#i was kinda disappointed by ben afflecks batman not gonna lie but i was actually kinda pleased by this version
stabbystiletto · 2 years
Oh my god yall heads up yea i been drinkin a bit this night but oh my god
Like in not into cars or vehicles or shit like that but oh my god whenever the batmibile shows up im just like 😭😭😭😤😤😤🤘🤘🤘
(yes i cried over a fictional car don't judge me lololololol 😆😆😆😅😅😅)
Also I'm putting this under a read more cause potential spoilers for the new batman movie??
TLDR; the batman was a good movie i recommend it i kinda ended up ranting but it was good!! 🦇🦇🦇👍👍👍
Batman represents hope. If he was just edgy and cynical and shit he would be a supervilkain. But he had this super traumatic experience as a child and ended up being up like "you know what this happened not just as a result of one person's choices but as a result of an entire system if corruption and bullshit that's affecting everyone in this city and in gonna do what i can to stop it"
Like it's cool when it's this whole conspiracy to murder the waynes but my personal favorite is when it's just joe chill, just one dude in hard times who made a shitty decision. And bruce is able to see past his own pain to realize the larger problem at work. And yeah this movie went more in the conspiracy direction but it still landed on the whole "batman represents hope for a broken city" thing and i love them for it 🥰🥰🥰 (like that whole "my parents taught me sometimes you die alone in a gutter" thing was an interesting take, but thats not a hero line, that's a villain line. Yeah on the exterior hes intimidating and sinister and even villainous-ish but at his core batman always has been a hero. He's about doing the right thing, for the greater good)
With his resources he coulda easily been a villain or focused solely on personal vengeance but the fact that he focuses on making Gotham a better place for the average citizen shows that he still has heart
Also look i dint have a whole lotta cishet ships that id call otp, like sure there's some pairs out there i like but i just don't feel that strongly about them i could probably count cishet otps on one hand and still have a couple fingers left but batcat is like. On that short list.
I just love them so much 🥰🥰🥰 They're both this broken disenfranchised individuals who are doing their best (yes Selena does her best mostly to benefit herself but whatever lololol she's not a bad person she's just not trying to save the world lololol 😆😆😆) and they prioritize their secret identities and who would better understand that then each other??
Anyways i love them and i was *somewhat* wellfed but not as much as i was expecting and the ending....
I dunno, I'll have to watch it again to make up my mind 😑😑😑
I don't want them to ride off into the sunset together but i want them to work together again?? I feel like batman returns got their dynamic down so good 😍😍😍
Sorry but i totally lost track of this post lololol 😆😆😆
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powerdadbatman · 5 years
I am so sad about Ben Affleck not being Batman anymore, but at the same time I gotta remember that this kind of thing, recasting, happens all the time. I guess I was very emotionally invested in him being that character like Henry Cavill is Superman, but we should remember that these characters, like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman transcend the actors that play them. There were always be versions we will love or hate. I love this version of Batman, maybe I will like the next version too.
I get where you’re coming from, anon. You’re right. I was into DC comics before Ben was casted as Batman. Hell, I didn’t even liked that he was cast at first. I enjoyed Nolan’s trilogy despite its flaws and I love Batman The Animated Series and Tim Burton’s take because it’s my childhood.
There are two reasons for why I’m feeling different than I felt with Nolan’s trilogy ending for example (and I was waiting for every movie with bathed breath, that’s how hardcore of a fan I am). One, there’s no closure. I was hoping for so long that we’d see more of Ben’s Batman. The production was set. The script was written down. Ben wanted to do this. And now we just… won’t see it. Someone else is gonna be casted and that’s that. I’d feel differently if I could go to cinema and kinda say goodbye, you know? If I knew there’s one more movie waiting for me and that’s it, I’d accept it. I wouldn’t be happy, but I’d have something.
Second, more personal reason: 
This is the iteration of Batman that got me into fic writing. I know it’s not a big deal for someone outside of fandom zone but you know what? It is a big deal for me. Even though I write barely comprehensive erotica and not some epic novels, the fact I wrote something and posted on the internet for others to see is huge to me. I don’t talk much about my personal life so you may not know this about me but I’m very insecure. I got better at it as I got older, I can fake self-confidence when necessary, but in reality I’m vulnerable. I wish I could explain how the simple act of creating an account on AO3 and publishing a silly fic was a big step for me. I’m a fucking adult for fuck’s sake. I should take pride in getting a promotion and having kids and buying a house and that kind of stuff. But I was at a point in my life when I wanted to do something creative just for myself, just for the hell of it, just to say oh yeah I have a fic on AO3, it’s still there I think lmao, I wanted to write it so I did. I’ve said it before but it bears repeating that I thought Glass and Patron would be my first and last fic. Just a fun little thing I did because I’ve been reading fan ficition for years and always wanted to do the same and there, I did it. 
But then… other people read it… and… were nice to me about? No one commented on my poor English skills? No one made fun of the sex scene? Not one person pointed out the weird sentence structures I was dying over but didn’t know how to fix? People read it and liked it and actually wanted to read more of the stuff written by… me? 
I know I’m very lucky and that some fic authors would sell a kidney for the recognition I got. I know because once I was a teenager getting into fandom, dying to create something but too scared to do so. My other writing (because I do write stuff beside fan fiction) didn’t get a n y type of praise. Well ok, my teachers were always impressed but that’s it. I didn’t win any contests, I wasn’t published anywhere, I didn’t get into my dream college. Now that I think about it, I did write a short fic years ago for another fandom, posted it anonymously on kink meme… and received one (1) comment about a typo I made and how I should pay attention to these things to show respect to my readers. 
And now, after posting my stupid as shit BvS smut? I get the nicest comments ever. I have readers I recognize and talk to. I made friends. People make fan art of my fics. People want to read more of my stuff. So, if there’s so many fic authors who get a fraction of the recognition I received… does it mean I’m… not the worst… person ever? That my writing isn’t garbage and that I’m… maybe… in some way…. talented? 
Don’t get me wrong, with that realization came a whole different set of issues, like how I’m failing everyone and how I shouldn’t even start if I only disappoint people who showed me nothing but kindness, and my process of writing is incredibly stressful because 274* people are subscribed to me on AO3 and that’s more than the amount of people employed at my firm and they all have expectations and shit one reader compared me to fucking Murakami how the fuck am I supposed to live up to that, oh shit being fandom famous is a gift that comes with a price, JFC am I fucked up or what. I live to fail expectations it seems because I fear success and failure at the same time. And oh yeah, I live with chronic depression, that could explain a thing or two.
I don’t know him personally, but I think Ben deals with similar doubts. We’re both Leos after all. Except that he got really, really bad reception. Not gonna lie, if I was him I’d resign right after the BvS shitstorm because I’m a huge crybaby. He’s a fucking champ for handling the pressure for so long even though it’s clear it took a toll on him but people chose to turn it into a fucking meme and I’ll never stop being bitter about it. 
So, to sum up, this is why I’m sad about Ben leaving the role. I treat it very personally, perhaps too personally. However, I believe the primary role of art is to make a connection. I made the connection with BvS. I made the connection with Ben’s Batman. And in some crazy turn of events, I made the connection with you guys. I had people saying my writing was the best part of their day or that I’m the reason why they smile after something really awful happened to them. One reader told me on AO3 about her operation she was scared of but my fics made her feel a little better and holy shit, I did that? I did that by sitting alone in my room and putting words together on my laptop? I’m even able to do that? Wow. Just wow. 
Don’t get me wrong, I will get over this but not now. Now I wanna mourn and cry becuase something that was important to me came to an abrupt end. 
*I just checked and the number jumped to 275 oh goooooooooood oh my goooooooood oh sweet jeeeeeeeeesuuuuuuuuuuus fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell
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