#i have a bunch more but i cant tell you for reasons of plot
vixenday · 1 year
chants kestrelpaw kestrelpaw kestrelpaw
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its jaypaws boyfriend
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waywardsalt · 2 months
#some tag rambles bc im having a bunch of loz thoughts to hey why not do a short lived tag ramble#starting with the bad i have thought more on how i feel totk fucked up its characters and its like. yeah any arcs that are there are bad#zeldas is dogshit all of the sages are just. VERY tell no show and it really doesnt matter and otherwise idk#nothing wrong with a static character but imo with a static character you then have to show more of them#reveal some things. also doesnt really happen. the main speaking cast are also kinda weak in relation to link#they dont really work off of him very well bc hes… not treated like a character. hes just some virtuous everyman in the story#so theres no actual chemistry between him or the other characters bc he isnt treated a character so like. he has almost no chemistry#its all mostly one sided and none of the sages but zelda have any real chemistry with other major characters either#and the major characters zelda has chemistry with barely matter so fuck it. like when ppl talk abt like. loz stories#and ppl talk abt how yeah they arent the best but totk is rlly bad. i dont feel like any other loz stories are baaaaad#not in the same way. but they dont feel as egregiously fumbled. imo its bc of the characters most of them time#ofc story can be strong enough and im not discounting stuff like mm and oots themes and atmosphere and stuff#it seeeems to me the most popular non zelda sage is tulin? but mostly bc hes a sweet kid and thats fine and all but there doesnt seem to#be much else to him hes otherwise kinda unremarkable bc he just doesnt do much else and seems to exists mostly to serve gameplay and plot#botw did it better bc the champions actively had a dynamic and a relationship with link they arent the deepest but they have more substance#botw zelda is arguably the strongest character in botw with a unique personality and genuine relationship to link even if we just see it#in the memories and seeing her warm up to link is cool but imp they fumble it in the ending of her arc and how it kinda contradicts stuff#and in totk they doubled the fuck down on her unlocking her powers for reasons related to link and decided ig shed figure she needs to be#links forever bestie and hypeman and she kinda just revolves around him in a really superficial way and this is the negative extreme#of a character being bolstered by being connected to link. but anyways in loz its the characters that tend to be the strongest points#and the characters with a clear dynamic and relationship to link shine the most. think groose ghirahim ravio midna fi marin linebeck sheik#the list could go on but the characters who get a chance to shine by interacting with the Player Character are the ones who stick out#and ofc they get more screen time but they cant avoid that character development or general character fleshing out bc they are in some way#tied to link and in a sort of way link himself is more fleshed out through how those other characters react to him if that makes sense#i think loz is at its best when a good bit of emphasis and effort is placed on characters and character relationships#and when thise relationships and character are written well ofc this fucking matters too#anyways thats why ph is one of the best we love our character heavy black sheep them ds characters carry so hard and so fucking well mwah
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thepixelelf · 4 months
Can i ask you who's YOUR favourite oby character ? 👀
Who's the most fun to write ?
Who's the most challenging ?
Who's the most rewarding ? Not necessarily the hardest to write who makes you go 🥵 at the end of each of their scenes (lol) but like the one(s) whose arc you're most excited to develop and/or to see completed
BONUS question : your fav oby dynamic?
(If you cant tell i'm having a lot of fun reading oby 😅 ik it deals with mature and grownup themes but they're all so silly, you cant help laugh/facepalm/root for them/with them! Thanks for sharing your work with us 💕)
Omg my favourite character is Orion!! The series ended up being an smau for multiple reasons, but if it wasn't one, his presence would be much much more prominent! The title is Oh Baby You after all :) his opinion of Wonwoo and other characters is really important, but unfortunately he doesn't even know what twitter is so he isn't saying much in the smau 😅
As for the most fun character to write, I have to give that and your bonus question to Joshua and Seungcheol! I think their dynamic is so funny and stupid lol
The most challenging are definitely Jihoon and Chan. I wanted characters who did bad things (for plot, y'know?) but I didn't want them to necessarily be bad people. These two and Seungcheol are the characters that are least like their irl inspirations, in my opinion
For the character whose arc I'm most excited to develop, that's gonna have to go to the main man Wonwoo!!! He's finally got his drive back-- it was kinda tedious just writing him moping tbvh
(I also love the prettyboy(gn) posse dynamic! just a bunch of besties <3)
Thanks so much for reading and enjoying oby! Have a great rest of your day, love
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lazaruspiss · 2 months
your ship, character and fandom opinions are so based. i'm also a poly robin shipper so it's nice to see there are more of us here. anyway, i'd love to hear what are your all time favorite dc ships and why, and if you have any headcanons (sfw and nsfw) about them. or you can just ramble about any fic ideas you have, the ones you've mentioned already are very interesting.
thank u for the compliments and also the many things to talk about!! <3 mwah! (readmore added bc of length)
picking a favorite ship is so hard, because im a multishipper and real big on leaving my options open so that i have the most opportunity in any given story!! like, brudick and sladick are both ones i love for dark stories, but they each give such different angles and paths that you can take. all combinations of robins are dear to me for different reasons. and even within the context of one ship, i can usually come up with a lot of different directions that they can go it!!
i can't even say "X is my favorite for Y types of stories" because with a good pairing theres so much you can do with a variety of types of stories!! so. def cant pick a favorite, but i can list some that i like! they mostly involve Dick, bc my biases are quite obivious, lol.
Dick ships: Bruce, Slade, Talia, Slade/Talia, Tim, Jason, Steph, Damian (but it depends a lot on context, i see Dick as being very careful about not taking advantage), any poly robins combo, Slade/Rose, Tara
other ships: Slade/Rose, Slade/Talia, any robins together, Bruce/Talia (but only if Talia is having daddy issues about it), Nyssa/Talia (Nyssa repeatedly kills and revives her to make her understand her anger at Ra's. the rituals. they're intricate i swear-)(but also in arkham knight Nyssa compares her love for Talia to Bruce's explicitly romantic love for Talia and i've never been normal about that), any combo of the Al Ghuls tbh they're so mentally ill about each other
so uhhhhhh. really you could pitch any Dick ship at me and get me talking. if anyone wants to ask about that list ur welcome to lol
fic ideas!!! i have some shorter ones, like a Blackfire/Robin non-con based on that one scene from tt03, but i kinda wanna take this chance to ramble about my longer ideas!
u may have seen some of these, but i have a series called "days without incident" which is a bunch of shorter than usual fics stringing together random semi canon compliant scenes of Dick being in dangerous sexual situations, which are eventually going to end in a rlly angsty fic of Dick being assaulted and just accepting it. it sounds dark, and it is, but due to the length and format they really just serve as quick writing warm-ups more than anything.
DIDick AU. a friend of mine has been on the receiving end of so many DMs of me fleshing out these alter OCs, to the point that it would feel weird if I didn't write anything for it. the problem is that when I think about it, it all revolves around characters and there's no real plot line to use for it. I could just rant about it, bc figuring out what I want to do for a story about them is really tricky. it's also tough bc it's a teeny bit more personal than I usually go for. do /I/ have DID? unclear. I probably wouldn't tell you either way. anyways, it's an idea i want to more with but it's just more complicated to work on than most others.
suicide fic. "Where The Dead Stay Dead", title in reference to this being in a "Jason Stays Dead AU". i want to take a sort of dark comedy direction, but i have trouble controlling how the tone ends up when I write. Dick tries to kill himself post Jason's death + many other bad times but Slade just happens to pop in to try and bother him that day, and is uh. he doesn't know how to feel about it, the kid dying in front of him, but he drags Dick to a safe house and does some made-up comic book science fuckery to give Dick his healing factor. Dick is not very happy about this when he wakes up. the rest of the story follows an arrangement where Dick searches for a way to perma die and is generally a depressed grumpy bitch about everything, and Slade secretly tries to get him to stop doing that while trying to figure out a way to revive Jason. whichever ends up being easier. a lot of it would probably just be about Slade feeling lost with this "new" version of Dick, as well as the two of them swapping stories about dead loved ones and learning how to mourn.
timcel fic. that was the placeholder title, before i settled on "Nature's Order (As Told From Alpha To Beta)", but i still call it the timcel fic for short <3 the alpha in that title is Ra's, and the beta is Tim. the kick off for the story is that Ra's kidnaps omega Dick to use as a human incubator bc he and Talia had a spat that's left him heir-less, and he kidnaps Tim to make Dick more compliant. it's a really extreme take on "right wing alpha male pipeline, but omegaverse". it's gonna be a lot of bad times for Dick <3 i've talked about it so much with my friend that one time they mentioned basing smth partially off of Nature's Order Tim, and I think that's a good sign that I should really be writing this properly at this point. I have started chapter one! but bc it's gonna be a long one I want to get three chapters done before I start posting, bc having a few extra chapters written will help with my nerves a bit.
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marunalu · 2 years
It's funny that fandom complains that IzuOcha doesn't have develop but some of them ship Bakugou with Uraraka, two people that barely interact and if they do it's always about Midoriya. Besides, the ship screams self-insert where women can insert themself in Ochako because they want to be the sunshine girl with the bad boy that has a soft spot for her same happends with Bakugou and Kirishima. The worst it's that the same people complain about IzuOcha because she can't develop or her whole plot it's about her feeling for Izuku but then they ship her with Bakugou.
Besides, I don't know why bk and bkdk stan are so worried about Ochako's develpment or hate her because her plot is ruined for her feeling when Bakugou's plot is all about Midoriya and his rol focus on him too.
Its super ironic right?! Izuku and ochako have one of the best developed relationships in the story, something bkdk shippers can only dream about, not that they would ever admit that of course! And the best part about it is that ochakos character (unlike bakugous) can stand on her own, has a plot on her own that doesnt circle around her romantic feelings for izuku and has her own villain foil who serves as the anti thesis of ochakos character. Compare that to bakugou. His whole character and plot circles around izuku and izuku alone - and thats NOT a good thing, no matter what bkdk shippers want to believe - but for them the story is only about their ship anyway. And ironical exactly THAT was now confirmed in the latest released chapter with shigarAFO telling bakugou to his face: "you are NOTHING! The ONLY interesting thing about you is your relationship with izuku midoriya!" Ohhhh the humiliation bakugou must feel! Gets completly DESTROYED in just a few seconds and on top of that gets told that the only usefull thing about him is that he can be used as bait! BURN!!!
Its so hilarious hyporitical of bkdk shippers how they ship ochako with toga, a mentally unstable MASS MURDERER to get her out of the way for their own ship with the argumentation: "sHe dESerVeS bEtTer tHeN juSt tO Be dOWnGraDeD aS a loVe INtErEst fOr iZUkU!" just to do exactly THAT with bakugou! Downgrading him as nothing more then izukus love interest! Holy shit even bakugou deserves better then to be seen as nothing more then the mcs love interest! But bkdk are a bunch of big hypocrites, so you cant expect much of them!
Personally I dont have much of an opinion of kacchako shippers. Like you said its mostly a self insert ship, because people like the "bad boy gets the nice girl" trope or "nice girl turns the bad boy into a better person, because for some fucking reasons thats her job". The last one is very toxic in its own way and I hate it, but personally I dont really had bad experiences with kacchako shippers. They left me alone so far, so I dont really have a bad or good opinion of them. I just think ochako deserves WAY better then bakugou (everyone does) and both show zero interest in each other anyway! People mainly seem to ship them, because of their fight in the sport festival, but neither before or after they really interacted with each other and bakugou shows absolutely ZERO romantic interest in ANYONE anyway!
Ochako has her eyes set on izuku and the only reason why she hasnt told him yet about her feelings, is because she wants to concentrate on her hero carrier first and thats a GOOD THING! It shows that ochako is more then just a love interest. You cant say the same thing about bakugou, whos whole character centers around izuku and their rivality!
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mummer · 8 months
went down the rabbit hole of my own ao3 today and decided to reflect upon my works ye mighty and despair as an exercise in self understanding:
it chapter two time travel fic - this one has problems in that i was nineteen and a shut-in at the time and didnt know how real life worked and wasnt funny. but it also has some very good things such as the theme is good. good bev stuff. i was so MAD at this movie lolllz... overly sappy and sentimental.. gets real weird and fantastical for no good reason but i dont mind that. STOP SWEARING SO MUCH.. not "well" written but not poorly written either + has its moments 7.4/10
the fool - unfortunately i will never in my life be able to top this due to it being a product of an early pandemic induced fugue state and i just have to accept that. it fucks so severely hard i't's difficult to comprehend. fully formed like athena. deserves 10 million billion hits. sometimes ill have bad self esteem and then i'll chance back upon this and be like Nvm im a genius...... there are like two bits that could use some revision but honestly thats it. "me being stupid is a foundational literary lens" - i remember saying this at some point. 9.5/10 i was so real for all of this
noli me tangere - i dont like this anymore. it really suffers from following the timeline so closely and retelling a bunch of boring administrative shit and has too many threads. the writing is not very good either frankly apart from the beginning. bland. too long. i had a lot of Ideas but.... 6.1/10
the body is a blade - honestly the thing about this one is that it should be 800x more fucked up and evil about everything. i should have let it be scary and fraught and less overtly romantic. i think i struggle with that in fic tbh i always come at it with too much of a wish fulfillment lens stfu bitch i want them to drink each others blood and throw up everywhere. writing is mostly good though and the structure works even tho there is no plot. 7.8/10
random ass stranger things fic from last year i dont want to talk about - i was having a bad 6 months when i wrote this but you cant tell because it does hold up mostly. i mean it's completely bonkers and has major plot conveniences but it's trying to emulate stranger things so you must allow it. i think the duffers could learn a lot from me personally (insane). dusty my best friend dusty. one thing about me is thtat there's gonna be a damn road trip. the writing? IS GOOD. i love BANTER. will also never get recognition due to rarepair problems.. im used to that. i like that i was basically like And fuck found family too btw. theres nuance in this and hard complicated feelings! neat! why was i doing all that for this? i didnt have to. REAAALLLLY didnt have to. 8/10
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calmingpi · 10 months
This isnt an unboxing vid but rather an unboxing description. A review, i guess, of volume 20. I think i did a kickstarter backing when i was like 12 or possibly 14, which was also when i took the resulting book to my therapists office and ranted about gg for like twenty minutes, but my mom backed it that time and i didnt get nearly as much Stuff as i did this time
So, first off:
I have multiple copies of beetleburg clank as it happens, but theyre either pdf or black and white on newsprint so this is easily the highest quality print copy ive got. IT LOOKS GREAT! Obviously i love the first volume cause thats the first one i read and i was soooooo obsessed with the art when i saw it as a kid. One of the best things about the big paperbacks is being able to see harder to read details like the honk lessons in the bg, for instance. Weirdly though, some of the panels with gil look really different than i remember? I may have to cross reference them to see if im crazy (im probably crazy)
Also, cheyennes coloring is really so good in volume one! I really love the subtlety that was put into it, and also i think he should do more monochrome sometimes. The way he uses value is great to begin with
No real comment on the story cause like, its beetleburg clank. I was there. In beetleburg. It was rad and i have no notes. The inclusion of the side story is also really fun. I remember this one from the website, and i wasnt really expecting it in the paperback for some reason
Volume twentyyyyyy! LOOKS GORGEOUS! Absolutely delighted. Money well spent. Fascinated that trogulus has a character entry and not rakethorne. Or kjarl, for that matter!
Something i think is interesting is how the pages kinda fly by when theyre uploaded one at a time. Most of this book really is the exorcism, and then we get the seadwellers. A lot of pages covering a relatively short amount of time in canon. In general i tend to forget how much has actually been posted until i look up something for reference, and realized i have to crawl through like twenty pages to find the one im looking for, lol
Even so, the amount of actual story being covered hits on some really good plot points in this volume. Weve got BOTH exorcisms, a lot of godqueen shenanigans, ardsley (rest in peace, darling), seadwellers, kjarl nonsense, oggie backstory, higgs backstory, and overall just a lot of answers and obviously more questions. And i like that it ends with the martellus & seffie convo. A really fantastic way to wrap up the volume itself
Some of the colors here I like a little better in print than i did digitally, too. Thats always a struggle with art, the difference between how different screens display color vs what different printers are capable of. So youre always gonna get slightly or sometimes even dramatically different values and saturation depending on how you view it. Interesting to see in action like this
Some of the more high impact panels also really pack a punch at a size this big, too. To me this is especially the case with the exorcism, theres a lot of really dramatic panel layouts during that sequence, and it makes me very excited to see all that mess on giant rat island and how that will shape up in print
I picked heros & villains for my sketch collection, and its really cute. I think it's funny how i cant tell sometimes whos supposed to be a hero or villain, and i also like that tarvek and theo are next to each other in the book. Thats very amusing to me. My favorite sketches are probably both agathas, lucrezia, and zeetha. I always appreciate how lucrezia and agatha dont look exactly like each other, but theres still a family resemblance
... My envelope of madness definitely has a lot of madness in it. I LOVE the lil bookplates theyre very cute. Even though im not sure what a bookplate does. Got a cute sticker, my arch nemesis is some sketelon guy (what else is new 🙄), a bunch of bookmarks (especially love the exorcism engines one), some sort of guild of monsters... Poster? Thing? Which is delightful, and a TPU student ID, which is terrifying as someone who managed to graduate after like 8 years. YOU CANT DRAG ME BACK, MAN!
Especially delighted by how much of the stuff ended up having a muse on it. I love the muses dearly
Great haul, good times, very pleased
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mandalhoerian · 10 months
ayup it’s the person that sent those vera things like a week ago ?? yk the one that made a fool of themself by rambling about ur oc ! anyways i reread it bc ofc i did and. idk. it’s such an amazing fic like genuinely and i felt a need to express it. like outside of how well-thought vera is and how interesting her dynamics with marvin + leon are (and claire ofc) and just. the pacing and story progression. it’s all so well done. and i’m sure someone has told u this in ur ao3 comments but the way ur reinterpreting canon a lil and having vera shake things up is so fun and genuinely interesting which is why i went back and reread it all. it feels like there’s a lot i kinda missed the first time round with the nuances of vera’s character which was. very fun to go back around and see again. hope ur doing well <3
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(you aren't a fool it's my inspiration and motivation juice YOU TAKE THAT BACK🔪)
first of all you are A CHAD. The fic is 100K words oh god I can't imagine -- im happy it was more enjoyable the second time around at least 😭😭😭😭 It's amazing to hear that despite the fat word count, you think the pacing and progression is going well!
Unrelated tidbit but I really didn't know how to introduce Vera before starting the fic and was debating on starting from pre-RE2R in the summer of 1998, spend five chapters and so with Vera assisting Jill in her investigation and unravel things from there. But at the end I was like "literally nobody would read that" and thought what best technique is there by starting right in the middle of action and chaos? And the rest I winged it.
That had to mean I had to go through EVERYTHING about her life and how she got to that point by peppering the events throughout the plot as Leon and her story also progressed alongside it, and I couldn't gloss over anything, so it just expanded and expanded and expanded and I'm sure got boring as hell at places since she hides a bunch of shit from the others and good god do they have to be integrated to the plot of re2r AND UGHHHHHHHH. Thank you for telling me I havent messed up LMAOOOOOOO
About the canon. I have a bone to pick with some of the game and the story, I don't like how they went about a couple of things. This is me trying to lay the groundwork to fix them and everything by tweaking .
For example Leon pulling the "i have to talk to the chief first" bs and saying "Idk what happened it happened to fast" to ada like he was trying to make excuses like a child to his parent really irked me, especially in the original re2 he bent over backwards to get ben out of the cell so he could come along with them. (dont talk to me about how a law-abiding rookie he's supposed to be. that could have been done better. leon simply isn't a person to leave someone like that, and he was hearing about chef irons the writing on that could have been better) And the way Claire and Leon barely interacted when they are the core of re2 together was just not it. The lack of Sherry and Leon together was also weird when Sherry is a big part of why he was taken by the government and stayed, and how Sherry blatantly says he saved her in RE6. (I know they just completely wiped the slate clean off Sherry and Leon with RE4R backstory by just saying Leon just didnt have a choice but like. yeah) and also Ada. God Ada "(to the woman she wants to discreetly capture. since she's A SPY) We're here for the g-virus and i will now proceed to jump in front of the bullets" & "Where's Leon when I need him (has treated him as a nuisance the whole way)" Wong. Im sure there are a lot more things but i cant think of them rn but I am annoyed with Things
SORRY I JUST WENT OFF ON A TANGENT. But like. Having Vera involved and having her existence be a reason on changing things around is so much fun. I could just expand on child experimentation and the truth of the orphanage through her, it was always something wildly bothering me that they kept that plot so subtle in Claire's story. Birkins (or maybe just William. we'll never know) were using children in G-virus experiments WHY DIDNT THEY TALK ABOUT THAT MORE DUDE? That's why canon divergence makes things so much more interesting because it's not just transcribing the game and inserting an OC along the way, it's changing things and making new things up, keeping things fresh
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tradetobest · 11 months
can you tell me more about these aus you have 👀
so the first one is the golf course au which i mentioned like. yesterday i think? which is basically just a bunch of nhlers working at a golf course because one day early in my liking of the nhl i went "ahah what if mitch did turf and saw auston and was like. Oh." because often golfers have like schedules and shit and come at the same day every week and stuff so. it basically started as a 1634 meet cute idea and exploded.
what happened is that i got into more teams in the nhl and my favourite players sort of just slotted into different roles at the golf course/as golfers.
(the reason a golf course, if that lore matters, is that i worked at one on turf so i was like ough.... minch turf worker. also my mom used johnny's golf cart once and so. i have a personal connection to the leafs golf stuff. epic.)
some highlights id say from the au are mechanic kris letang (and like. apprentice pojo) and sid and claude's rivalry (centring around who can do a full greens circuit fastest), and mceichel being a professional golfer tandem who slay on the course together.
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uniform for the golf workers (there are shirt variations but like... im lazy)
i love this au because i loved my job and i feel like mitch would also love my job so yeah!! i have all my favourite (slash players related to my favourite) guys split up and it just makes me happy!!
the second one is based off of a musical called starlight express which i love because. i dont know. anyway.
i wanted to see my faves as trains, so i did so much fucking research on trains (including deeper and deeper research on many countries but specifically russian rail lines because holy shit, cross referenced with both the types of trains i wanted people to be and the different colours of trains that exist!!)
it was literally an excuse for me to draw the boys as trains in one of my favourite musicals, and basically devolved into me being like oh!! train races!! oughhhh .... ouhhhh train races ohh. because if you dont know anything about starlight express (which i would be surprised if you did) its basically about trains racing. there's also the final song in the musical is saurrrr hockey to me idk why... "There are dark days ahead/When the power goes dead/When the oil runs dry/What can we try?" to me any day i will go crazy....
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heres some of my outfit doodles!! auston is a bnsf freight train, which both look better than union pacific trains to me and also go through arizona!! mitch is a go train passenger car, tyler is a go locomotive, sid is a cn freight train, geno is a freight train on the yuzhno-uralskaya railway (specifically the chelyabinsk railway division), leon is a deutsche bahn train (specifically an electric passenger locomotive), and connor is an lrt. prettyyy sure his colour scheme is that of the edmonton lrt (just checked, it is). none of them are steam trains. sorry andrew.
im the biggest giantest fan of mitch and tylers costumes because i will always have a special little place in my heart for the go train, although i dont use it much anymore. i also mourn that nobody ever is just from fucking toronto so i cant draw the subway or anything. maybe ill introduce busses give johnny an orange costume and call him the miway for a joke. anyway.
i guess theres no plot it was kinda just an excuse for me to make a stex au but. i did so much research and i still think about it all the time because i insane so.... yeah. thanks for biting my very obvious bait to get asked about my aus.....
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aayo-whatt · 2 years
heyo ayo ^-^
pick a blorbo that is close to you heart and just word vomit about them, im very interested in your favorite characters and the reasoning behind them ^-^ (if you dont want to thats okay too lolol)
*sorry if this is a lil random and out of the blue aaaa*
hihi :>>> and i dont mind random stuff, it just makes me happy seeing ppl in my inbox-
uh- ok hold on, theres gonna be like three (maybe more i cant count-) bc i cant choose between them-
Supernatural i think the shows actually kinda old, but do i care? not one bit im also only at the end of the fourth season, and ive got ten(ish) more to go sooo- (if you know what the show is ignore this, but if not read on: its essentially about these two brothers (sam and dean) who fight supernatural beings title lol -- things like demons, ghosts, monsters, etc basically anything from old mythology from all cultures) anyway- love love love this show bc 1. characters are so good, and like well developed (continuing to develop throughout the show as well) like omg- 2. plot is literally amazing like wth, theres usually a bunch of plot twists 'n stuff, so it keeps you hooked alotta the time and 3. it might be dramatic, but it has its funny moments too (also the fandom is still like *aggressively* active with all the ships-) favourite characters so far- dean, older brother, loves food (like me sometimes), and the reason for most of the jokes in the show (as in he makes them, and ppl make some abt him) honestly hes just really funny and i love him platonically second favourite (he might actually be my first but-) castiel, he doesnt appear till the start of season 4 but its worth the wait, i think ppl find him annoying at first but hes so pretty and i aggresively simp for him platonically, hes also kinda dry but that makes it funnier- (fun fact, ppl ship dean and castiel together -- destiel -- so its funny that they're my two favourite characters-)
Merlin show got cancelled but used to air on BBC, its set in medieval times (king arthur, is legit a character but hes not king yet), so its got magic, sword fighting, the whole thing love the show bc again characters are amazing, plot is amazing, and while its dramatic it has its funny moments (also even though the show ended like ten years ago, fandom is still active and i love that)my favourite character is probably gwaine, i cant explain why he just is (if you watch the show you'll understand)
finally (but *definitely* not least) Haikyuu- idk why i think its mainly just bc the eng dub makes me smile every time i watch one of its episodes- and also probably bc i simp for so many of the characters (shhh-) also recently learnt im a bokuto kinnie do with that what you will *major* sakusa simp, he's just so pretty and i cant handle it, and idc if people think hes distant and moody and stuff bc i literally love him(you can probably tell that by the amount of kiyoomi content i reblog)- i also simp a lot for suna, just bc have u seen him hes pretty as sooo- its also bc i find him funny and i just love him ok? (also low quality suna pics i legit love for some reason-) a character from haikyuu i love but in a more platonic way, is bokuto, again he's pretty- but its also his personality is just so chaotic and i love him for it- especially when him and kuroo are together, it just makes things all the more funnier for me
uh- there's more shows, but this is all i can think of rn- also sorry its so long, i tend to ramble a lot sometimes-
what about you? favourite blorbo/s? feel free to ramble, people being happy makes me happy
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gender-snatched · 1 year
Tell me about the Torchwood stuff
ok so basically. theres a bunch of alien fighters in wales. and theyre all bisexual. theres plot but it doesnt matter believe me
gwen: main character! not like that ethical but whatever no one in this show is. bisexual. this is true of all characters. badass woman. cop? ex cop? joins torchwood out of moral superiority and then immediately has an affair.
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jack: reason i watched the show. you know him. anyways hes worse here. also bisexual (omni? pan? something). basically hes here, he fucks, he does unethical shit, he fucks some more, he cries but hides it.
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owen: okay imagine the most annoying man ever. you hate him. okay now imagine loving him because he has genuinely touching moments. you watch this guy have a moment with aphrodiasiac, go "well that was super fucking not okay" and then watch more show and go "fuck i like this gremlin". fucks a man in the first episode (the bad aphrodisiac moment) scientist with buttons on his lab coat (very newt coded for the guy who plays hermann) hes also dead for a considerable bit. fucks gwen (her affair) but ends up (?) with tosh
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speaking of: tosh: im love her. computer genius!!! expert in everything, including being amazing and being ignored. has a very fun her-centric episode in which shes bisexual and can read thoughts but it almost made me vomit because jack is transphobic in it. seems soft spoken but could kill. if she wanted to
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ianto: you know him. looks like a cinnamon roll has the worst fetishes you can imagine. bisexual as well. dating jack after saying he hates him for killing his evil girlfriend. the reason i cant finish torchwood (and see him DIE??). has a pet pteradactyl. his job is to get coffee and stop jack from becoming a super villian
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rhys: hes here. engaged to gwen. straight but made jack say the words "homoerotic tension" on screen. i dont like him but also a god because imagine your girlfriend is running around lying and fucking other men and knows about aliens. and you marry her anyways
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and thats torchwood, the TV-MA companion to dr who! theres also a kids show companion and theyre both very good and i didnt finsih either.
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cold-r-ain-in-june · 1 year
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I posted 5,121 times in 2022
That's 1,674 more posts than 2021!
20 posts created (0%)
5,101 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 138 of my posts in 2022
#ciara things - 31 posts
#mine - 29 posts
#kit - 29 posts
#i dont know how to feel about this - 4 posts
#reagan??? - 3 posts
#picrew - 3 posts
#161cm - 3 posts
#cassandra is creussa - 2 posts
#uquiz - 2 posts
#unashamedly self reblog - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#im trying to figure out if this is just a coincidence or if you did actually found about my obsession with throat imagery in arts
My Top Posts in 2022:
do I smell a ground-shattering, heart-ripping siblings web weave brewing Kit?👀👀👀
it was actually a mutual of mine most likely having a sibling issues crisis all over my dash but that doesnt sound like a bad idea 👀👀
possible inpiration: my older brother issues <3
7 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
Kit my beloved, have you watched (or read) jujutsu kaisen?
no but honestly from what ive seen on here the characters seem really interesting (and angsty), and i would watch the anime for the only reason that i cant buy the manga and im horrible at reading manga on screens, and like i dont know how good the anime is compared to the manga?? so if you watched please tell me if its good!!
thank you for the ask ciara <3
7 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
I saw your wip list and after passing out several times I am here to beg on my knees for more information about these two:
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(also hi and I love you and I hope you’re okay <3)
you really saw jason narration and jason getting love and you ran with it /lovingly
both of those are so over complicating for no reason (especially in my head since the amount that i wrote compared to the amount of plot in my head is embarrassing) and they almost were the same fic (they intersect a lot time-line wise) but they have a different focus and themes and narration style and i just split it into two different works to make it simpler
i do love complicating things as you can see
anyway (useless) sneak peeks because i barely have anything:
death of percabeth aka the long awaited percabeth break up thats always brought up jn my other fics:
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14 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
i have an exam tomorrow and im over here writing percico smut
18 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
in the honor of me having a bunch of pjo wips i cant seem to finish heres a list of them
canon divergence series (either love is a shrine (or else a scar):
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mortal au i always meant to expand but its just one fic for two years by now:
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62 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Oh god, Famine telling Dean that hes not hungry bc hes already dead is giving me flashbacks to this one scene in a german mcyt fic I read a few years ago. It was meant to be based on V for Vendetta and it even has that line "Remember, remember the fifteenth November" except I think its actually supposed to be "Remembe, remember the fifth of November" or maybe it was the other way around ? Either way, the fanfic had the wrong line which is a sign of great quality 👍 The actual plot of the fic was that this freaky slenderman-esque man with tentacles n shit broke out of some kind of facility on the same day that some normal guy (who was still a youtuber in this universe just so you know) decided to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge and saw the Slenderman Man running around with his tentacles fully out or something ? Idk, but Slenderman Man is like "I cant risk you telling the authorities you saw me and I cant kill you even though I kill tons of people with my tentacles and other vaguely defined powers bc I only kill bad people and youre pure of heart" and he also cant just let the Youtuber Man commit suicide like he was going to I guess, so instead he takes him to his fancy minimalist apartment in the top floor of what I presume to be a public apartment building in the middle of some big metropolis and from that point on its more of a beauty and the beast story than a V for Vendatta AU (atleast I think so? Idk ive never watched or read it). So theyre bonding and whatnot (Selnderman Man is also going around killing people in the meantime btw) and one evening theyre sitting on the roof top of this tall ass apartment building together and Slenderman Man is waxing poetic about how pathetic humans are bc hes Not Human(tm) and he says smth like "when I look at humans, all I see are marionettes held up by the strings, rope, chains, take your pick, that bind them to society" and Youtuber Man is like "well, what do you see when you look at me?" and he responds "Nothing. Youre already dead"
And the reason I remember it so vividly is because this was on wattpad and on wattpad you have the option to comment on individual lines and I commented on that last line "well, he seems pretty alive for someones whos already dead" trying to make a joke, and a bunch of depressed teens decided to gather under that comment and talk in detail about their mental illnesses and comfort each other and stuff in a very serious manner and it made me so intensely uncomfortable and for like, one or two weeks straight my wattpad notifications were just clogged by this weird conversation that I wasnt even participating in
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mudaconstructions · 2 years
while i appreciate the fact that episode 12 part 1 gave us a bunch of new art (grace and mercury for example) and featured a lot of cool kitties i dont think that can save the episode for me tbh. more details under the cut
the fact that with bringing back grace and (technically) jonah vard's actions have basically no consequences now and sebastian going from "im going to KILL vard" to forgiving them is just proving to me that the plot and characters can and will bend around them to justify their actions however it can
like you can not tell me sebastian being the insidious little bastard he is would forgive vard so easily when they still killed his friend and his sister. i didnt buy it when it happened with rachel and hephaestus and i especially cant believe that Sebastian Motherfucking Zeppeli of all people would be open to the idea of forgiveness. it's so unlike his previously established self that it becomes jarring to watch and frankly it made the rest of the episode hard to sit through
and to me that signals a larger issue with strings that i havent seen any people bring up (or at least not that i know of) - the increasing dissonance between the crew's characters and their actual preferences for the game's course as players. going off my experience in the break time server and watching strings it's become clear to me that the crew genuinely enjoys the whole vard thing and wants to follow that plot point, but there hasn't been enough explanation given for why their characters, who have a Lot of reasons to dislike (or at least distrust) vard would go along with the same plan.
like im sure they're having a good time going on with the whole "vard not bad?" thing and learning about severed stands or whatever and im glad! at the end of the day they are still a friend group who play ttrpgs and happen to record their games and upload them online and they dont technically owe anyone an explanation for why things happen in their games - it is assumed that something happens because it would be fun - and that's why i can't fully denounce strings' plot twist as being genuinely Bad because the crew is having fun, and that's what matters + im not in the crew so i cant dictate what happens in game. but I can't help but find this turn of events very dissatisfying as a viewer, because it goes against what i, the viewer, have seen of these characters and the previous stories and that's why it's becoming increasingly frustrating to watch new episodes knowing that the vard plot point will be front and center and every single character that's not meant to be viewed as a True Bad Guy will bend around it and possibly act ooc.
and like, i am trying so hard to enjoy strings' plot because literally everyone else around me (cept for my friend) fucking loves it!!!! and im trying to see the good in it post-episode 11 but it's so difficult when it warps the characters from previous parts, devalues their achievements that were done via stands, and in some cases breaks an entire part's narrative (the quiet decay) because the "stands.... secretly sentient?" reveal has retroactively removed any emotional connection between the users and their stands that had been there before.
im running on copium fumes right now and the only thing i could hope for that might make the vard thing better for me is if it turns out to be some long con being played on everyone and that vard is actually Wrong about the nature of stands and that they're severely misguided at best and outright evil at worst... but i dont think that is the direction strings will take, because the crew and westley seem to be a-okay with the current turn of events as of strings 12 pt 1, and with the introduction of, you guessed it, even More Sentient Stands i do not have high hopes for the rest of strings plotwise. at this point im mostly staying for cool/funny character moments, for hephi and yogurt, and to catch up with everyone else in break time
overall im not satisfied with strings' plot as of ep 12 pt 1 and i cant say im excited to watch pt 2 when it'll definitely go on about justifying vard even further when there is no reason to
tl;dr im feeling like this right now
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mellowrants · 2 years
I sent this blog to a mutual and she just said it was mario & sonic at the olympic games but with plot so godammit ill make one more post before i dissapear into the abyss.
So TLR, talked about it last post. I aint got a single fucking clue how to describe its appearance, ill have to draw it out. Until then, ill just explain what it is. Its a self sustaining place where people who have had their worlds destroyed can go. Its also got pretty much everything; restraunts, shops, housing, jobs, etc. Yeah, ill leave it at that.
Anyway, the owner there likes regulation. She requires every person who can travel to different multiverses be registered into a system to like, prevent crime or smth. Theres also a mercenary for hire system in there too that she set up, and goddam i’m biased to like mercs. Lemme tell you bout em.
First theres these two rapscallions, these absolute scoundrels Cathy and Chromas. One is a mad scientist, the other is gay. I really want to leave it at that but fuck yall i love these fuckers. Cathy is a woman who dont give a shit bout what people think so she aint got much of a filter for her words and actions. Chromas is a ghost controlling a metal body, and he’s the voice of reason. They’re both smart and not normal. Cathy makes a bunch of experimental tech and somehow it works most of the time (She’s missing her right lower leg it got blown off). Chromas makes drones and other weaponry. They even got different fighting styles too i could go on all day bout these fuckers but i aint cause theres others.
Then there’s, uh, a group of 7. I aint got a name for em yet. I started at the most developed and im going down. I based most of em off the tf2 mercs, thinking that I cant just put the tf2 mercs in a game ima be sued. Then I realised yes you can just put the tf2 mercs in a game but i didnt wanna scrap em i had already developed a buncha (sorta) unique characters and a buncha unique character interactions. I’ll list em all off from most developed to least developed: Beastmaster, Seeker, Healer, Bomber, Tank, Inventor, Scope. Ima talk about them in a separate post since theres just a lot to cover (and ive barely developed the last couple at all)
Lastly, there two birds and a walking plant. All anthro btw. Theres an owl, a falcon, and a floran from starbound. I havent touched these fellas much, specially the falcon, but the owl has a shotgun, so thats something.
There’ll probably be more in the future, but for now, thats all
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lilydvoratrelundar · 2 years
ok i saw the post u reblogged please tell me more abt bbc merlin im going insane here. like i study arthurian tropes and this show is out of LEFT FIELD... i know like five things. merlins a rockin twink, magic is illegal, dragons exist?? , gay???????? like so does merlin become arthurs sidekick/magic guardian angel protector/enemy/friend and then arthur fuckin dies via mordred (i assume they cut the incest plot? i hope??) and merlin just has to like.. wait... 1500 years... for him to like.. come back..?????? does he just Sit at the Lake. pls tell me im mistaken
its been a while since i last watched it but yeah basically an inexplicably english colin morgan shows up in camelot and is told Dont Cause Trouble and then saves arthurs life and is assigned as his manservant or something and also he finds a dragon voiced by john hurt locked in the basement and they have five seasons of mild gaying at each other around i think s3 merlin gets a potion that turns him into an old man and he starts doing magic shit out in the open as a wizard called Dragoon the Great who is basically their excuse to have him look like normal merlin. morgana is weird she's just kinda part of the court for Reasons that arent explained until her magic half sister shows up and is like hey you actually have a really convoluted backstory and basically ur arthurs half sister iirc which makes them flirting in the early episodes kinda weird but idk how much they planned out in advance. also morgana's developing powers in the early seasons is a big gay metaphor kinda sometimes but then they contradict that a bunch every so often. uhhhh what else. mordred is a little magic child who merlin helps smuggle out of the city i think ??? at one point. then he comes back in s4/5 i think ? and joins the knights of the round table i think they get a round table eventually anyway. then for Plot Reasons (because hes also secretly magic i think maybe i cant remember) he turns evil and goes to morgana and theres a big dramatic moment where he reveals that the old wizard she keeps fighting is actually merlin and morganas like woah and we the audience are like yeah he looks like merlin with a fake beard. shocking. also anthony head is there as the racist dad but then we're meant to feel sad when he dies for some reason. then again it is anthony head so i was sad that there wouldnt be any more anthony head. theres many plots of episods in the early show thats just "uther experiences consequences for that genocide he did". anyway at the end of the show theres a big battle and mordred stabs arthur and the last episode iirc is arthur and merlin going through the woods and talking as arthur slowly dies meanwhile gwaine and the other knights all probably die i cant really remember but im pretty sure gwaine dies needlessly anyway then arthur finally dies and john hurt dragon (who got freed and was evil in s2 and then still just showed up to give bad advice to merlin every so often through the rest of the show. his advice was usually murder.) gives a speech about how magic is dying SMASH CUT to a truck driving past its the present day and merlin is still chillin and he looks at the lake that he put arthurs body in. credits. also in like s4 theres that weird arc where lancelot gets resurrected as a zombie by morgana and theres mind control nonsense where gwen cheats on arthur with him or something and she maybe gets like banished for a bit ??? also the lady of the lake is merlins girlfriend who was a werewolf thing who then dies and her spirit exists in the pixie lake and then also just in all the water ? its weird. also something about merlin being the incarnation of all magic im pretty sure AND hes the last person who can control dragons by shouting really loud. what else oh yeah theres an episod where anthony head marries a troll
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