#i re-watched the first two episodes with ana again tonight and damn. i am really missing the frosty man
safyresky ยท 2 years
Happy Saturday night/Sunday morning fellow tsc fans! How we all feeling post episode drop? Good? Bad? SHOCKED and APPALLED at the Charlie scene*? Smad about Jack being called a frozen lunatic? Because our emotional support lunatic DID in fact THAW? Mad that Santa can now, uh, blow winds and uh, send ICICLES? WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN? WHAT DID HE DO TO JACK? WHERE IS JACK?
I'm calm, I'm cool. I'm chill. Uh.
Are you tired of people being like nah, fuck it, Jack is still evil/frozie/villain lmao, POST tsc3? Girl, same.
Well, may I offer you a plug for Crystal Springs in this trying time?
Crystal Springs? You ask. The thing I see you post about a solid 25% of your time on hellsite?
Yes! Crystal Springs!
Well...alright, I'll bite, you say. What is it?
Crystal Springs is a genfic that I wrote that takes place a year after tsc3, and focuses on our boy Jack Frost, who has THAWED! He's been chilling at the Pole, doing them community service hours, making up with Santa and the other elves, just. Y'know. GETTING BETTER POST-THAW. HE'S HAVING A REDEMPTION ARC! IT'S GREAT! IT'S ALL GREAT!
Except for one itty bitty tiny thing...
His powers seem to be...gone. And you know, this wouldn't be TOO much of a problem if he wasn't tied to the Dome that shelters the entire North Pole and saves them from exposure and also, keeps Elfsburg temperate!
But unfortunately, keeping the Dome shipshape is one of the ah, not so perky perks of Jack's job. And when his powers stop working...the Dome starts melting, warming up the North Pole and letting the magic leak out. And if the magic leaks out??? It'll spread way too fast, way too hot, and potentially jeopardize not only the magical populous of the world, but the regular populous, too! Because not only does the Dome keep them safe and temperate, it also doles out the magic in proper quantities so as not to overwhelm the magic that coats the entire globe!
And on TOP of that, BECAUSE the Dome melting is starting--a process known as the Deliquesce--everyone is beginning to think that maybe Jack's going back to his old ways...ruh-oh raggy!
So what to do, what to do? Well, after finally admitting his lack of powers to the Council, there's one thing that may be able to help Jack: the Legate Law.
Santa has his clauses, but the Council? Well, they all have a lil' something known as the Legate Law, in which, should something happen to them or they become unable to do their job or even just retire (yeah tscs series, I did it FIRST! HA!), their Legate steps in to take their place!
Jack's Legate should be good to take over his seasonal duties and fix up the Dome temporarily, if they partially enact the law. They may even be able to help Jack get to the bottom of his power shortage!
There's only one problem.
His Legate is his younger sister, Jacqueline.
Who he hasn't seen or talked in fourteen hundred years.
In fact, the last time they saw each other, he uh. He maybe almost killed her. Maybe. Almost. It was bad. Bad enough to be known as the Day of Darkness in magical history.
But, Jack, realizes, it's time to make amends with the fam. And this seems to be the only way to save the North Pole and all of the magical world. (And Christmas too, I guess).
But when Jacqueline arrives and things take a turn for the worse, the pair realize that if they want to fix this at all, they're gonna have to go home.
Back to Crystal Springs.
So off Jack goes to make amends with his parents, meet the younger twin siblings he didn't even KNOW existed, and hopefully get his and Jacqueline's sleet together before the nefarious stranger in the shadows manages to string together a devious plot for some very, very, very old vengeance on the Frosts.
Oh, I didn't mention the mysterious stranger? Well, there is one, and he's stirring up trouble for the entire Frost Fam!
So. In conclusion. Crystal Springs has EVERYTHING.
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AND MORE! (Bernard, weird evil man working in the shadows for lord knows WHAT reason, canon characters IN CHARACTER)
But mostly, it has JACK. And if anyone out there is missing their emotional support frozen lunatic, well. I GOTYOU ;)
๐Ÿ†•๐Ÿ†• And is now on ao3 here! ๐Ÿ†•๐Ÿ†• (Up to Chapter 29: Mind Goop)
*we here at SafyreSky Industries are aware of the reasons they did the Charlie scene the way they did in Disney+'s The Santa Clauses. However, we are upset at the way they portrayed him and his wife's relationship. SafyreSky Industries is of the opinion that:
A) Charlie should have TOLD wifey AGES AGO about Scott as Santa AGES AGO and that
B) Had he and wifey had a nice conversation that was drawn out and not, you know, like THAT. Just a bit more mature and heartfelt and communicating their needs to one another, then it would've been LESS anger inducing, and finally
C) Like Charlie being next better and as such, will be going forward in CS Verse canon with Charlie becoming Santa's Legate and after that, the next Santa :)
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