#i love 2.0 such a little sassy nerd
mikotofubar · 2 days
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
I mostly simp characters who I can either relate to or who I admire for their special character traits, so I'll only list the chacarcters and those traits before this gets too long. XD
Kageyama - little autistic baby who did nothing wrong and only enjoys volleyball Hinata - sunshine boy who is very inspiring to me Mutsuki - misunderstood baby who deserves much better Urie - ditto, plus sassy nerd Naruto - sunshine boy 2.0 Leo - anti-social bookworm Todoroki - autistic baby 2.0 Vegeta - sass king Bertl - shy big boy who deserved better Asa - autistic queen
Dunno if there's a pattern…XD Thanks for the ask! <3
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sodalebooks07 · 2 years
TDM Friendships part 2
Liam and Lana- this is unlikely, but I think this would be cute :) Like a ‘Chubs and Zu’ 2.0. I’d like to think that Liam convinces Lana to open up to Ruby and let her help her. Kinda like a parental friendship, ya know? And as time goes on, Liam is the one Lana goes to if she needs something *as well as Pri and Rambo ofc* but I like this friendship :)
Chubs and Priyanka- a comedic duo. Just Priya winding him up and Chubs getting agitated, but God help anyone who insults the other- for example- “Priyanka said something so stupid today. " Chubs: "That was nice of her to dumb it down for you." Or someone else:" Chubs is such a nerd." and Priya" AWW don't be jealous. If you try you can be as smart as him." STANN. Also headcannon Priyanka playing pranks on him. They just RADIATE chaotic sibling energy!
Zu and Lucas- COME ON HOW CUTE? I feel like Lucas is that one person who doesn't realise what a badass our little star is and thinks "HOW SWEET!" but the second he overhears her conversation with Vida about the best way to knock someone out when your arms are zip tied together he's like "nope nevermind." STILL, I think they'd have a very sibling like relationship. More like the feisty sister and chill brother. HE BUILDS HER A TYRE SWING AND THEY SPEND HOURS JUST GIGGLING AND PUSHING EACH OTHER OFF *tho Luc is a gentleman and let's her have as many goes as she wants UWU* Also they defo bake together. Muffins for sure :) AND ZU MAKES HIM A FRIENDSHIP BRACELET AND HE PLAITS HER HAIR WHILE THEY GOSSIP!!!!
Sam and Roman-While the tyre swing was in use by our favourite Lucas and Zu duo, Sam just wanders into the sitting room because she doesn't know where Lucas is and just finds Roman on the sofa and is like 'alright then.' and sits opposite him. She turns the TV on and Gilmore Girls is just starting and she starts singing along to the theme song (Sam's guilty pleasure is defo GG) and then realises Roman is also singing along and there's an awkward silent moment of realisation before they both shout: "TEAM LOGAN OR JESS?" (because we are not Dean stans in this house) and of course the ever controversial question of "Was A Year in the Life a waste of time, energy and money?" *Yes* Zu and Luc come home to the two of them whispering giddily about Lorelai and Luke :)))And bonus: the four of them meet up and it's like "alright Zu, swap boyfriends." and Sam and Rambo go Netflix bingeing and Lucas and Zu go exploring. PERFECT
Mia and Lana-COME ON! The little sisters of the group (And Zu but she has the BBC and R & P) bond over action movies and Slushie flavour testing. Totally the sassy duo and everyone hates (but secretly loves) getting roasted by them :)))
Miguel and Priyanka- the tech savy BESTIES and we are here for them!!!!!
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aqvarius · 5 years
[WALKTHROUGH + REVIEW + CG] Romance MD: Munechika Takado
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To be honest I wasn’t super excited when I saw the trailer for Romance MD. I thought it was just going to be another teacher/student romance with the basic Voltage storylines where one or two events would get closer and they’d fall in love etc.). That being said, I was actually quite interested in most of the potential LIs even though they do seem quite conventional for the standard Voltage lineup (oresama, kuudere, darudere/4D, flirty, jokey but actually hardcore ossan). I do also like the character designs. The one I was most interested in was Kyogoku because I can’t place his type. He’s been described as a prodigy, not too empathetic, feisty, cute, has a chilly side, tricky, coy, shady, obsessed with Kasumi. So I think he’s actually one of those devil with an angel face types? Cute on the surface but actually a bit shady? Maybe it’s because of his character design but he just reminds me SO much of Shinonome from Her Love in the Force. I keep calling him Ayumu because of that and I think it would be interesting if they were actually similar because Ayumu is one of those characters that I think is quite unusual for Voltage games because he doesn’t completely fit into one of their usual archetypes.
Anyway, this is not about Sen. This is about Takado. I knew he was the title character for Romance MD but I still had all of my fingers crossed that we would get someone else’s route first like Finally in Love Again had Aki as the first release rather than Momoi (I think?). And some other games had title characters that weren’t the usual type (like Issei from Kiss of Revenge and Masaomi from Serendipity Next Door). I also think that the only characters released so far are Takado and Hosho (I’ve searched and searched to get CGs or ameblo posts about the other guys but to no avail). So I kinda hoped they would give us Hosho first LOL or maybe just surprise us all and give us Kasumi but alas. 
Finally, my expectations going in were that Takado was going to be the quintessential oresama type (like Eisuke/Leon) because he has that spiky brown hair look lol? I also thought the MC was going to be like the standard MC. What a fool I was…
Click below to read the full review, plus walkthrough and CGs PLUS THE ELUSIVE MC SPRITE.
My first reaction is that this MC (henceforth Dr. MC) is so annoying. She wouldn’t stop running her mouth, she was arrogant, she seemed a little inconsistent? The guys accuse her of being a journal junkie at the beginning and to be honest, they’re kind of right. She’s super nerdy to the point where it’s kind of over the top? Don’t get me wrong, nerds are great. I’m a researcher. I moved to a new city to study under my academic crush too. I get it. Sometimes other MCs are annoying because they’re too wholesome and earnest. This time, it got to the point where I was begging to have OG MC traits back. I almost cried with relief when I first saw her demonstrate empathy.
I think the thing that made me dislike her almost immediately was how clinically she originally described the ICU team. It sort of felt like Voltage was trying to push the ‘these guys are beautiful!’ and the ‘Dr. MC doesn’t give a fuck about real men’ points too hard and it sort of became contradictory, especially because the narrative is read through the player’s/MC’s perspective. So she had to explain how ‘objectively’ good looking they all are without gushing and thus it became this very clinical expression of their looks while also really pushing that opposing point of “but I don’t care around real men”. I think that it would have been fine for MC to appreciate how good looking they are but sort of have a ‘snap out of it’/’pull yourself together’ moment where she reminds herself what she’s here for. Like I think it’s fine and probably in fact more relatable to be able to acknowledge handsome men and be a bookworm/academically inclined and also enjoy 2D men lol. You don’t have to treat people like specimens MC 
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(Just say he’s beautiful. We all know he is)
I get that they needed her to be special in some way so Matsunaga would hire her, but she could have gotten hired on talent alone. I don’t think they needed her to be all like “this kabedon does absolutely nothing to me”. Overall I think her being totally uninterested in dating doesn’t quite mesh from the perspective of the player. I’m assuming most of us play otome games because we’re interested in dating the characters or seeing them fall in love, right? The game tried to be meta and make fun of the shoujo manga/otoge tropes at least three times (e.g. kabedon, cooking for LI when they’re sick and getting close, wiping tears leading to a kiss) but honestly, I play these games to experience all that cheesy shit lol. So for me I didn’t think it was particularly clever to reference these tropes and play them off. The audience tends to play these games for these moments lmao? Right?
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(I agree, Takado.)
The one thing that all Voltage MCs have, however, is persistence. And my God does Dr. MC have persistence in spades. I actually didn’t mind it too much but I think it’s because it was sort of turned into a bit of a joke so the humour kind of played a role in tamping down what might have otherwise been obnoxious (when she kept waking Takado up I was like omg just LET! HIM! SLEEP!). I do also like that Dr. MC is very competent. Her shortcomings don’t have anything to do with technical ability which is quite refreshing. In this game, Dr. MC is more just inexperienced and idealistic when it comes to the actual practice of medicine and its accompanying emotional (and otherwise) complications.
The thing that I feel is her biggest flaw is her arrogance. I know, right? A Voltage MC, arrogant?! It’s unthinkable!! Usually Voltage MCs are insecure, self-deprecating, self-doubting. At times they are competent enough, or have moments of inspiration that allow them to do well. This Dr. MC is clever, and she knows it. Unfortunately, just having read lots of journals does not a good doctor make. Luckily, she becomes more likable when she finally gets taken down a peg and actually starts listening to Takado. I feel like Voltage tried to switch up their MC personalities (as seen with Masquerade Kiss too) but I think they tried to make Dr. MC snarky and sassy but she just comes across as arrogant/rude a lot of the time, like have some respect for your seniors please. When it comes to backtalking MCs, I much prefer Ayumu’s or Toma’s (from Irresistible Mistakes) MC. But at least Dr. MC is not as awful as Luke Foster’s MC in Kissed by the Baddest Bidder. Luke’s MC is my least favourite of all time and I honestly think he needs to leave her.
Also! I think with the JP version, you can choose whether or not to have the MC sprite. In the Love 365 version, you aren’t given that choice but the elusive MC sprite does pop up randomly in one frame.
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(Tbh I prefer it without the sprite bc her hair reminds me of 2015/2016 me lol)
Her interactions with the other doctors is quite enjoyable, particularly with Kyogoku and Hosho, although I have to admit they’re enjoyable because Kyogoku and Hosho are really fun. I especially enjoyed with Ekuni joined in and did like the little snippets of Kasumi time you get as well. I do wish there was more time spent in the Pen (with Kalmia!) but alas, you get what you can. Kyogoku seems nicer than I expected he would be (because I really thought he would be Ayumu 2.0 – maybe he will be in his own route, but he does come off nicer than that snarky devil Ayumu). Kasumi also seems less cold than I expected. Hosho and Matsunaga were basically how I thought they would be, and Ekuni too to some extent, although I wasn’t expecting Ekuni to be such a mum and give them custom drug cocktails to pump them full of nutrients lol. I want Ekuni (my future husband) route so badly. I’m going to end up with a whole folder of images of him with that internal dialogue board lol. I did enjoy some of her conversation with Sex Maniac/resident slut Hosho (when his route comes out I won’t forget that he went on a date with Sara from Cardio………..) as well but I feel like Dr. MC doesn’t react enough to be more interesting? I know I sound like a typical Voltage LI, you know when they’re always telling MC she’s interesting cause her face shows everything she’s thinking and they like her reactions? That me lmao. But when she does react, she overreacts. Like, she doesn’t react to intimate/sexual things but then she FLIPS OUT because Takado was AWOL for literally a day and she thinks he died. You know what, he wasn’t even AWOL, he was literally on his day off. Take a chill pill, Dr. MC - maybe Ekuni can whip up a special sedative blend for you.
Now, Takado… Takado is basically Kaga from Her Love in the Force as a doctor. Sadist, reputation as a murderer, relies on his intuition, has a violent tendency with MC, misunderstood but doesn’t care. His version of Kaga’s Iron Claw is hitting you on the back of the head, usually with a file. I really thought he was going to be an oresama type but he’s more of the rogue sadist type. I thought he was not that interesting until I finally got to chapter 17. Naturally he’s ~damaged~ lmao. But actually I enjoyed learning about his backstory. I expected him to be so bonesaw-happy because he hadn’t acted quickly enough in the past and it led to someone’s death that could have been prevented if he’d just taken their limb. The truth is actually quite a bit more complicated than that, so I did like that it wasn’t predictable. I won’t spoil his backstory but it was definitely an interesting take on the doctor-patient relationship and worked well to help Dr. MC overcome her naïveté. I will say that I feel like the number of amputations actually increased throughout the route lmao.
Speaking of HLITF, the route definitely took on an action spin that I wasn’t expecting. I was surprised that Romance MD is categorised in the Action section in Love 365 but I think the story ended up going in a direction that I’d expect from HLITF or MSB (or Metro PD? I haven’t played that though so idk) and it was quite thrilling and surprisingly dramatic. Also, as per usual, the gap moe is real with Takado. Voltage loves employing gap moe with their characters, but especially the oresama and stoic types.  
Additional note: Something I really hate about Love Choice is that a lot of the time the LI backstory is hidden in a heart scene and you can only find out the truth if you pay for it. However, the route reverts back to the main text so it seems like you (MC) know what’s happened even if you (the player) don’t.
The dynamic between Takado and Dr. MC actually ends up being quite fun even though sometimes I think Dr. MC is just being disrespectful. They bicker like an old married couple. It’s like what Kaga and MC would be like if she ever dared to speak up against him lol. Takado is like Kaga in that he expresses his love more through actions. Honestly I wouldn’t be able to pinpoint the moment he started to fall for Dr. MC even if you had a syringe of poison to my jugular. You basically only find out that he treats you differently because the other doctors have a grand old time teasing you about it. That being said, there are some nice scenes where you can spot Takado treating you specially if you squint a little. It’s fine that it’s not obvious; I think it would be out of character if he just confessed his feelings lol. Personally, I believe this is a marketing trick to get you to buy Takado PoV when it comes out.
The length of the stories (30 chapters) and the pacing did remind me of old school Voltage games which I liked. It was long enough to develop Takado, his backstory and have a plot with sufficient plot points. The length also gave the blooming relationship between Takado and Dr. MC enough time to mature without feeling too rushed. While I think this improves the story quality, it also really seems like a moneymaking ploy. That being said, at least they didn’t split the story up into two parts like HLITF 🙃.
I reread my old route reviews to remind myself how to review and I said that Goto’s route in My Sweet Bodyguard was not worth the £2.49 I spent on it. I can’t believe I only had to spend £2.49!! Regular routes in Love 365 are 400 coins which equates to £3.99 and I easily spent around £15+ on all the hearts needed for this lengthy LC route 😭. Obviously it would be even costlier if you needed to buy passes if you wanted to unlock chapters early. I didn’t keep track of how many hearts in total I spent but this ameblog says that you need 207 hearts to get all the heart scenes which translates to about £21 if you start with 0 hearts, which is honestly ridiculous. The same money could be spent on FIVE  main routes (or other 400 coin stories). Or FOUR full bundles (MS, epilogue, sequel, sequel epilogue) from Seduced in the Sleepless City (i.e. sixteen stories). Or THREE full bundles from Pirates in Love. Or basically every available route for Subaru, Goto, Ishigami or Kurosawa in MSB. 
So while you do get quite a lot of content, it is ridiculously expensive if you wanted Super Happy Ending. Don’t skip the heart scene in chapter 28 if you don’t want to miss a kiss scene. Chapter 7 “Apologize to Takado” doesn’t offer too much I believe. Chapter 22 “Ask for details” and 26 “Explain” options also don’t add too much imo. There are a total of 30 points available, so you can skip 5 points worth of heart scenes if you want SHE but don’t want to spend all those hearts.
You may like this route if you like rogue characters like Kaga and Shin from Pirates in Love. If you are really interested and are willing to pay, I suggest playing before 12/08 (12 August) to get the collector’s edition so at least it won’t feel like a waste of money. I really wish Voltage would get rid of Love Choice and just let us buy routes, but they likely never will because they probably earn so much more with LC compared to regular routes. The normal ending is good enough honestly, he actually confesses in NE and not in SHE, but in SHE you get a kiss scene and CG. I think ultimately it would be more worth saving up your hearts for another LI like Kyogoku lol... or Kasumi (but not my future husband Ekuni because I can already tell that I want him all for myself).
I forgot to make note of how many hearts each heart scene costs before I spent the hearts unfortunately so I’m just taking the word of the blogger who says it costs 207 in total. I know there quite a few options that require ~20 hearts.
ETA: I went through my heart spending history and found the prices of each heart scene 
Walkthrough and CGs below:
25 points to Super Happy Ending
Ch 1
Observe Help Takado (Love Meter +1/CG) 5 hearts
Ch 2
Wait till later. Flip back the covers.
Ch 3
Missy Takado
Ch 4
“This isn’t a conversation.” “You’re missing the point.”
Ch 5
Ignore him. “It’s not every little thing.’”
Ch 6
Apologize Offer an excuse.
Ch 7
Don’t apologize to Takado. Apologize to Takado (Love Meter +2) 8 hearts
Ch 8
“Teach me!” “What’s got you in a snit?”
Ch 9
“I’m not ready to die!” “I value my time, you know!” (pick this one to see Kasumi being funny)
Ch 10
Stick a hand on the wall. Lean on Takado (Love Meter +1) 10 hearts
Ch 11
A scalpel. An aspirator (Love Meter +3) 13 hearts
Ch 12
Tail him. Chase him and shout
Ch 13
Ask Takado. Ask Kasumi.
Ch 14
Don’t ask. “I want to know.” (Love Meter +1) (pick this one if you want to hear about Takado’s backstory. If you select “Don’t ask” the first time, they will ask you again if you want to know and it costs 15 hearts)
Ch 15
Ask about the Pen. Ask about Takado. (Love Meter +1) 8 hearts
Ch 16
My duty as a doctor compelled me. I was worried about him. (Love Meter +2) 10 hearts
Ch 17
Avoid his potential wrath. Ask. (Love Meter +3) (pick this one to hear Takado’s full backstory) 15 hearts
Ch 18
Go back to sleep. Carefully sit up (Love Meter +1/CG) 13 hearts
Ch 19
Stay silent, like Takado Defend Takado
Ch 20
Stay out of it Insist on examining the woman (Love Meter +2) 10 hearts
Ch 21
“And then they’d kiss.” “And it’d get all tragic.”
Ch 22
Ignore him Ask for details (Love Meter +1) 10 hearts 
Ch 23
Give up for now Talk to Takado again (Love Meter +3) 20 hearts (fml)
Ch 24
“I’m off.” “Dr. Takado…”
Ch 25
Don’t go. Follow Takado.
Ch 26
Feel sorry for him.14 hearts Explain. (Love Meter +2) 
Ch 27
“No need.” “Tell me, then.” (Love Meter +1/CG) 15 hearts
Ch 28
Get some sleep. Stay with Takado (Love Meter +3) (kiss scene) 19 hearts
Ch 29
Call Dr. Kasumi. Don’t call him yet. (Love Meter +3) (if you choose to call Kasumi, you get a second chance to not call him which costs 22 hearts fml. If you don’t call him, you get quite a cute scene with the iCU team)
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mrsmess · 4 years
Faves and fails of SPN (season 13):
Favorite episodes in chronological order:
13:1 Lost and found - This is a very strong start of the season, might be one of the strongest intro episodes since the early seasons. Jack is actually instantly likeable, and apart from Dean shooting first and asking questions... kinda never, the boys do good. I also like the side characters, they make it clear that this could’ve been so much worse if some shitty people were first on the scene.
13:3 Patience - Loretta! Brought back from season 1 to die instantly. Oh wow. The SPN-way. But at least I dig the story. And Jody is here. And Sam is sweet to Jack. I’m fine.
13:4 The big empty - Cass is in the upsidedown. Jack goes hunting. Incidently, this discrepancy between the brothers is the kind I can get behind because it’s based on something real - a new family member, the loss of another, not some abstract drama where one of them lets their fear get the better of them and creates drama w/o even talking to the other. Spooky space entity in the big empty. Misha Collins, everyone! Nice. A kind shapeshifter. ”Even monsters can do good in this world.” Dean communicating sincerely. ”I need you to keep the faith, for both of us.” Cass - An angel so annoying that the big empty itself spat him back out.
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13:5 Advanced Thanatology - honestly the brothers, loving them extra much this season, even when they argue. Hung-over Dean. Fun. Killing yourself for three minutes... Jeez, have you learned nothing ? No? Oh ok. It’s just a little death. And Sam’s reaction is more exhasperated than anything, it’s... funny. And then: ”I saw Cass kill you!” Yeah, like that matters. Also nice that the show finally ties up that whole how-do-people-die-w-no-death-thing.
13:6 Tombstone - STOP using ”but you died” as an excuse why people shouldn’t be back! Coming back from the dead isn’t just reserved for the Winchesters you know! Team free will 2.0. Nice! ”He’s an angry sleeper, like a bear” *spits out coffee* are you trying to kill me?! ”It’s good to have you back, Cass” to be constantly baffled by you. Jeez, the cringe! And the undertaker! Looking like a retro pinup crossed w Rosie the riveter! What a treat. Dean being a fanboy (and oh technically, couldn’t this obsession with cowboy-criminals count as a true crime -fad? No? Oh well.) Dean crawling through the ghoul-paths, referencing Die Hard. Good episode. Dean forgiving Jack. Sweet. Too bad Jack’s having none of it. They *have* raised a Winchester.
13:7 War of the worlds - a torture scene is the quickest way for me to start rooting for whoever is being tortured. Even Lucifer. Hey, and it’s also the quickest way to end up- if not on the fail list, then at least off the fave list. Oh, Ketch is back. Gun, mouth, now. Noooo, a twin! Shoot me twice. Fail list. Can’t be helped. Lucifer coming to Castiel’s rescue and burnin the brothers ”with their second-guessing and whining.” And Asmodeus showing up. Luci being sassy. Oh gods. Not an evil twin. I’m changing my mind, it stays on the fave list- what’s going? Oh I know: it’s an entire season of a soap crammed into one Supernatural episode. All the soap-tropes. It’s hysterical!
13:8 The scorpion and the frog - Dean insulting Smash’s excellent shoes. I rly don’t think you are in a position to criticize anyone’s wardrobe. Smash and Grab are funny. And the setting is too. And the brothers are really excellently cast in their roles in this heist: Sam as the awkward nerd and Dean as Mr TCB. Dean putting his hand into the bocca della verita! Sam: ”Dean! He’s immortal!” Dean: *knocks Shrike out*. Oh Dean. ”I just had an idea, but it’s a little crazy.” ”I’m good with crazy.” Crazy’s the only game in town. The Winchesters and the curveballs. Rolling Shrike in front of them. Brilliant! Good ending. But Sam! You know how to kill anything but you don’t know that you don’t blow on a burning piece of paper to put it out? .... *shrugs* that actually makes sense.
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13:9 The bad place - instantly liking this artist. Crazy about the premise 3 minutes in. And very upset 5 minutes in. Poor Derek! The return of Patience, I’m equally pleased and distraught, stay away, girl! And Kaia! And Dean coming around to Jack. That’s sweet. Jeez, is that a helicopter shot. Hella pretty! Omg! Finally giant monster time! *chills* i have been waiting for this my whole life.
13:10 Wayward sisters - Holy hell. This season has been frickin awesome so far, and now I get all my babies together. Saving Sam and Dean. Finding Kaia. My heart is just full of rainbows.
13:12 Various and sundry villains - Oh no! I liked Dale. See here we are again, using actors from previous seasons: it’s the chick from Twihard and apparently she’s not random enough. Ugh . Oh! So this is a goofy!Dean episode! Those are usually welcome. The setup for this is very annoying though. Thank godess for Rowena! Bringing all the truths. I think I love her. Woah. Killing the girls like that. Harsh. Sam being soft and giving her the spell. I love him.
13:17 The thing - this episode makes me realise there’s not enough tentacles in Supernatural. Gabriel! Back with the boys! I’m so pleased.
13:18 Bring ’em back alive - Charlie! Gabriel! Lucifer! This is just a deeply satisfying episode. On multipel levels. I love the characters standing up for themselves, in different ways. Charlie’s simple line: ”that’s not your call” struck a cord; not everybody chooses to join your fight, some have their own and the right walk away from yours.
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13:19 Funeralia - the right amount of silly according to Mr Mess and that counts for something around here. Sam showing genuine remorse at shooting Rowena and Rowena being genuinely upset that he would. I’m moved. And Rowena’s consession. The boys giving Rowena a pep talk! My heart!
Fail episodes in chronological order:
13:11 Breakdown - Donna is always a win, but dark and gritty? And monsters on the internet. Nah. Too much torture porn.
13:22 Exodus - have I mentioned that I don’t watch Supernatural for the post-apocalyptic scenarios? If I’m expected to deal with that type of grit I’m gonna need a whole lot more kissing.
13:13 Devil’s bargain - Ketch’s mere presence is enough to put this episode on the fail list. If he’s gonna be in this show the least he could do is to regrow that beard of his. Also the fact that Lucifer simply cannot chill. Gabriel is back but alas, doesn’t make up for the episode.
Honorable mentions:
Og and Magog are two hoots and a half.
The animators making the brothers equally tall in Scoobynatural. That’s adorable!
Camo-Samo in the final episodes.
Jack saying I love you to Sam in the final episode kinda killed me.
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Mediocre mentions:
The rising son - Can tell pretty early that this is gonna bore me, and it does, but any scene with Jack and the boys is good. ”What would Mr Rogers do?” Good question. ”Dean feels like he has to protect everyone.”
Unfinished business - always here for Gabriel/Loki stuff, especially when it involves both Gabriel and Loki. But idk, vengence as a theme... not my favorite. Mary is sweet though.
Beat the devil - Rowena and Gabriel, I’m just so happy. But wtf were they thinking leaving Rowena w Lucifer. That pisses me off. Almost so that I can’t enjoy the reunion of Jack and Sam. Almost.
Summing up:
The shining star of this season is Jack.
It feels a bit like this is what I’ve been waiting for, for the boys to use what they know constructively and practically and personally: when they’ve met people in need of guidence before they’ve ditched them with someone they’ve deemed as more maternal but now they take Jack with them, which allows them both to be big brothers. That’s good.
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metastation · 7 years
*Etta James voice* Aaaaaaaaatttttt laaaaaaaaaassssssttttt, our podcast for 408 “God Complex” is up!! 
We were thrilled to be joined by two very special guests, @hawthornewhisperer​ and @knowlesian, who are smart-as-heck analysts of the show and shared all kinds of brilliant insights with us.
Thank you so much, ladies and listeners, for your patience in waiting for this one! The delay in getting this recap uploaded was because having multiple people exponentially increases the editing hassle, but we promise it's worth it because these ladies are terrific. 
We covered 18th century British colonialism, Abby's emotional breakdown, Bill Cadogan's love of wordplay, Clarke and Murphy's relationship, Sassy Nihilist Jasper, how to rave responsibly (hint: bring a backpack), and tons of speculation about where the season might be going next, both things we're hoping for (Becca flashbacks!) and things we're side-eyeing (Commander Clarke???). Come join the lady nerd party!
0:00 - 100% Not Apologizing For Beginning This Podcast With Twelve Minutes of Jaha Dragging 0:12 – Let’s Talk About Harper 0:23 – Bree, Niylah, and the Occasionally Dubious “Solve Problems With Sex” Trope 0:27 – The Underappreciated Significance of Jasper and Bellamy’s Relationship 0:31 – DRINK! Sarah’s First Pike Reference 0:36 – Everyone Giving Bellamy “Advice” Is Literally Just Describing Themselves 1:01 – “I Bear It So They Don’t Have To”: Clarke’s Leadership Dividing Her From Her People 1:10 – “Welcome to Mt. Weather”: Claire’s a Little Salty That Raven Is Treating Abby Like Dr. Tsing 1:20 – “Don’t Call Her That”: Roan’s Casual Prejudice Shows Us Exactly Why Emori Can’t Trust People 1:25 – That Clarke and Murphy Scene Broke Our Hearts Into Tiny Pieces 1:39 – Clarke and Roan, Sass Siblings 1:43 – We Are Heavily Side-Eyeing This “You Were Born For This” Business 1:55 – “It’s Not Blasphemy, It’s Science” – British Imperialism, Distrust of Technology, ALIE and Cadogan 2:04 – Abby Reaches Her Breaking Point and Paige Deserves a Goddamn Emmy 2:16 – Marcus Kane, a Peacetime Leader Who Sucks at War 2:22 – Hedging Your Apocalypse Bets: We’re Predicting Every Potential Solution Will Come Back In the Endgame 2:26 – DRINK! Sarah Talks About Pike Again 2:28 – Indra 2.0 Is Equal Parts Terrifying Badass, Tragic Hero, and Conflicted Mom 2:39 – Random Final Thoughts: Sarah Has a Finale Theory, Claire Is Going To Scream If Kabby Isn’t Reunited Soon, and WHAT IF CADOGAN WAS THE FIRST FLAMEKEEPER??? 2:53 – Stay Tuned Later This Week For Our Anniversary Fan Roundtable!
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Anything SPN related? Who are your favourite female characters on the show and why? And on a related note (in case she's not on the list or if she is maybe you can say a bit more about her?) what do you think of Charlie?
No particular order bc that could change depending on the day but; Jo, Bela, Meg 2.0, and Charlie. (I do like others but not in the fav range)
Jo…we got less of her than the others so partially my reasoning is more head canon or “what could have been” than the others. Jo was spunky. I liked her huge crush on Dean (bc who wouldn’t crush on Dean?) but I like that her character wasn’t just some love sick girl. She didn’t blindly follow or agree with him & she stuck up for herself. It also hit me in the feels why she wanted to hunt. She felt like an outsider around ‘normal’ people & didn’t fit in at school. And she was a daddy’s girl who lost her father so young & wanted to hold on to a piece of him the only way she knew how. I also thought Jo was natural. She wanted to be a hunter but she was afraid at first. The show seems to wanna make it look like everyone can be a hunter these past few seasons but that’s ridiculous. This isn’t a job that ya’d instantly be good at & it often feels forced.
Bela: Ok shameless answer is; I had such a girl crush on her & I love her accent. But Bela, like Jo, is a lot of “what could have been” She was definitely more than met the eye. She was a more layered & complex character than just the selfish thief she portrayed. I think if she stuck around she could have eventually been one of the (reluctant) good guys. And her banter with Dean was always fun.
Meg 2.0: She had some awesome lines. I loved how sassy she was & whenever she was around you knew you were in for a laugh or two. And she was damn bad ass. She may have been on the bad guys’ side but Meg had dedication. She threw caution (her life) to the wind & fought for her cause. Then when she lost her cause she was still loyal to the only thing left that she cared about; Cas & killing Crowley. So ‘evil’ demon stuff aside, loyalty is a good & rare quality. It was kinda neat to watch.
Charlie: uhh I kinda feel like I’m in the minority as a Dean girl with my love of Charlie. Ik a lot who are bored by her/think she’s a Mary Sue/whatever. I can’t say the Mary Sue thing is entirely unfounded but I also think when Charlie got introduced should be factored in & I cut some slack. Frankly, the show had a lot more structure in S2 than S7+ when Charlie was around. Also, she got more episodes than Jo. I say Jo bc she’s the one I sometimes see Charlie compared to with, saying Jo felt real & Charlie Mary Sue. I think my only real agreement with that is how quickly they made Charlie an awesome fighter. With her life on the run & computer skills, I can see her quickly taking to other aspects of hunting. But she went from the girl who couldn’t defend herself at all to leading battles w/o any real receipts. Yes, time passed b/t eps & she could have learned shit but then SAY it. Say she’d been training etc. Like when Jo reappeared in S5 Ellen says that they’d been hunting together for a while so we weren’t sitting there like wtf Jo is a vet hunter all the sudden...but that brings me back to the writers & more consistency & continuity in earlier seasons.
Ok that kinda sounded more like I was complaining abt Charlie than praising her (I wasn’t. I was complaining abt the writers) so here’s why she makes my fav list: Charlie is fun. She’s an upbeat sassy little nerd that ya kinda can’t help but like. As Dean said, the lil sister he never wanted & we know what that turned into. Dean loved her. I see hunting being a fitting life for Charlie too. She has the whole tragic past even though her monster was human, she’s used to the nomad life & not having anyone in her life & when push came to shove she cared abt saving other people. In a show with a long history of killing off characters who could have had more Charlie takes the cake. Her death was utterly pointless & I’m still pissed. The shitty writers’ defense was oh it was her time...if that’s true then at least give her a PROPER death. I love how she was fighting to get Dean the cure but that isn’t what she died for. The damn thing was sent & as Felicia Day put it herself: WHY THE FUCK DIDN’T SHE CLIMB OUT THE WINDOW? Yeah, still angry. And not only did I like her as a character but wtf the boys NEED something to care about. All they have is Cas & this season Mary *gags* What’s even the point of fighting to save the world if you don’ care about anything in it? This damn show kills off everyone they get attached to for the ‘man pain’ & ok a few needed to happen for the whole tragic aspect of their world but at some point enough is enough. It’s lost all shock value long ago & for what I just said, it makes no plot sense any more either.
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redscullyrevival · 7 years
Fool’s Quest: Fitz and the Fool Rundown
And now we wait together @sonnetscrewdriver!
I’m so embarrassed for my son Rap-a-taskal. 
Getting ahead of myself here but take a chill pill kid. 
Calm your Tellator tits. 
Actually, screw it! lets start at “the end”:
I’m officially caught up now and I’ve been digging around the internet lurking on forums trying to soak up art/discussions/opinions I’ve been avoiding for months.
And the most interesting fannish thing I’ve uncovered is how lots of people are treating Tellator and Rap as two different people - I’ve read several discussions and threads where Tellator was being thought of and referred to as almost like a parasite or something.
I personally didn’t get that vibe when reading Rain Wilds. 
I don’t view Rapskal as an innocent bystander taken over by an insidious and other entity, but I can totally see how folks can see it that way so power to them I suppose.
Time and Parenting really come to a point at the end of this book, bounded tight within the thrill of having these two Realm of the Elderlings character axis’ finally meeting!: 
And we the reader are, now, FAR more knowledgeable about the magics and histories of the Realm than any one character present! Funny how time and managing our narrative children will do that, huh? ;D
I’m of the personal opinion that the Elderlings are going to be too thankful and indebted to Fitz to really head the level of retribution Rapskal will demand - but that doesn’t mean Fitz won’t make matters worse with his paranoia and how he expects to be treated (Fitz’s “I-deserve-to-suffer” self loathing really reeks in this book and I have no doubt it will harm more than help in the early stages of Assassin’s Fate) 
But oh! I can’t wait to see my Elderling darlings and Six Duchies nerds mingle more! 
And yes, I do think Rapskal will continue to be an asshole. 
I’m invested in Rapskal though and I can’t wait to see what his deal is and how he’ll affect the story. 
I don’t know about y’all but I feel Rap is being set up to have some big part to play - but I’ve no clue if it’ll be direct or indirect lol. TIME WILL TELL!
If I had to guess right now (and I’m going to because why not) I’d guess that at the moment Rapskal probably struggles, that he is antagonistic, because he is outside of the narrative’s “Reflection & Parenting as Change” theme and may never fold into that current because of his choice to skip adolescence via-memory stones. 
Rapskal doesn’t have a lot to reflect back on, or maybe the issue is he has too much memory or doesn’t reflect at all and only looks forward forward forward. And we know he isn’t a parent as Nortel told us.
Frankly I hope Rapskal can learn from Fitz and/or Amber, I’d like to see him fold back into the narrative flow rather than swim decidedly against it (not that he isn’t uninteresting for doing so, quite the opposite really).
Maybe Rapskal will find something to reflect back on? Maybe he’ll refuse? 
But enough about Rapskal! 
THYMARA’S WINGS ARE SO BIG NOW. *gasp* I love her. 
Do you think when our Six Duchies party leaves Kelsingra they’ll ride down the Rain Wilds River on Tarman?! 
*muffled screeching*
Okay okay okay I’m sorry, back into a Fitz and the Fool Rundown not Kristie has deep love for Rain Wilders Giggling.
This dummy. 
Don’t get me wrong; temperament wise this older Fitz is still my favorite but he’s also so full of grief and self loathing he’s practically useless mid-book.
And that’s fine, Hobb as always does a great job with making me understand Fitz.
But still - OH MY GOD.
You’ve done a lot wackier and intensely strange stuff than admit your daughter is the result of your BFF, your wolf-brother, and yourself’s souls mingling Fitz! 
You even come to terms with that fact, even if simply choosing to ignore it for the most part that still means you’ve acknowledged it - you’re willing to painstakingly mine information from any and everyone but you don’t tell Beloved about your daughter’s dream journal?
Um??? WHAT???
Wake up dude. 
Just poor decisions left and right. 
Needless to say I was very frustrated with Fitz for a while but we worked through it. 
Oh my god I friggin’ cried when Starling sung her Epic and Fitz was recognized by the court though, oh man that was so satisfying and mystifying and wondrous. 
I’m glad Fitz has for the most part gotten over his issues with Amber and the Fool’s various identities and seems very accepting of Ash and Spark. 
I mean, “No” to Bee still being on her own but mostly “No” about Bee slowly being blocked out of the narrative perspective! 
I’d be fascinated to find out how long she was in the Pillar. Based on the narrative we read and assume she’s wandering about around the same time Fitz and company are but we’ve been given nothing in evidence of that. 
Stay safe my little piglet! 
The Fool
I’m very intrigued to learn more about Beloved’s dragon blood transformation and what knowledge will come with it.
What will happen if the dragon is truly dead, who will guide their transformation? 
But, uh, yeah.
While it was uncomfortable I was rather happy that Fool got angry at Fitz and had no trouble telling him to step off. 
I wasn’t very pleased with Fitz myself at the time, I was a bit smug about him getting a tray full of food plopped in his lap.  
Well done.
I really hope to witness more of Ash and Spark and The Fool’s bond! 
Beloved has been alone for so long, has had the opposite later life to Fitz and his massive family. 
And what better than taking in and giving shelter to a son and a daughter? 
Good stuff. 
Shun AKA Shine
Oh Shine, you poor dear. 
Shine will become an asset to Nettle, I imagine, and I desperately hope she heals and that Kettricken can guide her well and that court does Shine good. 
I’m livid and just overall done with Chade, I’m serious.
I feel as though I’ve given Chade benefit of the doubt over and over again and it isn’t like he is an evil person or claims to be something he isn’t - but uuugh what the hell?
If you’re mister cloak and dagger spider web master maybe reel in some goddamn self control and think ahead on the consequences of your personal actions instead of just those of your King and various eyes within the kingdom, come the fuck on dude.
What an idiot sending both his children to a grieving Fitz and for not following up with any information for his children OR for Fitz.
I’d be so upset if I were Shine, I would’t be surprised if she drugs him.
It’d be poetic in a twisted away. 
Why did Chade hide Shine from others as well as from herself? What was he thinking, that she’d have to become less shallow, vain, and self-centered before he’d bestow upon her the depths of her lineage? 
Chade moans about being denied learning to Skill because he was a bastard but zip! he seals up his bastard daughter’s power because ??? 
I’m glad Shine is safe and that she and Bee came to a functioning relationship even if not one ripe with mutual meaning and growth.  
Chade-light 2.0 and I aren’t hitting it off so well but I’m trying to keep a level head about this sassy lost child.
His biggest sin is that he is boring. 
Or, well, I think my real issue with Lant is that he’s young. 
So young. 
Oddly young.
Older than Per or Ash or Spark yes but younger than them somehow; he doesn’t see, he doesn’t listen, he doesn’t seem to even think for himself.
Rolling about in his self pity that he can’t bang his sister doesn’t help endure him to me either but you know, I’ll take Riddle’s advice and let time and space do it’s thing so maybe by the time the third book comes out I’ll have cooled on Lant. 
I love themmmmmm.
Oh my god.
I’m really really really hoping that Ash, Spark, Per, and Bee are going to be Gen 2 of Elderling mayhem and stories. 
That’d be golden.
Smart as a whip and willing to make their own choices, that’s Ash and Spark. 
Talk about stickin’ to your name!
Per is a sweetie and I really need to stop but I can’t help but see him as my son Charlie. 
Which is amazing - but gutting at the same time lol.
What have I done?!
Per is perfection and I really hope Fitz does right by him and of everyone traveling now I feel like Per will help Fitz the most as far as his inner space goes. 
Per has a understanding and relationship with Bee outside of Fitz’s understanding of his daughter and I think Fitz’ll need to hear about that and mine Per’s perseverance as their quest wears on. 
Highlighted Passages
I smiled as the royal family passed, tears of pride stinging my eyes. Our doing, the Fool’s and mine.
“Vengeance?” I asked quietly. “It’s a poor motive for doing anything. Vengeance doesn’t undo what they did. Doesn’t restore whatever they destroyed.”
“Sometimes thanking someone is more important to the person giving the thanks than the one who receives it.”
“I thought you had come here in fury over what I did to you as we passed through the Skill-pillars.” He stepped back from me. “Oh, I’ll leave that to Nettle. If she hasn’t blasted the skin from your flesh with her words yet, you’ve that to look forward to.
I could not think about it at the moment. I tried so hard, but there was just not enough time or enough of me. And trying was not doing.
Safe. As if “safe” were more important than anything else.
With the instincts of all bullies, they knew that eventually she would have to emerge. Then, in the way of their kind, they would peck her to death for being different.
“Ah, Fitz. I can always trust you to have some sort of bizarre problem that breaks my ennui.”
She breathed as if she had run over nine hills. I stared at her. She had been a stranger, a lover, a nemesis, and a betrayer to me. And now she was my historian.
“Why does understanding come so late to us?”
War and hardship had hardened them; I understood that, but it did not mean that I wished to see my own folk mocked or disdained that they were not likewise hardened.
But all fires, of wood or grief, burn down to ashes eventually.
“Doing something stupid and reckless is not a better proof of your love than doing something measured and powerful.”
“Keeping a child from harm is not the same as rearing one.”
“Steady, I’m pregnant, not ill.”
Both logic and love anchored me where I was and doomed me to the suffocation of waiting.
“Every one of them has witnessed what the Servants have done to their fellows. And each has chosen to serve them rather than defy them. Every one of them is more treacherous than you can imagine.”
Once one knows what heartless people can do, it cannot be entirely forgotten. It always remains among the possible things that can befall you.
“Put it behind you, and think about it again in twenty years. Whatever it was, you can’t change it. So stop clinging to it, and let time and distance do their work.”
“I always fail the people I love the most.” “Say rather that you judge yourself more harshly than anyone else ever has.”
“No soup! Anything I can bite and chew. Or crunch! Is there anything crunchy?”
 “That I guessed,” Malta said knowingly. “When first I saw him, I felt as if I already knew him.” She smiled at me as if we shared a jest. I smiled back, without understanding.
“Worrying doesn’t solve anything. I know that. In one way I know it but in another it seems wrong. It seems that if I don’t think about all the things that hurt, all the things I’ve done wrong, then I don’t really care.”
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