#i love u bia i hope it works out 🦋
mazzystargirl · 2 years
hii anusha telling u about my crush. we met bc we were going to a party and my friend brought this friend who brought this friend that was her. we all went together, the party was bad but drinks were free and we got like nicely hammered. I really wanted to kiss her but i had only ever kissed one person before in my life and didnt know how to start it so we ended up pussyfooting around each other all night and at a certain point she talks to her friend and they leave us alone and we start talking she tells a joke and i laugh and lean in and kiss her. it was so awkward at first but then it was really really good. we started following each other on insta and twitter after that and interact from time to time but im literally head over heels and im afraid to end up ruining something that could be the beginning of a good friendship by flirting (a friends who make out from time to time situation). so like do you have any advice here
ok this is so cute!!!! first i think u should take it slow like ask her out for something casual like coffee or drinks idk and (i know this hard) tell her u rly like her!! i dont think ur going to ruin ur relationship w her most ppl are flattered when someone tells them they like them 🙈. plus like u guys made out so clearly she thinks ur attractive at the least so you should be afraid of her completely shutting you down. and it doesnt have to be like omg be my girlfriend just a i rly like u and would like to see more of u and then we can see where it goes!! it seems like shes at least interested in you bc she kissed u. also remember even if things dont work out the way u want u are perfect and awesome and sexy the way you are and you’ll find someone who sees that too :D
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skztea · 2 years
heyyy, long time no see! Glad to hear from you, hehe.
A little tmi, but my oddinary album came last week! Looks like I've spent all of luck this year since I managed to pull 4 Channie (my bias) PCs and mini poster. I hope you're going to pull your bias as well🤞
Oh are you going to skz concert or do you live in "and more" country like me? Hahaha
Good luck on your works and studies Shan! It's my final year in uni already and I'm still thinking about what I'm going to do after😔
Have a very very great days, months, years baby!
(I missed out on your anon event and I'm not sure it's still available. But if it is, can I be 🍫 anon?)
HIHI omg i really appreciate you dropping in!!
Omg you received ur albums and u pulled ur bias?! DAMNNN im so happy for you! Tmi but you know my luck is always so bad for whatever albums i pulled? HAHA WHERE DID MY LUCK GOOOO TT but thank you I HOPE I PULLED MY BIAS TOO 🙏🙏 manifest for me :)
Unfortunately im not going for the concert YET (i hope) and yes i fall under the “and more” country like you HAHA BLESS US OKAYY
Thank you for the wishes omgggg i wish you all the best for ur final year in uni too! Next step will be a new milestone for you and i really hope you are able to find a job you like and appreciate your skills :) May i know what you major in?
And of course!!! The event is always open to anyone who wish to be my anon, and thank you for being the first one❣️ 🍫 anon im really happy that you dropped in and i love this kind of interaction,, if you want to chat more can drop me a dm too :)
Likewise for you i hope everything is going great for you, stay safe stay happy and im always here✨
— skztea🦋
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liltouch-moved · 3 years
hai io~! 🦋 ahh yea im.. not really big on films either hdhfh i just like to watch bad movies to laugh at w my friends hehe we watched the after series a couple of weeks ago and had so much fun dhfhd i never thought i'd say this but we're actually genuinely excited for the next movie to come out lmao studio ghibli is wonderful tho~! my favorites are spirited away and howl's moving castle but totoro is really beautiful too <3
ah our trip is actually planned for this upcoming saturday so we havent been yet ^^ last time we were in moscow we visited all the big touristy places tho so this trip will be less sightseeing and more about spending time w family i guess~ do you like to travel tho? i actually dont know if its summer where you live, but if it is, do you have any plans for the summer? ^^
"like meeting old friends after a long time" aww but thats actually so cute hdhfh <33 i have a somewhat similar story in the sense that i randomly discovered them around their debut, but at the time wasnt into kpop at all (i was in the middle of my punk rock phase back then dhdjfj). i just looked up the members and stuff cause i was curious, but then completely forgot about them until my sister introduced me to kpop around clap era and i looked up svt again, this time i was hooked <33 i remember it felt kinda funny cause i didnt know them but at the same time i kinda ?? did ??? so it was like Oh yea i remember this and this guy ! and yea i know this and this random fact about the group lol
youre so valid for biasing all the members ! theyre all incredibly lovely and talented <33 my bias... ah idek if u follow me but im scared to reveal too much and ruin the fun dbfjfn i will say that vocal unit is my favorite unit and my bias may or may not be in it (hint: he is) 👀
anyway sorry for babbling so much i'll try to keep my messages shorter next time hdhfh oh and yea the butterfly emoji is super cute, its perfect 🦋 <33 have a lovely day io~ ^^
hiii it's good to see u again 💜 i'll answer under the cut ~
first of all: please talk as much as you want, i love reading long messages and i’m curious about what u have to say! it really doesn't bother me at all <3
oh i don’t think i’ve heard of the after series actually 👀 watching bad movies can be so much fun ~ what's the trashiest (in the funny way) movie you've seen? oh omg yes spirited away and howl's moving castle are incredible ✨
i see <3 that sounds really nice too, you’ll have to tell me about it later then 🥰 yes i really love traveling ~ i haven’t been able to lately bc of the pandemic and my uni/work schedule but i really love exploring new places 💖
and yeah it's summer for me too hehe and no i don't have any super big plans... later this month i'm going abroad for a few days to meet family... and i really wanna go to the mountains, but i’m not sure if that’ll work out. wbu, any other plans for your lazy summer except for the trip?
wowww are stories really are similar then :o what a coincidence ✨ and don’t take this the wrong way but it’s funny to me that you found svt in the middle of your punk rock phase lmao like debut era svt... the vibes are complete opposite fdghjk it’s interesting tho that they still managed to catch your eye even when you weren’t into kpop! it must be fate ~ and clap was soooo good omg no wonder they won you over again! do you have a favorite era? or title track?
ah it's ok you don't have to tell me <3 if i ask smth that might give you away, you don’t have to answer ofc. i've seen other people do this too, so how about in the end of the event i try to guess your bias just based on your vibes? vocal unit 👀 noted ! 📝✍️ my fav unit is performance btw but vocal is a close second <3
hope you’re having an amazing day/night, stay safe 💗🌼
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