#i think she was your obvious standard ''my son just died'' distraught at first just out of shock. but from the moment asgore declared war?
carlyraejepsans · 1 year
toriel... what are your toriel takes today
i have a headcanon that toriel has a hand-washing compulsion where she does it wayy more thoroughly than needed, instinctively trying to scrub under her claws even when they're perfectly clean because she can still feel the phantom of dirt under them from the time she dug chara's grave.
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Impossible Part 9
Summary: Prompt: ‘I’m a superhero and you’re my arch nemesis but we don’t know each other’s identities and we’re actually best friends’ After the truth about your secret identities was revealed, you’ve helped the Avengers right your past wrongs, wiping your former evil organization off the map. The team is left reeling after you nearly die and Gabe hides a dangerous secret. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Mutant!Reader Warnings: Violence, Swearing (always), blood, angst Word Count: ~2,893 A/N: The first part of this chapter focuses very heavily on Gabe (and, by association, you). Bear with me here. Also, #40s slang. Steve and Bucky are a buncha old farts. Also, you can bet drunk Bucky and Steve went out and played pranks. Really dumb, harmless pranks. This is for @bookybuns‘ ficfest! This chapter was inspired by Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone by Bill Withers.
Masterlist // Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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“If this is what I think it’s about, I want to be there, too” he heard Bruce say.
There was a pause before Gabe spoke. “Alright, but not here,” he whispered. It was obvious from his tone he didn’t want to talk about whatever they wanted to talk about… which meant Bucky was going to find out what that something was.
“FRIDAY, get me eyes and ears on conference room A12,” Bucky said into the headset. Steve had dropped him off at his room a few minutes ago and since then Bucky had washed his arms, changed his clothes, and grabbed the tablet computer from his desk.
“Surveillance of conference rooms is forbidden, Sergeant Barnes,” said the AI through the headset.
“Avengers Override Code: Winter,” Bucky said shortly as he settled down into his favorite chair.
“Understood, Sergeant Barnes. Pulling up surveillance now,” FRIDAY chirped back. A second later the tablet’s screen blinked to life and on it was Bruce, Claire, and Gabriel. Gabe was standing beside the large, round conference table and Bruce and Claire were sitting. Bucky couldn’t see their faces, but their tones said enough to make up for it.
“That’s impossible,” Claire said, sounding dismissive.
“You’ve seen the bloodwork, Claire. You, too, Dr. Banner. I know you, Bruce, have studied our genetic code in particular detail. I haven’t gotten my degree in all fields of biology yet, but even I know it’s true,” Gabe said matter-of-factly.
“Oh, come on. You’re telling me you’re the fountain of youth? That’s crazy, even by my standards. Not new, but definitely crazy,” Claire said, leaning back in her chair as she threw her hands up in exasperation.
“Well, the stories of the fountain of youth actually first appeared around the 5th century AD, so that one actually isn’t us,” Gabe said, smirking a little at his own joke. “And as for whether or not our DNA can lengthen the lives of others, well-”
“It’d kill most people,” Bruce interrupted, looking up from his hands as he left his reverie. “I did a lot of tests on human blood with your blood and each time yours overtook it and killed the human cells. I concluded from my work that any attempt to gain immortality using your blood would effectively kill any person who tried the transfusion,” Bruce said as he stared at Gabe.
“Your blood would burn them from the inside out,” Claire said as she leaned forward in her chair, lost deep in thought.
“Essentially, yes. People without enhanced DNA- even some with enhanced DNA- likely wouldn’t survive the process,” Gabe said, gaze a million miles away.
Bruce’s brows furrowed as he spoke, “It did change the cells, though, before they were destroyed. They took your genetic code and started working like your cells do, before-”
“I know what you’re thinking, Bruce. We tried, y’know. A few times in fact, over the years. We’ve found people we didn’t want to lose; tried to give them a part of our power... Our parents were the first,” he said bitterly as he started at the ground. “We loved them. They were our everything. Then, one day we noticed we’d stopped aging. Our parents weren’t afraid. They loved us despite our abilities- said we were gifts from the gods. I don’t even know who had the idea originally anymore. It could have been me, or (Y/N), or our parents. Either way, we were convinced our blood held the key.
“So our parents drank it.
“And then they died, horribly, in pain. Their internal organs turning to goo while their brain worked so hard it burned itself out. We couldn’t do anything but watch in horror.
And that was how our village found us. Next to our parents’ corpses, bleeding from all orifices, when they’d been healthy and happy that morning. (Y/N) and I barely escaped with our lives and have been hiding our true nature ever since. Nine hundred years of running,” he whispered, thoughts hundreds of years away.
“Gabe, I had no idea-” Claire whispered, distraught.
“I’m sorry, Gabe. I really am, but we could study your DNA and find a way to-” Bruce was cut off by a sharp look from Gabe.
“I know what you’re about to ask, Dr. Banner. You want to use my DNA- or my sister’s- to find a cure to aging; to disease. My answer is no,” he said coldly.
“Gabriel, this could save so many-” Bruce beseeched, but was once again cut off by Gabe.
“No, Dr. Banner. People aren’t meant to live forever. Surely you could see the certain outcome of making everyone on earth effectively immortal?” Gabe asked, tone more clinical and frigid than any of them had ever heard it.
Bruce didn’t look happy, but he didn’t speak again. Claire watched Gabe with rapt attention as though he was a piece of a particularly interesting puzzle.
“People won’t give up their more base desires. Sure, people can always die suddenly in accidents, but they won’t give up the chance for families; to satisfy that insatiable itch. No, the human population would grow out of control,” Gabe said, voice finally breaking. “I wish I could, Dr. Banner. I really, really do. I’ve dedicated my long, long life to helping people, but this is the one thing I can’t give, for their own good,” he said, his pain over the dilemma clear in his voice.
“You didn’t give into those desires, though,” Claire said, staring hard at Gabe. “Maybe-”
“You’re wrong,” Gabe said so quietly Bucky barely heard it.
“What?” Claire asked, dumbfounded.
“You’re wrong. I gave in. A few times, in fact. You think my long life makes me suddenly not want romantic human companionship? Children? I’ll always love my sister, but she can’t provide those for me,” he said sadly.
Claire stared at him, suddenly confused. “You mean there are others? Like you? Your children?” she asked, eyes widening at the possibility.
Gabriel shook his head. “No, they didn’t inherit my gift. My first son died in 1357, my first daughter died in 1362. My second son died in 1579, my third in 1702. My last child, my daughter, died in 1723. All human. I realized, though, that my... other bodily fluids had the same effect that my blood did, they just reacted at a slower rate. The kids weren’t effected, but their mothers... my loves... they eventually succumbed to it. I stopped taking lovers after I’d realized, but it was too little too late,” he said bitterly, hatred for himself showing clearly in his tone.
The realization seemed to hit Claire the same time it hit Bucky. “What about (Y/N)?” she asked numbly, almost scared of his answer.
“What about her?” Gabe asked, though everyone could tell he knew what she was about to ask.
“Did she ever... have kids? Lovers?” Claire asked tentatively.
Bucky didn’t notice how tense he was until he realized he’d cracked the armrest of the chair he was sitting in with his metal hand. He let out the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding and forced himself to breathe evenly.
Gabe shook his head slowly. “She had a few trysts over the years, but... she refused to get attached to people. She didn’t want to settle down. She said she wasn’t as compassionate as I was, but I disagree. I think she cares about people too much, and it hurts her too deeply when they leave her,” he said quietly, head tilted slightly to the side as he thought.
“That’s... a lonely life,” Bruce said quietly as he crossed his arms.
“It can be. That’s why I tried so hard to push her to fix things with Sergeant Barnes. She rarely lets others in. I didn’t wish for her to lose that relationship,” Gabe said, melancholy.
Bucky’s heart was racing. He’d really screwed up, hadn’t he? He stood and began pacing. Would he ever get the chance to fix things with you? Would you wake up? Gabe and Claire seemed optimistic that you’d eventually recover if given enough time, but they weren’t sure. What if your heart just... gave out and they couldn’t resuscitate you?
Would he ever get a chance to respond to your last words?
“I’m sorry I can’t be of more help,” Gabe said sadly as he made his way towards the door, leaving Bruce, Claire and (unknowingly) Bucky a shocked mess in his wake.
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Bucky burst into Steve’s room, eyes wide. Steve snapped instantly awake, sitting up quickly to find the source of the noise.
When Steve realized it was Bucky he relaxed only slightly “What’s goin’ on, Buck?” Steve asked warily. This was unusual behavior for Bucky and he hoped it wasn’t anything serious.
“I messed up, Stevie,” Bucky said emotionally as he shut Steve’s door behind him.
“What are you talking about?” Steve asked, still on alert.
“(Y/N),” Bucky said simply.
“What happened? Did her condition-” Steve began, alarmed.
“No, no. This isn’t about her current condition. This is about- about how badly I’ve been treating her and... what she said before she lost consciousness,” Bucky said, guilt punching him in the gut.
Steve seemed to realize that his friend needed to talk this out because he sighed and got up from the bed, stretching. “Let’s get some tea and talk this out, Buck,” Steve said, yawning as he pulled on a pair of lounge pants.
“May need to break into the Asgardian booze for this one, Stevie,” Bucky said, frown etched deep into his face. Steve looked him up and down, eyebrow raised.
“I thought we were saving that for the Christmas party?” Steve asked suspiciously.
“I’m sure Thor can bring more hooch with him,” Bucky said dismissively.
Steve let out a deep sigh before nodding. “Alright, Buck. Whatever you say.”
Ten minutes later they were back in Steve’s room, Asgardian liquor in glasses that were clutched tightly in hand, bottle tucked securely under Steve’s arm.
Steve sat down on his bed and Bucky pulled up a chair, sitting down none-too-gently. They gave each other commiserating looks as they clinked their glasses together in an informal toast. They both took the shot, grimacing slightly as it burned down their throats.
“Damn, the Asgardians really know their liquor,” Bucky hissed, shooting the bottle an appreciative look as Steve refilled their glasses.
“Gonna tell me why you barged into my room at 3 AM?” Steve asked conversationally as he took another tentative sip of the alcohol.
Bucky seemed to deflate at the question and took a large sip from his glass.
Steve gave his friend a gentle nudge to the knee with his foot, drawing his gaze up from the floor and back into the present. “C’mon, Bucky. You can tell me,” Steve said earnestly.
“It’s bad business, Steve,” Bucky said quietly, to which Steve shrugged.
“I think I can handle it, Buck,” Steve said, giving his friend an encouraging smile.
Bucky let out a despondent sigh, swallowing the rest of the liquid in his glass before he spoke. “I was stuck on her, Steve. (Y/N). Before I knew...” he trailed off.
“I know. I’ve known for a while,” Steve said guiltily. Bucky looked up at him, surprised, and Steve shrugged sheepishly. “It was obvious to me. I figured it was only a matter of time until the truth was smoked out,” Steve said, grinning broadly. “The grandstandin’ kinda gave it away, too. You have no idea what you looked like when you were talkin’ about her, you know.”
“Alright, alright. Are you done raggin’ on me yet?” Bucky said, pouring himself another shot of liquor. Steve finished his shot and did the same.
“Me raggin’ on you? Never,” Steve said, sounding scandalized.
“Punk,” Bucky said, small smile playing on his lips.
“Jerk,” Steve responded instantly, easy smile on his lips. He didn’t see Bucky like this very often, but it had happened a lot while you and Bucky were friends. He’d missed this side of him; it’d been nearly nonexistent in the past month. Years of work had been undone in a single moment. “I doubt that’s all you wanted to talk about,” Steve said perceptively, eyeing Bucky over his glass.
Bucky clammed up again, lips sealed tightly.
“C’mon, Buck. Don’t make me put you through the wringer,” Steve threatened good-naturedly.
Bucky smirked at that. “I’d like to see you try,” he said, taking a sip of the liquor. He already was feeling its effects and was thankful he’d sprung for it. It made his next words easier. “I’ve been a damned creep, Steve. I- well, honestly, I eavesdropped on Gabe earlier-” he shrugged at Steve’s incredulous expression and continued, “-(Y/N)... she doesn’t get close to many people, y’know? Gabe said it was because she cares about people too much, which I can understand... I think we both get that. It hurts when you see all the people you care about die, but you’re still alive and kickin’,” he said sadly, thinking about all the people he’d never see again.
Steve nodded, understanding completely. “What else, Buck?” he said encouragingly.
“I took her for granted. I didn’t look past her involvement in Shadow to the person underneath. Didn’t even bother to try,” he said, angry at himself. “All I saw was another lie in my sorry excuse for a life. I didn’t want more of that, but... I should have considered her side, too. And I just... didn’t,” he finished lamely, downing his shot quickly. “Pour yourself one for this next part, too, Stevie,” he warned, holding his glass out for Steve to refill.
Steve threw back the rest of his his drink hesitantly then refilled both glasses. They toasted again and Bucky threw his back all at once, but Steve decided to sip on his instead. The last few Stark parties had given him a healthy fear of the Asgardian liquor.
It turned out to be a mistake, because at Bucky’s next words, he nearly choked on the liquid.
“She told me she loved me right before she lost consciousness,” he said quickly, almost as though he hoped Steve might not hear it if he said it fast enough.
“What?” he coughed, trying to clear his lungs of the burning liquor. Bucky gave Steve a concerned look and thumped him on the back a few times until he was sure Steve was able to breathe again.
“You heard me, punk,” Bucky said obstinately, not willing to repeat himself.
“And are your feelings regarding that proclamation the reason why we’re drinking in my room at 3 am?” Steve asked, voice a little hoarse from coughing so hard.
Bucky nodded absently, and Steve broke out into a wide smile. “You feel the same way, don’t you?” he asked quietly. Bucky’s gaze snapped to his and he did a perfect imitation of a deer trapped in the headlights. 
“I’m happy for you, Bucky,” Steve said sincerely, happily throwing back the alcohol now that he had something to celebrate.
“I don’t know why you’re drinking to that,” Bucky said grumpily, setting his glass down on the ground now that the walls had started spinning.
“Bucky, you’ve never liked a dame for more than a week or so. I think your longest relationship lasted two months,” Steve said accusingly. “And you’ve been sticking around (Y/N) for... how long now? Close to a year?” he asked, trying to count the time through the fog in his brain.
“I wasn’t dating her during that time, Steve. She was just my friend. Doesn’t count,” Bucky said defensively. He could hold down a relationship if he wanted to... right?
“And how many female friends did you have before (Y/N)? And I’m not talking about the share crops you brought home,” Steve said challengingly.
“Those were perfectly kind, respectable women, thank you very much,” Bucky mumbled half-heartedly.
“Alright, alright. But you could hardly call them friends,” Steve said, words running together slightly as the liquor began to take effect.
“Fine, you win. You’re right. Happy now?” Bucky asked, glaring unenthusiastically at Steve.
“I’m happy if you’re happy, buddy,” Steve said easily, dopey smile on his face.
Bucky let out a small sigh and envisioned you hooked up to machines- hurt from saving him. “I’m gettin’ there, Steve. I’m gettin’ there...” he mumbled.
Steve gave his friend an understanding smile. “She’ll wake up, Buck. She’s strong. Strong enough to kick our asses,” he said, chuckling slightly at the thought. His weak jab earned a small smile from Bucky.
“I hope so, pal,” he said quietly.
“Hey Buck?”
“Mm?” was all Bucky could manage, drunkenly lost in thought as he was.
“We drank through the entire bottle,” Steve said despondently as he turned the bottle upside down. A single drop fell out and splattered pathetically onto the hardwood floor. Steve and Bucky looked at each other for a moment before they both broke out into raucous laughter; the kind of unbridled, joyful laughter that only two very, very sauced people could share.
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Part 10
This series is finished, but if you want to be tagged in my other fics, check out  this post! Sorry, but responses to this post asking to be tagged will be ignored, so send me an ask or like one of the taglist posts!
☕ Buy Me a Coffee! ☕
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