#i wanted to put a red nebula inside ...... then it didn't work out and i just scrapped it in favor of fractals consisting of SAVE points
fferthe · 26 days
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thebibliomancer · 25 days
Essential Avengers: Avengers #316: SPIDERS and STARS
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April, 1990
Guest-starring the Amazing SPIDER-MAN! The Avengers vs. the hordes of NEBULA -- -- FOR THE LIFE OF STARFOX!
I mean, I don't hate the guy, but do they even want his life?
And, geez. It was kind of funny at first how much this story arc wanted you to know Spider-Man was in it. Slapping "guest-starring the Amazing Spider-Man" on every cover. Titling the first issue "Along Came a Spider..." and this one "SPIDERS and STARS."
But now it's kind of sad.
Is the book doing poorly in the sales? Is that why Spider-Man is being very prominently slapped on the covers of a five part story? I know that the Avengers book did badly in the 90s but I thought that came later than this.
Like Avengers West Coast, this is another story that Byrne will peace out in the middle of. By #317, he's sharing a writing credit with Fabian Nicieza and by #318, he's gone. Presumably, Nicieza picked up however much of #317 Byrne had already finished.
His beef was with changes to the plot he was working on for Avengers West Coast but since the two runs were linked, I guess he didn't want to bother with Avengers anymore either.
Instead, apparently, Byrne started working on a Namor comic and an Iron Man comic.
But I digress.
Last times on Avengers: Nebula accidentally turned off the universe while trying to gain infinite power, as one does. Several Avengers and Spider-Man were also in the void of universe turned off and found Nebula's base. For some reason, she tried to stop them from turning the universe back on despite complaining a lot about the universe being gone. Weird.
Thanks to Spider-Man, the very special guest star, the universe was flipped back on. Nebula escaped to her spaceship but since Iron Man and Vision were already heading that way to check on a Starfox thing, she's not getting away that easily.
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If I've never said it, I love this Quinjet design with the ludicrously huge windshield.
I'm pretty sure by normal physics, this thing is a nightmare. But I love it.
Considering how things have been going, it's going to crash or get destroyed by the end of this story. Alas.
The two Avengers photon drive past the Moon, which leaves behind a very red-shifted rainbow.
Since the communication the Avengers received from Starfox was suddenly cut off, Iron Man is expecting hostiles, so he activates the Quinjet's stealth mode.
Just in time for them to find an absolutely massive spaceship just chilling behind the Moon.
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Why is it never a friendly giant spaceship chilling near Earth in hiding?
Why are aliens always so angry at us? Is it something we're putting out there?
Anyway, the ship doesn't match anything in the Avengers files so Iron Man and Vision precede with caution.
Like in the Avengers West Coast story from the same month, this issue really sweats the logistics.
Iron Man's latest greatest MK VIII armor doesn't have equipment installed for space travel, unlike some earlier models. He has to equip a booster pack. Then, he activates the suit's atmospheric seals and he's good to go!
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I don't dislike the attention to detail, honestly.
It's just weird it happened on the two teams in the same month.
Vision also notes, as many other people have done, that this supposedly new Iron Man pilot talks an awful lot like Tony Stark.
Again, I wonder what is the point of this character beat where Tony won't tell the Avengers that he's him.
Iron Man and Vision spacewalk (space float?) from the parked Quinjet over to the mystery ship.
They find a hatch that's human-sized and Iron Man starts using his on-board computers to hack the access panel by trying every possible combination.
Which he notes is a bad idea if there are any alarms set up to go off when the wrong combination is entered.
I don't get why you just don't have Vision intangible through the hull and open the hatch for you. That is his thing! He loves intangibling through things!
Inside the spaceship, Gunthar the Rigellian interrogates Starfox.
He knows that Starfox is one of the Avengers (technically yes because every Avenger is an Avenger in this era) and he wants to know why Nebula won't answer his calls! Did the Avengers uncover her plans?
Gunthar would hate to use the MINd prOBE on Starfox, especially since Starfox is Nebula's great uncle so he should be loyal to her and support her career, not choose stinky Earth over her.
Starfox: "Speak to me not of loyalty, Rigellian! It is true Nebula is the granddaughter of my evil brother, Thanos... But I have stood in the way of his dark schemes many times, just as I stand in Nebula's way! I have searched many months to find her again, and whatever her plan, I mean to stop her!"
Oh, those simpler days when Nebula was just lying about being Thanos' granddaughter for clout.
And then the movies made her his adoptive daughter and the comics followed suit.
I wonder if Nebula, back when she was lying for clout, chose granddaughter instead of daughter. Maybe so people would question less how little she resembles him.
I also wonder why Starfox is so sure Nebula is Thanos' granddaughter when before he was just willing to entertain the possibility.
Anyway, Gunthar gloats that while Starfox was trying to track down Nebula, she was gathering ancient knowledge and unlocking the secrets of the cosmos.
Starfox: "Perhaps, Gunthar. I have several times overheard my grandniece proclaiming that this present venture will make her ruler of the universe... Yet all I have thus far seen is the expected triumph of the Avengers!"
So then Gunthar slaps the taste out of Starfox's mouth.
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I wonder why Gunthar is so loyal to Nebula. This goes beyond regular mook loyalty. He's emotionally invested in her becoming the ruler of the universe.
Anyway, Starfox is actually a little happy about being slapped across the face.
The slap or hitting the ground when the chair tipped broke a part of the neural-neutralizer helmet that's keeping Starfox from using his pleasure power.
And now, he can get it working a little.
Gunthar gives up on interrogation and checks the instruments again. He notices that there's been a space-time fold displacement in Nebula's vicinity. But it was so brief that it probably means nothing.
(It was probably the universe turning off and on again.)
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Meanwhile, back during the ending of the previous issue but from a different POV. We see the Avengers standing around congratulating Spider-Man for how cool he is. And Nebula just calls Gunthar on her space walkie-talkie and has him teleport her out.
Nobody -- not one person -- had eyes on Nebula? The villain who turned the universe off by mistake?
Even Nebula mocks them for doing such a bad job.
Stop kissing Spider-Man's ass and do your job, Avengers.
Sersi and Thor notice Nebula is missing and Cap says the thing he said last time about the rude surprise she'll have when she gets home to find Iron Man and Vision there.
Yes. That communications room cube from Avengers Sub-basement is still webbed to the side of the Polydyne facility.
It didn't snap back where it came from when the universe came back on.
Also, all the instruments in the communications room are dead now. It only had a limited power supply if unexpectedly removed from the rest of the base.
Captain America receives a call from John Jameson, Avengers pilot, and he asks Cap if he knows there's an entire room missing from the basement, somehow.
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I love these background guys just staring at where an entire room has vanished.
Cap has John Jameson send a Quinjet to the Polydyne facility.
He thanks Spider-Man for helping out and Sersi suggests hey you didn't ask for an adventure where the universe turned off and on again, you just got drawn into it. And now we need to follow Nebula into space so if you have something else you need to do, no shame in not continuing to guest-star.
Spider-Man: "Hey, hold the phone there! Sounds an awful lot like I'm about to get the golden toe here! Look, I may have been out of my ever-lovin' webhead when I agreed to tag along for this songfest, but agree I did... and whatever happens next I want to see it through to the end!" Captain America: "Spoken like a man, Spider-Man!"
Spoken like a spider, Spider-Man. Spoken like a Spider-Man, man.
Just sounds weird to say man Spider-Man at Spider-Man.
Well, look. "Guest-starring the Amazing Spider-Man" is on the cover. The issue is titled after him. People would be pissed if he went "okay, see you later" at this point of the story.
Up on her spaceship, Nebula rants about the Avengers getting in her way.
Nebula: "Blast them! Blast them for all their puny, human interference! I stood upon the threshold of power beyond imagining, and the Avengers have snatched it from my grasp."
Okay. One: Thor and Sersi were among the group that stopped you. An Asgardian god and an Eternal.
Two: You yourself admit in the very next panel that the situation the Avengers interfered in wasn't optimal. There was power beyond imagining and no universe left to spend it in.
Anyway, there's still Plan B. Which Gunthar thinks is a bad idea because it was only by luck that they were able to steal IT from HIM. If they activate IT, it might draw HIM to them.
Nebula says its wasn't luck. She stole IT because she's the best there is at what she does. And if HE tries to stop her, HE'll regret it.
Thanks for speaking in vague terms so I don't know what you're talking about yet.
Starfox comments on them speaking in such riddles, saying that is something that makes her like Thanos.
Nebula takes that as a compliment.
But she finally drops some proper nouns.
She found the Stones of Halkor and they're going to help her surpass Thanos.
What are those? Iunno. Probably those rocks she found in an earlier issue.
I'm sure they'll be explained when it becomes relevant.
Anyway, Starfox calls Nebula a stupid baby for believing in the Stones of Halkor. They're apparently a well-known myth and you'd have to be pretty dumb to think they're real.
So she points her wrist-blaster at his face and threatens to turn his entire head into ash.
Starfox says wow empty bluster? Thanos would never.
So Nebula slaps him across the mouth.
Starfox is getting slapped around a lot in this issue.
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She decides she actually will shoot Starfox in the face.
Starfox: "And so you insure your place in the canon of the immortals, Nebula? One who slays her own kin... when they are tied to chairs? I think you're more reasonable than that, my niece. Much, much more reasonable... Reasonable..." Nebula: "Blast your eyes, Starfox... I have better things to do than play games with you!"
So she stomps off.
I'm somewhat suspecting that Starfox was using his powers there, since attention was called to the damaged helmet earlier. But I don't know how pleasure power equates to getting angry and stomping off.
Ah well.
Outside the spaceship, Iron Man still hasn't hacked the door open so Vision just intangibles inside to scout ahead.
But Iron Man still has to hack the combination to get inside himself.
Iron Man also muses that Vision has gotten long winded since he was put back together. I don't know if I buy that. It's not like he was terse before.
When Iron Man gets inside, he finds that Vision has subdued three guards that were stationed by the airlock. But they're soon spotted by other guards and the alarm is raised.
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A whole hoard of guards show up to get punched by Iron Man and Vision.
Iron Man avoids killing anyone because that's his characterization. And just superhero characterization in general back in these days. But it's come up with Tony specifically twice recently.
Vision: "I concur. Although they are aliens, and without discernible moral fiber... They are sentient life forms, and should not be slaughtered indiscriminately."
Hm. I guess that's all the Avengers data jammed into his head. I could imagine a situation where having his brain wiped as he did would leave Vision without respect for life. Or maybe some part of the core Vision still exists. I dunno.
Although Vision and Iron Man are doing a good job punching, there's just so many soldiers on board that they're not making any progress.
But it just so happens that reinforcements have arrived. Cap, Thor, Spider-Man, and Sersi have come to help Iron Man with the "to-do" he has on his hands.
Sersi: "'To-do?'" Spider-Man: "Fracas. Brouhaha. Melee. Whatever you call it, it sure sounded like ol' Shell-head had landed in the soup!"
Not sure this joke makes sense for Sersi. She is an Eternal but she's the Eternal who lives in New York and throws big parties and interacts with people.
Anyway, the weapon systems outside Nebula's ship activate in response to Cap and co's approach but it's not even enough of a problem to address on panel.
Next we see of them, they're rushing in to save Vision and Iron Man from being flanked.
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Iron Man: "Thor! You look like just what the doctor ordered!" Thor: "As well I should, armored one! Behold the right prescription for dealing with yon miscreants! Take one sacred hammer... and bother not to call me on the morrow!"
God of Jests!
Not Thor's usual tone. Cap wonders if Spider-Man is good for the Avengers morale/a bad influence, making them all lighten up and be more glib in dangerous situations.
Could be!
Anyway, fight fight fight.
Spider-Man webs and shoves. Captain America throws his mighty shield and all who oppose his shield must yield.
But Nebula's elite mook Gron shows up and the other soldiers abandon the fight because Gron is indiscriminate.
In the midst of saving Captain America from being knocked off a catwalk, Spider-Man asks whether Captain America's costume is even legal.
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The answer is Cap doesn't know and doesn't care.
Captain America: "A flag is only a piece of cloth, after all. It's what it represents that matters..."
Which does nicely explain why Captain America wears a flag as a toga later on in Earth X.
The flag code means nothing to him.
Spider-Man tries gutpunching Gron in the gut, only for the attack to be no-sold.
Then Sersi does what she does best.
Turn a dude into a pig.
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In Marvel lore, Sersi inspired the stories about Circe.
Unlike some other things the Eternals supposedly inspired that also simultaneously exist, there's no separate Circe confirmed to exist. Sersi is mythical Circe.
She was just chilling in Greece at the time. As one does.
I again wonder how Sersi will be balanced in a team capacity.
My guess based on this and previous issues is that big enough uses of her power will knock her out of the plot. And that otherwise, she may not even act unless it amuses her.
In this encounter with Gron, she was chilling, seemingly not helping in the fight until Spider-Man dodged in her direction, giving her the opportunity to make a quip.
And then she and Spider-Man rejoin the main fight just in time for the fight to be over.
I really do think Sersi will only help when she decides to.
Fair enough!
The Avengers and very special guest Spider-Man find the central control area JUST IN TIME!
To see that Starfox has saved himself by zonking everyone with pleasure powers and then tying them up.
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Aww, Nebula is sleeping like a little murder angel.
Starfox: "Now my naughty niece will dream her little dreams of universal conquest without harming anyone!" Spider-Man: "Wow! And that's about it for my 'wow' quota today!"
With everything wrapped up and before they head back to Earth, Captain America has an offer for Spider-Man.
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How would he like to join the Avengers?
He's been considered for membership before but something always got in the way. And dangit, Spider-Man's attitude has been great for team morale.
Spider-Man: "I... I... I don't know what to say!" Vision: "I believe 'I accept' would be a wise response, Spider-Man." Thor: "Aye! Say ye 'yea!' spinner of webs! The son of Odin would be proud to fight always at thy side!" Spider-Man: (And think of the pictures I might get for the Daily Bugle!) "What the heck -- worst thing that could happen is you could kick me out!" Captain America: "Excellent! We're honored to have you, Spider-Man!" Iron Man: "And if this isn't the stuff of Hallmark commercials... I don't know what is..."
Aw, this is nice.
It's definitely not going to happen, is it?
I'm pretty sure that Spider-Man doesn't actually join the Avengers until the Bendis New Avengers reboot.
So is something going to get in the way again?
Starfox: "A vibration... No, a series of vibrations! As if something were... tearing its way through the ship..." Someone: "Not 'something', Eros of Titan..."
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Giant mustache man. Oh, okay.
The Stranger must have been the He/Him Nebula kept vaguely alluding to stealing It from.
Can't believe this story is still going. More issues to slap "Guest-starring the Amazing Spider-Man" on the cover of. But if Spider-Man joined the Avengers, every issue could have Spider-Man on the cover.
Think about it.
Follow @essential-avengers because sometimes it contains Spider-Man and this is one of those times. I know you like Spider-Man. Like and reblog and comment. Whatever you feel compelled to do.
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
The Daugthers of Saturn
A Wolfpack saga
Vol I. Titan
Sam Uley x Female! reader
Summary: Saturn's fate depends solely on its daughters
Warnings: none(?
A/N: So, as you all know i'm new in this twilight thing but i looooove the wolfpack so much and my mind works so fast so here it is a whole saga about our favorite boys! Please if you see something you don't like tell me and i'll change it. As always, english not my mother language so pls let me know if something's wrong. Enjoy!
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Caelus spun rapidly on its axis and Saturn quickly followed suit. They were thousands of milles away from each other, but their rotations didn't slow down. You were at the center of the universe. The other planets hid to watch the fight between father and son and you wondered what you were doing there, in the middle of space floating above a constellation that murmured beneath your feet.
Then the two enemy planets rotated more strongly and from their movement emerged two men. Caelus stood imposingly in front of Saturn who, imitating his father, slowly walked towards him. Your heart raced, watching the two unknown men slowly approach you.
The space between the three of you closed. The constellation beneath your feet disintegrated and in return you stood on a golden stone that Saturn created for you. He attacked Caelus, his father, and squeezed your arm tightly.
His eyes were gray like granite and his hand on your arm was warm, like a welcoming embrace. You didn't understand what was happening, nor how you managed to be in that place, to breathe and be in front of two planets that had become men.
Caelus recovered from the attack and Saturn pulled you towards to the aquarius nebula where his territory began. Caelus vociferated in rage and Saturn grabbed you by the cheeks pinning his grayish gaze on yours.
"You are my daughter. The first, but not the only one. You must find the rest. My fate depends on it."
He said. His voice was soft, like the voice of an understanding father. You stood in your place watching Saturn's sparkling eyes. Then Caelus ran like a panther towards you and Saturn made you fall from the nebula, floating in the void.
You awoke to the tapping on the car window where your sister was trying to get your attention. Apparently you had already arrived at your new home and there was a lot of unpacking to do. You woke up, your muscles aching from sleeping so uncomfortably in the car and all the miles you had to travel from your old home. You stretched your arms, sighed and got out of the car being the last one to do so.
The rest of your siblings were already pulling box after box out of the moving truck. Your father was standing in the doorway watching them work and your mother was inside giving indications on how she wanted everything arranged. You shook your head, putting on your jacket before heading out.
La Push had a terrible weather. Humid, rainy, cloudy. The rest of the family talked to your father about the disadvantages it would bring to the pack, but he just used his Alpha voice and said that those had been old Hasen's wishes.
Grandpa Hasen was the elder leader of the sons of Caelus, the tribe to which you belonged. He had been the alpha in his time and had been the son, grandson and great-grandson of alphas. Now it was your father's turn and in the future it would be yours.
The sons of Caelus were a pack of wolves ruled by the planets. They talked, but they only talked to old Hasen and he communicated the message as best as he could.
Hasen didn't speak, neither did he open his eyes and the little he moved was for the council meetings that were held in an extraordinary way. Two weeks ago old Hasen awoke from a dream and, after years of not opening his eyes even to help himself to walk, he did so to say that the whole pack had to move to La Push, Washington.
Your father didn't understand why, but he didn't object the decision. If Hasen had had a vision then that meant that the creator father spoke to him in his dreams and laid out the path for them to follow. The rest of the sons of Caelus were unsure about establishing their home in La Push cause, as it had been for hundreds of years, the Quileutes and the sons of Caelus hated each other.
You stepped out of the car feeling the breeze hit your body but your own warm held back the cold. You shook your head trying to dismiss the dark dream you had just had. It was impossible for Saturn to have communicated with you. Your creator father was his enemy and the sons of Caelus abhorred Saturn since the creation of the tribe. You denied, telling yourself that you had spent too much time listening stories.
Rosé, your sister, was waiting for you on the porch carrying a heavy box in her arms. She raised her eyebrows when she saw your sleepy face and hair in a tousled bun. Her bright smile made you blush.
"Sleeping beauty, were you waiting for the prince's kiss to wake you up?"
"Not really. I didn't know we had already arrived."
"Fifteen minutes ago. The others are inside helping to unpack. I thought it was good to let you rest a little longer."
"Thanks, R."
You decided to start helping carry the last of the boxes inside meeting your father's stern gaze. He was a good alpha, but as a father he left a lot to be desired. You didn't have an enviable relationship nor did they have a perfect one, but he was your father, the alpha of the pack and you respected him.
"Take that to my office" he told you in a growl. You nodded making the tousled bun move and your hair fall unruly to the sides. Your father looked at you reproachfully again "Do as I told you and for the love of our father, pull your hair back."
Rosé was right behind you. You were both about to do as your father had told you when the scent of other wolves stopped you all from your actions. Your father pulled you close to him putting you and your sister behind his back and your twenty brothers protected the rest of your sisters in the same way. The strangers approached revealing none other than the new generation of Quileute wolves commanded by Joshua Uley's son.
They crept closer. Your brothers formed a barrier between them and your father. Still, the Quileutes came close enough and looked disdainfully at the vastness of your home.
"Get inside now," said your father. You and Rosé didn't move but were curious about the arrival of the wolves. Your father gritted his teeth "I said get inside the house."
You two did as he asked standing on the threshold and leave the boxes aside. From that place you could see the one who appeared to be the alpha climb the porch steps being stopped by your brothers. Your father gave them the order to let him pass and their faces met.
"Son of Caelus."
"Quileute" your father replied looking him up and down. The boy had no shirt on, only a pair of shorts. The boy half smiled
"We could smell you all from our side of the beach."
"Your side of the beach" ironized your father "I didn't know we were limited to just walking in the woods near our place."
"Well now you know" said the boy. You moved closer, quietly stepping out until you were behind your father's back "You're not welcome here."
"Who says so?"
"The treaty you signed years ago"
"That treaty died along with Ephraim Black. There is no shared territory, this place belongs to us as much as it does to you and this house is mine and my pack, so I don't want to see you around here, boy, was I clear enough?"
"Why are you here?"
"Our creator father brought us."
"Caelus spoke to you? After all these years?" asked the boy. Your father's face turned red with anger.
"That's none of your concern, quileute. Get off my property, now."
Your father turned around to enter the house bumping into you. He squeezed your arm feeling anger rise up to his ears when he saw that you hadn't tied your hair back. He pulled you to the side and you were facing the quileute's alpha as he held you so you wouldn't fall.
Your eyes met. A bond tightened and images flashed through your minds of the two of you together, happy and embracing somewhere on that beach. Your heart pounded and the quileute's arms around your waist became soft.
But then reality hit you like a bucket of cold water.
You imprinted on a quileute.
The worst enemy of your own pack.
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