched
5. Leela. It pains me SO much putting her this low but she was always the type of character who I loved in spite of her writing rather than because of it. She never had any of the truly GREAT stories the others did
6. Harry. He's the only companion of this era I actively disliked I'm sorry
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