#i have multiple names but ive been going by deck primarily for so long and it FITS but im not entirely happy with itttt
pierrotgnome · 8 months
the eternal trans fag dilemna. want to change my name again
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houseoffourcats · 11 months
What Do You Need to Know Right Now? Pick a Deck and Find Out!
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If you enjoyed this, please check out my Etsy page for more in-depth and personal readings!
1. Tarot of the Divine
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Four of Swords Reversed - The Devil - X of Cups
The central card here - literally and figuratively - is the one Major Arcana card in this spread, namely the Devil. This read is primarily about a struggle between you and your most harmful or counterproductive tendencies.
You’ve been extremely burnt out and given yourself no time to rest, so you’re looking for other ways to cope. Because of stress, your impulse control isn’t as good as it could be right now. The key here, though, is that you’re actively struggling. You might not win every day against procrastination, addiction, self-injury or whatever it is that you’re using to self-soothe. Instead of shaming yourself for that, you should adopt a harm reduction approach, starting with the ways it’s affecting other people (if at all). The good news is, there are a lot of people who care about you, and they’ll be there to cheer you on through the difficult times.
Do what you can with what you have - including outside support - and you’ll come out the other side feeling proud of yourself and fulfilled by the life you’ve built.
2. Rider Waite Smith Tarot
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IX of Cups - III of Swords - IV of Wands
What stands out here is that we have multiples of three, except they’re out of order. This speaks to the idea of rebuilding from a loss, and that things won’t necessarily be the same as they were even if they turn out well.
You’ve suffered a loss or betrayal that’s shaken the foundation of your happiness. It may have been recently, or it may be a lingering wound that’s affecting your ability to move forward and trust others. You remember what it was like to be in a good emotional place, and you want it to be as it was. It’s not as easy as just moving on or getting over it, though. What you need is a major victory in your life to give you something in the present to celebrate and build on. If nothing else, you have the chance to redefine yourself now outside of the relationship, job, or other situation that fell apart on you.
Easier said than done, though. You might have to try a bunch of things to figure out first what distracts you from what happened, and then what holds your interest enough to get good at it. When you come out the other side of it, you’ll be, if nothing else, less isolated than you were even at the height of the good times you remember from before.
3. Owl House Tarot
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The Empress - King of Pentacles - V of Cups
A theme that stands out in this reading is motherhood, between the figure of the Empress and the person featured in the V of Cups being the main character’s mother.
You’re going to need to be the “mom friend” to someone in your life who’s going through a major loss right now. In more gender neutral terms, someone you know will need a nurturing, stable presence in their life who can validate what they’re going through. They won’t in a place to move forward yet, so hold off on giving them advice for a while. You may have to take care of them in a more direct sense - bringing them food or inviting them out to places if they’re self-isolating, for instance.
It’s important to draw on your own experiences of loss here. What helped you? What would’ve helped you that you wanted but didn’t have when you were grieving? If you know what the person in your life would want you to do, of course you should do that. If on the other hand you need to back off for a while to take care of yourself, be kind in setting boundaries. The main thing is to be acting from a place of empathy and patience.
Thanks for your time! I hope you enjoyed this. If so, please check out my Etsy page for more in-depth and personal readings!
In the meantime, here’s Mina, tired after a long day of having to be a cat:
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