#i might be missing some ragnarok details bc i've only seen that one a few times bc i ummm don't like it
tyrannuspitch · 9 months
while i'm thinking about this...
violence centred on necks, a list of occurrences in mcu thor:
thor and loki's neck touch motif:
thor pulls loki out of the helicopter (ie, takes him prisoner) throat-first, and when they land, he throws him to the ground. he then repeatedly grabs loki by the scruff of the neck while shouting at and shaking him. loki does not attempt to defend himself or respond in kind. (A1)
in the same scene, rapidly switching tone but still holding loki by the neck, thor implores loki to stop fighting and come home. (or rather, continues to order him to do so, but more gently.)
thor grabs loki by the neck, covers his mouth, and slams him into a wall. again, loki does not resist, even though this one comes out of nowhere when they're supposedly allies. (T2)
thor repeatedly slams loki into a wall, pins him by his throat, and only just stops himself from hitting him. (during this one, loki cannot defend himself, because his hands are tied.) (T2)
thor holds the back of loki's neck and comforts him while he dies for thor. (not something thor wanted, but it happened regardless. TDW and sacrifice is a whole other post.) (T2)
loki's chains in T2 include a collar with no clear function besides dehumanisation. (*de-personification. you know what i mean.) given loki's jotun heritage and status somewhere along the prisoner-of-war to spoils-of-war spectrum (and odin's attitude to him at this point), this has, at least, connotations of ownership/slavery. :(
"obedience disks" in T3 - these are normally stuck on the neck, function as a shock collar, and used to enslave people. both thor and loki are given one, and both, to at least some extent, participate in the violence towards the other. (loki tries to keep thor on sakaar; thor actually sticks loki's on [though not on his neck] and uses it.)
loki is put in a collar again by the TVA in the loki show. it's not quite a shock collar, but it really looks like one, and it has similar functions. and in this case, loki is again (very literally) a) denied personhood and b) enslaved. :|
in T2, loki says that he expects to be executed, specifically by axe.
hela's only living ally in T3 is her axeman.
after thor loses mjolnir, he replaces it with an axe.
loki (probably) snaps thor's neck using the destroyer in T1.
thanos picks up loki by his throat and snaps his neck in IW.
loki and thor both pick up tony stark by his throat as a means of intimidation (in A1 and A2 respectively). thor does this alarmingly casually. (loki is not casual, but he does try to kill him.)
each of thor's friends threatens/mocks/otherwise disdains loki in quick succession in T2, and sif specifically puts a sword to his throat. (at this point, loki is an unarmed, chained prisoner.)
odin's defeat of laufey ends with his spear pointed at laufey's throat. (the framing of this is paralleled elsewhere, but the weapon isn't directly included.) (T1)
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