#i should join an intercambio group
air--so--sweet · 7 months
The TUA brainrot has reached new levels. I noticed in S1E2 when Diego is speaking to several people as he crosses the gym that one guy responds to him in Spanish. All he says is one word, 'Sí', a word most people, regardless of whether they speak Spanish or not, know the meaning of, and yet I've spun it into a whole headcanon explaining why Diego speaks Spanish like a native speaker.
Because I've seen people point out that Reggie teaching the Umbrellas the languages related to their cultural backgrounds doesn't explain Diego speaking Spanish with a Mexican accent and using regional slang when he speaks. However, if there are Spanish speakers who work in or frequent the gym maybe Diego started speaking Spanish with them, picked up slang and other markers of 'home Spanish', and developed more of an accent through speaking with them over time. In fact, I love to think they intentionally tried to help Diego with his Spanish and sounding more like a native speaker because he was embarassed that he sounded like someone who spoke it as a second language despite being of Latin American descent.
And you might be thinking, 'Okay the guy speaks to him in Spanish, but Diego speaks to him in English', but stuff like that isn't at all uncommon in bilingual friendships. I'm a native English speaker, and I lived in Lanzarote for 6 months in 2012 on university placement. While I was never completely fluent in Spanish, I got pretty close in that time. I had friends and roommates who were native Spanish speakers and were also fluent in English. We mixed and changed and combined languages all the time. When I first moved there I was so determined to improve my Spanish I would more or less only speak Spanish, even when people spoke English to me which meant I regularly had conversations with friends where we were speaking separate languages. I was so used to switching languages when I moved back to Ireland more than once i said something in Spanish before remembering no one around me spoke it. So Diego speaking English in that moment doesn't mean they don't also speak Spanish together. It just means they probably speak a mix of English and Spanish.
(Yes I know the real reason Diego speaks Spanish like a native Mexican speaker is because he is played David Casteñada who is Mexican, and the scene where he argues with Ben was improvised, but I will never not overanalyse and create headcanons for this show, especially if they explain plotholes)
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snsmissionaries · 6 years
9/12/18 -- Sister Nicole Ritman, Spain, Madrid Mission
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Mexican Food with Spanish Cheese
Subject Line: We went to a Mexican Restaurant for lunch and my chimichangas (which were more like tacos) definitely didn't live up to the real Mexican food I've had or even Arizonanian Mexican food but I couldn't hate it too much because it was covered in really good Spanish cheese. Play to your strengths, I guess.
 ¡Hola a Todos!
 This week it felt like we did no missionary work in our area. That's because all day Tuesday we were in Sevilla for Zone Conference (they still haven't sent the group pic), and Thursday mediodía to Friday mediodía we had intercambios (where you switch companions with your Sister Training Leaders) in San Fernando. Plus Thursday morning we Skyped into a meeting in Madrid for all the new missionaries.
 Zone Conference was focused on the joy of repentance, Adjusting to Missionary Life pamphlet and proselytizing with technology. Our Zone Leaders also gave a killer taller (workshop) on diligence and our SHEs (Sister Training Leaders) helped us think of really creative ways to contact that I'm excited to try. At Zone Conference I met Hermana Decoursey who's mom is Cynthia Brown from St. John's. So crazy.
 Intercambios were great because they had a baptism that night of a teen from the Dominicam Republic whose Aunt, Uncle and cousin already joined the church and he was excited to also. I helped give the last lessons he needs before baptism and learned how to fill out a cedula, or a baptismal record. I understood their accent almost perfectly and I still am completely lost and when Jerez natives talk so I've officially decided the Andalucian accent is the most difficult. The next day we basically did studies and ate taco salad with homemade guacamole and homemade salsa while the font filled, which takes a few hours apparently.
 On intercambios I  walking down the street with my compañera for the day, Hermana Day, and the ward mission leader when suddenly this very very old lady literally jumped in front of us in her doorstep from out of nowhere and asked us to put these eye drops that looked like glue in her eyes. The ward mission leader tried and failed so I tried and did it. He joked that she was going to accept the gospel in the next life because she'd remember the service I did lol. But hey maybe! Why not? Jaja Not exactly what I imagined when they told me I'd do service on my mission but it totally counts. 
 Big news for Jerez is we decided to do away with the boundary line that splits it into the Hermanas area and the Elders area. I think it should be more effective because we can contact on the way to and from the capilla now. Plus we can give each other amigos who live by themselves because it's difficult to get a member of our same gender to go to a cita with someone of the opposite gender (a safety rule of the mission). That should help A LOT actually so I'm excited.
 The other great news of the week is we gave a lesson to a family and the 11 year old was just in his room on his phone the whole time but then he came to fútbol that night and really talked to us and became our friend. I was also worried he'd be uncomfortable because everyone else who showed up to soccer was like these huge intimidating and super skilled 20-25 year-olds but he had a ton of fun and definitely held his own. I cannot hold my own and I've learned how to take a lot of embarrassment while slowly trying to improve my skills. It's a little pathetic I won't lie. (We play fútbol every Saturday night).
 Today for Pday we visited the Hermanas in Puerto de Santa Maria and just walked around and saw the Bullring, a cathedral, the castle and a super old jail, all from the outside because nothing is ever open on Monday. We did see the fake ocean, which is like a skinny port they built to let the real ocean in which is really close but we didn't see. Still fun though! 
 Love ya all,
 Hermana Ritman
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