#i kinda hate what asagiri did to him considering the actual author so
ectohybrid · 23 days
my mori headcanons because people are wrong too much
1. he listens to oingo boingo. why? hes insane. a freak. he murders for fun with a scalpel and a little girl soldier that has a giant syringe. this guy fucking loves oingo boingo
2. he has two (2) consecutive outfits for mafia business. this is because in his natural habitat he dresses like a divorced father and the rest of his wardrobe is as such
3. a section of his home is intricately styled to be as imposing looking as possible for when guests are over while the rest is a private mess as i doubt mori's home very often
4. he never had pets as a kid so before joining the army he had one singular goldfish and gave it to a family member or something when he got drafted. that thing is still going strong and is now one of those decade old giant goldfish. mori is kinda scared of it, dazai has met it personally. mori never maded it by the way but dazai refers to it as elise the first
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my evil evil problematic blorbo
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atopearth · 4 years
The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya Part 3 - Gakuto Route
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It’s interesting to see the mother’s different priorities towards Kiyoha in each route lol. For Gakuto, it seems like Kiyoha’s considered an adult after her first visit to Yoshiwara, so now she’s to be trained to take over the business as the new head. Although he Gakuto really made the worst impression on her by forcefully kissing her as an apology for making her wait, I did find it interesting that Kiyoha didn’t enjoy it at all and hated it haha, I guess I can see why Gakuto would be interested. He’s confident, he’s popular, there’s probably many women who would happily take that kiss, yet she rejected it so adamantly haha. Although, for a lot of the arguments they have, I do feel like she took the fighting a bit too far, Gakuto helped keep her in line by speaking out honestly that although they’re both prideful, it’s not like they really wanted to fight, they just don’t like to back down from one another though. I never really realised that Gakuto could also choose to reject clients, nice to know that they do have a bit more freedom than it seems. It’s kinda saddening though, just as Gakuto is forced to serve clients as a geisha, Kiyoha is just as entrapped by her circumstances since she feels that she must court Gakuto so that she can have the influence and connections of interacting with a popular geisha, as well as bear a worthy heir for her family through him. Everyone is so bound to their duty and their fate, it’s actually rather disheartening.
I found it endearing that Gakuto pushed her in order to make her forcefully acknowledge and understand that she wasn’t ready. I’m sure there were other ways to do it, but Kiyoha is really stubborn and prideful, so I think him pushing her down and kissing her was the only way for her to admit that she couldn’t do it after all. It was sweet how he properly listened to Kiyoha and backed off when he knew she wasn’t ready to sleep with him. I also liked how considerate he was by reassuring her that it was fine and that she should just be honest with her feelings, and not force herself just because this is something she needs to do. Hmm, Gakuto is looking for his sister, but he’s from the mainland so it’s weird that she would be on this island…hmm, I wonder what his circumstances are. Wow, okay, that escalated really fast. Honestly, Kiyoha was pretty overbearing to force him to reveal his eye under the eye patch just so she can see whether he has a scar and is the man the woman who went to her store talked about. Like, seriously, Kiyoha really could have handled it better, but instead she hurt Gakuto by forcefully seeing his scarred eye and digging up his personal life by invading his privacy rather than asking him. But I see, he is the guy that woman was talking about, guess they did not end amicably if she scarred his eye, and he scarred her forehead. I wonder what Gakuto wants revenge on her for though, I feel like the scar isn’t the main reason.
I love Gakuto. He can be all superfluous and sexy when he wants to be, but other times, he could be so crude and brutally honest, it’s pretty hilarious to see. It was expected, but to think that Gakuto’s mother sold him as a kid to Yoshiwara for alcohol expenses was saddening to hear, but I think the worst thing was that she sold him to one of the worst stores in Yoshiwara, where all the sick geisha are and where all the “fallen” geisha would be etc. Just imagining how devastating of a place it could have been makes me shudder, it sounds like a place full of death. I’m glad Gakuto had a friend; even though he died eventually. When Gakuto said he didn’t deserve someone honest and pure like her since the higher up he is as a geisha, the more dirty he is, I really liked Kiyoha’s answer. She just told him to make himself cleaner by being with her more, since he said that his heart feels cleaner when he’s with her haha. I’m glad Kiyoha was able to take Gakuto to his friend’s “grave” (considering their store and status, dead geisha get thrown together into a nameless grave) and reminisce about the things they talked about. They felt like such precious memories. Lmaoo at Utsusemi and his big mouth, he legit just tells everything about Gakuto to Kiyoha, it’s so funny to see Gakuto tell him to shut up hahahaha. It’s funny how Ageha has a loose mouth too, they all just casually tell Kiyoha about how importantly Gakuto regards her lol. So cute how Gakuto is very fond of candy though hahaha.
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Although their first time ended up happening in questionable way, it was understandable why Gakuto was so enraged and yet so sad when doing it. Kiyoha forcefully stopped him when he finally found the woman who gave him the scar, and tried to comfort him with herself, which I felt was understandable from her perspective. She’s been wanting to protect him this whole time now that she’s closer to him, and I can see why she would be willing to do anything if it would satiate his wrath. She just wants him to be the happy person that he is with Utsusemi and Ageha… I see, Gakuto wants revenge because this woman was supposed to elope with Yoshino (his dead friend) since they were in love, but on the day of the elopement, she never appeared, and Yoshino was captured and punished cruelly, thus leading to his death. Considering that she was the first one to fall in love and go kinda crazy about it (she slashed Gakuto with a razor during one of her quarrels with Yoshino?), I’m curious about what the true reason for her not appearing actually is. It’s saddening that this caused Gakuto to unable to find it within himself to truly trust love, nor to truly invest himself in friends since he believes that it will only hurt him, and he can’t take that anymore. It’s so painful to hear that Gakuto had since then spent all his life rising up in the ranks as a geisha just because he wanted a better information network to find this woman and get revenge on her. It’s heartbreaking to think that it’s the only thing keeping him alive. It was sweet of Kiyoha to tell him that despite what he says, he’s someone that’s a big softie, no matter how much he wants to distance himself from others, he’s too kind, it’s impossible for him to really not care about Utsusemi and them.
I thought it was really sweet how Gakuto specially ordered fireworks in the shape of flowers for Kiyoha, it was really cute how they played with the sparklers🥰 I think it’s nice that regardless of what burdens Gakuto is carrying, he can’t help but feel a sort of fondness towards Kiyoha. If this was real life, I’d be sceptical of Kiyoha going to Utsusemi and Ageha for advice on what to do about Gakuto and his revenge, especially since she barely knows them, and who knows if they’re really friends with Gakuto or enemies considering their work. Anyway, this is an otome game and all the LIs should be good boys so we’ll ignore that hahaha. I’m just glad Kiyoha consulted someone before Gakuto did anything rash I guess. Tbh, when Gakuto plead to Kiyoha asking her to not abandon him, and that she promised to stay with him forever, my heart really broke. I know she just wanted him to come to his senses and stop focusing on revenge, but the way she said things to the broken Gakuto really hurt. I’m glad she didn’t really leave though. Gakuto’s plan to use Utsusemi and sacrifice him to get the woman (by telling the authorities that they’re trying to elope) really showed how much hate is within his heart, as well as how much he is willing to give up all his emotions and relationships for this revenge plan. I’m glad Kiyoha got them to spread rumours that Gakuto might be thinking of eloping just so the others at Ohgiya would watch him like a hawk, it’s a pretty good idea considering she can’t be there 24/7. Considering what their relationship was like in the beginning, I find it really sweet how much she wants to protect him now, and how unconditionally supportive she is towards his worrying mental state. Seeing him finally sleep peacefully when she was by his side was really nice but saddening. I found it really heartwarming to see Asagiri and Takigawa both worry over Gakuto due to the rumour spreading a bit more crazy than I thought it would. It’s saddening that Gakuto can’t see how important he is to other people. I can see why Musashi would want Kiyoha to just choose another geisha, especially considering how dangerous it could become. My heart broke when he said he will always devote his life to Kiyoha and that’s why he wasn’t able to agree with her actions, it hurt when she said she’ll set him free then, she’s so blind to everything else but Gakuto🥺
I kinda got scared that Gakuto really was going to kill the woman and they would have to stop him from getting too crazy lol. But it seems that Kiyoha’s feelings finally got through to him, and all he really wanted was for the woman to apologise to Yoshino’s grave. Can’t really blame the woman for going nuts and being scared of Gakuto tbh lol. Can you believe it though? The reason she didn’t go to elope with Yoshino was because she didn’t think he’d take it so seriously. Like wow, knowing the consequences, who would joke about it? And why would they give you a time and place and everything if they weren’t serious? She obviously just abandoned him and wanted to make herself feel better by saying she didn’t think he’d take it so seriously. It’s honestly disgusting that to this day she still can’t admit that her actions caused his death. I find it saddening that Yoshino loved such a selfish woman. On the other hand, because Gakuto left Ohgiya to look for her (and end up finding Kiyoha!) so now he’s been like jailed for running away… The only good thing is that everyone knows about this revenge story now, so they’re not too harsh with him. It’s kinda ironically funny that his popularity is booming even though he’s in jail lol. And he’s back in a jiffy! 
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Honestly, the thing with the woman got a bit draggy, but honestly it was heartwrenching when Gakuto talked about how before all this was resolved, he would always dream about the day Yoshino was screaming as he got captured, then beat up as punishment, and when Gakuto finally had the chance to sneak food to him, all he found was his lifeless body. It’s just so terrible to think that he had to experience something like that with someone so important to him when he was so young, it’s understandable for him to have been so adamant about revenge. I think it’s pretty cool how Gakuto paid off his own debt, it really shows how popular and well loved he was with customers and the people at Ohgiya. I found it hilarious how corny and cheesy Gakuto was on their wedding day, but I think it was really sweet and refreshing to compare to how he was towards Kiyoha in the beginning. It really shows how honest and heartfelt his feelings for her were because he couldn’t word it in any other way. It made me so happy to see them happy like this considering everything that happened. The other ending is pretty interesting! I kinda like that in this ending, he does get married with Kiyoha, but instead of taking care of her business alongside her, he stays as the keeper of Ohgiya to maintain order and protect the district, I feel like with what happened to Yoshino, it’s something he would like to do so that such a tragedy wouldn’t happen again to anyone else. Omgg is this the only route where Kiyoha actually has a kid?! Because dang is their kid cute lmao. I loved the sequel!! It was so sweet to see a lightened up Gakuto playing with kids and being so loving and protective over Kiyoha, I enjoyed it! Kinda wish it was longer but it’s all good.
Overall, I think I love Gakuto the most. I honestly didn’t expect it because I didn’t like the eyepatch look, but I’m actually impressed and happy that there was a reason for the eyepatch, I honestly thought it was just going to be a design thing hahaha. I think what I loved most about this route is that even though it was dramatic, I felt that it was done really well. I also liked the transition of Gakuto and Kiyoha being like a playful stubborn couple that weren’t able to really show their affection until Gakuto’s past caused him to nearly mentally break. I think it showcased nicely the ups and downs of a relationship (in a dramatic way of course) that wasn’t too contrived. I felt that the portrayal of Gakuto’s pain, his grief, his fear and his indecision alongside his love for Kiyoha was done really nicely, especially when accompanied with Kiyoha’s unrelenting love for him and protection of him. I also really loved how much Utsusemi and Ageha was a part of it as Gakuto’s friends and to help Kiyoha save Gakuto since she couldn’t do it by herself, I think it’s great to see that it wasn’t just love that was able to help him, but it was also because his friends were there that everything could be resolved in it’s own way. I also liked how things weren’t resolved as peacefully as it could have been if the writers wanted something cliche (since it ended with the woman’s accidental death), it really felt like they thought about it imo hahaha. Anyway, I really enjoyed this route!
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