#i know i know some ppl hate oblivious to the terms of the deal castiel but have u considered cas becoming like a vampire basically cant let
angeltiddies · 27 days
do you think, before the deal, castiel used to stand outside and close his eyes and tilt his face up to the sun? before the empty said "someday, when the sun shines down on your face, when you are truly happy, that's when i'll come?" do you think dean noticed him staying inside more, after? tried to encourage him to go out and garden? tried to invite him out to fish or walk or have a picnic? do you think dean saw it as a slight? except then, at night, castiel would join him on the hill above the bunker to stargaze, or sit beside him in his recliner in the deancave to binge a show and he'd think "maybe he's okay. maybe we're okay." do you think castiel started warming in the reflection of the sun, in the glow of the moon, because at least he could have that? at least he could have dean, sometimes, in secret, in the dark? a reflection of the light, so muted that it couldn't hurt him?
so it's ironic, then, that he'd be taken away underground, in a windowless room. that the only sources of light would be his own fading grace, the bulb of dean's soul, the sparks of a scythe scraping along the walls. that the sun would be long gone. that it would have been a metaphor.
how curious, to expect an angel to understand, when he understands so little.
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