#i will be eating GOOD thank you zeu and ash :3
beepartcollection · 5 months
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reposting this! hey btw go watch primate tool episode threeeeee
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potatoesandsunshine · 4 years
jay thank you for my life... i have twelve hundred things to say about hades At All Times, apologies everyone for the very long post
Favorite character: is it cheating to say zagreus... i simply Love The Lad. also bouldy.
Least Favorite character: mmmm zeus. i do not care for zeus ever and i think it’s a credit to the writing of the game that i hate this iteration of him so much, actually. he’s like the archetypal least favorite uncle.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 
1. achilles/patroclus, a pairing i had So Many Feelings about before ever encountering this game, destroyed me utterly. 
2. charon/hermes... “professional associates” okay boyfriends
3. big fan of zag/hypnos, i think they’d both be very sweet to each other in a way they could both use
4. persephone/nyx, genuinely consider this to be canon... they just had a convo in the lounge and i was like “oh. you are in Love.”
5. just thought about it tonight but orpheus/zag... there’s Something there actually. he said zag had the hands of a musician... that’s something. i’ve shipped for less than that.
Character I find most attractive: this is a crime to ask me. this is not allowed. tie between meg and aphrodite and dionysis and demeter and achilles and tisiphone (probably meg the most but i can’t commit to that. have we considered dionysis’ thighs.)
Character I would marry: eurydice, and she wouldn’t get a snake bite if we were married. rip to orpheus but i’m different.
Character I would be best friends with: given the chance achilles but also just one of the random shades working in the administrative chamber. what’s up with them. we could eat pomegranates and they could tell me what wild shit happened at work.
A random thought: i do maintain that zag should be immune to the lava... my truest nemesis in this game... also not enough minor league baseball team aus in this fandom (this is a joke but is it. i am inflicting this upon the world.)
An unpopular opinion: haha, if i were persephone i would be Extremely Angry and absolutely would march down to the entrance of the underworld and start a war as soon as my son died in my arms for the first time! i understand why that doesn’t happen but... catch me calling my cousin ares like “hello yes i’ve been missing for a long time anyway you’re not gonna believe this shit”
My canon OTP: it’s achilles/patroclus particularly because of the baggage i brought with me. their ashes mixed together... what can you even say to that.
Non-canon OTP: persephone/nyx... but in my heart... they are canon
Most badass character: yeah it’s simply achilles... “he’s only a god” yeah i am aware of that sir. gets extra points for openly siding against the lord of the dead while being dead himself. he has more to lose than almost anyone and he still comes down on zag’s side... he still risks... ugh, fear is for the weak. i love him.
Pairing I am not a fan of: can’t really think of one! the characters of this game are extremely shippable and i have a lot of fun with that! i guess artemis/anyone isn’t really my cup of tea, but it doesn’t bother me or anything.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i know i said it already in the unpopular opinion part but persephone... why are you not more angry... (i do have a headcanon that’s like, hey, she gets such limited time with her son she really wants to make it good and cover any negative feelings. something something the role of the parent the need to bury painful things and blunt sharp edges. idk there’s a fic somewhere in the back of my mind about this.) but honestly the writing in this game is overall fantastic i don’t have many complaints.
Favourite friendship: dusa&zag but also the dusa&meg bond... powerful. i love them. 
you can find this ask game here!
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wumbleberry-fc · 7 years
All of them :P
1:Full name
Alexander David Walter, but please call me Pete
3:3 Fears
I’ll die early and break my promise to my best fried to not die for “many, many years to come,” getting anything- even water- in my eyes or close to my eyes, my parents finding out about my beliefs and kicking me out
4:3 things I love
My best friend, my best friend, and, um, my best friend
My best friend, cuddling/hugging, and being cold
5:4 turns on
Uhh, I only get “turned on” if I haven’t ‘done the deed’ in a while, but I don’t really have any stimuli that can sexually “turn me on” consistently.
6:4 turns off
Honestly? Nakedness. And also…… gosh, I don’t know. My lack of sexual attraction is not helping me come up with an answer…
7:My best friend
My best friend is Rachel and she is a first violin in the top orchestra at my former high school and we met through a school club and we had lunch every day almost all of my senior year and she is the best and I love her
8:Sexual orientation
Sexual orientation? Asexual, or on the Ace spectrum at least.
9:My best first date
Uh, what in my life classifies as a date? I’m so ??? on everything, but….. I’m going to claim that I haven’t had a true first date with anybody. However, I did go to dinner with someone (who was forced to go with me by her parents 1/10 would not recommend at all) before the homecoming dance in my freshman year and the pasta wasn’t terrible and we did have some moments of sustained conversation…
10:How tall am I
6′ 1″ (186 cm)
11:What do I miss
My best friend, getting to eat lunch with my best friend and another of my closest friends every day at school, the high school clubs and band, marching band, my AP Gov class, playing games with people
12:What time were I born
11:55 am on a Monday
13:Favourite color
Onyx, cerulean/cobalt
14:Do I have a crush
I wouldn’t classify anything I have as a crush right now, neither romantically nor platonically
15:Favourite quote
“You’ve got opinions, manWe’re all entitled to ‘emBut I never asked
So let me thank you for your timeAnd try to not waste any more of mineGet out of here fast”
from the song “King of Anything” by Sara Bareilles
16:Favourite place
Next to my best friend. Otherwise, the city where I grew up.
17:Favourite food
A cheeseburger with an egg on it. A bun, a burger patty, american cheese (or cheddar), bacon, an over-easy egg, and lettuce. Plus, I love biting into the burger and then letting the runny yolk drip onto the fries and if I’m lucky, some cheese will also drip onto the fries over time and so I can have cheesy, egg-y fries and they just taste so good
18:Do I use sarcasm
Yeah, I would say so.
19:What am I listening to right now
The ringing in my ears from my hearing damage
20:First thing I notice in new person
Their faces (more specifically, their lips)
21:Shoe size
Men’s 11-12 Wide
22:Eye color
Blue most of the time
23:Hair color
Dirty Blond
24:Favourite style of clothing
Whatever is clean, or if not, whatever I can slip on in a few seconds. Often a T-shirt and basketball shorts
25:Kiss someone that starts with the letter “R”?
27:Meaning behind my URL
I play the tuba and wanted to join the Jesus SquadTM
28:Kiss someone that starts with the letter “M”?
29:Favourite song
“She Used To Be Mine” by Sara Bareilles
30:Favourite band
Panic! at the Disco
31:How I feel right now
32:Someone I love
My best friend
33:My current relationship status
34:My relationship with my parents
I’m not all that open with them and don’t feel that it’s worth it at this point to let them into my personal life
35:Favourite holiday
Christmas, honestly. It’s one of the two times I get to see all of my mom’s family, guaranteed, and it’s much better than Thanksgiving
36:Tattoos and piercing i have
None, and I don’t want any either
37:Tattoos and piercing i want
Oh. Well, what I typed five seconds ago still stands, I don’t want any.
38:The reason I joined Tumblr
Uhh, I’m not going to say… Let’s say the puns, yeah, the puns…
39:Do I and my last ex hate each other?
She should hate me, but I don’t hate her. I just feel incredibly guilty…
40:Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
My best friend and I try to say good night every night.
41:Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
42:When did I last hold hands?
43:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
However long it takes to find clothes and get up
44:Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
It’s been a good two years or so I think, but I want to do it again
45:Where am I right now?
My living room
46:If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
I wouldn’t be drunk, alcohol in no way tastes anywhere close to as good as root beer does
47:Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
However loud it needs to be for me to clearly hear it, and loud if I’m trying to drown out noises I don’t want to hear (the television about once a week average)
48:Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
For 11 more days and then whenever I’m not at college, and we’ll see after I graduate
49:Am I excited for anything?
I’m going to my best friend’s first cross country meet of the season today and so I get to see my best friend today!!!!!
50:Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
My best friend
51:How often do I wear a fake smile?
Talking about my life or the future or anything around my parents and church friends
52:When was the last time I hugged someone?
53:What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
I’d be really confused but I’d support and accept it
54:Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
I only fully 100% trust one person, and I’m fairly sure the people I’ve talked to on here aren’t bad
55:What is something I disliked about today?
I once again didn’t do anything productive towards getting ready for college
56:If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Barack Obama would be pretty neat to meet
57:What do I think about most?
My best friend
58:What’s my strangest talent?
My buddy, I have no clue. Probably making alright sounding composition things with no knowledge of theory or anything.
59:Do I have any strange phobias?
emailing people, talking on the phone with people
60:Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
I don’t like filming, but I also am not the most comfortable in front of a camera at all times
61:What was the last lie I told?
Probably something related to emailing my professor about renting a tuba for band
62:Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Video chatting online is better than talking on the phone, but both are fifth out of five methods of communicating that I detailed up yesterday for my best friend.
63:Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
No, and probably not. I do think aliens exist, but I don’t believe in aliens? Like, it’s rational to think that given the entire space, aliens have to exist, but also any thoughts we have about aliens don’t strike me as believable??
64:Do I believe in magic?
65:Do I believe in luck?
Yes and no, it depends, it switches back and forth. Kinda like if I believe in a monotheist God.
66:What’s the weather like right now?
Recovering from the ash from the wildfires. Also we’re transitioning from summer drought to our rest of the year “This is why Seattle has the reputation it does” weather, slowly but surely over the course of the next month before it truly kicks in mid-October.
67:What was the last book I’ve read?
The last book that I read start to finish every word was probably Khaled Hosseini’s “The Kite Runner”
68:Do I like the smell of gasoline?
Not particularly, no
69:Do I have any nicknames?
(Hot) Pete, and my last name
70:What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
Split open my head and needed a couple stitches when I was 8
71:Do I spend money or save it?
If I had any self-control or discipline, I’d be that rich teenage white boy you hear a lot in the media
72:Can I touch my nose with a tounge?
73:Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?
Same as yesterday, the stuffed animal, pillow, and folder are all still here and my hot pink tie is still in my room about 40 feet away
74:Favourite animal?
I feel uneasy around pretty much any non-human sentient being, and then most human sentient beings as well. I just… don’t know how to answer this question honestly
75:What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
I was finishing up answering the rest of the asks last night at around midnight
76:What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
Satan is just a myth to scare people into being “better” people, where “better” is just a specific lifestyle dictated by whoever managed to gain influence in the doctrine and teachings of the religion.
His origins also come from a time where surnames and ‘last names’ were not a thing, so Satan is most likely a stand-alone name, much like Plato and Zeus.
77:What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
“She Used To Be Mine” by Sara Bareilles
78:How can you win my heart?
I’ll be the judge of that. It just… happens. Rachel, Kyle, Grae, Haley, Katie, Hot Luke, and others just……. existed, and then pretty much somehow they just became a big part of my life and I…. I just love them
79:What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
That I was a beloved friend who made a positive difference in their lives
80:What is my favorite word?
Aaaaahhhh! I know so many words, like, more than 5, and there are so many good ones!!!!!! Right now, I’m feeling music as the best word of the moment.
81:My top 5 blogs on tumblr
No. This is so rude. Why? Why must I single out a few blogs and tell the world that the interaction we’ve had isn’t enough for me and that you’re just not special enough to me? I refuse to do this.
82:If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
“I love my best friend, gay people are amazing, fund the arts, respect the arts, respect people who work the “undesired” jobs, work to protect the environment, and try to do things that make you happy while not harming other people or sentient beings.”
83:Do I have any relatives in jail?
Not that I know of
84:I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
I’m firmly in the teleportation camp. I hate being late and I’m not a fan of travelling.
85:What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
Hygiene-related questions… please…. I’m working on it…. let me be…..
86:What is my current desktop picture?
The default background
87:Had sex?
No, ew.
88:Bought condoms?
Never actually seen them accept in memes and once during health class in freshman year
89:Gotten pregnant?
90:Failed a class?
Yeah….. and it was the second semester of APUSH too…
91:Kissed a boy?
On his hand, which I’ll count
92:Kissed a girl?
93:Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
94:Had job?
I became a CYO volleyball referee and reffed two seasons so far.
95:Left the house without my wallet?
Often, and since I’ve been driving, only twice (although one was driving up for a the campus tour at the college I ended up choosing, which was about 5 total hours of driving that day, a week after I got my license). I try to remember it when I go out because I saw a few months ago a post on here saying how valuable it is in case of an accident or something and the person has an ID, and I’ve been watching crime dramas for years and having an ID is always good.
96:Bullied someone on the internet?
Good heavens, no!
97:Had sex in public?
No! Ewwww, God that’s even worse
98:Played on a sports team?
I sooo miss volleyball, and soccer was fun too
99:Smoked weed?
I hope to be able to say no until I die
100:Did drugs?
I occasionally took my prescriptions… for like 2 months… whoops
But no, not for the intention of getting high or anything, I hate drugs, even advil and tylenol
101:Smoked cigarettes?
Fuck cigarettes (and no, I haven’t)
102:Drank alcohol?
A drop of an IPA when I was 13 and a sip of a red wine when I was 16 (with parental supervision that time), and nah, it isn’t my thing.
103:Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
Show me a well-prepared vegetable that has a decent flavor and I might be open to eating them more often
104:Been overweight?
Ever since I was like 2
105:Been underweight?
106:Been to a wedding?
I think I’ve been to 5?
107:Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
what do you think I do every day?
108:Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
So many wasted hours...
109:Been outside my home country?
Not yet
110:Gotten my heart broken?
Actually? Seriously? Like, more than just butt hurt over an infatuation? No, not really
111:Been to a professional sports game?
A couple baseball games
112:Broken a bone?
My ulna and radius, just above the wrist, on my dad’s 48th birthday back in fifth grade when I tripped over my two feet in the middle of our street and landed poorly. We didn’t go to the hospital for like 3 days
113:Cut myself?
Like, as in self-harming? No.
114:Been to prom?
No, freshman homecoming was off-putting enough for me after the aftermath…
115:Been in airplane?
Yeah! Flying is great!
116:Fly by helicopter?
117:What concerts have I been to?
I apparently went to two The Wiggles concerts when I was a baby, and since then it’s only been school concerts
118:Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
I think the desire was enough to elevate it past a mere infatuation, but it wasn’t like a full-on crush if you know what I’m saying.
119:Learned another language?
Not fully… I’m that kind of white person (minus the complete snobbish elitist attitude)
120:Wore make up?
It isn’t bad, but it’s too close to my eyes for me to be comfortable, and it’s wayyy too much work to do like every day just to look better than my meagerness. I’m already bad enough with basic hygiene, this would be too much (although I guess if I cared that much about it it might help this problem…). I’ll gladly wear it for a show, though.
121:Lost my virginity before I was 18?
The concept of virginity is complete bs to oppress women and “weak” men and is only fun in the ‘sacrificing a virgin into a volcano’ trope but even then I don’t like it (again, sex is gross for me, so no)
122:Had oral sex?
I have kissed and been kissed on my lips, various spots on my face, and my hands, and that’s it.
123:Dyed my hair?
124:Voted in a presidential election?
125:Rode in an ambulance?
126:Had a surgery?
Do stitches count? Otherwise, no.
127:Met someone famous?
128:Stalked someone on a social network?
Too many times, sadly, and sorry
129:Peed outside?
130:Been fishing?
131:Helped with charity?
I’ve volunteered with some non-profits, but I don’t think I’ve done so with a quote “charity” unquote.
132:Been rejected by a crush?
Probably? Most things were minor infatuations that I used to think were crushes, so I’m not sure. You could say that the most recent potential qualifier rejected me, but I would beg to differ given things now
133:Broken a mirror?
I was a reckless child
134:What do I want for birthday?
More time to spend alone with my best friend, more time to be with my best friend, a sudden influx of cash (and/or guaranteed financial stability), root beer and food and people to play games with
135:How many kids do I want and what will be their names?
Zero (0). However, if I do have kids, I’d probably adopt them, and I’d probably let them choose their names. Otherwise, I really like the names Luke, Pete®, James, Haley, Sara, Nicole, Alex (particularly for non-binary or female identifying persons), Rachel (though I probably wouldn’t name my kid that bc it’s too special for me), Hannah, and Emily.
136:Was I named after anyone?
My parents don’t say so.
137:Do I like my handwriting?
I’ve spent a long time crafting this efficient style, so yes. Also I have like three style to choose, my Most EfficientTM style, my All Caps (with the first letter taller than the others) style, and my fancy style with all of the tails at the end of the letters, the a like this font has it, the curls, anything I find to be   fancy   *jazz hands*
138:What was my favourite toy as a child?
Probably my little cars that I would move around on my city roads carpet along with a motorcycle that made had a brief jingle and then a simple noise that was super cool for 6-8 year old me
139:Favourite Tv Show?
Phineas and Ferb, or How I Met Your Mother
140:Where do I want to live when older?
Ideally, somewhere here in my hometown, I just love it here.
141:Play any musical instrument?
I can make a sound, but is it really playing? *suspenseful music crescendos*
142:One of my scars, how did I get it?
My Aunt re-married when I was 8 and the guy had a son a few months older than me, and we babysat him for a month during their honeymoon. Well, this boy wasn’t a good influence on me at all, but that’s beside the point. I thought he was… you know what, that actually is the point, but…. I though he was cool, and he could do things and did things that I wanted to try.
Well, one day, we laid out flat a futon and covered it with all the cushions and pillows from the couch that was also downstairs. Then, he grabbed an exercise ball, put it on the futon, got on it, rolled across the futon over the pillows, and stood up on the other side of the futon when he was done and I was so impressed, it blew my mind that he laid his midsection on the ball and rolled the ball like 6 feet and didn’t move or fall off of the exercise ball as it rolled.
So I tried it. And at the end, I slid off the ball, but not to land. I didn’t know how he stayed horizontal, and it showed, as I fell forward and slammed the side of me head into the corner of a cabinet right next to the far side of the cabinet. It hurt, and so I didn’t try a second time… until he successfully did it again a few minutes later. So I, desperately wanting to do it right and be “cool” like him, tried to do it again.
And I hit the exact same part of the side of my head on the corner of the cabinet again, almost exactly how my run went the first time. After the second hit, my head really hurt, and so I put my hands to my head, ran halfway up the stairs, and began to cry.
Also know that I was going through a phase where I loved to fake cry. I thought imitating the sounds of crying without the tears was one of the funniest things. And my mom hated it. She was a stay-at-home mom at that point, had been from a few months before I was born until my youngest sister entered elementary school with us. And so she was at home all day, every day (hence the babysitting). So, for the two months of summer by that point, my fake crying obsession was driving her up the wall.
Back to the story. Now, I’m sitting on the staircase, hands on my head because it hurts, tears forming in my eyes and my voice beginning to make all the crying sounds that I made when I was fake crying all summer so I guess my imitations were spot on. But after about a minute, I decided remove my arms from my head, and I looked at them, and there were lines of blood all the way from my fingers to my elbows and drops had fallen from my elbows onto my sock, and I shrieked.
I immediately went back down the stairs to the office where mom was on the computer, and the tears were coming almost as steady as the blood, and I was full-out crying. My mom, who was looking at the screen and thus only heard me crying, lashed out angrily, telling me to stop bothering her with that freaking fake crying. That is, until I got her to look at my arms. She took me upstairs and cleaned me up a little, but, while my bleeding slowed significantly, it didn’t stop.
After about 3 hours, my dad came home from work, and the bleeding still hadn’t stopped, and so we went to the hospital. I ended up getting 5 or 6 stitches, and when my hair is cut short enough, you can see the small white line.
That’s the only scar that I definitely know that I have. I haven’t really done anything physically risky since. That’s also pretty much when I stopped crying all that much…
143:Favourite pizza toping?
Extra cheese. Otherwise, sausage.
144:Am I afraid of the dark?
Only if I’m trying to sneak through somewhere and I can’t see where exactly I’m going
145:Am I afraid of heights?
Yeah, I would say I have a mild fear of heights. Specifically if I have to go down somewhere (like downhill slightly and there is a sharp decline on one side), or if I have to jump more than like 3 feet
146:Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
I’ve been reprimanded for going out for most of the day and not saying anything, just disappearing for like 6 hours on a Sunday morning
147:Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
I never try my hardest
148:What I’m really bad at
Emailing people I need to, cleaning, hygiene, contacting people, calling people on the phone/talking to people on the phone, doing what I need to do
149:What my greatest achievements are
I graduated from high school, I won an CYO volleyball championship in sixth grade, I won a math competition in 7th grade (by guessing better than 19 other 7th and 8th graders from two different schools), and I…….. I haven’t really done much yet, nothing truly worthwhile (except maybe hs graduation)
150:The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
I can’t think of anything, really. Although some acquaintances of mine made anti-Semitic “jokes” in front of me during summer camp this year and it bothered me a lot
151:What I’d do if I won in a lottery
I’d buy a large enough apartment to have space to wander around (picture Castle’s apartment from the show Castle, and pretty much like that but a little less opulent and I don’t need all the ornate luxuries around. Just the space of like 5-7 medium/large open rooms with a comfortable bed and a non-cramped bathroom or two, and a nice big kitchen for all the food I’m going to have.
I’d always have root beer in stock, along with some snacks that I like, and I’d have whatever foods my friends like because my closest friends would have invitations to come at literally any time (like, this is for max 6 people), and I’d like to regularly meet up with my closest friends and I’ll treat them to nice filling dinners at the local diners, Denny’s, wherever they want, even McDonald’s or whatever, and I’ll tip really well, like at least $50 dollars because those people are always so nice, and I’ll splurge so much on my friends.
I’d also donate a bunch to all of those people who really need it that I see come across my dash, and I’ll donate a crapload to my high school band because they meant the world to me, and I’d FUND THE ARTS BECAUSE THE ARTS ARE IMPORTANT.
152:What do I like about myself
I like that I love the arts and that I play the tuba and that I am getting into writing music and that I write poetry and that I love my friends especially my best friend and I like that I try to be positive and supportive of the LGBTQ+ community and that I actively try to make the world a slightly happier place most of the time
153:My closest Tumblr friend
154:Something I fantasize about
Getting to spend long periods of time with my best friend, having a bunch of money to spend on my best friend, being happy
155:Any question you’d like?
What is your favorite video game that you own that you’ve never seen elsewhere and is likely not well-known at all?
I love the game Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords for the Wii, and I can play it for hours upon hours for days and not get bored. It’s a really fun game with a long storyline that is entertaining and original, and I just love playing it and have literally only ever seen it at our house since my mom somehow found it and bought it like 7 years ago.
(yes, I made that question up myself)
Thank you for asking all of these!!!!!
(when I copied and pasted it to a google doc in case the computer shuts down and I lose the whole answer, it said that I had 4825 words and it took up 17 pages. So, yeah, this is 4867 words long!)
(And I was right, the everything disappeared and so I had to post it early so I could go back and edit it, so now it’s 4900 words long in total, after editing.)
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ekinsellaauthor · 7 years
Olympian Confessions
Hey All!
My next novel, Olympian Confessions: Hera will be out very soon! I’m posting the first chapter as a sneak peek for my lovely readers to enjoy :) Thank you everyone for your support, it is truly appreciated <3
Synopsis: Some might view Olympus as the glittering palace of the Gods, but Hera sees it for what it truly is: a prison. After being tricked into a marriage she didn’t want, with a God she didn’t love, Hera is now the Queen of Olympus. In order to protect those she loves, she must find a way to become a shield between others and the volatile fury of her new husband.
Zeus is the King of Olympus and he wants Hera to be his in all ways. He is a God that takes great pleasure in exerting his power over others and while he succeeded in securing her hand in marriage, Hera’s love and obedience prove frustratingly elusive. Zeus intends to make every effort to correct this. Hera must learn to navigate the escalating danger as Zeus does his best to drive away her allies and bring her to heel. If Hera is strong enough to truly fight back, she has the chance to change the fate of Olympus forever.
Olympian Confessions: Hera
“Be my bride, Hera.” His arms snake around my waist. The soft gray of his eyes has a magnetic quality, but I have seen them turn as quickly as a storm and I want no part of it.
“Never.” I shove at him and dance out of reach. I’m afraid that one day he will not take my rejection so peacefully. I have managed to evade such an arrangement so far, but he is persistent. He frightens me.
Zeus, the God of Thunder, stalks towards me, lithe muscles poised. I brace myself for him to strike me. I have seen what he is capable of, watched him tear Titans apart and spread their blood across his face like war paint. I tuck my fear behind a stoic face and spine of iron. We are alone in the vast courtyard on Olympus, surrounded by nothing beyond the ornate marble pillars and the wide blue sky. I come here only when he wants to see me, to prevent him from coming to find me on his own. He makes no move to touch me, though fury turns in his eyes. I watch his features arrange into a charming smile, showing off a talent he has for hiding his true nature from those who don’t know him as well as I do. “Find your bride elsewhere, I will never consent to being yours.”
Energy crackles around him. The acrid scent of electricity burns my nose and his smile falters for a brief moment. The emptiness of this place fills me. Zeus crafted himself an elaborate palace on Olympus laden with gold and marble that blinds the eyes with each reflective wink of sunlight. There are dozens of rooms, more than enough rooms for all of our siblings to live here. I have never been sure why he thought to craft such a palace when none of us have ever expressed a desire to live so close to him.
“One day you will.” His words press thickly upon me. The power in them makes it difficult to breathe. I can feel it trying to reach through my mental barriers, to invade my thoughts so he can gain control. He’s not strong enough to do so and my mind remains my own. He picks up an auburn curl and tucks it over my shoulder as he slides his fingers over the curve of my neck. Goosebumps break out over my skin. Zeus is the God of Thunder and Lightning as well as Lord of the Sky. He wields his power with a frightening expertise. In a single thought he can excite the nerves with the gentle brush of electricity and a moment later he can pour so much power into the body that it could tear someone apart from within. He smirks at me. He makes a striking picture with his ebony curls, neatly groomed black beard and gray eyes set against deep gold skin. “One day you will take me in your arms, Hera. On that day you will be mine.”   
Fear trips through me, but it’s a laugh that escapes my lips. The complete ridiculousness of his statement drowns me in mirth and anxiety. “Should I ever do so, and I never will, I would be your bride.”
He grabs me sharply and gives me a good shake, rattling my teeth. “Swear it. Swear those words on Styx.” I try to shrink away, but he holds fast. Making such an oath would be true folly, though I have no intentions of ever touching him willingly so how dangerous could it be? The River Styx guards the boundary between this world and the Underworld. It is the oath-binder, the strange magic it possesses forcing whoever swears upon it to fulfill the oath or perish. “Swear it and I will swear as well, to never lay hands on you until you have consented to take me in your arms.”
Unease ripples in my belly, but I cling to the sense of safety in those words. I could be safe forever if I agree, free of him. I swallow down my discomfort and make the oath, confident that it will protect me. The power of the sacred river binds me, weaving the strands of the oath into the depths of my being.
He makes his own oath and then his lips curve into a smirk. ‘Oh, Gaia, what have I agreed to?’ The oath seemed so simple, but it occurs to me he never would have asked it of me if he had not found a way around it somehow. Stupid, I should have just run and not looked back. He does not reach towards me, does not move to touch me at all. His lightning energy vibrates over my skin, but then he vanishes, leaving me shivering under the open sky.
I retreat from Olympus, away from the desolate home of my would-be husband. I slip through the aether, the energy that covers the entire world. Immortals treat the aether much like a portal system, diving in at one spot and appearing wherever they please on the other side. I use it to head home, the one place I feel safe.
I was raised by three nymphs; Prosymna, Euboia and Akraia. My sister, Hestia, is stoking the flames of our hearth when I arrive. Her sweet lips curve into a smile as she abandons her post to embrace me. She smells of ash and flame, but also of sweet peas and new leaves. Her flame red hair is bound back in a sleek tail with a few strands escaping to frame a round face and amber eyes. I kiss Hestia’s cheek and try to return her smile, but my lip wobbles.
Our mothers join us in the cave that provides our shelter; mahogany-haired Prosymna, blue-eyed Akraia and dark-skinned Euboia. They have been the bastion of safety and sanity for me since the moment I came into this world.
“Has the Thunderer been after you again?” Prosymna asks. I nod, Prosymna knows me too well. There is not much in the world that scares me anymore. I have lived through horrific battles and while those memories haunt me, their sources have long since been extinguished. Only Zeus is still a threat to me. We take care not to say his name, instead referring to him as the Thunderer or some other epithet so he isn’t able to tune into our conversations. Directly saying the name of a god can draw their attention and we would rather avoid his notice.
Euboia pushes me towards the river that flows adjacent to our cave. If you live with my mothers long enough you come to realize that their solution for any stressful situation is a bath. They remain convinced that the cleansing power of water is a quick fix for most any problem. I slip into the crisp liquid and settle my bottom on one of the rocks we’d shoved in ages ago to provide a seat. I suppose I do feel a little better. Akraia sits with a basket of vegetables, preparing them with an expert hand for our dinner. Neither Hestia or I need to eat. Though we do technically get hungry, we certainly won’t die from malnutrition like our mothers eventually would.
Prosymna combs my hair tenderly, teasing out the many snarls and tangles from the auburn locks. “What does he want?”
“Marriage.” The word tastes bitter on my tongue and I sink a little further into the water.
“Perhaps you should.” We all look at Akraia as though she’s grown a second head. Seemingly oblivious, she continues on. “You would be the Queen of the New Age of the Gods. Surely that must count for something. The Age of the Titans is past, you would rule the Age of Olympus.” I love her, but her words fill me with distaste.
“How can you say that?” I hiss. “He is horrible.”
“My dear,” Prosymna murmurs soothingly, “she may be right. That god-child is impetuous and he means to have you. We cannot protect you from him if he comes for you.” Betrayal cracks my heart. At first, they had simply cautioned me away from Zeus, but their advice shifted a little each time he asked me to be his wife. They are right, however much I wish they weren’t. They would never be able to stand up to him if he came for me. I might survive such an encounter, but nymphs are not immortal and I could never live with myself if I was the reason my family lost their lives. I vow then that if it comes down to it, I will find the strength to lead myself to a life of misery to protect them. I love them too much to allow them to suffer on my behalf.
“I could stand against him.” Hestia’s words are hopeful, but ultimately my options are running out.
I shake my head. “We have all lived through too much battle, I would not have you fight for me, not when I know how you deplore it.” My sister might be a magnificent warrior and amply gifted with the power of fire, but she hates violence of all sorts and would rather tend her flames in peace. “Besides, he has sworn to never lay a hand on me.” I curl into myself and ignore the curious looks being shot at me. I stare at the wavering image of myself through the water. What makes me more desirable to the Thunderer than any other immortal female? We share the same features, the same sun-kissed skin, wide hips and strong legs, as many of the others. I don’t understand why he wants me.
“You trust his word?” Euboia rests a hand on my shoulder. She’s the darkest of the sisters; black curls, skin brown as the soil from which she once sprung, a beauty like the Earth herself.
“I must, he swore on Styx.” I am just as bound as Zeus by the oaths we swore. To break an oath sworn on Styx is to destroy the innermost part of yourself. It is the closest an immortal can come to true death.
Euboia stares at me, incredulous. “How did you manage that?” I relay the words we each spoke and the circumstances.
My mothers look to one another and Prosymna chews her lip. “Sweet Hera, whether you wed and bed him or not, I doubt you will ever be free of him.”  
“What is she to do then?” Hestia asks them. “Our brother is not known for taking no as an answer. There have been rumors about him and his treatment of some of the Titan women.”
Akraia nods. “He has taken others without their permission, forced them to his bed. He has not done this with Hera. It is obvious that he desires you, but the question remains, why does he not just take you as he does the others?”
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