#i want the mailman and caterpillar to kiss.
indecisive-dizzy · 3 months
Hello Eddie x Howdy shippers!
i want to make a Eddie x Howdy (Eddy? Howddie? CaterpillarMail?) playlist!
If anyone's got song suggestions lemme know! replies, reblogs, asks, messages, what have you!
just anything that reminds you of these two goobers! platonic or romantic! pretty please!
cough also if u like The Ghost and Molly McGee you should check out my Scratch and Jeoff playlists cough
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applexxpop · 9 months
Welcome home ship thoughts
Home is not included
Wally Darling
Wally x Barnaby 9/10- LOVE IT. can see then being platonic or romantic. Loving the size difference and honestly they just look cute together. Wally definitely gives Barnaby bones and treats and Barnaby gives Wally new paint tubes
Wally x Howdy 10/10- I LOVE THIS SHIP, the fact Howdy has 4 arms to squish Wally with is just 😩 also again, the size difference, it makes my brain go brrr. Wally steals Apples and Howdy calls him greedy but let’s him have whatever
Wally x Julie 0/10- Don’t like it. I just can’t see it? Idk I see Julie as a big sister to him
Wally x Eddie 8/10- love this ship, just a southern man that forgets everything with a straight forward autistic man makes my brain go silly. Also when Eddie delivers mail he definitely kisses Wally’s cheek or something and says “special delivery!” And Wally does his little monotone laugh “Ha Ha Ha” and gives the mailman a kiss back
Wally x Frank 7/10- it’s been growing on me honestly, Wally definitely captures ‘butterflies’ for Frank to study but Frank doesn’t have to heart to tell me it’s a moth.
Wally x Sally 0/10- honest can’t see it, I find it platonic or them just being little gremlins together
Wally x Poppy 0/10- she’s a mother to him 💀 Poor girl ruffles her feathers at anything Wally does that causes Danger to himself, which happens often to none but still, she worries for him
Barnaby B. Beagle
Barnaby x Howdy 9/10- Barnaby’s thing said he comes into Howdy’s bodega everyday to get a hotdog, so imagine he comes in everyday and they develop feelings for each other slowly as the days, weeks, and months go by
Barnaby x Julie 0/10- just no, to me Barnaby is her big brother
Barnaby x Eddie 2/10- never thought about until now. Can’t see it ever happening, mailman and a dog? Yea, no. But Barnaby chasing after Eddie is kinda cute
Barnaby x Frank 2/10- again, never thought about it until now, honestly they just seem like the two neighbors that are friends with everyone but they don’t talk that often to each other
Barnaby x Sally 0/10- again little sister big brother
Barnaby x Poppy 0/10- she reminds him of his mama
Howdy Pillar
Howdy x Julie 0/10- I just- I don’t know something about Julie screams little sister to them to me
Howdy x Eddie 9/10- very cute, the only two business owners in Welcome Home in a relationship? I’m my opinion, that’s cute. I can see Eddie delivering packages and stuff to Howdy and Eddie give him a big ol smooch and happily says “special delivery!” And Howdy smiles and says “I wonder who it’s from!” And Eddie goes “Me!” And they both laugh! Also they spend the early morning together, Eddie got all his mail ready to be delivered so he sits and eats breakfast with Howdy before he starts getting his bodega ready for the day.
Howdy x Frank 8/10- Also very cute! A 4ft grumpy man that’s special interest is butterflies with a 8ft tall caterpillar? Yes, please. I imagine Frank calls or visits Howdy’s bodega to ask if he’s had lunch yet or if he ate breakfast he packed for him, and of course Howdy ate the Breakfast but he’s been so busy he hasn’t eaten lunch so they eat lunch together.
Howdy x Sally 0/10- seriously what’s up with me thinking they are little sisters to everyone??
Howdy x Poppy 0/10- I think he sees Poppy almost as a mother as well; she calls him darling and brings him cookies, or when he works late at the bodega and falls asleep, she just happens to visit and sees, placing a blanket over him or waking him up so he can rest in his proper bed.
Eddie Dear
Eddie x Julie 0/10- they gossip about Frank but in a good way, also they play dress up and have tea party’s
Eddie x Frank 1000/10- Literally husbands. I could go on for fucking ever about these two but if I do this will be longer then I want so I’m just going to say I REALLY REALLY love them <3
Eddie x Sally 0/10- helps bandage her knees cause she’s always rehearsing dramatic scenes for her plays, can’t tell me otherwise
Eddie x Poppy 0/10- she’s a mama to everyone
Frank Frankly
Frank x Julie 0/10- no 💀 they are best friends
Frank x Sally 0/10- just no, they are both gay(in my opinion)
Frank x Poppy 0/10- No, once again SHE IS MAMA. Also they tell eachother their deepest darkest secrets 🤫
Poppy Partridge
Poppy x Julie 0/10- just can’t see it
Poppy x Sally ?/10- ….im thinking about it
Julie Joyful
Julie x Sally 10/10- Girlfriends for real. Sally let’s Julie reluctantly change the scripts in her plays because it makes her happy and Sally loves seeing her sunshine happy🥰
Eddie x Frank x Howdy 10000/10- oh my 😍 Imagine them cuddling, and Frank is In the middle while Eddie spoons them from behind, and Howdy's arms are over both of them, one arm under the pillow, one under Frank. the other two laying over Frank holding Eddie’s waist . One of Frank's arms curled around Eddie’s arm with their other hand clinging to Howdy’s night shirt.
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z-haven · 7 months
Chloe isolates herself from moving on with her life due to grief.
The watchtower was her cocoon. Ever since her husband's death, Chloe was holed up inside, the base encasing her into nothingness. She wasn't a shell of her former self, just something being absorbed into the wires and mainframes of the JLA system. Or was it being absorbed into her? She knew the stories of people who turned into hermits and or never cared for the sunlight. But yet there were success stories of those alighting to the world with newly formed wings through the catalyst of therapy. She avoided shrinks. Her caterpillar days of munching on curiosity were over. Then he returned. She was confused. She had buried Davis along with her feelings for him. By encasing herself in the tomb she felt as though she was putting things in perspective. But the more she searched, the more she found herself closer to the truth. And sometimes the more she found made her want to end the search all together. She contacted Emil and realized he shared her same hesitations. What they saw that day was only meant to be a ruse and that who was deemed guilty was actually innocent. In her caterpillar days she digested everything that even the bad was in her gut with aftertaste of remorse and distaste. Davis wasn't going to push her, or pry open her safe yet detrimental world. She wanted to hold her hand out to him and lead her out but she needed it to be on her own. She needed the incentive. Then one day the mailman came. He had a potted plant in his hand and just asked her to sign. Curiously she looked it over and saw two cocoons nesting safely on the plant. Her reflex action was to remove them but then thought otherwise. Symbolism reared its pretty head.
And there was a note
"Whenever you're ready, they will be too and I will be here."
Love Always
Four weeks later
Davis sat outside Café Rose watching an anxious Chloe watching the cocoons splitting apart.
"Chloe, you need to be patient." Davis said gently.
"Do you know how long I've waited for you," she said quietly. "To tell you how much I hated you."
"Did you really, hate me, that is?"
"I thought I did." She confessed. "It went in line with what everyone else was saying and feeling."
Davis smiled knowingly and watched the cocoons as she directed her attention to them. Suddenly two dark blue butterflies emerged, taking their first struggling steps into the external world.
"So pretty," Chloe cracked a grin unable to contain herself.
Davis puts his hand gently near the plant, letting the butterflies crawl safely on his palm.
"I think it's time to set these guys free." He stated wistfully looking at them.
Chloe took one of the butterflies and with a slight shake both alighted and fluttered off. She turned and wrapped her arms around Davis
"You know it's time for the third butterfly to catch the rays." Davis stared at her with his most adorable look.
"It's about time isn't it?" Chloe sighed. Davis nodded, trying his best to be as clueless as possible.
Slightly tiptoeing in her boots, Chloe leaned forward and tasted freedom on his lips. Not caring who was staring or just glancing she felt as though she was pulling him in. Davis welcomed the intensity of her kisses while feeling the silkiness of her golden hair. Chloe pulled away, musing on how she loved the feelings of his fingers on the back of her neck and how she loved how low her hands could go along his back. She decided she would knock him over with more defined intimacy in closed quarters.
Chloe smiled her supernova grin, one she had felt she lost forever. She had regained parts of the Old Chloe back, but had something new to offer. It felt good to stretch her wings.
Notes: "her husband" refers to J*mmy Ols*n.
Watchtower can also be seen not just as a work base for Chloe and others but also a cocoon/tomb.
What they saw that day - is in reference to the canon storyline of Davis being split from Doomsday and then killing J. O. I decided to diverge from canon a bit even though Ols*n isn't alive here. This theory focused on more like even if they used the Black Kryptonite to split Davis from Doomsday, maybe the Davis they saw was just a shell (just guided by emotions so that's why he was less Davisy-like during that scene), while the real Davis is still within Doomsday.
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amoristt · 7 years
Sunday Keepsakes | Nathan x Reader
disclaimer: i know nathan is not a good person. i am not putting a blanket over his actions in this fic. i, the writer, understand he’s not an innocent character and has made many terrible choices. im just answering people’s requests, please dont put me under the fire for it.
thank you.
Anonymous asked:   Hi could you write a fluffy NSFW nathan x reader but they're married?
i loved writing this sooo much... i tried to age him mentally as much as i could, hopefully its not too ooc! enjoy <3
reblogs + tags and replies will make my entire day as i put a lot of effort into this!
story continues beneath the read more. let me know if you can’t access it!
Warning: language
Rain was the soft sound you’d woken up to. It pattered against the windows that were still covered by pulled down curtains, and when you rolled over you found the other side of the bed empty. You groaned disappointedly and brought yourself to sit up. Tired and hazy from your slumber, the blankets wrapped around your waist as you tried to crawl off the mattress, and you barely registered clumsily picking them off the floor before venturing out the door.
The hallway floors were cold against your feet even in early spring, and you shivered thanks to the exposure of only being dressed in a baggy t shirt.
“Nathan?” You yawned, fingers running along the wall as you peeked quietly into your child’s room. It was empty save for the the crib, and you smiled at the silence. Your baby was still sleeping soundly, and you realized this had been the first night in weeks that you’d had a full night's sleep.
You called out for your husband again and shifted your fingers through your hair, then you turned into the living room and leaned against the wall at the sight before you.
Nathan was wrapped up in looking into a binder, his hair a mess, his clothes loose and unfitted. Short flashbacks ran through you, dating all the way back to when you’d first him. He looked like he did now, sitting while leaning forward, staring into a binder almost secretively. However unlike when you’d first met him, when you cleared your throat he didn’t yell at you to go away. Upon seeing you watching him, Nathan instead set the binder on his legs and leaned back.
“It’s about time.”
You smiled, pushing off the wall and finding your way next to him on the couch after urging him to scooch over. Like you’d done countless times before you leaned and placed a kiss on his lips, one that he returned happily. All was well.
“Morning.” You replied softly. The binder on his lap gained your attention and when you looked at the photos you felt your heart flutter. It was the family album you and him had put together throughout the years, stock full of a mixed variety of photos.
Some were aesthetically pleasing, ones that he had taken of you in front of the sky or sitting among flowers. His style had drastically changed throughout his years, going from monochrome and haunting to something more focused on a bright side of life. In some way it felt witnessing a caterpillar, afraid and young, morphing into a butterfly.
Other photos were professional shots of important dates in you and Nathan’s history, and your eyes lingered over a particular one. “Remember that?” you asked fondly, placing an index finger on the thin plastic cover. He took one look at the image and sighed into a smile. It wasn’t a great photo so to say, the angle was mostly wrong and if you were being honest it made you look like a goblin, but the memory is what mattered.
Your 5 year anniversary. It was a serene celebration, one where you got to pick the location. You chose the area where you and him would often sneak to when you skipped class- an empty field beside a long river that ran into the wide ocean. A blanket was set out, a basket in the middle and drinking glasses on either side. The date was incredibly well put together compared to the other casual ones you had, but the both of you enjoyed it. Your friend snapped a quick candid photo before parting ways and leaving you and Nathan, and the photo consisted of you two looking up in confusion. You looked ugly, unsuspecting, but comfortable.
It was nostalgic seeing the both of you so young. It hadn’t been too long since that anniversary but you both did look different now. Nathan’s hair had grown darker, he stopped slicking it back and instead would usually just let it do whatever it wanted. Your hair ended up growing out much longer than it had when you were young, and thanks to the sun had lightened a few hues. That field was the site of a canoeing business now. The river had a ‘do not swim’ sign nailed to a post.
Nathan turned the page and stopped to tilt his head at one of the photos, then he laughed.
“Bailey.” He mumbled. You followed his line of sight and then you too, let out a breath of laughter.
This picture was one that you had taken. It was a gorgeous day at the beach, the sky golden with the late afternoon, and Nathan was knee deep in the waters while you were out sitting on the sand. He was older, 23. In front of him was a white and brown pitbull, a thick stick in it’s mouth that Nathan was trying to retrieve.
Bailey was an amazing dog. She was sweet and well trained, and she never once showed a fang to you or your husband. Before Bailey, Nathan swore up and down he could never get a dog because they were too messy, too much work, but when you were volunteering for a shelter trying to gain some more college credits he’d seen her. She was curled up in the corner of her cage with a caution sticker, but she was nothing but kind. Nathan adopted her that day and you had no complaints.
She was the perfect companion, but she was old when you’d adopted her. It took Nathan a while to get over her, as did it for you, but looking back at the image made you feel happy in a melancholy kind of way.
Before a lump could form in your throat you flipped the page again.
“Oh,” you grinned, pointing at a photo of him standing in front of Cedar Point’s gates. “Remember this?”
Nathan rolled his eyes and groaned, placing a hand on his forehead. “How could I not? You dragged me on every single coaster.”
You gently nudged at his shoulder. “Don’t act like you didn’t have fun.”
He glared at you, unamused. “I threw up like 3 fucking times.”
“Yeah, afterwards.” You flipped the page again, then almost did once more before he stopped you.
“Wait,” His features softened at one particular photo that was larger than the rest. You leaned your head to the side, a fresh and content smile forming on your lips. Your wedding day.
“It was nice seeing you in a suit and tie.” You remarked teasingly, but softly. Lovingly. “Even if you didn’t tie it yourself.”
“You can’t tie a tie either.” Nathan’s eyes never left the image, tracing over every edge and pixel. It was an amazing photo, one of your best.
Though the official picture with you standing beside each other was a favorite, it didn’t compare to the candid one Victoria had captured. You and Nathan dancing together, a loving grin adorned on both of your faces. The dress was white and pooled over the floor like a waterfall, the color a crisp contrast to Nathan’s black, fitted tux. Of course you’d seen Nathan smile before, you’d seem almost every expression there was to know, but on that night when you looked up at him you were taken aback by how peaceful, how happy he was. There was nothing weighing him down.
“I almost tripped walking up the aisle.” you breathed, wanting to cover your face at the embarrassing memory. He laughed beside you, flipping the page.
“I would have lost my shit.”
“I think everyone would have.”
There were a few more images here and there of your friends and family- Nathan’s father void of all of them. The day you left Blackwell was the best of your life, and you knew your husband felt the same way. Although you two were obviously not married at that point you both knew that you would be soulmates, and so you two disappeared together. Adults and fully capable of making it, you and him settled down in ome urban area you didn’t even know existed. It was peaceful, the neighbors were friendly. It was just what the two of you needed.
At first you were afraid that he wouldn’t do well in the new environment. He’d been working on his anger and outbursts for quite some time but this was a drastic change in lifestyle- what if he couldn’t handle it? However, Nathan certainly did surprise you.
Much like you, a kinder and less dramatic city was what he needed. He no longer felt like he was the freak of a town, and something about knowing he could have a fresh start made him want to be better than before. He waved to neighbors, he thanked the mailman.
He had his moments of weakness but you were there to help him, and before you knew it he was truly turning into the man he always wanted, and could have, been. When you were younger you’d never have imagined settling down with him. You’d never even had imaged him being willing to settle down.
Without the overshadow of his father and the pressure of working beneath him he started searching for new options, and eventually settled down for being a designer and part-time wedding photographer. For a time before that he tried to take a place in building but it ended up not working out, as he discovered that he was a horrendous builder.
But, luckily, he had directions for assembling a crib.
Your baby was unplanned but it was a blessing, and you were taken aback by how mature Nathan was during the whole ordeal. When you told him the news he was oddly silent for a time, and you were terrified that this wasn’t what he wanted. You and him had never really discussed children- you always assumed thanks to his father he wouldn’t want to raise a child, but then he told you he was happy. He told you this was good for the both of you.  He told you that you’d make great parents.
Nathan, behind this, was afraid however. You could see it in his eyes as the months went on. He was nervous that he would end up like his father, cold, uncaring, and distant. Try as you might to push those thoughts out of his head he still had his doubts but that was to be expected- you had them too, but they were gone on the night ___ was born.
She was so tiny in your arms, and she was so beautiful. Nathan held her so gently and a smile broke over his features, and it lit you up.  Now, here she was, nearly a year old and you two were doing great. Some days were harder than others but you were content.
You and him had a house together, away from Arcadia Bay, away from his father and away from his reputation. Of course Victoria was still around here and there- and she was a story just as much as he was. She still had so much fire in her but her edges weren’t nearly as sharp as they were when you’d first met. She was kinder now, and she had a loving husband with a baby of her own on the way. Nathan also still had ties with his mother and sister, though they only showed up for the greater holidays. His sister was kind, she loved you. His mother was sweet too but you could see something behind her eyes, and you wondered if she thought you stole Nathan from his family.
You flip the page, looking at more memories, and Nathan goes rather silent in thought for a few long seconds but they aren’t tense. The rain never let up even after pouring down all night and evening, but it calms you in some sort of way. Leaning your head on Nathan’s shoulder, you smile when he lets out a deep breath.
“Did you ever think we’d end up here?” You asked without looking up at him.
“Fuck no,” He answered with a sharp laugh. “I didn’t think I’d make it to 22.”
“Are you glad you did?” This time you do move to look up at him, reaching to flatten down some of his hair. He doesn’t move under your touch like he used to years ago.
Nathan’s eyes soften down at you, and you remember how much leaving Arcadia Bay has affected him. It had been a slow and gradual process, and it had been anything but easy, but he’d come so far from the angry, bitter, teenage boy who lived like it was him against the world. He wasn’t nearly as angry anymore. He had his moments where the child he once was would part through, but he’d learned to catch him, take a moment to remember how he was different now. He was better now. He smoked but he wasn’t much of a drinker anymore, and he’d kicked drugs years ago. It was an incredible feat, and you and him both knew it.
Part of you expected him to say something sarcastic, but he leaned down and placed a brief kiss on your lips. “You know I am.”
You smiled, looking back down at the photos. There were just so many, some artistic, some candid, and some horrendous that didn’t compliment your face at all. But you kept them, remembered every single moment and every single story each one held. When you were a small child you imaged an easy life, one where you and your soulmate would click the moment you laid eyes upon each other. It would be smooth sailing and everyone would envy your relationship, wonder why they couldn’t find someone who loved you as much as your ‘prince charming’ did. But Nathan was not a prince charming. When you’d met him he was insufferable, and you were scared of him. Little did you know that he would end up being the person you’d devote yourself to, the person you’d give everything to. You never once stopped to think you could be the one he changes for.
Thunder sounded from outside but it was distant, echoing. Nathan leaned back against the cushion of the couch and you followed him, setting the binder on the coffee table and lifting your feet up so you could cuddle against his side. He faced up at the ceiling and closed his eyes.
“What do you want for breakfast?” He asked flatly, voice tired. You shrugged. “If you don’t pick something I’m gonna skip it all together.”
“Fine, fine, waffles.” You giggled, shutting your eyes. Breakfast sounded appealing but neither of you make an effort to get up, Nathan’s arm snaking around your body and resting at your hip. You could’ve fallen asleep right there if you wanted, but it was already 11 am, you should be getting up and getting ready for the day. Another roll of thunder sounded and you yawned, reluctantly pulling away from his comfortable hold and patting his chest. “Alright, time to start the day.”
Nathan groaned and grabbed a throw pillow from the end of the couch, wrapping his arms around it and shoving his face into the plushness.
You grabbed at the edges of it and half-assedly tried to pry it from him. “Come on Nathan we gotta’ start doing things.”
“Why can’t we start our shit at noon.”
“Because you hate being rushed, and I know if I let you you’ll sit here the whole day.”
“I don’t have anything to do today.”
“Yet,” you pulled it from his arms and sighed at his mildly annoyed expression. “You always find things to do on sundays.”
Reaching out in front of him, Nathan interlocked his fingers and stretched, yawning and then rolling his neck. He stopped to linger for a moment, staring down at the photo album still open on the table, before he reached down and then folded it shut. You stood and he did so as well, tucking the binder under his arm and yawning again. The collar of his t shirt, much too big for his form, bared his shoulders almost artistically.
He followed you into the kitchen, only stopping for a minute to put the album back into the hallway closet. As you opened the cupboards to start retrieving the items you needed Nathan felt no shame in coming up behind you, moving your hair from your neck and kissing along the newly exposed skin. You shivered in delight and grinned, tiling your head to the side and giving him more room which he took complete advantage of.
“I thought you wanted breakfast.” You remarked, eyes slipping shut. He wrapped his arms around you and hummed against your skin.
“By all means, go ahead.” He nipped at your skin and you could feel his lips curl when you jumped at his teeth.
Once again you reluctantly broke away from his hold but this time you were joined right back with him, turning around and wrapping your arms around his neck. He took the invite gladly, one hand resting on the countertop to trap you in front of him and the other keeping it’s place at your hip.
“Very funny,” you breathed, pulling him in for a kiss. He started getting antsy against you, fingers starting to slide under your shirt and you by no means wanted him to stop. You leaned your head back when he paused the kiss to run his lips along your jawline, then down your neck. The counter was hard against the small of your back but it barely registered to you, too caught up in running your fingers through his already messy hair.
“This isn’t very productive.” Nathan joked against your skin, and you laughed.
“You started this,” You tugged at his hair and bit your lip when his hand lifted up the hem of your shirt. “You wanted breakfast, now you want this. Can’t you make up your mind.”
Though you teased him, goosebumps still ran along your skin as he brushed the pads of his fingers along your stomach and abdomen. You cursed softly, eyes unfixed but staring at the ceiling as he felt you. He finally hooked his fingers beneath the wireline of your bra when suddenly a sound rang through the previously silent house.
Down the hall, door on the left. A baby was crying in it’s room.
You sighed in defeat, eyes slipping shut. “Damn it.”
Nathan’s fingers pulled away from you as the baby continued to wail a few rooms down, and you both knew your session had come to an end.
“Do you want to get it or?”
“You stay here,” He breathed, rubbing at his cheeks. He was no longer half lidded, fully aware of his surroundings and definitely awake. “I got it.”
He shuffled away from you with his head hung low, and you giggled at the sight. Defeated by an infant. When you turned, resting your hand atop the cold counter, you looked over the items you'd previously taken out. One by one you put together everything you needed, starting the waffle maker as you hummed to yourself.
Outside it still rained, and occasionally thunder grumbled miles away. It was a serene sunday morning, but the sounds of nature wasn’t what made you grin from ear to ear. It was the sound of Nathan in the baby’s room, voice soft as he cooed good morning at your now pacified child.
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indecisive-dizzy · 16 days
I’ve had no ideas for my ocs so have some incorrect quotes
Barnaby: Why do you not believe that ghosts are real? 
Wallace: Never seen one. 
Barnaby: Okay, I mean, there’s a lot of things that you can’t see that are real. 
Wallace: What can’t I see? 
Barnaby: You can’t see gravity. That’s real. 
Wallace: Yeah, I can drop an apple. 
Barnaby: Fuck.
Daisey: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. 
Eddie: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely* 
Daisey: That one. I want that one.
*Frank and Julie are texting* 
Frank: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste. NONE. 
Julie: I got spring water. 
Frank: NO! 
Julie: With EXTRA minerals! 
Julie: It’s like licking a stalagmite! 
Julie: Mmmmmm, cave water.
Julie: I think this might be a bad idea... 
Daisey: Don't start thinking on me now!
Daisey: Reverse tooth fairy where you leave money under your pillow and the tooth fairy comes and leaves you a bunch of teeth. 
Julie: Why? 
Daisey, shaking a bag of teeth: Just because.
Daisey: *in a jail cell* What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT! 
Frank: *in the cell next to them* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity.
Howdy: Hey Frank, listen, corporate makes us do this every year, but this is just a little manager evaluation form. You just fill it out, let them know how I'm doing, you know? 
Lizzy: Alright! Uh, "Is your manager manipulative?" 
Howdy: I'd say "No" to that if I were you.
Howdy, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Howdy, at Daisey's funeral: I need a moment with them. 
Everyone: Of course. *They leave* 
Howdy, leaning over Daisey′s coffin: Okay, listen here you little shit. I know you’re not dead. 
Daisey: Yeah, no shit.
Daisey: What, I can’t be in a bad mood? It’s like people think, “Oh, Daisey is such a nice person, Daisey is so happy-go-lucky! Daisey can’t be in a bad mood!” Well, you know what? Daisey CAN be in a bad mood. And right now, Daisey IS be in a bad mood
Howdy: While I'm gone, you're in charge Julie. 
Julie: Yes! 
Howdy, whispering to Frank: You're secretly in charge, but I don't want them to feel bad. 
Frank: Obviously.
Howdy: *sees someone doing something stupid* 
Howdy: What an idiot. 
Howdy: *realizes it's Daisey* 
Howdy: Wait, that's MY idiot!
Eddie: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room. 
Howdy: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you. 
*Daisey walks in* 
Howdy: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
Daisey: Okay, but if your not gay then why are you always holding my hand and kissing me and telling me I’m your boyfriend? 
Julie: Dude- Its satire! 
Frank: If you think I’m playing favorites, you’re wrong. I love all of you equally! 
Frank, earlier: I don’t care for Daisey.
Also the only idea I have is Howdy being stubborn and in denial about his feelings for Daisey until they ask him out
Then he’s just like O//_//O
I feel like I'm sipping my coffee while reading the daily funnies in the newspaper, how delightful!
These are great, got a good chuckle :]
The future partner one with Dasiey,, Eddie is at least 4 of those things! I don't think he's the bravest but he checks the other boxes (he's the only mailman he has to be successful right?)
Howdy in denial is just, Howdy's day to day. This worm refuses to accept or realize anything until it's thrown in his face lol <3
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indecisive-dizzy · 4 months
Hi bestie I’m sending this 10 minutes before my birthday so yipeeee
I’m having Eddie and Daisey ideas and I wanna ramble about them
Specifically the scorned and bitter Daisey idea I mentioned before since they’re very angsty lol
Daisey does literally anything to stay as far way from Eddie as they can. It legit throws its head to avoid talking to him
They weren’t super close as kids, and they didn’t talk after Eddie moved away
Daisey and Howdy don’t end up together in this universe, mainly cause Howdy is still Eddie’s bestie and Daisey isn’t willing to let that go just yet. They’re friendly enough with each other though
I think Daisey spends a lot of time with Julie, her cheery demeanor balances out their bitterness
They still like to write letters, they just hide it
I imagine as kids Eddie liked their long hair. Daisey has it short because they’re still upset about it
I feel like Wally probably says something to Daisey that causes them to rant about the whole situation and they end up getting really emotional about it. They’re friends and talk a lot after that
Daisey laughs when Barnaby dogpiles Eddie (in the og au they always get worried and help him up)
They carry their umbrella everywhere. It’s like a security blanket, they need it or else they get all anxious and uncomfortable
They still dance, just alone or with Julie
They speak a lot more Spanish, as they never felt the need to speak proper English whenever they were talking to a friend
Their eyes are green in this au, while og Daisey’s eyes are either pink or a dark brown (it fluctuates)
They have frosted tips, specifically pink tips on their purple hair
“Do you even know how smart I am in Spanish?” -something Daisey probably asked Eddie after they spoke in Spanish and Eddie had no idea what they said as he didn’t get to learn proper Spanish (yes I had to add the modern family quote)
I love my silly I need to draw this version of Daisey they make me so sad
AYO HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTIE 🎉🎉 congrats on being [age] now! Yippee!!!
back to our regularly scheduled programming-
Angst Angst Angst Angst- !!
Love this spin on Daisey, love me a bitter and scorned character.
Imagine trying to talk to someone and they decapitate themselves to avoid you smh Eddie my guy u good after that?
Would Howdy feel conflicted? Yes this person is lovely but they Hate my best friend and I gotta defend him. Or is not attracted to Daisey at all? Like nah boo ur a lil too bitter for the strawberry cream soda caterpillar? but hey they can be nice to each other at least!
The Julie friendship is amazing bc it's like having 2 Franks except one is down Bad for the mailman and the other wants to see his stuffing on the pavement- what who said that? hahaaa
the pettiness of keeping their hair short is chef's kiss. I also love petty bitches (bc I'm a petty bitch lol)
The umbrella is a vibe! They can whack people (Eddie) >:)
Modern Family quote is acknowledged and pointed at with a hearty HaHa! I have never seen this show but the joke is Funny! :D
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