#i follow the ace one the aro one the mspec one & the queer one & run this one
honeysweetbabyfrisk · 2 years
my byf page is out of date and i cant edit it on mobile so heres a pinned post!
you can call me fen, im in my mid 20s, and i'm part of a d.i.d system (prof. dx'd). i wont really talk about that on this blog but it does mean that sometimes its running entirely on queue here because i'm just not around
inbox rules:
- all anon hate and most discoursey asks will be deleted! i want this to stay a positive space. if you have genuine questions about my stance on something and you ask respectfully thats alright, but if youre looking to debate please dm me or ask off anon so i can answer you privately or just leave me out of it
- its okay if you want to vent anonymously in my inbox but please dont send anything triggering without warning
- similarly, its fine to ask for advice but please dont send me anything triggering without warning, and respect that i'm a person with my own stuff going on so i may not answer right away or even have the answer youre looking for
- any asks about callouts for any user will be deleted. i dont want to participate in that culture, and half the ones ive seen are just harrassment campaigns that do no one any good
- if i reblog from a terf or someone similar, please tell me! i dont have shinigami eyes and didnt mean to, just tell me which post it is and i'll take it down
- if i reblog from you and you didnt want me to just lmk and i'll take it down
things you should know before following:
- i identify as queer and will not tag any posts as "q slur," and if i see you reblogging from me using that tag i will block you
- im a critical inclusionist, meaning if someone's identity isnt hurting anyone (not the same thing as making people uncomfortable) and has historical and/or cultural precedent to exist in context, im quite content to take them at their word in good faith and welcome them into the communities that they by all rights already belong to. an example of this would be: i have nothing against and believe mspec gays and lesbians, ace and aro people, other SAM users, and people with mogai identities and microlables when they tell me who they are, but i do not believe transabled people and believe they and their movements are harmful.
- on that, i believe quite firmly that all endogenics are either traumagenic and in denial or misinterpreting symptoms of other illnesses or experiences and do not support the endogenic community, as their impact does real world damage to d.i.d and osdd systems, what they claim is scientifically impossible, and their only history is one of ableism and causing harm. i will never fakeclaim on this blog, i do not endorse fakeclaiming, i will not answer any asks about syscourse or fakeclaiming. if you want to see my reasoning, please search "syscourse" on my blog, but that is the extent you will get from me.
- i am trans and i dont want terfs, transmeds, gender critical, gender- or bio-essentialists, transandrophobic people (including people who think its transmisogynistic to talk about transandrophobia/transmisandry or that its not real), or any otherwise transphobic people in any capacity anywhere near me. this includes people who insist on knowing the assigned sex of others and assigning people oppression by whats in their pants. tma ≠ amab and tme ≠ afab. those were originally words by and for the intersex community, dont take and twist them.
- i am physically, mentally, and cognitively disabled. i will block you if i see you being ableist in any capacity
- my cottagecore blog is purely for comforting aesthetic and nostalgia and does not inherently infer anything about my values as a person. tradfems are not welcome here. racists are not welcome here. people who think the aesthetic is about manifesting destiny or otherwise white land ownership and expansion are not welcome here. this blog explicitly supports indigenous sovreignity and land back movements. this blog is explicitly welcoming to poc, especially black and indigenous peoples.
- i follow and reblog from minors and people without listed ages. please do not reblog to kink or explicit blogs.
- i am firmly against illegal or barely-legal content of all sorts, and against narratives that glorify or romanticize abuse of all kinds, pedophilia, and incest. i also think that that does not mean no media or books featuring any of those topics should exist at all; it's very important to have those things publically condemned so people being hurt in that way know its not normal and theyre not alone. silence and taboo only aids predators
- i am very firmly against "MAPs" or whatever theyre choosing to call themselves now, zoophiles, and "consanguinamory." i do not want anyone who is not explicitly against these things anywhere near me. you are not welcome here. you will not only be blocked, but also reported.
- i am personally uncomfortable with the following blog types and will block you if you follow from one or post frequently about the following topics: pro ana/other ed, thinspo, meanspo, gore, ageplay/ddlg, entirely nsfw, discourse, callout. these catagories are subject to change.
- both my boyfriend and i are unemployed and living under the poverty line, relying on his ssi payments and foodstamps to live. if you are able to help we would appreciate it, although i urge minors to not donate or buy us things as i think adults taking financial aid from children is dubiously ethical. paypal kofi amazon links online shop
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varioriented culture is following so many of the x-culture-is blogs because so many apply (i think i follow 4, not including this one)
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kaimactrash · 3 years
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Okay first and foremost: if this flag is wrong lemme know! I have been googling but obviously, it can only go so far in trustablity since pages can be boosted.Anyway, heres my crew of lesbian OCs,
realise I have very few gay men ocs bc I've been in a real drawing fems mood lately, but theres a few there
info below on the ocs
other than Lith none of these women were born on earth, or even lived on it, so they don't have the exact same gender and physical sex rules we do, so this is more the closest term that fits all of my ladies who love ladies&enbees.up in the top left we have Lottie, she's not really into sex that much, but shes all about the romance, shes a very loving person, but deeply scared from several events leaving her with intense PTSD. She's a Frenrar native would was recruited as a demon, she was much more anthro as a human, but lost some of it on the transition to demon. She starts her story being rescued, while greatful, within a few months of world trecking she realised that this isn't what she wants to do anymore, she decides to hang out at Valentino, Skye, and Pipers traveling bar, called The Turkeys Tail. There she studies endlessly to solve a few magic issues on Franrar with the help of Valentino, it takes time but she ends up being the demon to be able to break the Elders curse, in the form of cuffs binding all lower (Hokey) demons, which prevents them running of flying away. She's a pacifist & would really like if there were no wars going on, but since she can't stop them herself, she tries to do so with her experiments. She's growing a lot as i write her and get to know her which is cool, I love when you can just almost hear a character coming together in your mind. all the inspo! Sorry for the ramble! it's good to get this stuff down when I'm in brain storming mind! Across from Lottie, top right, is lith! If you've followed me for years you know lith a bit, she was once a middle aged woman from earth, she made the transition over to demon at the end of a long fight with respiritory illness. Shes very busy lady being one of the two first primary protagonists, while she has some time to adjust to demon life, it didn't come with its own issues, and she ws soon through into a resistance for a place she arrived in not that long ago, she works it out over time. She also works out her sexuality, as a human, she pretty much burried her sexuality but the freedom of a while new world, one filled with many more queer people like her, haha.below her the giant elder Galo stands, due to her bullish attitude and hard headed focus, she struggles with this and the power battles in the Demon realm, often failing to see the wider issue as rilo refocuses her everytime she get close to figuring them out. Shes a bit new so a little under developed but shes going to be apearing quite a lot at the start of the story, then return later, so I'll have some time to get to know her. that tiny lil green triclops like thing, is Shihosu, my most precious and special baby, I wanna protect her even thou i'm the one writting the conflict in her world. She actually dies before she even apears, but shes brough back by octo ( the gold and purple octomaid lady.) and this essentially makes her speicies see her as some blessed chosen one, she has a big repuatation and after seeing and hearing other members of her speices die, she goes on the hunt for octo to find out why she was chosen...she has plenty of fun nights out during  this, so she has a good life work balance.   Shihosu is checking out Elviras butt. Elvira is basically an effigy brought to life by her father Emesh, She's a romantic at heart and can't help but coo and awe at any acts of love. Her father is very over protective and it takes a long time for her to be given true free reign of her life, shes thousands of years old by that point, so she gets out and finds the area outside her home is a semi-apocolyptic waste land filled with strange speicies and creatures, she quick decides she has left because she's to help. Her father is actually aware that he was to let her go off on her own as soon as she'd ask. He was inspired to create her while tripping hard, and the voice told him how to make her, and why he should....*mystery music.*Lastly we have the aforementioned Octo, and her wife, Beefy. By the time we meet them, they've been married a few years and they are obnoxiously in love. Beefy was earth child some how snatched onto Frenrar, she doesn'y know who did it, why, or even how, even though she meets others like her over time, none of them seem to know who did this, and no one on frenrar seems to know who could even do that. She was found in a box in the woods, no older than a year, and the Fleetfoots, a rabbit like spieces with multiple varients across frenrar, the spieces are known for strength, mentally and phsyically, hardiness, and determination, which ended up feeling perfect for Beefy, until Octovar arrived, Not immediately though. Octo was there over a summer at her father request, as she had gained a reputation for making scenes at big public royal family events, so as it is so oftem the rebelious princess is sent off out of daddys way, while he does his old boring bussiness. Beefy spent a lot of her time building and training physically, and Octovar would often be around. She's very curious as someone who lives mostly in the sea, being so far from the ocean, the lifestyles felt completely alien to one another. Over time awkward stares and little comments evolved in to longing looks and full on flirting. Always very opinionated, Octovar opened up to beefy about why she was here, why she was fighting them, and why she needed to leave before her father came back to collect her, Beefy agreed and talked about a Fleetfoot called Piper who had been here, but left after a visit from a powerful mage, beefy had kept contact via letters, so was now aware, Piper was an active member of the resistance. Beefy said her goodbyes, their culture never saw one set of parents, everyone raised everyone basically, so it was scary, but the elders reccomended beefy go try it out, reminding her, her burrow will always be there for her when or if she ever comes back.While we meet them at wives I'm 100% planning a prequel comic on them from meeting each other, to when they meet lith landon and the crew.OOf woops sorry these are meant to be silly cute lil pieces but I get all focused on lore! I'm still planningon doing more even though pride is over, I'm planning on doing one with gay men, then aro/ace. I may also do one with other mspec idnetities, but I do not have many ocs in those categories, YET! I will defo have more as more characters are created, I gotta make a whole planet of people. so theres gonna be variety.I may try and put all my trans characters together for a trans flag, but i may use the art I already made of them! Happy pride Lesbains*! (*and all the groups simailir or under that lable)        
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