#i wanted to post more pokemon art but tumblr keeps glitching?
puropoly · 7 months
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trick or threat
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emojiburst · 1 year
Today is my first time in the 9+ years I've been on Tumblr that I've had a post pass more than 2 notes. I honestly thought it was a glitch because.. Tumblr, you know?
It's such a good feeling, especially since it's for my art. So I want to keep it up! I wish I could make polls, but I can't yet.
Can anyone tell me if there's any particular emoji or sticker they'd be interested in? MLP, Pokemon.. uhh.. more Splatoon stuff?
What do the people like? I have no idea, but I'm open to suggestions from anyone! Just comment to this and I'll do anything I can!
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deliriousabsol · 5 years
More Things Than You Ever Cared To Know About My Writing
This was originally posted by ‘vorchagirl’, reblogged by someone I follow. And I thought it would be fun to just outright answer these in a questionnaire type way, rather than as asks. So here we go =)
Feel free to do this yourselves if you like it. Just please remember to add the original poster.
Fanfiction Questions
Fandom Questions
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Properly? Probably Pokemon. I’ve been writing fanfiction for it for years.
2. What is your latest fandom?
Funnily enough, Sonic, despite being a fan since I was like seven years old. I’ve just never seriously got into it since then until now.
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
The Pokemon fandom. I’ve made some awesome friends in it.
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
You hear things, but I’ve not really come across any toxicity besides the reaction to the Sonic Movie.
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for?
A good few, but the only ones you’ll find are Pokemon, Sonic and Zootopia.
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Zootopia - Judy/Nick
Sonic - Shadow/Rouge, Silver/Blaze
Pokemon - I don’t usually ship in Pokemon, but Jessie/James because reasons
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
Sonic/Amy. Sorry. Some art is cute, but it’s not my jam.
Shadow/Maria. I don’t ship animals with humans.
I also don’t ship yaoi/yuri pairings.
I do not poop on any ship. If it’s one I’m not fond of, I just scroll on and leave it be. Shipping can be pretty toxic sometimes, and I just don’t get it at all.
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
I was writing Mask Behind the Monster and my husband’s aunt suggested I join a specific Sonic forum to post it in. So I joined the Amino and posted it, all nervous. The reception blew me away, and I met some awesome people, so I stuck around.
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
The friends I’ve made.
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Probably. Can’t think of any off the top of my head.
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
11. Who is your current OTP?
Shadow/Rouge. Also Infinite/Amy. This is because of my current writing projects.
12. Who is your current OT3?
13. Any NoTPs?
We’ve been over this *looks up*
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Sonic/Tails =3
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
Infinite/Amy. I didn’t initially.  But if it’s done right, and there are reasons for them to be together in that setting, then it works. 
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
Sonic/Shadow, Infinite/Gadget
I’m also not a fan of most Pokemon anime ships.
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
Knuckles/Amy. I still have a soft spot for it.
18. What ship have you written the most about?
Amy/Espio. I went through a phase... Read a couple of ‘fics and thought ‘Why not? Sounds like fun.’ XD
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
Not really. As much as I like shipping, because I’m a fluff-junkie, I have to just like it.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Again. Inf/Amy. This one took me by surprise.
Author Questions
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
Erm... if I remember right, Some cringy self-insert Pokemon ‘fic when I was like 14/15.
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
Everything I regret writing has been deleted.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
The End and Mask Behind the Monster. I can’t choose one over the other. They were both written with a lot of meaning and emotion behind them, and I have a soft spot for both.
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
I keep thinking about re-writing The End, but I worry it will lose its fire if I do...
25. What’s your most popular fanfic?
I think... THINK... it’s Mask Behind the Monster.
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
To Title is hard. System:Reboot was a suggestion off a friend who I have lost touch with. Its working title is ‘Hacked’. A lot of my stories have preliminary working titles until I come up with something. The End was named after a song. Confectionary Conundrum was originally called ‘Sugar Snow’ which is the name of the sweet shop in that story. The Mainframe Saga’s Scrivener file is still called ‘Datastream’. Its separate books have been renamed as I’ve been ‘planning’ them out (as much as I plan).
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Probably summaries, because FFNet leaves very little space to do so.
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
I have actually had fanart, so this is hard to say. A lot of people like drawing my cyberpunk Infinite redesign which has surprised me.
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not?
My husband proof-reads my stuff, and then I question him on it. I don’t have a beta. I’ve thought about it, but I stick to a strict time-frame when it comes to uploads where I strictly give myself very little leniency. So if it wasn’t beta’d in time, I’d get a little frustrated and I do not like to pester people. I also worry I’ll be told to edit and cut a LOT, and I don’t like to butcher my ‘fics. I do that enough while I’m writing 8D
30. What inspires you to write?
My faith. That is a BIG one. You will find references and metaphors to my faith throughout my stories. Particularly in The End and The Mask Behind the Monster. Music is another huge inspiration drive. I’ve come up with entire scenes and even plots or sub-plots listening to music. I was just on a walk listening to some cyberpunk tracks when I got the spark for The Mainframe Saga.
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
Oh boy. Where do I start? I think I was especially moved when someone told me they read The Mask Behind the Monster to their sisters.
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
Yes. A lot. I listen to a variety of stuff from Christian rock and EDM to cyberpunk instrumental tracks. Main bands are Thousand Foot Krutch, Family Force Five, Cruxshadows, Holon, Misanthropix, Scandroid and Celldweller.
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics?
It really varies. I lean towards epics. Even Glitched ended up being longer than planned, if memory serves, although it’s not epic length. The Mainframe Saga is made up of chaptered ‘fics, ficlets and one-shots.
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic?
I couldn’t tell you, because Scrivener crashes when I try to get the word count for System:Reboot XD
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about?
I don’t, but I have thought about it.
36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
Sci-Fi. Hands down.
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why?
I prefer third person, particularly restricted third person, because it is easier to write about different characters. That way the reader knows what’s going on when the main cast do not. I was very surprised I enjoyed writing first person so much in Mask Behind the Monster, though. But I did leap into third person a couple of times to give a wider perspective.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs?
I love creating OCs. But I will use canon characters in the Sonic fandom.
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer?
From what I’ve been told, character development.
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Violence. And tragic back stories. I have legit questioned my sanity when coming up with scenes that include this.
Also... when I write fluff... I kind of grind to a halt and struggle through it. Often interspersed with gazing from the window and thinking well further ahead than where I’m currently at. This often results in forgetting dialogue I think up during my garden gazing.
Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
I won’t post links because it is much too fiddly. But Guiding Light by Ambyssin, Heart Song by Suetonicsonic, Fall From Power by Lordius Dannius.
Hands of Creation by Namohysip, and The Curious and the Shiny by Nebula Dreams. Both of which I seriously need to pick up again.
I believe you can find all of them on FFNet.
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
Same applies as above. Ambyssin, Suetonicsonic, Namohysip, Chibi Pika and Nebula Dreams.
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
Ambyssin has provided some amazing constructive criticism on System:Reboot which has resulted in me making a terrifying antagonist out of Gadget the Wolf. I strongly hope no other antagonists will develop what I have nicknamed ‘Socket Syndrome’. His drive and commitment to his writing has been pretty inspirational, too.
But in all fairness, I think most, if not all, of my writing friends have been inspirational and very supportive. I offer digital high-fives to each and every one of you.
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
I can’t think of any. People should write what they like. And I believe if you want to read it, and it doesn’t exist, then you should write it yourself if you can.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
Guiding Light by Ambyssin. It’s not often I fall in love with a fanfic.
Fall From Power by Lordius Dannius is another.
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
The End or The Mask Behind the Monster, because they’re pretty special to me.
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
FFNet. I’ve been posting there for years. I’m iffy on AO3. I’ve considered posting to Tumblr, but my solution to that is to post links and artwork instead.
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
If I feel I have something to say, I’ll post a review. I like to make sure I do so, though, and I have been known to make notes on my computer and post reviews in bulk to works posted on Serebii.
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
I love comments, and I will try to respond to each one. Reblogs are totally welcome!
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
I’ve been writing for many, many years. Since before I was ten years old. Pokemon likely got me into fanfiction. I can’t remember writing it for anything else prior to that cringy ‘fic I mentioned earlier (which we will never, ever talk about. Ever.)
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
I love the creativity behind it, especially OCs. Pokemon OCs are my favourites, particularly in PMD or Pokecentric settings. Both Sonic and Pokemon offer a lot of inspiration to create OCs as the worlds are both pretty vast. AUs and canon settings both offer massive scope for creativity. It’s seeing peoples’ headcanons and takes on the franchises that I really enjoy. Yes, I do like shipping, but a story does NOT need it to be a good story. It’s the way people tell it that matters more to me.
I know this says ‘one thing’. But I just want to make it clear, the one part of fanfiction I don’t like, is M-rated stuff. And I will not read it. It... bugs me when a ‘fic I’ve been enjoying suddenly changes its rating XD
(I do not own any of the fandoms or characters mentioned in this post) <- Nervous Nelly moment?
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Finally, The ET Video Game That You’ve Been Waiting For
Since there was no proper game culture wrap-up last week (again, sorry about that), along with how I’m filing this at the end of the week instead of the beginning (there’s… stuff happening, so consider this one of the more minor examples), there’s a lot to cover this time around. Including a bunch of happenings from the word of art.
So kicking things off is the latest from Amanda Visel X Michelle Valigura. Much like their Star Wars, Beetlejuice, and Heathers cabinets, here we their ideas of what arcade games based upon ET and Aliens could and should look like. And yeah, playing as Gertie is an approach that could salvage its reputation in the video game sphere, plus I totally want an Alien/Aliens video game starring Newt.
Actually, hasn’t something similar already happened? Sorry, haven’t kept up with the video adaptations; last one I played was for the Jaguar. Anyhow, and unfortunately, both pieces are sold out online. Though… and I’m not 100% certain, but… they’re both at the Thailand Toy Expo, so maybe they brought a few extras with them?
Elsewhere in Asia, Japan to be exact, are not just one but two other notable shows, and both focused on electronic entertainment. First is something you’re probably familiar with, the My Famicase Exhibition, and not just because it’s been around for 13 years. As of this writing, the entire assortment has yet to be shared officially, so you’ll have to turn to Twitter to see the participants boasting their own handiwork.
[UPDATE: 5/7/17] Actually, all the pieces are finally viewable on the Famicase homepage proper. Here are my faves…
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… I particularly love Saturdays’s flavor text: “The gateway opens once a week. Tomorrow I’m going in.”
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… You kinda need to see the actual cart in the wild to understand; here’s a pic courtesy of @mandimappy…
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And finally...
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… It’s maybe pointing out that the artist responsible for the concept above also did a piece for last year’s event as well, which ended up becoming something that’s actually playable! Hope history repeats itself cuz I really want a game about an all cat band with gross lyrics.
Now, the other show is something you may know nothing about, cuz a. the 16 Bit Models Exhibition has only been around for two years and b, was only open for just one day, hence why it’s fallen under many radars.
Admittedly, I found last year’s assortment a bit more up my alley, most due to my affinity for the obscure. Yet I can still appreciate this very realistic take on the Super Mario Bros (btw, am also sorry that I don’t know who’s responsible for what)…
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Along with this realistic take on Pauline and Donkey Kong…
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Yet the exhibition was a reminder that not every Nintendo game out there has been paid tribute to death, specifically Urban Champion…
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The dioramas are easily the best parts of the 16 Bit Models Exhibition. Here’s an equally impressive one, featuring Castlevania…
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Though once again, the obscurer the better, so this tribute to Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa gets a thumbs up from me…
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Which is the lesser known game: Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa or City Connection? The latter at least was released on the NES at the time. Then again…
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Moving onto fashion, UNIQLO recently unveiled an upcoming line based upon Mario and company. As one might expect from UNIQLO, they look quite nice! Here’s the campaign movie from Japan…
The best part is that UNIQLO’s entire line is headed towards the US! Was not expecting that. Alas, certain designs are not available to everyone, and I know more than a few adults who wouldn’t mind that Kirby tee. So here comes YUMMY MART to the rescue…
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Somewhat along the same lines is Namco enlisting the talents of PAYNUS, who represents some of the esoteric offerings in the Pac-Store…
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The constant reference to pizza is something that’s present in both the PAYNUS designs and Namco’s own in-house efforts…
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Meanwhile, back at METEOR, in addition to the latest Famicase exhibit, they’ve also been busy with a collab with THUNDERBOX (which I highlighted just a few weeks ago). And from the looks of miki800.com’s post, MOUNTAIN GRAPHICS is also involved? Talk about a holy trinity…
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Whereas the previous combination makes sense, the following is… unexpected. Recently discovered that R23X has teamed up with the The Yetee of all folks to produce a line of shirts showcasing glitched VHS stills. Including one that’s game related (technically two; there’s also a crop top version as well)…
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Looks neat and all, but I’m less of a Final Fantasy 7 fan and more of a Wave Race 64 aficionado, and would therefore love to see this on a tee…
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I’d also love to get my hands on one of these 100 yen pins that @rgb_club posted a couple weeks back, though no word on when it might be available…
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Here’s another thing that’s not for sale, mostly cuz there was only one, which is of this baseball player made to look like a Street Fighter…
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Which had the better Spinning Bird Kick; Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li…
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Or City Hunter (yup, that’s Jackie Chan; via tenshokyaku)…
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Sticking with leggy video game stars, thanks to thevideogameartarchive, we finally have an answer as to whether Link is boxers or briefs…
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And sticking with Link for just a bit more, I particularly dig nozovis’s summary of the fun times him and Zelda have in Breath of the Wild…
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Along those same lines is a zine that @WPR_haru made that’s filled with all the photos he took, one that I’d love to have a copy of…
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Which fan art featuring a character from behind do you prefer; this Breath of the Wild piece by James Kochalka…
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Or this Overwatch piece by some unknown artist (if anyone knows, plz let me know)…
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Here we have @RAStyle85’s Astro City with a lots of buttons, for playing whatever game that requires that many inputs…
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And here we have former Taito graphic designer Atsushi Iwata’s custom-built device, for producing pixel graphics!
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Such things were used in other places, like SNK. Here we have a quote from someone who worked there, courtesy of videogamesdensetsu…
“The sprite editor used by artists for a number of SNK fighting games (Art Box) was written for the Neo-Geo, and uses the Neo-Geo as the interface. As in, you would use the joystick and the buttons to draw the sprite. He didn’t believe this when he started there, until one of the higher ups showed him by firing up one of the machines and drawing a kickass sprite of Robert Garcia in like 10 minutes”.
Does the Art Box sound familiar? Well, it should be.
The latest from The Gaming Historian, on the creation of the d-pad, answers the one question I’ve had for ages: if Nintendo was able to patent the control input, how were Sega and others able to get away with something seemingly similar?
Remember the 8bit Harmonica from last week? Well here’s another project involving the Famicom by Ugoita that’s a bit more… random?
This post has gone on for far too long without any Sega. Time to fix that with some gifs of Sonic from Sega Saturn de Hakken!! Tamagotchi Park, which as you may have guessed is a Tamagotchi title in which you can raise Sonic (and sorry, chilli dogs was Sonic’s fave food in the US, though I believe Sonic Generations would later recon that; via pr0jectneedlemouse)…
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Though you can also raise other Sega personalities, like Opa Opa and Alex Kidd, plus even a Mega Drive cart (via grooveonfight)?
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Super obscure Sega humor doesn’t get more obscure than this folks (note to self: on the next car trip, bring along the soundtrack to Super Hang-On cuz repeated plays of OutRun and Daytona USA tunes can get old after a while; via dnopls)…
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I know the following has been shared liked crazy (hell, even NPR posted the damn thing), and for good reason. All I can say is, Pikachu #14, get your sh*t together…
Speaking of Pikachu and his pals, The Pokemon Center released a line of Ditto Gachapon figures that are supa kawaii (via retrogamerblog)…
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Though the one piece of plastic I want the most is the also recently unveiled Samus from Metroid Prime figure by Good Smile Company, which looks hella cooler than the previously released Other M Figma…
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Am embarrassed to admit that I have no idea where this following screenshot is from, nor the tune that accompanies it, both courtesy of radicalhelmet. If anyone would be kind enough to clue me in, would be supremely appreciated…
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I wonder what the cover girl of this issue of Spoon is playing (via sixteen-bit)…
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And this week’s recommended reading comes courtesy of mah boi Don Miller, and is actually something that Oliver at Minus World also picked up on, which is a book produced by the creator of LSD: Dream Emulator, among other things, and someone I’ve mentioned quite a few times around these parts. It’s called The Art of Computer Designing: A Black and White Approach and is available via archive.org…
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As someone who has always planned on transforming an old iMac into a fish tank, thanks to Phazed, I know have other ideas…
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And finally, and I also know that I’ve been saying the same thing over and over again, but Super Attractive Club members will be receiving another round up game culture snapshots, hopefully very soon! Until then, please enjoy this still life courtesy of peazy86…
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BTW, peazy86 also does music, plus music videos…
Don’t forget: Attract Mode is now on Medium! There you can subscribe to keep up to date, as well as enjoy some “best of” content you might have missed the first time around, plus be spared of the technical issues that’s starting to overtake Tumblr.
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flowcrveil-blog · 7 years
° he/him or she/her pronouns (usually used alternating) / bigender
° bisexual
° 21 years old
° Twitter: @lionsdance
♡ Caspian (@tybaltgaypaw) ♡
° I talk alot, Im usually pretty cheerful, & I use a ton of emoji. Im definitely the most obnoxious part of this system.
° mostly a protector. I get real defensive of everyone n the system
° I lov being being tagged in things, especially kin-related stuff
° kintypes: Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age), Thane Krios (Mass Effect), Amanita (Sense8), Jack Kelly (Newsies), tigers. not okay with sharing fictionkin types unless I already know you; other tigers r great tho!
° other things to tag me in: fire, red stuff, pretty jewels, or anything you think Id like/reminds u of me
° he/him pronouns / male
° gay
° 24 years old
° Twitter: @flowerveii
♡ Meryem (@tyrianveined)♡
° I’m a fictional introject of Dorian Pavus from Dragon Age: Inquisition. I am alright with being called Dorian, Pav is simply a nickname I picked up to distinguish myself.
° I tend to seem more formal and serious than I truly am. I’m a bit vain, but I love talking to nearly anyone.
° Tag me in: myself (Dorian Pavus art/posts/caps/etc), anything gold, jewelry, calligraphy, snakes, and dragons.
° she/her pronouns / demigirl
° panromantic
°14 years old 
° twitter: @flowerveii ° tumblr: @nurturing (aesthetic/stim) & @bobamelon (personal)
° age slider; my age varies from around 7 to 14
° trauma holder/little
° kintypes: blue pearl (steven universe), shiny sylveon (pokemon), star butterfly (star vs the forces of evil), iris amicitia (final fantasy xv)
° I love meeting new people! but I can be kinda shy sometimes, so please be patient!!!!
° I’m not so good at empathy or tone, but I do my very very best
I’m autistic, and my special interests are: Pokémon, Gravity Falls, Star vs the Forces of Evil, Animal Crossing, bunnies, and Stardew Valley! I love talking about them and being tagged in anything relating to them!!
° aside from that, I love anything sparkly/glittery, pastels, kidcore, and you!
° I try to keep a super positive vibe around me— if you ever need cheering up, I want to help ☆
° it/its pronouns / agender robot overlord (male-aligned)
° gay ace
° 20 years old (ages with the body)
° Twitter: @flowerveii
° main caretaker of the system
° Damage control/big brother in the system. I usually only come around when someone is really upset, or everyone’s just not feeling up to being at front. Being the longest-existing member of the system, though, I can typically come to front at will.
° I like to think I’m pretty good at advice, and if you ever need an ear to vent to, I am always willing to listen.
° kintypes: Geth (Mass Effect), The Helmsman (Homestuck), glitches, Busto 2.0 (Car Boys)
° she/her or they/them pronouns; genderless
° aromantic
° 15 years old
° twitter: @flowerveii ° tumblr: @kaembien
° trauma holder/protector
° i’m very new to the idea of speaking with people outside of the system, but i’m not uninterested. i tend to be blunt, so if you need clarification on the tone or intent of something i say, let me know and i am happy to accommodate.
° kintypes: xion (kingdom hearts), changeling/fae child
this is not a complete representation of all the members of this osdd system, merely the ones most interested in being around. if you have questions about my osdd, or our system, you may ask, if you are not rude about it.
ages are estimates/relative. some are static, some vary slightly.
we would prefer it if you did not follow if you fit any of the following: ° homophobic/transphobic/racist/ableist ° identify as a radical feminist, TERF, TWERF, SWERF, transmedicalist, or truscum. ° ship pairings involving anyone under the age of 18 with anyone over the age of 18, incest, or an explicitly gay/lesbian character in a non-same sex relationship (i.e. bi Dorian Pavus, bi Sera) °are kin with or identify as: Zevran Arainai , Thane Krios, Jack Kelly, Amanita, Star Butterfly, Dorian Pavus, The Helmsman, Xion. ° support endogenic systems or systems formed without osdd/did ° engage in ddlg/cgl/daddy kink
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