#i just want my sarsaparilla james.
rad-roche · 6 months
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james i'm just trying to enjoy my drink
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this is an oc masterpost of all my haf-formed ocs languishing on pinterest with their messy aesthetics and unedited blurbs, in roughly chronological order of their creation, plus sorted by fandom. this post is only asoiaf, harry potter, hunger games, and riverdale, cos i have tooooooo many original characters otherwise and the post was getting incredibly long. (note that i love my ocs but these one’s are not polished or even the final versions of their characters, i just wanted to post them lol)
under a read more, if you’re on mobile start scrolling i guess, sorry,,,
Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire:
Laeya Targeryen: (child of Rhaella and Aerys Targaryen, born 280 AC - three years older than Danaerys) 
Fearful of her impending marriage, Laeya is eleven when she takes her younger sister and flees across the sea to Dorne, hiding herself and Dany with dyed hair and badly controlled magic. As Leia and Dani Sand they learn to live normally. At 15 Leia joins the Royal Guard and secures Dany work as a tailor's apprentice. When she is 17, an assassin tries to kill her in front of the Dornish court and everything changes...
- so laeya straight up has magic, which im considering an extension of the dragon thing dany has - she can control flame and for the disguise uses her ‘inner fire’ to make her eyes white-blue like super hot flames, cos the purple eyes are super distinctive. and then she’s discovered and suddenly politics are happening. honestly she’s entirely a way for me to remove the child marriage bits of the targaryen storyline (stop marrying off your twelve-year-old baby sister viserys u asshole) - in terms of meta/basics, laeya doesn’t have a fc cos most of my early ocs don’t, and bcs i picture her as emilia clarke with faked dark hair and blue eyes lol
and a quick aesthetic below:
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Kyrra Snow: (child of Robert Baratheon and Maery Snow, birthdate ???)
Kyrra Snow is the eldest natural-born child of Robert Baratheon, current King of Westeros, and daughter of Maery Snow, a Southron (but Northern-born) merchant woman. After her mother realises Kyrra was growing up a little too much like her father in looks and needed to leave the far South before she caught the wrong sort of attention, Kyrra was sent off to travel with her aunt and cousins. She is 17 and heading further north, to Winter Town, when Jon Arryn dies.
- kyrra’s another child of everyone’s favourite asshole king, and she’s got a lot of people after her head, but she just wants to travel and continue her work as a simple peddler. (riiip poor girl) honestly she’s not that developed but yolo -
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Brynn Stark: (child of Catelyn and Eddard Stark, Robb’s twin sister)  
Brynn believes in honour and family, and she is loyal to Winterfell and the North above all else. Likes - archery, embroidery and weaving. Betrothed to [some young Northern lord] to keep the bonds between the Norther families strong.
-i basically made brynn as a contrast to sansa’s pro-southnness and excessive femininity and arya’s anger and desire for swords (relatable mood tho lmao). so brynn is here to mediate, extoll the virtues of both needlework and weapons, make a decent marriage to someone she likes, if not loves, and hold down the fort in the North while shit gets increasingly messier in the South. and a possible faceclaim is Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey - 
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Rosienne Lannister: (child of Joanna and Tywin Lannister, born 273 AC)
Rose is looked at by the realm with dismissal, a consolation prize for her father, a spare daughter only useful for matchmaking, but at least able-bodied and pretty, unlike her brother. After a long betrothal, Rose is married to Willas Tyrell at the age of eighteen, cementing her role as the next Lady of High Garden...
- Rosie/Rose is a bonus Lannister, bcs why not. likes cyvasse and the harp, soft and kind and maternal, powerful in her own way. originally she was from a minor divergence where joanna survives tyrion’s birth and goes on to have another kid, but not sure if i’ll keep that aspect, so for now she’s tyrion’s twin -
and her aes (yes that quote is cropped, no i don’t care rn):
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honourable mentions to my other got underdeveloped got/asoiaf ocs who need more effort before i post properly about them:
Tamlen Storm, a rookery apprentice (working for the Maester of House Tully, managing the ravens) who may or may not be a reincarnated si-oc trying to save westeros, 
and an unnamed northern huntress who stumbled into the plot somehow and wants her normal life back (entirely inspired by Keira Knightley as Gwyn in Princess of Thieves, when she’s doing archery stuff and looking v butch).
Harry Potter:
Taurus ‘Ara’ Lestrange:  (child of Bellatrix and Roldolphous Lestrange, born 1978) 
Raised by the Goblins after a legal mix-up following her parents' imprisonment in Azkaban, Taurus is good with a sword and aiming to be the next Minister of Magic. She attends Hogwarts with the other magical kids her age, under the fake identity Ara Burke, unknown cousin of a minor half-blood family. When the Potter brat’s drama starts destroying her change at an education just as her fourth year, her OWL prep year, begins, Ara intervenes.
- im tangentially aware that as bellatrix’s kid she’s almost occupying the place of whats-her-name from the cursed child, but considering that i know nothing about the cursed child and don’t care about it anyway, i have elected to ignore this. her actual parent might turn out to be some smitten half-blood from a minor branch of the Greengrass family, or it might actually be Rodolphous, who knows. slightly inspired by the fic ‘Harry Crow’ (by robst on ff.net) where harry is raised by the goblins -
messy aes:
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Valerian Potter: (child of Lily and James Potter, born 1980)
After the Potter twins’ parents are murdered by Voldemort, they’re dumped on the doorstep of Number 4, Privet Drive. Dealing with two traumatised magical orphans, Petunia and Vernon Dursley turn to violence and neglect to stay in control, acting far more harshly than expected. With the arrival of two Hogwarts letters, life gets complicated incredibly quickly. (Self-sufficient and scarred from abuse, Val and Harry are immediately Sorted into Slytherin). 
- val’s fic is basically an angst fest, okay,,, -
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and shout-outs to: holly addison potter, a half-baked reincarnation si-oc (i love that concept a lot, can u tell) and my fav girl thea dursley, who already has her own fic and so isn’t getting a proper spot in this post 
The Hunger Games:
Asher: (District Two, age 18) 
[rip no blurb for asher]
-asher is a career from two, who wins the 70th games. mostly im focusing on her recovery and how the games function in two, with training volunteers and mentoring and collecting sponsors, plus eventually the rebellion. lots of the D2 headcanon i have is inspired by @/lorata but i defintely made a distinct effort to have my own stuff, cos where’s the fun in plagiarism -
aes for Asher’s Games:
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Rowan Everdeen: (District Twelve, age 19)
Rowan will do anything to protect her family. This extends to going to Head Peacekeeper Cray on a cold winters night, charging the most she can get for her virginity.  It extends to Reaping Day, when she steps out in front of the crowd and says “I volunteer as tribute” in the steadiest voice she can muster.  It extends to clawing her way out of the Arena, bloody and exhausted, with blades in her hands and violence kept tucked behind her teeth. It extends further, to a simple ‘Yes, President Snow’ when he coldly, carefully implies her family might meet with an accident if she doesn’t play the good little Victor (and fuck the people who pay the Capitol for her company). It extends to joining the Rebellion, to looking President Coin directly in the eye and agreeing to be a Mockingjay, a symbol for the people to rally around.
- another everdeen kiddo! as the big sister, rowan volunteers for prim, and goes through the Games - she’s a healer and a hunter, and a decent enough actor that she can manage interviews and a camera presence, unlike katniss. rowan also pairs well with a minor au i have, where the reapings are spaced out over a week and official training is a longer, giving the capitol a nice, long buildup to get excited and place bets, etc., and giving the poor, underfed tributes from the outer districts a better chance, which makes for more interesting television and better Games -
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Adrasteia Crane: (The Capitol, age 28) Unlike her big brother, Adrasteia doesn’t want to be a Gamemaker. Instead, she wants to create clothes, artwork, to enrapture the Capitol. She wants to be a Games stylist. After years of design school, of working her way up the ranks, first a PA’s assistant, and then fetching and carrying for Twelve’s prep team, and then eventually on a prep team for the dull tributes from Six, Adrasteia Crane finally has what she wants - the position of stylist for District Three’s male tribute in 74th Hunger Games. 
- tbh adrasteia is only seneca crane’s sister because i couldn’t think of a suitable last name for her lmao. i think i’d actually prefer her to be unattached to any major canon players. however, his death is a good motivation for her to join the rebellion, so we’ll see. she’s got a bit of the capitol fashion thing going too, with soft pink hair and diamond-effect skin on her face and shoulders -
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also bonus hunger games content: another oc, Sarsaparilla Verran, from District Eleven, fifteen and alone when she goes into the Games. An orphan, her siblings lost to the Community Home system years ago, her relatives dead or uncaring. So, Rilla is a wee lonely bab tbh. she did not want this, unlike most of my other hg ocs, and she’s not excited for weeks of murder. she just wants her family back, but since that isn’t possible, she’ll build a new family instead. and uuhhhhh,  spoiler alert, she dies before she can have this ://///
and my hunger games aus - a canon divergence where katniss joins the careers instead of peeta, her desire to go home to her family outweighing her reactive hate for the concept of training/volunteering to kill other teens, and a fem!Haymitch au where she’s a little wiser to the dark side of the capitol before she commits acts of rebellion (she still rebels anyway tho, just smarter).
Cat Cooper: (middle child of Alice and Hal Cooper) Cat Cooper (17) is the black sheep of the Cooper family. Her piercings, brightly dyed hair and connections to the Southside Serpents make her the odd one out among her sisters and constantly at odds with Alice Cooper. Cat’s life is occupied with her Serpent friends, work at a local coffee shop, and training - martial arts, supplemented with cross country, gymnastics and swimming. Until her older sister is shipped off to places unknown and her baby sister starts getting caught up in murder investigation with the absent Serpent heir... 
- haven’t decided between Catelyn or Catherine for Cat’s full name lmao. she used to be Kit, actually, but I changed it cos i prefer Kit to solely be my divergent oc (kit serafim). Cat is an ADHD disaster who loves her sisters and her friends and wants to get the hell out of Riverdale on a sports scholarship (she does either boxing or karate mainly, need to figure that bit out) -
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Georgie Andrews: (child of Mary and Fred Andrews)
Georgie likes soft drinks, cheerleading, and hanging out with the Blossom twins and Polly Cooper, their closest friends and a welcome distraction from their own problems. After Polly and Jason vanish, Georgie’s support system is almost gone, and they has to deal with everything they’ve been bottling up, just in time for Fred Andrews to get shot.
- also just angst ngl.  so georgie’s gender is basically ???, they enjoy cheerleading and not much else. they spend half their time dealing with depression, by trying to ignore stressful/hard topics and focus on the good side of everything. this isn’t a great long-term coping mechanism and has the fun side effect of pissing of the people around him when she seems unable to be serious or empathetic to someone else's pain (bcs she’s too busy deflecting for the sake of her own fragile mental health), so it gets fun when fred is shot and archie starts getting in too deep with the lodges -
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Sera Thornstone: (parents ???) Southside Serpent. Going to the Riverdale Community College and running errands for FP Jones. And secretly meeting up with her Ghoulie lover down by the Sweetwater where nobody goes. 
- everything about sera is vague and undecided lmao. but she has a ghoulie gf/bf/nbf? and they’re hiding that they were down by the river on the 4th of july, cos a serpent is an immediate suspect. going to community college to work on getting general credits before saving up for fancy school for law or journalism. the aes isn’t entirely accurate cos sera’s built from the remains of another serpent oc who i scrapped (she does have a baseball bat tho) -
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and honourable mentions to jen johnson and octavia blossom-murphy, my other riverdale ocs who actually have content, plus an in-development unnamed oc who gets adopted from the soqm by the Muggs family and growsup with Ethel. and my riverdale role reversal au, which i will never write but have some nice aesthetics for under the tag wip: bughead role reversal au.
all my mini-aesthetics here are unsourced images/from pinterest. any similarities to other people or characters, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. 
alrighty that’s it. now i have to tag this behemoth argh
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kadaransmuggler · 5 years
Tag Meme
i wasn’t tagged, i just saw this and really wanted to do it for the disaster boy. i’m tagging @jennserr @fairy-squad-mother-18 @jovianghost @fearnotthedemons @judgeofeden and literally anyone who sees this with ocs.  1. Choose an OC. 2. Answer the questions as that OC. 3. Tag 5 people to do the same. 
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1. What is your name? ”Depends on who’s asking. Most people call me Courier, or Six. Not a lot of people get to call me Eli anymore. Just found out my last name is Novak, so there’s that, I suppose. Not that it’s any of your business.” 2. Do you know why are you named that?
“No. I don’t really care either.”
3. Are you single or taken?
“Why? You interested? Anyway, it’s....complicated. Real complicated.” 
4. Have any abilities or powers?
“I’m damn good at what I do. I’m quick and quiet and I can get any package you’ve got safely across the Mojave. Only had one delivery that I didn’t make and there were...extenuating circumstances to that. Other than that, I’m a damn good shot.”
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“Fuck off.” 
6. What’s your eye color?
“Brown. Like Charlie- like my mom.”
7. How about your hair color?
“Also brown. Got that from Dad.”
8. Have any family members?
“I do, all recently acquired, I suppose. My son, Jonah, is nearly fifteen now. My other son, Warren, is two. Dad just moved in with us. Charlie- Mom- is still getting used to it too. Oh, and there’s Leo. He’s my half-brother. He just rolled into town not too long ago.” 
9. Oh? How about pets?
“A cat. Her name is Adder. Leo brought her to me. She was feral when he did- she’s still mean. Just like me, I guess.”
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
“It’d be quicker to list the things I do like.”
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
“Wouldn’t you like to know? Sorry. I’m working on the whole antagonistic thing I’ve got going on. I draw, I play the guitar. I pole dance, too. Bet you’d like to see that one, huh?”
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
“It’d be easier to list the ways I haven’t hurt people.”
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
“That’s practically what I do for a living. And for fun.”
14. What kind of animal are you?
“The human kind?”
15. Name your worst habits?
“I hit things when I get mad- usually the wall. I drink- a lot. I...there’s that whole thing with the chems. Sometimes when I get bored I go outside the city and kill Fiends. It’s like fish in a barrel. Of course, a lot of people would say that’s a good habit. Used to I did too. I just...have a lot more in common with them than I’d like to admit. Only difference between me and them is that I got into med-x and jet and they got into psycho.”
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“I...his name is James. That’s all I’m going to say about that.”
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
“I like what I like. And I happen to like a lot of things.” 
18. Do you go to school?
“I think the only school around here is the King’s School of Impersonation. And I’m not interested in impersonating a guy that was dead well before the world ended.”
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“I...I’ve already proven that I’m not made for that.”
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
“I suppose so. A lot of people in Mojave know who I am. Pretty sure the whores on the Strip like me a lot, but that’s mostly because I’m a fool with a lot of caps.”
21. What are you most afraid of?
“....Dying alone.”
22. What do you usually wear?
“When I’m out in public, my duster. Always. It lets people know who I am. Beyond that...I’ve not got a lot of clothes that are mine. James, however...well, he doesn’t mind when I steal his shirts, even though they’re way too big.”
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
“Surprisingly enough, lemons. James and Leo bring them back for me. James has taken it upon himself to be my self-control when it comes to those.”
24. Am I annoying to you?
“Yes. But don’t take it personally, damn near everything is.”
25. Well, it’s still not over!
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
“When I was growing up, most of the time I didn’t have two caps to rub together. Now, Vegas itself is mine. You tell me.”
27. How many friends do you have?
“I don’t have friends. Not close ones. There’s...I traveled with a few people. Boone, Cassidy. I guess...I guess Arcade is the closest thing I have to an actual friend, and he just patches me up when I get too many holes in me.” 
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
“I’m not a fan of it. Or most sweet things, really. I like to watch James bake them, though. He’s good at it. And he looks nice covered in flour. If you repeat any of that, I will shoot you.”
29. Favorite drink?
“Sunset sarsaparilla. Spiked with whiskey, if possible.”
30. What’s your favorite place?
“The cocktail lounge of the Lucky 38. It took me forever to clean all the grime off the windows, but now I can see out, and the air conditioning keeps it nice and cold. Or, on those cool desert nights, there’s a roof in Westside I’m awful fond of now.”
31. Are you interested in anyone?
“Well, I am married. Not that anyone can tell I’m interested with Benny. And there’s- there’s someone else, too. And I’m definitely not saying anything else about that.”
32. That was a stupid question…
“Yes. It was.”
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
“I don’t really like to swim. But the lake, if I had to pick.” 
34. What’s your type?
“Why? You hoping you might fit the bill?”
35. Any fetishes?
“You looking to help out with it? I don’t see any other reason for you to know that.”
36. Camping or outdoors?
“Practically, camping. I’ve been caught by too many dust storms out in the desert to go anywhere without a tent. Preferably? There’s a rooftop, in Westside, with an old quilt spread out on top. I like to lay out there and look up at the sky at night.”
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