#i'd rather kiss a wookiee
littlemissmanga · 11 months
Hey Beth! So sorry you're having a rough week. Sending you all the virtual hugs ❤️
Since you asked for fluff, I thought I'd send over a fluffy Echo x Riyo Chuchi snippet from my WIP. I hope you enjoy!
“Would you rather fight one rancor-sized tooka or ten tooka-sized rancors?”
Echo grinned as he typed a response. “That’s easy. I’ve already encountered a rancor-sized rancor, so I know the secret to defeating them. They’re hierarchical by nature, so I would rather fight the ten tooka-sized rancors and set them against each other. When they finally established which one was the alpha, I would challenge it. My turn: would you rather eat nothing but dessert for a week, or no dessert for a year?”
There was a pause as he waited for Riyo to respond. His comm chirped, and he checked the message immediately. “Wait, when did you fight a rancor? That sounds like a story worth hearing.”
“I’ll tell you all about it next time I see you. Now quit stalling and answer the question, Riyo.”
“I wasn’t stalling!” The reply was immediate and indignant. “I was thinking. I do like dessert, but a week of nothing but sugar might put me in a coma. I’ll have to say I’d rather go a year without desserts. Would you rather kiss a Gungan or a Wookiee?”
“That depends,” he replied. “Are we talking a mouth kiss, or just a quick peck on the cheek?”
“Full-on mouth kiss, with tongue.”
“In that case, I’d rather kiss a Pantoran,” he replied. He held his breath, hoping he wasn’t pushing things too soon.
“You’re not going to charm your way out of answering the question, trooper.”He smiled. “Worth a shot. Fine. Assuming consent from all parties involved, and given the knowledge that Gungan tongues are nearly a meter in length—which would present a high probability of death by choking—and considering that I’ve met some very nice Wookiees who almost certainly wouldn’t rip off my one remaining arm, I would rather kiss a Wookiee. But only if the Pantoran is unavailable.”
“Solid reasoning all around, but now I have blackmail material in the form of written proof that you want to kiss a Wookiee,” Riyo’s message said. 
“Only under duress,” Echo replied. “Now it’s my turn: would you rather be too hot or too cold?”
“That’s easy!” Riyo replied at once. “I would rather be too cold. You can do all sorts of fun things to warm up.”
“Such as?”
“Drinking caf, wearing cozy sweaters, snuggling in front of a fireplace—and other things.”
“What kinds of other things?” he asked, playing innocent.
“That’s for me to know and you to find out. My turn: would you rather have dinner with me or breakfast with me?”
“Both,” Echo replied.
“Great! When is a good day for you?” Riyo asked.
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Thank you DJ!! Virtual hugs received <3
I love how mundane this is - how normal. If I didn't know the characters, this would just be a regular couple flirting. That it's our precious Echo, who deserves all the moments like this, makes it so much better.
And I LOVE how they both know the other is flirting, but they're maintaining the integrity of the "game" by not breaking the rules or getting off track. Just adorable.
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etsyfindoftheday · 4 years
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etsyfindoftheday | 12.29.19
chewbacca fridge magnet by castlemcquade
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