#i miss uni but exams were an unpleasant part of this times
chodzacaparodia · 1 year
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writearctic · 3 years
Turtle Threats (a) (f) - Song Mingi
wc: 2k
Disclaimer: i know zip about 🐢
for this beautiful boy: i hope you are getting the love, rest, and support you need to return to the stage soon.
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“You’re late.” Your boss, Sunghyun, scowled as you entered the shop; he looked down at his watch: 19:12.
“I know, and I’m sorry,” you quickly apologized. “The rain caused the bus to show up late. I know it’s no excuse but-”
“I have to leave now. Don’t make your tardiness a habit, Miss y/n.”
“Yes, sir.” You turned to the lockers and changed into your work attire. “Late by only twelve minutes,” you uttered to yourself after he left. It was refreshing to remove your soggy clothes, but your body remained cold.
You turned to see your coworker, Mingi, extending his jacket towards you. He must’ve found this “late” thing amusing.
And he did, too. When your pale, wet body dripped inside, he couldn’t help but smirk at your dishevelled appearance. But, after seeing you hunch closer to your body, shivering, he halted his laugh.
“Oh. Thank you.” With trembling hands- no doubt caused by the weather- you eagerly took his jacket. A soft stretch of red eased across his face; seeing you in his coat gave him this familiar unexplainable feeling inside.
A ding at the front exclaimed the arrival of a customer. You hustled to straighten your appearance before Mingi placed his hand on your shoulder to gently stop you.
“I’ll get it,” his honey voice whispered. “Straighten up; you’ll give the tenets a fright looking like that.”
He had a point: none of the pets at Aquarium Den would ever want to see you fresh out of a “tsunami.” You turned to the mirror and huffed in defeat before pulling out your makeup wipes and washing the smudged makeup from your face. You brushed your hair with your fingers before deciding this was as good as it was going to get.
Mingi had everything under control, as always. The customer needed to secretly replace his child’s goldfish. Luckily, most goldfish look alike.
You focused your attention on cleaning the tanks. A soft melody played over the store speakers. It was assuring and made your unhygienic task seem easier. You hummed the tune while fixing the labels on the glass tanks. Mingi started the same routine on the opposite side of the shop. Aquarium Den was a downtown “fish mart” squeezed between a nail salon and card shop; the faint scent of nail polish remover and printer ink almost hid the unpleasant smells from the fishy occupants.
The shop itself was small, as all city-centered buildings were. At the front window was the register. Along the vertical walls were the tanks as well as some smaller ones against the back wall. In the middle of it was a median of supplies like tanks, food, etc.
A few other customers came, and you and Mingi easily assisted them. The last hour was quiet. Mingi sat at the checkout counter and studied his textbooks while you swept and mopped the tile floors.
“You have to take a break,” you chirped towards him.
“Y/n, I have an exam tomorrow. There’s no time for a break.” His voice grumbled back at you without even a turn of his head.
“Ok.” The tone of your voice was quiet and disappointed, though you doubt he heard it.
You and the boy had started working here at the same time. Both of you were uni students- yourself a photography student while he studied music.
You went back to mopping. No more words were exchanged, not even when you mopped around him. When your shift ended, both of you met in the lockers.
“I’ll wash your coat. It’s the least I can do to thank you.” You said while gathering your backpack and purse.
“Sure. Thanks.”
As he locked the door, you waved goodbye hoping tonight he’d finally return the gesture. But, no. He watched and turned the opposite direction.
There was something up with Song Mingi. At school, you never bumped into each other. You started taking the full walk around campus with hopes to see the boy. Today you thankfully did.
“Mingi!” He seemed to flinch at your loud voice; he stopped his pace and turned to you. “Hi. Wow your side of the building is something else.”
“I guess,” he shrugged and glanced at his friends standing further ahead. “Do you need something?”
“Your coat.” You bent to the sidewalk and dug his sweater out of your backpack. It was tidily folded in a ziploc bag.
His soft hands took the garment. “You could’ve returned it tonight.”
“Oh, yea. I guess I should have.”
“Not that I’m complaining,” he rushed to reassure you. “This is one of my favorites, and I appreciate you returning it so soon.” A timid laugh fell from his gorgeous lips.
“Oh, of course.”
“Yah, Mingi! Let’s go; class is about to start!” A friend of his called out.
“Ah, I should go. Thank you, y/n.” He smiled and waved goodbye.
You stood in shock at his ability to wave.
Every night after your only encounter at school was the same at Aquarium Den. Except for the part of you being late. You had expected a shift in relations afterwards, but no. However, some nights he would wave back at you.
You had had quite enough of this “one-sided” friendship. You were colleagues, yet it felt like he was trying to ignore your existence. After sitting near a turtle doing your homework for long enough, you sneaked towards Mingi at his usual post- the register- studying away. You reached over his shoulder and yanked the folder from the counter top.
“Y/N!” You had perhaps miscalculated the chance of him fighting you for it. Mingi lunged at you and snatched it back, but you were faster. Before he could raise it out of your reach- darn him and his lengthy genes- you grabbed it and raced around the store a couple of times until you both ended up back at your turtle corner.
“Y/n. Give. It. Back.”
“No. I want to see what’s been capturing all of your atten-TION.” You flow of speech was interrupted by you dodging his attack. Oh boy was he not going down without a fight. He jumped towards you but abruptly paused when you opened the turtle cage and hovered the paper over the reptile.
Mingi’s fight was useless, now. This was no ordinary turtle; this was Spartacus. The red-eared slider had an appetite bigger than Mingi himself. He could devour anything and everything in his path. Including the two-pocket folder whose fate rested in your hands.
“Let… me… read it.” You gasped for air after the speedy chase around the shop. Even Mingi was out of breath; his chest heaved silently while his gaze locked yours. This was the first time you’ve ever made deep (longer than a few seconds) eye contact with him, and it made your heat somersault against your ribs.
“Let… me read it… without fearing you’ll reach over and grab it ‘cause it might just fall into-”
“Read it, then.” He ordered. A momentary shiver of fear traveled down your body. Wait a minute. Was he a hired hit-man? No. No. No. It’s Mingi; no harm flows through his veins. I think, you thought.
“Ok-k.” Your delicate hands opened the file. The first notable thing were a few pages of sheet music which were a foreign language to you. He watched as your eyebrow furrowed over the music sheets, recognizing you couldn’t read them. You flipped around the pages until a small page of notebook paper caught your attention. It belonged to your journal; you remembered the day Mingi asked for a sheet. How could you say no?
It was the words scribbled all over the lines that knocked the wind out of your lungs.
‘I bet this time of night you’re still up.I bet you’re tired from a long, hard week.
I bet you’re sitting in your chair by the window looking out at the city. And I bet, sometimes you wonder about me’
He noticed your grip on the crinkled paper loosen, and he let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.
‘And I just wanna tell you, it takes everything in me not to call you.
And I wish I could run to you.
And I hope you know that everytime I don’t, I almost do, I almost do.’
Your eyes looked up at his. He was writing a song. It made sense, him being a musical arts student, but you couldn’t figure out why he tried to hide it from you.
“This is beautiful. No. That’s not the right word.” You bit your lip and gazed down at the paper before noticing a line you hadn’t yet read:
‘I bet it never ever occurred to you that I can’t say Hello to you and risk another Goodbye.’
(lyrics from Taylor Swift- I Almost Do)
“This is… about me?” It made sense, his struggle to wave to you. A blush tickled your pure cheeks when he nodded. A warm smile formed on your face as you stepped closer to the boy. “Why does Hello pain you, Min?”
“When I was younger, we moved around a lot: financial problems.” He rested on a bag of fish pebbles and fiddled with his hands. His eyes would glance at you from time to time before rushing to find something other than you to admire.
“Whenever I made a friend, there was always this fear of ‘how long?’ ‘When do I have to say goodbye?’ It’s childish, I guess-”
“No, Mingi. It’s understandable,” you purred while easing onto the stool you sat on for studying. You scraped the bottom of it on the floor while scooting closer to him.
His face lightened and rid itself of worry. “I guess I never got over the fear that... I’ll leave everyone behind. Even the ones I love.” He held his gaze with yours.
“I thought you hated me,” you breathed a low laugh.
“No. No, I- I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I- well you,” he took the paper out of your grasp carefully and slid it back in the folder. “You make me nervous, y/n.”
“I’m not trying to.”
You’ve never seen this particular loving grin of his before now. And gosh, did it feel like heaven. “You always give me this unexplainable feeling. Like, I get so much inspiration when I’m around you. I’m always looking forward to working here with you because I can go home and add the lyrics to my songs.” He sighed and took your warm hand in his.
“When you brought my sweater back, I realized I feel something for you- something close to love. I waved to you then because I unconsciously discovered why my stomach feels nauseous around you- you make the butterflies fly for me, y/n.”
You stood there in disbelief. Song Mingi likes you? You beamed at him and whispered, “I like you, too.”
“Hm I couldn’t catch that.” His tease earned a light punch on the shoulder from you.
“I’ve been thinking about you like that for a long time.” Confidence filled your voice as your eyes caught hold of his.
“Yeah?” Mingi’s slightly calloused fingers traced along your jawline. He inched closer and felt your quick breaths on his collarbone.
He leaned into your hair and eased at your tiny hands tracing along his spine. His palms firmly rested on the small of your back afraid to let you go.
“I’m afraid to lose you.” His voice sparked with panic as you slowly inched apart.
“You’re not gonna lose me,” you cooed at him. Your hands raised to hold his cute cheeks; his eyes were hypnotic as they seeped with care only for you. “I’m here. And I promise I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’m not leaving either,” he promised. The honesty in his voice made you deteriorate. His lips danced dangerously close with yours as he lowered to your height. You leaned on your tiptoes in frantic need for his lips. His palms cupped your neck while the pads of his thumbs grazed along your jaw. He urged you closer while your hands fell to grip the fabric of his t-shirt.
After one small kiss, you pulled away for a breath then devoured more of his alluring lips.
In that moment for air, his eyes never left your lips; they electrified him with desire. A desire that sealed his promise to never leave your side as he curved his body against yours.
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strikearose · 4 years
It’s all about connections (SasuNaru) (Part 1)
Finally, here’s the very first part of the !YoutubeSasuNaru story - the idea’s quite silly but I had fun writing it so hope you guys enjoy it! (English is not my first language so please don’t be too much of a grammar nazi Summary : Sasuke has had that massive crush on a youtuber for years when Rasengan randomly starts going to his class. You can also read it on ff.net and ao3.  Part 1 (here), Part 2 (clic), Part 3 (clic), Part 4 (clic)
The ball of paper missed its trajectory and crashed into the corner of the wall, barely half an inch away from the waste basket that originally intended. The student didn’t mind, though - he was far too busy trying to finish his economics presentation that was due for the next day.
Despite the fact that many of his classmates insisted on seeing him as a relentless hardworking student, Sasuke Uchiha was very much like any other normal twenty-one year old boy : a procrastinator at heart. So it was precisely on the night before the big day that he finally decided to finish it, even though he had had all of his vacation time to do so. Well - it would be a lie to say that it would take a superhuman effort to accomplish that task, but unfortunately the young man had another flaw: he was a perfectionist.
Even if he had to pull an all-nighter or give nothing back at all, Sasuke had always refused to be average -  because before (and in addition of) setting high standards for others, he would always set himself very high standards.
The black-haired man frowned as he read what he had written on the previous line and, impulsively, he ended up tearing up the entire page of his notebook and threw it on the floor.
However, the paper pellet did not make a Poc - as he had, this time, managed to reach the bin, it made a Ting instead : he had just received a notification.
His mind being elsewhere, the student rummaged around on his desk, looking for his phone. It wasn’t a text message, but a Youtube alert. One of his Subscriptions had just uploaded a new video. Sasuke took a quick look at the time (1:03 am) and let a loud sight when he saw how long the video was: fifty-seven minutes.
Of course, it has to be Rasengan.
He was the only one there who could publish a barely edited gaming review at such odd hours. One hour of uncut video was too much, even if it was to discuss the New Zelda. ‘That moron clearly don’t understand how the logistics of youtube work,’ the young man thought while stretching his legs under the table in order to get into a more comfortable position.
Because even though Sasuke might found the Youtuber’s marketing choices quite stupid and questionable - he was still his favorite. The only one he was following so.. assiduously.
And if he was really going to pull an all-nighter in order to finish his presentation on time, he might as well relax a little on the go
The coffee machine finally agreed (even though it sure had taken its’ sweet time) to give him his change money, but it still wasn’t not enough to lift Sasuke’s spirit. He really had spent his entire night working on the presentation. Well - he even had to give up his usual fifteen minutes of hot morning shower for just three minutes of shampoo-rinse-toothbrush altogether to make sure that everything was perfect.
But at last - there he was ! His eyelids stung horribly and he could feel the dark circles hollowing out his eyes, but everything was finally ready to make sure he would receive his usual congratulations for the seriousness and thoroughness of his work.
An amused grin escaped his lips when he looked into the face of Kiba Inuzuka, one of his classmates - a gamer and procrastinator emeritus who unfortunately didn’t have enough wits to back it up. With some luck, they would be called in alphabetical order for once and it would save Inuzuka the embarrassment of going Sasuke’s presentation.
Or maybe not.
Sasuke left the cafeteria just as the legendary lack of luck of the dog-loving student seemed to catch up with him:
« Hey Sasuke, did you also get Ichiraku’s mail about the internship? »
Shikamaru Nara calmly called out the black-haired young man as he sat down.
« Yes, I got it. And my documents have been signed and validated by the office earlier today.
- Cool, mine too, Shikamaru sighed. ‘t'was about time. »
He nodded his head knowingly: all the steps of searching, finding and getting the official documents concerning the internship signed were an unspeakable mess. Luckily, though, his partner this time was not a nutcase of Zaku Abumi’s caliber.
The Nara was placidly calm (Sasuke wouldn’t dream of seeing him threatening the Dean of blowing up the uni if he were to fail the exams) and quite intelligent: in short, he was one of his peers. And their little discussions were not too unpleasant.
« Well, we’ll talk later about carpooling?
- Yeah. And also dividing the task.
- Yeah, no problems, Shikamaru sighed as he turned away - tired in advance of the amount of work ahead. Ah, good luck with your presentation by the way. »
He didn’t even bother to answer.
Wishing him luck ? Sasuke gladly left ‘good luck’ to losers such as Inuzuka or Sarutobi who were very likely to be sending prayers at that very moment to every heavenly spirit existing, Jashin included, to have the course delayed.
Good luck ?
Sasuke definitely didn’t need it.
He was brilliant, meticulous and confident: talking in front of sixty or more people didn’t bother him at all - unlike the younger Hyuuga who getting more and more on the verge of fainting as she practiced her speech. More than that, it was even something he enjoyed. Knowing every aspect of a subject - mastering it ; defending it tooth and nail, tearing apart every remark made by his opponents until they surrender..
Some malicious people would say that Sasuke liked to boast on stage, that he was too arrogant. That he was far too pleased to thwart the traps set by his teachers, to answer the questions of his classmates with a smirk. A smirk just visible enough to make them understand how foolish he thought their interventions were. Or worse, that he had precisely expected for a moron to make that remark, thus allowing him to assert his assistance with a dutifully prepared response.
Saying that Sasuke Uchiha sometimes behaved like a complete asshole would be quite slanderous - indeed.
Because, no he did not.
He was brilliant, meticulous, confident… and humble on top of that.
« Hurry up, Kiba, I think it’s already started!
- You should have eat your lunch quicker ! »
The two latecomers were forced to take the front row seats of the auditorium while Sasuke finished to prepare. The slide show was on, the cable was connected - he was simply waiting for Mr. Hatake’s approval to start.
« And to finish with and anticipate some questions you may have, I’d like to add that while the data I used regarding market flows may be from two thousand and four, other studies that I have provided in the appendix tend to show that all exchanges concerning telephony have been profitable thanks to the takeover of the company by its competitor three years ago. »
He couldn’t have done better.
The teacher scribbled an umpteenth inscription on his rating form with a discreet approving wink and Uchiha smiled smugly.
Perfect - everything had gone on smoothly.
His onyx eyes wandered around the room: not surprisingly, half the auditorium hadn’t listen a word to what he had said, too focused on themselves (and the realization of their own projects).
The other half, however, completed his little moment of glory: some of them shook the head in bitterness, disappointed in what they had done in comparison, others gave him an admiring look. In the distance, Shikamaru nodded his head slowly while the Egyptian fury sited beside him, more belligerent, pretended to stifle a yawn.
But Sasuke quickly looked away, his mouth pinched, as he saw the thumb up that Lee Rock had kindly addressed to his attention. Lee was overall quite a nice fellow - Sasuke himself had to recognize it, - but no.
Just no.
« Well, if no one has any question, because I don’t have one either, let’s move on to the next presentation, Kakashi Hatake thought for a moment as he watched over the assembly. Inuzuka, you, in the front row? Well, that’s great, now’s your turn. »
Sasuke, quite disdainfully elated, was about to come down from the stage when a voice stopped him dead in his tracks:
« Oops, you’re in deep shit, Kiba! »
That particular tone was familiar to him.
Strangely familiar.
« Heyyyyy everybody! I know, I know, sorry! I promised to upload more often… But sometimes I just completely forget to turn the cam on. Or to remove the lens cover ahah! Anyway, today…- »
Come to think of it, Sasuke knows that he should have, at least, tried to make it look like it wasn’t that big of a deal. He should have try to tighten his jaw, clench his teeth or even hold his breath until he could return to his seat but of course - he didn’t.
That damn brain of his really had to go on mental-break down as he looked over to the lips from which those sweet, sweet words had just escaped.
He literally froze on the spot.
Why the hell did Rasengan have to show up in his class on the very-day he looked like utter shit?!
Sasuke let himself fell on a chair of the uni library. The research room, fortunately, was still quite empty - this haven of peace was the only place where, he was ready to stake his life on it, this stupid Inuzuka had not and would never set foot in.
Yes - Sasuke Uchiha had simply run away : with clenched fists, he had spent the forty-two minutes separating him from the end of the class to scrutinize meticulously the auditorium clock’s second hand. He had tried everything: scrolling down his twitter feed, pretending to be interested in what was happening downstairs, humming softly a bit of that stupid Latin-sounding song that his brother Itachi kept playing in the car, but nothing helped. That same frightening moment was played again and again in his mind:
Meeting certain cerulean eyes had literally made him go speechless. If he had for a long time now suspected the blond guy of drowning his instagram pictures with saturated filters, he was now forced to admit that this guy had the bluest eyes he had ever seen.
And by blue, Sasuke wasn’t talking about that pale, bland cyan that Ino Yamanaka, a high school ‘friend’ he often saw in the cafeteria, boasted about - no, Rasengan’s pupils were of a deep, bright, intense blue. It wasn’t a grey that stretched to be too light or green; his eyes were neither grayish nor turquoise: they were blue. Irrevocably blue.
Wonderfully blue.
The more he thought about it, the less Uchiha was willing to accept it: there was no way a guy who spent at least twelve hours a day on screens could have such marvelous eyes. He probably wore contact lenses, yeah, there was no other explanation.
All Sasuke could remember was meeting that seing that blue and then - nothing. His foot had stayed up in the air, his breathing hastened and he had stood there like an idiot - staring at the video maker who hadn’t pay the slightest attention to him, his mouth wide open.
How long had he been frozen there, like a fucking fangirl oozing hormones and sebum?
Thank’s God - an unfortunate accident had come to his rescue : Kiba Inuzuka and his legendary clumsiness who, probably not expecting Sasuke to suddenly freeze on the spot, had stumbled over the stairs.
He had cracked his forehead open and the fit of hilarity (well - they didn’t need much at eight o'clock in the morning) in the auditorium had instantly brought Sasuke out of his enamored trance. He had quickly taken his attention away from the blond young man hurried back to his place, his heart beating fast.
Shit - what the hell was Rasengan doing in his college?
And why did he have do pull an all-nighter on the day before?
Sasuke looked around him and hesitated for a moment before putting his phone in selfie mode in order to inspect the extent of the damages.
He had rarely looked so bad. His eyes were red because of the entire night spent on a computer screen, his skin was tugging at him and - what the hell was that old scale on the edge of his eyelid ? But despair truly overcame him as he looked at the state of his hair - thank God it was still pretty clean, but there was absolutely no volume left. Nasty, long (too long) strands of hair were stuck to his temples and fell back a little on his forehead.
Shit - it was as if he was unpleasantly reviving his teenage years when - even though he still adamantly claimed to that day he had never turned emo, he had tried numerous dubious kind of hairstyles.
The Uchiha turned pale when it really came down to him : this was indeed the very first impression he ever had make on Rasengan.
When Sasuke set foot on campus the next day, curious glances were exchanged. While his complexion was as fresh and glowing as ever (he had gulped down five liters of water the night before), his hair was…-
Well - he rather gave the impression that he had swallowed five litres of gel. That observation made the usually impassive Shikamaru raised an eyebrow - for a moment he thought that he too had returned to his high school years. The Nara genius finally shrugged it off, plunged back into his textbook - well everyone had bad hair day every now and then.
Fourth day of the week - Sasuke grumbled as he put his computer back on his bag.
Of course, Rasengan had to disappear completely off the face of the earth as soon as he had decided to rock his best outfits to go to class.
It was as if Rasengan’s divine appearance had to be provoked by Sasuke losing some of his splendor.
The next day, Sasuke had the impudence of wearing a T-shirt… with a hole on it (an old accident involving a hook and his brother-in-law, a fisherman), but still - nothing happened.
There was not the slightest sign of the handsome blond with eyes too blue to be true. In a bad mood, Uchiha decided after lunch to put the Ralph Lauren sweater, which he’d slipped into his bag in the morning just in case, in top of his crappy shirt.
The following Monday came quickly but - no, Sasuke wasn’t expecting anything.
His decision to resume his daily abdominal sessions hadn’t been motivated by any hope of meeting a certain blond again.
He was doing it for himself - and for himself alone.
Although it was true that he didn’t even need it.
The coffee machine forgot inadvertently to give him a stirrer - Sasuke sighed. Great, the day was starting out just fine : how the hell was he supposed to retrieve the sugar that had fallen to the bottom of the cup and drink his coffee now?
« Ahah, I can’t believe it, I didn’t even finish my presentation and Hatake gave me the passmark ! »
Sasuke’s ears tensed imperceptibly as he recognized the voice of the injured-Inuzuka who had just entered the cafeteria.
« He felt sorry you had a concussion Kiba, Shikamaru was there too.
- Whatever, man ! I’m definitely going to pass that semester ! We got to go celebrate. »
Like in a bar or club where Rasengan might also go to ?
Sasuke suddenly found his cup too heavy to carry around and chose to sit down at the table next to the one the two friends had chosen, any worry of lost-stirrer long forgotten.
« Mhhh. Shikamaru sighed and rummaged through his wallet, seeking enough change to buy himself a hot drink. The delicious scent of Sasuke’s coffee was tempting him. You know what I think about your improvised parties.
- Pfff, anyway, you hardly go out anymore now than you got hitched.
- It's not like that, Shikamaru sighed again. Tem and I simply go to different places. »
Sasuke rolled his eyes out, bored. He wasn’t there to hear about other people’s marital relationships: why didn’t they discuss Rasengan’s appearance AND disappearance instead?
The black-haired man had spend the weekend trying to figure something out, but nothing helped. Not a new video on Youtube (well, there was nothing that strange about that, Rasengan’s upload schedule had always been rather dubious), not a single clue on twitter or insta.
« …- never thought you’d actually manage to hook up with her. By the way…-, Kiba’s sentence was left hanging in the air. Oh, here he is. It’s about time! »
Sasuke’s pulse suddenly accelerated. Damn it.
He hadn’t expected Rasengan to pop up out of the blue, though.
Wasn’t his presence so close to his group of friends too suspicious?
Was he going to get busted that easily ?
He needed a pretext - quickly.
« Hey Shino. You’re here just in time, let’s go! »
Eyes glued to the poster for dark-metal band, Uchiha struggled to conceal his disappointment. 
Shino Aburame - of course.
Always where he wasn’t expected.
Jaw clenched, Sasuke pretended to take a closer look at the tour dates on the wall while the three companions got up to go to class. The disappointed student was about to do the same when a voice called out to him:
« I didn’t know you liked this kind of music, Sasuke.
- Uh… yeah.
- We’re performing next month at the bar around the corner, Shino let out a rare smile as he reached into his pocket to hand him something. Here, I’ve got plenty more.
- … Thanks ? »
Uchiha arched an eyebrow as he received a Radioactive Worms sticker.
It took all sorts to make a world.
Wednesday, nine o'clock - Sasuke sighed as he realized that his computer was already out of battery. He pulled the charger out of its’ case before giving a nasty glance to a student who was cackling a little too loudly a few rows away.
He was getting on his nerves more and more.
For how long has he been getting along like pigs in a blanket with Rasengan? And was he, as Sasuke strongly suspected, responsible of his mysterious disappearance?
It was all so damn confusing.
« Um, yeah? »
The microphone sizzled and Sasuke turned his attention back ont he lecturer who he had almost forgotten.
When he saw who standing next to him, he almost fainted.
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