#i juet rly wanna see shaggy beat the sht out of spongebob in a gas station
nymexyl · 1 month
Had a great idea because I'm a genius and also so sick im basically on drugs
Imagine a big event for cosplayers, lasting maybe a few weeks or a month, and taking place in a space where nobody not participating can access. An area with rooms to stay in, stores, etc, like a little town for cosplayers.
And for the event there's a list to ensure each cosplay only has 1 person for it. So no double cosplays. And the main rules would be
1) no exiting the event space unless it's for an emergency
2) you gotta do your best to stay near other cosplays from whatever show/movie/book/musical/whatever
3) Do your best to stay in character when on camera & just for funny stories
The event would be recorded both by participant and host, but there would of course be certain areas nobody could record in for people who need a break.
All complex cosplays that get uncomfortable or dangerous to be in for prolonged periods of time have to have secondary "simple" cosplays like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo to change into for their own safety when needed. Nobody would be expected to sleep in cosplays or spend time in them in areas where recording is banned, this event would circle firstly around a bunch of cosplayers showing off and having fun together on a cool vacation & secondly around viewers entertainment/content opportunities.
Idk I just thought it sounded like a fun idea:3
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