#i started using tiktok a LITTLE just to post speedpaints its fine
loversgothic · 1 year
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getting into the habit of making speedpaints for my concept art sketches so heres a summer kraken wip
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raveartts · 6 months
I seriously need to find the ultimate social media to post my art on, because it's not like my art is that bad right? I've seen worse get more popularity and engagement
let's see uh
Tumblr: good for stuff staying circulated, even my old posts still get occasional engagement, it's hard to get new people to look at my art (though that may be simply due to the tiny fandoms I draw for) but I have regulars 🥰 also I like Tumblr. even if I'm unpopular 😔
Instagram: used to be good and easy to build up, but I could never achieve the algorithm manipulating success that I saw others have. I think these days the key would be to do video based content.. but if I have to jump cut edit my process for all my drawings like an annoying cunt I'll literally just jump off a bridge-
tiktok: same thing. absolutely fucking not
DeviantArt: I could never get much attention on there and now the site is pretty much dead and forgotten, it is not what it used to be
discord servers: can get nice interaction if it's not so busy it just gets over posted. but unless you're popular elsewhere you won't become well known within the server
reddit: hit or miss depending on the sub but you can't really get any consistent fans on there, though it's not impossible to find commissioners there at least
pixiv: easy to get lots of eyes on your work, though little engagement or regulars
newgrounds: need to test it more but you can get some feedback and eyes on your art, it looks like something where you'd slowly build yourself up. though I find the site design a little hard to use
Twitter: i've heard good things about it being easy to gain a following.. but I have no idea how it truly works, how to format posts/tag things correctly. I don't know how to game the system, and with the way things are going Twitter X may die within a couple years
furaffinity: shockingly, I don't have all that much furry art to post. I think it's not too hard to get good engagement there if your work is nice, but I don't recall having much luck with it
YouTube???: uhm. I don't think I'd do well with video editing, like speedpaints would be fine if I actually made finished work more often. I like the idea of talking about art with an avatar sprite (pngtuber?) but I don't even know where to start with that
pillowfort: the site's been unusably slow in the last few months imo. and the userbase is absolutely tiny overall. but you can get more personal and real engagement there, it's a nice community at least
I'm sure I'm missing others, like uh artfol? was some startup app idk how that's been doing lately. there's also site that's more professional portfolio based I believe? I forgot its name though...
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