#i’m on farewell my turnabout or w/e
cowboysmp3 · 1 year
sorry not to continue to talk about ace attorney but during AA2 when edgeworth comes back and is like oh no stupid wright u will simply never understand me and my motives u can’t get it u can’t comprehend it IS HE TALKING ABOUT PERSUING THE TRUTH??? THE THING THAT PHOENIX TOLD HIM TO DO IN TJE FIRST PLACE???
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hikari-kaitou · 5 years
Naruhodo Fan Book Plus translation
[I got my hands on a rare out of print collection of character dialogue pieces that were printed after the Naruhodo Fan Book was published and were released as an insert with a 2012 edition of Gamaga magazine. I was a little disappointed that only three of them were ones I’d never seen before as the rest had been uploaded by the folks at Court-Records but oh well. I’m happy to have any new content! So here’s one of the new bits. Enjoy!]
Justice for All, On Sale Now!
What's going on at the Wright and Co. Law Offices?
Justice for All, On Sale Now! By Takumi Shu
With the release of Justice for All, Best Price Edition nearly upon them, Nick and friends might do a little reminiscing about the old days…?!
Maya: Hi there! It's me, Maya Fey.
Phoenix: Long time no see. I'm Phoenix Wright.
M: Tomorrow's the big day, isn't it? Justice for All comes out for the Nintendo DS… I can't wait!
P: I guess… It won't mean much for us, though.
M: Huh?! What's that supposed to mean, Nick? Don't tell me you're not gonna buy a copy!
P: W-well, I mean, I already played Justice for All several  times. It was a long time ago, but still. 
M: But I've forgotten most of what happens! I wanna play it again!
P: It's just… uh, actually things are a little tight this month. I don't have any spare money. 
M: Nghhh… I guess that explains why we haven't had any snacks in the office in a while, huh…
P: Yeah, them's the breaks. We'll just have to make do with drinking a bunch of water. 
M: What?! But I wanna play! Man, I was all excited about it, too…
P: Well then, can't you just replay the Gameboy Advance version?
M: Maybe, except the cartridge got lost somewhere!
P: Oh… I guess it's no wonder; the office is a little messy. 
M: If the state of this room is what you call "a little messy," then I'd hate to see what you consider a real mess to be.
P: Anyway, if we dig around over there then I'm sure it'll turn up. Should we have a look?
M: Nghhh… Guess there's no other choice. I'll check the toy box. 
P: Don't call it a toy box. It's an evidence storage box. 
M: Huh?! What's a banana doing in here?! It's gonna rot!
P: No, wait. Isn't that a baseball glove? 
M: hmm? A baseball glove?
P: Yeah, remember that case? The Lost Turnabout?
M: Oh yeah, now that you mention it… is this from that case...?
P: Hey, I found a ball in the drawer.  Try catching it in that glove!
M: Eep! What the heck?! This was a bunch of bananas after all!
P: Oh, sorry… But on the bright side, at least you found something you can snack on now.
M: Nghhh… oh hey, this ball you tossed me is Pearly's.
P: Ah, you mean the one she had the first time I met her back in Reunion, and Turnabout?
M: This sure brings back memories… I worked like a dog saving my allowance to buy it for her. 
P: Oh? Was it really that expensive?
M: I'll never forget it as long as I live! It was $7.22!
P: Okayyy...hmm?
M: Something wrong, Nick?
P: What's the story behind this shriveled up bunch of carrots?
M: Oh, those! Moe gave those to us. 
P: "Moe"...? Oh, the clown from the Turnabout Big Top case.
M: Apparently if you puree those and drink the juice, you'll get some really remarkable results. 
P: "Remarkable results"...?
M: Why don't we try it and see what happens? Hold on a minute, I'm gonna juice these.
Edgeworth: ...Wright!
P: Oh, Edgeworth. What’s up? You look stressed half to death, just like usual.
E: At least I don’t look starved half to death like you do.
M: Here you go, Mr. Edgeworth. Have some nice fresh carrot juice!
E: Hmm. Well, I don’t really have anything against carrot juice, I suppose…
P: ...How is it? You look even more stressed than you did just a minute ago. 
E: I thought of a question just now that I simply must know the answer to.
M: A question…? What is it?
E: Do people who are naturally bad at spelling… all possess blood type-o?
P: ………….
M: ………….
P: I think you’d better throw those carrots away, Maya.
M: Personally, I thought it was kind of funny!
P: Anyway, what brings you here, Edgeworth?
E: Do you even need to ask? This, of course!
P: Oh! That’s the DS version of Justice for All, isn’t it?
E: Your assistant here asked me to reserve a copy for you two when I was reserving my own copy the other day.
M: Whoo hoo! Thanks for going to all that trouble! I guess today was the release day, huh!
P: Only you would dare to ask Edgeworth of all people to be your gofer, Maya…
E: Yes, so that’s the story… now pay up, Wright.
P: Huh?
M: Yeah, sorry about this, Nick, but I kinda told Mr. Edgeworth you’d reimburse him.
P: Did you not just hear me say that money was tight for me this month?!
M: Aw, c’mon. As the heroine of this game, I can’t just not play it!
P: We pretty much remembered all the cases in Justice for All just now in all the commotion, didn’t we?!
M: Well, I guess, but… hmm?
P: What’s that slip of paper there?
M: Oh, this brings back memories too, doesn’t it? It’s a receipt from the Gatewater Imperial Hotel.
E: Imperial… that name sounds familiar.
M: There was a murder there in Farewell, My Turnabout. Remember?
E: Ah, yes… It’s all coming back to me now.
M: After the trial, we all went and ate a huge full course dinner there together!
P: Yeah, I remember! That was a good memory.
E: I remember as well. It was indeed… an important memory.
P: As I recall, Detective Gumshoe sneakily wrote my name on the bill.
E: And I paid for it… under the condition that I’d be paid back.
P: Wh-- h-huh? I-is that right?
E: Look at the signature on that receipt.
P: M… Miles Edgeworth…
E: I’d completely forgotten. Thank you so much for reminding me, Maya.
M: You’re welcome!
E: Now then… It’s time to pay what you owe, both for the game and this additional $1,665.
M: Anyway, let’s start playing Justice for All! A little reminiscing once in a while is good for you!
P: ...In light of recent events, I couldn’t disagree more.
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