#i just reinstalled tumblr on my phone and damn this is so much better than the web version
saintchaser · 5 months
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— “it’s a beautiful kind of ugly, of course.”; bartylily
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I was tagged by @starsinursa. Thank you!
Rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. last drink: Coffee
2: last phone call: My husband
3. last text message: My tumblr two step activation code. Cause my laptop crashed and burned and I had to reinstall and re-sign into everything.
4. last song you listened to: Whatever was last at the superbowl halftime show.
5. last time you cried: I don’t remember, probably some sappy commercial.
6. dated someone twice: Kinda? He refused to call it dating until well after we were reunited, so I don’t know if the breakup was ever technically a breakup? Relationships are weird. Rest under the cut.
7. kissed someone and regretted it?: Not kissing specifically, no...
8. been cheated on?: Nope.
9. lost someone special?: Unfortunately.
10. been depressed?: Yes. I technically scored as mildly depressed about a year ago, but it wasn’t severe enough for medication. 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up?: Ugh, yes. Tequila is evil.
fave colors
12. Blue
13. Teal
14. Purple
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends?: Not really. I have within the last two years though.
16: fallen out of love?: Not in the least.
17. laughed until you cried?: Yep. We have had a few game nights that ended up at this point.
18. found out someone was talking about you?: Considering I applied for a different position in my company, I know for a fact they were talking about me. If you mean in a backstabbing way, then no.
19. met someone who changed you?: Nope.
20. found out who your friends are?: I already knew. ;)
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list?: Well. Yeah. My husband. This list was definitely made for teens, wasn’t it?
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl?: All but three, and I’m pretty damn close with them, too.
23. do you have any pets?: Two kitties.
24. do you want to change your name?: I used to want to really bad. Got over it at some point.
25. what did you do for your last birthday?: Played games and chilled with my hubby. My next birthday is about three weeks away and I plan on playing more Artemis. So much fun.
26. What time did you wake up today? Uhhhh.... Noon. I work from home, and with a downed laptop, I just didn’t care.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night?: Reading in bed. Probably on my phone, articles and stuff, before switching to my Kindle.
28. what is something you can’t wait for?: Seeing my sister again. She moved across the country last year and I miss her.
29. What are you listening to right now?: Grey’s Anatomy is on in the background.
30. have you ever talked to a person named tom?: Yessss? What a weird question. My BF’s friend’s dad is named Tom. Actually, I know a lot of Toms from that generation.
31. something that’s getting on your nerves?: STUPID LAPTOPS THAT COST A FORTUNE AND ARE SHIT
32. most visited website: *sigh* The honest answer to this is riptidepublishing.com. It’s the company I work for.
33. hair color: That nebulous shade that no one can decide if it’s dark blonde or light brown, with red undertones.
34. long or short hair: Medium. Shoulder length right now, then I let it grow to my boobs before I cut it again.
35. do you have a crush on someone?: Only if my husband or actors count.
36. what do you like about yourself?: My brain. My mbti test tells me I’m good at dreaming up ideas and equally good at having the logic, organization, and critical thinking to see those ideas through. This is incredibly true.
37. want any piercings?: No. My ears are enough.
38. blood type: I have no idea. XD
39. nicknames: Kel.
40. relationship status: Married. 
41. zodiac: Pisces, first zodiac. Meaning I have a hint of Aquarius to me. (And I do.)
42. pronouns: She/ her
43. fave tv shows: Out of the current lineup? Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Grey’s Anatomy, Lucifer, Archer. I also watch a ton of ice figure skating.
44. tattoos: No.
45. right or left handed: Right.
46. ever had surgery?: Yeah, I had a cyst on my right ovary the size of a small watermelon. That was fun.
47. piercings?: Just ears.
48. sport: As I said, I watch a ton of figure skating. As for playing something, I’ll pass.
49. vacation: My dream vacation is Paris. But I love everywhere we go. The beach, the mountains, Vegas, other cities... I like a little bit of it all.
50. trainers: …I assume you mean sneakers/tennis shoes and are British, but I’m still confused why anyone would find that interesting. Asics, currently. New Balance usually.
more general:
51. eating: We’re having burrito bowls for dinner?
52. drinking: Water right now. Coke Vanilla zero with dinner.
53. i’m about to watch: Currently watching Grey’s Anatomy. We’ll probably watch Supernatural or X-Files with dinner.
54. waiting for: My laptop to get its head out of its ass.
55. want: More cats. All the cats. And all the money. And this job with my work.
56. get married: Already am, and I love it. Helps that I love him to bits.
57. career: I work for an LGBTQ publisher and it is truly, in nearly every way possible, the perfect job for me.
which is better:
58. hugs or kisses: Hugs, cause they are easier and more socially acceptable to share.
59. lips or eyes: Eyes.
60. shorter or taller: Taller. Says the 5′ 0″ chick.
61. older or younger: Older? Hubby is four years older than me anyway.
62. nice arms or stomach: Legs.
63. hookup or relationship: Relationship. I would be horrible at hookups.
64. troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant. My mom never worried an ounce about me when I was a teen.
have you ever:
65. kissed a stranger: No.
66. drank hard liquor: Yep. Crown Apple is the bomb.
67. lost glasses: I “lost” a pair in the sense that I left them in a drawer of a nightstand in Vegas. Ugh, so mad about that.
68. turned someone down: Yeah, actually. Don’t know how that ever happened.
69. sex on first date: Lol. I’ve only ever been with my husband (life just worked out that way) and he didn’t want to do it until we were married. He cracked a two years. (Though given that he wouldn’t say we were dating, that might still count? lol)
70. broken someones heart: No.
71. had your heart broken: Oh yeah.
72. been arrested: Nope. See statement about being so “good” that my mom never worried about me.
73. cried when someone died: Ridiculous amounts. Every time.
74. fallen for a friend: Not really.
do you believe in:
75. yourself: Some days.
76. miracles: Yeah.
77. love at first sight: I believe it happens, yes. It’s just rare.
78. santa clause: I believe in the magic of Santa.
79. kiss on a first date: Yeah, why not? As long as both want it.
80. angels: Not really, I’m a fairly strong atheist-agnostic.
80.5. Ghosts: Yes. I’ve heard too many stories to doubt that. One came from my mom and the hospital she works at, and she is not prone to fancy or fantasy.
81. best friend’s name: Tammy. Wow, I guess some things never change. I’ve known her since I was 5.
82. eye color: Blue.
83. favorite movie: The Princess Bride.
84. fave actor: Misha Collins. Obvs.
This legit did not have 85 questions, so I added one under the “believe” section. You’re welcome.
And I legit can not think of people to tag right now, other than the one or two I always tag. (You know who you are...) So feel free to say I tagged you if you want.
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