#i'd like to figure out how to position things better tho. i just kinda adjusted the frame size to make it line up well
orcelito · 1 year
goal: Be Less Aggravated by the time dnd starts
0 notes
floresmarique · 3 years
Hello! This is the first one shot i wrote that you can find on my Wattpad too! Also, sorry if there are some mistakes, i'm italian so sometimes i still struggle a bit with my english but i hope you like it ♡
Plot; You are a new pupil in the Cobra Kai dojo and to impress John Kreese you fight with his best student, Johnny lawrence. But Johnny will develop some special feelings towards you...
WARNING: This one shot will contain smut and a bit of violence.
Tags; oral, swallowing, a little bit of bully Johnny at the beginning and a tiny bit of fluff.
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Since (Y/N) was a kid, she always wanted to enter the fascinating world of Martial Arts but never had the economic possibility to afford the lessons.
But now that she was in California and her parents had a new well paid job, they encouraged her to join a Karate school and she couldn't believe that when they first told her about it with smiling faces.They always knew that (Y/N) wanted to learn Karate as a child and, with the new money they were making, her parents supported (Y/N)'s passion, which made her happy.
Everytime she came back from school, she always stopped by that dojo called 'Cobra Kai'. (Y/N) couldn't stop looking at the perfect moves of those boys, at their amazing grit.
But there was a thing that worried her; she never saw a girl inside the dojo.
Not having girls was kinda old minded and sexist in her opinion.
It's the 80s, for gods sake!
She thought.
But trying wouldn't be too bad, right?
So one day after school, she finally decided to enter inside that place and the first thing her ears heard were some screamed words by the boys. They all looked like soldiers and the Sensei looked like the captain.
"Strike first, strike hard, no mercy!" They shouted in unison and (Y/N) furrowed her brows.
What kind of motto was that?
She didn't know what she was supposed to do, so she just cleared her throat to catch their attention, hoping to not get humiliated by them or the Sensei.
The Sensei looked very rough and rude and the girl noticed that he had a cobra tattooed on his arm, he was the only one with a black gi while everyone else had a white one.
She always wanted to wear one.
The tall man walked towards her, trying to intimidate her with his glare but (Y/N) kept her head high and stared him in the eyes with a straight face.
"How can i help you?" He spoke with a slight grin on his face.
"I'd like to join your dojo."
After her answer, everyone bursted in a loud laugh and (Y/N) started to feel uncomfortable, especially with the man's glare on her.
"We do not accept girls." Was his simple response and she wasn't surprised about it, but disappointed for sure.
"Why not? Girls are capable of kick asses just like boys."
She didn't expect to be that bold, but did she care? No.
She wanted to challenge herself and demonstrate to those immature people that girls can be just as strong.
"That's very brave of you..." He started to slowly walk around her in a circle, only to stop again in front of her with his arms crossed. "I could give you a chance."
(Y/N) smirked, proud of herself while she took off her shoes to stand on the tatami. She was so excited and loved to see the disappointed looks on the boys faces.
"Let's see how good of a fighter you are, shall we?" The Sensei said and she nodded, repeating in her head the techniques she found in some martial arts books.
She felt ready.
"Lawrence, come here."
A blonde, tall boy with a muscular figure stood on the Sensei side, his expression was filled with anger. (Y/N) also noticed that he had a black eye and a black headband wrapped around his head. She couldn't deny that he was pretty hot, but she was too determined to get distracted.
"He's one of my best boys." Sensei smirked and the boys shared an amused look while sitting down on the tatami in a circle. "Good luck."
The man walked away and she and the boy remained at the center of the tatami in the attack position.
The blonde smirked before speaking.
"I'm gonna go easy on yo-" Before he could finish his sentence, (Y/N) kicked him right on top of his stomach, which made the boys howl in amusement. She was the one smirking now, standing again in the same position as before.
"I'm not gonna go easy on you, blondie." (Y/N) stated, and that was where the boy lost it. He started attacking her with punches and kicks that she perfectly shielded, just to punch him right in the face and kick him on his black belt, making him fall on his back.
Before he could stand up again, (Y/N) positioned herself on his lap and bent forward to put her hands under his shoulders to block him with her dead weight. She once saw that position on a book and it was kinda awkward to do since it looked like she was hugging him.
She could smell his sweat and a little bit of perfume, but she also could feel his warm breath against her forehead and it made her shiver a bit. He was attractive and being that close to him clouded her senses so much that she didn't hear Sensei's voice.
"Enough, you can stand up." He demanded.
When they both stood up, the blonde guy adjusted his gi and looked at her dead in the eyes while (Y/N) observed the shocked expressions of the other boys.
"What's your name?" The Sensei asked, walking towards her again. She tried to catch a little bit of breath before answering.
"(Y/N) (L/N)."
"Well, (Y/N), you're in. Consider yourself lucky, this is a privilege."
(Y/N) couldn't contain her happiness and a smile formed on her lips. She was proud of herself and she was sure that even her parents would have been.
"Thank you, Sensei." She said, but before he could respond, she heard the boy behind them speak.
"What?! Is this a joke?!" The same blonde blue eyed boy spoke. "I let her win, obviously. I bet she is not gonna resist a week here."
"Johnny, i'm the one who makes the decisions here."
So his name was Johnny.
Johnny Lawrence.
She heard of him at school, he was considered the 'bad guy' along with his mates but (Y/N) wasn't intimidated by them.
(Y/N) smirked and held out her hand for Johnny to shake.
"Pleasure to finally meet you, Johnny Lawrence."
He looked at her hand and then stared into her eyes with a killing glare.
"The pleasure is all yours."
Johnny refused to shake her hand and walked away, but that didn't wash (Y/N)'s smirk off her face because she had him exactly where she wanted.
She liked some rivalry.
Or so she thought.
For the next weeks, Johnny made her life a living hell.
He would tease her at school or he would start fights while she walked home, fights that (Y/N) either refused or won. Johnny had enough of that. He couldn't believe that a girl, a so innocent looking girl, could always beat his ass better than him.
On the other hand, Johnny also knew that he could hurt her bad if he wanted to, but the truth was that he didn't want to make her suffer. He didn't want to ruin her pretty face with a kick, so in a certain sense he let her always won.
Johnny knew about her even before she came into the dojo that day, he saw her multiple times around Ali or during P.E.
And he wanted her.
His friends thought that he still had his mind set on Ali, but he moved on as soon as he saw (Y/N) at school and when he saw her enter the dojo, his heart was beating so fast that he was afraid she would actually notice it. When she got on top of his lap to block him, Johnny smelled her hair and felt all of her warmth on his body.
And he got a boner too in that exact moment.
There was something about that look on her innocent face, about her fake naivety that he just loved and needed in every sense of the word.
He teased her only to be around her, only to hear her voice again even if it was just to tell him to fuck off.
But he wasn't the only one who was crushing hard on her.
Bobby, his mate, always talked about her to Johnny.
"I want to ask her on a date." He once told Johnny and the rage he felt inside was about to explode, but he couldn't let them know his feelings.
Not yet.
"Why would you do that mate?" Johnny scoffed. "Our plan is to kick her out of Cobra Kai. She will only cause trouble to our dojo. A girl, please, i don't know what Sensei was thinking. Everyone will laugh at us at the tournament because of her."
Johnny was talking bullshit.
She was perfect for Cobra Kai, she had determination and strenght that even some boys would envy.
She would kick everyone's ass at the tournament.
But he couldn't let Bobby ask her out, because he was sure that she would say yes. They always chatted a bit at the dojo during stretching and they even had two or three classes together.
"Johnny, i think you are exaggerating a little bit. She's a badass and god, so pretty."
And after that, Johnny knew that he had to make her his before Bobby would find the courage to ask her out.
And that time came soon.
After another lesson, (Y/N) went to the changing room to take a shower, as always. She was very surprised that there was a changing room for girls since she was the first one that was accepted, but she never questioned it and was pretty happy to have a whole changing room for herself.
She had plans tho, about revolutionating the whole Cobra Kai so that other girls could join in. She also wasn't a fan of their 'no mercy' motto, honor was much more important to her.
While cleaning up her body under the water, she mentally repeated all the things she learned during the last lesson so that she wouldn't forget them and she got so concentrated that she didn't hear steps inside the changing room.
She hummed 'Girls Just Want To Have Fun' while wrapping a towel around her wet body and stepped out of the showers while looking down, adjusting the towel.
"Ohh girls, just wanna have- what the fuck are you doing here?!" Looking up, she saw Johnny completely relaxed on the bench of the changing room, his hair were still a little damp and the blue tight sweater he was wearing perfectly hugged his muscles.
"So is it true, you just wanna have fun?" He raised an eyebrow and gave her a cocky smile.
(Y/N) blushed and wrapped the towel even tighter around her body, embarassed.
"Johnny, what the fuck are you doing here?" She repeated, her cheeks were flushed, both for the rage and embarassment. "Can't you read? It says girls changing room."
"I'm exactly where i'm supposed to be." He stood up from the bench and towered over her figure. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and started brushing her hair while looking into the mirror. "I just wanted to see my dear friend."
(Y/N) widened her eyes and scoffed, shaking her head.
"Friend?" She scrunched up her hair and stared at Johnny's reflection in the mirror. "Since when?"
"Since today." He crossed his arms and observed her, amused by the situation.
"Ok, well, friend" she turned around and sighed. "Can we be friends after i get dressed? We'll talk about this later outside of the changing room."
"Change here, i don't mind. You will not need clothes anyway pretty soon." He nonchalantly said, trying to hide his grin.
"Well i do mind actually, what the hell are-" before (Y/N) could finish her comeback, Johnny pressed his lips on her soft ones, completely shocking her. It was a short kiss, just to see her reaction.
When he pulled away, he stared into her eyes and saw shock in them, but also something that made him smirk.
She didn't slap him or even tried to back off. Her slightly open lips and her red cheeks said it all, Johnny didn't need words.
He kissed her again, but in a more ferocious way, and she did the same thing. All the attraction they had for each other was coming out from their bodies and actions.
Johnny backed off while taking her with him, so that he would sit on the bench with her on top of him. She gripped his large shoulders and moaned a little bit when she felt his boner against her thighs. Johnny groaned and held her neck with one hand while the other easily took off the towel from (Y/N)'s still wet body.
"I've wanted to do this for so long." He sighed into her mouth and deepened the kiss. His hands were roaming on her body, not knowing where to stop. He touched her shoulders, her breasts, her arms, her legs.
Her skin was soft and the smell of her was driving him crazy. (Y/N) kissed his cheeks, his forehead and then his lips again, with a desperation that made Johnny even more turned on.
"I always wanted you too..." (Y/N) softly said and caressed his cheek while leaving wet kisses on his jawline and neck. Johnny closed his eyes and then opened them again, he needed to see her desperate for him. He needed to remember her face, her body, the pretty shades of her skin. He wanted her to be printed in his mind for the rest of his life.
"Yeah?" His voice was a lot deeper than usual and also rough. "Fuck, come here."
He took her face in his hands and kissed her again, feeling her little fingers on the buttons of his blue jeans. He knew that she wasn't as innocent as she made people think. And he loved it so much.
"Wait-" He spoke with a ragged breath. "Am i- am i your first?"
He searched for her eyes and when she kept looking down, he raised her chin with two of his fingers so that she could look into his blue eyes.
"Y-Yes." She stuttered.
She was ashamed, but Johnny felt like he was touching heaven with his fingertips.
Because she was the first one for him too.
"You are my first too." He admitted and lightly kissed the top of her nose.
"What about Ali?" (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief.
"We never did anything like this, only some make out sessions...but never like this." He caressed her lips with his fingers and bit his lip, staring down at her naked body.
He thought she was perfect, every curve on her body was, and he felt lucky to have her in that moment. To even speak to her. She was a goddess for him and he knew he needed to keep her in his life forever, because someone like her would be too hard to forget.
She was something else.
"You know, we don't have to rush..." Johnny calmy said, his voice was soft now and he made sure to keep eye contact with her.
He cared.
"I know, it's fine, i want to do it." (Y/N) said, confident about her decision.
"You want to do it... in a changing room?" Johnny raised his eyebrow and (Y/N) giggled at his shocked expression while caressing his golden damp locks.
"Well, wasn't it your plan?" She asked with a grin and Johnny rolled his eyes, a slight blush was appearing on his cheeks.
"Sort of..." He sighed "I just, i don't want our first time to be here, i want it to be more intimate and special."
(Y/N) thought about that and realized that he was right. They didn't even have condoms and it would have been too uncomfortable to have sex for the first time on a bench, considering the pain.
"I guess you are right." She nodded and gave him a peck on the lips. "But... we could do something else..."
Her fingertips traced the line of his abs, covered by his tight sweater. Johnny inhaled some air and rested the back of his head against the wall, grinning at her.
"Well, that was what i had in my mind in the first place..." He winked at her and took her hand that was placed on his belly, just to place it down on the buttons of his jeans. "Let's see how good you are now..."
(Y/N) felt a certain warmth in her stomach at his words and stared at his eyes while unbuttoning his jeans, her fingers were fast and almost desperate to feel him. Johnny eagerly helped her lower his pants, his white boxers showed the prominent boner under them.
(Y/N) slowly got on the cold floor, on her knees between Johnny's legs. Her heart was beating fast against her chest, she felt heat all up in her body and a deep desire for Johnny. She never saw a dick before, except for that one time in her old city where one of her friends had an adult magazine at school and showed it to everyone, and (Y/N) was pretty grossed out by the view of a penis.
"Do you want it?" Johnny deeply asked, his eyes were filled with desire and lust.
"Yes." (Y/N) said and slowly lowered the waistband of his boxers, only to display his full hard lenght.
She didn't feel grossed out now.
Johnny noticed her surprised expression and softly laughed.
"Like what you see, baby?"
(Y/N) shivered at the pet name and nodded, taking his member in her hand to observe it better. Johnny slightly panted at that and gulped, wanting to feel her hand around him.
"Stroke it slowly, baby..." Johnny placed an hand on one of (Y/N)'s shoulders to keep her going.
She did as she was told and observed his eyes and expressions to understand if she was doing it the right way and, judging by his heavy pants, she was.
"Like that?" She innocently asked, pressing her palm on his lenght while stroking it.
"Fuck, yes, like that" Johnny was already a moaning mess, (Y/N) never saw him look more vulnerable than that and she liked to be the one that made him feel that way. The skin of his dick was smooth and warm and it was probably 7 inches long. The head was red and wet with pre-cum that (Y/N) decided to taste with the tip of her tongue, causing Johnny to groan.
"Oh, god- yeah, keep doing that baby..." (Y/N) smirked at his desperation and pressed her tongue on the head of his cock, licking it up and down. Her eyes never left his face, he looked completely gone to the pleasure.
He looked at her with half lidded eyes, his mouth was in a 'o' shape and he was starting to sweat, (Y/N) could see it on his forehead.
Johnny caressed her hair, encouraging her to take his lenght inside her mouth more. His legs were tensed and (Y/N) gripped his toned thighs while going down on him.
"Mmh..." Johnny closed his eyes and thrusted his hips a little forward, but still carefully and slowly to give her time. "Keep stroking it while you suck it, baby..."
(Y/N) welcomed his thrusts into her mouth and wrapped one hand around the end of his dick, stroking it a little faster. The changing room was filled with Johnny's moans and the sloppy sounds of (Y/N)'s mouth wrapped around him.
She could feel herself getting wetter by the second and felt the urge to touch the area between her legs for some friction.
"Oh shit, yes, yes, i'm so close, love-" Johnny took her head in his hands just to feel her movements and opened his eyes to stare down at her. The sight of the pretty girl he wanted for months on her knees with her swollen lips around his dick, were too much for him. "Baby, i'm about to cum-"
(Y/N) looked up at him and managed to show a little grin while staying on his cock, bobbing her head up and down faster than before.
Johnny took the hint; she wanted him to cum inside her mouth.
"Fuck, you want it don't you?" Johnny bit his lip and rested both of his hands on the sides of her face, his cheeks were flushed and his forehead was wet with sweat. "I'm coming, oh fuck, (Y/N)!"
(Y/N) stopped her movements but kept his lenght inside her mouth, she felt his dick contract various times and then a salty and warm liquid squirted on her tongue. His thighs tensed even more and he never left his grip on her face while riding off his orgasm. (Y/N) made sure to swallow everything till the last drop before letting his dick out of her mouth.
Both of them were breathing heavily and Johnny looked high, still trying to recover from the intense pleasure.
"Fuck" he sighed and smiled softly while watching her standing up. She had messy hair and flushed cheeks, her lips were pink and swollen and Johnny couldn't help but to kiss her. "You are incredible, baby..."
"Well, thank you!" (Y/N) giggled and Johnny stood up, kissing her again but only to make her sit on the bench, on the same place he was some seconds ago.
"But i can't let you go like this..." Johnny was now on the floor, gently opening her legs while staring into her eyes. (Y/N) was dying of embarassment, no one ever saw her intimate parts and she felt self conscious about it.
"Shh, don't worry, let me admire you..." Johnny could see that she was nervous and it was important for him to reassure her. He slowly parted her legs without breaking eye contact. Once he saw how wet she was, Johnny licked his lips and slightly smirked at her, amused by her embarassed expression.
"Do you want me?" He whispered, leaving a wet trail of kisses along her thigh. His blue eyes never left hers while doing so. (Y/N) tensed, feeling him that close to her private area was making her sweat. "Tell me."
"Yes, Johnny." She gulped. "I want you."
He took both of her legs and rested them on his shoulders, getting closer to her pulsating pussy.
"Even out of this changing room?"
(Y/N) smiled and nodded, but Johnny wanted to hear her.
"Tell me." He kissed her inner thigh, getting even more closer to her vagina.
"Yes." She panted. "I want you, always."
Johnny grinned and before (Y/N) could blink, he pressed his entire tongue on her aching pussy, making her moan. He kept looking at her, holding her legs with his strong arms and he started to move his tongue in circular motions on her clit.
"Oh, Johnny..." She gasped and tugged at his blonde hair. Everything was new to her, she never felt something like that and she would have never imagined it to happen with Johnny. She for sure dreamed about it, but never expected it to become reality.
"You like it, baby girl?" He asked her, his voice was deep and his lips red and shiny because of her fluids.
"Yes, Johnny, so much!" She moaned when the blonde started sucking on her clit like he was hungry. He was breathing heavily against her, she could feel his warm breath on her pussy and it made her crazy.
"You taste so good, love..." Johnny whispered and reached one of her breasts with an hand to gently stroke her nipple. "You're so beautiful, fuck."
With his other hand, Johnny teased her entrance with one of his fingers but never left her clit untouched. He slowly inserted the tip of his finger inside of her, feeling how tight she was. (Y/N) let out a light squeal at that.
"How do you feel?" He asked her and slowly pumped the tip of his finger inside her.
"It kinda burns, but it's okay." She panted and nodded.
Johnny repeated the same action and watched as she threw her head back in pleasure. He smirked and added a little bit more of his finger inside of her while applying pressure to her clit with his tongue. He felt her legs shake a bit and heard her ragged breath and he couldn't help but think that she was absolutely perfect in those conditions.
She was close and he could see it and feel it.
"Please, Johnny- Oh!" Hearing her moaning his name made him pump his finger faster with the movements of his tongue.
"What do you want?" He groaned against her.
"I want to cum, fuck!"
"Look at me." He demanded. He needed to have her eyes placed on him, it was like a kink for him. "I want you to look at me while you cum on my tongue..."
(Y/N) looked at him but keeping her eyes open was an hard task with that intense pleasure. She wondered where he learned to do that since he said it was his first time, but he probably just was a natural talent.
Just like her.
(Y/N) felt a weird sensation build up in her stomach, a very heavy feeling and she knew what that meant.
"Johnny, i can't!" She panted and tugged harder at his hair, making him groan.
"Cum then, cum for me (Y/N)..."
And she did.
She did while moaning his name repeatedly, trying to look at him while her toes curled behind his back. Johnny had a proud smirk on his wet swollen lips and licked  her fluids with pleasure before standing up to kiss her sweetly on the lips.
(Y/N) still had a ragged breath and was recovering from her orgasm, but she was also scared.
What if he's gonna be an asshole again now and this was just a joke for him? She thought.
They both silently fixed themselves and (Y/N) finally got dressed. Her hair were almost completely dry and she didn't know how to act and wondered why he was so silent now, fixing his hair and clothes infront of the mirror. He looked like nothing happened while (Y/N) was still shocked.
"Will you go out with me this Friday?" He asked and turned around, resting his back against the wall. (Y/N) felt better after his question and gave him a smile.
"Well, usually, boys ask a girl out before they finger fuck her in a changing room-" she grinned and Johnny crossed his arms while letting out a laugh. "But sure, why not."
"Always a tease, aren't you?" He hugged her from behind and (Y/N) felt butterflies in her stomach while he rested his chin on top of her shoulder. "We could go to the Arcade, mh?"
Before she could respond, they heard the voices of the other boys outside of the changing room.
"Johnny!" They shouted. "We have to go, where the hell are you?!"
Johnny sighed and shook his head before speaking again.
"Seems like we are gonna need another shower when we get home, don't you think?"
(Y/N) giggled and gave him a fake disappointed look.
"Yeah, you jerk!" She laughed while putting on her shoes. Johnny gave her a peck on the right cheek and then proceeded to walk away. "Wait, Johnny, have you spied on me while i was under the shower?"
Johnny chuckled and turned his head to look at her.
"Doesn't matter anyway, now."
And after winking at her, he left the changing room with a big proud smile on his face. His mates were shocked when they saw him get out of the girls changing room and howled like little kids.
"Man, what did you do?!" Tommy asked while patting Johnny's shoulder.
Johnny shrugged and smirked.
"Nothing impressive, i'm taking her out on a date on friday."
Bobby was confused and Johnny could see the disappointment written all over his face.
"I thought you wanted to kick her o-"
"There are a lot of things you still don't know about me, dear Bobby" Johnny gave him a friendly slap on the cheek and then saw (Y/N) getting out of the changing room. She waved at everyone and gave a particular smile to Johnny, which he returned. "A lot of things."
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themikewheelers · 5 years
I love Joyce, and I understand her reasons for wanting to move, but at the same time... I just think that's a very bad idea? Like, if it were just her, I'd say go for it (and while Jonathan's upset, I think he can handle it), but like... I'm really worried how it will affect Will and El (ESPECIALLY El). He's clearly devastated by it, and El's just lost her father, home, and powers (which must be like losing a limb for most of us), all in one fell swoop. (continued)
i don’t think i received ur continuation tumblr must have eaten it :((
but yeah, i’m kinda interested to see how they explore that in s4. joyce is obviously such a good mother, but there’s def stuff that’s complicated about the decision to move. like in her mind, she’s not only doing what she knows is best for her own mental health, but she thinks getting her kids + el the hell out of this town is what’s best for their immediate physical safety, and she thinks that starting over somewhere new will probably be rlly good for the kids mentally. and maybe it will be, but it will undoubtably be rlly hard for them too. like u said, i think jonathan will be able to adjust most easily, bc besides nancy he didn’t rlly have any friends back in hawkins, but still it’s gotta be rough mentally if after living in the same town ur whole life to start somewhere new for ur senior year.
then with will, i do think it’ll be good for him to get away from hawkins. i really do. for him, his big cause of trauma is the upside down, which is literally the demonic hellish version of hawkins. so even tho he’s still not getting the visions and flashbacks, i’m sure it’s still difficult for him to walk around town and see all these places after being trapped in the upside down version of them. so i think getting will out of there will be rlly good for his recovery, but it’s still gonna be hard on him having to go to a new school and know nobody and rlly have no one but his family after having the same group of friends essentially his whole life. he’ll be lonely, and it’ll be rough
el is the most complicated tho. it’s going to be SO freaking difficult for her leaving hawkins, bc that’s rlly the only town she’s ever known, and it was a rlly big deal for her to accept hawkins as her home, and now she has to leave it. in some ways it’s harder for will and jonathan bc they’re leaving the place they’ve been for 14/17 years, but for el it’s harder in its own way too, bc even tho she’s had her home there for less time, being able to call hawkins her home was a HUGE deal for her. it’s not smth she just grew up with and naturally became her home, she actively built herself a home in hawkins. and that home includes hopper and the cabin too. it took her so long to rlly feel happy and safe and embrace this life she built for herself, and now i definitely think she’s gonna feel like the rugs been pulled out from under her. plus she’s dealing with grief, and after losing hop, it might make her feel better to run away somewhere there’s not as many painful memories, but i’m sure it’s also rlly hard for her to just LEAVE all that and leave all her memories of him that she probably just wants to cling to. and she’s losing her support system, which is the biggest problem. she’s going through so much grief and she’s losing all the people she’s always relied on when she’s upset. sure she has the byers now, and i’m sure a beautiful relationship will develop between them as a result, but she doesn’t have that relationship right off the bat, and that’s when the pain is gonna be at its worst and that’s when she’s gonna need that support system the most. in that sense i’m rlly glad the byers waited so long to move, and i wouldn’t be surprised if el was a big reason for that. joyce knew she needed some time to get out of her intital stages of grief and rlly form a relationship with the 3 of them before they bring her somewhere new.
but also with el, it might be good for her to be on her own. she’s always been a very independent girl, but in the sense that she can rely on herself for her own physical safety and well-being. she can survive the lab. she can survive the woods. she can do all this. but she’s never rlly been in a position before where she’s independent as just a part of her regular life, and now being out of hawkins, she’s gonna have to be very independent bc she’s gonna spend most of her days alone. she’s not gonna have school or anything, i’m sure joyce will pick up where hop left off with homeschooling, but she won’t meet ppl that way. and the byers will be away most of the time at school/work themselves. so it’ll be interesting to see how she deals with that. plus as i mentioned before with all her grief she might feel like it is too much to stay in hawkins surrounded by so many memories, so i think there’s a lot of different routes they can take el’s growth going forward
and not to drift a little off topic, but i rlly wonder what el’s reaction was to moving. or more importantly, how she felt she could react. bc i don’t think she was happy about the idea whatsoever, but did she say anything to joyce about it? was there any pushback? with will and jonathan i think there was some resistance, but with el? i don’t think so, just bc she doesn’t rlly have that kind of relationship with joyce (at least yet) where she WOULD be comfortable to express that. that’s smth i thought was rlly important with her relationship with hopper and it’s weird, but it’s an underrated thing: el didn’t have a problem getting angry at him. she never felt uncomfortable voicing it when he made her mad or frustrated or upset. and i think that was good, bc not only did it help her express her own emotions when she’s not always the best at communicating, but it also helped hopper bc he doesn’t know how to be a perfect dad and she’s obviously a child with a lot of specific needs so for her to be able to vocalize when she was angry with him was important for him to figure out what the hell to do sometimes. with joyce, i think it’ll be weird for el at first bc she can’t rlly express it when joyce makes her mad, and maybe the move is an example of that. but i think over time that could be a rlly interesting thing to explore to show how el kinda adapts to joyce’s parenting style which is more about just very emotional heart to hearts and sharing your feelings that way.
i also just kinda wanna know in general how all the kids feel about the move, even after the time jump. bc while i do think joyce has always been acting in their best interests, and it is good for all of them in some ways, do they feel that way? do any of them maybe hold a little bit of resentment against joyce? i would completely understand if they do, so i kinda hope that s4 goes into detail about how the 3 of them feel towards joyce regarding the move
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