#i drew him older đŸ„č💕
bibyshitsuji24k · 5 months
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happy bday earl phantomhive!
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kazscrows · 1 year
Crooked Kingdom Reread
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Chapter 3: Matthias
Cornelis Smeet tipped, losing his footing, hat sliding from his nearly bald head. The boy who had run into him stepped forward, offering assistance.
The boy was Kaz, but he was not Kaz. His dark hair was mussed, his manner flustered. He kept his eyes averted, his chin tucked into his collar as if hopelessly embarrassed—a green youth, respectful of his elders.
I love when Kaz goes into acting modeâ„ąïž
I need more of it
lol Kaz saying “Oh dear, I think you dropped your wallet.” like he’s a respectable lad
Matthias watched in disbelief, Smeet opened his billfold and drew out a crisp five-kruge bill. “There you are, young man. Pays to be honest.”
I’m cackling
That honest young man just robbed you of your dog whistle, put it back again, stole valuable information on one of your clients and threatened your daughter—
Matthias could not fathom it. He’d kept his gaze trained on Kaz’s gloved hands as he’d fussed over Smeet, but even knowing that Kaz intended to return the whistle, Matthias hadn’t been able to detect the moment of deception. He was tempted to drag Smeet back and make Kaz perform the trick again.
Kaz neatened his hair with his fingers and handed the five kruge to Wylan. “Don’t spend it all in one place. Let’s move.”
Please why is this so funny? I’m dying-
Kaz just keeps reaffirming that he’s secretly a demjin in Matthias eyes
But same Matthias. I’d want to see that trick a hundred times
And Kaz giving Wylan the money?
Hilarious 😂
Matthias just thought that Kaz is twice as insufferable ever since Inej got taken
He needs her 😭
He’s definitely worried about her
I wonder just how often the others will note his increasingly worse moods
They made it back to Black Veil
It was weird they already came here in the show but it was also very cool to see the cemetery
I guess it just sets it up as a future haunt for later
 *ba-dum tssh* get it? Haunt.. cause.. cause it’s a cemetery—
I love that Jesper and Nina are in an argument when Kaz, Wylan, and Matthias arrive
Kaz is just like.. “now now children stop being stupid and shut up-“
He literally herds them along with his cane
Freddy please use the cane for more gestures in the future! I’m begging 🙏
“Stop gawking like you’ve never seen a girl in a dress before, Matthias.”
“I wasn’t gawking,” Matthias said with as much dignity as he could muster. But for Djel’s sake, what was he supposed to look at when Nina had irises tucked between 
“Be quiet, Brekker,” Nina said. “I like it when he gawks.”
It’s your own fault they’re back together Kaz
I love Nina
And I can totally hear Danielle saying that line
Matthias knew Nina would allow herself no comfort until Inej was safe.
Aww ninej đŸ„č💕
I love their friendship
All the crows love Inej so much
Kuwei poked his head out of the huge stone tomb as they approached.
“What did I tell you?” Kaz growled, pointing his cane at him.
“My Kerch isn’t very good,” protested Kuwei.
“Don’t run game on me, kid. It’s good enough. Stay in the tomb.”
Kuwei hung his head. “Stay in the tomb,” he repeated glumly.
I just like this interaction
Kaz calling anyone kid is kind of funny. Like dude you can’t be anymore than four years older than him
Poor Kuwei though
If I’m being honest I never cared much for him before I guess we’ll see if that changes after this reread
I’ve definitely been sympathizing for him more
The tomb was constructed to look like an ancient cargo ship, its interior carved into a vast stone hull. It even had stained-glass portholes that cast rainbows on the crypt floor in the late afternoon.
I had forgotten it looked like a boat so I’m glad the show got it right!
We always talk about Nina and Kaz’s sibling energy in the fandom and I love it, but I’m getting sibling energy from her and Jesper too and I’m living!
He turned his gaze on Matthias. “The Fjerdans are here too. They’ve got a whole contingent of drĂŒskelle with them.
Oh rip I didn’t realize they knew the drĂŒskelle were there so early
Kaz continued. “Once we have Inej, we can move on Van Eck’s silos.”
Nina rolled her eyes. “Good thing this is all about getting our money and not about saving Inej. Definitely not about that.”
“If you don’t care about money, Nina dear, call it by its other names.”
I’m probably reading way too much into this but
Kaz called Inej, Inej here.
Not the Wraith or a spider
He cares about Inej. He didn’t call her by her other names
It’s probably not meant to be read like this at all
Especially since in the next breath Kaz calls money freedom, security, and retribution to help appease Nina’s disapproval and of course to slightly mock her

Yeah I’m definitely going off the rails, but it’s just a thought I had
Inej is his first priority though, can’t deny that one
Matthias heard Wylan murmur to Jesper, “Why won’t he just say he wants her back?”
“You’ve met Kaz, right?”
“But she’s one of us.”
Unfortunately Kaz is emotionally constipated
“Inej is part of the crew.”
“Just don’t push it.”
“Why not?”
“Because the practical thing would be for Kaz to auction Kuwei to the highest bidder and forget about Inej entirely.”
“He wouldn’t—” Wylan broke off abruptly, doubt creeping over his features.
None of them really knew what Kaz would or wouldn’t do. Sometimes Matthias wondered if even Kaz was sure.
Wylan trying to stand up for Inej is wonderful
But man this hurts
None of them believe that Kaz wouldn’t just leave them all to die if it was ever more convenient for him
I don’t believe that for a second but

This emotional constipation is getting dangerous Kaz-
None of them trust you-
Just let them in alReAdy—
Also Jesper and Wylan talking like Kaz isn’t just right there and can’t hear them
He can definitely hear them
“Once the job is done, Kuwei—and any other convicts, Grisha, and disinherited youths who may or may not have prices on their heads—can lie low in the Southern Colonies.”
Jesper frowned. “Where will you be?”
“Right here. I’ve still got plenty of business that requires my attention.”
There he goes
Getting everyone their money and then just pushing them all away
Though Kaz’s tone was easy, Matthias heard the dark anticipation in his words. He had often wondered how people survived this city, but it was possible Ketterdam would not survive Kaz Brekker.
Some of Matthias’ thoughts about Kaz are such bangers
“Kuwei cleared his throat. “I would prefer to go to Ravka.”
“I’d prefer a pair of sable-lined swimming trunks,” said Jesper. “But we can’t always get what we want.”
I love Jesper so much
“Do you really think an antidote is possible?” Nina asked.
“I don’t know,” said Kuwei. “My father was a Fabrikator. I am just an Inferni.”
“You’re our chemist, Wylan,” said Nina hopefully. “What do you think?”
Wylan shrugged. “Maybe. Not all poisons have an antidote.”
Jesper snorted. “That’s why we call him Wylan Van Sunshine”
Ah the famous Wylan Van Sunshine quote
And wouldn’t you know it’s Jesper being sarcastic
There was a long, tense pause, then Kaz ran a gloved thumb over the crease of his trousers and said, “Nina, love, translate for me? I want to make sure Kuwei and I understand each other.”
“Kaz—” she said warningly.
Kaz shifted forward and rested his hands on his knees, a kind older brother offering some friendly advice.
The very worst older brother you could ever have
Sorry Kaz but it’s true..
I was about to say the speech he gives Kuwei isn’t so terrifying but uh.. I was wrong
It’s pretty awful actually
“You are a stolen painting, Kuwei. Too recognizable to sell on the open market, too valuable to leave lying around. You are worthless to me.”
Like.. yikes
This is why they all worry you’d leave them bleeding out in a ditch if it suited you, Kaz-
“Kuwei responded in Shu. She hesitated. “He says you’re cruel.”
“I’m pragmatic. If I were cruel, I’d give him a eulogy instead of a conversation. So, Kuwei, you’ll go to the Southern Colonies, and when the heat has died down, you can find your way to Ravka or Matthias’ grandmother’s house for all I care.”
“Leave my grandmother out of this,” Matthias said.”
No you’re definitely cruel Kaz but uh.. okay-
The grandmother comments are making me cackle though
Oh my gosh this is so perfect actually since we know that Calahan’s real grandma watches the show!
“Okay Cal, I have watched 5 and 6 and you are still in prison! 😳”
That is a real text Calahan got from his grandma about season 2 of the show
The knife that had killed Muzzen had been meant for Matthias, and the Fjerdans might well be responsible. The drĂŒskelle. His brothers. They’d wanted him to die without honor, murdered in an infirmary bed. It was a death fit for a traitor. It was the death he had earned. Now Matthias owed Muzzen a blood debt, but how would he ever pay it?
I was just thinking about the guy they left at hellgate the other day 😬
But if the drĂŒskelle killed a guy helpless in a prison cell it’s no surprise what happens to Matthias later

Also I think Muzzen and Jesper must have been friends
 he’s the most upset by his death
Jes was sad about Big Bolliger last book too
“There’s something else,” said Rotty. “Someone’s kicking up dust looking for Jesper.”
“His creditors will have to wait,” said Kaz, and Jesper winced.
“No,” Rotty said with a shake of his head. “A man showed up at the university. Jesper, he claims he’s your father.”
Here comes Mr. Fahey!!
Colm! I like Colm
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