#i like how it turned out i think bht it could be better idk
mayonation · 1 month
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OH @megatraven BEFORE I FORGET. I’ve been thinking of Alex all day (it’s been so stressful and it’s finally night-) and like...from your Medusa’s post I remembered Alex sang at their wedding...I think?? If not, I was still imagining them doing it and I was listening to, “If You Love Her,” when I thought of this and...maybe you can see where this is going....
MC gives them the mic and they sing a few songs and the last one is this song...and they look at MC during it and everyone in the room...but mainly MC...and she gives them a smile filled with affection, even if it’s not the same kind that they wish they could give her, and the kind they could receive in turn. But they love her and they know that if you love someone, you want them happy, and if them being happy means being with someone else? Then they accept that. They’re lucky to be in her life and still be one of her best friends.
They’re lucky to not get a dirty look with this song (from either of them) AND I REMEMBER MEDUSA SAYING, “It’s unlike for a child of Aphrodite to fall out of love,” OR SOMETHING SIMILAR?!?! AND THEY SING THIS SONG!! AND!! SHE REALIZES THAT NO...THEY STILL LOVE HER WITH THEIR WHOLE SOUL...and she just smiles at them too, even if it is filled with sympathy...idk what Medusa is like bht I imagine her in this to feel sympathy towards Alex because she knows what it’s like to love someone with their whole being...and she’s marrying the woman she loves with her being...that woman is now her wife...and that amazing woman will only be Alex’s best friend...and to imagine her (as in Medusa not Alex. It seems like I’m referring them here but I’m not, I’m just bad at transitions lol) not being able to love MC?? It hurts, so she feels sympathy towards them..LIKE IK ITS PROBABLY REALLY WRONG MEG (I haven’t played Medusa so my bad if I got her character wrong :’() BUT UGHHH...Alex singing that song to them, telling Medusa what she likes (even if she knows it), reminds her of how to treat MC, and is just singing about their love for her, without actually saying it.
GOD I LOVE THEM MEG AND UGHHHHH....ALEX DESERVES PEACE AND I WILL NEVER GET OVER HOW ALEX LOVES MC AND WILL POSSIBLY NEVER MOVE ON AND LOVE HER FROM AFAR (sorta bc they’re always in her life, even in Astraeus...oh god my emotions are getting riled again) BECAUSE ITS A BLESSING ON ITS OWN AND THEIR HEART WILL NEVER CHANGE...but my heart also imagines Alex maybe falling for someone because they’re so close to being MC, their heart falling for them a little bit...but no matter what...when they look at MC, their best friend, the love they truly love, they will never be completely happy...abd they can’t be with that person because it will never be her...and I still can’t get over how much they love her and I will never get over it because living forever?? Being so full of love?!? BUT NEVER BEING ABLE TO SHOW THE LOVE IN THE WAY THEY WANT TO?!?! HUH??? THAT MAKES MY HEART ACHE WHENEVER I TRULY THINK ABOUT IT...
And....this post wasn’t just meant for angst. I read you aren’t feeling so good mentally and I wanted to maybe cheer you up somehow!! Maybe?!?! I just know Alex fluff makes everyone feel better (well mostly or at least a little bit better) and I really want to help and hope you’re okay🥺💙💗💖.
ANYWAYS, I have multiple fluff ideas >:)). Okay so the first one is related to my Death Bed song AU, remember it?? The one where MC had a YouTube channel where she wrote songs and sung covers?? NOW IMAGINE...Alex showing up in some of her songs. Maybe they sing a solo for her channel, or they appear with her and sing a duet...maybe they’re an important part in her own songs she writes and the covers...and their voices fit together so well and it’s SO beautiful...I love the idea and I hope you do too...and MAYBE ONE OF THE SONGS IS IF YOU LOVE HER!!! IMAGINE!! JUST ANOTHER SONG MEANT TO REPRESENT THEIR LOVE FOR HER AND HNNNG-
Okay another idea is before they dated or even felt feelings (or realized it) and like...imagine MC being in high school and I remember it being canon and at least stated somewhere about MC and Alex being in high school for at least ONE year together. They were the cool and popular one and charming one, and she was the shy and nervous one, who was close with them but only waved at them slightly and gave a small smile when she passed them...and imagine her needing help...and she feels anxious she’s going to fail something or disappoint her mother so...who does she go to??
Her best friend, Alex. She goes to them and they meet at a library and it’s a sweet moment because she’s confused and they understand the topic (...mostly, but they wouldn’t admit it. They’re tryna seem cool) and help her. They praise her when she gets it right and it builds up her confidence a bit and they help her a lot with her fear of failing and telling her that she could never disappoint anyone and how she’s so amazing...and maybe whispering under their breath about how she could never disappoint them-
Another fluff idea is remember how MC has shorts that literally has their aura on it?? LIKE THE STAG AND DOE SYMBOL YOU KNOW?? IN THE FLIPPING PANCAKE CG?? I THINK SHE HAD THEM AND IF NOT...imagine her making them. There’s a rare chance she found them at some store, so imagine her making them with them. Or!! Making them on her own!! And surprising them being like, “look what I made :)” AND THEY FALL DEEPER FOR HER BECAUSE SHES SO CREATIVE AND SPENT TIME TO MAKE SOMETHING RELATED TO THEM AND ANOTHER WAY OF SHOWING HOW SHE LOVES THEM...
And another fluff idea is her playing with their aura, even before she knew she had Heras potential!! There is no convincing me that she didn’t see the stag and doe appear from time to time and she would always play with them or pat their heads, give them head scratches, maybe even talk to them (even if Alex is literally right there sometimes) and LIKE!! IMAGINE IF THEY WENT AWAY AND LET HER KEEP THE NECKLACE BECAUSE, like, I think Alex still has a lot of power even without their artifact?? NOT SURE BUT LIKEEEE...THEY COME OUT AND JUST HANG OUT WITH HER AND GIVE HER AFFECTION AND LIKE...IK THIS WAS A POST ON YOUR BLOG AND STILL!! ITS SO SWEET!!! AND!!!
When she gives them affection it makes Alexs heart feel so happy and fluttery and makes their emotions feel happy because THE AURA IS PART OF THEIR BEING SO...IF THEYRE HAPPY THEN ALEX IS HAPPY AND IT HELPS THEM FALL ASLEEP FROM FAR AWAY....god I love Alex so much😭💙. Love youuu and goodnight💙💖💕💕💕 and I hope you’re okay and take a break if you need one (like I said in an ask-). AnyWAYS YH ᴸᴼᵛᴱ ᵞᴼᵁ!!! ᴴᴱᴴᴱ ᵂᴱᴵᴿᴰ ᶠᴼᴺᵀ ᴶᵁˢᵀ ᶠᴼᴿ ᵞᴼᵁ. It’s midnight and posting it now bc oof I’m tired and stressed and need to get it out before I forget. And!! I’ll probably post the next chapter of Rose and Apollo tomorrow because I finished it awhile ago, but didn’t want to tag you in too many things :’))). So yeah I’m excited about this chapter too >:))). More foreshadowing of lore and I love it-
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