#i was gonna wait to post this till after ep 8
casualavocados · 1 year
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gun laughing bc of tinn 💖 for @guntapon​ MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT (2022-2023)
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You know, while watching My School President, it was one of the most pleasant surprises in a long long while. But one thing I truly did NOT expect was to develop such an attachment to Tinn.
I've loved watching these two boys fall in love, pine and help each other through the ups and downs of school, but I don't think I ever expected just HOW MUCH I would relate to Tinn. And this was legit 2 episodes in. (This post was written after ep8 and before ep9, for reference)
So following is a bit of a long-ish post on why Tinn is my favourite character in MSP and a bit on why his behaviour in the latest episode isn't that surprising to me and was, a while in the making, i feel.
At the risk of being overly personal and sappy on main, I would do SO much to just hug those two boys.
Also it's gonna be a bit of a long one, so strap in.
Spoilers till Ep 8 of My School President
Tinn, i was surprised to see had a very similar upbringing to mine. Like him, I am also an only child. Like him, I also have a strict mom, who is ALSO a teacher and a surgeon dad, who, despite not wanting to, was not able to be with me as much when I was younger because of his work, just like Tinn's dad, who is a writer.
Looking at the initial few episodes of MSP, it's pretty clear that both of Tinn's parents, while loving him so much, had to sometimes give up on time with tinn for their work. (It's something that i think is very common when both parents are working, or writing, as with Tinn's dad) And that Tinn loves his parents a lot.
Not to speculate on Tinn's upbringing, but based on my own experiences, and that scene around Tinn's birthday (spectacled nobi tinn is so CUTE, I just wanna punch his cheeks, my baby) it's a bit obvious that it's not the first time he's had to wait alone due to his mom and dad being busy. You have his mom being apologetic due to unexpectedly being called into a work dinner, her asking to celebrate with his dad, who himself is away at a book signing so, not exactly available himself (on his son's birthday too!).
You might call it a reach, but I don't know, it's something I feel isn't wrong.
If he was immature and spoiled, he might have been petulant and whining and complaining about how no one is wanting to celebrate HIS birthday with him. But he doesn't. He just accepts it. He smiles when his mom offers to let him come to work dinner, refusing with a smile so that his mom doesn't worry about him. He says (with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes) that he'll celebrate with his friend. Maybe this scene was to show that Tinn is mature, doesn't worry his parents and independent, maybe it was just a reason for Tinn to be sad before meeting Gun, i don't know man, I'm not the scriptwriter.
And inferring from the phone call with Tiwson, we can see that he IS sad that his parents can't celebrate with him. He KNOWS in his heart that it's ok, they love him, and sometimes life can just get in the way of things you want and you can't celebrate all your birthdays the way you want. But still, he's still a boy, and can't help but feel sad.
Maybe it's that resigned acceptance you see on his face and the call to Tiwson, where he fakes being ok since he doesn't want to inconvenience Tiw to come celebrate his birthday because he's already at home. Even though he's actually feeling a bit sad and lonely. And he knows that if he asked Tiwson, he would've come just because his friend asked him to. Just because he's feeling alone doesn't mean he should inconvenience people, that's what i think Tinn feels.
(I have a feeling the reason I've felt so attached to this scene at Gun's mom's shop is because I've BEEN in this situation way more times than I can count. And way to go when you write a whole ass ramble based on like just 1 minute of a drama)
When you see as you're growing up that your parents are super busy, and / or your parent(s) is very strict, especially with regards to academics (Tinn's mom is a very typical asian mum, in that regard), you grow up with the desire to keep your parents happy by becoming one less source of stress to them.
And being an only child can get lonely at times. Combine that with a strict mother, who is a bit too controlling over their child, and consistently expects the best from their child, you get yourself a kid who tries to show themselves as mature for their age and is a bit more independent than the parents would think. Also a pretty good liar and good at hiding their true emotions as well. Added if you're an introvert, you become a bit socially awkward and have a hard time making real friends.
(Personal experience talking here)
Plus from what I've seen so far about Tinn's parents, it's obvious that out of the two, it's Tinn's dad who is the more emotionally supportive one in the family. During that dinner scene in Ep 2, we can see that it's Tinn's dad who seems more open with his emotions, and Tinn is very cautious when talking about the music club (which his mother doesn't seem to like) to his mother. He mostly goes along with what his mother says, trying to not rock the boat as one does.
When you have that kind of strict parent(s) growing up, especially if you're a single child and have all of the focus of your parents, is that you become a bit reliant on your parent(s) making your decisions for you and you don't push boundaries and just go about life doing what's expected of you.
You become someone who constantly tries to please the strict parent, because you're afraid of them being disappointed in you. Because sometimes you're more scared of disappointing your parents than actually making them angry.
You more often than not, are seen as the 'golden child' who has ideal behaviour at school, and in studies and extra-curriculars. It's what expected of you and it's not like it's difficult to do so, why rock the boat unnecessarily?
And then when you start discovering that your own wishes and desires and priorities are different from your parent's (which more than often happens, because you are not your parents) and it's something that they might not like or even disapprove of.
That realisation makes you scared because you know you can't show what your true feelings and opinions on stuff because it's NOT what is expected of you. Then you double down on showing the perfect you that everyone likes (especially authority figures and teachers) and hide your imperfections.
That's where the people pleasing part of you comes into play. But inside you might be getting more frustrated and angry.
And then you get into your emo phase
Back to where you're wondering that what has this long winded tangent to do with Tinn.
Now, nobi-tinn, aka Tinn in first year, a bit of a resigned to being the perfect kid who never complains, meets Gun when he's all sad about his birthday.
Gun, who's all cute and handsome faced kid with a bright smile who just sets down a treat in front of you without you knowing who he is and why did he just do that.
Then he introduces himself and it's someone from your own class. And he's entranced by his cute little smile. And a bit gobsmacked as well because 'oh my he's cute' is running through that boy's head on loop.
Then his mother comes in and Gun is like oh, I'm just being friendly so that i can mooch off him and his work. That makes Tinn a little bit disappointed, because he thought maybe Gun wanted to be friends with him for real, but he just wants to be friends to 'borrow' stuff from you. Still he's pleased at atleast SOMEONE cares. Plus it helps that the boy IS cute so he's like, eh, whatever.
But then Gun goes up and is like if you're feeling lonely people, here's a song we can share. And you can see that Tinn is surprised, oh he's a singer?
Then this cute boy he just met busts out a song that RESONATES so much with him and he's like OH. OH HELL. I LIKE HIM. OH NOOOOOOO
Cut to Tinn's trying to get closer to him. But FAILING. MISERABLY. CONSTANTLY.
Poor guy even decide to clean up, change his look and try to confess at the Hot wave contest but only to be thwarted by a damn fight breaking out, which leads to Gun not hearing what was said.
Then both of them are in their final year of high school and Tinn, to his shock discovers that his mom DISAPPROVES of the music club (understandable, since they caused that huge fight, plus all those near fire and probable noise complaints), the place which Gun is an integral part of and where he thrives. And to his horror, wants to shut it down, which is like the last thing Tinn wants because then there's NO way Gun will even like you as a friend, much less have a crush on him. Poor guy, can't catch a break in his romantic life.
He's now stuck on how to help his crush without letting anyone know that he's helping him (because it's NOT what is expected of you)
Then Tiwson gives the idea that become the school president and prevent the club from shutting down. That way Gun might even be impressed by all that Tinn did to help him. Tinn does that. Becomes the School Council President. You're like ok, now the club is safe.
But then Tinn discovers that not only does your crush NOT remember him, but he actually HATES him.
We all know how it all then follows as we can see in the show. You have Tinn defying the school rules, manipulating folk music competitions, offering help anonymously online, ensuring the band actually has instruments to play on, giving him your own DAD'S PRIZED GUITAR (I have a feeling this might play a role in a future episode), lying to your own parents about what you're doing MULTIPLE TIMES and basically giving Gun as leniency as much as possible to help him save his club and actually win the hot wave so that you can actually confess.
All the while going all Elsa in front of him with conceal, don't feel mode because from what Tinn knows Gun hates him and won't accept his help if he knew. PLUS he's realising his mom's probable disapproval and disappointment in his actions. But Tinn has decided that it's time to stand up for what he wants to do and not what his parents want, for what seems like the first time in his life.
Awww Tinn is entering his rebellious phase, all so as to let Gun's dreams come true and let him be happy. Because don't forget, Tinn actually never ever pressurised Gun into liking him back or ever actually let him know just HOW much Tinn has done for him behind the scenes.
Then Tinn and Gun start becoming closer and closer and then they realise he actually reciprocates Tinn's feelings!!! YAY HALLELUJAH 🎉🎉🎉 But you two still can't date because of a stupid arbitrary rule that was put there because your previous club leader was a jealous man so they decide to shamelessly flirt with each other for now and stay somewhere in between mutual pining to secretly dating.
Meanwhile, adulthood and deciding on career is approaching and Tinn's mom decides that Tinn should be a doctor because it's a stable field. (which, personally, i think is bs. It's just the plain old insistence of wanting your kids to be a doctor, a lawyer ir an engineer that is drilled onto an asian parent's heads)
Tinn himself is very unclear about what to take in the future, understandably because this is something your parents can't decide for you. Plus while being with Gun and helping him, Tinn is gradually coming out of under his mother's thumb and letting himself feel what he wants to feel and have his own opinions. He is becoming a bit more rebellious and liking making decisions for himself.
So while Tinn doesn't necessarily want to become a doctor, he's not exactly protesting against it and is still unsure if he really wants to become one, and WHY. (I personally would love if Tinn did NOT become a doctor, or even if he does, atleast makes that choice with his own free will. Becoming a doctor requires a LOT of personal motivation, and being forced into being one is just damaging to one's mental health. This is speaking as someone who has just become a doctor herself a while back)
Then he realises that he wants to become a doctor to take care of his loved ones (admirable and a lofty goal tinn) after taking care of Gun's mom.
At the beginning of ep 8, we have Tinn talking to his mom to get permission for the club to stay over at nights for a week. Then his mom asks if he's started studying for an exam that is coming up in a month and he says he hasn't (I'm the same Tinn 😮‍💨🤜🏻🤛🏻)
But then we get Tinn standing up to his mom to get permission to stay overnight, with some crafty manipulation on his part to get her to agree. If you look carefully, his mom is confused about why Tinn is being this insistent about helping the music club. His mom has had that look before too, at the beginning of the show when he's asking to go in her place during the folk music festival.
And looking at it from Tinn's mom's perspective, Gun and his club are more of a nuisance than anything. And she probably is wary that they might drag Tinn to the wrong path. We as viewers know that is profoundly incorrect, but his mom doesn't.
And then we have Tinn and Gun hiding from his mom in the pool and then using the lousiest excuse I've EVER heard (Tinn you weren't even trying my boy). Can someone please tell me that does it actually abruptly rain out of nowhere in Thailand and then it stops just as abruptly??
Like the only reason Tinn's mom seemed to buy that excuse is that she hasn't caught him lying to her before. Also why do I have a feeling that she really some bias against the band kids? Because why only offer the towel to Tinn when both Tinn AND GUN are soaked????
Then we find out that Tinn's mom has arranged for him to meet with a doctor from the college Tinn might be applying for later who's having a seminar in his school. This is in order to have Tinn give a favorable impression to the doctor.
Contrary to what many were thinking, it's JUST an introduction, not an actual interview or anything. It's kind of like a mom showing off her kid to another so as to improve Tinn's chances of getting in.
One thing I noticed about Tinn while he was being told this was just how uncomfortable he looked. I'm still not clear myself whether it was because he was gonna miss being able to watch Gun perform openly (something he's been wanting to for YEARS at this point) or that he was benefiting from being the principal's son and getting this advantage over his peers who were as interested as him in that field. I personally like to believe it's a mixture of the two, with the former being a larger reason than the latter.
Moving on to the late night school ground heart to heart, you can see just how affected Tinn was by Gun's confession of gaining strength from performing in front of the people he loves. Especially since he knew that he couldn't actually go and watch him. We as audience and Gun could tell that just how sad he was at not being able to attend.
Then we had the wonderful piece of Gun deciding that it was FINE and both of them deserved to go after their dreams and encouraged Tinn to work hard towards his dreams, like Tinn encouraged Gun to do.
Now what follows is a bit of speculation, but not unnecessarily untrue, i think.
But what Gun doesn't know that the only reason Tinn even WANTS to become a doctor on the first place is in some way to take care of Gun and his own parents and Gun's mom.
It isn't Tinn's dream to be a doctor, it is his mom's. It's just something that he's going along with because he doesn't exactly hate the thought of being a doctor. Tinn's dream, atleast for the moment is to be at Gun's side, help HIM achieve his dream of winning the hot wave and be his boyfriend, in that order.
On that note, if Tinn you ever want to become a doctor, I think being a pediatrician would suit you a lot (as suggested by my lovely friend @sarahandtheninjas and i agree with them)
While, he might have gotten a good reason why to want to pursue medicine, his priority is still Gun and passing his school.
And his priority at that moment is watching Gun perform because he wants to provide Gun that support during such an important time of his life. Tinn has enough confidence in himself that he knows he can get in medical school by himself without any prior introductions from his mother. (I don't know how exactly do you even get in medical school in Thailand so if anyone could provide some information, that would be highly appreciated!!)
Plus i believe that Tinn is beginning to chafe from his mother's constant hovering. It comes from a place of love, but i think it would feel very annoying when you're a teen. Like when they both were rehearsing answers to give to the doctor, (which by the way were super generic and expected answers, exactly the ones they would look for, but still boring) you could see that Tinn could NOT CARE LESS about that *stupid* doctor and just wants to see Gun perform.
So in a fit of extreme bravery (seriously, it takes guts to talk back to your mom, especially if she's as strict with Tinn as I think she might be) he says sorry to mom and runs away to the Hot Wave.
Then that absolutely LOVELY conversation between TinnGun follows where Tinn reveals that that introduction wasn't actually that necessary and what's the use of becoming a doctor of he can't take care of the ones he loves.
Also Tinn, becoming a doctor means accepting that you might not being able to spend a lot of time with your family and loved ones, especially if you go into something like emergency medicine or surgery or ob-gyn or even medicine, especially during your specialisation years. I SHOULD KNOW, I'm not only a child of a surgeon, but a doctor in my own right.
(Also, dropping the love word so early Tinn???? That's pretty gosh darn brave of you my boy, but seriously Tinn, do not decide to become a doctor on a whim)
All of those actually reading till this point I love you all so much 😘😘
And after all of that, what I am personally looking forward to in the future episodes is how exactly does Tinn's late stage rebellion play out, because I have a feeling that his mom might be shaping up to be the final boss.
And thanks a LOT for reading
(I might edit this post later after all the episodes are over to add more thoughts and add some screenshots, maybe)
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antigonewinchester · 2 years
Here is part 1 of tracing how the Trials and the Gadreel situation through s8, s9 and s10, as a way for me to work through how these situations get framed by the characters and the show during these seasons. thanks to @stanfordsweater​ for the inspiration here!! I probably got a bit pedantic at points but think it’s important to establish a solid foundation for what Sam and Dean were thinking and doing around the Trials and Gadreel before these events start to get reframed by the story. this post covers season 8 and 9x01, so discussions of death and suicidal ideation as occurs in these eps. under the cut because it got long; I do love putting events in context, and I do love my block quotes, heh.
the Trials arc begins in 8x14, “Trial and Error,” when Kevin tells Sam and Dean he’s translated part of the demon tablet to reveal that the Gates of Hell can be closed if three trials are undertaken and completed. Sam and Dean go back and forth over the episode as to who should take on the Trials, with Dean being very insistent it should be him:
DEAN This is different.
SAM How?
DEAN Because of the three trials crap – God's little obstacle course. We've been down roads like this before, man – with Yellow-Eyes, Lucifer, Dick friggin' Roman. We both know where this ends – one of us dies... Or worse.
SAM So, what – you just up and decided it's gonna be you?
DEAN I'm a grunt, Sam. You're not. You've always been the brains of this operation.
SAM Dean— DEAN And you told me yourself that you see a way out. You see a light at the end of this ugly-ass tunnel. I don't. But I tell you what I do know – it's that I'm gonna die with a gun in my hand. 'Cause that's what I have waiting for me – that's all I have waiting for me. I want you to get out. I want you to have a life – become a man of Letters, whatever. You, with a wife and kids and – and – and grandkids, living till you're fat and bald and chugging Viagra – that is my perfect ending, and it's the only one that I'm gonna get. So I'm gonna do these trials. I'm gonna do them alone – end of story. You're staying here. I'm going out there. If landshark comes knocking, you call me. If you try to follow me, I'm gonna put a bullet in your damn leg.
assuming the Trials will dangerous and that the person who undertakes them won’t make it out alive, combined with feeling like he’ll never escape hunting, in contrast to Sam seeing “a light at the end of this ugly-ass tunnel” and even having left hunting when he was with Amelia, Dean believes he should take on the Trials over Sam. if he dies, no big deal; that’s how it always was going to be, anyway. Sam, on the other hand, deserves to live after the Gates are closed and a life free from demons and even hunting, if he wants.
of course, it ends up being Sam who kills the hellhound and bathes in its blood, fulfilling the requirements for the first trial, instead of Dean. when Dean pushes for finding another hellhound to take out, Sam pushes back, arguing he should take on the Trials instead, asking for Dean to believe in him:
SAM I'm closing the gates. It's a suicide mission for you.
DEAN Sam...
SAM I want to slam hell shut, too, okay? But I want to survive it. I want to live, and so should you. You have friends up here, family. I mean, hell, you even got your own room now. You were right, okay? I see light at the end of this tunnel. And I'm sorry you don't – I am. But it's there. And if you come with me, I can take you to it.
DEAN Sam, be smart.
SAM I AM smart, and so are you. You're not a grunt, Dean. You're a genius – when it comes to lore, to – you're the best damn hunter I have ever seen – better than me, better than dad. I believe in you, Dean. So, please – please believe in me, too.
here, Sam explicitly lays out his motivations in taking on the Trials so both he and Dean can live through them, in contrast to Dean’s self-destructive attitude. Sam wants to close the Gates so demons can’t possess and torment people anymore, and also very much wants to survive the experience to live in the better world he’d be helping to create. at this point in the show, neither Sam nor Dean know that the final trial does require the person completing it to kill themselves, although Dean’s “Sam, be smart,” along with his earlier comments about how these types of situations usually go, suggests he at least suspects there will be some sort of great sacrifice involved.
speaking of “Sacrifice,” in 8x23 we see Dean helping Cas with his angel trials while Sam works on the third trial to close the Gates. Metatron told them that the final trial involved curing a demon while neglecting to mention that the person undertaking the trial will die, so when Dean learns that Sam will have to die to finish the Trials, he rushes back to tell him. clearly a big part of this is Dean not wanting to lose Sam and not wanting Sam to kill himself, but another part is Sam originally taking on the Trials without knowing it would involve his death and with his explicit desire not to die while doing them. as far as Dean knows, when he tells Sam that finishing the Trials will kill him, Sam will want to stop. but that’s not how Sam responds:
DEAN Sammy, stop! [DEAN with his hands up walks slowly toward SAM.] Easy there. Okay. Just take it easy. We got a slight change of plan.
SAM What? What's going on? Where's Cas?!
DEAN Metatron lied. You finish this trial, you're dead, Sam.
why is Sam now OK with dying to complete the Trials when he wasn’t before? part of his reasoning is wanting to help the world: closing the Gates will prevent demons from coming to Earth to hurt and kill people. an even bigger part of his reasoning, however, is his relationship with Dean.
SAM Look at him. Look at him! Look how close we are! Other people will die if I don't finish this! 
 DEAN Think about it. Think about what we know, huh? Pulling souls from hell, curing demons, hell, ganking a Hellhound! We have enough knowledge on our side to turn the tide here. But I can't do it without you. 

SAM You can barely do it with me. I mean, you think I screw up everything I try. You think I need a chaperone, remember? 

DEAN Come on, man. That's not what I meant.
SAM No, it's exactly what you meant. You want to know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was? It was how many times I let you down. I can't do that again.
DEAN Sam -- 

SAM [beginning to cry] What happens when you've decided I can't be trusted again? I mean, who are you gonna turn to next time instead of me? Another angel, another -- another vampire? Do you have any idea what it feels like to watch your brother just – 

DEAN Hold on, hold on! You seriously think that? Because none of it -- none of it -- is true. Listen, man, I know we've had our disagreements, okay? Hell, I know I've said some junk that set you back on your heels. But, Sammy...come on. I killed Benny to save you. I'm willing to let this bastard and all the sons of bitches that killed mom walk because of you. Don't you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you! It has never been like that, ever! I need you to see that. I'm begging you.
SAM How do I stop? [SAM squeezes his hand as blood drips out onto the floor the orange glow is a little brighter but then starts to fade.]
DEAN Just let it go.
Sam is struggling with shame, guilt and insecurity in his relationship with Dean and how he’s treated Dean in the past. there’s the recent ‘Sam didn’t look for Dean while he was in Purgatory’ guilt, but there’s also the shadow of s4, s5, and s6 hanging over the entire conversation. Sam lamenting that his worst sin was “how many times [he] let Dean down” in particular calls back to the beginning of s5, where Dean told Sam that he had “let [him] down in ways that [Dean couldn’t] even…” after what happened between them in s4. Sam feels like he has to complete the Trials, even if it kills him, or else he’d just be “[letting Dean] down” again. of course, what Dean actually wants is for Sam to be alive & well and by his side, even if it means not shutting the Gates. (there's definitely more I could say here about how Sam and Dean are characterized in this scene, but I want to put a pin in that for now and return to it later on.)
what’s also important to note is that although Dean does plead with Sam to not finish the Trials and kill himself, he doesn’t force Sam into stopping. after Dean reassures Sam that he still loves and cares for him, and that Sam is more important to Dean than closing the Gates, Sam decides to not cure Crowley and to not finish the Trials, even if he asks for help from Dean in how to stop.
Sam’s choice to stop the Trials is also made clear in how he talks about the situation at the beginning of 9x01, “I Think I’m Gonna Like it Here”. at first, Sam doesn’t even want to admit he’s dying - “SAM’S DEAN HALLUCINATION: You're dying, Sam. 
SAM: Shut up.” - fitting with his choice to stop the Trials so he wouldn’t die. once Sam accepts that he’s mortally injured, he explicitly says as such: “The whole reason I stopped doing the Trials was not die.”  
Sam then struggles with whether to keep fighting his death or to accept it and die, as personified in his interactions with his “Dean self,” representing his desire to live, and his “Bobby self,” representing his desire to die. after several conversations, Sam decides he should accept his own death and joins actual Death in an imaginary cabin. however, the actual Dean then shows up in Sam’s mind and pleads with him not to give up. I’ve seen differing interpretations as to if this was actually Dean or Gadreel wearing Dean as a disguise and relaying his words, but to me it makes the most sense for both Dean and Gadreel to be in Sam’s mind here, with Gadreel using Dean to get the necessary “yes” from Sam. only Dean would say “I, uh, would have brought cronuts, but time is short, so…” to literal Death.
 What's going on?

DEAN I found a plan.

 It's too late. I'm going.
No, no. No, no. Listen to me.

 Why are you even here? I'm not fighting this anymore!
DEAN You have to fight this! I can fix this, okay? But not if you shut me out. [to DEATH] It's not his time.

DEATH That's for Sam to decide.

Sam, listen to me. I made you a promise in that church. You and me, come whatever. Well, hell, if this ain't whatever... But you got to let me in, man. You got to let me help. There ain't no me if there ain't no you.

SAM looks at DEATH, then back to DEAN.] What do I do?

DEAN Is that a yes?
SAM looks at DEATH again and back to DEAN.] Yes.

DEAN Come on. [
DEAN puts a hand on SAM’s shoulder and morphs into EZEKIEL. SAM looks alarmed. White light floods the room.]
at first Sam resists Dean, thinking he’s the part of Sam that wants to live that Sam has let go of, but eventually says “yes” to Dean’s appeal not to give up and to go with the plan Dean has to save his life. I do realize Sam’s “yes” is quite complicated here. would Sam have said “yes” if he’d known the full extent of Dean’s plan, that he’d be possessed by an angel in order to heal him? no, he most likely wouldn’t have. but I can’t totally discount Sam’s “yes” as it relates to Sam’s desire to live, and as an echo of the same choice to live he made in the church. Death even says it was “for Sam to decide” whether he went with Death or with Dean – to choose death or life – and Sam then decided to trust Dean and his plan. tragically, it ended up being that to save Sam’s life, Dean helped get Sam to agree to something he likely would have never chosen for himself, and that breach of trust is one of the major reasons Sam is so upset when he learns the truth.
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wolfwhiteflowers · 4 years
TWD ending news; thoughts and speculations
 Caryl 📺  💖  Richonne 📽
TWD is ending soon!  -not quite.
Here’s my thoughts on it. the lows and highs. Anyways so yeah 9/9/20 was a crazy TWD news day.(and other tv news too, wtf tv gods. Yeah ..been a crazy tv week.) wtf, why that day? and I guess it’s like an unofficial Caryl day, huh? lol So it’s overwhelming. I wanna write it all out and my feels.    ok I guess I’m not that super excited or invested to it than others..idk I guess the excitement will hit me later or gradual. :P ok...idk I don’t wanna speculate too much. We don’t know much on it still.
So .... they’re/AMC saying TWD show (Rick’s/Grimes show) will end in a super sized s11. TWD finally got an ending plan! lol this show/franchise. I don’t mind that it’s ending or whatever, I mainly want a good story...a good written ending. But it’s all based on how if I still enjoy this show/franchise.. ok. Plus there’s a Caryl spin-off show and anthology spin-off show later on. +movie.
It’s a long post and I kinda mapped it out.
So in a *timeline*, in October it’s the s10 ep 16 “finale” episode. Recently, we’re also getting s10C (coronavirus pandemic bonus episodes) - six episodes I think, in Spring ‘21 (filming in October ‘20). They’re like inbetween episodes to s11. Idk what they’re like. standalone episodes?  And then they’re gonna do the series’s final season, s11, with 24 (12+12)episodes. Idk when it starts.  They film next summer, i guess, and show it in the Fall ’21 and Spring ‘22. Then it’s the spin-off shows, and Caryl..but I wanna focus more on Caryl spin-off show. That will be I guess in ‘23.  ...And a movie(s) :D but everyone’s doubtful and clueless of it but I think it will be filmed next year, ‘21. (and there’s TWD:WB and FTWD soon)
Ok yeah so ldksjfaljdflsj they say it’s sad news that TWD ending but like lol it doesn’t seem like it..from a Caryler I guess, +movie. So, I have theories and I’m like not so sure what’s really gonna happen. I need more info and well we never know what the writers or the future gonna do. Yeah first of all, these plans~~~, and yet we’re in the pandemic and dumb governing on these things. So I’m gonna guess these plans are gonna change or slow down. You never know. Ok.
 I’m also like surprised that there’s gonna be a Caryl spinoff show. (it’s like if they made a Daryl spin-off show. Or any spin-off show..) I mean I didn’t think MMB and NR were still wanting to keep working on TWD/AMC. I thought like any actor..would want to do new things...Ok but they wanna keep working on AMC. NR -I’m not surprised cos he’s like a busy bee..um idk but yeah. Instead of Daryl show it’s now Caryl show from what I suspected-ish. And from the news they sound like it’s a shippy thing. It was also planned since 2018 I think..and “let’s go to New Mexico.” They knew long ago. So, I speculated awhile ago, when we learned that MMB and NR have contracts ending till s12. It’s like we all kinda suspected right that TWD will end in s12 except in episode # count. S10C + s11 (24 episdoes/+8 exra). They combined it earlier. Why earlier Idk...the pandemic? Or Gimple’s plan in franchise timeline? 
So yeah that Caryl spin-off show! Like I hope it means that Caryl are romantic and endgame on this.👀 The more I read on this and thought about it. I don’t want to like get my hopes up too high or whatever. I don’t really trust writers.. eh ...it all depends on the story every time. I also think of the fandom/carylers on how they react to a canon-Caryl or even how the writers will show canon-Caryl. Because writers..like usually writers don’t write canon couples romance well. It’s usually love triangle, reunite a bunch of times, or breakup/makeup a lot. eh. I just hope they make Caryl story good and interesting. Another thing Caryl ship had always been like a subtle ship and angsty. We get bits and bits to keep going ..so a full attention of Caryl or canon-Caryl will be different. I hope it all goes well. :3 It’s all reminds me of Mindy Project show ..there’s always sides in the fandom. Some won’t like it, some will but it’s always about the main couple. Oh, my thoughts of Caryl show is that it will be like Bones, SPN, FTWD, or BeIIarke -_- lol , or something. 
 So from what I read when they already want to keep going with the spin-off show back in ‘18, the Caryl spin-off show will actually cost less than the TWD main show. It’s interesting. It’s all contracts, deals, Netflix, $ stuff. The show might not be international and on netflix, Idk. You know the ratings aren’t that great and most fans left,..but I guess they can still make the Caryl spin-off show. (a season or more idk) I was thinking it might be a Caryl-only show with different cast and set ...or the Caryl spin-off show might actually be just like TWD main show-s10 but different deals $ etc, and they can do whatever. 
Oh, that it’s a spin-off then, and not now in s10 and s11, because the TWD main show will be done adapting the comic book storyline..(instead of thinking of the MMB and NR’s contracts). Yeah one of the theories.. like really Idk why we have Caryl spin-off show when s10 and s11 is pretty much already a Caryl show..with Maggie. But I guess it’s all due with contracts and stuff. And I guess it works timely with the comic storyline. Though the comic storyline parallel/adapting is so different now.  It’s very broad parallels. I guess it all works out in little ways. contracts, comics, and starting fresh. The Caryl spin-off show, they can really get away from the Grimes/Rick storyline which I like that it’s gonna be really separated by being a different show. (I guess also AMC have more control too.) It’s not on the same main show/s10 and on. Like storywise, I like that TWD show is always about the Grimes and it feels like it will be done right and completed to end it in s11 and that is based on comics/and the Grimes (I hope). If that make sense? Rick/Grimes show,is based on comics, will have an ending...TV-wise. Because there’s the movies too supposedly. Yeah maybe I’m not sad..because there’s the Rick movies thing in the works too. I hope s11 will still be about the connection to the Grimes. Like everyone looking after Judith and RJ and figuring out what to do with finding Richonne and stuff. To set up for the movies. (and TWD WB s2?) Because if not, then ugh then AMC should’ve had the main show ended in s10.  Wow.., the show is not based on the comics like it was before and I really can’t speculate s11 and on. Like I hope the writers got juicy stories to tie in with Rick and Michonne, and Maggie/Commonwealth comic stuff. uhh. So yeah Caryl spin-off show it means they can do whatever and writers/me? don’t have to worry that if it’s not connecting with the Grimes storyline. If AMC/Gimple wants to connect everyone.
And one of my theories or hope is that Caryl looks after Grimes kids ...in s11 and search for Rick/Richonne or help him, in part of the bigger plot of Rick movie story, in the spin-off show. Like Caryl will work on plan that later helps out Rick in the movies later on. Yeah and I just think the Rick movies are more like “TWD movies” where all the characters in the franchise will be part of the story. So yeah Rick reunites with everyone. The end, Happy ending! :3 So there’s many ways Caryl show might be like: same cast from TWD show that AMC controls more/Caryl leads/not based on comics(romantic or not), Caryl-only show, or Caryl kinda in part of the Rick movies story-like helping him in some way. etc. Oh, ..I was also thinking it’s like I guess FTWD .. I was also thinking Morgan and his friends might be also be in part of helping Rick’s plans in the Rick movies too.  (.. if Gimple wants to do that.) I hope Caryl will be romantic..I don’t want a “Caryl spin-off show” when it’s just same cast and Caryl still not together. eh. ..Why call it “Carol and Daryl spin-off show”? So I guess it’s gonna be shippy.
So I think the Rick movies (which so far is still happening and three of ‘em.../if) will be after s11 and after TWD WB s2 - ‘21/22.    idk when FTWD comes.
Oct ‘20 - TWD:WB s1
spring ‘21 -TWD  s10C 
summer ‘21? - TWD: WB s2/ends
fall ‘21 and spring/summer ‘22 (or fall ‘22? lol) - TWD s11 
‘22? *rick movie 1? (...with everyone there?)
‘23 Caryl spin-off show s1
‘23 and on? * rick movie 2? movie 3?
So...you get it..like it’s like some big overall storyline Gimple is doing. But plans can change and anything could happen. I may be speculating wrong. Who knows. sigh. I just want Team Family reunited with Rick again and a good ending as best as writers can do. :B  If they can’t make a movie(s) then I hope Gimple find a way to end Rick’s story for fans.
sigh yeah tired of the fandom complaining and assuming/speculating wrong. (like hating on the spin-off show when they don’t know what a spin-off show is.) blah. idk. tired of shippers..generalizing. (I ship both Caryl and Richonne so. sigh go away drama) I’m tired of fans being biased and doubting and singling things out. I feel like we all won. But anyway until more news and facts it is what it is. I wanna wait till when things actually happen or news that say something won’t happen.  Keep waiting and hoping on :] *Caryl on*
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Ep. #2 - “Shit ain’t over till the fat lady sings and I didn’t warm my pipes.” (Cameron)
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Day 4: Well. I survived my first tribal council of the season, and even though it went exactly according to plan, while I slept my entire day away, I'm still really hesitant to tell myself that I'm doing well on my tribe. I'm really nervous that my tribe mates are playing me, and that I'm really boo boo tha fool here. I called Megan post-tribal, and I was finally able to get some closure on something that happened between us in our personal lives, which felt really good. After that, she asked me about the idol, to which I had responded "Wait, Julian didn't tell you?", which hopefully sows some seeds of doubt in Megan about Julian. Ideally, if the Enlil tribe has to go back to tribal council, the four of us can bear witness to a Megan vs. Julian war. Because unfortunately, the connections I have outside Enlil, are shared with either Julian or Megan. If Megan and Julian are going after each other pre-merge, or during a swap scenario, I don't have to share those connections anymore. After that, Megan and I just talked about the nudes we received during quarantine ~ I then promptly ran to Will to tell him about the potential crack I just formed between Julian and Megan, which was met with genuine excitement. I think I'm really gaining Will's trust, and I think we vibe so well together. Love that guy! Overall, it wasn't a very productive day because I woke up at 4:30p PST. Love that for me, thanks for shading me @ Tribal Bodhi.
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going into this scavenger hunt as the tribe that went to tribal last is worrysome. It's a challenge that's fully dependent on our activity, so we are at a serious disadvantage against the other two tribes that get to choose someone less active to sit out. We don't have that luxury. The point/life system eases the blow, however, since we can get less active players 1 life while more active players can get 3. In case we lose, I'm trying to connect with everyone on the tribe. I really don't want to vote anyone out though. I have an alliance with Julian and JJ, and one with Will on the side. Chrissa wants to work with Julian, JJ and myself, and I think Megan and JJ have something on the side. I'm nervous for who would be the target in the vote, and any vote would hurt all of our games collectively. Hopefully we win because the next vote will not be easy AT ALL.
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Done w typing this sheet
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jj and zachary are so fucking annoying to this challenge and if i vote for you first at the swap, its probably because youre typing too much during this challenge sorry not sorry xoxo - sincerely johnny a month from now
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let me be clear with andrew I was not calling his hosting unfair i was calling the fact that a majority green item giving him a point unfair not the hosting but lack of yellow, also i have a headache i don't feel that good. and I just don't think zach should have had a point for it nothing against hosting obviously i watch a movie trivia thing where literally they have a challenge to challenge any questions that are unfair, that doesn't mean they are calling the question writers or the answer writers unfair. 
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Zach just won the tribal challenge for us which is fantastic. We can maintain the illusion of a unified tribe longer, which keeps us together in a swap situation, and Zach has clearly painted a challenge target on himself over the last two challenges which will make him go before me if our Triforce ever becomes the minority. I'm really happy with my position in the game right now
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me and monty trying to find the idol and decode this annoying ass video https://imgur.com/a/lu7sbMu
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Forgive me father for I have sinned it's been approximately three days since my last confession so far can't complain really we be winning they hating we be riding pretty damn clean I've got a majoritu alliance I didn't start so odds of it falling around me and being the first voted out slim to none thank the sweet baby jesis and all that good shit. Oh well that's all for now
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I am filling in a confessional because you told me to. I am in front of my fan because it's hot. I'm thinking that it seems pretty stupid to ask me for a confessional. Julian's prod chat isn't very interesting because he's distracted.
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also just threw out madison's name to johnny. if this shit backfires on me ill be ):
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yo yo yo homies!!! fuck the scavenger hunt and the mobile Skype app !! Lowkey scared but I think I’m close with everyone on the tribe except madi soooooooooo that’s probably who will go tonight. I’ve connected a lot with Monty and am hoping we can work together closely moving forward 💕not sure how useful my relationship with Zach is going to be come swap/merge bc it seems like he’s ALREADY making himself a target like the big doof he is. More later 💋
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Hello tumblr survivor world! Sorry I didnt confess for episode 1, I was going to but i accidentally exited out of the page when i almost finished writing it. Anyways, it was just a cast assessment for my tribe so tl;dr everyone on my tribe is great and its really sad that we have to vote someone out now. So this whole weekend I was away so I was REALLY worried that I would be voted out since I sat out of the challenge. But after talking to Johnny and Isabelle, it seems like Madison will be voted out tonight. Which is so bad bc this her first game in a year, but hey it's our first vote and it's not me so it's not really the time to make a stand. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Okay I took a break from writing this confessional and there's moreeeeeeeee so part 2 I guess. So I had a call with Johnny and we came up with an alliance of me, him, Isabelle, and Benji. What an iconic alliance, right? But also while Johnny and I talked we got onto the topic of idols and why it is that there hasn't been an idol post yet. I brought up that wayyyyyy back when in Malaysia and some other games around that time, some of the idol hunts were less clear cut. We ended up looking at the blog and clicking the "idol system" tab and it brought us to some weird crab video with audio that sounds like a pokemon cry? Idk part of me thinks its just a joke but I also have to consider that it might be SOMETHING. It said remember to like and subscribe so I sent a screenshot of me liking and subscribing to see if that would do anything but nope. Johnny said he'd do some thinking about it and get back to me later if he figures something out. Also tribal seems super clear cut so I'm a bit less worried now but y'know how it is I can't not worry about tribal.
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i just spent $8 on a spectogram and STILL cant find this fucking idol im gonna kms... monty im sorry im steam rolling ahead looking for this thing without telling you, but thank you for the first clue xoxo... if i get stumped in the future ill reach out for SURE (but idt you trust me that much so this seems kinda valid to me) ((FOUR HOURS LATER: i told monty lololol)) ALSO FOR FUCKS SAKE I think madison is gonna go, and truthfully, im fine with it because it's the easiest thing to do due to her poor performance in the past few challenges and just being the least AROUND the tribe, but i know that it'd probably be better for me long term to get rid of abby because i just dont see her as a long term ally for me. i think she's close to JJ and Megan on the other tribe, and she's becoming much more acclimated to the tumblr survivor community that i just BET that she maybe has an additional connection on the rookie tribe. If I can attempt to break that up before we get to a swap, I think that's what im going to have to do figure out if we lose another challenge before a swap... i dont really want to see ANYBODY else go besides abby if im thinking about a second boot. i bet it wont be easy to take her out tho also, if madison goes, this is like...... lowkey vindication for game changers???? last night i talked about this with monty and i was like hmmmm "is it ugly to bring up past game history?" and his response was "not if it's within the same series" .... so. vindication
omg i just told madison how to find the idol system thing i hope she doesnt tell anyone i told her about it LMAO........ this almost seems too easy.i got added to two alliances today. why do i not feel safe? is it me going? WTF IS GOING ON
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excited to be first boot because no one will TALK TO ME! 
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Things haven’t changed much since my last confessional! As far as I know the tribe hasn’t started into alliances and we’re all riding some excitement at having so far avoided tribal. I think the rest of the tribe and I are all feeling good and just focusing on making the tribe switch without losing any members.
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from round 2 https://youtu.be/fk002uG2HoI
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Hi sorry I forgot to do a confessional this round so this will be short imma just say a few things 1. I don’t trust julian one bit he can stop being shady to me 2. I can’t believe we aren’t going to tribal I’m so fkn happy i was able to pull out the win for our tribe because I didn’t want to lose anybody else 3. I love and adore will with all of my being and he’s my number 1 ally right now 4. I find it highly doubtful that there’s only one idol in this game and that you can’t find it until merge but that’s as far as I can get in the idol search for now so I guess there’s nothing I can do about it 5. I’m still having fun can’t wait to fuck up another flash game yay!!!
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My Purple edit is amazing right now. But having played more games than most of these newbies, I have decided to take on the role of teacher and becoming more of a "role model" for these newbies. I feel like I have the closest bond with Zach, and I need to get a little closer with Collin. I have Grace from past games, and then there are the others who I do not really have any strong bonds with at the moment. I guess I need to start going to them more and show that I want to work with them.
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https://youtu.be/yhwXzqrTcsA Confessional 2 for round 2
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Madison voted out 6-1
0 notes
wereikonics · 5 years
iKON's MAKNAE: JUNG CHANWOO  Appreciation thread
@/bianxstan on Twitter -  8:33 PM - 26 Dec 2018
I just want to warn those who are reading this. If you're an OT6 fan, pls feel free to unfollow me and pls do not interact w/ anything related to this thread i.e. don't reply and don't quote RT. We don't need that negativity.
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The world is already cruel enough for all of us. Spare us the dramatics. I am tired of defending #Chanwoo from all of you. Though I'm tired of it, pls know that I won't stop doing it. So please allow me to spread love to others without your negativity tainting it. Here we go.
When M&M happened, I had no doubt in my mind that Chanwoo will be iKON's 7th member. I was as sure of it as I was that all OT6 will be in iKON. There was something abt him that captivated me. He wasn't the most talented or the most eye-catching. He wasn't even the most talkative.
However, Jung Chanwoo was the only person who was introduced in the show that, imho, was considerate towards what OT6 was going through. He realized that he's piercing through a bond that's so strong that his introduction to the group would not be received well and so he waited.
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Photo Caption: (Screenshots from Mix and Match)
CHAN WOO only smiles, perplexed
B.I. - CHAN WOO, what are your thoughts on this?
Chanwoo - I like the song
From the very beginning, Chanwoo has always been the kind of person who refuses to be a burden. He wants to stand with his own two feet. He refuses to be acknowledged just because Hanbin was a great leader.
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Photo Caption:  (Screenshots from Mix and Match)
Pictures of Chanwoo wiping away tears in the practice room
I love Chanwoo because he's always been self-aware of his capabilities and his position in the group. When faced with frustrations of things not going well, he recognizes the fact that compared to the others, he is lacking. He did not hide. He did not cower.
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Photo Caption:  (Screenshots from Mix and Match)
To be honest, I’m quite disappointed
about the fact that I’m not good.
and that I’m a burden.
I know I can do this but I’m not doing as well as I thought.
What he did was he stayed behind in the practice room to catch up to the groupmates he's pulling behind. His sense of self-accomplishment was strong enough to push him to do well and to prevent himself from lingering at the bottom line.
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Photo Caption:  (Screenshots from Mix and Match)
Chanwoo: They said it would be a very difficult journey
and told me to brace myself.
So I’m not gonna give up even if it becomes really hard.
One of the reasons why Chanwoo blended in so well at that time was because Chanwoo, who was an outsider, already shared the same fierce determination and thirst for improvement that the OT6 was identified with.
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Photo Caption:  (Screenshots from Mix and Match)
Chanwoo: I’m so disappointed.
Chanwoo: I don’t want him to think I’m not good enough.
Picture of a frosted glass door with the word ‘STUDIO’ in unfrosted glass
Picture of a paper that reads DUFFY LYRICS - “Mercy” along with the lyrics
Narrator: Chanwoo is practicing alone till late at night. 
He worked so hard to be acknowledged for his effort. He finally did in EP 6. But what squeezed my heart about that episode was the fact that Chanwoo shed tears because despite his efforts up to that point, he can't be fully happy while taking YOYO's spot.
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He wasn't even at the bottom three at that time & yet he felt so bad taking a spot from the OT6. I realized at the end that he must have felt guilty since he'd always felt incapable. He must've thought that despite his efforts, someone else still deserves it more than he did.
At that moment, I thought to myself: "If there is anyone that should be with the OT6, it'll be Chanwoo." Because this kid has enough heart and empathy to realize that his success could be someone's failure in OT6. 
To me, a person w/ the kind of attitude to set aside self-greed to feel for those around him will seamlessly mold himself in the tenacious wall that OT6 have built around themselves. Because OT6 reached that far by thinking of the well-being of their members than themselves.
However, his anxiety and worry continue even after debut. After all, it can't be denied that their debut in 2015 means that Chanwoo only had over a year of professional training. He only had abt year to completely blend himself in the team.
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Photo Caption: 
Chanwoo reading a letter onstage during their Japan Tour
“will I be able to fit in?” “Won’t I just be a burden to them?”
“will the fans acknowledge me?” “Everyday I was feeling anxious and worried”
“And I promised myself, I have to debut in iKON and show them”
“my cool side to repay them”
People don't realize that #CHANWOO has YEARS to catch up to when it comes to training. If you're a true iKONIC, you should've realized that Chanwoo was able to improve this much despite the huge time differential of training compared to others.
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Photo Caption: Behind the Scenes video during iKON’s Japan tour 2018 
B.I. instructs Chanwoo and helps him practice dancing one on one in preparation for their upcoming performances. Various iKON members can be seen resting in different places around the room. 
B.I. - Let’s do it more seriously.
B.I - One more time.
B.I - One more time.
Picture of Chanwoo sitting on the floor, his hair drenched in sweat.
B.I - You turn your arm like this here. 
Do you guys ever think about how much he had to work harder to not be the black hole in iKON? Do you ever think about the humiliation and disappointment he must have felt each time he practice one-on-one with Hanbin?
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Photo Caption: Behind the Scenes video during iKON’s Japan tour 2018
Close Up of Chanwoo as he talks in iKON’s temporary practice area, his hair drenched in sweat.
CW: I’m so tired that I can’t talk...
CW: We checked all the flow lines and then we checked the dance matching along with the music. 
CW: As you can see, we are practicing one by one with B.I.
CW: It’s also like this for around a month in Korea. 
Each session must've felt like a harsh slap of realization of what level his skills are compared to the others. This was taken just a year ago. Many would think that a debuted idol wouldn't work this hard. But Chanwoo isn't like that. He knows his goals & he WILL pursue them.
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Photo Caption:  Behind the Scenes video during iKON’s Japan tour 2018 
Close Up of Chanwoo as he talks in iKON’s temporary practice area, his hair drenched in sweat.
CW: There is no shyness
CW: Even though I am embarrassed, but if I don’t work hard we can’t do it. 
CW: I’m thankful for B.I-hyung who is monitoring closely.
CW: I’ll work hard.
I've said this before. I hate people who count lines per member. Line allocation will never equate to song quality. Hanbin giving lines not suited to Chanwoo's skills will only be detrimental to him. But does Chanwoo deliver? YES HE DOES!
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Tweet Citation and Photo Caption:
The utilization of the colourful vocal tones of the members allows a portrayal of different kinds of heartache. #CHANWOO didn’t get a ton of lines but I’m not disappointed. Line distribution is about how you deliver those lines. Chanwoo delivered a tenfold of emotions. #iKON
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The way #CHANWOO opened the song with his low melancholic tone just hits you straight to the heart. It wasn’t extravagant; it was impactful. It was subdued, almost too passively, but that’s what one goes through during a break up. You can’t do anything but accept it.
At the bridge, when all the instrumentals were stripped down to almost nothing, I cried bec of the weight of emotions delivered within those two lines. #Chanwoo ’s part was the culmination of all the emotions depicted in this song’s narrative. His voice is just perfect for that.
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Can also be found in ‘Goodbye Road’ Song Analysis Thread:
I want people to realize that #Chanwoo was able to perform this well because he did not sit on his ass all day long playing games. Nobody else knows more than Chanwoo himself how much he is lacking compared to the others. We all have only seen a glimpse of his talents.
I want to remind you that this year's releases were mostly written in 2015. We have yet to fully taste what these boys have to offer years after 2015. Don't get stuck on what could've been. It's been 4 years since the show.
Ask yourselves this: in any of iKON's dance practice videos, was there ever a moment when Chanwoo was a blackhole? As a matter of fact, Jinhwan makes more mistakes on choreo than Chanwoo ever did. This boy did not get on stage despite his injuries just for you to discredit him.
This boy did not get into iKON because of pity. He didn't get on that stage because he was forced to. He worked his ass off day in and day out knowing that his lack of skills could be harmful for the rest of them. But even when that fear lingers, he didn't let it foster.
Though Chanwoo has this fear, he would never beg for lines from Hanbin. Hanbin allows this because this is the only way Chanwoo will truly improve and genuinely feel accomplished. There is no shortcut to success.
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Photo Caption: iKON on Weekly Idol
Chanwoo is speaking to Hanbin while they are holding hands
CW: This is what I want to say.
CW: I’m not good which is why I have a small part.
Yunhyeong points toward Hanbin as he looks to Chanwoo
Yunhyeong: Tell him now that you want bigger parts
CW: I’ll work harder
So before you question Chanwoo's work etiquette, I want you to think about the position you're in. Because at this moment, as you write those comments discrediting Chanwoo's hard work, it isn't his ass sat on a chair with your face buried in front of a computer.
I'm ending this thread with Chanwoo's poem. Because I want people to realized that regardless of how much hate you throw, we're all just trying our best to live on. We're all on the same ground. You're not special.
[YT Link to iKON TV - Junhoe PD Episode excerpt - Jung Chanwoo’s Mosquito Poem]
Disclaimer: All photos belong to their rightful owners. I leave all credit to the rightful translators. PS: If I continued to make this longer, I'm at risk of a heart attack because of pent up frustrations lol PSS: STAN CHANWOO PSSS:
@/bianxstan on Twitter -  8:32 AM - 15 Dec 2018
If you're truly a fan of iKON, you would understand why it's hard for Chanwoo to bring his members to film for his YT. Chanwoo is a very considerate person. He would never do anything to make someone uncomfortable.
Besides, he knows how it feels like for the members because he lives the same lifestyle. Also, the members are not selfish to refuse to go on Chanwoo's channel. They help him out when he asks. So please, give Chanwoo the freedom to film whatever he wants with whoever he wants. 
Please subscribe to Chanwoo’s YT Channel if you haven’t already
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askpet-archive · 6 years
PET Ep 8
Downstairs, a phone started ringing loudly "ARTHUR, SOMETHING'S DOWNSTAIRS" a strong german accent came from a room, upstairs. Angy had heard the phone ringing as well. She heard Vincent screaming at Arthur about it but she knew that the young boy wasn't going to pick it up, being that he was probably busy with god knows what. She got up from her bed and went downstairs to pick up the phone. "Hello?" Phone tm: "yes hello? Is this P.E.T? yes uh, we called a few days ago and your leader scehdualed something for today at this time, and we're wondering where you are.. oh, yea, we're the people who called about the abandoned hospital-" "Oh shi-" Angy cursed under her breath, not knowing what to do "Um.. Who is this speaking?" "This is Allie Richsun, is there a problem?" He'd sigh. There was nothing to DO today, despite there being a lot he could've done today. Just the fact there was nothing FUN he could do today. What. "Angy can get it," He'd reply, scrolling through Tumblr and being bored. Ooh hey, that's a pretty nice aesthetic. Like. He never reblogs anything. haha "Uh- Nope! There's no problem at all! It's just.." Angy took a deep breath, where the hell was Ari or Era? "Let me.. call you back in a few seconds, we are preparing..  Um, bye!" Angy freaked out and hung up Vincent slide down the stairs, going over to the kitchen and drank from the milk carton Arth doesn't know what's going on right now, so he's just gonna sit here and do whatever he's doing. Call him when he's needed. The young girl paced up and down the room. Just then, a piece of paper caught her eye that was lying down on top of the dinner table. She grabbed it and read it. After finishing reading it, she freaked out a bit more. What the hell was she supposed to do? She was so concerned that she didn't notice Vincent. "ARTHUR!" she called out "GET DOWN HERE!" Vincent had his hair down with a cucumber facial mask "Coming, give me like a second," Arthur walked out of his room, down the stairs and into the kitche- "Vincent, dude, no. Five- or, SIX other people, counting that other new fangirl person, live here, man." His mood just went from bored to a little pissed (but not enough to actually yell or break anything). Oh yeah, he forgot Angy called him for something, so he'll finally face her. "What do you need again?" "What is this?!" she pointed at the note "Did you know about this?!" Vincent put the milk carton back and hummed over to meet the other two "No? I've been in my room like, all day, how would I know?" He should probably grab something, now that he thinks about it. "I just received a call from a client saying they're waiting for us, yet neither Era or Ari told us a darn thing about it!" Angy then placed the note back down "And now suddenly you're in charge?! I thought they were the ones who handled all of these things but noo they had to go and do whatever the heck" She sighed "Do you have Ari's phone number?" "Of course I have Ari's phone number. But if they're on a case that takes Era and Ari, they probably don't have signal." He'd shrug, entering his phone password (and hiding it from the other two) and tapping Contacts, handing her his phone. "Please don't look at anything else. Not like it's bad, just that it'd be pretty rude if you didn't." He's gonna throw that milk away later just sayin'. That, or hide it from Vincent somehow. Vincent read over the note and shrugged, "Also, I used all the bath soap. I brung over some of my own bath salts. The toilet is broken and the shower is clogged." Vincent no "Trust me, I don't want to see anything on your phone for now" She tapped Ari's name and the phone started ringing. She knew Arthur was probably right about the rest of the team not having signal but for the situation they were in right now, it didn't hurt to try. "I'm not fixing it, that's all up to you, dude." He's probably wearing the clothes the mun posted Arthur being in earlier. Arthur's just gonna sneak his way into the living room, sitting on the couch and being bored. Aka literally the picture that mun sent Arthur being in. Vincent groaned, "I know how to repair explosives and illegal weaponary. But bathrooms?"  He came over next to Arthur and turned on the TV "The note said you're in charge! You have to fix this or at least tell Ari what the heck is going on!" She kept impatiently waiting for the co-leader to answer her phone. "Sounds like a personal problem." "You can try to," It's probably playing a kids network, like Nick Jr. or something, especially because of who last used the TV. "Ari! Where the  hell are you?!" She said once she heard Ari's voice "I just read the note that you left us!" "I'm not being in charge; YOU can be in charge, th- oh nevermind." He'd tell himself, seeing as Angy was talking to Ari now. On the other end of the line, you can hear someones voice rambling about Spop and the other girls She covered the phone "I'm not going to be in charge of anything!" she whispered yelled, then going back to talking to Ari and hearing the voice of a man ramble. She was quite confused but it wasn't her problem "Mind explaining?!" "What do mean North Carolina?! Also, I have your brother's phone because I wanted you to know that you might have forgotten a little appointment in an abandoned hospital?" "A test? You know, there's a thing that is called com-" she was interrupted by Ari yelling "Max" Who was Max? Before she could ask however, Ari had already hung up on her. Angy cursed as she face palmed herself. Vincent put his arm around Arthur, not exactly touching him. Vincent didn't really seem to think about it. Woah hey there Vincent, getting a little touchy. He's gonna. Scoot a little. Itty bit. It's been like, a day man. He'd also shout 'yo' at the mention of himself. Vincent doesn't even know why Arthur is scooting, but continues to laugh at Tom and Jerry killing eachother. After cursing at herself for a few more moments, Angy knew what she had to do. She went over to the couch, handing Arthur his phone "C'mon you two, we gotta go"  She then started walking away to her room in order to get ready herself. "Go where?" Vincent got up "Well, we gotta go and clean up the shit Ari and Era left us because apparently it's a test and right now I just wish I could stab myself" "Do we have to though?" Arth really doesn't wanna go anywhere. Let him sit here and do absolutely nothing. "Trust me, I wish we didn't either but we get payed for this." Angy replied "Plus, I don't want to get yelled at" "I have an appointment with a guy who wants to collect my diamonds...But just small ones..." He'd sigh. "Fine," He's gonna sit here 'till they move, though. "Where we going?" "Your diamonds can wait for a bit, right now we just need someone to drive us over there because it seems that they took the car." Going alone with Arthur would have been fine but she didn't want to leave the possible insane man with bombs and guns alone in their home, not to mention it was part of the "test" she had no choice but to go with him. "The call was from a Allie Richsun, she said that it was an abandoned hospital." "I'll drive, my Porsh just got right out of the shop! New brand new paint job~" "Y'know, the last time we got involed with abandoned places didn't end well, but that's fine I guess." He'd shrug, getting up. "Anything specific about the ghost? Special things we might need to bring?" "ILL BRING EXPLOSIVES!!" Excitement and energy in Vincent's eyes "NO. No explosives. Explosives are bad in an abandoned place. I broke bones because of it. I had three floors of rubble on my little innocent teenage body. No explosives." Vincent groaned loudly, though a glint in his eyes told the he's going to bring some anyways "Ah fuck.." she muttered as she went back to the phone and called back the client. Unfortunately, she didn't pick up "Well shit.. I sort of hung up on her and she didn't exactly tell me what was going on so I guess we bring all of the things just in case." She turned over to Vincent "No explosives. Gut red isn't a good paint color for walls, trust me" "Don't worry 'bout it. No explosives..." "I have a strong feeling there's still gonna be explosives." G l a r e at Vincent before he runs up the stairs to get his stuff. Angy didn't completely trust Vincent's word but had no time to argue and headed off to get dressed and grab the things they needed VINCENT RUNS UP He can be heard gathering heavy equipment and dropping a large item as it makes a huge BAM When Angy heard the noise, it almost caused her to drop her ghost tracker and almost break it "Damn it Vincent.." she muttered before continuing to collect several things He walks over to the bathroom and washes his facemask off A crack can be heard in the bathroom "I broke the sink." Angy finally left her room and heard the crack from the bathroom "Hey? Mr. German guy? We can't exactly wait for you forever" Vincent walked out with his regular outfit and a large leather backpack "I'll call my plumber. He gives me a great discount when I put a gun to his head" "Nice, okay. Now, where the heck is Arthur?" Arthur heads to his room, grabbing his journal and gun and stuffing those in there. What else did he need? Uhh, maybe he should bring some markers.. naah, it'll just take up space. Besides, the only two types of markers he could grab are the expensive ones or Cray-ohmygod. "VINCENT, what the FUCK," He'd grab a few things real quick before putting on his jacket (not the fur one, the other one that doesn't make him look like he just got out of a heckign pool. It's probably like bright red too. What a nerd) and grabbing his messenger bag, charging up to the other two. "Here!!" Despite running at speeds probably not appropriate for a 15-year-old, he stopped and prevented himself from crashing into the other two. also he probably put on some heckin pants, mun forgot to add that part in "Alright guys go get in my Porshe outside. I'll go grab the keys and go" "Don't take too long, for all we know this woman is gonna be fucking pissed at us but hell, that isn't our problem." Angy then walked out the home, waiting near the Porshe for Vincent. She looked at the car, did this man have some serious money? Probably not. Knowing him, he probably did something else which Angy wasn't eager to know. Here he come!! Probably sprinting cause now he's suddenly in the mood for ghost hunting. Probably because of his bag. Anyways, he's also out there now, just sort of doing that thing where you seesaw your feet back and forth and you sway with it. Mun is probably gonna edit this later with a better description of it. Vincent comes to the porshe with his pink keys with a poodle on his keychain, hopping in and starting it Arthur takes shotgun, and no one's gonna stop him. He's probably gonna mention the keys later. :^) "Where to sweetheart?" With the doors unlocked now, Angy sat inside in the backseat, seeing as Arthur had taken the passenger seat. Once she sat down, there was a new problem at hand. Where was the abandoned hospital? "Wh-" Sweetheart? He's. Flustered. A little bit. His jimmies have been russled- "Hey, can I have my phone back by the way?" "I wonder if they're talking about that abandoned hospital on 26 Street" "You casually just know about run down hospitals?" "How would you know where that is?" This man has been here for like. A day. Two days. What. "I hear about it in China Town" "You must hear about a lot of places in China Town." "Strip clubs and stuff. Ye" "I guess we should look there then" "Best guess. But- wait, do you hear about them AT strip clubs or do you hear ABOUT strip clubs?" Does he want this question answered? Haha no. But he already said it so too late. "There isn't time for this! Let's go" Vincent took a second to say, "Both..' "Uh- okay yeah let's just. Go. Hehe." Woo this got awkward. He probably should've expected this, but now that he's heard it he's got mixed feelings about this guy. Vincent backed out of the drive way and started to drive to the street, cranking up classical music He quietly sang to it Angy sat in the backseat looking out the window, being surprised at Vincent's music choice. She didn't really expect it but she just shrugged it off. After about eight minutes, Vincent stopped the car. Pointing at a large mossy medical building pointing up from the trees Okay, he didn't expect this. Especially hearing about the fact Vincent's been to a strip club atleast once, if not other times before. "So.. pink keys, huh?" Mun was going to start conversation but oop they're here. "A friend gave them to me..." "A friend gave you your car keys." Angy closed her eyes and let out a deep breath, getting ready for the mission and how she was going to deal with the client and both Vincent and Arthur. "Okay, we're finally here. Arthur, when we get there, you're the one who's leading since you're still in charge" "Uh, no. You're the leader now. You're better than me at the whole tracker thing. I'm just good at writing it down and occasionally breaking things. As the person in charge, I now give you my rank. Or something like that." "Ugh. Your sister is going to kill me but, fair enough. C'mon." She opened her backside door and got out, feeling the cool misty air hit her face. He'd get out of the vehicle aswell, going ahead of the others and waiting outside the door. Vincent followed along, kicking dirty cans scattered around. what did those cans do to you. Allie blinked, looking at the three childing "uh..hello there! Are you P.E.T?" she asked, a tinge of worry in her voice. they didnt look like adulted Angy made her way across the large field to the main building where the lady was "Yes, we are P.E.T, paranormal exploration trackers! We are terribly sorry for keeping you waiting, traffic was a bit crazy" she lied to the woman. Allie rose an eyebrow, nodding slightly "um..just saying. you may need this, considering your teammates Angy dear. now, go ahead and head inside" she handed Angy a piece of paper, which..counted their lives? thats odd. "and Arthur, Ari told me about you. No killing things. you either Vincent. the ghosts are for capturing, not killing." Oh shit that's the person. Or who he guesses is the person. He just gives a small wave. "Wh- what do you mean? I'm not gonna kill them," He probably would if he really needed to. He's gonna rush over there, doot de doo Vincent shrugged and looked over at the piece of paper with their lives, "Do I actually have that many lives?" "Yes. dont let them waste m'dear" Allie hummed "or else i might have to retract quite a few." "We're gonna die?" Vincent said anxiously, looking over at Arthur. Angy was taken a bit aback by how this stranger knew some things about them but it seemed that Ari had talked to her about them. Angy took the paper and read their lives, Vincent peering over her shoulder and reading the paper as well "I guess so, it's surprising.." Angy looked up at the lady when she threatened Vincent "Okay then.. um.. Let's go guys, I do hope you do have your flashlights, it seems pretty dark in there" Allie paused "actually" Wh?? What?? "Well yeah, I died once, it's not that bad." Arthur shut up, you've only died once as a kid. "im gonna need your flashlights" she held out her hands "and equipment" "No." "What?" "NU UH!" "yes! Give me flashlights and equipment please. and dont try killing me, ill retract livees~" she sang "No." He'd turn around, leaving the building. "No." "We are not letting you have our flashlights." Vincent started to join Arthur He'd walk back to the car, opening the door and staring at the women directly in the eyes.. "No." And sitting in the passenger seat. "You do know we need these to get the job done right?" Allie flew over and grabbed Arthur by the hood, holding him in the air and humming "kid. listen. this is a test. if you cant fare without a flashlight and equipment i could have Ari force you to leave PET, and ill easily  take all your lives." "Okay, make me leave PET! That's fine! Just don't like, take my lives maybe? That'd be nice maybe!" "What the-" Angy saw the lady no clip and immediately ran to where she was with Arthur "Hey! You leave him alone!" "I will gladly let myself get fired from PET aslong as I don't, y'know, die forever? Can that be arranged maybe, I dunno?" "The hospital has equipment, flashlights, and other various objects hidden around it. you'll find them. and Arth. ooh Arth. You'll die forever really soon either way with your reckless lil acts" Vincent grabbed Arthur by the legs and tugged him away from Allie's grasp, holding Arthur in a carrying position "You know, I'm starting to question Ari's methods. And you didn't tell us this was Ari's plan sooner because..?" Allie glared at Vincent and swooped down, grabbing Arthur again and pulling him away, flying up high enough for Arthur and herself to be out of anyones reach "HEY! Give him back!" "You really quite are. plus no teamwork. this excerise would force you to use teamwork, your wits, and forcing yourself to brave darkness and ghosts you cannot injure. All three of you. and use weapons you arent used too." "Okay sorry, say that again? I can't hear you over mY FEAR OF YOU CARRYING ME SO HIGH UP IN THE AIR TO WHICH I CAN DIE!" Angy's anxiety started to rise up seeing Arthur being so high up. She turned to Vincent "Do something!" Allie grinned "Exactly!! if i drop you, boom. i can snatch away all your lives. So, i suggest you listen unless you want to die, and Angy and Vincent, you might not want a very very pissed off Ari. or dead friend." Vincent shrugged and rummaged through his bag "CAN YOU PLEASE PUT ME DOWN??" Boi stop screaming- Allie sighed, looking at Vincent "you hurt me, i slam this boy into a tree." Vincent yelled  in anger "LIKE, NOT THAT I'M AFRAID OF HEIGHTS BUT BEING SO HIGH UP KINDA SCARES PEOPLE EVERY NOW AND THEN!" "Well no shit, Ari's going to be really pissed when she finds out YOU KILLED HER BROTHER!" Allie blinked "...Arthur may be her brother, but she'd forgive me for killing him. i know she would. if she doesnt, i can strip her of lives too" Allie, please th boi is scard pls let him down he doesn't like this. he's kicking and flailing nonono sTop nO- "HEY, LIFE LADY! WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS IF YOU PUT ME ON SOLID GROUND!" "What the shit Ari..?" she said under her breath Vincent drops his bag and all his weapons and flashlight, "Bring Arthur down in peace" wowza thank u stronk german man. Mun lowkey wants to make him start tearing up but.. nah. Allie frowned "that wouldnt be much fun! Arthur, you drop your stuff too. easy to do, holding you under shoulders, not arms. Same for you Angy." "I'll catch your stuff Arthur!" Shouting below and raising his hands up Angy sighed but did what she was asked to do. Angy was never the one to turn to violence but this "woman" was testing her patience. Allie blinked, then grinned, simply 'despawning' all of Arthurs stuff "Wh-" oH My gOD. "DID YOU JUST DELETE MY FUCKING JOURNAL???" "huh" "no, dumbass. its in my inventory." there goes all of Vincent and ANgys stuff "Arthur please! Don't do something stupid!" Mun would like to add that Arthur is probably clinging to this lady. That or has a very strong grip and struggling immensely. Allie smiled "now, i have full control over the hospital. brightness levels, windows, even making it collapse. Im putting you three in there with 5 lives. meaning if one of you die, you all lose a life. But you'll respawn pretty quick. Dont give yourselves perma-killed. got it?" she chuckled "im locking you in there as well, how about ya'll go on in, ill throw Arthur in in a second." "Just.." Angy sighed "Please bring him down..?" "YES, YEAH PUT ME DOWN, THAT- THAT'S PROBABLY- GOOD," "This is scarier than that one guy throwing up in China town" "Get. in. the. hospital." she snapped, letting her eyes go all Sally-demon creepy stuff Angy turned to Vincent with a grossed out face but did not want to ask Vincent was the first one walking into the hospital Okay NOW he's tearing up. He's actually scared right now. Please don't drop him. He's not even scared of Allie, just the fact he might fall any second. Angy looked up at Arthur, noticing the tears and growing even more worried but she had no choice and followed Vincent to the building. Allie sighed "dont be such a baby. Ari said you were all brave. thats why i grabbed you. ew. put the tears away" she let go of one of his arms to slap him, before just holding him by one arm. "speaking of Ari, just know she told me to do none of this. im doing it for fun. so uh, if you get mad at her shes just gonna come after me and..yea, i dont wanna kill her. So." Allie shrugged "just dont get pissed at her for my actions." He'd scREECH, clinging to the one arm for dear life. Whoops he's too busy screaming and panicking to notice he has his phone. Because that's what you do when you're 15 feet in the air, being carried by some sort of floating lady who threatened to bash you into a tree and threatened to end you and your friends' existences permanently. "HEY, C-CAN YOU TELL WHOEV- WHOEVERS CALLING ME THAT- THAT I CAN'T PICK UP RIGHT NOW, KINDA DYING," Angy felt her pockets and felt her phone. Her eyes widened as she realized that she hadn't given it up. She started walking faster toward the building, finding a place where she though Allie wouldn't see her. She frantically started dialling Ari and hoping she would pick up. "Ari!" She whispered yelled into the cellphone, feeling angry and panicked and not wanting Allie to hear. "I hope you're happy with your fucking test because your brother is going to die now!" "What do you mean you didn't know!? This creepy woman right now has your brother hanging from 15ft up in the air!" Angy was completely confused but the tone Ari had in her voice sounded genuine "Trust me Ari.. I would save him if I could but this "woman", I don't even know what she is anymore, took all of our stuff." "Ari, please calm down" Angy felt some tears in her eyes as well. As much as she was mad before, thinking Ari had done this on purpose, she hated hearing any of the people she cared for cry. "She told us to give up our stuff and we did but.. she's not letting him go.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I don't know what to do..W-wait.. Billy..?" Is he gonna die?? Maybe he's gonna die. He feels like dying now. Maybe he should let go. But nah, Allie might regret it. But she should. He should focus more on screaming. Let's do that. Allie hummed, now swinging Arthur from side to side, refusing to drop him until Vincent went into the damn hospital If Ari meant for this to be like this, then would she want him dead? Maybe he SHOULD let go, that is if one of the only relatives he ever got along with decided to send him on a suicide mission. But there were also people here that cared about him, and that was bad too. I mean Angy sort of cared about him. Era was pretty okay. He barely got to know Spop or the other new intern, and Vincent seemed.. interesting? He's like, panicking less now, but still panicking. Maybe crying. A part of him is telling him to let go, but at the same time telling him that it'd be worth it if he just held on. Allie hummed "seems like your friends are inside. aww.. guess i gotta put you down. remember. five lives. Dont get yourselves killed, got it?" Allie kind of, threw Arthur into the hopsital lightly, before locking all the doors, leaving them in a completely dark room, still with cellphone service by the way. "Arthur, thank god!" Angy immediately ran up to him, ignoring Ari, who was still on the line "Are you okay?" "Why don't we use the cell for a light? Also, Arthur, nice air time" Oh boy now he's panicking More. Now not only is he without his phone, but also not knowing where everyone is and just kinda. Crawls on the ground until he can find something to grab. "Th- than- tha- yeah," Probably Angy or Vincent's leg, that or like a chair or something. Depends on how intact the hospital is, really. "Don't worry, you're safe here with us.." "Wow, watch where youre grabbing Arthur. You have your hand mighty close to my crotch I mean like you can if it makes you feel better" Vincent coughed nervously Angy, noticing she was still in the call with Ari, gave the phone to Arthur "It's your sister." He's too shocked to say anything, just sort of. Grabs fo-- LIGHT!! YES LIGHT FUCKING HELL-- he doesn't even care if there's someone on the other side, he just turns on the flashlight and shines it on his friends. "You're there, and you're there, that's good, we're good, we're not dead, I'm not dead, what do we do now." He's turning the flashlight every which way, making sure he's seen just about every dark spot in his view. "Arthur, your sister is on the phone. She has no idea who the fuck was the woman holding you up so high" "Oh hey Ari, by the way what the FUCK DID YOU DO THIS FOR?" "Yeah, I did almost die, because apparently you think it's neat to just send us on this mission you weren't here for that could've and might get us killed." He'd sigh. "Okay, thank you, but I'm still kind of pissed, just- come soon? Maybe? Please? I don't think this lady is gonna be happy with us talking to you for this long." Boy wipes his tears. No he didn't cry what're you talking about. He's gonna, start going somewhere with his phone flashlight. He has like, somewhat full battery, 60%. He'll be fine. Allies watching them from the shadows, she made a silent angry noise and snapped, forcing Arthurs phone to die. There the light goooess "Fuck.." Angy looked around in complete darkness "Guys, I think it's best if we stick together for now, just in case.." You can hear Vincent crashing into stuff "Was that you Vincent?" Knowing Arthur was closer to her than the young man. It must have been him rEET- "Oh oF FUCKiNG CourSE!!" He was very tempted to just smash it on the ground but. He stopped himself. No, he thought. It's a phone. He's gonna just, try locating his friend, finding Angy first and grabbing her wrist, before trying to find Vincent. "Vincent, can you just like, yell or something?" It may not be evident cause they're in the fucking dark, but he's very spooped right now. save him A small click echoes through the silent dark room followed by a loud gunshot "I found a gun!" Well, atleast he could see that. Guns do that thing where they do the light and then the shot right. Because if so he'll just walk right over there and grab the boy's wrist. "There, now we're together!" He. Didn't think that statement through. "You have a strong grip" "Whatever you say, dude." He'd 'look' over the rest of the darkness. "Now.. how do we get around here." "Okay then.." Angy tried to ignore Arthur's awkward comment "Anyways, we gotta at find a way out of here before we do end up being slammed into trees. How we'll navigate is a whole other question.." Vincent heard his favorite song play in the dark, "Guys! I hear something!" He says softly, mesmerized by the sound and disappearing into the dark "Yeah that's kinda- Wh- HEY!" Arthur tried to chase after him, but at the sound of his footprints, he was probably gone. He'd sigh, "Are you kidding me," He'd mumble under his breath. Angy was confused but tried to grab Vincent by his shirt "Hold up! It could be a trap!" But it was too late The song stopped in the silence, Vincent now totally gone and the dark wrapping around the two
0 notes
tweefunk · 7 years
Moving in the right direction here, some thoroughly enjoyable records this time.
Japandroids-Near to the Wild Heart of Life
Maybe not, but that is the fundamental sentiment of Japandroids decade-plus career. As everyone is probably aware of by now, the ‘droids debut full-length, 2009′s Post-Nothing, was released after they had already made the decision to break up. However, after it became surprise hit, they obviously decided to keep the band going.
Since then, they’ve approached their every move with a level of wide-eyed stoken-ness that rival the gnarliest skater or the cheesiest EZ-core band. In that regard, Near to the Wild Heart of Life does not disappoint in any way.
While this is nowhere near the paradigm-smashing glory of 2012′s instant classic Celebration Rock, it represents a confident and solid step forward. Here we find the 'droids experimenting with synths, ballads, and even acoustic guitars. 
Unfortunately, the whole affair gets drug down a bit by the mid-album "Arc Of Bar." The song drags out for over 7 minutes with no climax or payoff in sight. Just tired cliche after cliche that makes them sound like a slightly gritty yacht-rock band 40 years their elders.
However this is immediately followed up by one of their best ever tracks in “Midnight to Morning” which begs the question of what the Foo Fighters may have sounded like if they never became an arena-conquering megaforce and instead faded into relative obscurity after their debut.
Japandroids are back, but they’re just mere mortals now.
Cloud Nothings-Life Without Sound
Add Cloud Nothings to the list of late ‘00s/early ’10s hype bands that started out with a couple promising releases and then just ran out of gas.
Most of Life Without Sound just comes off as stuff that wasn’t good enough to put on 2014′s Here and Nowhere Else. Worse still, the ideas still seem underdeveloped.
Most of the songs follow a too-familiar structure. Start off at a decent clip, build dynamics for a bit, repeat one phrase ad infinitum while everything pushes into the red.
Dylan Baldi still has decent ear for melody, and some of the guitar interplay is quite interesting. However, that’s just not enough to elevate this to the level of the band’s high-water mark, 2012′s near-perfect Attack on Memory.
There are plenty of other bands doing the 90′s revival thing a heck of a lot better than this.
Less Than Jake-Sound the Alarm EP
LTJ haven’t sounded this vital for over a decade when they put out the underrated In With the Out Crowd. While they don’t make another horn-less album here, they definitely confirm they view themselves as a punk band first, and a ska band second.
With that in mind, Sound the Alarm places a premium on vocal harmonies and hooks. Thankfully though, they have corrected course from 2013′s over-produced See The Light and now allow the guitars and vocals to have a rawer sound, kicking the verve up a notch.
Also, the lyrical content here has advanced beyond slacker anthems celebrating a life of loitering in the liquor store parking lot and showcases an ability for self-reflection largely absent from previous work. The strongest track, “Welcome to My Life,” which seems like an intentional re-imagining of “The Science of Selling Yourself Short,” sees the boys recognizing the hurt and pain their dysfunctional ways have caused their loved ones and making a heartfelt attempt at an apology.
Old habits die hard, so this isn’t a genre defining masterpiece, but 25 years in, and LTJ aren’t going anywhere. Like the final track proclaims, “things change,” but maturity is a good look for Less Than Jake. 
The Menzingers-After the Party
The Menzingers showed up at just the right time. Their first buzzworthy album, 2012′s On the Impossible Past, hit the scene right after The Gaslight Anthem’s underwhelming Handwritten showed that the Jersey Boys were fresh out of ideas despite their insistence that they weren’t just punked-out clones of The Boss. But luckily for us, there was another drunken, over-earnest, east-coast punk band waiting in the wings.
On After the Party, The Menzingers ask the time-honored question of “what do we do when the party’s over?” In this case phrased in a rather-on the nose metaphorical reveal of “what are we gonna do now that our 20′s are over?”
While this type of bluntness is usually reserved for cringy scene bands and edgy singer-songwriters, The Menzingers take a page out of the Jawbreaker/Japandroids playbook and try to cover up for it with sheer intensity. And for the most part, they succeed.
On their previous records, a single phrase repeated 18 times usually sufficed for a chorus, but this time around The Menzingers seem to have made a conscious attempt to build their songs around hooks, rather than jamming a simplistic idea into a sincerity-shaped blur, and just beating the listener into submission.
At moments, the record reaches a truly insightful level of storytelling, namely on “Bad Catholics” where our narrator spins the story of a former flame who grew into a proper “church-girl” in spite of their shared adolescent tomfoolery. It’s a story that’s especially relatable to me as an alumni of Catholic school, and it’s rendered even more touching by the careful handling of a subject that could have easily morphed into woe-is-me bullshit or a stalker fantasy.
However, the emotional crux of the record tellingly arrives with the title track, a heartbreaking story of lost youth and the flickering flame of love that might not see you through the coldest, darkest nights. It’s too bad that The Menzingers missed a prime opportunity to end the record with a gut-punch. “After the Party” has the shout-it-till-you’re-hoarse chorus and a beautiful fadeout, but for some reason they just had to jam in a filler track after it, as if they wanted the record to end with a whimper when it could have been a roar.
Which brings me to the only real flaw with the record; it’s too fucking long. The middle of the album is a glut of 4 straight filler tracks with two more book-ending either side of the aforementioned title track. Sequencing matters people, get it together.
There are also two tracks, ”Your Wild Years” and “Livin’ Ain’t Easy, that feature obviously sampled, "clicky" kick drum hits that stand out in glaring contrast to the relatively raw production by Steve Albini clone wunderkind Will Yip. I've drummed enough drums in my life to know that sample replacement is fairly standard, but the goal is still to make it sound "real."
Had The Menzingers cut this down to 9 or 10 tracks, or better yet, a 7-song EP, this could have been a 10/10 release. Nevertheless, it’s still by far their strongest record and I hope they don’t go the way of The Gaslight Anthem and start making maudlin MOR rock.
0 notes
wolfwhiteflowers · 6 years
s9 filming spoilers and speculations..... TWD RANTS
Timejump-capital /twd parade pics and Caryl-the skybound thing, & other-richonne. (this post is meh and confusing) 
*twd spoilers, comic spoilers, anti C/E
k so writing this long weird speculation and thoughts-post. I wanna like move on from the show. Like as usual it’s on hiatus ykno? But the s8 finale messed me up so much. And I wonder a lot about Carol and the ships. Unanswered questions. I guess I’m saying I’m gonna rant a lot...or I go big in this post. 
Now we’re getting filming spoilers. bits and pieces but s9 premiere is a big deal like because of the time jump. The time jump changes the story a lot right? So... just from spoilery things, I realized, it’s hitting me a lot that it’s so 50/50 on me for if I still like the show or not (with timejump, ships, different showrunner/writings, and who knows how TWD ends). 
I really don’t like how 50/50 that is. So shock value way? Anyways, this hiatus I guess is gonna be a really big roller coaster ride. :\ I feel more doubtful than hopeful about s9. ....I just want Carol to be in character (the way i see it) and I want Carol (anyone) to interact with team family more. Idk if I can trust the writers during the hiatus with some bits of spoilers because some arcs start off frustrating and end well. It’s like I also have to wait till they film the finale to know if I wanna watch s9. or it’s like I wait till s10 for an arc to end. Idk I’m bummed that it’s at that point for me to decide to quit or not. sigh stories.
Yeah so this reminds me of s8, where the biggest change to the show happened with Carl’s death for me and the fandom. So I(and like most people too apparently...show is still going) keep watching TWD because Carl’s death doesn’t bother me that much, I feel the writing is still fine, and I see it as Rick’s show. So ..idk what im saying. I just think if they screw up Carol’s character and her interactions, then I feel it’s pointless to keep watching the show. I want charactery bonds, interesting arcs, and parallels. I know TWD can still be fine, but s8′s bad finale ep made me doubtful on the writing (or editing...there were good deleted scenes in s8 finale). 
Time jump
Wow those pics of the cast at the capital and on horses. “twd parade” The pics also tells a lot or so what 9x01 will be like/time jump. It’s overwhelming. It got me excited and then I worry the show will suck and mess up my faves.
The time jump in 9x01 looked like not like Carl’s dream/5 years(?) where Rick had a cane, white hair, 6 yo Judy, and Negan gardening with TF. This time jump in s9 so far looked like one year went by. Also looked like the characters got one thing changed on them. Rick-short hair, Carol-hat, Jesus-manbun, etc.so it’s like it’s not that much of a time jump.
Oh man, I can’t help it but I want to compare TWD and The 100. (They’re different ofc, one’s pace is fast and more violent/survival-like. It’s also like it’s ok to watch more than one show even tho one is better or whatever. It’s frustrating tho T100 have way more interactions/girl power.) Both current survival-shows. Right now, The 100 just had a six year time jump(I think) and TWD in s9 there will be a time jump too. So The 100′s current season, I really liked how they did set up the time jump and informing us how the characters are doing and see the changes in them and their looks. Even their previous season, there was a good understanding foreshadowing to the time jump plot. ...TWD didn’t, I mean Idk why, it’s like easy writing they should’ve done..to keep fans interested to what’s next on the show. I noticed in The 100, is that there were flashbacks and bottled/centered episodes. It’s also quick but partly because The 100 have a short season too and the writers want to focus on the upcoming different plot.
Anyways, so now that I think it’s been like a year later in TWD story. My theories are like everywhere and changed. I’m also like being an annoying comic fan..wants to be exact way but it’s a show and they can remix stuff. Whatever, we all want good stories! It’s kinda following the comics like usual. ok. Time jump and whisperers are coming. Idk why, I’m really excited for ‘old man Rick’ hair cut and horses, when I’m like wtf Rick’s curls tho. lol  Also just..9 seasons...and do I still like the show and will I like what’s next based on comics? (I actually figured AOW in s7-8 would be boring or come off different in the show. It’s all battle scenes and comics goes quicker..Idk I figured it would be boring but I think the war story on show and comics did alright. It wasn’t like a boring action movie that I see most of the time with action movies :P So I think this arc in s9 people will like this. More charactery stuff, well based from the comics. But we don’t have Carl and Maggie(for certain)?... Yeah usual tv flaws.)
So, I think it’s just one year later and that’s it. Also, I don’t mind seeing flashbacks and bottle episodes, as long it’s done well and entertaining. I think in s9 bottle episodes are needed.
So since I think it’s one year later, then we probably get the same Judith girl in s8, as 3 yo?, Hershel Jr as -months old, and I don’t think there will be a Richonne-baby...unless Michonne got pregnant right after the war and Hershel Jr and Richonne-baby are about the same age. 
Skybound mailbag/Caryl/ E&Z
I read some speculations and from C/E shippers, just to get more info on Carol. (I gotta stop that. I’ll know about Carol when I do and they’re really anti-Caryl. It’s annoying. ugh ship wars.) I realized from the spoilery pics and speculations, I just don’t want Carol with anyone or C/E in s9/s9A. I just want to know what’s up with Carol again. Unless Carol being with E is a very minor thing. Like in The 100 show where two times fans suddenly learn Bellamy has a gf. There was a time jump and the relationship’s build up and being canon was all offscreen. The relationship didn’t last or some other thing important was gonna happen. I just want to know what’s Carol’s thinking and feeling. Idk I just feel if C/E happens,I just feel like Idk Carol anymore. :\ Idk what Caryl is anymore. They’re best friends (crushes) right...and still is? I really don’t like in s8 finale where Carol didn’t talk to any TF member/Daryl about why she wants to stay at Kingdom. Just any moment to see TF knows too. Also, Idk if Daryl is staying at ASZ or Hilltop and does Rick knows Daryl doesn’t agree with his decision on Negan.
(lil post on twdzone. carol/and show stuff)
‘If C/E happens like a - a surprise ship in s9. I find it bad writing because they didn't set it up in s8 or should add more romantic tone in it and obviously put a C/E moment in the finale. But they didn't. So..bad writing. Or just idk maybe it's for plot reasons (E’s death). Maybe there will be a love triangle? It makes Carol out of character or strange for me. Who/What does Carol care about and why? Idk.
 It’s also something that TWD has to do too...from s8 finale and time jump/season premiere it means s9 premier ep gotta be a very well written episode to explain to everything and well reasons. But man...the s8 finale was so wacky and frustrating. It made me lose hope on the writers. I did like s8B but wow finale wtf. And finale is important ep of the seasons..and also it was before the big time jump. sigh. //It reminds me something, it’s kind of TWD’s style or Gimple’s, that premieres are more important than finales. So I hope s9 premiere is good. So yeah if Caryl is just gonna be friends and also just gonna like nod at each other like they don't have that special (continuity) bond anymore. Then that show is over for me. It's also not Caryl’s connections too, I miss Carol’s connections with Team family so much! OMG just looking at Carol and Rick edits, I just sigh.. I know some don't like their relationship. But I like theirs and they got that history, interesting dynamic. I don't wanna see Carol and Rick like they're just acquaintances now. (um like remember their history and trying to save Sophia. etc.) I want Carol or anyone to interact and be team family. The show gotta focus on their main characters and interact them. Too many side characters...too many separations.’
Once I thought about this idea, I’m like gaaah I really hope TWD does this. I really want and hope Rick have these moments to remember Carl by and to do it every season. I really like this idea I have where Rick could write a letter to Carl or talk to Carl’s grave in every season premier/finale. It’s something that merge the old TWD and the new TWD story...even though it’s Rick’s show, it’s still a father and son show.
I have some speculations and thoughts. I just wanna say that I hope Richonne in s9 is more interesting than comic R&A in the comics in the point of the story. Just be like on the show, power couple and all. I really like how in s8 finale, they were like co-leaders. Together. Idk I’m curious how Richonne will go in s9 and on. It’s seems real different than in the comics/R&A are doing. 
So, in the comics, Andrea was like focusing on protecting Carl and co-leading etc. and then she dies at the end of Whisperer war. I find her death and end of her journey boring and disappointing. So Idk, I hope Michonne’s journey is interesting and I have no clue how this comic-Michonne and/or Andrea remix thing works out since Carol is using comic-Michonne’s too. %) Anyways, so I don’t think Michonne will die like comic-Andrea because tv-Carl got the death. After the Andrea’s death, Rick bonded and grieved with Mikey (Carl’s friend) while Carl is at Hilltop adulting. From the comics, I felt like Kirkman wished he had Rick and Andrea to have a child together but he didn’t so he got Mikey more into the story and w/Rick. So I’m like maybe we will get a Richonne-baby? But, then I also thought maybe Judith is like comic-Mikey. Grimes 2.0 grieving and missing Carl. So yeah.. I’m suspecting Richonne won’t have child together or at least in s9. From the twd parade pics, Idk, I don’t think there will be a baby. I really hope they do someday though.
 Another thing is, I really want Judith to call Michonne “Mom” and Rick to point out to people that Michonne is his wife.  
So yeah, roller coaster.
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wolfwhiteflowers · 6 years
ranting on TWD s9 again. :] ... other rants in #*twd or #*twd s9h
uh this is more about recent news, recent filming spoilers. Also FTWD deaths. -Carol, shows, pro-Rick. 
‘wait and see’ is hard. I guess I just want TWD AU to be good too and hoping/waiting is hard.
i guess i go rant till next year lol.
Lately im just waiting for more info on Carol. I wanna know what Carol will be like in s9, TWD AU or the fumbling dead...BUT the filming spoilers tho...it’s like rubbing salt in my wounds about TWD’s potenial runied/AL leaving over and over.
It’s all just a bummer. I should not read into the filming spoilers that much. ..and omg avoid forum drama.
 Like I wanna see spoilers and I can’t help but hope for good Carol spoilers. Like getting spoilers about Caryl (and answers about C/E), Carol & Henry, and Carick/TF. :((( But then I get sad again and again. Idk what’s going on. I guess I assume there’s no good Carol spoilers and no Carick. :((((  Actually it’s just seeing any Rick spoilers is just sad. Also this whole Rick (and Maggie) dying/leaving the show thing is like dragged out rubbed in our wounds all till like when the ep airs their death/leaving. Like November or December.  Ugh. I just wanna get it over with it and to know what’s canon. Cry and move on. :\ So then we can make TWD AU fanarts..or do it now. ......I think it’s good to know what’s canon so then we don’t wonder and worry about avoiding it. It doesn’t mean to watch the show live but just reading it and know it and then just let it go and then make fanarts. xP
I was gonna not watch s9 anyways but dang just learning about s9 or what is canon ...is hard. sigh. but in time we will be alright. ...
TWD s9 speculations ~
so some filming spoilers coming out sounds like the gory comic death scene will happen. The heads on the pikes, killed by Alpha. They’re gonna film a zombie herd soon and whisperers may be part of that, I guess. i think of FTWD s4A and the deaths of Nick and Madison and how it seems like cheap deaths. I guess Rick and Maggie will go out like that... boring. not moving,imo. Doesn't impact the story or..............I’m just bitter. I just really want a good ending for Rick (thee main character). Like he saved his people and he dies and everyones lives without walkers as a threat and they’re safe in a community forever. 
  Travis’ death was meh (k it was really bad. wtf). ..I know I just won’t like whatever will happen with Rick and/or Maggie. For some reason, I feel like some characters got a good death scene for the overall story. Like Glenn, Sasha and Carl,imo. Their deaths were like they brought a new chapter to the story/show. Idk I liked Sophia and Merle’s deaths too. Anyways, their deaths changed the story. ..Or I guess they changed Rick characterwise in his story.  sigh.
Dang it’s like three weeks and AMC still didn’t confirm it or anything about AL leaving news. It makes me think AMC/writers wanted it to be a surprise that Rick dies/leaves the show (like how Nick and Madison died). ugh that’s even more lame. 
Dang it’s like AMC/showrunners? doesn’t let fans to trust them or get them excited at all for the story. It’s like some writers/AMC don’t care about the story’s core story and the fans.   So blah. I know some fans were disappointed that they were ‘spoiled’, but like that’s way to hard for me to handle that. I’m glad it was leaked and for me to know ahead of time...though the waiting and the dread sucks. 
UGH Skybound mailbag thing makes this hiatus worse by dragging the unknown..rubbing the salt..with their vague spoilers. And saying it in a troll way too. It’s cos we don’t know what’s up with Carol and writers made it that dumb way on not making it clear in their lackluster s8 finale (s8 finale shouldve been like s2 finale foreshadowing timeskip and next arc-Michonne/prison). I just wanna know if C/E happens or not, or Caryl be endgame, or will Carol ever have romance, will Carol interact with TF/Rick/Henry, in this TWD AU. geez. ...I want spoilers. I want confirmations and then leave the show-canon alone.
Carol speculations in s9.
- uh it seems like Carol is in Kingdom and just hanging out with Henry and Kingdomers in 9A. idk about Carick but we got a lit bit of something from filming spoilers, in 9x01. meh. :\ Some Caryl moments but how Skybound answered it, idk it depends on how I see it (on tumblr). As long as Caryl still be soulmate-y. Sigh I miss Carol or I miss what the show used to be and the potential. 
AMC is having a bad year/June, huh? lol ..partly their fault, anyways. wtf TWD shows are like destroying itself and then now the Hardwick (TTD) news of him being an abuser. sigh. Damn we really got BTS drama. :\ With the shows losing their leads, is it part of the lawsuits and diverting away from Kirkman’s story or something? idk.
I just wanna say, poor FTWD fans who watched recently. Writers/Gimple/AMC? litterally just scraped off the original storyline of the Clarks family for to focus on newbies, Morgan. So it’s a spinoff show within the show. ( It’s like TWD in s9 will be doing...with changing to Daryl’s) Anyways that’s really awful to the FTWD fans to suddenly to change the storyline. That’s like ..probably something I would just quit the show ..It’s something to feel like I won’t the trust the writers. Gotta have trust in the writers and the writers gotta gain your trust.
I was thinking about fandom stuff..and reading some posts. i guess i let it slide that the TWD show was going downhill early on. idk when. most say s6 is when it got worse. i always say that TWD was not the best but it was just a fun drama ensemble show for me. Well thats what fandoms do..they want the very best of the show/media. Also fandom is all opinions...it’s best not to read into it too much.
s2 is my fave season...even when I didn’t feel the TF love like on other shows or when I got annoyed with Shane/love triangle. (why is everything relate to OUAT wank. I learned a lot from that show/fandom. maybe just being deep in the fandom. it hurts more.) Ok like s2 or other seasons compared to s6-8 is different.. Different style and stuff-writers/showrunners.., idk. There are some good moments. It’s also like based on the comics’ story. Most say s5 is the best is what comic fans say is loving the Hunters arc. (s3 and the prison arc-tho i dont like this season). So yeah ..kinda depends on the comics and it’s all show business. Kinda hard to compare or not idk, Kirkman’s comic story may be better because it’s original and flows better naturally. There’s more personal intimate moments with like 5 main characters but the show got other good parts too. (better medium story telling) idk. like the show has Carol and other plots went better, but lack TF moments and many dull characters. Also Kirkman isnt the best writer either so...idk what im saying. TWDG telltale game has the best storytelling. tho super depressing but also got realistic moments.
Just idk Oh well. I watched TWD for the main characters, Caryl, Carol. But lately things are not happening like I want or like it was in s5-6. There’s Less TF (like how the comics are..tho s9/after AOW was hopeful but AL and LC wanna leave.)Caryl and Carol/ TF interactions or Carol part of main plot haven’t happened since s6 and Idk if we come back to that. Like will Caryl’s relationship grow and does Carol and TF moment return-like will we have Carick moments? SIGH Waiting and hoping. It’s tiring. do whatever you want. I’m still a fan of Caryl, Carol/TF/Carick, Richonne.
Idk I’m just bummed and having a hard time with s9 and yet Rick and Maggie are leaving. Yeah ..I just wish I have an ending to just end it but I don’t have one. There’s no end...Idk it’s hard to make an ending to stop and to not hope or expect more. 
I want to not watch s9 yet I want/hope this TWD AU to end it right..blah. I guess till I get more info ..wait and see...
Whatever this rollercoaster ride continues and I probably rant again soon. :P
5 notes · View notes
wolfwhiteflowers · 6 years
the spoilers for ep 8 or s9A we got today. Woah! s9 stuff from tsdf. (keep reading)
Idk what to think of it.  Seems like a jab to the gays. yikes.
First of all how dare they hurt Aaron :( Aaron with no arm?! (also how come that happens but not tv-Rick since s3?)
Carol got long hair now? really? Why?...sigh I like her short hair. Based on that blurry spoiler pic, it looks like a thing to cover her hair..perhaps it’s a bad wig then. Idk.. it’s just weird, ok.
Also wtf Jesus died in msf? I’m gonna guess it’s the actor’s choice because of that one article..it seems like he wanna do more / different things so I figured he’s bored with TWD already. Also as a comic fan or ...show based on comics-fan is like wow Jesus is one of the big characters...but I know on tv, Jesus isn’t like him and Idc about him that much. *shrugs* He was disappointing but love him in 6x10. Also poor Maggie but where’s Maggie now/ LC ukno. Whatever.
It was surprising that we got a lot of info on these spoilers and with Henry. Henry taking the Carl’s arcs and fallen in love with Lydia. I saw one fan saying ..then why they kill Carl? Im like damn why? I really think AL leaving news happen quick so all the timing got messed up. Maybe we coulda got Carl to live longer...or they thought they save Michonne then (tv/comic story-wise) but AL decided to leave then. So again timing messed up? idk.
And...also for some reason I don’t trust TSDF spoilers lately. I feel like they’re rushing things with some of the spoilers. Like can they wait till ep 10′s filming to know about Jesus. Also Carol got long hair because they speculate on the pic or it’s fact?
Overall ukno.. Idc about TWD s9 or after ep 5. And now they’re filming 9B and I’m like uh blah.  What to look forward to? IDK. 
*sorry if my posts all sound the same. heh.
0 notes
romeyramshey · 4 years
Ronaldo trumps Sarri-ball as Juve win another Serie A title
Premier League 2019-20 review: flops of the season
Bachelor in Paradise: Fans lash out at Ciarran Stott for latest dodgy act
Newcastle vs Liverpool result: Sadio Mane seals comfortable win in fitting end to champions’ remarkable campaign
Ronaldo trumps Sarri-ball as Juve win another Serie A title
Gold price hits record high amid fears over coronavirus crisis
Serious mismanagement claims at Epping Gardens Aged Care, more than 77 coronavirus cases linked to facility
Woeful Dockers kick just two goals in a game. Some of the misses have to be seen to be believed
NSW Treasurer stands by icare after millions in underpayment revealed
Aston Villa survive relegation dogfight with late Grealish strike
Chelsea vs Wolves live stream: how to watch the Premier League match online now
PM pushes tax reform back onto the states
Victory goalkeeper Lawrence Thomas moving to Danish club SonderjyskE
Mounties in Sydney’s west and Apollo in Potts Point shut due to COVID-19
Sunlight sets Magic Millions record
Energy giants told to keep helping Aussies
Dr Harry Nespolon has died
Olivia de Havilland, star of ‘Gone With the Wind,’ dies at 104
Garrett Foster brought his AK-47 to protests in Austin. Then he was shot dead.
Without Justin Verlander, Where Do Astros Go From Here?
Actress Spencer Grammer injured after trying to break up altercation, NYPD police source says
Biz Markie at a Maryland-area hospital due to complications with Type II Diabetes
Cristiano Ronaldo scores as Juventus wins ninth straight Serie A title
‘Meet The Press’ returns next Sunday
First Call: Antonio Brown’s new baby, former NBA coach rips Mike Ditka over anthem-kneeling quote
Alex Trebek revealed he struggled with suicidal thoughts during cancer treatment
Rebel Wilson sizzles in a bikini amid her ‘year of health’ weight loss
VIDEO: Hurricane Douglas Passing North Of Oʻahu – 5 p.m. Update
Brett Favre Just Sacrificed His Sacred Status Thanks to Donald Trump
Ronaldo scores to help Juventus claim 9th straight Serie A crown
Celebrate Mick Jagger’s 77th birthday with these Boston-area Stones concert moments
Chelsea vs. Wolves: Live stream, start time, TV channel, how to watch Premier League 2020 (Sunday., July 26)
Michael Thompson perseveres to win 3M Open
Tarek El Moussa and Heather Rae Young are off the market
At least 47 arrested in Seattle protests that police declared a riot
Top ERP vendors
ERP Implementation Partner
ERP Software Solution
Microsoft ERP Solutions
ERP Software For Construction Industry
Fleetwood Mac guitarist Peter Green dies aged 73
Regis Philbin, American TV host who spent 17,000 hours in front of camera, dies of natural causes at age of 88
UFC Fight Night: Whittaker vs. Till fight card and start time
Grimes And Elon Musk’s Awkward Twitter Exchange Was Terribly Timed
China has won control of the South China Sea. Now we wait for Beijing’s next move
NRL admits bunker error in Sharks vs Dragons match, stands down referees
Lotto Powerball jackpots after no one claims massive $23m pool
Spirited Saints march up the ladder with season-defining victory over Port Adelaide
‘Flat out dangerous’: Winx jockey under fire as trainer’s ‘best horse in a decade’ dies in tragic fall
Titans get their man with Fifita signing three-year deal
How one family went from a devastating Sanfilippo diagnosis to advancing science
Norway Lets Tom Cruise Bypass Coronavirus Quarantine To Film ‘Mission: Impossible 7’
Turkey’s Hagia Sophia holds first Muslim prayers since controversial conversion back into a mosque
Cases linked to Colac abattoir outbreak jump, Geelong infections rise Skip to sections navigationSkip to contentSkip to footer Our network Log in OPENMENU The Age SUBSCRIBE0 items in Shortlist NATIONALVICTORIACORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC Cases linked to Colac abattoir outbreak jump, Geelong infections rise
Raiders lose CNK but outlast Rabbitohs in tense struggle
Longtime TV Host Regis Philbin Dies At 88
Blues Guitarist Peter Green, Co-Founder Of Fleetwood Mac, Dies At 73
Jamal Adams trade grades: Jets grab a haul for All-Pro safety
Elon Musk says his Twitter DMs are mostly for swapping memes
HACKED? Was Ray Park’s Instagram hacked and why is the Star Wars actor trending?
Pokemon Go Fest 2020 Guide: Schedule, Rotating Habitats, And More
Chiefs’ Laurent Duvernay-Tardif first player to opt out of NFL season: ‘ I must follow my convictions’
Gainesville teen’s body pulled from Lake Lanier
Like Her ‘Radioactive’ Elements, Marie Curie Didn’t ‘Behave’ As Expected
Angels get first taste of extra-inning fun but run into Matt Olson in bad-luck opener
WNBA Opening Day takeaways: Sabrina Ionescu debuts; Nneka Ogwumike makes history; players honor Breonna Taylor
Hurricane Hanna Makes Landfall In Texas As The Region Confronts A COVID-19 Spike
After some early chirping between heated rivals, the Brewers quiet the Cubs with an 8-3 victory
Pentagon Has ‘Off-World Vehicles Not Made on This Earth’
National Tequila Day
Astros rookie Blake Taylor: I’m not gonna lie, I cried
Cardboard cutouts of Mets’ dogs fetch home run ball
PHOTOS: 10 Unforgettable Images From the Red Sox Home Opener
Remembering Beloved Meteorologist Jerry Taft
White Sox show Twins they can slug, too, hit three homers in one inning
Detroit Tigers game vs. Cincinnati Reds: Live scoring updates
Ciara sings ‘Happy Birthday’ to newborn son in adorable video
Dil Bechara: Not the goodbye the actor deserves but the one we needed
Austin Hill cruises to first 2020 Gander RV & Outdoors Truck Series win at Kansas
Intel stock savaged as next-gen chip delay expected to be ‘increasingly painful’ to chip maker
The irony of Francisco Lindor advocating Cleveland Indians name change: Hey, Hoynsie
Washington Post settles $250 million lawsuit filed by Nick Sandmann
Many Cardinals have had success against Pirates starter Williams
Season 2 Of ‘Outer Banks’ Is Poised To Break Some Netflix Records
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Panchkula
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SEO Services Provider Company Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar
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SEO Services Provider Company Indore
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SEO Services Provider Company New Delhi
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Mira Bhayandar
SEO Services Provider Company Mira Bhayandar
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Kozhikode
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Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Rajkot
SEO Services Provider Company Rajkot
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Coimbatore
SEO Services Provider Company Coimbatore
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Durgapur
SEO Services Provider Company Durgapur
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Mumbai
SEO Services Provider Company Mumbai
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Jaipur
SEO Services Provider Company Jaipur
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Ghaziabad
SEO Services Provider Company Ghaziabad
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Chandigarh
SEO Services Provider Company Chandigarh
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Gurgaon
SEO Services Provider Company Gurgaon
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Udaipur
SEO Services Provider Company Udaipur
SEO Services Provider Company Noida
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Noida
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Dwarka
SEO Services Provider Company Dwarka
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company India
SEO Services Provider Company India
0 notes
romeyramshey · 4 years
Newcastle vs Liverpool result: Sadio Mane seals comfortable win in fitting end to champions’ remarkable campaign
Premier League 2019-20 review: flops of the season
Bachelor in Paradise: Fans lash out at Ciarran Stott for latest dodgy act
Newcastle vs Liverpool result: Sadio Mane seals comfortable win in fitting end to champions’ remarkable campaign
Ronaldo trumps Sarri-ball as Juve win another Serie A title
Gold price hits record high amid fears over coronavirus crisis
Serious mismanagement claims at Epping Gardens Aged Care, more than 77 coronavirus cases linked to facility
Woeful Dockers kick just two goals in a game. Some of the misses have to be seen to be believed
NSW Treasurer stands by icare after millions in underpayment revealed
Aston Villa survive relegation dogfight with late Grealish strike
Chelsea vs Wolves live stream: how to watch the Premier League match online now
PM pushes tax reform back onto the states
Victory goalkeeper Lawrence Thomas moving to Danish club SonderjyskE
Mounties in Sydney’s west and Apollo in Potts Point shut due to COVID-19
Sunlight sets Magic Millions record
Energy giants told to keep helping Aussies
Dr Harry Nespolon has died
Olivia de Havilland, star of ‘Gone With the Wind,’ dies at 104
Garrett Foster brought his AK-47 to protests in Austin. Then he was shot dead.
Without Justin Verlander, Where Do Astros Go From Here?
Actress Spencer Grammer injured after trying to break up altercation, NYPD police source says
Biz Markie at a Maryland-area hospital due to complications with Type II Diabetes
Cristiano Ronaldo scores as Juventus wins ninth straight Serie A title
‘Meet The Press’ returns next Sunday
First Call: Antonio Brown’s new baby, former NBA coach rips Mike Ditka over anthem-kneeling quote
Alex Trebek revealed he struggled with suicidal thoughts during cancer treatment
Rebel Wilson sizzles in a bikini amid her ‘year of health’ weight loss
VIDEO: Hurricane Douglas Passing North Of Oʻahu – 5 p.m. Update
Brett Favre Just Sacrificed His Sacred Status Thanks to Donald Trump
Ronaldo scores to help Juventus claim 9th straight Serie A crown
Celebrate Mick Jagger’s 77th birthday with these Boston-area Stones concert moments
Chelsea vs. Wolves: Live stream, start time, TV channel, how to watch Premier League 2020 (Sunday., July 26)
Michael Thompson perseveres to win 3M Open
Tarek El Moussa and Heather Rae Young are off the market
At least 47 arrested in Seattle protests that police declared a riot
Top ERP vendors
ERP Implementation Partner
ERP Software Solution
Microsoft ERP Solutions
ERP Software For Construction Industry
Fleetwood Mac guitarist Peter Green dies aged 73
Regis Philbin, American TV host who spent 17,000 hours in front of camera, dies of natural causes at age of 88
UFC Fight Night: Whittaker vs. Till fight card and start time
Grimes And Elon Musk’s Awkward Twitter Exchange Was Terribly Timed
China has won control of the South China Sea. Now we wait for Beijing’s next move
NRL admits bunker error in Sharks vs Dragons match, stands down referees
Lotto Powerball jackpots after no one claims massive $23m pool
Spirited Saints march up the ladder with season-defining victory over Port Adelaide
‘Flat out dangerous’: Winx jockey under fire as trainer’s ‘best horse in a decade’ dies in tragic fall
Titans get their man with Fifita signing three-year deal
How one family went from a devastating Sanfilippo diagnosis to advancing science
Norway Lets Tom Cruise Bypass Coronavirus Quarantine To Film ‘Mission: Impossible 7’
Turkey’s Hagia Sophia holds first Muslim prayers since controversial conversion back into a mosque
Cases linked to Colac abattoir outbreak jump, Geelong infections rise Skip to sections navigationSkip to contentSkip to footer Our network Log in OPENMENU The Age SUBSCRIBE0 items in Shortlist NATIONALVICTORIACORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC Cases linked to Colac abattoir outbreak jump, Geelong infections rise
Raiders lose CNK but outlast Rabbitohs in tense struggle
Longtime TV Host Regis Philbin Dies At 88
Blues Guitarist Peter Green, Co-Founder Of Fleetwood Mac, Dies At 73
Jamal Adams trade grades: Jets grab a haul for All-Pro safety
Elon Musk says his Twitter DMs are mostly for swapping memes
HACKED? Was Ray Park’s Instagram hacked and why is the Star Wars actor trending?
Pokemon Go Fest 2020 Guide: Schedule, Rotating Habitats, And More
Chiefs’ Laurent Duvernay-Tardif first player to opt out of NFL season: ‘ I must follow my convictions’
Gainesville teen’s body pulled from Lake Lanier
Like Her ‘Radioactive’ Elements, Marie Curie Didn’t ‘Behave’ As Expected
Angels get first taste of extra-inning fun but run into Matt Olson in bad-luck opener
WNBA Opening Day takeaways: Sabrina Ionescu debuts; Nneka Ogwumike makes history; players honor Breonna Taylor
Hurricane Hanna Makes Landfall In Texas As The Region Confronts A COVID-19 Spike
After some early chirping between heated rivals, the Brewers quiet the Cubs with an 8-3 victory
Pentagon Has ‘Off-World Vehicles Not Made on This Earth’
National Tequila Day
Astros rookie Blake Taylor: I’m not gonna lie, I cried
Cardboard cutouts of Mets’ dogs fetch home run ball
PHOTOS: 10 Unforgettable Images From the Red Sox Home Opener
Remembering Beloved Meteorologist Jerry Taft
White Sox show Twins they can slug, too, hit three homers in one inning
Detroit Tigers game vs. Cincinnati Reds: Live scoring updates
Ciara sings ‘Happy Birthday’ to newborn son in adorable video
Dil Bechara: Not the goodbye the actor deserves but the one we needed
Austin Hill cruises to first 2020 Gander RV & Outdoors Truck Series win at Kansas
Intel stock savaged as next-gen chip delay expected to be ‘increasingly painful’ to chip maker
The irony of Francisco Lindor advocating Cleveland Indians name change: Hey, Hoynsie
Washington Post settles $250 million lawsuit filed by Nick Sandmann
Many Cardinals have had success against Pirates starter Williams
Season 2 Of ‘Outer Banks’ Is Poised To Break Some Netflix Records
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Panchkula
SEO Services Provider Company Panchkula
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar
SEO Services Provider Company Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Raipura
SEO Services Provider Company Raipura
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Indore
SEO Services Provider Company Indore
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Bhankrota
SEO Services Provider Company Bhankrota
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Thana Shankar Dwari
SEO Services Provider Company Thana Shankar Dwari
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Lucknow
SEO Services Provider Company Lucknow
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Siliguri
SEO Services Provider Company Siliguri
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Sonipat
SEO Services Provider Company Sonipat
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Patna
SEO Services Provider Company Patna
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Bhubaneswar
SEO Services Provider Company Bhubaneswar
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Kanpur
SEO Services Provider Company Kanpur
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Guwahati
SEO Services Provider Company Guwahati
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Imphal
SEO Services Provider Company Imphal
SEO Services Provider Company Pune
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Pune
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Vijayawada
SEO Services Provider Company Vijayawada
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Shimla
SEO Services Provider Company Shimla
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Secunderabad
SEO Services Provider Company Secunderabad
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Mysuru
SEO Services Provider Company Mysuru
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Visakhapatnam
SEO Services Provider Company Visakhapatnam
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Ludhiana
SEO Services Provider Company Ludhiana
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Tiruchirappalli
SEO Services Provider Company Tiruchirappalli
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Bhopal
SEO Services Provider Company Bhopal
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Thiruvananthapuram
SEO Services Provider Company Thiruvananthapuram
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Hyderabad
SEO Services Provider Company Hyderabad
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Ahmedabad
SEO Services Provider Company Ahmedabad
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Thane
SEO Services Provider Company Thane
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Greater Noida
SEO Services Provider Company Greater Noida
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Vadodara
SEO Services Provider Company Vadodara
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Bengaluru
SEO Services Provider Company Bengaluru
SEO Services Provider Company Mangaluru
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Mangaluru
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Kolkata
SEO Services Provider Company Kolkata
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Nagpur
SEO Services Provider Company Nagpur
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Howrah
SEO Services Provider Company Howrah
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Chennai
SEO Services Provider Company Chennai
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Dehradun
SEO Services Provider Company Dehradun
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Jalandhar
SEO Services Provider Company Jalandhar
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Pimpri-Chinchwad
SEO Services Provider Company Pimpri-Chinchwad
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Kochi
SEO Services Provider Company Kochi
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Surat
SEO Services Provider Company Surat
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Faridabad
SEO Services Provider Company Faridabad
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Navi Mumbai
SEO Services Provider Company Navi Mumbai
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company New Delhi
SEO Services Provider Company New Delhi
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Mira Bhayandar
SEO Services Provider Company Mira Bhayandar
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Kozhikode
SEO Services Provider Company Kozhikode
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Rajkot
SEO Services Provider Company Rajkot
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Coimbatore
SEO Services Provider Company Coimbatore
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Durgapur
SEO Services Provider Company Durgapur
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Mumbai
SEO Services Provider Company Mumbai
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Jaipur
SEO Services Provider Company Jaipur
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Ghaziabad
SEO Services Provider Company Ghaziabad
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Chandigarh
SEO Services Provider Company Chandigarh
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Gurgaon
SEO Services Provider Company Gurgaon
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Udaipur
SEO Services Provider Company Udaipur
SEO Services Provider Company Noida
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Noida
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Dwarka
SEO Services Provider Company Dwarka
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company India
SEO Services Provider Company India
0 notes
romeyramshey · 4 years
Bachelor in Paradise: Fans lash out at Ciarran Stott for latest dodgy act
Premier League 2019-20 review: flops of the season
Bachelor in Paradise: Fans lash out at Ciarran Stott for latest dodgy act
Newcastle vs Liverpool result: Sadio Mane seals comfortable win in fitting end to champions’ remarkable campaign
Ronaldo trumps Sarri-ball as Juve win another Serie A title
Gold price hits record high amid fears over coronavirus crisis
Serious mismanagement claims at Epping Gardens Aged Care, more than 77 coronavirus cases linked to facility
Woeful Dockers kick just two goals in a game. Some of the misses have to be seen to be believed
NSW Treasurer stands by icare after millions in underpayment revealed
Aston Villa survive relegation dogfight with late Grealish strike
Chelsea vs Wolves live stream: how to watch the Premier League match online now
PM pushes tax reform back onto the states
Victory goalkeeper Lawrence Thomas moving to Danish club SonderjyskE
Mounties in Sydney’s west and Apollo in Potts Point shut due to COVID-19
Sunlight sets Magic Millions record
Energy giants told to keep helping Aussies
Dr Harry Nespolon has died
Olivia de Havilland, star of ‘Gone With the Wind,’ dies at 104
Garrett Foster brought his AK-47 to protests in Austin. Then he was shot dead.
Without Justin Verlander, Where Do Astros Go From Here?
Actress Spencer Grammer injured after trying to break up altercation, NYPD police source says
Biz Markie at a Maryland-area hospital due to complications with Type II Diabetes
Cristiano Ronaldo scores as Juventus wins ninth straight Serie A title
‘Meet The Press’ returns next Sunday
First Call: Antonio Brown’s new baby, former NBA coach rips Mike Ditka over anthem-kneeling quote
Alex Trebek revealed he struggled with suicidal thoughts during cancer treatment
Rebel Wilson sizzles in a bikini amid her ‘year of health’ weight loss
VIDEO: Hurricane Douglas Passing North Of Oʻahu – 5 p.m. Update
Brett Favre Just Sacrificed His Sacred Status Thanks to Donald Trump
Ronaldo scores to help Juventus claim 9th straight Serie A crown
Celebrate Mick Jagger’s 77th birthday with these Boston-area Stones concert moments
Chelsea vs. Wolves: Live stream, start time, TV channel, how to watch Premier League 2020 (Sunday., July 26)
Michael Thompson perseveres to win 3M Open
Tarek El Moussa and Heather Rae Young are off the market
At least 47 arrested in Seattle protests that police declared a riot
Top ERP vendors
ERP Implementation Partner
ERP Software Solution
Microsoft ERP Solutions
ERP Software For Construction Industry
Fleetwood Mac guitarist Peter Green dies aged 73
Regis Philbin, American TV host who spent 17,000 hours in front of camera, dies of natural causes at age of 88
UFC Fight Night: Whittaker vs. Till fight card and start time
Grimes And Elon Musk’s Awkward Twitter Exchange Was Terribly Timed
China has won control of the South China Sea. Now we wait for Beijing’s next move
NRL admits bunker error in Sharks vs Dragons match, stands down referees
Lotto Powerball jackpots after no one claims massive $23m pool
Spirited Saints march up the ladder with season-defining victory over Port Adelaide
‘Flat out dangerous’: Winx jockey under fire as trainer’s ‘best horse in a decade’ dies in tragic fall
Titans get their man with Fifita signing three-year deal
How one family went from a devastating Sanfilippo diagnosis to advancing science
Norway Lets Tom Cruise Bypass Coronavirus Quarantine To Film ‘Mission: Impossible 7’
Turkey’s Hagia Sophia holds first Muslim prayers since controversial conversion back into a mosque
Cases linked to Colac abattoir outbreak jump, Geelong infections rise Skip to sections navigationSkip to contentSkip to footer Our network Log in OPENMENU The Age SUBSCRIBE0 items in Shortlist NATIONALVICTORIACORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC Cases linked to Colac abattoir outbreak jump, Geelong infections rise
Raiders lose CNK but outlast Rabbitohs in tense struggle
Longtime TV Host Regis Philbin Dies At 88
Blues Guitarist Peter Green, Co-Founder Of Fleetwood Mac, Dies At 73
Jamal Adams trade grades: Jets grab a haul for All-Pro safety
Elon Musk says his Twitter DMs are mostly for swapping memes
HACKED? Was Ray Park’s Instagram hacked and why is the Star Wars actor trending?
Pokemon Go Fest 2020 Guide: Schedule, Rotating Habitats, And More
Chiefs’ Laurent Duvernay-Tardif first player to opt out of NFL season: ‘ I must follow my convictions’
Gainesville teen’s body pulled from Lake Lanier
Like Her ‘Radioactive’ Elements, Marie Curie Didn’t ‘Behave’ As Expected
Angels get first taste of extra-inning fun but run into Matt Olson in bad-luck opener
WNBA Opening Day takeaways: Sabrina Ionescu debuts; Nneka Ogwumike makes history; players honor Breonna Taylor
Hurricane Hanna Makes Landfall In Texas As The Region Confronts A COVID-19 Spike
After some early chirping between heated rivals, the Brewers quiet the Cubs with an 8-3 victory
Pentagon Has ‘Off-World Vehicles Not Made on This Earth’
National Tequila Day
Astros rookie Blake Taylor: I’m not gonna lie, I cried
Cardboard cutouts of Mets’ dogs fetch home run ball
PHOTOS: 10 Unforgettable Images From the Red Sox Home Opener
Remembering Beloved Meteorologist Jerry Taft
White Sox show Twins they can slug, too, hit three homers in one inning
Detroit Tigers game vs. Cincinnati Reds: Live scoring updates
Ciara sings ‘Happy Birthday’ to newborn son in adorable video
Dil Bechara: Not the goodbye the actor deserves but the one we needed
Austin Hill cruises to first 2020 Gander RV & Outdoors Truck Series win at Kansas
Intel stock savaged as next-gen chip delay expected to be ‘increasingly painful’ to chip maker
The irony of Francisco Lindor advocating Cleveland Indians name change: Hey, Hoynsie
Washington Post settles $250 million lawsuit filed by Nick Sandmann
Many Cardinals have had success against Pirates starter Williams
Season 2 Of ‘Outer Banks’ Is Poised To Break Some Netflix Records
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Panchkula
SEO Services Provider Company Panchkula
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar
SEO Services Provider Company Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Raipura
SEO Services Provider Company Raipura
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Indore
SEO Services Provider Company Indore
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Bhankrota
SEO Services Provider Company Bhankrota
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Thana Shankar Dwari
SEO Services Provider Company Thana Shankar Dwari
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Lucknow
SEO Services Provider Company Lucknow
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Siliguri
SEO Services Provider Company Siliguri
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Sonipat
SEO Services Provider Company Sonipat
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Patna
SEO Services Provider Company Patna
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Bhubaneswar
SEO Services Provider Company Bhubaneswar
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Kanpur
SEO Services Provider Company Kanpur
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Guwahati
SEO Services Provider Company Guwahati
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Imphal
SEO Services Provider Company Imphal
SEO Services Provider Company Pune
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Pune
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Vijayawada
SEO Services Provider Company Vijayawada
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Shimla
SEO Services Provider Company Shimla
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Secunderabad
SEO Services Provider Company Secunderabad
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Mysuru
SEO Services Provider Company Mysuru
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Visakhapatnam
SEO Services Provider Company Visakhapatnam
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Ludhiana
SEO Services Provider Company Ludhiana
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Tiruchirappalli
SEO Services Provider Company Tiruchirappalli
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Bhopal
SEO Services Provider Company Bhopal
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Thiruvananthapuram
SEO Services Provider Company Thiruvananthapuram
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Hyderabad
SEO Services Provider Company Hyderabad
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Ahmedabad
SEO Services Provider Company Ahmedabad
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Thane
SEO Services Provider Company Thane
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Greater Noida
SEO Services Provider Company Greater Noida
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Vadodara
SEO Services Provider Company Vadodara
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Bengaluru
SEO Services Provider Company Bengaluru
SEO Services Provider Company Mangaluru
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Mangaluru
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Kolkata
SEO Services Provider Company Kolkata
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Nagpur
SEO Services Provider Company Nagpur
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Howrah
SEO Services Provider Company Howrah
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Chennai
SEO Services Provider Company Chennai
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Dehradun
SEO Services Provider Company Dehradun
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Jalandhar
SEO Services Provider Company Jalandhar
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Pimpri-Chinchwad
SEO Services Provider Company Pimpri-Chinchwad
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Kochi
SEO Services Provider Company Kochi
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Surat
SEO Services Provider Company Surat
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Faridabad
SEO Services Provider Company Faridabad
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Navi Mumbai
SEO Services Provider Company Navi Mumbai
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company New Delhi
SEO Services Provider Company New Delhi
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Mira Bhayandar
SEO Services Provider Company Mira Bhayandar
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Kozhikode
SEO Services Provider Company Kozhikode
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Rajkot
SEO Services Provider Company Rajkot
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Coimbatore
SEO Services Provider Company Coimbatore
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Durgapur
SEO Services Provider Company Durgapur
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Mumbai
SEO Services Provider Company Mumbai
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Jaipur
SEO Services Provider Company Jaipur
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Ghaziabad
SEO Services Provider Company Ghaziabad
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Chandigarh
SEO Services Provider Company Chandigarh
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Gurgaon
SEO Services Provider Company Gurgaon
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Udaipur
SEO Services Provider Company Udaipur
SEO Services Provider Company Noida
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Noida
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Dwarka
SEO Services Provider Company Dwarka
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company India
SEO Services Provider Company India
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romeyramshey · 4 years
Premier League 2019-20 review: flops of the season
Premier League 2019-20 review: flops of the season
Bachelor in Paradise: Fans lash out at Ciarran Stott for latest dodgy act
Newcastle vs Liverpool result: Sadio Mane seals comfortable win in fitting end to champions’ remarkable campaign
Ronaldo trumps Sarri-ball as Juve win another Serie A title
Gold price hits record high amid fears over coronavirus crisis
Serious mismanagement claims at Epping Gardens Aged Care, more than 77 coronavirus cases linked to facility
Woeful Dockers kick just two goals in a game. Some of the misses have to be seen to be believed
NSW Treasurer stands by icare after millions in underpayment revealed
Aston Villa survive relegation dogfight with late Grealish strike
Chelsea vs Wolves live stream: how to watch the Premier League match online now
PM pushes tax reform back onto the states
Victory goalkeeper Lawrence Thomas moving to Danish club SonderjyskE
Mounties in Sydney’s west and Apollo in Potts Point shut due to COVID-19
Sunlight sets Magic Millions record
Energy giants told to keep helping Aussies
Dr Harry Nespolon has died
Olivia de Havilland, star of ‘Gone With the Wind,’ dies at 104
Garrett Foster brought his AK-47 to protests in Austin. Then he was shot dead.
Without Justin Verlander, Where Do Astros Go From Here?
Actress Spencer Grammer injured after trying to break up altercation, NYPD police source says
Biz Markie at a Maryland-area hospital due to complications with Type II Diabetes
Cristiano Ronaldo scores as Juventus wins ninth straight Serie A title
‘Meet The Press’ returns next Sunday
First Call: Antonio Brown’s new baby, former NBA coach rips Mike Ditka over anthem-kneeling quote
Alex Trebek revealed he struggled with suicidal thoughts during cancer treatment
Rebel Wilson sizzles in a bikini amid her ‘year of health’ weight loss
VIDEO: Hurricane Douglas Passing North Of Oʻahu – 5 p.m. Update
Brett Favre Just Sacrificed His Sacred Status Thanks to Donald Trump
Ronaldo scores to help Juventus claim 9th straight Serie A crown
Celebrate Mick Jagger’s 77th birthday with these Boston-area Stones concert moments
Chelsea vs. Wolves: Live stream, start time, TV channel, how to watch Premier League 2020 (Sunday., July 26)
Michael Thompson perseveres to win 3M Open
Tarek El Moussa and Heather Rae Young are off the market
At least 47 arrested in Seattle protests that police declared a riot
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Intel stock savaged as next-gen chip delay expected to be ‘increasingly painful’ to chip maker
The irony of Francisco Lindor advocating Cleveland Indians name change: Hey, Hoynsie
Washington Post settles $250 million lawsuit filed by Nick Sandmann
Many Cardinals have had success against Pirates starter Williams
Season 2 Of ‘Outer Banks’ Is Poised To Break Some Netflix Records
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Panchkula
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Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar
SEO Services Provider Company Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar
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SEO Services Provider Company Raipura
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Indore
SEO Services Provider Company Indore
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Bhankrota
SEO Services Provider Company Bhankrota
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Thana Shankar Dwari
SEO Services Provider Company Thana Shankar Dwari
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SEO Services Provider Company Thiruvananthapuram
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Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Mira Bhayandar
SEO Services Provider Company Mira Bhayandar
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SEO Services Provider Company Rajkot
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SEO Services Provider Company Coimbatore
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Durgapur
SEO Services Provider Company Durgapur
Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Mumbai
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Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Jaipur
SEO Services Provider Company Jaipur
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Digital Marketing Services Provider Company Dwarka
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SEO Services Provider Company India
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