#i wanna make them something WEIRD like ponies but not bcs well...in the SHOW theyre weird
rexscanonwife · 19 days
I wanna draw my ship with Utonium as ponies...
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quackspot · 5 years
Every single one of the talk about meme questions. Just kidding, pick any 6 you wanna do
m gona do whatever i can talk about bc i like to talk about myself
4: Talk about the thing you regret most so far.
getting addicted to th internet but of course i wouldn’t be here but i would likely be better off socially .  or maybe just being born as i am sometimes i think about how if i were born male things would be Much better for me like socially n stuff like that.. sometimes i jut wish i coud chest bump and cheer with friends n goof around and be crazy yeah i can be like that but it’d feel kind of weird (or just weird at first)
5: Talk about the best birthday you've had.
one year i got a club penguin membership and i was in chuck e cheeses and then another year completely different but me n some friends played a game called body body in my house and it was fun
6: Talk about the worst birthday you've had.
i dont think i did anything for my birthday last year so like oop
7: Talk about your biggest insecurity.
my forehead or my height
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of.
im pretty proud of my art and writing!! 
9: Talk about little things on your body that you like the most.
my body is very cool i like how my hair bounces when i walk because of how i walk and how my hair curls in towards my face (kind of)
10: Talk about the biggest fight you've ever had.
probably a video game one to be honest.  cant really recall. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
11: Talk about the best dream you've ever had.
i’ve had some weird dreams like when i stole the side of a locker and ran from some guy but i was late for the bus so i put the side back and it was all ok then uhhhhh one where people were doing like cheer leader pyramids and i think some dude named craig from dream daddy was there i cant quite remember if that’s the guy who was there i just remember being like “FSKLJFLKJKLF CRAIG DREAM DADDY WAS IN MY DREAM”
12: Talk about the worst dream you've ever had.
i went to someone’s house and i kicked a tree stump then bees chases me and i dont remember much else about it it was in like 3rd grade
13: Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.
14: Talk about a vacation.
i went to florida in 6th grade for a week and i loved it very much i got a wand (and a wand ceremony >:) )
15: Talk about the time you were most content in life.
18: Talk about something that happened in elementary school.
in like 4th grade someone told me someone else had a crush on me and i was like “ohhhhh yeah that kind of makes sense” and i just felt awkward around him since i didnt like him back 
19: Talk about something that happened in middle school.
OHOSHOSHODHSOHOEHO HO O O O N N NN N  THE BUSS!!! I met a good friend and the first words i said to her were something like “hi i have social anxiety” and she was like “me too!!!” hten we were friends and then i went to another school in 8th grade and we never talked ever again and im in 10th grade now o-o
20: Talk about something that happened in high school.
last year i went to the bathroom and said “let there be light” while walking in and hte lights came on
21: Talk about a time you had to turn someone down.
also last year someone who i considered like somewhat close friend (we dont talk anymore sadly he had fun games? i dunno he was rich and white and yeah he was fun to hang out with n stuff) and he asked me if i wanted to be his gf and i was like “nahh hahaha im not ready for that kind of thing” and i didnt like him that way also it was during challenge day aka  a day where people came in and were like “man we all sad let’s hug :)”
22: Talk about your worst fear.
either bugs or the horrifying fear of hte unknown and growing up
23: Talk about a time someone turned you down.
cant get turned down if you’ve only asked 1  person if you’d like to get together twice and they said yes both times but you started thinking you weren’t right for them then broke up B)
25: Talk about an ex-best friend.
someone i’ll call m&m because she didn’t like being called that uhh she was rather rude and had a trampoline and 2 dogs and was pretty bossy i guess
26: Talk about things you do when you're sick.
literally nothign new i just do what i do but maybe actually just. yeah thts basically what i did recently i had a stuffy nose and like mucus or something in my mouth and it’s still like that but the only thing i really changed was nasal spray ! i use that at night but i might stop soon since im feeling better
31: Talk about what you think death is like.
it depends on how you die. there’s probably like the last moments and then nothing. nobody knows what happens next. you might get revived or you might just be nothing forever and that’s rather scary to me
32: Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.
i remember my first house i lived in and i walked back home from elementary school and it was cool
33: Talk about what you do when you are sad.
tell myself “hey stop being sad” or cry if im alone 
34: Talk about the worst physical pain you've endured.
so it was a period pain and i was on my bed and i was crying and i was curled up and a thught appeared in my head.... “what if i drew a pentagram on my hand?” because jamie said that brought her luck and i was like “fuck it might as well try it” so then i had a pentagram on my hand and satan didn’t help me with period cramps
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing.
stop being nervous abt talking to people i guess lol. . . . making friends hard if u cant say hi 
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.
my little pony n stuff sometimes i just watch kids shows when im bored
37: Talk about someone you thought you were in love with.
idk i dont think i’ve truly fallen in love but im sure i was in love with kiley at least a little bit 
38: Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.
when i first listened to melancholy blues i thought of sparkling cookie i know he’s not real but songs don’t remind me of real people
39: Talk about things you wish you'd known earlier.
golden birthdays because my golden birthday was when i was 5  actually theyre nothing special but.. .  still wig
40: Talk about the end of something in your life.
we dont have fishies anymore and that’s becuase we have a dog and a cat now :(((( miss u fish....... 
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lesbianapplejack · 3 years
Is there anything that you would like to have happened on the show or something that has been left behind?
I kinda answered a similar ask a few days ago but unfortunately don’t have anything new to add so I’ll just copy and paste the answers from the last one!
Starlight Glimmer’s motivation:
While I think that for the lightheartedness for the show her motivation makes sense, it still seems her reaction (taking over a town) was a bit extreme. What if instead of Sunburst moving and them losing touch she has no friends bc of her lack of a cutie mark? Heck what if she didn’t have a cutie mark until she turns good? but she takes over the town bc theyre the first “friends” she’s had and she gets a bit possessive out of fear?
Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow’s fate:
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again that their fate made no sense especially when literally everyone else got to be redeemed (except Sombra but like we know why). Also Cozy Glow is a kid???? Where are her parents???? idk I just feel like that could have been handled differently
Apples and Pies relation:
Ik this is something a lot of fans complain of and I’m here to do it too ghfdjkd. It was left so vague at the end like are they or are they not related??? Like if they wanted to have a lesson in how family can be friends too then just do an episode with the pie sisters or the apple family but not trying this weird “are pinkie and aj related who knooows ;)”. because all it did was make me weary of ship art of aj and pinkie cause its like is this artist drawing this bc they interpreted canon differently, they threw canon away, or they wanna ship cousins? just bad and confusing all around
The School arc:
omg this could’ve been such a fun arc but instead of it being about a new group of characters it was a lot of rehashing over old lessons that the MANE SIX WAS APPARENTLY RELEARNING??? like if they wanted to redo old lessons fine but why not do the student six instead of having the mane characters relearn all of it?? ik not everyone likes the student six but come on it wouldve had more variety…
Cutie Marks = Fate:
I remember an episode once about a colt who was afraid of getting stuck with a cutie mark he didn’t want and would have to conform to whatever that cutie mark told him to do but then he learns that’s just what he’s special at but he can do whatever he wants bc its his life. this was such an interesting thing that i wish was brought up more and maybe even moved up to a season one episode.
Friendship in non-pony cultures:
I’ve seen others say this but there is a bit of a problem with how the mane 6 try to make other creatures experience friendship in the way that ponies do. it almost makes it sound like theres a right and wrong way to have friendships when its really a cultural thing within the show. it just kinda rubs me wrong with the whole “making other creatures like the ponies” kinda thing if that makes any sense.
This honestly goes for any show but the more representation the better. We had lyrabon canon and an implied appledash, as well as several disabled ponies, but there can always be more!
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