#i got dmc3 vergil and dmc4 nero since they were my favourites
cheeriochat · 4 months
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So tiny.... I want more...
I also got some other stuff in my buyee order so I'll show that to you guys in a sec, I got some pretty cool stuff!
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ac-liveblogs · 4 years
DMC5 Final Opinion Roundup
This game is a step up from every other DMC game in most aspects - gameplay, level design AND narratively. In terms of character writing and the actual plot, this is leaps and bounds the best DMC game out there. 
This game is very much the pinnacle of the entire DMC franchise (sans reboot), but does its best to bring newcomers up to speed. Overall, fantastic game, but the best jumping in point for newcomers is still the DMC Collection on PS4. 
8/10? 8/10.
More detailed opinions under the cut, along with spoilers:
The switch from Nero’s Devil Bringer to Devil Breaker is one of the best gameplay innovations DMC5 has. Nero retains enough of his old combat style to be familiar, but the addition of Devil Breakers in lieu of style changes was fantastic. My only issue is mapping the “destroy equipped Breaker” button to V and Dante’s DT button. lol
V’s combat style is incredibly new and refreshing for the series. I dig it. 
Dante is same song, different tune. I wish they’d tried to introduce different styles, since they’ve been identical since DMC3, but I only really use Gunslinger and Swordmaster anyway so I can’t complain. Wasn’t a huge fan of his weapons this time... but then, I said that in DMC4 as well. I just really like his DMC3 weapons, I guess. 
can’t believe he jacked vergil’s swag AGAIN. first yamato and now his summoned swords??? dante, you greedy motherfucker
Level design is a marked improvement over previous entries in the series and obviously takes it’s cues from DmC rather than any of the prior numbered game.
The loss of Holy Water and healing items is balanced by the ability to buy yourself continues. I have mixed feelings about this. Not sure I’m a fan, but it does make combat much more streamlined. 
I don’t love the carryover of DmC’s cinematic zoom-ins. They’re just as distracting as they’ve always been.
Why the fuck is making lockon visible NOT the default option.
Presenting DMC’s most coherent and engaging narrative - it actually feels important this time, and not just an excuse to get characters from Point A to Point B. By keeping things simple, they managed to capitalise on character growth and relationships. Story has never been DMC’s strong point so this was overall a smart move. 
There are a lot of callbacks in DMC5. One might almost say... too many callbacks. It started to get a bit like DMC5 was trying to hard when it declared the novels and anime canon, made Nico descended from two unconnected DMC characters, recreated the Cerberus fight in both substance and cutscene AND dragged Patty’s voice actress back. Just a bit.
Some callbacks - like V’s familiars and Nero’s relationship with Credo - were great. Others... and it started to feel gratuitous. This being a return to the franchise after 10 years it’s to be expected, but it still felt like too much.
I appreciate them giving us a solid timeline. 
This game did Nero proud- it actively does its utmost to drag him out of Dante’s shadow and give him his own supporting cast, which he vitally needed. Nero feels like a more complete character than in 4, and he’s a real breath of fresh air in this game. 
However, controversial opinion time - DMC5 doubling down on Nero and Vergil being father and son did NO ONE any favours. Least of all Nero and Vergil. I thought making Nero Vergil’s son was a mistake back in DMC4, and I still think that now. 
Nico is the best. Her banters with Nero were some of my favourite parts of the game. On the flipside, Kyrie got done SO dirty, to the point that dragging back her voice actress felt absolutely pointless. 
Lady and Trish also got done pretty dirty. This isn’t Dante’s story so I’m not surprised and much less annoyed about it than wiith Kyrie, but the LEAST DMC5 could’ve done is let me fight evil Lady and Trish, not their Halloween costumes. 
Dante really does feel like he’s worn out his welcome. But the passing of the torch to Nero was truly solidified in this game, so it seems he’ll finally be hanging up his coat. Which is nice! Dante didn’t really have much to do in this game besides fight with Vergil, but given this was Nero and Vergil’s story, that’s absolutely fine. 
I still miss his old design and character, but that’s been in the past since DMC4 dropped, so not much point complaining about it now. He did feel a bit tacked on in places, but... c’est la vie. 
Vergil. My newfound love. My sweet summer.... man. This game did you SO good. I spent my entire DMC career up until now not giving one solitary SHIT about Vergil outside of the context of his relationship with Dante - he was always just an evil cardboard cut out for Dante to feel bad about but NOW.
This game using V as a vehicle to explore Vergil’s actual personality when he’s not being a villainous roadblock was an interesting choice, and I absolutely love it. If anything, I think it was a truly brilliant decision on the developers’ part to convey Vergil’s character this way. I... really can’t praise it enough. 
I do wish V got more time on his own, but as I understand it he has his own manga, so I’ll check that out at some point. 
This game’s exploration of Vergil’s motivations and traumas couldn’t have been done better. From Vergil’s literal demons to the effects splitting his body and soul had on him... it was all brilliant. However, I do think this game made one massive fumble that didn’t quite allow it to stick the landing:
Nero being Vergil’s son adds absolutely nothing to either of their characters. I feel it cheapens the relationship Nero and V managed to form as well as its significance, as well as how that manifests in Nero and Vergil’s relationship. I’m not going to get into that too deeply on this post. But know that I have multiple reasons for thinking it was a bad move, thematically and in terms of their character, character arcs and their relationship. 
anyway vergil’s great. love him. took them this long and i finally adore this man. just in time for them to write him out of the series.
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professor-glasses · 4 years
how about.....All the special interest asks!!
💖 Current special interest?
biggest current: DMC/PL without a question. but you could probably guess that (also does that technically count as two or one I’m not sure sfksjfk)
🔥 How many special interests do you have at the moment?
Counting DMC/PL as its own separate thing, 3: DMC, PL, and the above
😇 If your special interest is a video game/movie/tv show/etc, who’s your fav character from it?
Descole/Sycamore from PL and Vergil from DMC this was not surprising at aLL ASDFKLHASL (I do love a lot of the characters from both of them though I just have very personal reasons for these two in particular ofc)
💎 When and how did you discover your special interest?
PL was… some years back, I’m not sure when?  But it didn’t really become a real special interest until 2 or so years ago.  I’m not sure I lost track
DMC and DMC/PL literally started at the exact same time: 2019 end of March, beginning of April, I’ve been fixating on it practically nonstop since
✖️️ Is there something you don’t like about your special interest?
I can’t really think of anything I specifically dislike about PL, there are a few things I like less about DMC, it is by nature kinda violent but since the focus is mainly on Stylish Action and not gore I’m not normally bothered by it and it’s quite fine and alright.  But there is the odd cutscene I prefer to skip. it’s not even that bad visually it’s just. idk. mainly this 1 cutscene from DMC1
also in DMC4 there was quite a lot of stuff that I really liked but there was also noticeably more. sexual stuff than in any of the other games and it just felt really weird and out of place.  maybe it’s worse because I’m ace but that was the one main thing detracting from that game for me.  which is hmmeh :| because I really liked the setting and I liked seeing Nero’s arc and stuff
🐒 What’s your favorite line from your special interest if it’s a video game/movie/tv show/etc?
You’re feeling brave, but only because you haven’t lost anything yet.
From DMC5:
That day, if our positions were switched, would our fates be different?  Would I have your life, and you mine?
💫 Favorite fact about your special interest?
I have no idea my brain is getting tired ghsgk a favourite random fact about DMC is just something I find neat which is the relation of two of the games’ release dates and their relation to me and my sibling’s birthdays
oh yeah and in the dmc/pl timeline the year in which the bronev family and the sparda family got tragically split is the same year, apparently
💕 What’s your fav thing about your special interest?
(from dmc/pl, I love descole’s and vergil’s friendship, i just. waaa i miss it)
🍳 Do you have a stim related to your special interest?
does like staring at gifs for ever and ever and ages count? stimboards when I can find them?  I’m not really sure about this one sdkfsj
I have this one smelly. dried herb plant small bag thing that’s supposed to be insect repellent or smth which I got because the label/name was perfectly connected to something from my des canon (also it just smelled good).  Does that count?  does it?  I guess it kind of does?
🌠 What’s a past special interest?
Two of my big special interests that were main in the past but aren’t currently are Pokemon and the Guardians of Ga’Hoole book series by Kathryn Lasky (and just owls in general.  That’s what started it though.)  They’re like semi-active rn, I just got back into rereading GoG and I wish it had an existent fandom
also Lord of the Rings or most anything Tolkien
🏘️ What was your first special interest you can remember?
hm.  I don’t know.  Pokemon has been one since before I was 10, I probably had something before then but I don’t remember it
🍭 What’s a headcanon/theory you have about your special interest?
the entire dmc/pl au does this count ehehEHEHEH
ok how about the azran in the dmc/pl au.  Back in the beginning, the demon world and human worlds were one, coexistent.  But at some point they split, and that coexistence was lost; the demon world from then on sought to dominate the human world.  The Azran were descended from the original humans and using their knowledge from before the split, were able to protect themselves from the demons’ threat, and even harness and bend demonic power to their own devices to make their technology.  However, when their empire fell, the seals they put in place weakened over time, until demons were able to get into the human world again.  This is when the legend of Sparda took place 2000 years before the present and he reseparated and resealed the worlds
🌟 Did someone introduce you to your special interest?
😂 Something funny about your special interest?
wacky woohoo pizza
no I’m just kidding.  inspector grosky in eternal diva is the best.
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adaru32 · 5 years
My Devil May Cry V Review
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Felt that I’d like to share my thoughts on a sequel of my most favourite video game series. Would’ve done so much sooner but of course, distractions and other obstacles getting in the way. I apologize for the long read, and have tried to sum it up as much as possible. I can't decide whether this game or DMC3 is my most favourite. (My most to least favourite would be DMC3 and DMCV tied, then DMC1, DMC4, and DMC2. Gameplay-wise, DMC4 would be the least favourite despite DMC2 being easy. Not counting the reboot since it's not a part of the Devil May Cry universe, and I didn't really care much for that game). I had a lot of fun with this game. Even V was a nice, fresh character to play as (Felt more could've been done with him gameplay-wise, though). I even had a fangasm with the tracks playing on mission 18.
Other things I liked about this game:
1. The main 3 Sparda bois finally getting some badass-looking ultimate forms. 2. The concepts and visuals of everything, despite how minimal some of them are. 3. Nice to see my 2nd favourite character back (Vergil). 4. The variety of things to do. 5. The references/easter eggs used from the past games, and others. 6. The story, despite some plot holes from the previous games still not filled yet and how rushed the pacing went in some parts. 7. The fluidity of everything. 8. The characterization and impact with some scenes (Hard to explain but it has to do with the whole 'actions speak louder than words' kind of thing). 9. Photo mode...Must I say more about that.
The things that I didn't really like and can criticize about:
1. The music style I feel suits a JRPG game or a dance club more than a Devil May Cry game. Didn't really stick with me that much and felt I had to mute it completely in my 2nd playthrough (Plan to keep it muted in my future playthroughs). Not as memorable as the previous games' tracks in my opinion. I know I can use some of the previous tracks' music as battle themes, and I stated above that mission 18's music gave me a fangasm, but I don't really wanna listen to the music in the rest of the game since I don't really care much for it. I admit Cavalier Angelo's theme was all right and sounded pretty Castlevania-ish. 2. The ending boss battle was cheap (I hear it does get more challenging in the much harder modes, though). I understand it's for story progression purposes but there could've been more done, and even more of a challenge. Even when Dante battles Urizen Vergil on mission 17, I expected some type of crazy transformation and other stuff to happen after he eats the fruit. Would've been a cool idea if he did like a 2nd transformation half-way through the battle because the fruit's power would be too much for him, and then have Nero show up with V around that time, and Nero ends up fighting alongside you after setting V aside to safety. 3. Like what's stated in point 6 above, there are still plot holes and contradictions from the previous games in the story that don't fully explain what really happens, and why things are the way they are now. One example, how Vergil was able to hook up with someone and get it on with her. Hopefully they save that info for another title, or something. 4. It would've been nice to have more unlockable costumes for the characters. But I can see why they wouldn't really allow that. It has to do with not wanting to make the same mistake like they did with another one of their games where it was basically a costume unlocking simulator. And  that would also mean more development time which would push the game's release date (And you know how some people can get heated over delays). Plus there's the mod community so those that have DMCV on PC can have fun with custom stuff. At the same time, CapCom needs a bit of a breather from working on this game, and they want to progress on getting other things out of the way before coming back to Devil May Cry. Like what DMC3 and DMC4 went through, there most likely will be a Special Edition with most of the features added that the fans have asked for. They probably want to keep that hush-hush till the time comes, though (And most likely some time after the next gen consoles come out). 5. I understand that part of Devil May Cry is about cheesy dialogue and some silliness. But I felt the dialogue got a little too cheesy, and some parts got a little too silly (Not as bad as the reboot and DMC2, though). 6. Like what's stated in the other point 6 above, some parts of the game felt rushed. With what they have in this game already I feel deserves to have a couple more missions added, or so, to add more to its story and gameplay. This may come off as selfish but this is just how I feel. Even for the ending (Which was a nice ending by the way), it felt like something was missing...I can't describe it but I felt that something else could've been done or added in the ending and the secret ending. That alternate ending is hilarious, though. It's like the game gets mad at you for finishing it too early, which explains its bluntness 😆 7. Even though the animations and everything else in the game were nice and smooth, I felt that some of the characters' facial movements didn't sync well with some of the dialogue in the cutscenes, and some of their expressions became stone faced or puppet-like at times. A couple examples are when Dante says, "Guess I get to see with my own eyes". And Trish saying, "It's the other way around, Dante". I shouldn't complain about that kind of stuff because I know video games aren't all about graphics and visuals, but just thought I'd express a little thing I can nitpick at. 8. CapCom did an amazing job on the characters but (Y'all are probably gonna hate me for this) there are some facial features I can nitpick at with everyone. Nico, Morrison, V, and the civilians I have no problems with since they have their own concepts. The rest, there are some things that kinda bug me. I understand that they're supposed to be based off of real life models (Which are all good-looking) with some tweaks made to make them look like the characters, and are meant to look as realistic as possible. But they could've at least fixed some of those features a bit more to make them look exactly like their previous selves, only a bit older. I'm aware that humans' looks can keep changing over time, and look completely different than they did before without the use of surgery. Even Matt Walker gave a brief explanation on why Vergil's not Dante's identical twin anymore, which can make sense. But...I dunno how else to explain it. 9. Trish, Lady, Patty, Morrison, and Kyrie were wasted potential. I understand they brought these characters back for fanservice purposes, a little bit of story progression, and CapCom was on a budget and timer for how many figures they can add. But more could've been done with these characters to bring more characterization and impact. I expected Kyrie and Patty to make physical appearances in this game as well. Let alone Lucia, but I can understand from the DMCV prequel novel on why they couldn't/wouldn't make Lucia appear again. It also would've been nice to see more flashbacks of the Sparda bois from their childhood, and even add Sparda in a scene. In conclusion, I loved this game and I consider it as one of my top favourite Devil May Cry games (And overall video games) of all time (Like what I stated above). It was definitely worth the 10+ years of waiting. I feel that there are some other points (Both positive and negative) missing in my review, but I think this is pretty much all I can think of what I liked and didn't like about this game.  Can't wait to see what else CapCom comes up with for this series.
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