#i wanna b using my comic icons for these for Obvious reasons
rahbid · 1 year
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TARGET   :   TODD, JASON. LOCATION   :   @sonburied​ ASSIGNMENT   :   gone girl ( 2014 ) sentence starters. ENCRYPTED   :     ❛ We could have had this fight four hours ago. I’m late. ❜
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        she’s pouting   ---   something she rarely does. her hair is done. her skate bag is packed. and he’s leaving. no, that’s not fair. he’s all she has and he’s leaving. did he forget? have to cancel and didn’t tell her? no, that’s not fair. maybe he didn’t use the word promise, but it was implied. they were supposed to go ice skating. the rink was finally open and she’d been yearning for months and months. she’d done everything right. she behaved, she asked politely, she prepared everything herself. why is he leaving? why can’t she go with him, at least? what if something bad happens? what if he ends up a crumbled pile of viscera in a creek just like ar   ---   no. no. she’s not letting her brain go that far. that would never happen to jason. it can’t ever happen to jason. he’s infallible. he’s perfect   ---   well. usually. right now, he’s an asshole.
      ❝   no! we’re having it now!   ❞   no, no. no! she was doing so good! why does she have to go and ruin it by being shitty now? he’s busy. he has things to do. this isn’t a personal attack, why does she always have to get so defensive? why can’t she just let things be? her stomach feels sick. she feels like she’s watching herself from outside of her body, watching herself be an ungrateful brat ruining one of the last good things she has in her tragedy of a life. maybe it’s good. maybe the suffering of jason leaving her will be biblical.
        ❝   you were supposed to take me skating!   ❞
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