#i love my boys theyre on my mind 24/7/365
bora-in-tamriel · 4 months
Vail (Coil x Varré) art dump
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I love them your honor,,
If you do, you can read about their (mostly,, kind of,, completed) story here; AO3
Can't believe i started it almost 2 years ago,, i really need to finish it lol
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creative-poptart · 5 years
how would the fell and swapfell boys fare with a s/o / crush thats just... really soft and gentle with them?? theyre casual n'stuff with them in public, follow the boys' lead, but in private s/o just... leaves them little sticky love notes where they know the skeles'll find them, kisses the back of their knuckles, gently headbutts them to show the skeles they love them and just!! little stuff like that, if that makes sense
Y’all really love to fluster these poor bois don’t you? Giving all the floof to the fell verses like, geeze, they don’t know how to handle this kind of thing. Not that I disapprove, I say go for it!!
UF Sans/Red: This guy is so unaccustomed to a soft touch that the first time you brush hands with him and kiss his knuckles, he freezes and then shortcuts away. He’s not upset, but he does have some thinking and some emotional sorting to go through before he can face you again. It’s a given fact at this point that he is hesitant to allow just anyone to touch him, so you two will have to be dating before you can make it to that point. Any form of physical affection in a private setting is something that makes him extremely flustered beyond the point of being able to speak. He’s not too sure exactly what to do back with you, but he knows one thing that he’s really good at doing, and that’s making sure you’re safe and fed. Any measure of love you give to him is now reciprocated in the form of a well cooked meal that he “found” or “bought” for you because you had been so sweet on him. There’s nothing that he wants more than to show you how much he loves you, but he really sucks at expressing it verbally or in most other ways until much later on in your relationship. Red doesn’t hate the affection at all, he’s just a little shy in how he handles it when you give it to him.
“aw c’mon now, yer just makin’ me blush with all them gestures... yer too sweet fer me, don’tcha know?”
UF Papyrus/Fell: There is no quicker way to get this bean to shut up than by giving him an affectionate nuzzle or headbutt while he’s talking. He could be mid sentence when you get that urge to just give him a light bonk with your head, and he’ll instantly stop, face cherry red. The very first time you pulled this on him, it only worked for a moment because you didn’t explain what you were doing necessarily with it, and so he started loudly questioning your actions. That made you flustered, but all in all, you started to get back at him when you ended up making him blush. He’s only kind of used to the random gestures of affection, but he’ll accept it as long as you aren’t in public. They’re still something that he isn’t quite sure how to handle with you, but Fell isn’t going to tell you no, even if he’s having a bad day. Heck, nuzzle up to him even more on his bad days because there is nothing quite like having your tiny human suddenly nuzzling up to you with all the love they can muster when your day’s been terrible. He’s not going to encourage it openly, but the subtle way he pulls you closer into his side as you’re doing your thing is more than enough to let you know how he feels.
SF Sans/Black: While he is accustomed to the fantasized adoration of some of his underlings and the people who actually give him a few compliments, you are a completely different story. The pure love and adoration you give to him is something so much softer than he can really imagine, given the world he came from. Yet, even with all that, he craves what you give him with an almost insatiable thirst. The only thing keeping him from actually being on you 24/7/365 is the fact that he has a reputation to uphold and standards about keeping some form of boundaries. Each little gesture of affection is something that he soaks up with delight, and then he’s more than happy to turn that back around on you in the exact same fashion, turned up just a bit more. A kiss on the knuckles? Black will kiss all the way up your arm to plant a kiss on your lips. An affectionate nuzzle? He’s making you laugh with all the gentle nuzzling into your neck. Keep in mind that he’s very reserved at first with you, so this is something to look forward to way down the line with your relationship. Be patient with him, and he’s got a whole wellspring of love that is ready for you when he’s comfortable sharing it. 
SF Papyrus/Rus: Oooh boy you have got a bit of competition when it comes to who’s more affectionate here. All the little notes you’re leaving for him in the house are making him all the more in love with you as time goes on. You’ll be getting random gifts every time you leave one for him, so much so that soon you have to ask him to stop with the gift giving for just a little while so you can recover. There’s only so much chocolate one can eat in a single sitting, and while it’s still appreciated, you have more than you can handle at the moment. Rus is so attention starved that literally anything that shows him how much you love him is something he holds onto. He’s got a box full of the sticky notes in his room under his bed, carefully kept and dated in the corners. Any sort of nuzzle or gesture is repeated in his mind until he has to return the favor and do the exact same amount of nuzzling on you. There is literally no downsides to him, if you’re happy, then he’s happy and if you are giving him love, he’s ecstatic. It’s not super hard to make him feel really good with you, as long as you’re serious about being with him.
“an’ther note? you’re too sweet for y’r own good, you know that? c’mere and lemme hold you for a little bit, gotta get somma that sugar.”
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