#i think i've only ever posted one buddie fic but i have a whole bunch of wips in the archive
buckleydiazmp4 · 2 months
hi hello new followers and mutuals (and anybody else really. this house is open for all)👋 if any of you are interested in being on my taglist for 911 stuff you can interact with this post :)
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st-el-la-luna · 2 months
Okay but like, what's with fandoms and their recent obsession with "purifying" themselves and the content in them?
It's one thing if a content creator is outed as a pedophile or a racist or a xenophobe.
What I'm talking about is this newfound hatred towards dark fics and dark subject matter in general. It's like people don't understand that it's fiction. Fiction is not reality. Even if the writing is disgusting or amoral, it's not real. And you don't have to read it.
People have been writing weird shit for ages. So how come we only ever see these purity enforcers attacking fic writers or fan artists in fandoms?
Like, in the COD fandom I've seen a bunch of people getting hounded for posting or consuming dark content, I've also gotten a couple messages about it. And, like, hey buddy? Who really cares.
Fiction and reality are two separate things.
Also, why are you attacking me, a 20 year old who lives with their mom and writes for their ten consultant followers and not, oh, I don't know...
Stephen King, who has that whole underage sewer orgy scene in It.
Or the e creators of call of duty for creating literal propaganda. Because, hey besties, yes, that's what COD is. Propaganda. They want you to see it and be like, "yay, guns and the military!" And that's the thing about fiction. It's allowed.
The issue at hand is, in my mind, an issue of deeper reading comprehension or complex thoughts. And a lack of understanding of catharsis.
No one is saying these things are good. But these things exist in the world, like it or not. And in my mind, it's better to portray them in fiction than not at all. Because at least in portraying it awareness can be spread.
And again, if you don't like something, if it triggers you, just don't read it. It's simple. Like if you're watching a movie and can't stand blood so you cover your eyes not to see. You aren't going to go after the director are you? No. You're going to take steps to protect yourself against content you don't want to see or consume.
I think it's an issue of separating fan works from "real" works. Those who say fan art isn't real art or fanfiction isn't real writing. So perhaps in those people's minds, fan works, not being "real" means that they shouldn't portray things we see in reality.
All this to say here's a non-definitive list of novels with dark/disturbing content that these people would want to oppose:
It by Stephen King: The kids having an orgy in the sewers, child abuse, sexual abuse
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov: pseudo-incest, hebephilia
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Attwood: Women being stripped of rights, education, loss of bodily autonomy, forced breeders (at the hands of a government)
The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks
The Road by Cormac McCarthy: People keeping other people for food, people keeping women as breeding stock (at the hands of bandits in a post-apocalyptic world)
Flowers in the Attic by V. C. Andrews: child neglect, child abuse, forced isolation, incest, rape
1984 by George Orwell: totalitarianism, government surveillance, insignificance and weakness of the individual
The Stand by Stephen King: sex, rape, ableism, abuse of handicapped people, violence and killing
Maus by Art Spiegelman: depiction of violence, concentration camps, Nazis, Nazi imagery, dehumanization, starvation, mass murder
Frankenstein by Marry Shelley: human experimentation, grave robbing, necromancy, technical necrophilia, murder, revenge, suicide
In the Miso Soup by Ryū Murakami: pedo/hebephilic relations, sex industry, murder
Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy: graphic depictions of violence, use of slurs, child abuse, infanticide (? Been a while since I read it so I might be misremembering), pedophilia, rape, sexual assault and violence
Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica: cannibalism, forced breeding, objectification, slave trade, people being bred and sold for meat
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess: sadism, sexual violence
The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum: captivity, torture, torture at the hands of children, violence, sexual violence, based on a true story
Lord of The Flies by William Golding: shows the truth of human nature, dissolution of society and it's rules, violence as a basal instinct
The 120 Days of Sodom by Marquis de Sade: sex, sexual violence, rape, sex trade, pedophilia, incest, abuse, literally just the whole book
Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh: mental illness, drug use/addiction, infant death
American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis: violence, gore, rape, murder, torture, misogyny, sadism
A lot of these books, though considered scary and disturbing and gross, are also seen as classics.
It's not the fault of the author or the media they create, but that of the consumer.
You can find it icky and gross after reading or watching such things. Most of the time you're supposed to. That's a good thing, it means you're human. These things make you think and feel and emphasize.
To control what can and cannot be written is censorship. To control how certain things are portrayed is censorship.
Be aware of the media that's out there, because these disturbing things are real issues out there. And if you can't stomach it, don't consume it.
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wilddragonflying · 30 days
Alright, tagged by @tiltingheartand and I'm writing this on mobile bc otherwise I'll forget so forgive any typos/weirdness!
How many works do you have on AO3?
247, however a bunch of those are from the Collaborations series! It's a series collecting all of the fics that @queerpeasantchic and I have written 😁
Total AO3 word count?
3,093,324 (2,065,618 of which is from the aforementioned Collaborations)
What fandoms do you write for?
Ahahahahahaha ummmm
9-1-1, Roswell: New Mexico, Baldur's Gate 3, Fallout (as a whole), Detroit: Become Human, Sandman, Avengers, Stranger Things, Borderlands, MCU, Teen Wolf, Dragon Age, Far Cry (specifically New Dawn), The Witcher, Overwatch, House of Ashes, Harry Potter, Skyrim, Mass Effect, Justice League, Kingsman, The Quarry, Wonder Woman, How to Train Your Dragon, Buzzfeed Unsolved(don't think I actually published anything for that one tho)
Honestly like. If I'm in a fandom, odds are I WILL write a fic for it at some point
Top five fics by kudos?
A Question of Pack (Teen Wolf, sterek, canon-compliant thru I think s2? Been a while since I've reread it, but people are still reading it! Collab w/ @queerpeasantchic)
Between the Drinks and the Morning (Witcher, Geraskier, PWP)
Rumor Has It (9-1-1, Buddie, 5 times people thought buddie were divorced + 1 time they realized they want to be married)
What (Not) to Tell Your Friends (Teen Wolf, Sterek, established relationship w/ sex-repulsed ace!Derek where the rest of the pack finds out sterek have never had sex and meddle; another collab w/ @queerpeasantchic)
Two Steps Forward (9-1-1, buddie, Ramon and Helena come to visit after Ramon's retirement party and they misunderstand buddie's relationship, featuring Ramon trying Very Hard and not quite hitting the mark, but acting sincerely)
Do you respond to comments?
I will if there's a question or if the commenter is being a dick - odds are I'm more likely to respond if they're an asshole because I like tearing them apart them freezing the comment thread and deleting any other comment attempts 😂
Fic with angstiest ending?
Oh jeez I don't know I don't...... think I've ever done a non-happy/hopeful ending?????
Fic w/ happiest ending?
.... see above 😂 most of my endings are happy!
Do you get hate on fics?
Yepper-ooni 😂 I actually have a couple of fics that were motivated entirely by some idiots who didn't understand the concept of 'don't like don't read' when it comes to messed up characters having messed up relationship dynamics 😂
Do you write smut?
I sure do! Surprise myself with it sometimes, but sometimes you just gotta sit down and bang out 6k words about your favs banging
Craziest crossover?
Hmm I don't typically do crossovers, but I did write a couple leverage/supernatural fics way back when I started writing & posting fics; that's the only one coming to mind right offhand
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Ye! Or at least, had some where a request to translate was commented lol
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
See the very first answer 😂 I co-write loads of fic w/ @queerpeasantchic but I also like to talk about my WIPs w/ people like @tiltingheartand who is wonderful to bounce ideas off of and who has provided much food for thought & inspo 💖
All time favorite ship?
Oh God that's a toughie 🙈 I gotta say either Parker/Hadison/Eliot, or buddie, or maybe sterek???? It's so hard to choose
WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Oh Jesus *guiltily glances at google drive* there are.... way too many 🙈
Writing strengths?
Hmm I like to think I'm good at digging into a character's head and showing the internal thoughts
Anything requiring a physical description 😂
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
If the POV character knows the language, I'll usually put it in italics w/ a note about which language it is, but if not, then I'll describe the other speakers' mannerisms/attitude as they speak
First fandom you wrote in?
Erm I think that might've been Warrior Cats, *way* back when I first discovered fic!
Favorite fic you've written?
Without a doubt, Supplementations and Upgrades! This is a fic inspired by a Tumblr post wondering what if BioWare *had* gone with the apparent original idea of the geth bringing Shephard back to life for ME2. I wrote the first chapter as a one-off with my Shephard, Rochelle (biotic ping pong ball of death), and then the idea just wouldn't leave me alone! Ended up being over 230k words and honestly it's my biggest project to date and the one I'm most proud of 😁 I constantly re-read it, and have commissioned art for various chapters from @defenestratin! (With plans for more bc I CANNOT get enough of how they draw Rochelle 😍)
I'm gonna tag........... @queerpeasantchic @systlin @inexplicifics and anyone else who wants to give it a shot 😁
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pixiemage · 2 years
12 & 17
[Ask Game]
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
Honestly? Angst and Hurt/Comfort. I used to avoid anything painful like the plague because I can't stand anything that doesn't have a happy ending. But in the past five years or so I've come to really appreciate a good bit of angst. There has to be balance, of course, but when it is balanced it makes the hurt hit harder and the comfort so much sweeter.
I still have a hard time with bad endings and permanent character death, because I still need that positive closure at the end of a journey, but - well. For anyone who's read my stories, you all know I've definitely taken a liking to emotional turmoil, haven't I? xD Just know my fics will ALWAYS have a happy ending! I'm incapable of writing any other way! <3
(Also some of the more animal-based traits that a lot of MCYT characters have. I used to think that kind of thing was weird when I was younger, but I've read so many stories since then with non-human characters that the hybrid players of the MCYT 'verses are basically normal to me. Give me birb boys and moss creatures any day of the week!)
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
Buckle up, because there are two and I'm a wordy bitch when I get excited about a story idea. One of them is Marvel, which might not be your cup of tea, but I'm rambling about it anyway. (If you want to skip it, there's also MCYT rambles below this one lol.)
Stark Boys AU | This one scratches the ol' Iron Dad itch that I don't think I'll ever get rid of. A Marvel buddy of mine and I created this entire AU over the course of a few months last year(?), in which Tony happens to meet the Parkers not long after the events of IM1. Peter is still just Peter instead of Spider-Man because he's so young at this point. He's a genius of a kid who's still processing the loss of his parents. For multiple reasons, Tony and the Parkers end up keeping in touch, and as the years go by Tony becomes a father figure for Peter. (Because of this he ends up taking better care of himself sooner and a lot of things change a little in the timeline, but that's beside the point.) When he meets Harley Keener in IM3, Tony figures out that the kid's practically an orphan. After having Peter in his life for so long the logical next step - of course - is to adopt this Harley kid who's got the same spark of genius Peter has and is close to Peter in age. They two end up growing up as something akin to brothers, with Peter living with the Parkers and Harley living with the Starks and both of them spending weekends together at one home or the other. This means both boys (and May and Ben) are part of the story through all the Avengers films, which changes things in a lot of interesting ways. Peter shows up in Siberia in Civil War, Harley starts work on his own suit like Tony's, there's this running joke that they claim they're twins when they're not. Harley crushes on, dates, breaks up with, then forges a lifelong rivalry with Harry Osborn, which lasts all the way through college. There's a whole thing with Peter coming back after the snap and the blip as a kid instead of a teen, which is just - my favorite thing. This AU also inspired a bunch of SPINOFF AU's - SB Mafia AU, a Parent Trap AU where Harley and Peter are actually twins, an SB Hogwarts AU with Flash as a rival-turned-friend, a Supernatural AU where Richard Parker and the Starks were Men of Letters and where May and Ben run a roadhouse for Hunters - so this, uh. This story and its extensions live rent free in my head. I've never listened to The Pheonix by Fall Out Boy without thinking of it.
2. Traffic Life Witch & Familiar AU | I've talked in depth about this one over on this post, but I freaking adore this concept. Witches and Familiars is a trope I love in every universe. I think I found it first through Supernatural (and started writing a fic for but never finished, oop) and the whole idea is soooo good. And with the concept of witch/familiar bonds that I've seen in numerous works, it parallels so well with the soulbond mechanic from Double Life. If people want it I'd gladly write it, it just wouldn't be in a chapter-fic form and it probably would be at the bottom of the list until some of my other MCYT fics are finished xD Lord knows I have a lot I'm working on already!
3. (And here, a secret third thing, but spoilers for recent DSMP lore: I made a joke post about it the other day, but remember how I mentioned in another ask that I love the Hermit!Tommyinnit trope? Well forget the old “Tommy somehow ends up on Hermitcraft during exile” trope, how about “Tommy somehow ends up on Hermitcraft after the DSMP gets nuked but everyone is still trapped on Empires so it’s sort of a ghost town except for like five people and one (1) traumatized and potion addicted teen”? Like - it would be an absolute catastrophe and I love it. The only people left on Hermitcraft right now are, to my knowledge, Hypno, XB, Beef, and Wels. Etho is somewhere and Mumbo is still on hiatus, so Tommy just - appearing in a near-empty server with four people who would have no idea how to deal with a traumatized and chaotic teen? Absolutely glorious. And then Mumbo would come back and be the most capable man in the room because he deals with Grian on a daily basis, and that's a stretch. Hypno would be the only one present with admin status. So Xisuma and Grian and the rest come back and the server is just on fire because nobody knows what to do about the new intruder who probably just really needs sleep and a hug, and - glorious, glorious chaos. <3)
OH AND SOMEONE SHOULD DO AN EMPIRES AND HERMITCRAFT SWAP where the Hermits each have their own Empire and the Empires crew are the ones who live in a chaotic world of RP shenanigans. Or maybe like, a partial cast swap because lord knows there are so many more Hermits by comparison. Nether Prince Tangoooo my beloved.
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mechanicalinertia · 2 years
STMPD Recommends Bubblegum Crisis Fanfiction: Chris Davies' Best Of All The Years 2
I have been doing this for over a year, now. I'm certain of it. It hasn't exactly attracted big traffic, but it's been... funny. Cathartic. Entertaining to me, at least? Look, doing pointless things tied to Crisis is sort of my default mode, and it's not a good default mode, but it's my default mode so I'll cling onto it beyond reason.
Of course, I've been doing a lot less of these. One runs out of interesting fics to review when the fandom is basically a few dozen people on a Discord, a few hundred people on a subreddit, and some ageing Gen Xers who use neither (most of the fiction writers who I've cited, like Shawn Hagen, Bob Schroeck, etc). Or, well, there are still interesting fics to review, but reviewing them would not be a fun process for me. YT2032, Meat Jacket, the usual suspects. Obviously I wrote a well-received post about a common thread in a lot of those fics, but that doesn't exactly mean I reviewed a given fic completely, did I? Well, I'll get to them. Eventually. Someday. Maybe I'll transition to recommending various things that I read? Ranma fic, Edgerunners fic... sky's the limit at that point. Have I talked about doing that before? I have, haven't I? Well, to hell with that.
It's time to talk about Best Of All The Years 2, arguably the fic that got me into the concept of Priss x Sylia being a couple.
Now, look. BoatY 2(oh my god that is the funniest acronym ever that's incredible holy shit what the hell) isn't just a sequel to BoatY 1, it's a sequel to Together Again: 2937 Chapter, Davies' gigacrossover involving pretty much every big anime that ever was popular in America in the 90's. That means not just Sailor Moon is mixed in, but Tenchi Muyo, Dirty Pair, Ranma, Patlabor, Ah My Goddess, Gall Force, and a bunch of other things which are referenced in the story's gigatimeline. I mean, Together again 2937 is like 350 pages of script-format fic (I recommend downloading as a PDF and reading it that way), and then there's the 1996 chapter which is Ranma-centric (450 pages, I think), and then there's the incomplete Silver Millennium chapter - yeah, the stories move backwards in time compared to the order Davies wrote them in - and as such, if you think I'm reviewing that shit, prepare to be very fucking disappointed. Maybe in some later year, when I can explain everything that goes on in it without sounding like a Pepe Silvia-grade nutcase.
For now, though... well, Davies helpfully provides a summary of 2937 on the first part of the story, and the only thing that's really plot-relevant from Together Again is that, after saving Queen Serenity from an elaborate plot involving the Dirty Pair as puppets, Sailor Pluto allows Priss to save Sylia from the suitcase nuke she sets off inside GENOM Tower around 2040, dragging her back to the present. That's it, that's pretty much all you need to know (Well, besides the fact that Nene's dead, but that's not really important). That's it. I swear to god.
After that... Well, Priss lies that she's a clone because she's pissed at Sylia once it turns out Sylia was cyber-enhanced the whole time, and is nervous about having lost most of her memories past 2033 or so, there's a lot of relationship angst, a ghost intervenes, they make up, they make love, and Priss stays on as a hardsuited warrior while Sylia retires to be a detective. I don't know what else to tell you, other than Priss is drinking buddies with Sailor Mars and Ayeka from Tenchi - and was buddies with Shampoo from Ranma until she fucked off into deep space, but again, that's Together Again material. Oh, and Rally Vincent was Sylia's mother. Not sure if we're talking about blonde Rally from Riding Bean, or tan Rally from Gunsmith Cats, but I would have to assume the former considering that Sylia isn't, y'know, of dark complexion.
Yeah, it's kind of hard to talk about this one, isn't it? Mostly because there's not a whole lot there, it's over and done with in I'd want to say under twenty thousand words. And what is there doesn't quite reach the heights or depths of emotional heft that I want from PrissxSylia fanfic, because Davies seems to have decided that Shakespearian-level misunderstandings are key to their relationship troubles (Priss sings a song from ADP Files in recollections during Together Again 2937, and Sylia literally assumes that the song is about how much she sucks and gets all self-loathe-y about it). I want to say I've at least tried to base Priss and Sylia's friction in deeper-rooted misunderstandings about the other woman based off of warped things in their own worldviews, though whether or not I succeeded is really not up to me.
But BoatY 2 still has one good card to play, namely seeing from both Priss and Sylia's perspective what happened once Priss travelled back in time to bail her lover out, there in the bowels of Quincy's kingdom. There are some... interesting revelations on Quincy's part as to the true nature of the conflict Sylia has been waging. I won't spoil them beyond saying that they resemble Bubblegum Crusade's ideas about Quincy's ties to Sylia, and that you can just read part 1 and get them. For that, and that alone, flip through this fic.
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amirosebooks · 7 years
Top 5 Fan Fics (That I've Written)
I was tagged by @samanddeaninpanties to write about my favorite fics I’ve written. I’m going to split this up into the two main fandoms I’ve written for.
I’m not tagging anyone in this because I don’t know who has or hasn’t been tagged. So if you see this and want to do it but haven’t been tagged yet... consider this me tagging you.
My SPN Fics
Humanity’s Angels [Destiel; 93k words; for SPNCanonBigBang; Explicit; Case!Fic / alternate season 12] TFW and Mary head to Arizona to hunt down the apparent ghost of an angel. Meanwhile Dean examines his feelings toward his best friend and what to do with them.
I will mourn the day this fic is surpassed by something else on the list of my favorite things I’ve ever written. I hadn’t even seen season 12 when I first started writing this fic, though the season was already half over. I relied heavily on meta, recaps and gifs to get the mood right. It took me something like 6 months to write this beast and I’m still recovering from the mental work it took. This shit made me want to cry a few times writing it, so I’ll apologize in advance for the feelings.
The Mantra [Destiel; 3k words; General; Fluff & angst] Following the events of 12.12, Dean wakes up from a nightmare shouting Cas's name. Which works out well, since Cas can't sleep or relax either after everything that went on. Dean introduces Cas to some of the healthier coping mechanisms he knows.
This is the first SPN / Destiel fic I wrote. It’s one of those ideas that grabbed hold of me and wouldn’t let go until I wrote it out. I love the first half of it which scratches my guilty everybody cuddle! itch. The second half I wrote in a style that irritates me whenever I do it, but what are you gonna do?
Letters to Ghosts [Destiel; 2.3k words; General; Angst & fluff; Early season 13 mini coda] All Dean wanted was a cup of coffee. What he got instead was a whole bunch of feelings and a raincheck he might never get to cash in.
The longest thing I’ve managed to write since finishing Humanity’s Angels. This painful idea came to me after finished the first episode of 13 combined with the knowledge that we’d be getting Cas back fairly soon into the season. Bring tissues.
Humanity’s Angels -- Original Chapter 18 Cut Scene [Destiel; a few thousand words; Explicit; John Winchester’s A+ Parenting] This is the original "morning after" chapter from Humanity's Angels. Set between the Love Scene chapter and Library, this was supposed to be chapter 18. I cut it for length and because it dragged the story down a bit and wandered more than I wanted it to. I'm going to apologize in advance for the John Winchester related flashback before you get to the actual sex. If you skip the italics and stop reading when you reach this line: "They needed to get back to the case no matter how much he wanted to hole up in this hotel room with his angel and never come out again." you won't have to see anything related to John. Either way, this should give you guys a better idea of the kind of history I had written up for my version of bisexual!Dean Winchester.
I’d originally intended to write H.A. with a lot more flashbacks to Dean’s early, out-to-everyone-but-family bisexual days. I didn’t like the way that Cassie and Lisa were coming across in the scenes I’d had planned and since I love both those characters too much to do that to them I cut those plans. The John and Dean scene in this was supposed to contrast a much... less happy flashback from earlier in the story that I also cut. I’m not a fan of John, but there are times when I can understand his character a little better than others. This scene was supposed to be one of those moments where I sympathized with John while he actually tried to be a real dad instead of a drill sergeant. Part of me mourns the potential of an actual adult child Dean and John post crusade relationship, but whatever. Like the description says, you can totally skip the John bits and read a sex scene I wish I’d been able to keep in the story.
Hands On Me [Destiel; Dean/Others in flashbacks; 2k words; Explicit; PWP] Dean just finished working a case by himself and was on his way to meet Sam and Eileen a few states away when he pulled over for the night. All Dean wanted was to grab a few hours of sleep in Baby before he had to leave again. His wandering mind had other plans.
The plot of this is very hand-wavey and shouldn’t be analyzed too closely. This is pure smutty fun. It was a sex scene idea I had while writing the final movie theater scene in H.A. that wouldn’t leave me alone until I’d written it down. I really love the idea of Dean being very comfortable with his bisexuality with his hookups and only hiding it from his family and friends.
My Cut & Run Fics
Hold Still [Nick & Kelly; 6.2k words; Explicit; PWP] I wrote this during the summer of 2013 and I think it’s still my favorite sex scene I’ve ever written. It’s also the first sex scene I ever wrote so that might be nostalgia talking because I certainly haven’t reread this in years. I played with the idea of restraining someone with words in this and... I love it. This is right up there with Humanity’s Angels as far as favorite things I’ve written.
Marking Their Territory [Nick & Kelly; 2.7k words; Teen] My very first piece of fanfiction. Well, technically I think I wrote a fic or two back in high school, but this little shit here got me started on the whole writing and sharing with others thing. It’s a play on the lovers when they were still just friends with sexual tension that they don’t talk about. A few years back, when the fandom was still active and sharing stuff regularly, we’d call these stories pre-nickels nickels.
Hot Ginger Bartender AU [Nick & Kelly; no idea because I never put this on AO3; Explicit eventually] I think this random little AU was one of the last times I really had fun writing for this fandom. There’s a lot of references to inside stuff with the books in this, but I’ve seen people not in the fandom read it and enjoy it. The first one is set up with sexual tension like woah. The second is just... smutty awesomeness. Rereading this makes me miss these fools like crazy.
My Demons [Ty Grady POV; 2k words; unfinished] Damn I wish I could have finished this one. In the books Ty has a lot of different nicknames and each touch on different bits of his personality. I had this idea that after some kind of accident Ty woke up in an alternate world (while actually being in a coma) where he had to confront all those different personalities.
Oops, I Fell For A Serial Killer AU [Nick & Kelly; a few thousand spread over two connected stories and one short alternate story with the same prompt; Explicit; Gore] For a while on Tumblr it was a thing to reblog these long lists of prompts and then write fic or stories for them. I’m sure it’s still a thing somewhere on this blue hell site, but for a while it was a thing that I did on the regular. One of the things to come out of one of those posts was this serial killer au. This ended up dark, bloody, violent, sexy, and--in my opinion--kind of beautiful. It was also the last time I really had fun writing for this fandom before I started to feel guilty about everything I wrote because of the negative reaction this fic got.
C&R is a buddy cop meets fairly traditional romance series. There’s darkness in it, quite a lot of it, but nothing as black as a serial killer au inherently is where sex and violence get mixed up so tightly. Thanks to this there were several people who were really used to being able to read any of the fic that came out related to the series and being okay with it. No one really wrote triggery, dark stuff for these boys. Then I wrote this and some people were not okay with it at all. Which is fine, everyone has their own things they like and don’t like. But it became a THING and kinda ruined the fun I’d been having.
Anyway, I love this dark twisted bit of words. I think it’s sweet even if it is incredibly fucked up. Also, I got to write knife play into the second one so that’s fun.
Bonus round: This painfully short prompt response is probably third on my list of favorite things I’ve ever written. You kinda gotta know the series to really feel why this is such a gut-punch but I love it anyway. This one holds a soft part in my heart too.
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