#i feel like faye must have had the most fun making the music video too
imaginariumgeographica · 10 months
Bad Machine goes so hard i can't wait for Soda Blonde's new album
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halfgclden · 4 years
character meme for cleo;;; brotp meme for: l/katie, l/keaton, chase/ellie, chase/lulu, parker/kerri, parker/faye, jordan/victoria, ime/fizz, cleo/fizz;;;; headcanons: ☆ for chase, ☮for parker/faye, ★ for ime
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod: The Orion Experience - Cult of Dionysus, Chance The Rapper - Cocoa Butter Kisses, San Cisco - The Distance, ABBA - Voulez-Vous (fun fact: Cleo only has two tattoos that are pure text and one reads “VOULEZVOUS” and the other reads “ANGELEYES” because she Knows what’s up)
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep – where they’re not supposed to: it’d be in the woods or the strawberry fields, but this happens very rarely
the game they’d destroy everyone else at: she loves pool and loves making people think she seems bad at it so that she can bet them lol 
the emoticon they’d use most often: ok it’s between 💕 and the pleading face but that won’t show up on the computer so
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: she gets pretty cranky lol. it’s like when she can’t choose an outfit normally she just figures something out but when she’s tired and can’t pick out an outfit she wants to cry and not get out of the shower until the water runs cold.
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.: she likes chai lattes or mulled wine, depending on the mood
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump: she likes to take baths but she can’t really do that at camp lol (which makes her extra sad), so she’ll do yoga, light some candles, and then play sad music over her headphone and pretend she’s in a music video as she stares out the window (bonus points if it’s raining and/or she’s on the bus)
what they wanted to be when they grew up: a writer, and then an architect (the second of which she’s actually got a degree in)
their favorite kind of weather: she likes it when it rains, but a warm rain, because it reminds her of home
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): she’s got a pretty good voice that she doesn’t do anything with but sing along to the radio/her playlist (but also get her drunk enough and she’s way down for karaoke)
how/what they like to draw or doodle: she mostly draws plants and things of that nature (ha, get it?)
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: L and every single time she pretends she didn’t do it and then laughs her head off at her own joke
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple: gonna ignore this bc ya
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: i can’t see either of them getting arrested but maybe katie because L went to a protest or something and got caught up in arrests???
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: katie seems like she’d give good advice. she was probably like “L what’s up with you and Blue n Rosie?? stop being a useless lesbian” so ya c:
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: i feel like katie does this and L just giggles
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: ummm they both seem like they’d be like “no, you take what you want” “no, no, i insist, take what you want” lol
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: L starts them and they both get tired rather than anyone winning
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: omf would either of them??? 
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: see above lol, but she’d take them from Keaton less often and offer some of her own as well
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple: ha neither they’re both like “EW”
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: keaton is so tame but i can see some unfortunate thing happening that he got caught up in and he calls L all embarrassed bc he’s like “i don’t want rory to worry too much”
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: i think L is the one that gives more advice and comfort!!
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: L and keaton lets it slide because she’s a goober
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: lol L so that keaton can get the bottom bunk with his leg
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: they seem like they’d each throw a pillow and L would flop dramatically and give a death monologue 
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: neither?? idk
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: chase always and ellie’s like “YOU HAVE UR OWN” and chase is like “YA BUT URS LOOK BETTER”
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: look ik its always chase in jail but ellie has such a temper i feel like she’d be the one to be arrested lol 
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: umm chase gives comfort, not advice, and he also doesn’t date so i guess that answers that
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: lol chase?? he’d cheat by changing his card to say what he wanted it to with his powers
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: chase says give me top bunk or give me death
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: i feel like chase would start one jokingly and end up yelling “i surrender!!!” over and over again as all the siblings team up against him
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: omf definitely not chase. i feel like ellie WOULD tho and chase’s hair would turn bright pink 
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: they each steal so many fries from each other that they might as well have eaten their own fries
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple: it’d have to be lulu
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: ok it’d be lulu busting chase out but also the idea of lulu going to jail and then making friends w all the inmates is so funny to me lol
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: they seem like they both wouldn’t?? chase might be like “u have any crushes?? is it carly?? u should do an interpretive dance to her favourite song i bet she’d fall for u then”
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: lulu and chase is like “oh!! i can not see! i must be blind!”
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: i feel like they’d actually race each other for it lol. chase pulls her off as she’s going up the ladder, lulu oils it so he can’t get up, they both have to sleep on the floor
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: lulu starts them, chase is too good at them, but also i can see her and logan and carly all teaming up against him here too
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: gods why can i 100% see lulu saying this and chase being like “noooooo”
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: parker and kerri is like “why didn’t you get two orders????” and he’s like “bc you got one that i could eat (:”
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple: lmao parker and kerri’s like “get ouTTa here valentine”
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: i can’t imagine why parker would go to jail but it would probably be kerri busting him out lol
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: hmmm kerri bc parker’s not good at advice oR comfort lmao
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: kerri only did this once when she realized how dumb the move was in chess and just took it back. parker didn’t even realize what her mistake was
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: parker would want the bottom bunk tbh
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: kerri and parker’s like “oh so thAt’s how it is???” and she gives up before it gets too intense
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: omf parker?? but only when he’s in a certain mood and then kerri’s like “you can’t sAy that”
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: parker tried once and got one warning. next time he’s getting stabbed
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple: neither, faye just gags loudly
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: lmao parker and he’s like “tsk tsk” and she’s like “not another word”
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: lmao they don’t talk about this stuff with each other
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: um if parker tried this he Would get stabbed
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: faye calls dibs on whatever she wants that day and parker’s like “ugh” and argues for like five minutes just to argue and then lets her have whichever she wants
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: they don’t pillow fight anymore because every time they did it would get too serious lol
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: um this seems like more of a faye line but would she say this to jack ???
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: jordan doesn’t get food, he just steals victoria’s fries and then she’s like “vvvvvvv why didn’t you just sAy you wanted friES????”
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: if jordan ever got caught, victoria. but also if victoria ever got caught doing something w cyrus i doubt she’d call jordan lol
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: umm they Don’t
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: they shamelessly cheat in other ways lol
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: jordan teleports there and sticks his tongue out and she’s like “well i wanted the bottom bunk ANWAY asshole”
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: jordan starts them and nobody wins them bc he runs away but vic counts that as him giving up so she wins lol
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: both of them are like “ew” but also vic would just to annoy him
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: hmm fizz steals them and ime lets her
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: ime has to bust fizz out and fizz is like “don’t say it” and ime’s like “u shouldn’t have gotten caught” and fizz is like “i told u not to say it!!!” and then she’s like “ugh just don’t tell alec they’ll cry” and ime’s like “hmmmmmmm… ok”
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: lol ime gives advice and fizz is like “omfg did i ask??”
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: neither of them need to do this they just play and let their powers go wild
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: hmm fizz
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: umm ime starts fizz wins?
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: ime says this to caine and fizz is like “i’ll kill u”
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: ummm fizz but cleo would offer anyway
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple: lol cleo would
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: cleo does nOt seem like the person who fizz would call but she’d come get her if she did
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: cleo’s like “ugH i like someone” and fizz is like “can u be a little quieter abt that please that’s gross”
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: they cheat in other ways thank u v much
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: ummm cleo will say she’s fine with either and then fizz chooses the one she wants and cleo sulks lol
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: cleo starts them by accident, fizz wins
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: fizz?? to make fun of cleo mostly
☆ - happy headcanon
chase will leave post it notes on his sibling’s doors/on the bathroom door/mirror to remind them to take their vitamins, grab their glasses on the way out the door, or pick up milk (and things like that). it started as a way to remind jesse that he should wear his glasses more but now caspar or ellie will also wake up with a little note on their door with a doodle that’s like “don’t forget an umbrella today! its supposed to rain!!
☮ - friendship headcanon
parker loves having a friend that he can be competitive with and also kind of be a total bitch with. he likes the fact that they banter and don’t talk about anything too serious
★ - sad headcanon
ime’s grandmother died only a few months after they arrived at camp. they were able to go home for the funeral, but they didn’t even know that she’d been sick and feel as though they never had a proper goodbye
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‘’An Ed Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’’ - EEnE Fanfic
@eene-fangirl Fanfic Weekend Challenge! Just a collection of random Jonny thoughts, and a poem thing at the end. (Raise your hand if you remember video stores.)
 An Ed Flew east, an Ed flew west,
An Ed flew over the cuckoo’s nest.
 -Parody on children’s folk rhyme
             People thought Jonny didn't care. It wasn't true. He did want things. That is, he wanted to want things, even to love things, as much as Ed loved every living thing— every plant, every tree, every bird and cloud in the sky. As Rolf loved things— the soil beneath his hands, the sweat on his back, the wind in his hair. As Jimmy loved things— the creek by the woods, quiet girls in crowded rooms looking inside a mirror or out the window at something unknown but desired. Only Jonny couldn't say what he wanted. It was too impossible now. Wanting anything seemed crazy. There was only one person Jonny could talk to, and it should have filled his craving. Was he satisfied?
           ''Jonny, why do you still play with that stupid thing?'' Sarah asked him one day, oddly concerned for the strange child as she indicated the wooden plaything. In the past, Sarah would have never even batted an eyelid in Jonny's direction.
           ''Cause Plank says so,'' Jonny replied, holding up Plank for her to see. But she didn't look at Plank. She just continued to gape at Jonny.
           ''Really, are you gonna continue to let that stupid board of wood tell ya what to do? Get grip!'' and she stormed off. As long as Jonny was happy, who cared what others thought?
           Eds always seemed to have more fun. It was on one such trip to the video store that Jonny discovered this. Jonny didn’t intend to run into them, but he always happened upon the Eds by pure happy coincidence. He watched as Ed made his way through the rows and rows of shelves, sprinting through the video store like a child at a toy shop. ''Movies, movies! Look at all the movies, guys!'' He yelled and pointed at each colorful video casket cover bearing a different title, a different genre. Jonny smiled at his immature display, in spite of himself. Watching Ed aglow made his heart flutter in warmth, but he couldn't exactly say why. Maybe because it was so different from the eternal smile his best friend often displayed. Jonny found Ed endearing, to say the least.
           ''Now be careful, Ed!'' came Double D’s familiar cautious voice as Ed ran through the seemingly empty store. On a Friday night, it was unusual, but Jonny assumed parents with their small children and families and groups of friends
had already swept the store clean the minute school let out. In fact, they were late to the party. Jonny supposed they were the only four kids in the store. Eddy, too, acknowledged this as he trudged behind Double D with his hands shoved in both pockets, sulking that they would not be out in time to make a trip to the candy store.
           ''Christ,'' he muttered under his breath, ''all the good stuff's rented out.''
           ''Eddy, first of all watch your language in public, and second of all, we're looking for a decent, educational film for Ed, not for us.'' he lectured.
           Eddy sighed at Double D’s usual nagging and rolled his eyes at the ceiling. ''Yeah... forgot. Hey, how this supposed to help Lumpy anyways?''
           ''Because, Eddy, proposing a fun activity can show Ed that learning can be a fun experience outside the classroom environment! Besides, he can apply previous knowledge to new concepts. He's already improved drastically!''
           Eddy just listened to this rant quietly before asking only half-interested, ‘’So if Ed brings up his grades—‘’
           ''Yes, we’ll be back in business, goodness, is that all you ever think about? You'd be surprised, Eddy. I'm very proud of him. In only a month's time, he's come a long way, but he will advance, I'm sure of it. He's a fast learner.'' But Edd stopped himself when he saw Eddy yawning in boredom and moving away to find Ed. Why did he even bother?
           ''Hey, lumpy, didja find something?'' He called.
           And Ed rushed out from behind the Sci-Fi/Horror section with a case depicting a giant green octopus monster. ''Look, Eddy! It Came from Beneath the Sea!'' And Ed pushed the video casket under Eddy's nose.
           ''Get that thing away from me!'' Eddy commanded as he pushed Ed backwards.
           ''But it's so cool!'' Ed pleaded.
           Double D came forward and put a hand on Ed's shoulder. ''Ed, that's very nice, but... may we find something less... dismaying?''
           ''Okay...'' and he reluctantly obeyed and put the movie back in its proper section.
           ''Let's try the family section, shall we? We're bound to find something there.'' Edd suggested.
           And Eddy once again rolled his eyes in besetment. ''Oh, brother...'' he moaned.
           ‘’First impressions always last, as they say. And furthermore-''
           But Ed's voice broke through what Edd was about to say next. ''Look, guys! Elvis!'' And he pointed to the comedy section. ''Elvis is so cool!'' And he held up a familiar title Clambake, a typical 60's beach comedy. Ed, being the devoted Elvis fan that he was, was literally in heaven, for the comedy section held quite a few notable Elvis titles, though Clambake was not the most versatile of them. By 1967 with the Beatles leading the British invasion of new musical performers, the King of the Sixties was in decline at least in his film career. You can tell with Clambake; you would know if you'd seen the film. But to Ed, any B-grade film made no difference to him. Eddy burst out laughing the minute he laid eyes on what Ed had in his hands.
           ''Yeah, right, Ed! Elvis is so yesterday!'' But Ed didn't catch the joke as he laughed along.
           ''I don't know, Ed...'' Double D told him. ''It's a nice thought, but keep in mind that—‘’
           ''Dammit, Double D, you ain't gonna find nothing these days but beach movies, westerns, crime dramas and Dick Van Dyke!'' Eddy said rather annoyed as he threw up his hands.
           ''There must be something,'' Edd tried again, but no sooner had he spoken when Eddy disappeared into none other than the crime section. ''Eddy!'' but when he tried to follow him, Eddy emerged once more from behind one of the shelves and jabbed his finger into Edd’s lower torso, his hand imitating the gesture of a gun.
           ''This is a stick-up,'' he said in a gravelly voice as he pushed Edd back into one of the walls. ''Guess who, Double D?''
           ''Haha, very funny, Clyde!'' he mocked as he pushed Eddy’s hand away, catching on.
           ''C'mon, Sock Head, you're no fun! Bonnie & Clyde is da shit!''
           ''I doubt Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway is a good influence for —‘’
           But before he could finish his reply, Johnny 2x4 interrupted them. They both jumped clean out of their skin, expecting to see someone else, but they sighed in relief upon seeing the small child with his board of wood in tow. Neither Ed had even known Jonny was in the store with them.
           ‘’Watcha guys doin’?’’ Jonny inquired in his usual piqued curiosity. Eddy was about to tell him to get lost but Jonny continued on. ‘’Why be couch potatoes, huh? Plank says there’s gonna be a solar eclipse tonight.’’
           Ed, who had briefly returned from his movie hunt, gasped and repeated to his friends, ‘’Did you hear that, guys? Plank says there’s gonna be a solar eclipse tonight!’’
           Eddy only snorted. ‘’We don’t need an echo, Ed, we heard him the first time.’’
           ‘’PLANK SAYS!’’ Ed protested.
           ‘’Yeah, right! That stupid piece of firewood don’t know jack shit!’’ Edd was about to chastise Eddy once more for his cursing but Jonny cut him off.
           ‘’Says you!’’ Jonny accused. ‘’Plank knows everything!’’
           ‘’Yeah, Eddy,’’ Ed defended, ‘’you’re gonnna hurt the poor lil guy’s feelings! Plank told me my birthday’s Feburary 27th! That proves he knows everything!’’
           ‘’Ed,’’ Double D piped up, ‘’your birthday is always February 27th!’’ then he turned to Jonny, also skeptical of Plank’s prediction. ‘’And besides, we already had a solar eclipse last month!’’
           ‘’So?’’ Jonny challenged him arrogantly.
           ‘’So,’’ Double D emphasized, ‘’total solar eclipses only occur every eighteen months on average, and it is estimated they reoccur at any given place only every 360 to 410 years… generally speaking. So another solar eclipse couldn’t possibly occur tonight, Jonny, it’s not possible! Science would forever be changed.’’
           ‘’Yeah, what he said!’’ Eddy shot back.
           '''Fine, who needs ya guys anyways?'' Jonny snapped and stormed off with Plank in tow.
             Ed was the only one who believed Jonny—er—Plank, and went over to his house that night to prepare for another total solar eclipse. Eddy and Edd stood by their skepticism and hung out in Edd’s bedroom, finishing their homework (or at least Edd was doing homework, Eddy was reading comic books if Edd recalled correctly). They were both proved wrong when the sky suddenly darkened and when they ventured outside, they were both amazed and shocked to see a total solar eclipse occurring right before their eyes! Jonny and Ed never let them hear the end of it, feeling superior to any scientific proof.
           ‘’We told ya so, we told ya so!’’ they chanted every day.
           Edd couldn’t explain it—all the books and mathematical calculations could not prove how Jonny—or Plank, in this case—could have possibly predicted another solar eclipse, a month after an eclipse had already occurred! Solar eclipses were rare events— a pair of eclipses occurring two months in a row had never happened before—it was just not possible!
           I am a collective soul who prefers to keep a small inner circle around me. Too many is overwhelming and misguided. I have my books, my parents, and Plank. What more do I need? I have my Masters, the Blue Light, and the voices of my angels ''singing songs'' in my head. I don't need any friends (that's a lie), I don't even need myself (that's the truth). My best friend is and always will be Plank, unaccompanied by my mirror- - a friend I have known my entire life. And now I am proud to say that I consider you a close friend, though distant through the years, and far away. One does not need to face a good friend in order to feel each other's heart beat in the darkness. One may never meet, and feel closer to them than a person they had known seemingly for a thousand years. That being said, I can sit in my room alone in the company of the shadows on the wall. My mother could be in the next room or not there at all, and I'll still feel her presence through the fibers of my skin. I can be sitting here reading an e-mail, and though separated by a glass screen, it would seem as though you were sitting there before me, reading the words aloud to me in your voice full of wit and wisdom.
           I prefer the quiet conversations of the trees to the chorus of voices in a crowd. I prefer the blood in my veins to the water in the pond. One must learn to be lonely, and learn to live life alone. One who is always in need of more than two friends is insecure and has low self-esteem. It is not healthy to live one's life completely in seclusion, but one must also embrace the beautiful moments of alone-ness, and will come to appreciate a passion for life in which the world rejects when surrounded by one too many faces. Plutarch once said, '' I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.''
             Thankfully welcome.
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doudouyao-blog · 7 years
Six months baby, listen to legend, six months of the baby to listen to legend tears (Figure)
Six months baby, listen to legend - six months of baby listen to legend tears, you heard? In recent days, a video entitled "6 months of baby listening to legend tears" has become a hot topic in the internet. This video recorded a six month baby listening expression song "legend" the silent tears until the end of the "legendary" picture, happy net and each big video website frequently play on micro-blog, only a reprint of tudou.com was played more than 29 times. In addition to netizens amazed again and again, no lovely magic legend baby full of love and blessing. Baby popular, with "legend" this popular video, first by this year's popular song "legend" triggered, signed "yoyo dad" users upload. In this section is 3 minutes and 42 seconds in the video, called "yoyo" half year old magic legend baby was holding the face of the lens, and Faye Wong singing "legend" music. The baby's facial expression changes wonderfully with the melody.
Sometimes think, sometimes hurt, and finally shed two lines clear tears. Faye Wong himself forwarded the video via Sina, micro-blog, and added "Na Zha's reincarnation, no running," comments, so that this video was more enthusiastic forwarded. After reading the video, many netizens wrote the message: "lovely baby, I hope he will grow up safely and happily."." "The baby must have thought of the past love, will hear this song has such an unforgettable resonance."." "See no less than 5 times, see the baby like this, really feel very incredible."." "I believe it was touched, and so did our baby."." "Legend", our family girl also listened very attentively, very quiet, is not crying."
Li Jian, the original singer of legend, is relatively cold in front of the enthusiastic netizens. "Legend baby" video I saw, Chen Yao is transferred to me. I think video is interesting, it will bring people a fun, but that's all. Don't take it too seriously. When I was writing songs, I never thought what kind of response I would have to listen to. The baby's reaction, I think it is a coincidence, it may be that he was infected by the sound of Faye Wong, or may be frightened by the camera.
Allegedly video uploads of users to everyone's attention replied: "I'm the baby's mother, my baby is a boy.". We accidentally discovered his reaction to the song, so he took it down on the Internet and wanted to see his grandfather and other relatives in the field. Unexpectedly, so many friends attracted attention. My Yau Yau is actually a very happy baby, very love to laugh, he rarely cry in life. Li Jian's popularity is also legendary. In fact, the song "legend" and its original singer Li Jian are also called "Legends"". If it were not for the 2010 Spring Festival Gala, "Faye Wong" was the legend of his own creation and singing 8 years ago, now legend and Li Jian are still unknown to the public.
This song will be Emil Chau, Sun Nan and the Danish band to cover, "Michael learns to" a baby who will not be listening to music video so hot. Said Li Jian now "fire", should no one questioned. There were more actors looking for him to sing, and many of them had never seen his show before, and many of them had never been interviewed by his media. Beijing TV drama "the horse family happy past" with "legend" from the same album "impossible" to do this present life song. Today, the national film "good love" was composed and sung by Li Jian, and Lu Chuan and Feng Xiaogang agreed on a joint project with him. Li Jian grew up as a popular mainstream singer by an influential minority singer in the circle.
In response to this topic, the reporter interviewed Li Jian yesterday, he said, "legend" 8 years after the fire, proved that it has vitality. It's good that he wants more people to cover it and make it look more. Li Jian said: "the old house and in fact it is the happiness of past" repertoire comparison on the my first solo album "2003" is the first Youth passes as a fleeting wave., respectively ninth and eighth. This album didn't do much publicity in that year. Now it's an added bonus and an unexpected surprise for me because of Faye Wong's opportunity for more people to hear. I'm really much more active now than I used to be. But most of them are about singing. I haven't participated in variety shows before, and I don't really want to.
Because as a company signed artists, the company is responsible for the business, I can also plan this part. I pay great attention to protect my enthusiasm and ability to write. Now, if there are more than two days to go to the field, I will take the piano to go, keep the creative state. I talked to Wang Feng, and so did he. At this stage, singers can only adapt to the environment. It is not contradictory to creation. And I think after the so-called "red", my creative condition and state is better than before, I can use more resources, get good feedback and I have more confidence. New songs are easier now than in the past. You don't think it's okay if I didn't pay attention to me a few years ago, and now it's all right. "Legend" this song's copyright in my own hands, but I did not get copyright too much money. Like someone else, I don't think it's okay to be a good friend. At present, it is unlikely that you will rely on copyright revenue at home.
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