#i love love kurapika it’s insane they are my everything and i will die if they die
novmoryiss · 10 months
kurapika !!
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susie-dreemurr · 29 days
(Was out so liveblogs of where I stopped in HXH election arc up till beginning of ep 144 were written in notes app. It’s long .)
Lmaooo even Hisoka is like “bitch you think Killua loved you? Tf is wrong with you”
Oh my God Pariston is a fucking influencer
Let’s fucking go
Gon is LITERALLY IN THE SAME TOWN as Gin but he can’t go see him because he’s in a coma. Fuck everything and FUCK GIN
Please Leorio win this election it would be so fucking funny. If not you then Morel because Bisky is too cool to be president as wel so
HELP “Gin Freecs o vagabundo dos Zodíacos. Foram votos de pena que o colocaram aqui?” Quem quer que for o comentarista (não posso ouvir a voz mas acho que é o feijão verde) te amo.
Also I never mentioned it before but. Everyone but Killua deadass misgendering Alluka. Zoldyck family (aside of Killua and Alluka herself) will be killed in the gender war.
Btw Ginger Hisoka is strange to see can your hair go back to being pink-ish. Also can’t believe he’s the tamer one out of tbh he two Illumi really is unhinged
… did hisoka intentionally rile him up to show people Illumi is here. Because as soon as he found out there were rules Killua knew, maybe he’d be hoping then that Gon would be able to be saved after all. He wants to fight him so bad— HEP THE SHOW LITERALLY STATED THIS RIGHT AFTER. Unfortunately I know Hisoka well enough to tell.
“Alluka, if I were the only person in the whole world who loved you, would you be alright?” Fuck he’s asking that because he knows. He knows they don’t love her. At the very least, they don’t show it not even a little bit.
And yet all Alluka can hear is that there is someone in the world who loves her. All she can hear is she’s loved, after all.
Btw given that “you could have fought the president or those ants had you not been playing tag with Chrollo” so I’m assuming that the reason Kurapika isn’t going to Gon is because he’s back to hunting the Phantom Trouoe
NAOOOOOO GOTOH PUTA QUE PARIU. Tem algum jeito dele sobreviver com esse pescoço não :((( uma das duas únicas pessoas boa pro Killua nessa casa….
You know I was thinking to myself more jokingly that I was so starved for girls in shonen interacting that Canary and Amane are yuri to me, but… “You’re cute when you let lose a little” 🤨🏳️‍🌈? Canary do you have something to share with the class. (And then Amane blushes.)
HELP. Illumi and Hisoka “need more people” but neither of them have any friends aside of MAYBE each other so Illumi has to resort to brainwashing. Ok the cringe & fail duo
Ok is it bad that I’m rooting for the Anti-Netero faction. Like they make a good point (the exam allows to many crazy ass murderers in) … although their speech isn’t good, but like. Politics.
Fucking. Hisoka trying to sabotage Illumi with a fake map but Illumi having a real one so Hisoka is just like “ah. Never mind.” Anyway fucking insane that we have to rely on Hisoka of all people
Btw I’m like 99% sure Amane is the “spy” Illumi is talking about so RIP my Yuri. Oh well, what fictional gay couple didn’t betray each other at least once, right?
Oh Tsubone was the spy. Nvm.
HES CRYING NOOO KILLUA :((( also fucking creepy too Illumi godamnit
Hisoka don’t you dare do what I think you will. Get this murder card OUT of the hospital
Oh thank God it wasn’t gonna target Gon or Morel
Lets go call Gin’s ass out Pokémon character looking girl
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
hi, do you have any manga/anime you'd recommend? I have not watched/read like anything popular, so no recommendations are off the table. I only just finished naruto and was like hey I actually really liked that (except for the huge flop at the end lmao) and decided to try some of the other big mangas and ended up reading one piece....... (some of the characters are fun, and the pirate setting is cool but oh god, at what cost???) anyway, i trust no one but you now, and I need a new hyperfixation or i'll die :)
I do need to clarify to everyone that I actually don't watch/read too much anime/manga. Especially recent popular stuff.
But I do want to push Samurai Flamenco onto everyone. It satirizes the super hero/power rangers genre and includes lots of gay shenanigans but also has some of the most insane plot twists of all time.
I am currently (slowly) rewatching Tiger & Bunny which is satirizing the same genres, has some more lowkey gay subtext if that's what y'all want, if you watch the non-netflix version there's LOTS of poking fun at capitalism/branding (but it's removed in netflix because they couldn't retain the licenses for the brands it was mocking...).
If you ned to watch just one... watch Samurai Flamenco
And honestly... that's the closest thing to Naruto I can rec? Like in terms of battle-y, action based stuff. Shounen-core stuff. And even then they're not that simialr... Naruto was an outlier for me in many ways, though I did looove Bleach until... I didn't love bleach.
Don't watch Bleach.
Haikyuu is a sports anime I had a lot of fun with but also nothing new has been announced for the anime in like… years… and idk if I can recommend hte manga because I find the volleyball scenes to be impossible to follow in the manga form shgkjsdg But the manga IS done!!
If you liked Sasuke... watch/read Hunter x Hunter and meet my pal Kurapika :) It ALSO has some massive hiatuses and it's source material isn't finished BUT it's getting an update VERY SOON and it's VERY EXCITING! HxH and its predecessor YYH inspired a lot of shounen tropes that exist to this day except... it does them well.
Stuff that I wouldn't necessarily recommend based on your Naruto enjoyment but like in general: Tongari Boushi no Atelier (Witch Hat Atelier), Dungeon Meshi (Delicious in Dungeon), No. 6 (I've only watched the anime and haven't read the source material, so idk what's better), and Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun. Oh!! And Blue Period (manga > anime)
Almost everything else that I post on my anime blog I have either forgotten, I do not feel comfortable recommending because it hasn't aged well, or I don't... actually remember that well btu just have fond vague memories of :)
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suzu-kun22 · 5 years
Killua Zoldyck: the all-time best boy
Since (hopefully) I’ll be posting this on Killua Zoldyck’s birthday (July 7th), this feels like as good a time as any to actually talk about why the white-haired little shit of an assassin is my favorite anime character of all time. Sure, I have plenty of characters that I’m obsessed with, tons and tons that I would die for, write fanfictions about, reblog fan art of, read fanfictions about, cry over, etc. But none of them come close to matching what I feel for a select few characters, my top 10 list, which has changed slightly over the years. However, the top 5 have yet to change. As much as the last five have shuffled over recent years, with a special shoutout going to Ray from The Promised Neverland, who managed to knock Reg from Made in Abyss out of the top 10 and climb all the way to number 6, the top 5 have remained exactly the same.
And Killua Zoldyck has remained squarely at number one ever since I watched  Hunter x Hunter (2011) back at the end of 2015 and beginning of 2016. Back when I was the same age as him and lacked a lot of the same social skills and friends that Killua’s upbringing stole from him. Back when I saw a character who could deal with most any problem effortlessly and thought to myself, ‘I want to be like that.’ 
A long time ago, I wrote about Izuku Midoriya. I wrote about why I loved Izuku Midoriya after only two episodes of My Hero Academia, about how he was a character who I both related to and aspired to be like. And that is exactly how I felt about Killua at the very beginning of Hunter x Hunter. He was a character who was fun to be around, fun to watch, bounced off the other characters with so much charisma, charm, and grace that he was mesmerizing to behold. I wanted to be like him. To be able to see a person my age and simply say, ‘hey! Let’s be friends!’ 
But, as the show continued, we learned more about Killua’s life. His inability to maintain a relationship because it was simply something that wasn’t taught to him. His family’s disapproval of his kindness and compassion for other human beings. And Killua climbed down from his pedestal. He went from a bouncy, fun, terrifying little assassin child who could do no wrong to an actual,,, person. There really isn’t any other way to describe the way that Hunter x Hunter portrays its characters. Even those who are murderers, villains, literally human-eating ants, feel entirely, inarguably human. And Killua was the first to become so. And the way the show humanized him, portraying him as someone who we see as perfect, charismatic, charming, social, as someone who just wants a friend, just wants to be a normal kid and have fun adventures with someone who wants him around just resonated with me.
All of this is just in the first 26 episodes. Killua just continues getting better and better from here. His arc is about finally getting what he’s wanted all these years, a friend, fun adventures with said friend, and to, just a little bit, be normal. Okay, maybe not normal. But a little bit more normal than he was before he met Gon. And he loves every second of it. He’s just overjoyed to actually have a friend, to be going on fun adventures with his friend, even if they’re constantly in life-threatening situations and doing absolutely insane nonsense, Killua is having an absolute blast.
And then the ants come.
While the Chimera Ant Arc is not my personal favorite arc of the series (that honor going to the Yorknew City Arc), I have no words to describe the raw... emotion that most of the arc manages to invoke in those who watch it. From Meruem’s entire brilliant character arc to Gon’s all-encompassing mental breakdown, every character is given something to set them apart from the time they had before this brutal experience.
Killua learns that his brother was right.
He learns that, no matter how much you care about someone, how much time you’ve spent with them, how much you’ve been through together, how much you’ve done for them, people will still hurt you. Having friends still means that sometimes people will put themselves before you. They’ll leave, sometimes, and maybe they come back, like Gon did, but maybe they don’t. Killua learns that what his brother said about friends abandoning you is right, sometimes. He ends the show away from Kurapika, away from Leorio, and away from Gon.
But, of course, that isn’t all that he learns. 
Killua learns that sometimes people are worth it. He learns that sometimes when you love someone enough, when you care about someone enough, getting hurt for them is okay. Getting hurt for their sake can be worth it. He learns that friendships aren’t meant to be conflict-free and perfect, and he learns to handle it. He learns that you can’t give up on people, you can’t leave them behind, and that you can’t simply run away.
Killua has been taught all his life to run away when you can’t win. But Gon doesn’t do that. Ever. He stands his ground and fights. And Killua learns to do that in his very own way. When Gon needs him, when his entire family stands in the way of what Killua wants for himself, for Gon, and for his baby sister, he doesn’t run away. He doesn’t give up, even though he knows that it’s more than likely that he won’t succeed. He stands strong, he doesn’t run away, and he takes what he needs to claim his victory.
He saves Gon. Because, despite the pain that Gon has put him through recently, despite how angry he is with him, despite everything, he knows that Gon would do the same for him. 
Killua Zoldyck ends Hunter x Hunter (2011) a strong, compassionate, caring, and loving person. He sheds much of his more callous nature, though never sheds the sly humor and bouncy confidence he’s had since the beginning. He changes from a little kid who doesn’t know the first thing about having friends, to a real human being, fully grown and capable of caring for his little sister the same way he was never cared for. 
Killua Zoldyck begins Hunter x Hunter (2011) as an inexperienced young kid with the world ahead of him. He ends Hunter x Hunter (2011) as a slightly older kid who has experienced more than most adults will in their entire lives, and Killua Zoldyck grows up. He grows up into a healthy, functional human being. He puts his abusive family behind him, saves his little sister from the same situation, and he moves on with his life while keeping the things that are most important to him.
And that is a very long-winded way of saying that Killua Zoldyck is one of the most lovable and relatable characters in all of anime. And that is why he has stayed at the very top of my list of favorite anime characters for as long as he has. 
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